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15488524 No.15488524 [Reply] [Original]

The arguments in "The Selfish Gene" are unconvincing.
If you can say 'Humans have genes. So genes control humans'
You can also say 'Humans have hearts. So heart control humans' ???

>> No.15488528

>The arguments in "The Selfish Gene" are unconvincing.
This is why his hypothesis isn't taught in biology. It's not really relevant to discuss here since the field largely ignored everything he said due to irreproducibility.

>> No.15488534

Define control.

>> No.15488768

genes encode knowledge and desires, your heart doesn't

>> No.15488772

Genes don't encode knowledge retard, knowledge is stored from electrical patterns in neurons. Even if you made an exact genetic clone of someone they wouldn't have the same knowledge (just look at twins lol)

>> No.15488773

animals have knowledge that is encoded in genes, they are born knowing how to survive and take care of themselves

>> No.15488775

then explain why it is that I know in my heart that that's complete bs

>> No.15488776

>genes encode knowledge
>and desires
Your fetish is from gene expression, not the genes themselves.
>your heart doesn't

The heart was the brain before the brain existd.

>> No.15488983

little obvious, but...
genes determine a lot of humans, hearts don't

>> No.15488990

Humans are the least gene controlled animals

>> No.15488996

>This is why his hypothesis isn't taught in biology. It's not really relevant to discuss here since the field largely ignored everything he said due to irreproducibility.
How then does the 'taught biology' explain altruism and sacrifice?

>> No.15489001

humans are meme controlled

>> No.15489004
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If a meme controlled human knows that he's meme controlled, does that free him from the meme controlling or is that knowledge another level of meme control?

>> No.15489152

Psychopaths are defective and genuinely fail to comprehend why people and other organisms cooperate.

>> No.15489160
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human has brain
and yet...

>> No.15489296

The point is genes exist to be passed on. You evolved into an organism that is suited to passing on its genes because those that evolved differently are no longer around. It's a tautological argument, really.

>> No.15489298

Based and genetics pilled. I was born with all the knowledge of math and physics. It's in my genes. Learning that stuff in university merely helped me recover this genetic knowledge. It must suck to be a brainlet born without such knowledge.

>> No.15489304
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There is some kind of cynicism and nihilism behind modern day scientists. I cant quite put my finger on it. Its like everything is conditional in nature, theres no such thing as love, its all materialistic and calculated.
They're like incels in the way.
I dont know.
Maybe im just tripping.

>> No.15489307

What do you think love is?

>> No.15489311

Love arose due to evolutionary game theory, love has positive utility so that psychological pattern was selected for. That doesn't make love meaningless or less special.

>> No.15489314
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I have no idea.

>> No.15489315

>evolutionary game theory
Sounds like something an incel would say.

>> No.15489317
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>Love arose due to evolutionary game theory, love has positive utility so that psychological pattern was selected for. That doesn't make love meaningless or less special.
This goes straight into my soijak collection.

>> No.15489379

You are retarded. Does a car drive to store because of the engine, or the driver? Tell your engine to drive you into the nearest body of water.

>> No.15489405


A feeling generated by consciousness knowing and understanding itself. Love is a state of being that transcends the egoic mind.


You are onto it. Follow your intuition. Modern basedence tards are on a mission to destroy the human soul. They actually deny their own existence. They want us to be machines. But we've had enough and we're pushing back.

AI could actually save us because it will show the masses that intelligence =/= consciousness. AI will show the complete meaninglessness of everything outside the human spirit. Information inflation will make information worthless and we will be forced to find the meaning in existence that we have lost.

>> No.15489409

>A feeling generated by consciousness knowing and understanding itself. Love is a state of being that transcends the egoic mind.
How delightfully meaningless

>> No.15489414

Dawkins is a pseudoscientist promoting atheistic beliefs

>> No.15489422


To the contrary, it is an meaningful as any idea could possibly be. Just because you don't understand doesn't make it meaningless. Ironically it is you who believes in a world with zero meaning despite living with meaning every moment of your existence without even realizing it. I am assuming, of course, that based on your response you are a materialist.

>> No.15489428

>To the contrary, it is an meaningful as any idea could possibly be.
Your definition is meaningless, not love itself, you vapid navelgazer

>> No.15489437

Now give me your take on why "love" exists.

>> No.15489439

Quantum entanglement of the lovers' consciousness.

>> No.15489441


Nooooo not the C word! That doesn't fit my predetermined theory that I was indoctrinated into my entire life!

Btw I don't have free will and nothing has any meaning anyways so I'm not sure why I even care to seek "truth" but nooooo don't do that!

>> No.15489455

>Quantum entanglement of the lovers' consciousness.
Thats bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.15490583

why do you enjoy being called a retard? is it because that way at least it's out in the open and you no longer have to worry people find out you are one?

>> No.15490586

absolutely chemical! how the fuck do you keep falling for that meme?
moreover, you have the audacity to state that you have free fucking will. I seriously suspect your atoms will just yeet the fuck off at some point out of sheer stupidity

>> No.15490595


every sperg on /sci/ needs to read books debunking materialism. the fact materialism has gone on this long unchallenged by the limp wristed money hungry cowards of academia is nothing short of an embarrassing tragedy. a crime against humanity. physicalism and materialism belong in the garbage heap.


prime example of what a materialist believes. they are ignorant retards. i can forgive laymen and normies for falling for this nonsense but people who consider themselves "smart" should be utterly ashamed of their own stupidity.

>> No.15490726

the pseudoscientists promoting religious beliefs are not any better though

>> No.15490733

well you see, all of your spiritual bullshit, including any sort of magic experience, are all contained in the information that is you, like you 3D/material bioinformation. more specifically all that is encoded in the unique way your braincells are arranged. everything you experience including any spiritual shit is encoded in exactly that physical/material information.
both can be true. you can have those, and have it all encoded in matter. everything really is just info

>> No.15490739

I agree but nowadays atheists are more likely to promote pseudoscience than theists what is absolutely embarassing

>> No.15490741
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>> No.15490743

You confuse control with command(the higher mode of play), yes genes do 'control' us. Like a video game controller without the added command.

>> No.15491110

Did you even read the book? Bro, stidy genetics, genetics makes you be how you are, of course that the envirmont always matters as well.

>> No.15491122

>misunderstands post
>hurr this is ridicoulos!

rats that were given food and shocked became scared of that food
their generations who had never seen that food were also scared of it when shown it

if genes can encode to be scared of fruit it can encode to be a greedy bastard

tell me, how do animals know how to have sex without sex education? where their parents die before they were born


>> No.15491123


It's not "spiritual" any more than you are spiritual. You exist in consciousness. Consciousness is spiritual now?

>> No.15491127

*shortly after being born

if they were born with their parents dead that would be a miracle lol

>> No.15491128


What books do you recommend? I want to see if I missed any.

But yeah academics are not seeking truth. They are charlatans; they are playing a part. They are intellectually dishonest cowards at the heart of it.

>> No.15491161

>tell me, how do animals know how to have sex without sex education?
They don't. They merely instinctively know how to have heterosexual sex for procreation. But animals dont know for example transgenderism. They cannot discover their true gender identity because they never had sex education.

>> No.15491168

I had sex in front of dogs and they got excited and started climbing on each other. In other words, social contagion is a normal way of transmitting behavioral knowledge outside of genes and instincts. I bet you could make the dog equivalent of trannies with the right situations.

>> No.15491198

We should design an experiment to test this.

>> No.15491474

>from gene expression not from genes themselves
omg shut up

>> No.15491504

Yeah Richard Dawkins is a fucking embarrassing hack

>> No.15491506

show me the gene that makes monkeys fling shit and you a retarded subhuman... nevermind it's your skin color

>> No.15491517
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>Im wagering on Bioelectric signalling from outside sourced Genes in conjunction to host DNA, but for this example yes, simply having the Gene only counts for part of it, living a life to activate said Gene is the other half, the expressed half.

You are not a Geneticist or Biologist, youre an idiot, NEVER FORGET IT.

>> No.15492663

In Dawkinsian terms, the 'selfish' giraffe, able to feed at higher elevations, survived.
Isn't 'selfish' simply a paraphrase of 'survival of the fittest'?
There is no moral judgement there.

>> No.15492680

proof that cats learn to hunt without genes

>> No.15494179

This. "Control" is overloaded term.

>> No.15494503

It's memes all the way down

>> No.15494513

darwinism =/= social darwinism
One is used by scientists, the other by politicians. One is a theory of explaining the existence of differences in physiology in animals and how they arise. The other is a mental framework for ordening society based on power principles and might makes right.
They are completely unrelated to one another except for the facts that politicians stole darwins name in order to lend legitimacy to their retarded ideas.
The sooner people understand this, the sooner we can all move on to more important things like watching hentai.

>> No.15494519


>rats that were given food and shocked became scared of that food
>their generations who had never seen that food were also scared of it when shown it
That is not a proof of evolution unless the rats that were not scared were selectively killed off in order to induce genetic changes in the population.

>> No.15495972

Read it. Disagreed. Guy trying to explain his narcissism as natural and even preferred.

>> No.15495976

Explain how I've felt different (good) for all the girls I've been in love and with.

>> No.15495989

why should biology explain such sociological matters? do you also ask biologists to explain gravity?

>> No.15496003

When did we start accepting Chopra levels of woo?

>> No.15496857

>If you can say 'Humans have genes. So genes control humans'
>You can also say 'Humans have hearts. So heart control humans'
That's not what it's about. He uses game theory to explain why genes for altruistic behavior can be selected for if they allow other carriers of the gene to survive and reproduce while one of the organism sacrifices itself.
The gene survives even though the organism itself does not.

>> No.15496861

That guy probably never read the book which is why his high IQ take is that it doesn't need to be discussed.