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File: 108 KB, 1080x600, sarscov2-illus-1080x600px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15491420 No.15491420 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been bedridden with covid for 3 fucking days now. When does it get better? This is the worst illness I’ve ever experienced in my life.

>> No.15491424

get your doctor to prescribe you antivirals

>> No.15491425

Vaxx status?

>> No.15491426

Are you 4 years old? Did you grow up as a bubble boy? How did you get through life without ever being bedridden for a few days with moderately annoying flu symptoms?

>> No.15491427

Isn’t that only for old people with broken immune systems?

Got the first vax but not any of the boosters.

>> No.15491428

Take zinc and vitamin D

>> No.15491429

>moderately annoying
I’ve had a nonstop fever and aches all over my body for the past 3 days. Just moving my eyes around is painful.

>> No.15491432
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>The current versions of the Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Johnson & Johnson SARS-CoV-2 vaccines encode the full-length spike S protein with two mutations (spike S-2P) that stabilize the prefusion conformation and inactivate its fusogenicity
>We used this same mutant form of spike S-2P as a negative control, demonstrating the complete lack of fusogenicity when two consecutive prolines were added at positions 986 and 987. However, our findings demonstrate that it will be critical to consider the fusogenic potential when designing any future vaccines in which viral fusogens are to be expressed in mammalian cells
Enjoy your Parkinson's/dementia

>> No.15491433

Ah well there you go. You should have gotten boosted. Are you afraid of 6 little jabs?

>> No.15491435

The vax gave me the same painful symptoms I’m experiencing right now. I didn’t want to repeat that.

>> No.15491436

If you cant walk then take an uber to an pharmacy and get Zinc and vitamin D over the counter; with express shipping you can get Amazon to send Ivermectin to your house within 2-3 days. The combination of both should help you recover quickly. Also, marijuana helps symptoms a lot.

>> No.15491438

>This is the worst illness I’ve ever experienced in my life.
That's cute. Call me back once you've spent a week continuously awake with 9/10 pain...while on the max dose of pain killers.

>> No.15491440

I’m already taking zinc and a multivitamin.

>> No.15491446

That's literally what a moderately annoying flu feels like. Did you let the fever get up to 103 F or so before trying to suppress it or did you start taking advil/ tylenol immediately?

>> No.15491447

Also I’m pretty sure I got this from fucking a hooker while traveling in Germany last week. Or it could have been from the plane ride. Either way I’m never touching hookers again after this.

>> No.15491454

I’m taking tylenol constantly because otherwise it’s just too much to bear. Even with the tylenol my fever is hovering around 100-101. Never had a fever last this long before.

>> No.15491470

Stop taking tylenol, let it burn up to 39.6 C, then alternate tylenol / ibu every 3 hr. I'd guess you have another 5-10 days of moderately annoying flu symptoms.

>> No.15491471

those work but the key is you need to have high serum levels already, they don't do a lot if you just start taking them when you're sick

>> No.15491479

>I'd guess you have another 5-10 days of moderately annoying flu symptoms.
Holy fuck that makes me want to kill myself. I always thought covid was a nothingburger before this but this is so much worse than the flu if it really lasts that long. Flu is something like 3 days max.

>> No.15491490

Lol, 3 days would be a very mild flu. Covid is more severe than a mild flu and milder than a severe flu. Clearly you've never had mono or pneumonia, which are both quite common and quite a bit worse.

>> No.15491492

Come to think of it, if this >>15491447 is you and not a troll, are you sure you have covid and not mono?

>> No.15491493

Isn’t mono a pretty rare disease and isn’t pneumonia something only old people get?

>> No.15491499

I’m not trolling, that’s really what happened. I did a covid test and it came up positive so I know that’s what I have.

>> No.15491507

No, I've had both.
Be sure to drink a shit load of water, too. (or clear juices)

>> No.15491520

they don't work

>> No.15491555


>> No.15491578
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>> No.15491938

As long as you're not old and/or weak, you'll be fine

>> No.15491949

Should have gotten the vaccine dumbass. I am double boosted and never got COVID.

>> No.15492029

>When does it get better?
when you stop thinking it's some kind of plague

>> No.15492034

covid is weak sauce

had the rona and I felt nothing.

>> No.15492036

also never was vaccinated (still not)

>> No.15492062
File: 83 KB, 1167x500, 604t3g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> personal story
> stupid pic
degenerate shill

>> No.15492064

coordinated samefagging.

>> No.15492076

you played yourself

>> No.15492922

Day 4 and it still hasn’t gotten any better. Still constant fever chills and aches, and now I also have excruciating pain in my throat when I swallow. I’ve barely eaten anything in days and now I can’t eat anything at all because of the pain. How the fuck can a virus be so evil.

>> No.15492948

If you have to go on the ventilator ask them to play soothing music beside it my grandma looked so peaceful as she went

>> No.15492967

When will you stop being assblasted about the vaccine. Go take a nap old man

>> No.15492981

> How the fuck can a virus be so evil.
all thanks to fauci and his crew of cunts

>> No.15493011

I'm quite literally "assblasted". The vaxx gave me colon cancer.

>> No.15493026

doesn't work for covid

>> No.15493027

this desu

>> No.15493057

that doesn't sound so bad, I had chills, sweating, intense leg pain, and sparks in my eyes when I closed them.
wonder if the shitty vaccine would have prevented that shit.

>> No.15493060

Only double boosted? So you're basically unvaxxed.

>> No.15493100

How long did it last for you?

>> No.15493112

a week

>> No.15493134

taking paxlovid will lower your chances of getting long covid

>> No.15493187

>are we there yet? are we there yet?
dude shut the fuck up already, we already told you it's going to be at least another week

>> No.15493218 [DELETED] 

That seemed enough, next pandemic I will get a few boosters again to protect me. If I feel the need to take more, I will, doesn't matter if it's 5 or 10.

>> No.15493222

disgusting. people like you are why we can't have universal health care

>> No.15493266

germ theorism is cancer

>> No.15493381

It was the same symptoms for me. Lasted ten days of absolute hell. Everyone else in my household had one vax, it only lasted 6-7 days for them.

>> No.15493512

underrated subtle hilarity

>> No.15493530

Im unvaxed/ healthy nonsmoker guy.
I was half dead for 2 weeks the first time i had covid. Twice as sick as I'd ever been in my life, at least. Could barely breathe for 3 days, considered hospital.
Had it twice since, just a fever and a cold.

>> No.15493541

>When does it get better?
I'm triple vaxxed, and it lasted about two weeks.
If you voted for Trump, you're probs gonna die.

>> No.15493552

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15493613

Paxlovid only works on the unvaccinated.

>> No.15494959

Day 5 and the fever has gone down but my soar throat is even worse. It’s the most excruciating pain I’ve ever felt in my life. Every swallow feels like sharp razor blades cutting my throat. I’ve lost 7 lbs in just 5 days from not being able to eat almost anything and now it’s a struggle to even drink water. I used think the vax was bullshit but after this I’m taking every annual booster they make available. I’d rather kill myself than ever have to experience something like this again.

>> No.15494963

>this is the worst illness I’ve ever experienced in my life
Thanks, oh Lord, not to exist while being that weak.

>> No.15494965

Ivermectin is said to have some negative effects on fertility. I would recommend hydroxychloroquil sooner, but I'm not sure about its availability in the West, because we live in a tyrannical police state.

>> No.15495039

how stupid do you have to be to tell someone who is sick with a disease that the disease doesn't exist

>> No.15495480
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>> No.15495483

yeah, when a priest says a guy is possessed by demons youre fucking stupid for disagreeing and thinking hes just spasming

>> No.15495624

Don’t use this Maryland scam company Tiero for tests they are being sued by Aetna.

>> No.15495657

disinformation. "covid" is not a "dis ease". shill plays words and meanings

>> No.15496211
File: 29 KB, 680x314, covid_vaxSwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu sweden had highest full vaccination rates and lowest excess mortality

>> No.15496215

They didn't lock down and intentionally got everyone infected before the shots even existed.

>> No.15496219

>When does it get better?
Even after the initial sickness phase is over, you might have weakness and heart problems for some weeks or months. Don't expect to do sports any time soon.
For a regular flu that does not even exist, it's a pretty nasty thing.

>> No.15496233

>Even after the initial sickness phase is over, you might have weakness and heart problems for some weeks or months. Don't expect to do sports any time soon.
Correct. OP is vaxed so it's likely he will suffer serious heart damage.

>> No.15496244

all viruses can cause long term effects or cause autoimmune diseases actually

>> No.15496314

only in theory, schizo

>> No.15496325

please kill yourself

>> No.15496329

i'm praying to god you get covid and become disabled that will teach you a lesson about viruses

>> No.15496358
File: 81 KB, 642x389, 7ofd7i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> god
> covid
your IQ must be over 666

>> No.15496365

Did you get tested? Do you know for certainty you have Covid? It's much more like you have "human metapneumovirus"
I had it myself and it wasn't fun.

>> No.15496372

disinformation as "personal story"

>> No.15496653

Please kill yourself, schizo shill

>> No.15496737

>Even after the initial sickness phase is over, you might have weakness and heart problems for some weeks or months. Don't expect to do sports any time soon.
It's fortunate that this didn't effect the general population

>> No.15496756

Yes, it's so strange that there were few reports of heart problems until part way through 202 when suddenly we were awash with them. Obviously this must be from long covid.

>> No.15496760


>> No.15496925

it's June. Throw out that moldy pomander

>> No.15496988

Taking a deworming pharmaceutical against a viral infection might help in worm-ridden countries such as egypt to prevent multiple infections at the same time.
It likely doesn't help anon.

Were you in Berlin? I'm in Berlin and it feels like we have a wave currently even though the numbers appear normal.

>> No.15497015

It's probably because it's not Covid which is spreading at the moment. The virus surging the fastest is metapneumovirus.

Honestly what is up with all these seasonal coofs? Earlier is was influenza/RSV, now it's metapneumovirus.

>> No.15497062

>Also I’m pretty sure I got this from fucking a hooker while traveling in Germany last week
make sure you didn't get the fuck flu

>> No.15497133
File: 64 KB, 470x331, Abbildung2_Wochenbericht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question.
There generally are little self reported flu-like illnesses (picrel - red line) however there are a lot more ill people among those I know currently. Mostly covid.

>> No.15497153
File: 238 KB, 575x511, 1525366301830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vaxx status?
>here is a photo of a man you must not let into your house, or he will rape you
>just looking at the photo has magically cursed you...it would have been better to just let him in your house and rape you

Words work better when you understand what they're saying. Retard.

>> No.15497183

disinformation posed as discussion, by samefag or same team shills

>> No.15497188

>Pro vaxx:
>See this rapist dude? You don't want him to enter you house, do you? To avoid this you'll just have to let a few trillion much more dangerous rapists in your house. Problem solved, hahaha.

>> No.15497204

> religious feelings offended
shill, you are not scientist, you are priest

>> No.15498178

This shit takes double the time of a flu in clearing. Expect two weeks, and a third one of weird cough and mucus.

You can thank the stupid batwoman team at Wuhan doing criminally dangerous research with bat shit for the commies, all funded by the Ecohealth faggot alliance.

>> No.15498382

it's a fucking cold and only got weaker these past 3 years even though it was a nothingburger to begin with. man up faggot

>> No.15498385

how fat are you

>> No.15498393

it's not a cold nor a flu, it's a SARS virus and it's classified as level 3 biohazard

>> No.15498396

still never got it (and if i did it was mild shivers and sweating for about 1 day). stop eating goyslop and don't have a laundry list of preexisting problems

>> No.15499460

This shit is no joke, retard.

The speed it shows is like nothing before.
The current version nukes the upper respiratory tract and suddenly stops right there, but in 2020 it nuked the lungs as well and sent you to hospital where the doctors killed what was left of you.

It is a chink-american bioweapon. And the greatest bio accident ever.

>> No.15499535
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 1658333315132339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burn alive

>> No.15499668
