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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15489385 No.15489385 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck s 0 yentists.

>> No.15489447

Get off 4chan and enjoy your summer off, little boy

>> No.15490956
File: 419 KB, 906x740, 1614808440172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, fuck soientists.

>> No.15490977

How is that every hobby board on 4chan hate the subject of the board? /g/ is full of kaczynski schizos, /lit/ is full of illiterates, /fit/ is full of dyels and so on

>> No.15490982

/ck/ users do at the very least enjoy food, if not actually cooking

>> No.15490983

/b/ is full of deterministic content

>> No.15490990

I mean 4/9 of the examples in your image are actually true. Sage goes in every field

>> No.15491006
File: 207 KB, 682x1024, 1671488912860763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viruses do not exist soi boy. Soientists never ever managed to prove they do, instead taking dead cells as "proof" just like historians believe delousing gas chambers and showers are proof of the Holohoax.

>> No.15491009

What is your alternative theory to viruses? And does your theory allow us to avoid or cure infections?

>> No.15491086

When you make big claims about understanding the real truth of this world, it is up to you to prove something.
Even if I told you an alternative theory, you would reject it because you hate God like 99.99% of scientists.

>> No.15491091

I'm not making any claims. It was a genuine question. I'm scientifically interested in your theory.

>> No.15491095

If you want an answer, open the Bible and read about Jesus healing sick people.

>> No.15491098

Clearly you have that contextual interpretation down, exactly the same way the second temple jews honestly amazing. No flaws what's so ever, like as if you clearly understand what the bible meant for the original audience.

You should introduce yourself in logos.com RIGHT NOW

>> No.15491100

You convinced me. I'm gonna join my local church in their celebration of pride month. They decorated the church with LGBT flags just like Jesus wanted it, and they even organize drag queen reading hours for children.

>> No.15491108
File: 432 KB, 1200x758, 1618367628342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing soi boy.

>> No.15491113

I'm an Islamic Chad. We are winning. We have dozens of children who will grow up as proud men while christcucks encourage their children to cut off their own dicks.

>> No.15491118

Allah is a minor demon and the "master deceiver", hence why all muslims who met Jesus suddenly converted to Christianity despite being beaten up by their oh-so-loving
muslim family members. Your heresy will fall alongside your jewish masters who are using you to destroy christianity(and failling).

>> No.15491126

How about you "turn the other cheek" like a good little bitchboy?

>> No.15491129
File: 261 KB, 1461x935, 1517912571946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you end up in Hell, pray to Jesus and you will be saved, leftist degenerate.

>> No.15491136

>leftist degenerate
Lmao, my mosque doesn't host drag queen events.

>> No.15491137

Leviticus 18:22
"Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin."
Yet your kind votes for LGBT/globohomo. Funny.

>> No.15491165

Dude. Breeding like rats isn't a superpower. Also isn't like half the arabian peninsula pakis, jeets and indonesians? You're also getting replaced

>> No.15491172

Is maths smrt or doopid

>> No.15491173

90% of those muslims are black americans lol