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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1547635 No.1547635 [Reply] [Original]

[ ] not told
[x] told

You may have won this round by destroying Prop 8 (great job getting a gay judge to throw the law out for you!) but you cannot defy God forever!

>> No.1547648
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>> No.1547654
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>> No.1547656

the hell we can't

>> No.1547659

isnt highly debated that the evolution of man is linear?

>> No.1547664
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>> No.1547669

lol biology sucks big time

the reason why creationists still have a room for debate is because fucking biologists cant put any shit together. Much less make any type of predictions.

Problem of biology is to take the same approach as physics. while physics is the study of mater and care so little about organization -- which is the main factor that put all those elements together. a correct approach of the study of organization is required. the far we are from the "material world" the better.

>> No.1547672

All these so-called "transitional forms" are just humans with birth defects or arthritis. Just a few days "scientists" found that the Triceratops doesn't exist but is a smaller form of the species Torosaurus.

How can you evolutionists be so sure that "Neanderthals" are a different species when you can't tell that two dinosaur species are actually the same?

>> No.1547676

Because neanderthals have clear and specific differences from Homo Sapiens that can't be accounted for by in-species genetic mutation. No mutation in Homo Sapiens has ever generated a skull as large as Neanderthal.

>> No.1547679

That map is truly an amazing description of how short a time we've been here.

I wonder if we'll have the technology to preserve ourselves when our extinction event occurs.

>> No.1547684

bring the link of the story

Also, isnt the neanderthal supposed to have a really different DNA configuration compared to modern humans?

>> No.1547685

Isn't that image completely fucking outdated?

>> No.1547695

>No mutation in Homo Sapiens has ever generated a skull as large as Neanderthal.
But that's one of those logical fallacies you people like to accuse us of. There have been mutations in Homo Sapiens that have generated skulls like Neanderthal skulls: Neanderthal skulls! You assume that these other "homonids" can't be human, and use that assumption to "prove" that anything that looks different from the norm is a non-human skeleton!

>> No.1547704

DNA analysis has been done on Neanderthal skulls. They are not homo sapiens.

>> No.1547706


inb4 some hurr durr rebuttal.

>> No.1547721

Hurr durr, it's just a homo sapiens with a lot of mutations!

>> No.1547726

ur mom is a homo sapien lololol

>> No.1547742

My mum is not a homo!

>> No.1547758

How do you do DNA analysis to determine if something is a different species? Is there some universal rule of how many letters have to be different? If not, then you're just drawing an arbitrary line beyond which skeletons are "not human," again assuming what you're trying to prove.

Scientists have drawn that line before and been so sure of it when they were called eugenicists and declared other races to be subhuman. Just more evidence that evilution is racist.

>> No.1547766

It is not possible for evolution and natural selection to not exist in a system like the ones humans and animals on Earth exist in. The way genes are passed along means that natural selection HAS to happen, because creatures more adapted to the environment will live to pass them along. It doesn't matter what we find in fossil records, this is a fact. If you believe that two white parents won't give birth to a black baby, you believe in evolution.

>> No.1547777

The thing about Science is it changes over time. We used to think that other races were subhuman but now scientists agree this isn't true, same with many mistakes science has made. The thing is, when new evidence that contradicts old theories pops up, scientists refine or come up with new theories.
When evidence that contradicts the bible comes up, Christians say "DUURR HURR IT WAS THE DEVIL" and go back to listening to how somebody misinterpreted a book a thousand years ago.

>> No.1547794

These are people that believe that a woman and a bunch of fucking shamans can produce the God Emperor of mankind.

>> No.1547806


Okay good point, expecting christfags to accept anything other than "a wizard did it" is a bit far fetched. As a scientist, I am forced to redo my theory that this would work based on evidence and opinions from fellow people.
See if I was a christian I'd say "That would have worked except the devil possessed him."

>> No.1547807

Your lack of knowledge is showing

>> No.1547817
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>> No.1547834

>be god
>create a planet 66 percent liquid
>create a "dominant" species that cannot thrive in liquid

captcha: theology norad

>> No.1547846

inb4 "devil did it"

>> No.1547856

Actually, that's wrong, two white parents can have black genes, and could actually have the possibility to have a black baby. Genes can skip generations and show much later. You might as well read Mendel's experiments.

>> No.1547859

I believe sir, we've put this Christfag on DEFCON 5 somewhere out there, a Pope is shitting himself.

>> No.1547878


Okay yeah that wasn't a good example but you know what I meant, basically people tend to look like their parents.

>> No.1547884

All the water on Earth is a trial meant to test us before Judgment Day.

If anything, this is evidence against evolution. Evolution preaches that animals are supposed to adapt to their environment. Well our environment's the Earth, water and all! Why haven't we adapted yet?

>> No.1547892

>be god
>force "dominant" species to adhere to laws of gravity
>have them watch birds for "4000 years," becoming more and more jelly with time

>> No.1547898


is there a way to tell by just looking at DNAs if its still in the same species or not?

I heard that a species is defined by those animals that just reproduce between them, but what about donkeys and horses?? and theres other, even more stupid criteria.

There is plenty of holes in the species definition. to say that there's a smooth line that brought humans into existence is too adventurous, perhaps irresponsible.

>> No.1547900

>All the water on Earth is a trial meant to test us before Judgment Day.

source from biblical test or you're bullshitting to save the very little face you have left.

>> No.1547902


>> No.1547914

there is no one true "definition" of species.

this, i promise you.

>> No.1547919


It's if the offspring can reproduce with each other I believe.


Called it. Seriously where the fuck is this from? I have never read this in my many years of reading the bible. How is water a test? If it's a test on judgement day why does it exist today?
The thing is, adapting to an environment doesn't mean that something can survive anywhere on Earth. It means that a species has adapted to its specific evolutionary location, which in the case of humans is on the land. There is actually research and evidence for how creatures eventually adapted to land, but since it would take too long to fit here and you probably wouldn't care I won't write it.

>> No.1547922

(i'm an evolutionary biologist)

>> No.1547925

this still isn't true, sorry.

there's no definition of species. sorry people.

>> No.1547930
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>> No.1547931


aaaawwww :'(

>> No.1547945
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so we have a complete taxa catalogue just for fucking nothing??

LOL BIOLOGY seriously.

>> No.1547947

it's a really interesting concept. humans just really want to organize things and place things into categories, blablabla

the truth of it...is that evolution is a constant process. it never stops, and thus there is never set "species" of anything.

it's all constantly changing. there can be..."lines" but there is no one scientifically accepted definition of what a species really is.

>> No.1547951

our "taxonomic tree" is just an attempt of humans trying to organize their surroundings.

trust me bro, go talk to anyone who's taken an evolution course--there's no such thing as "species"

>> No.1547954

there are abrupt changes is definitely not a smooth line.

Take your stupid gradualism elsewhere

>> No.1547955

Species is a man made concept.
You can ignore it, it still doesn't change anything.
The genome of a thing called Neanderthal is different from a genome of a thing called human. Neanderthal thing lived a long time ago. Neanderthal genome and human genome are related. Relatedness can be inferred from the skeleton as well.

A thing that lived a long time a go has different but related genome to a thing that lives today. Sounds pretty much like evolution to me.

>> No.1547958

i know i was being sarcastic with the 1st paragraph stupid.

seriously if biologist want to be taken seriously they have to solve this shit first.

>> No.1547959
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every day at work i marvel at these.

>not saging in a religious troll thread

>> No.1547961

wrong. nothing can cause a higher frequency of mutations.

which is necessary for your punctuated equilibrium

>> No.1547963

Never heard of a whole genome duplication?

>> No.1547965

aka...covering your ass

>> No.1547969

>seriously if biologist want to be taken seriously they have to solve this shit first.

Protip: there's nothing to solve.

>> No.1547970

still wouldn't account for what's required of punctuated equilibrium theories

>> No.1547973

yeah asshole but that doesnt prove anything

following the actual dogma, neanderthals are not descendants of modern humans you retard. neither any other type of hominid.

at the beginning of this year new fossils where found that suggest we descend from the combination of several hominids -- including neanderthal

>> No.1547974

anthropology is a stupid "science." don't bring your bullshit here, fag.

>> No.1547975

The point is that you don't need a higher mutation rate for abrupt changes.

>> No.1547980

yes you do. do you know anything about genetics?

>> No.1547981
File: 19 KB, 235x212, evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolution is racist! This children's comic told me so!

>> No.1547990

I don't think you should be discussing things you don't understand very well.

>> No.1547992


>i took a evo course
>im a genius

the fact of the matter is that the species concept is still is heavily used to explain for example the fucking origin of man.

im not saying they are right, but if you want to get to any point biologists should stop using the species term. add to that the concept of "organism"

>> No.1547994


i'm off now, tosh.0 is on. L2EVOBIO, THE LOT OF YOU.

>> No.1548001

I just gave you an example of an abrupt change that has NOTHING to do with increased mutation rate: whole genome duplication.

You sound like you don't know much about genetics.

>> No.1548004

LOL nice counterarguments you faggots.

>> No.1548006
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this puts it in perspective a little better.

>> No.1548014

On top of that, why not do the whole shebang and stop using vague terms like "life" and "matter"?

>> No.1548015

Source on that shit?

>> No.1548020

i agree

Systems theory and information theory already did a nice job.

>> No.1548044

>Species concept is used to explain the origin of a specific species

No shit, Sherlock!

>> No.1548059


if the species concept is obsolete, dont you think whatever relies on it will be obsolete and stupid too.

thats the whole point fucking dumbass.. congratulations to figure it out yourself.

>> No.1548078

No, I only think you are stupid because you have trouble understanding very simple posts in this thread (and you also seem to have trouble using a very simple language - English)

I said nothing about species concept being obsolete.

>> No.1548130
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>> No.1548159

It's too bad we evolved out of having the black light in our skull in D

>> No.1548166

Nice job trying to get some attention off your stupidity to my grammar. English is not my native language, and i bet you dont even know other languages. Anyway thats besides the point.

You said that the species concept is man-made just for the sake of keep things organized. So in that light, trying to answer the origins of life and men with the species concept is wrong, just because species dont actually exist in natural systems.

>> No.1548190

ITT: A bunch of retards arguing about what retarded system should be used to describe all the retarded animals on this retarded planet.

>> No.1548207


English is my second language and I speak two other languages. You lost your bet

>You said that the species concept is man-made just for the sake of keep things organized

No I didn't. But it's true.

Origins of life have nothing to do with species concept and no one is trying to use species concept to answer questions about origins of life.

If "man" or "Homo sapiens" is a man-made concept, how is it wrong to use man-made concepts to explain the evolutionary history of "man"?

Seriously, you're trying to pass yourself as an intelligent person, yet you can't grasp this simple concept. Trying to reconstruct evolutionary history without the use of species concept is the same as trying to measure and express distances without using units of length.

Mathematical models don't exist in nature, yet they are instrumental in understanding natural system.

>> No.1548221

>>Mathematical models don't exist in nature, yet they are instrumental in understanding natural system.


>> No.1548263


>> No.1548266

Lol, OP trollin so hard. Go breed some fruit flies or plate some yeast cultures and youll know how it's possible.

>> No.1548280


>> No.1548286

[citation needed]

>> No.1548299


>> No.1548369

>Mathematical models don't exist in nature, yet they are instrumental in understanding natural system.

I agree with you on that, and thats the reason why its fucked up in the first place. if the species concept is already proven not be adequate to explain the origins of life.. why the fuck we keep using it, and more importantly why we keep trying to fit new fossil discoveries in such retarded (as the length analogy u used) "measurement" or in technical terms formal system.

thats my fucking point you dumbass.

My solution is not to just stay quiet and dont say anything.
but to change the system that is congruent with the "new" discoveries in genetics.

If we dont find common terms and a useful approach, we will be doomed to navigate through all this fucking ocean of terminologies that is biology.

>> No.1548387

it doesnt count that you know some words in other languages or you take a 101 course for a year.

Im fluent in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and English

and when i say fluent i mean i can read/talk/write almost perfectly.

i know some French and German too, but i cant say i dominate those languages.

If you dont believe me i can explain the shit i just said in any of the after mentioned languages.

>> No.1548398

this thread gives me hope.

>> No.1548446

>DNA analysis
>on a fossil

...had to reply to this one.

>> No.1548487

explain tripfag

>> No.1548491


I'd like to see that in Portuguese, just out of simple curiosity.

>> No.1548509 [DELETED] 

Don't ask him too. He's literally batshit insane.

>> No.1548526

Dinosaurs are older. Additionally, WE DO NOT BILLIONS OF LIVING SPECIMENS OF THEM LIKE WE DO HUMANS. Herpa derpa.

>> No.1548535

ITT: people who work at Denny's

>> No.1548586

I believe in God. I think science is trying to kill religion by treating it like some fictional story in schools, when it's not fiction at all. The only reason less kids are believing in God is because during school they are told a fucking cartoon like story.

>> No.1548595

god is pluto

>> No.1548596

you shouldn't be on this board at all if your only purpose is to talk about religion.

>> No.1548611

I'm here to make God science.
I'm a God-Scientist.
I prove God exists on this board daily.
Suck me.

>> No.1548612

Science isn't an institution like religion saying science is trying to kill religion is like saying cooking is trying to kill mcdonalds it isnt possible because science is about the scientific process which is mearly answers derived from imperical evidence there isn't some big company that represents science and it cant have any agenda other than truth within a resonable doubt.

>> No.1548625


>I prove God exists on this board daily.


>> No.1548638

Science openly says God doesn't exist and goes against religion.Science claims big bang, with no cause of effect. A bang is an action, requires pressure, and counter pressure - that's wrong - no matter how complicated they make it sound, you'll always be taken as a fool - a bang? a gun bangs, two hands bang, i fall on the ground i bang. I rarely walk through the streets and all of a sudden, nothing goes 'bang'.

God is a black hole
and a black hole is a pencil tip
3D magical pencil

>> No.1548651

not sure if pluto or black hole

>> No.1548656
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>> No.1548665

Pluto/Hades > yahweh

>> No.1548726


fuck you troll obviously god isnt something as mundane as a planet or a black hole. You realize the universe is flat right?? if you imagine that flat shape in a 3D space and then multiply those universes to a trillon times so you can have a small piece of thread then repeat that again other trillion times and you will have a piece of textile that is part of a underwear, which covers gods asshole.


>> No.1548731

this thread... you dumbfucks...

>> No.1550318

sense, this made none

>> No.1550322
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>> No.1550536
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>> No.1550728
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>> No.1550735


>> No.1550756

How could the first cell be formed if there was no DNA instructions for the proteins to follow?

>> No.1550879

the first cell was alike a planet.