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15483418 No.15483418 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Europeans and Jews who mixed with Europeans the only groups capable of producing original ideas in science? Is it just because they had a headstart?

>> No.15484561

jews can't, they plagiarize everything and use their media dominance to shut down the real authors

>> No.15484586

They had a headstart, and nobel prizes are also a European ceremony which makes it very much biased to begin with.

Moreover a problem that Chinese researchers have is that their research is way too fucking fast paced and industry oriented, they print publications every other month, but it's often thel just bruteforcing a problem with heuristics and proving correctness of their solution with empirical results. They are way too competitive and could probably produce better shit if they chilled out and stopped seeing their h-index as a metric of self worth.

>> No.15484603
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>> No.15484772

High IQ explains most of it. Personality differences (& allegedly lower variance) then explains the East Asian underachievement.

>> No.15484942

>Is it just because they had a headstart?
Europe did not have a headstart.

>> No.15484947

Whites, (European) Jews, and some East Asians experienced evolutionary pressure to evolve higher IQs, as a result of their environment, and opportunities to trade/fight amongst each other.

>> No.15484953

Sweden is doing amazingly well for its low population. Maybe Himmler was right about the Nordics

>> No.15484964

>wow, european award is given to europeans
Hmm... I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that they're literally located in Sweden... nah, must be a coincidence

>> No.15485135

>European award is given to Europeans
And why do you think it's a European award in the first place? Why didn't Asia or Africa develop all of those scientific concepts themselves and make their own equivalent of the Nobel prize?

>> No.15485213
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German sisters, I don't feel so good

>> No.15485227

>Wheat is better for state capacity than rice, barley, rye, maize etc, which means more wars.
>Lots of peninsulas means lots of independent countries which is better for the development of individualistic political philosophy.
>The combination of both means rapid adoption of new technologies as they're invented.
>Restricting moneylending to a minority adds an evolutionary selection pressure for intelligence. It doesn't matter what minority, any minority that focuses on moneylending will see the dumber proportions of their population killed before reproducing.
Japan, after WW2, rebuilt their economy by leveraging this. When somebody else has a genetic advantage over you the best way to make money for yourself is by befriending them.

>> No.15485231

Higher disease rate, which redirects calories from the brain to the immune system by up to 150 kcal/day on average.

>> No.15485606

sup shlomo

>> No.15485665

Interesting theory, but blacks who have been dispersed for many generations still fail to thrive outside of Africa. Yet the successful African elites who migrate to the West tend to do well wherever they go. It's clearly not down to environment alone.

>> No.15486704

Obama got into Harvard as a legacy admission, his dad was some sort of Kenyan aristocrat who went to Harvard. Now his kids are attending.

>> No.15487695

explains why harvard grads are so stupid

>> No.15487748

>Nobel prize invented by a Swede
>Swedes receive it the most
Wow, what a shocker!

>> No.15487958

There is something special about that committee.

>> No.15488856

Meanwhile blacks in Africa complete reject western secular stupidity and instead they stick with the intelligent beliefs they got from westerners back when the west was successful and dominant.

>> No.15489831

excellent video

>> No.15490635

wow, they really are unusually stupid

>> No.15490636

they aren't
don't underestimate other races or think the way it is now will always continue

>> No.15490683

You are wrong.

>> No.15491740

they give out nobels for shilling global warming these days, its just a propaganda instrument, not meaningful. they gave the peace prize to obama who started wars all over the place

>> No.15491754

And why do they have more diseases in their societies? Maybe that had something to do with the Europeans inventing sanitary practice and discovering medical science.

>> No.15492005

Parasites are adapted for humans in Africa but need that climate. Move out of Africa, and you immediately avoid most of the problems. One of the exceptions is malaria.

>> No.15492125



Jews are braindead

>> No.15492127

>no one mentions /pol/
>condenses a schizofrenic rant about /pol/ into a 3x3 table
Rent free

>> No.15492133


>> No.15492134

nobels in economics is dead thanks to Milton Kikeman and Hayek Germ Tard.

Luckily, Keynesian Economics is coming back.

>> No.15492199

And Europe had the bubonic plague. So what?

>> No.15492544

plague is still common in india, it got imported to europe a few times but didn't manage to become endemic

>> No.15492545

It's endemic in Mexico too.

>> No.15493636
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>> No.15493960

>And Europe had the bubonic plague.
Not a parasite
>So what?
I have no idea what you are attempting to prove.

>> No.15494595


>> No.15494649

>Not a parasite
it makes no difference whether diseases are caused by parasites, bacteria, fungi, or viruses
but why did these societies not just develop sanitation measures like Europe did?
literally none of this would be problematic if they would have come up with the ideas Europeans did, but they didn't

>> No.15494928

Jews didn't have a head start. They didn't contribute anything of note to science until around the 20th Century. This acknowledgement from Christian scientists was what initially sparked Jews to update and innovate their own thinking processes. Essentially it was done out of spite and point-scoring. But here is the real kicker. These so-called Jews that contributed to science aren't really Jews at all. They are Khazarian converts from the 8th Century AD (After Christ).