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File: 62 KB, 968x327, imagen_2023-06-04_170144053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15482317 No.15482317 [Reply] [Original]

Point and laugh at this stupid faggot.
Never responds with an argument, just meaningless disinfo.
This nigger does not belong on the science board.
Also, he's Irish, point and laugh.

>> No.15482321

the n word is racist

>> No.15482324

So he's just Irish? Okay? It would have been funny if he were from some shithole like you.

>> No.15482334

>changes name back to anonymous for one post
>also, I put my name as an F1 driver, I must be from his country
Nigger, you are genuinely retarded, I'm sorry your dad wasn't around to beat the shit out of you after you'd finished saying your fag retard shit, but there's no reason to bother us with our presence here.

>> No.15482342

The anglos were right

>> No.15482346

There are three persons replying to his post making fun of him for being Irish. Those posters are American, Canadian, and Mexican. The one doing all caps is Mexican. You're the latter aren't you?

>> No.15482368

Quiet, pedo-faggot.
No business with you. Germ theory is demonstrably correct.
Go chug a vial of freshly made agar. Nothing happens.
Now chug a vial of agar with a burgeoning E. coli population, tell us how things work out.

>> No.15482380

I've seen it with american and eastern european flags

>> No.15482389

>Never responds with an argument
This is true, he's never on topic. He just responds to people with deranged nonsense that has nothing to do with the discussion.

>> No.15482394

Based Potato Farmer.

>> No.15482397

This is a fucking shill. Literally live in uganda.

>> No.15482401
File: 145 KB, 798x644, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not racist

>> No.15482402

Uganda is epic, they have the death penalty for homosexuality there

>> No.15482435

Exactly why I wouldn't trust him if that were him. Also:
>Not a racist
I'm OP btw, nobody would impersonate a non tripfag namefag.

>> No.15482551

What did I miss?

>> No.15482650

If that's true then black people are really racist.

>> No.15482672

He's irish..so? I don't get it

>> No.15482707

it's their responsibility. for you, faggot, word nigger is ad hominem here, and unscientific.

>> No.15482710
File: 117 KB, 719x1024, 1649012497220m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello germ theorist, demonstrably shill

>> No.15482713
File: 56 KB, 640x507, 1678436238180634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you know, faggot, who is who here

>> No.15482731

Probably an Afrokrainian refugee in Ireland.

>> No.15482749

Recently Ireland introduced new censorship laws. If we report that criminal to the Irish authorities he might unironically end up in prison.

>> No.15482755
File: 5 KB, 275x183, 1653292129778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool. go on.

>> No.15483175


>> No.15483179

let's gooo

>> No.15483279

viruses is the blackest dark jungle gorilla nigger i have ever seen in my life

no one likes you nigger go die!!!!!

>> No.15483292

go back

>> No.15483302
File: 6 KB, 248x250, 1651008224897s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck cocks :)

>> No.15483326

I want to see a picture of him. No face is fine, just to get a sense of..."where its coming from", ya know?

>> No.15483330

You caught me, also I'm a faggot.

>> No.15483335

yeah, same. i wanna see the face tho. would be awesome confirmation for the chudcel theory

>> No.15483351

Damage control. It's over

>> No.15483356

I'm interested to learn more about this person maybe one of the loser janitors could fork over their details on discord

>> No.15483403

>just to get a sense of..."where its coming from",
How about you post your own pic so we can get that for you, because you're actually a worse namefag than him

>> No.15483406

You sound very underaged