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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15478881 No.15478881 [Reply] [Original]

I've been doing eye exercises for 2-3 months and this shit works. Ask me anythang you want

My diopters are/were minus 1 to 1.5 over the years.

My blur distance right now (distance at which blur begins) is about 80-100cm and keeps getting better.

I'll probs make a tl;dr for Kohlchan too (fuck that board has too much traffic or too little post quality for me now these days).

>> No.15478882

What do you do exactly?

>> No.15478905

>My blur distance right now (distance at which blur begins) is about 80-100cm and keeps getting better.
respectfully, what does this even mean?
My eyes just work.
Bro you have cataracts, how old are you?

>> No.15478917

Based. I plan to try this if my vision changes just to avoid re-lensing my four pairs of glasses sunglasses etc.

>> No.15478923

>eye exercises
These do not work, and there is no possible mechanism through which they could improve your eyesight.

>> No.15478930

It is so annoying how confident retards are. Yes, dipshit, you understand all the billions of eye related biochemical processes that occur every single second and experimentally proved that none of them respond to exercise or directed usage. Someone call the Nobel committee.

>> No.15478931

The human body is built to adapt, bro. It's a vulgar guild mentality that makes it taboo nowadays.

>> No.15478932
File: 6 KB, 225x225, cough cough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so retarded, on a level I struggle to explain
>Yes, dipshit, I'm sure you understand all the billions of brain related biochemical processes that occur every second and experimentally proved that none of them respond positively to having your forehead whacked with a sledgehammer.
Fuck you, pseudointellectual faggot. Get off of my board. You don't need to understand every process that occurs in the organ to conclude that exercise has a negligible or nonexistent impact on it's performance.

>> No.15478939

OP here. Fuck off reddit poofters and give me some real answers. Also samefag

>> No.15478943

all muscular flexibility can be improved via stretching exercises. with the eyes you need to teach yourself conscious muscular control. when you were a little baby you couldn't control your bowel movements, but eventually you learned how to stop shitting in your pants. when you were even younger than that you learned how to focus your eyes, but you don't have any conscious memories of that, so you need to relearn manual control of eye focus, once you can do that you can start to work on flexibility, after a while of working on flexibility you'll be able of definitely expand your range of focus, especially on the close end of things.

>> No.15479023

Yeah ok bullshit reddit boy where is the source then ya poofter?

>> No.15479093

>My diopters are/were minus 1 to 1.5 over the years.
>My blur distance right now (distance at which blur begins) is about 80-100cm and keeps getting better.
Do you understand that equals 1-1.25 diopters?
You also can't get an accurate reading in bright light using this way, you could easily miss a whole diopter, you need to do it in the dark when your pupils are open.

>> No.15479095
File: 44 KB, 461x318, eye[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Franz Mesmer and "mesmerism/animal magnetism" is where unconventional/deeper understanding of eye and their relation to the nervous system started. It was found to be one of the first instances of "the placebo effect", but that's because they couldn't find any physical evidence of the "cures" associated with the odd body geomancing Mesmer did to people. What's interesting is that the only physical evidence Mesmer could have provided was one case of hysteria he temporarily cured where he had the lady ingest an iron mixture and he put magnets on her. However, he did not associate the magnets to the cure but the flow of iron that provoked something that nature would have (or should have) caused eventually. His experiments were basically the equivalent of him hitting a broken machine with a hammer to get the cogs lined up again and working, his explanation attributes this flow as being more related to gravitation or magnetism (hence the coined term "animal magnetism").
Other authors then followed up with what we know as "hypnotism" because they discover their own little "human nervous system life hacks" and attribute it to some pseudo-scientific nonsense explanation. One of them involves eye exercises that beef the muscles up and stretch them as well as the sclera and cornea. This is plausible as muscles get stronger and corneas heal to some degree. Perhaps it's not spoken about because it's not as profitable as LASEC. That or the authors of these books hurt too many feelings of mouth breathers whose lazy eyes rot the same as their lazy carcass.

>> No.15479258

I worked for an optometrist and we literally told older patients to do eye exercises to help with certain vision issues you fuckin moron
Strong eye muscles can help compensate for myopia, that's part of why kids sometimes don't notice their eyesight is like -3 or something whereas an adult would.
Having said that, I wish OP would clarify how he's doing this because you might just be compensating for the prescription not improving it.

>> No.15480107

>Lots of eye problems caused by eye lens shape
>Eye muscles literally change your lens shape to focus on things
You serious? Maybe it doesn't work, but saying NO POSSIBLE MECHANISM is retarded af

>> No.15480112

What exercises do you do? I want to test it

>> No.15480114

This makes sense. Good on you for independently discovering the technique

>> No.15480220

>Lurking on kohlkack pedo central in current year

>> No.15480760
File: 160 KB, 700x2100, flagheads1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, kc is total garbage. so is yli, mintboard is the only passable board of that type left as far as i know and it only generates about 100 or so posts daily, but its not bad, way way back in the early days of kc before polandball and wojack brought it too much attention, there were only about 1000 posts a day and that was kc at it's best. that was early to mid 2009. polandball was actually a ripoff of an earlier and probably better kc comic called flagheads

>> No.15480907

>kids sometimes don't notice their eyesight is like -3
I had myopia from around 6, not terrible but it was there. Probably around -0.5 I clearly remember thinking "stuff is supposed to be a little blurry in the distance, right?"
Then around age 8 it got to a point (I guess around -1) where I couldn't explain it away anymore and my parents finally noticed.

>> No.15480920 [DELETED] 

How's Ivanka's prospects looking, Shit Cunt? Is Daddy going to keep her safe?

>> No.15481015

eat my dick faggot, you're just a fucking retard going blind.
what you wrote is schizo tier nonsense

>> No.15481038

Ok chang post body ya bum bandit

>> No.15481898

its weird how the idea of exercise and self improvement make ppl like >>15478923 angry.

>> No.15482645

I saw on article on Forbes earlier about how the glasses business is a big monopoly and makes massive profits, so now I understand all of the anti-eye exercise screeching in this thread
Is ernstchan still around?

>> No.15482649


>> No.15482662

Look as far away as you can, then relax your eyes even more and try to look farther. Try to look right through the fabric of reality and see what's on the other side. I think you'll be surprised by what you find.

>> No.15482824

>I worked for an optometrist
No you didn't, you chud. All you chuds have are your cringey LARPs.
I've seen Bates method work for some people too, contrary to orthodox expectations. The usual cope is that all these people had pseudomyopia. Maybe you've seen it work for some people too, in which case simply say that instead of reeking of chud insecurity about your NEET status.

>> No.15482876

>muscular flexibility can be improved via stretching exercises
Stretching does nothing for muscular flexibility. Complete pseudoscience.

>> No.15482912

I'm not sure if this is supposed to be an ironic shitpost where somehow this is funny to someone on this shit board, but you can literally just look it up yourself and you'll probably see exercises for helping older patients with their vision due to their muscles getting weaker.

>> No.15482969

I got some improvement by moving my monitor from 40-50cm with 125% Win UI size to where I now can read the monitor at 85cm with 100% UI size.
I think there are diminishing returns. I don't think I could reach my uncorrected vision. But there certainly was no placebo in doubling the unblurred viewing distance.
Further improvement would require effort in placing the monitor even further away. Doing eye exercises is cancer and so is wearing reading glasses to simulate distance. The best effort is very little effort.
If you are currently reading the screen very close, you can try to inch the monitor back slowly over time making sure that you can still see the monitor with some strain.

>> No.15483209

>still no mention of specific exercises
OP will die in a fire

>> No.15483402

>eye problems
>"this shit works!!!"

the best jokes write themselves

>> No.15483794

Absolutely wrong

>> No.15484029

self improvement is impossible for people who are too lazy to try

>> No.15484192 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 1886x419, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15484437

>OP works hard a self improvement and gets positive results
>this makes /sci/ angry
why? jealousy?

>> No.15484508

No research has shown it to work. Instead strengthening muscles has been shown to improve flexibility.

True. The only people who waste their time stretching are women.

>> No.15484511

it's called the brain, idiot

>> No.15484622
File: 105 KB, 729x1097, bab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm intrigued.

what specific exercises do u do OP?

>> No.15485089

You can't compensate for myopia, as distanct focus is the default relaxed state,
Maybe you're thinking about hyperopia or you're just full of shit

>> No.15485115

I cured my myopia -4 with 2 years of doing active focus and using plus lenses. AMA

>> No.15485116

Watch this video if you want to cure myopia https://youtu.be/x5Efg42-Qn0

>> No.15485556 [DELETED] 

if you think your eye muscles aren't working when you're focusing at any distance, you are wrong.

>> No.15485591

Why do you bother getting into arguments when you clearly don't know a single thing about the topic you're talking about?

>> No.15485651

Lmao fuck off it's impossible not to notice a -3 myopia

>> No.15486705 [DELETED] 

ppl who are too lazy and entitled to exercise get angry at the suggestion they should put effort into self improvement

>> No.15487692 [DELETED] 

KC has way too many trannys these days, nobody should ever bother looking at it

>> No.15488811 [DELETED] 

emotional reasons

>> No.15488819

Check this image out >>15484622, it’s how I’m looking at your stupid ass right now. Stretching increases flexibility, just stretch your hamstrings for a week and you’ll see

>> No.15488821

Kill yourself

>> No.15489161

You can easily miss some minus 1.5D on a clear day. Most people with mild myopia assume it's just too dark to see any better.

>> No.15489781

you're just too lazy to do the exercises

>> No.15489799

I have 0.75 - 1 myopia myself, anything other than clear sunny day looks off, even an overcast midday scenario, not to mention indoor
What fucking exercises? Nobody posted anything. I already use convex lenses when at PC anyway if that's what those "exercises" are

>> No.15490621

> Nobody posted anything
it was posted, ur just too fukkin blind to see it

>> No.15490789

very strange, isnt it

>> No.15490795

Because it doesn't work, at best it makes your body change priorities on what tissues to spend nutrients.

>> No.15490815

if it doesnt work why are you so adamant in persuading others from trying it?

>> No.15490837

It isn't that I care that much if people waste their time with it, I'm just telling how it is. Most of those "work" by training you to use smaller pupils, which is temporary, and makes you look weird.

>> No.15490899

Yeah, because you're an adult and the eye muscles can't compensate anymore. But kids notice only minor issues in loads of cases.

>> No.15490927

Muscles can't compensate for myopia, except by making the pupils smaller, which is not really. You are confusing it with hyperopia, as noted above. +3D is likely still within natural norm. There is some safety margin.

>> No.15491683

unironically take vitamin C,. mine have improved quite a bit but can't prove it yet. when I next go to the optician I'll have medical proof. I advise any of you here to do the same

>> No.15491696

why is it that chad never wears glasses

>> No.15492478

natural genetic superiority
wearing glasses is no different than being confined to a wheelchair

>> No.15492528

Because nearsightedness too is caused by the lack of lead in diet.

>> No.15493643

>take vitamin C
just stop eating goyslop and you'll have enough vit c in ur diet

>> No.15493709

Dude millions of people take vitamin C. I'm pretty sure at least some of them would notice.

>> No.15494574

ok, but have you tried injecting it into your eyeballs?

>> No.15494650

as noted above, we see eye exercises helping to compensate for myopia in elderly patients, so unless you are going to provide more evidence there's nothing to say
it isn't just hyperopia, because degradation of the muscles also makes them unable to properly relax, it isn't just an issue with being unable to contract properly

>> No.15494699

Myopia isn't an elderly condition, that's presbyopia.

>> No.15494755

I had a lazy eye and astigmatism. It has gotten better since I started those same exercises. There is another layer to my problem related to how my brain has wired itself up dealing with it. Repetitive patterns and text is the only real problem. I can look through my left eye and see what my right eye is looking at. It is disorienting. I slightly tilt my head to read from the left eye. Can't read with both simultaneously yet.

>> No.15495574

Trump must be in pretty great shape for an older guy, since be is quite old and doesn't need to wear glasses

>> No.15495653
File: 107 KB, 1280x853, Tread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah. because he definitely would never let vanity get in the way of something like... vision correction... right.

>> No.15495980

People who need glasses need them by adulthood.

>> No.15496001

I do both, eat real food meats and ascorbic acid. I suspect the reason so many nerds also have myopia/astimagism is because body is not assembling proteins properly so eye is being stretched and light not reach it properly/
I wasn't able to reply to posts like this a year ago without glasses.
As said I cant prove it only that my presciption has stabalized now. Once my glases break I;ll go back and get them tested again. Hoping to wait a while though.

>> No.15496027

They have myopia because they are lead deficient, and their eyes grow too long, or perhaps get squished by their ungrown orbits.
You are not myopic. Myopia prevents you from seeing things in distance, you can read perfectly fine.

>> No.15496042

(originally I thought it might be because the muscles can't relax, get stuck on near focus, and the eye responds by growing longer, but it may not necessarily be so, and it isn't really mutually exclusive, either)

>> No.15497333

>nerds are wimps because they are too lazy to exercise
I already knew that, but learning that its also why they all wear glasses adds a new wrinkle

>> No.15498357

Trump will get reelected and he will fix science. Two years from now the replication crisis will have been fixed. You heard it here first

>> No.15498372

This is only semantics. Your vision degrades with sight, and part of getting old can include no longer being able to see at distances you once were able to.

>> No.15498434

No it isn't only semantics, it's rare for myopia to develop after your early 20s.

>> No.15499550


>> No.15499580

>>OP works hard a self improvement and gets positive results
>>this makes /sci/ angry
>why? jealousy?

I can tell you why. Because all of /sci/ are fat uggos who never stepped foot in a gym and just larp as le soience lovers on 4chin. Such people hate self improvement with a passion.
Personally I have no ball in this debate but I like real science and both to lift stuff and improve my body. These people on the other hand can't do such things or perhaps too lazy so any kind of comment on self improvement is an attack on their personality

>> No.15500527

they also prefer to wear glasses because they feel it makes them look and seem more authentically nerdy and intellectual
the probably like being wimpy pencil neck sissies for the same reason

>> No.15500920

What makes it look like an appropriate pic for this thread?

>> No.15501789

poor eyesight is a genetic defect of the head, ppl who wear glasses also have other things wrong with their head. nobody who is high iq wears glasses

>> No.15501852

Vision gets worse when you look at close distances, why wouldn't it get better if you look at distant distances?

>> No.15502141

Again for I think the third time, you are confusing two conditions:
Myopia: This is what younger people know as THE condition that makes you need glasses: You can't focus at the distance, but you can read normally. You need glasses or contact lenses all the time, or it can be fixed woth a surgery. Most get it before 20. The first signs are often subtle as it comes slowly, today people often notice that things look clearer on their screen, than in real life. It was basically nonexistent in boomer times.
Presbyopia: This is what older people know, it usually develops after 40, and you can't read without glasses, but otherwise you can see normally.

>> No.15502268

make a proper thread on kc fuckface. I want to discuss with you properly.
>too little post quality
And you decide to come to 4chan for that? See this thread. You would have gotten a better discussion on kc. Actual serious one.

>> No.15503596

probably not, kc is shit these day

>> No.15503735

I have hyperopia, amblyopia, and astigmatism. How do I fix myself?

>> No.15504312

Complicated, You need to quantify the astigmatism and learn about optics to figure out what kind of exercise might help you. Not as easy as just trying to extend your focal range

>> No.15504848

Dude listen some 20-30yr old people get on quarantine and get out with vision much worse.
Like their eyes adapted to close distances over time

>> No.15504918

myopia happens because of starting at screen from young age retard, thats why its modern illness

>> No.15505000

Also reading too much

>> No.15505056

Same with diabetes, which is also caused by lead deficiency.
It's modern illness because lead has been removed.

>> No.15506213 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 1x1, ice cream prevents diabetes.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is also caused by lead deficiency.
ice cream deficiency

>> No.15506376 [DELETED] 

Yes that agree with what I say. High calcium intake uses up lead on bone, and it isn't available for other processes, which may be the real reason why non whites usually only get nearsighted and diabetic, instead of disfigured, legally blind and insane.

>> No.15506378

Yes that agrees with what I say. High calcium intake uses up lead on bone, and it isn't available for other processes, which may be the real reason why non whites usually only get nearsighted and diabetic, instead of disfigured, legally blind and insane.

>> No.15507551 [DELETED] 

>kc is shit these day
nu-KC & ernstchan both have better science discussion than 4chan

>> No.15507570

obvious otherchan advertising thread, fuck off