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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 440 KB, 1074x1328, Screenshot_20230601-203225_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15476517 No.15476517 [Reply] [Original]

How can we establish scientific criteria for banning visitors to nature? If we banned all goys we could everything to ourselves

>> No.15476523

we can visit the outside via virtual reality. problem solved.

>> No.15476602

Holy shit that Wendover nigga is so gay.

>> No.15476659

>fucking white males leaving trash everywhere and blasting their awful cracker rap music

>> No.15477392

Ever since he made that tesla video he seems to get more Jewish with each video

>> No.15477411

This will be solved by introducing 15-minute cities. Normie cattle won't be allowed to leave their segment. You'll need an insanely high social credit score to get past the facial recognition camera.

>> No.15477495

>this video is sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the WEF, and George Soros

>> No.15477552

We need to really get behind apples vr headset they're revealing next week.

Honestly, the outdoors has been ruined by social media, if vr takes off, we can get it back.

>> No.15477576

why are /pol/cels so utterly incapable of forming a single non schizophrenic thought?
Only some Antarctica temperature IQ could misunderstand the argument this bad.
I sincerely hope you don't do this for free

>> No.15477584

go back to making airplane videos wendover, your politics are retarded

>> No.15477589

We need a new lockdown.

>> No.15477596

go back to jacking off to much nature while doing the mental gymnastics of defending mass tourism and the destruction of nature

>> No.15477642

I'm not gonna watch it for real lol, you don't deserve it. "white, male" told me everything I need to know.

>> No.15477645

>"white, male" told me everything I need to know.
what, that niggers don't go on vacations in national parks?
lol, fucking /pol/tards denying reality like always

>> No.15477647
File: 281 KB, 112x112, bet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/tards need to constantly reaffirm their victimhood by making threads about it and discussing it. To go, say, a week without doing so could cause this victim mentality to degrade, and they could end up blaming themselves for their failures as opposed to "DA JOOS!"

>> No.15477649
File: 149 KB, 917x820, soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a post admonishing people spending time outside
>include a picture specifically targeting the "white, and male" demographic
>throw a hissyfit about /pol/cels when people don't immediately start apologising for being born white and male like they do on preddit

>> No.15477653

>>make a post admonishing people spending time outside
>>include a picture specifically targeting the "white, and male" demographic
my shock, targeting the demographic responsible for the problem?
>>throw a hissyfit about /pol/cels when people don't immediately start apologising for being born white and male like they do on preddit
mental illness distillate

>> No.15477659
File: 160 KB, 1160x1500, cyberpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, the cyberpunk dystopia were were promised

>> No.15477662
File: 6 KB, 225x225, cough cough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be you
>retarded faggot
>watching a random youtube video because you're a lazy fuck who does nothing but mindlessly consume media
>hear words "white & male"
>sperg sense set off
>throw a tantrum and scream autistically for 20 minutes
>take a screenshot of the video and post in on /sci/
>The Science and Math board, which you seem to have been under the impression was the Politics and Ragebait board.
>someone makes fun of me for being a fragile retard
>decide to respond to them with an epic basedjak quote

>File: s*yjak.jpg (150 KB, 917x820)
>>>15477647 (You)
>>make a post admonishing people spending time outside
>>include a picture specifically targeting the "white, and male" demographic
>>throw a hissyfit about /pol/cels when people don't immediately start apologising for being born white and male like they do on preddit

>That was so fucking good.
>Jack myself off for 12 hours over my epic win
>Just another day on the 'chan.

>> No.15477948

How is it even possible to find this place if you're that full of soi?

>> No.15477954

why are you so mad that you got owned?

>> No.15478027

Yeah it's simple
contain the urban subhumans in their urban containment zones
post nose then go back... to hell