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15476567 No.15476567 [Reply] [Original]

What is on the edge of the universe? Is it just a void of nothingness that extends forever? But isn’t this nothingness something as well? It’s a medium for mass therefore it’s part of the universe still.

Basically what I’m asking does the universe end anywhere or does it simply extend for ever in a black void

>> No.15476583

Its possible.

>> No.15476584

It's finite (per its expansion) and It has no edge (or center for that matter), it simply wraps around in a way similar to pacman

>> No.15476586
File: 730 KB, 1126x565, Average Anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby's first thoughts about the universe. Google and grow up.

>> No.15476677

[Insert preferred search engine here] brought me here. Now what.

>> No.15476685

No search engine would ever bring you here. Instead they link to vids like this which answer everything OP asked: https://youtu.be/AwwIFcdUFrE

>> No.15476855

The universe is not real anon. Everything is just one single entity self interact with itself in complex way. In that there is no "edge" of the universe. There is only hallucination of the grand "oneness".

>> No.15476966

Why do you post something like this? I know for a fact that cosmologists don't claim to know anything about the topology of the universe but you wrote a bullshit post that sounds plausible and authoritative. Stop doing that.

>> No.15476979

he’s right though. Tell me what happens if you try to walk to the edge of earth

>> No.15476985

The surface of the earth has the topology of a sphere (of course). The pacman game world has a topology of a torus. No one has any clue what the topology of the universe is, and no one even knows if it is compact (finite) or not.

>> No.15476993

>The pacman game world has a topology of a torus.
How's that work? Which way does the hole face?

>> No.15476996

Imagine folding the 2D rectangle to glue the sides that connect together. You are allowed to stretch and bend things.

>> No.15477001

What does this have to do with a gay Scotsman?

>> No.15477008

I can imagine it as the surface of a cylinder, without the circular top and bottom. But I don't see why it's a donut surface. Wouldn't that imply you can go off the top edge of the cylinder, travel through the hole, and return to the bottom? I suppose what I'm saying is pacman has edges, and a torus would allow travel beyond those edges, no?

>> No.15477059
File: 752 KB, 400x400, 1677597582484316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's finite (per its expansion) and It has no edge (or center for that matter), it simply wraps around in a way similar to pacman

>> No.15477065

The only reasonable options are:

1) The universe is a finite 3-torus
2) The universe is infinite

But we can eliminate option 2 because if the universe were infinite, then the probability of there existing a super-alien civilization would be 1 million percent and we would see aliens.

>> No.15477071

>But we can eliminate option 2 because if the universe were infinite, then the probability of there existing a super-alien civilization would be 1 million percent and we would see aliens.
That is the most retarded thing I've read today, that's equivalent to saying that the universe can't be finite because then it's almost certain we exist in God's testicle, your leap in logic is so moronic I feel embarrased to exist on the same planet as you, but of course I wouldn't expect much from someone who can't differentiate between useless mathematical hypotheticals and reality

>> No.15477073

It’s pretty simple. If the universe is infinite then it’s pretty much guaranteed that there are civilizations out there that have millions of years of a head start on us. Imagine where humans will be millions of years from now.

>> No.15477080

Not only does the size of the universe not have any direct correlation with the number of civilizations, reality isn't a fucking scifi flick and there will never be such a thing as an "advanced civilization", any other civilization is at most as technogically advanced as us, we've practically hit the limit, there will be no FTL travel, there will be no dyson spheres, reality is very strict and mundane you delusional retard, you can thank the laws of physics for that

>> No.15477083

> Not only does the size of the universe not have any direct correlation with the number of civilizations
lmao even

>> No.15477105

>no argument
As expected from a delusional schizo, reddit is two blocks down if you wsnt to blogpost about what a retard you are, I'm sure you'll fit right in

>> No.15477119

you don’t need FTL travel when you can develop immortality, cryogenic techniques, AI spaceships, etc. And I would assume their spaceships are a lot faster than ours even if not FTL. What do you think aliens would even do after they max out? Go find other aliens of course

>> No.15477150
File: 567 KB, 800x400, Ilc_9yr_moll4096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can infer some of the topology of an n-dimensional object by the shadow it casts in n-1 dimensions under rotation. using the famous cmbr image gives us some hints. the universe is either a cylinder or sphere. it could either be hollow or solid, but remember this concept is a higher dimensional hollow or solid, so hollow in a higher dimension than 3-space would not be 'empty' but it would be like a separate thing, you can continue reading if you need a further analogy:

eg if the universe was water, then the ikea glass im looking at is the outside/inside of the universe, there are forces at the boundary of the glass and the water to keep them together at a macro-level but separate at the atomic level. the top of the glass would be a time of starting point, from the point of view of the water it is simply poured into the glass and before it was pour is a singularity. from the point of view of the glass, it's open top is just a feature it has, similar to it's solid bottom and walls. from the god's eye view, the water and glass are just objects in a greater world of shapes and forces.

mathematics shows us that the 'shape' of a thing is probably fundamental, because we can do shape deformation across n-dimensional space to prove some fundamental theorems about information storage and computability. the famous one being the ricci flow proof by perelman of poincare's conjecture. this is an active area of research related to type theory and probably hints at how humans think. we have essentially a 2 dimensional graph for a brain, it is folded into 3 dimensions to save space (so a deformation) and we typically use abstraction for higher order thinking to fill in the gaps of what we don't understand. eg. when you play peekaboo and kids begin to realise object occlusion is not teleportation or invisibility but rather the relationship of relative position in space between observer and observation.

>> No.15477198

>immortality, cryogenic techniques
Popsci shit with no real life use
>AI spaceships
Another useless development that doesn't do anything we can't already do
>And I would assume their spaceships are a lot faster than ours
Even at the speed of light it would take you longer to travel most distances than our planet has existed
>What do you think aliens would even do after they max out
Kill eachother with their stupid toys just like us, of course

>> No.15477202

It's all just blackness with some matter scattered in it here and there, forever and ever and into eternity, as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.15477208

Now connect the circles on the top and bottom of the cylinder and you have a torus. In video games like pacman and asteroids you can go across any of the four boundaries of the screen to return to the opposite side.

There are many more reasonable options. A simple example is a 3-sphere with a huge radius (so the curvature that must be there by the Gauss-Bonnet theorem is not noticeable on our scale). A slightly more exotic possibility is if you consider the topology of a dodecahedron with opposite sides identified after a twist (this could be one of three distinct topologies).

>> No.15477209

Everything in the universe is a sphere so I'm inclined to think it's a sphere too, or a shape that functions as a sphere in dimensions we can't perceive

>> No.15477220
File: 58 KB, 640x199, dilbertdata.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the massively manipulated version of that data, its been so "corrected" by the sºyentists, in order to make it fit their models that is has no relationship to reality whatsoever. its absurd that ppl think that colorful psychedelic blob has any meaningfulness

>> No.15477230

There's no edge of the universe. It's topologically open. No matter where you are, there's always more universe around you. Just like no matter what point you pick on an open set there's always more points in its neighborhood.

>> No.15477244

>Now connect the circles on the top and bottom of the cylinder and you have a torus. In video games like pacman and asteroids you can go across any of the four boundaries of the screen to return to the opposite side.

Okay, so the top and bottom of the screen are linked in the same way that the left and right edges are linked. So which way does the donut hole face? Is it vertical or horizontal? Given that the vertical edges of the screen are joined in the same way the horizontal edges are, I would expect the resulting shape to be symmetrical in this respect.

I feel you could be correct here, and I'm just blind to something obvious.

>> No.15477245

My idea is A Hog nursery where the low iq hogs can grow unimpeded eating slop and shit. Developing an unnearmed superiority complex lol

>> No.15477246

You can't do modulus the whole fucking universe dumbass

>> No.15477248

Some people think, what might, what if infinity, wot if faster than light, wot if curved universe, wot if multiverse, wot if theory of everything, wot if dark matter, wot if, wot if, wot if.
That video isn't an actual explanation, its a shitty black mirror episode that incoherently jumbles up too many plots, I am surprised he didn't mention holograms or simulations.

>> No.15477252

No, the probability of everything just being bugs with predictable boom/bust cycles would skyrocket.

>> No.15477477

We just need a better space telescope. Anon you need to make it your life mission to get it built.
I trust you will see this through. I mean it.

>> No.15477516

Is this delusion AI?

>> No.15477900

The hole isn't actually part of the 2D space that Pacman lives in, it is an artifact of the way it is embedded in 3D space. I think that might be what is confusing you. You can only see the hole indirectly in the 2D space due to there being incontractible loops (if you don't know what I mean by this sentence just ignore it).

>> No.15477951

lots of conviction for uninspiring beliefs, this is midwit purgatory

>> No.15477963

serious true answer: nobody knows. it's unknowable, in fact, as someone would have to check, however there is a horizon beyond which light has never and can never reach us due to expansion. Is there anything significantly beyond this horizon? It is silly to assume that the universe suddenly ends wherever we happen to be unable to see it, isn't it? Yet, there is no way to find any proof to the contrary, so the argument either way is unscientific, unfalsifiable, pointless, and stupid.
>it's a medium for mass
unprovable. you have no way of knowing if fields extend past the horizon. you cannot test this. nobody will ever be able to test this.
>does the universe end
untestable, unknowable.

>> No.15478845

It looks like I'm going to have to get a donut and figure it out. Thanks for your patient attempts to explain.

>> No.15481334

i dont believe in anything more until i see evidence for everything. no evidence for the holocaust? then i won't believe.

>> No.15481354

You're just terminally retarded. When appealing to potential ayys within an infinite universe, you're talking about ayys outside the observable universe. The observable universe has a diameter of 93 billion light-years, so even if ayys outside the boundary of the observable universe moved at the speed of light, they wouldn't be anywhere near where we could detect them.

>> No.15481395

Everyone in this thread is misguided by the word ''universe''. Replace ''universe'' with the word ''reality'' and think again. The word ''universe'' makes retards think that we are inside a sphere made of whatever stuff they prefer (physics, consciousness, whatever). That's why I repeat >>15476586 because if you don't first bother to read, listen and ponder perspectives of people who've been doing that for decades you look like a little kid spraying his/her pee all over the place = dirty nonsense that people dump in these kind of threads.