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File: 241 KB, 640x514, 1652830934344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15475731 No.15475731 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, how do abandoned buildings get so dusty inside? We are often told that dust is mostly dead skin cells. There should be no way for an abandoned house to get so dusty.
Per Wikipedia,
>Dust in homes is composed of about 20–50% dead skin cells.[2] The rest, and in offices, and other human environments is composed of small amounts of plant pollen, human hairs, animal fur, textile fibers, paper fibers, minerals from outdoor soil, burnt meteorite particles, and many other materials which may be found in the local environment.

Burnt meteorite? Just seems like they're reaching for literally anything rather than say they don't know the answer. Imagine thinking you have a house full of burnt meteorite.

>> No.15475734

>That pic
Kek some roastie absolutely seething over getting dumped for being unable to pair bond

>> No.15475735

It's not completely wrong since men do lose pair bonding but women suffer it much worse.

>> No.15475748

Because abandoned buildings develop gaps in the exterior that allow dust and soil particles from outside to blow in. Broken windows, holes in the roof, et cetera. Crumbling and rotting structural materials also create dust.
This would've taken like 10 seconds of thought to figure out yourself.

>> No.15475792

That's an interesting pic unrel

>> No.15475815

Take two abandoned buildings, both equally well sealed from the outside environment. Suppose Building A is 200 yards from a busy train yard and Building B is 5 miles from the nearest rail, and further suppose they are both the same distance from highway traffic. I suggest that Building A will have significantly more dust due to the structure itself being subject to significantly greater vibration as a result of train traffic passing by.

>> No.15475856

<10 is normie non-slut territory for men.

>> No.15475859
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Men can separate sex from love quite easily. When you close all of those porn tabs, you don't even remember what you just busted a nut to an hour later.

Women on the other hand, form deep, irreversible bonds to their "first loves" and deep imprints from previous strong loves. They don't watch porn in the same way men do, for them it's all about "context" and building up a story, which is why they prefer smutty books like 50 Shades of Gray whih they "lose themselves" in, vicariously.

>> No.15475860

>We are often told that dust is mostly dead skin cells.
Dust in your room, if properly isolated. Not dust everywhere.

>> No.15475862

ouch. women really are despicable and untrustworthy.

>> No.15475917
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Words can not describe the pain this causes me.

>> No.15475963

Is this an argument to bring back arranged marriages?

>> No.15475978

and this is why you should live in outside-isolated HVAC-filtered building

>> No.15475979

The problem with pic related is that her feelings are not important since she will swing depending on the weather outside. The guy is sad because he assumes her words have the same gravity and seriousness as his.

I mean, in general, humans will always look at the other thing they don’t have and will always devolve into a devilish path of jealousy, regret, etc.

What I’m saying sounds pretty soya sauce, but it’s true.

>> No.15475981

if her words don't carry a gravitas, why is she crying about it for multiple days?

>> No.15475998

This is pretty true but it doesn't exactly help a guy in that situation, she's clearly bottled up emotions for a long time to have an emotional reaction like that. Resentment and such will easily build up and could lead to issues. It's also crap for the guy because he will probably go through his memories and all of the times she said stuff like he's the best she ever had or she's never loved someone as much as him or whatever, as basically being her bullshitting him. I guess nothing is perfect but fuck that

>> No.15476157

In my experience, they are full of spider webs, rodents, and other pests.

>> No.15476175

because she's a woman. they cry over the fact that they haven't cried in a while. it's fucking nutters.

>> No.15476195

It's actually fascinating to have witnessed this in college, where a girl who was infatuated with her first partner nearly lost her mind, and then just went to slutting around.

The OP pic is funny, because it's attempting to assert that men and women are perfectly equal, despite the fact that women are more susceptible to various stds from intercourse, have a shorter reproductive window, etc. etc.

>> No.15476301

Dust can be anything, its just soil blown by the wind, in coastal areas it can include salt from the sea. The surface of the earth isnt smooth solid rock undisturbed by wind

>> No.15476315

>I get to fuck whoever I want but women are not allowed!
This is why people hate incels btw

>> No.15476330

Roastie detected. You will never be able to pair bond. At best you'll settle for some provider whom you'll never love. You may even think getting knocked up will make you love him like you loved your first. Alas no such fortune will grace you. You fucked up.

>> No.15476333

>promiscuous men are incels
well, with logic like that... i must conclude you're a promiscuous woman who is convincing herself she's a virgin.

>> No.15476338

That's not actually what I said. What you're posting is typical incel dogma so I'm going to assume you're one.

>> No.15476340

you know i'm right. a slut cannot ever erase her slutty past, no matter how ashamed she is of it.

>> No.15476343

I agree with you I never denied it. And you know it's no different for a man.

>> No.15476344

She's female?

>> No.15476347

She thought it was true at the time when she said it.

>> No.15476349

sounds like cope.

>> No.15476350

Great argument

>> No.15476354

No, she'll be able to feel love for her children.

>> No.15476360

>no different for a man.
Not true, that was the previous anon's point.
It won't be exactly the same

>> No.15476361
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>> No.15476362

It's fine what you think but do you think it's acceptable for a man to be promiscuous?

>> No.15476372

nobody is talking about what "acceptable", bitch. we're simply stating facts that women have trouble pair bonding beyond their first. men don't. because men and women view sex very differently

>> No.15476377

Yes or no?

>> No.15476386
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>> No.15476387

>people hate incels because they have lots of casual sex
lmao yeah, you're totally not insane

>> No.15476389

you don't even know what that word means.

>> No.15476390

>This is why people hate incels btw
>I get to fuck whoever I want but incels are not allowed!
This is why people hate women.

>That's not actually what I said.
>What you're posting is typical incel dogma
>As they post the exact same incel dogma, only applying it to men instead
You're really bad at this. Have you no shame? Not from being a slut, but from being retarded. It would be one thing if calling women "incel" were actually an insult to women, but it's a fucking compliment.

Will you extend the courtesy of not cringing like a cunt if a 30 year old "incel" offers his genuine innocence to you? Try not to laugh. You know the game is different, even the controls are different.

>> No.15476393

So you're a huge hypocrite then

I meant they hate incels because they put much higher standards on women than men. That's an example.

>> No.15476394

>anti-choice boyfriend
Does this mean he was against her murdering her baby?

>> No.15476398

Incels don't have casual sex. Incels criticize women for having casual sex. There is no contradiction, you braindead whore.

>> No.15476400

>they put much higher standards on women than men
that's because women are more valuable to society. i'm sorry that feminism has brainwashed you into thinking you're equal to a man

>> No.15476404
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>I meant they hate incels because they put much higher standards on women than men
I'm not going to put a standard on men whatsoever because I'm not going to be fucking a man unless I'm gay.

>> No.15476406

How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast today?

>> No.15476407

Men putting high standards on women is actually volcel behaviour.

>> No.15476409

But they'll celebrate men having casual sex, or being with prostitutes

So women are better than men?

>> No.15476410

Incels do not celebrate chad having casual sex. You god damned idiot.

>> No.15476412

I didn't eat anything proper this morning, I don't know what you mean

That's contrary to incel posts I've read all over this website

>> No.15476415

>celebrate men having casual sex, or being with prostitutes
You are absolutely clueless

>> No.15476416

>woman doesn't understand what men are talking about
huge surprise.

>> No.15476418

>matter-of-fact statements are moral propositions

>> No.15476419

Smart conditional hypothetical(?) anon, I like the way you post.

>> No.15476420

>this dumb fucking woman actually believes that incels support prostitution

>> No.15476422
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Anon remember.

>> No.15476424

You're just being disingenuous

>> No.15476426
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>I don't know what you mean

>> No.15476428
File: 192 KB, 333x500, KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast today?
>I didn't eat anything proper this morning, I don't know what you mean

>> No.15476429

I'm not a woman and they definitely do use prostitutes if they can afford it.

>> No.15476430

Lying whore.

>> No.15476431

I should have said I was a tranny in my first post so you'd stop calling me this

>> No.15476432


>> No.15476433

Some loser fucking a whore for money means they worship and celebrate prostitutes?

>> No.15476434


>> No.15476436


>> No.15476438

you will never be in a happy marriage. you neither deserve it nor are capable of it.

>> No.15476439

I don't think I said they worship prostitutes

>> No.15476444

Who was your first love?

>> No.15476445

Your mom

>> No.15476447

your first love will never take you back.

>> No.15476449

I'm literally a virgin and a man

>> No.15476453

>I'm literally a virgin
So an incel.

>> No.15476454

I'm not interested in sex at the moment

>> No.15476457
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>> No.15476461
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>I didn't eat anything proper this morning, I don't know what you mean
That's the point.

>That's contrary to incel posts I've read all over this website
You're referring to these right? They're memes. They point out truisms and generalizations on retarded/smart behaviors being associated with what normies view as perfection.

>they definitely do use prostitutes if they can afford it.
Then you have negated the usage of this term "incel", dummy.

>Who was your first love?

See if you asked this question to a group of incels and then to a group of women, you'll find out fast who the most trusting long term relationship parner is. Hard for a dakimakura to make used goods out of a human being.

Cool. So I will stopped being called "incel" if I use this excuse?

>> No.15476465

>I'm literally a virgin and a man
Are you an actual white knight?

>> No.15476470

>That's the point.
Whatever i still don't fucking get it
>Then you have negated the usage of this term "incel", dummy.
Don't get it don't care

>> No.15476473

I'm just defending intelligent things while you're advocating double standards

>> No.15476474
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>> No.15476476

We aren't advocating anything, only that males and females respond differently to pair bonding.

>> No.15476483
File: 49 KB, 720x693, Mycondolencestoyourweakfather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whatever i still don't fucking get it
Don't worry, given the current state of society you'll know soon enough what it means.

>Don't get it
>Involuntary celibate has sex with prostitute

Exactly. I don't fucking understand what you mean. It couldn't makes sense if you tried. Instead of being disingenuously aloof, you should compare and see the similarity both incels and the Stacy's they make fun of have in common. They really are no different, or at least try their hardest not to be so different from one another. The only difference they really have is that one is more desirable to fuck.

>> No.15476484

*only stating that males

>> No.15476488

Does it really mean anything more than a stupid remark about I ate earlier?

>I don't fucking understand what you mean.
Because these people will subscribe with the kind of misogynistic beliefs that incels hold.

>> No.15476498

moisture and temperature cycles can affect paint and plaster producing dust

>> No.15476503
File: 2.62 MB, 720x404, INFIDEL waifu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does it really mean anything more than a stupid remark about I ate earlier?
Hyperinflation is about to really kick off, so you'll figure it out.

>Because these people will subscribe with the kind of misogynistic beliefs that incels hold.
Why do would they do that? Because an incel is more believable than the women they make fun of? Is that the reason? Tell me who the real problem is?

>> No.15476505

>That's contrary to incel posts I've read all over this website
Incels praise traditional marriages

>> No.15476512

>Hyperinflation is about to really kick off, so you'll figure it out.
It isn't, and this doesn't tell me what it means
>Why do would they do that?
Because usually they are bitter are angry and take it out on women

>> No.15476531
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>It isn't,
You live in a fantasy world.

>and this doesn't tell me what it means
It means you're going to be working hard like a man even if you're a woman and sometimes you'll have to skip breakfast because you're too depressed/poor/ill to eat from working hard so that your family can not do that. You have a family right?

>Because usually they are bitter are angry and take it out on women
You're redescribing the premise. Let me fancily describe more so that the question is more translatable to you:

Why would they be bitter in the first place if they aren't incel? What reason would they have? Why would they believe 400 pound hacker known as 4chan over little fuckable Stacy and their (potential) future family? Who is right about what? Whose point matters? Stacy's projected point that 400 pound hacker is simply a virgin who hates Stacy? Or 400 pound hackers point that Stacy is a drooling retard who in reality is a net drain on tax payer dollars and breeds single children who contribute nothing/turn into more 400 pound hacker virgin incels?

>> No.15476933
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>> No.15477567

lul this thread

>> No.15477771

lol owned

>> No.15477781

>See if you asked this question to a group of incels and then to a group of women, you'll find out fast who the most trusting long term relationship parner is. Hard for a dakimakura to make used goods out of a human being.
Come on man, you know an incel's first love is blonde Stacy from high school who doesn't know he exists but who would've made a perfect submissive tradwife if only Anon had been able to save her from the degeneracy of the world.

>> No.15477848

You've been calling a man a whore for disagreeing with you and taunting "her" about her presumed first love and now you pull the "arguing with holes" card? Incels truly have no self-awareness.

>> No.15477986

>Who is right about what? Whose point matters? Stacy's projected point that 400 pound hacker is simply a virgin who hates Stacy? Or 400 pound hackers point that Stacy is a drooling retard who in reality is a net drain on tax payer dollars and breeds single children who contribute nothing/turn into more 400 pound hacker virgin incels?
Still going with the former desu, sorry to hear about your mum tho

>> No.15478309
File: 128 KB, 1284x1259, who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still going with the former desu
>breeds single children who contribute nothing/turn into more 400 pound hacker virgin incels?

A vicious cycle.

>> No.15478318
File: 40 KB, 500x375, tumblr_om2oxha68Z1w765qco1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know an incel's first love
How can I know a fantasy? The rest of your post is generally true though. What an unbearably horrible truth it is to women that men want to treat them like a princess, and to ask in return not to be a whore? Shame on them.

>> No.15478551

The reason women hate incels so much is because incels think like women
that is to say, not with rationality, thinking they deserve to be treated as queens/kings while being peasants with low value.
to realise this would require the ability of self reflection, which neither group has.
Garbage thread, waste of time.

>> No.15478804

dust IS bacteria

>> No.15478918

It's all skin cells from hobos

>> No.15479343

Yes, the cycle continues as 400-pound neets continue to blame everyone but themselves for their own failures, as you demonstrate

>> No.15479609

Dust is dead human cells

>> No.15479611

Janitors are glowniggers

>> No.15479612

tee hee

>> No.15479614

Pew pew

>> No.15479735

Everything around makes dust over time. Tiny things breaking off all the time. The type of dust in a building is going to be made of the things around the area. You can see dust always floating in the air when light beams accross a dark room

>> No.15479738
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>to blame everyone
No sweetie. Only one demographic. The same one responsible for creating the NEETS, sweetie.
>The reason women hate incels so much is because incels think like women
Because they are raised by them.

>> No.15479750

>The same one responsible for creating the NEETS
Again you avoid all responsibility for your own situation
>Because they are raised by them.
I think you'll find that's the overwhelming majority of people throughout history.

>> No.15479808

>your own situation
>It's your fault your mom raised you wrong

>I think you'll find that's the overwhelming majority of people throughout history.
What a coincidence, no wonder it repeats.

>> No.15479838

>What a coincidence
No, it's not at all coincidental that people are raised by their mothers, it is the natural order of things. And throughout history, most people have also not been incels. So maybe look for another scapegoat, lardy.

>> No.15479873
File: 65 KB, 605x373, you-deserve-to-be-raped-sign-man-attacked-dean-saxton-4-5ceb8cda32493__605[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, it's not at all coincidental that people are raised by their mothers, it is the natural order of things.
Yeah, hence the repetition of them then going and knocking up some peasant thot out of wedlock and fucking off.

>And throughout history, most people have also not been incels.
And you still cannot explain what the difference is between whatever non eunuch/slavery history you're referring to and more modern history. All you can do is use the description "incel" as if their mentality was any different from the same type of men that beat women into the mothers you speak of. The further back in history you go, the more misogynistic it becomes. Most people throughout history would have been called "incel" by modern women, they literally invented misogyny as a concept after all.
I dare even go so far as to say that these women do it because they have historical Stockholm syndrome for brutal men. That they call them out as "incels" because they want the incel to do something about it...to them.

>> No.15479878

>Yeah, hence the repetition of them then going and knocking up some peasant thot out of wedlock and fucking off.
Not exactly incel behaviour. I'm going to assume henceforth that you have no idea what the word means and your opinion is worth dogshit.

>> No.15479901
File: 99 KB, 1300x731, 126576470-close-up-shot-of-man-in-jeans-with-open-zipper-unbuttoned-blue-pants[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not exactly incel behaviour.
Wonderful. Now point me to the direction of your mothers house please.

>I'm going to assume henceforth that you have no idea what the word means
I'm going to assume that you believe that 1/3 of the young men in the US have ED or were eunuchs since birth. No antisemitic cracks now please.

>> No.15479953

>I'm going to assume that you believe that 1/3 of the young men in the US have ED or were eunuchs since birth
Why? Oh well, no need to try to follow the convolutions of a disjointed mind. You've got bigger problems than your weight or your mother.

>> No.15480141
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Dust isn't real

>> No.15480149

Because now we're down to assumptions based on involuntary actions.

>> No.15480204

You are one dumb fucker.

>> No.15480861
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