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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 81 KB, 762x549, midwit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15474940 No.15474940 [Reply] [Original]

Drop-outs and PHD's seem to be much more skeptical of the system then those with just a bachelors, why is this? Is it purely economic (they have the most to gain from the system), or are they the most indoctrinated?

>> No.15474944

midwit mountain
dropouts may be low-intellect but they have the intuition to know when to distrust something
bachelors holders think they're too smart for gut feelings and desperately suck up to authority to feel smart
PHD holders are actually smart and can look around them and see what's really happening

>> No.15474947

By gene therapy do you mean the Covid-19 vaccines? They mimic the virus to a low degree and don't change your genome

>> No.15475102
File: 148 KB, 1488x1488, school makes you dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drop outs drop out because they see university for what it is, globohomo obedience training

>> No.15475115

confirmation bias, small sample size, midwits like to REPEAT-ED-LY!! start strawman discussions on boring memes like 'midwitary' rather than interesting independent thinking, liberal media.

>> No.15475132

I am willing to bet that if you only included undergrads who received a science degree and did undergrad research, that bar would be much higher

>> No.15475144

Explain how phds are smart after going through it even more

>> No.15475332

because they make money shilling the vax even though they refuse to take it themselves

>> No.15475334

Midwit trap
When you're actually in a PhD programme you realise that the idea that experts agree on anything is total bullshit. We routinely argued a lot over things the media would tell you is settled science. Experts have all kinds of different opinions and we only get a solid scientific system because the only ideas that survive are in that position after having withstood a lot of criticism from a lot of knowledgeable people. Nobody argues with a scientist more than other scientists. It's our favourite sport.

>> No.15475704
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The manufacturers got 100% immunity for a reason. Only a moron would get that shit willingly.

>> No.15475709
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what effect will this have on local amphibious wildlife?

>> No.15475728

Creative (gay) frogs and intelligent machines, obviously.
>Can't be bothered to proofread a chart

>> No.15475747

They don't. You cherrypicked an incomplete version of a facebook survey.
Doctorates were least vaccine hesitant in both waves. from 2021 to 2022.
>Drop-outs and PHD's seem to be much more skeptical of the system then those with just a bachelors, why is this?
The reason why is you lying. Or maybe you fell for the lie. big oof

>> No.15475755

the hesitancy comes from the unknown on the left part of the graph, and from knowing its too early on the right side of the graph, that's pretty much it
>left side
I have no idea it sounds scary and new
>right side
I study enough shit to know the process, I don't want to be the first especially after jesse gelsinger, I'll wait until the kinks are figured out
I know enough to know gene therapy is going to be really good, I don't know enough details to understand the current state, just gene therapy as the clean constant described to me in class. I have the knowledge that it will be good, just not the details of where its at.

>> No.15475781

>retarded boomers on facebook larped about having phds

>> No.15475806 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 851x477, space enjoyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best golems are those who obey and believe in the globohomo system

>> No.15475809

"gene therapy" is another globohomo buzzword, nocebo. you are shill.

>> No.15475814

there's a generational confounding factor here

>> No.15475827


>> No.15475831

shill department ass

>> No.15475833

read the thread. It is literally a relabeled facebook survey graph and a cherrypicked incomplete one at that. >>15475747

>> No.15475888

PhDs are “smart” (more like aware of the farce, but whatever) because they have been through it for so long, often as both a student and a teacher, that they see what bullshit it is.

>> No.15475895

Because it’s a clear white liquid that does less to you physiological than its weight in Everclear. Nothingburger be doing nothing

>> No.15475937

Post the in-house trials

>> No.15476214

>how strong can it be, it's just a tab a quarter the size of your pinky nail

>> No.15476342

Covid vax is safe, getting Covid isn't.
>b-but the vax may contain reptillian dna autism nanobots!!!!

>> No.15476370

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15476378

Yes there actually is, schizo

>> No.15476382


>> No.15476392

Proof that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 doesn't exist?

>> No.15476399

cant prove a negative. post proof of covid.

>> No.15476414

>inb4 all proof is fake because it's fake

>> No.15476904
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>> No.15477286
File: 324 KB, 1080x905, 1685217537178701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you can see that the virus had no impact on mortality and increase mortality only started after the vaxxxxx was mandated

>> No.15477387

> proof something I imagine doesn't exist! proooof!

>> No.15477398

> have a good enough job to have something to lose
> not a good enough job to be able to last longer than a year without work
Also consider that this is on the realm of single digit %s. And the number of PhDs and Doctorates is already insanely small.

>> No.15477423

>Covid vax is safe
Why do the vax companies need immunity?

>> No.15477544
File: 36 KB, 500x500, 1656816768004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why I come to 4chan. thank you anon

>> No.15477549

you come here to spam propaganda for money, shill

>> No.15478150

that pretty much proves covid is fake

>> No.15478715

50 something master race.

>> No.15478791
File: 40 KB, 1000x700, JjMez4ToJi6s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

academics get their paychecks from the establishment, that is why they shill for it so hard

>> No.15478833

No, it's because christian theocrats have a death grip on the party and I'm always going to vote "not bible thumper". Drop the bible thumping some time this century maybe

>> No.15478846
File: 25 KB, 492x449, 415354342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, enough the disgusting bible tenets of gay marriage, tranny bathrooms, perpetual war, debt and usury, open borders, and general absolute enslavement to literal Evil.

>> No.15478894

like bro, covid was totally made up bro, like the virus? pssh! what virus. never heard of covid in my life. are viruses even real dude, like no way!

>> No.15478895

They're products of the establishment. What is "establishment"? Establishment is institution. Particularly of the long standing higher institutions that hasn't changed much. Thats the education system. Something like 90-99% of higher ed professors in most elite colleges identify as far left/liberals. Its a uniparty at the top.

>> No.15478897

totally bro, them libsters are like weak sauce man. they are so nerdy and like liberal, liberal diberal about facts which are hard truths that conservatives deal with on a daily basis. liberal are like nerds who don't actually know shit. covid=fake

>> No.15478899

this but unironically

>> No.15478954
File: 236 KB, 1086x1039, Higher Education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do folks with a bachelor's trust the establishment the most?
Picrel explains it.

>> No.15479043

Has there ever been a smile showing teeth that doesn't fall into the uncanny valley ?

>> No.15479076

>study members with a lower baseline cognition score were markedly more likely to be vaccine hesitant

>> No.15479084

>Enlightened thinkers unquestionably taking a chart based off a flawed facebook survey as absolute fact

>> No.15479090

> trust government, worship government

>> No.15479097

People distrust X because of bad experiences with X. So many things you take for granted.

>> No.15479126

the government tells you to drink water when you're thirsty

>> No.15479131

80% vs 95% non-hesitancy isn't that much of a difference

>> No.15479926
File: 34 KB, 640x480, turtles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get Donatello and Michelangelo.

>> No.15479938

Why has not a single other survey managed to reproduce this result?

>> No.15479982
File: 34 KB, 600x800, atheistm statism redpanel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15480000

so you shill wipe your ass because government tells you to wipe it? why do you breath?

>> No.15480001


>> No.15480009

I, for one, welcome our Vererinary overlords

>> No.15480010 [DELETED] 


>> No.15480016
File: 140 KB, 301x250, masterful editing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did they mean by this?

>> No.15480018 [DELETED] 

>the results are soild
>we don't like them
>therefore people are lying!
where have i heard this charade before?

>> No.15480060

kek! every time

>> No.15480174

>You cherrypicked an early analysis
>Every time it is posted someone corrects you on this lie
>Every time you pretend you weren't corrected
kek every time >>15475747

>> No.15480436

dudes totally the vaxx is sussy fr. it's like totally gene therapy and the Sheep just sign up for it cause they're liberal diberals. Sad! thankfully there's unvaxxed dating sites now so my children won't have the mark of the diberal. trust the science? yeah right when it's all liberal democrat brainwashing fr and not actual correct (Republican) science.
diberals totally suck

>> No.15480442

totally bro, them libsters are like weak sauce man. they are so nerdy and like liberal, liberal diberal about facts which are hard truths that conservatives deal with on a daily basis. liberal are like nerds who don't actually know shit. covid=fake

>> No.15480574


>> No.15480600

ah yes, i'm literally a 'shil'l and a 'cuck'. Sad how America has become so diberal and vaxxed!

>> No.15480602

yes. "antivax" is shilled by the same shills who shill germism. nocebo and division, and diversion.

>> No.15480603


>> No.15480607

playing alt-right dress up today?

>> No.15480609
File: 379 KB, 991x1033, IMG_20220322_020414_552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15480611

not science

>> No.15480613


>> No.15480617

can't we just focus on pwning the diberals with our schizophrenia? no malarkey

>> No.15480622

not science

>> No.15480625

what really ridiculous is that the low iqs that are so desperate to defend the establishment from criticism don't have the knowledge necessary to do so and have to resort to low effort name calling as their best means of proving their point.
>omg i called someone a skizo on 4chan, thats sure to end this debate in my favor.
spouting old memes like that only proves that you're too dimwitted to develop your own material, might as well have called him a noob or some other passé meme
>hey everyone, get a load of this buttmunch, he doesn't even think viruses are real
what a twerp, amirite?

>> No.15480643

okay schizo

>> No.15480645

When people with more than a bachelors degree are hesitant, it's because they are more informed and skeptical.
When people with less than a bachelors degree are hesitant, it's because they're retarded conspiracy theorists
Not even being ironic.

>> No.15481078

>dropouts may be low-intellect but they have the intuition to know when to distrust something
This. Essentially, they are more in line with their animal nature. And since we are talking about a primate, this animal nature baseline is very high-tier and sophisticated.
Midwits have been emasculated from their animal nature. They have been transformed into word processors, but they lack the intelligence to produce meaningful output, or operate meaningfully on input.

>> No.15481196

I have never read more cope in my life.
It certainly is true that you're closer to animals than the average midwit

>> No.15481262

Cope? Cope with what? Do you just throw around terms you don't understand the meaning of, tourist? You have not one ounce of imageboard culture in your veins, or the intelligence to at least emulate it.
>It certainly is true that you're closer to animals than the average midwit
Okay? I guess only said emasculated word processors consider calling being called "animal-like" an insult. Seriously, do you lack the intelligence to parse how I was talking favourably about the lower part of the IQ bell, thus the attributes I gave them I do not actually consider insulting? Did you just lack the IQ to extrapolate/project how that would play yourself? Please tell me, I want to understand low-performing midwits.

>> No.15481282

The religious wing of the GOP doesn't give a shit about wars or debt, they care about identity politics.

>> No.15481287

OMG liberals (along with the religious right) are the most easily brainwashed fucks out there. Gene therapy is the same thing as eugenics, but they would associate the latter with Nazis but the former with "trust the science".

>> No.15481329

there's no "gene therapy", another buzzmeme from globohomo shilled here

>> No.15481373

>what effect will this have on local amphibious wildlife?
They mutate and become politicians

>> No.15481374

tots mcgoats good sir, liberal diberals got dat 'gene therapy' vaxx and totally were Brain-Washed. that's what this thread is about right? liberal diberals are total nerds and signed up for their diberal shot, ha!, not me i'm a no-vaxxed single looking to mingle and my genes are secure thanks to not falling for the gene therapy, lol!

>> No.15481389

and guess what libtards? thats right.. my unvaxxed PUREBLOOD sperm is..

>> No.15481636

> pureblood
globohomo buzzword.
btw it's totally subjective and is not science.

>> No.15481641

Because they’re at the peak of the dunning Kruger curve. They have just enough education to think they’re a genius and not enough to know they’re still stupid.

Picrel is just an inverse of the dunning Kruger curve.

>> No.15482019

Hopefully all the midwits were sterilized and die soon of vax related cancer or heart attacks

>> No.15482025

hate/division. take meds.

>> No.15482261

Unity with demons and goylems is retarded and Evil in equal parts.
As soon as you finish genociding your goylems, humans will make sure to genocide you all, demonic kikes.

>> No.15482277
File: 2.92 MB, 720x1102, vaxxie dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberal diberal
stealing this

>> No.15482290

not science, shill

>> No.15482365

This, the vax was an inexpensive alternative to Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B

>> No.15482398

Imagine that bitch sliding down your pole. You literally wouldn't have to do any work.

>> No.15482507

If we needed to take it, they wouldn't have tried to force us.

>> No.15482559


>> No.15482573
File: 33 KB, 474x266, Simulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idiots trust their intuitions and cannot wrap their heads around midwit double think. It requires an abstract thought process to accept fundamentally crazy ideas fully. The current mainstream is Liberal so this means anyone semi educated by default falls into this category and if they are agreeable and not a genius they will likely accept the programming.

People who are disagreeable and or above 135 IQ either can challenge what they have heard or they had a distrusting/disagreeable mindset that forced them to question what they heard. Its not simply IQ being disagreeable is necessary the few women who are geniuses will still almost always fall into the liberal trap because they are inherently agreeable people they do not care about truth only fitting in. Men are much more disagreeable and men who are above 130 IQ are far more likely to have a disagreeable personality due to a variety of reasons

>Tldr dumb people can only see things at face value Midwits have better ability for abstractions but cannot see beyond the liberal culture and are either not smart enough or too agreeable. Geniuses or smart disagreeable people question things more and are more distrustful of society

>> No.15482576

I know people hate midwits here but in a society with good values these people are necessary. You want the majority of people following societal norms

>> No.15482600

I know such a society never existed, but since behaviour is 100% genetic, you only want people that are moral on a genetic level.

Cattlethink is NEVER moral, changing the dominant zeitgeist into a moral one would make them act moral, but as the jews demonstrated, it takes less than two decades to change the zeitgeist.
This is why the vaccines are such a force for good, because the only way to create a moral world is to literally genocide the amorals.
Without the amorals, nothing will stop the morals from slaughtering the immorals.

>> No.15482606

Most disagreeable people are not good for society or at least you don't want them making up a huge percent. If you want to hire someone at a company to do boring repetitive work that requires a lot of compliance you would never hire a creative innovative disagreeable type of person. Everyone points to the few innovators but this sort of mindset causes issues too. For every Jobs there's a 5 failures.

>> No.15482611

Having a society made up of a few very smart or innovative people and a decent amount of midwits then some like a bottom 40% working class is ideal. There's a reason IQ ranges tend to fall into this with the bell curve you need a lot of 90-105 IQ types to do boring jobs then like 30% of people in middle management and a handful of geniuses.

>> No.15482613

Yes, it cannot happen naturally, which is why a strong, robust and self-sustaining artificial selective pressure is needed.

>> No.15482619

Government propaganda research.

>> No.15482621

For the most part, education has little effect on intelligence. It has never been about the teacher, always about the student. It just so happens that many smart people who are immune to the bullshit frequently decide to go for PhDs in STEM.

But let's not overstate it, plenty of midwits and retards who believe everything they're told are in there as well. And the number of midwit PhDs is growing every year as universities drop standards like hot potatoes to get muh diversity points. Midwit PhDs are no different from midwit bachelor's. If anything, they're worse.

>> No.15482627

its the midway mountain effect, the title just leaves out the part about the highest iq bracket also being vaccine hesitant

>> No.15482629

The industrial revolution was mostly dysgenics if anything. Promoting mostly low IQ workers and a few educated people in management and an even smaller group of innovators.

Its only till recently that there has been more of a need for smart people. And even then its more so midwit types I just don't see it happening in our life time midwits are too useful give me 5 midwits who study some niche technical skill and will follow directions well and they would be more useful to me then a 150 IQ guy I hire most of work is compliance and mediocre intelligence if anything you don't want smart people you want people only smart enough to know the technical skill.

>> No.15482634

Societal pressures are natural, not artificial, and certainly neither robust nor selfsustaining ( though very strong ).

>> No.15482639

I would argue they are artificial since we also got rid of most of the difficult parts of society around that time meaning low IQ workers had no barriers. Even peasants in Europe had to be a little smart and it was not easy to survive physical health and at least 90 IQ was the bare minimum.

>> No.15482664

Its the same way with any cult, the casuals love it, but the rejected and hardcore usually become greatly disenchanted.

>> No.15483777

>Why do folks with a bachelor's trust the establishment the most?
because they're stupid

>> No.15484003

That looks uncannily like one of the midwit-bell-curve memes /pol/acks post. Is this data actually real?

>> No.15484036

It's real.

>> No.15484105

Probably several reasons but my hypothesis is that one of those reasons is that PHDs are more likely to be from country not in USA (assuming this study took place in USA) which might make them culturally inclined against gene therapy.

>> No.15484443
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>> No.15484482

bellcurve in action
midwits are trouble that ought to be culled

>> No.15484551

midwit response

>> No.15484558

if you believe a single word from government you are total idiot. that includes local government lovers for money, shills.

>> No.15485347 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 516x1280, vax cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think the vaxxxxx was all about?

>> No.15485404

>midwits are trouble that ought to be culled
Even though both waves of the same completed survey show the opposite of what OP claims and every /pol/tard has been lying about. As repeatedly shown in this and every similar thread >>15475747

Pretending you're right contrary to the fact doesn't make you right. It makes your dishonesty transparent.

>> No.15486463

At least one dose of COVID vaccine Vaccine hesitancy
Jan to May 2021 June to February 2022 Jan to May 2021 June to February 2022
< High school 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
High school 1.18 (1.16, 1.20) 1.23 (1.21, 1.26) 0.92 (0.91, 0.94) 0.85 (0.83, 0.87)
Some college 1.45 (1.42, 1.47) 1.61 (1.58, 1.64) 0.69 (0.68, 0.70) 0.67 (0.65, 0.68)
2 year degree 1.53 (1.50, 1.56) 1.62 (1.58, 1.65) 0.66 (0.64, 0.67) 0.67 (0.66, 0.69)
4 year degree 1.87 (1.84, 1.91) 2.53 (2.48, 2.59) 0.41 (0.40, 0.42) 0.43 (0.42, 0.44)
Master’s degree 2.05 (2.01, 2.09) 2.08 (2.02, 2.14) 0.36 (0.35, 0.36) 0.52 (0.51, 0.54)
Professional degree 1.84 (1.79, 1.88) 1.53 (1.48, 1.57) 0.38 (0.37, 0.39) 0.70 (0.68, 0.72)
Doctorate 2.06 (2.02, 2.09) 2.80 (2.74, 2.86) 0.33 (0.33, 0.34) 0.39 (0.38, 0.40)

Yep, forget correlation, time spent in academia directly cause mutagen injection.

>> No.15486507
File: 21 KB, 925x523, table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yep, forget correlation, time spent in academia directly cause mutagen injection.
I have no idea what you're trying to say.

If you wanted to post the table an image would've been better. You can also inspect element and delete the irrelevant table rows to keep the relevant headers, or modify the page to your liking that way.

>> No.15486652

Please inject yourself with the mutagen.
It won't help with your g score, but it will heal the world.

>> No.15486653

>says the anon who can't even use inspect element or take a screenshot

>> No.15486874

Please vaccinate, please.

>> No.15486929

Just happened upon this thread. To the imbecile stating that higher education actually was less vaccine hesitant for Covid vaccines and is attempting to obfuscate the fact the study showcased at some point in its timeline a hesitancy among the higher educated, let me just point something out.

We have had previous studies before Covid vaccine hesitancy. The trial data for the study in the op concluded during the height of vaccine controversy and shaming on all sides. The study data is likely useless due to the amount of social and economic influence the media, government, and peers had on the participants. However, we have had previous studies done throughout the decades which correlate with OP’s argument. Not necessarily about specifically Covid vaccines, but vaccines and pharmaceuticals in general. Every study has shown a hesitancy among the higher educated and the non educated, similar to various degrees in OP’s charts. This does not mean that they were against vaccines, and it does not mean that they wouldn’t eventually take these vaccines. It just means that previous study data concluded they were going to be cautious with medical and vaccine decisions, citation of years worth of trial data often as the reason for many higher educated to wish to wait. All you really do when trying to defend pharma corporations with your retardation is showcase why it is meaningless to talk to retards, because you can’t escape your retard box in the first place.

>> No.15486932

chatgpt is spam

>> No.15486933

If you think that’s chatgpt you need to off yourself for being unable to recognize the difference. Second, if you think that post was specifying you, you’re also a dumb retard for lacking reading comprehension.

>> No.15486949 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 1284x1268, heterosexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15487005

whats the con text behind original pic
never got it, it cant only be because funny faces are correlated with meme text
pls spoonfed me im a oldfag i was here like for alot of months

>> No.15487014

High intelligence often correlates with lack of trust in the authority and of obedience, traits that school promotes and selects for, hence why women tend to outperform males for most of their education.

>> No.15487019

No when the societal norms serve to promote an artificial, individualistic, hedonistic and consumeristic lifestyle to appease the overlords and tune to the whims of the industrial economic machine. In a world like ours midwits are a dangerous breed.

>> No.15487022

>. If you want to hire someone at a company to do boring repetitive work that requires a lot of compliance
But that's mostly a modern problem of the modern (broken, rotten) society. In the past you either enslaved people or lived at such a small scale this was never an issue, people would come together for tasks that only the promise of money and of social inclusion nowadays brings cattle to perform well.
It's all a matter of the skewed scale and complexity of modern society, we aren't biologically and ethologically calibrated for it.

>> No.15487138

that is absolutely vapid degenerate wall of text, if it's not chatgpt, its absolute abd narcissistic retard

>> No.15487148

>attempts to be ironic
>spits facts

>> No.15487202

Hear hear !
Finally, some truth on /sci/.
Death to leftists, may they all vaccinate.

>> No.15487418

not science, it's /pol

>> No.15488653

Postgraduates are more familiar with the corruptness of the institutions.

>> No.15488685

More lefties on their knees praying to blm and trannies than christian theocrats these days

>> No.15488695

Nah, centralization and tyranny can only exist because of obedient midwits. The cons far outweigh the pros

>> No.15488718

the frogs will become gay because gay people are more intelligent and creative than average people

>> No.15488724

Dunning-Kruger at both ends.

>> No.15488739

I fucking love how your kind vaccinated so much.
It looked like we were going to hell, but the vaccines changed all of that.
It truly was an act of tikkun olam.

>> No.15488758

It's the Dunkin-Goober effect I believe.

>> No.15488912

5% of a virus is still 100% of a virus. 95% protection is 0%.

>> No.15489159

I think that not believing what is taught is a major reason for dropping out.

>> No.15489615

We're trying to lay low.
We're not indoctrinated, we're just tired.
>dream of research career
>go to pozzed university where the only research options are between sucking old dick or tongue-tickling senile old clit
>finish the rest of your classes demoralized, distract yourself from academic pursuits after realizing that it's a small club and you weren't invited.
>get a job babysitting retards
>follow all rules so that you don't have to take calls on bullshit, meander through life praying that you won't have to wakeup tomorrow
>live for the few fleeting moments with loved ones where you can remember that your dreams are dead, but your soul refuses to give up.
I can't tell if it's hell or purgatory. Bachelor's degree allows you the incredible fortune of becoming a cog in a machine. We're demoralized, not indoctrinated.

>> No.15489882

The 80% vaxrate argue otherwise, clotty goylem filth.

>> No.15489899

>We're demoralized and indoctrinated.

>> No.15490703
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>> No.15491695


>> No.15491784

>They mimic the virus to a low degree and don't change your genome
do you even believe this? why keep posting this?

>> No.15492531

vaxxxxie holocaust, best day of my life

>> No.15492835

hate shilling

>> No.15492903

>With the exception of bachelor’s degrees which were associated with higher vaccination rate and lower vaccine hesitancy, our study did not identify contextual factors at the ZIP code level that significantly predict COVID vaccination status or vaccine hesitancy.

>> No.15493798

vaxxies refuse to admit that they're easily fooled midwits

>> No.15493863
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>> No.15493869

Bachelors benefit from the system.
Dropouts are harmed by the system
More educated are exposed to more problems with the system.

The bachelors interact with the system only enough to benefit and then escape it.

>> No.15493872

Keep being upset that morons can reach the correct conclusion by simple observation of cause, effect and risk management.

>> No.15494602 [DELETED] 

>The Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B was a way of removing the basically useless citizens from the planet of Golgafrincham. A variety of stories were formed about the doom of the planet, such as blowing up, crashing into the sun or being eaten by a mutant star goat. The ship was filled with all the middlemen of Golgafrincham, such as the telephone sanitisers, account executives, hairdressers, tired TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, security guards, public relations executives, and management consultants.

>> No.15494620

Where are you getting this graphic from? Assuming you have a source, why do you trust that source if you have a general mistrust of the social science that generated it?

>> No.15494677

Sounds highly antisemitic.

>> No.15494679

are you retarded

>> No.15494854

Nope. a 95%bulletproof vest would kill you.

>> No.15494885

isn't it actually a sort of giving 100 people 95 vests? I agree with the general idea that they clearly exaggerated the benefits of the shots but like the other anon asked you: dude, are you like retarded?

>> No.15495022

Saying a vaccine is 95% effective means 5% of the virus gets through whatever barrier which is enough for itself to replicate. It's not false to say something is 95% effective, anything below to 100 is equal to zero. Straight out of the handbook on how to lie with statistics.

>> No.15495028

it wasn't intuitive for me to consider 95% protection means I only get 5% sick or something. I went for what made more sense to me.
also that 95% protection vest kills you is also pretty fucking retarded. I mean if it absorbs 95% of the impact energy that 5% that's left in the bullet won't kill you, unless you get really unlucky or you get shot with a 50 cal or something.

>> No.15495077

Yeah. The analogy falls flat because whilst viruses replicate, a lethal force is a flat out number, so reduction of that number makes it no longer lethal.

>> No.15495520


>> No.15496136 [DELETED] 

>exaggerated the benefits of the shots
>the benefits
myocarditis, sterility, cancer

>> No.15496725

I think it definitely is a factor, but a major factor? I think that the majority of dropping out is still just people simply not intelligent enough. Knowing the actual perecentage would make much more indicative of intelligence and much more attributable statistically than just pretending that every dropout is intelligent and that's why they're hesitant vaccine-wise.

>> No.15496740

Kek, do we have any more proxies that prove the midwit meme like this?

>> No.15496818

Look man, there are countless examples of the pharma industry manipulating scientific studies, the FDA, and doctors in order to make a quick buck. Why in the world would the Vax be any different? I'm not saying it is chipped, but do you actually believe the pharmaceutical industry has your best interest in mind?

>> No.15496881

Well yeah, why wouldn't you want the goylems to be removed from the premises.
There's only downsides having them around.

>> No.15496907

PhDs have been used by the system and are broken and bitter just like the drop out.

>> No.15497896 [DELETED] 

PhDs have all passed enough lies through peer review to know that scientific literature is all fake af

>> No.15498042
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>Explain how phds are smart
They aren't.
They just get to be part of "the club", the "insider elite" to shill the government's lies and propaganda due to those three letters at the end of their name.

>> No.15498616 [DELETED] 
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>bow before me
>idolize me

>> No.15499674 [DELETED] 

>Dropouts are harmed by the system
Dropouts harm by the system by refusing to participate and setting an example for the rest of the world that life can be lived independently without being a slave to the system

>> No.15500250

I’m a dropout. What system?

>> No.15500279

Speaking with such authority about something you know little about?

>> No.15500291

triggered by your own guilty conscience

>> No.15500535


>> No.15500538

they are literally called mrna vaccines. we just had a large scale human genetic engineering experiment and it's kind of hilarious how little that was pointed out, though it was by a few "and here's how it's a good thing" journalists.

>> No.15500663

Why do we associate with random anonymous when they're incapable of sourcing?

>> No.15501267

yes and that after 80 years of hearing lies about the horrors of hitler's "human medical experimentation" in the supposed "death camps" which never even existed

>> No.15501924

ppl that trust the conventional wisdom will never make any significant discoveries, its people who distrust it and find it's flaws who make all of the important discoveries

>> No.15502062

See table, also was posted here apparently with some unrelated elements pruned >>15486507

What you're quoting is about identifying contextual factors, and they could not identify any for other groups other than the group "bachelor's degree" at ZIP code level. In other words, when controlling for education level and looking within level of education by degree held, they could only find factors for higher vaccination and lower hesitancy at ZIP code level for bachelor's degrees.

So that has nothing to do with the general fact PhD's are not more hesitant. It just has to do with "why some are more than others looking within a given level of education".
>vaxxies refuse to admit that they're easily fooled midwits

>> No.15502081

The majority of Bachelor’s degrees are in fields any midwit can get a degree in

>> No.15502147

proximity to "smart people" without direct engagement with aforesaid "smart people"

>> No.15503357

there are no fields that rule out midwits from getting a bs or a ba.
bachelors is the new high school diploma

>> No.15504217

Even in the most difficult fields, the professors are scared to death of ever giving a bad grade to a roastie or a minority. Roasties are the majority of students and the so-called minorities are most of the rest of the students. White male heterosexuals are the only students that are ever held to any legitimate standards of performance

>> No.15505177 [DELETED] 

That holds just as true for higher degrees as well

>> No.15506296 [DELETED] 

I do
Twum is the greatest living scientist.

>> No.15506316

Few factors I can think of: most bachelor degree holders are yoyng and don't understand how the world works yet. They got and finished their bachelors, which means they don't realize it's just sophistry (traching what 'the world' in the current year and political climate will accept and not a true education). A dropout either just used college to get free loan money and get stoned all day and are stupid anyeay, or realize college is a pyramid scheme/sophistry (already mentioned) but maybe don't quitr habe the intellect to express their feelings in those terms.

I'm scepticsl to an extent that JD/MD's have a high hesitancy % since many of them aren't much better than a young 'woke' bachelors student, in my experience anyeay. I'd also like to understand how this study defines "hesitancy" and which metrics they are using to determine that %. I could believe PhD students are the smartest of all of them since there is really no money in PhD work or career besides workikg in academia, which can pay well, but far less longterm earning potential than a JD or MD.

>> No.15506320

You're trying to justify something that isn't true >>15486507 phds are not more hesitant they cherrypicked an incomplete survey. This lie gets debunked nearly every single thread.

>> No.15506325

I forgot to finish my thought on PhD's, which is they tend to really love the field they're in, and in true PhD fashion they are attempting to push the boundfies of understanding and possibility within whatever field they are studying, which tends to lend itself more to critical thinking. I'd really nees to see the full study and the methodology to make a truly informed opinion, though. I certainly don't doubt a PhD student could be hesitant or brainwashed, though.

>> No.15506338

sure it's just up the thread here it is again https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9559553/

But yeah PhD's argue with other academics all of the time, you just don't tend to get outright reality/science denial because it's not sensible. You don't get relevant PhD's rejecting evolution in favor of young earth creationism typically, for example. You also don't get relevant PhD's arguing vaccines cause autism considering how many studies were published already assessing that, and still continue to be funnily enough. This isn't about "brainwashing" it's about knowing the evidence, and arguments among scholars typically don't begin with "everything is wrong/fraud and this thing contradicted by all the evidence is actually true because... reasons".

You can look up surveys and tests on things like domain knowledge for anti-science types too. Young earth creationists have far lower average knowledge of evolution, antivaxxers have far lower knowledge of relevant vaccine information, etc. You overwhelmingly find these anti-science attitudes among high school and especially less than high school educated people because it's largely a product of ignorance with mistakenly assumed knowledge.

>> No.15506355


What do you think of a true evolutionary biologist like JBS Haldane saying that in evolution, the rule is degenerarion, and not improvement, and for every instance of 'improvement" in evolution (improvement herre rrqlly just meaning what humans aarbitrarily decide as unique or interesting), there are 10 cases of physical degeneration? Like how a mouse that once had evidence of wings came to lose them? Or a butterflys wings shrinking over time? He is at pains to point out that evolution is just a theory about changes, not a "fact" about improvement. And you seem to be using evolution here from the aspect of it being a "fact about improvement", which is it's mythopoetic sense, hoe it is understood in the popular ethos, but not what it is as actualy practicing evolutionary biologists understand it. And in fact evolution as a theory has proved to be a pretty poor one over the last 70 years or so. Evolution cannot tell us the source of life, where it came from, and which direction it is ultimately trending. It's why I'd believe in creationist theories sooner than evolution. I'd sooner believe deity created the universe and is guiding it than random chaotic acts of nature.

>> No.15506392

>What do you think of a true evolutionary biologist like JBS Haldane saying that in evolution, the rule is degenerarion, and not improvement
Evidence continues to confirm that genetic drift is usually neutral. That isn't right about "haldane's dilemma" though, as he isn't really making that argument https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haldane%27s_dilemma
>He is at pains to point out that evolution is just a theory about changes, not a "fact" about improvement.
>but not what it is as actualy practicing evolutionary biologists understand it.
Gravity is also "just a theory", and a fact, but I don't think you're going to dispute the fact things fall down are you? Evolution is also a fact. We talk about "a theory of gravity" or "a theory of evolution", and people just lazily drop "theory of" in front of it because most of the time context allows it to be inferred. That being said, yes I am talking about it as practicing evolutionary biologists understand it.
>And in fact evolution as a theory has proved to be a pretty poor one over the last 70 years or so. Evolution cannot tell us the source of life, where it came from, and which direction it is ultimately trending.
The source of life is chemistry, and in turn physics. Where it came from? Natural processes and chemistry. Abiogenesis as a field exists to attempt to study and determine how those processes ended up with life on Earth, and the difficulty is not at all in showing how chemistry can do that but in how exactly it happened for life here. Evolution does not have "a direction" absent selection pressures and such things, and there are papers discussing aspects of simulating adaptations to varied fitness landscapes. That means yes, actually, you can to some degree (limited by computation speed) estimate things about "direction" if you know enough of the relevant details. There's game theory simulations aplenty about that kind of thing too.

>> No.15506402

>I'd sooner believe deity created the universe and is guiding it than random chaotic acts of nature.
No one's going to admire you for retreating to fantasy.

>> No.15507558 [DELETED] 

>its a conspiracy!!!

>> No.15507567

Your description of things falling down is incorrect. Embarrassing. You don't even know what gravity is and then you call it a fact.

>> No.15508277 [DELETED] 

No one admires your steadfast unwillingness to believe that an intelligent more potent that your own is impossible. Narcissism & atheism are part of the same disgusting package, belief in god is the cure

>> No.15508278

can antivaxers stop making these dumb posts
most of the world is vaccinated and completely fine
you were wrong, get over it

>> No.15508351 [DELETED] 

Good job continuing to bump threads you hate dipshit

>> No.15508357


>> No.15508410

Covid exists, it initially had a different symptom profile than the flu but overall was not any more lethal despite the protestations of the (((media))). Then the (((vaxx))) kicked the deaths into overdrive. All other claims are glowies trying to obfuscate and poison the well.

>> No.15508418
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>> No.15508420
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yet another

>> No.15508437

Just proves that PhDs are truly midwits. That's really not a profound insight either.

>> No.15508450

>Just proves that PhDs are truly midwits. That's really not a profound insight either.
You heard it here folks. The sheer narcissistic delusion required to be an antivaxxer is on par with fucking flat earthers. Not that anybody should be surprised by that.

>> No.15508465

>he hasn't read the slop that passes for PhD theses in 2023
A PhD signifies that you are the perfect bureaucrat, having spent your entire adolescence and early adult life in poverty slaving for the university system, where free thought and inquiry died a long time ago. PhDs just do what their advisers tell them, who in turn do what their funders tell them to do (prove their preconceived notions, circularly if necessary). Also I'm not an antivaxxer, midwit.

>> No.15508480

>N-no I'm not an antivaxxer PhD's are just dumb I swear
Okay fine so you're "just" a pathologically delusional narcissist. Happy?

>> No.15508824

>listing medical degrees & law PhDs seperately from other doctors to make the data look like it fits the narrative better
Difference is that physicians and lawyers actually work in the real world, likewise bachelors and masters are mostly engineers and managers who also do real life work, meaning they have a higher IQ on average than PhDs of most fields who just write down unreproducable scripture in ivory tower monasteries for their entire life.

>> No.15509385

lawyers don't get phds unless they want to be academics

>> No.15509430
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i wish there would be some clarity around this, I've already had a dream where the masters claimed a patent on the reverse transcriptased version of human DNA (allowed by 2013 supreme court decision) and viewed them as property to be collateralized

>> No.15509432
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whoops, wrong image

>> No.15509520

How's that PhD in Intersectional African Dance Studies working for you in the job market right now?

>> No.15509705

>How's that PhD in Intersectional African Dance Studies working for you in the job market right now?
Are you genuinely dishonest and retarded enough to think STEM PhD's are MORE vaccine hesitant? Because every single study on relevant PhD's or MD's shows very much the opposite. Your attempt to poison the well just digs you a deeper hole.

>> No.15509981

You're the retard, retard. I'm saying PhDs are midwits who swallow whole what the system tells them, i.e. to take the clot shot. Only some PhDs are true to actual empirical science; the majority however are bootlicking sycophants.

>> No.15510297

For most of STEM, saying that you have a BS is like admitting that you couldn't get into grad school.

>> No.15510591

pure narcissistic delusion

>> No.15510812

Even figures claiming PHDs are self-euthanasy hesitant only go as high as a whooping 20%.
It is objectively correct that PHDs are braindead goylems, just like any other demographic that's not AT LEAST 80% consensual mutagenic and deadly transfiguration hesitant.

The internet is such a great thing.
Just think, we could have been full of anguish and despair about the genocide, but interacting with you goylem filth not only remove all chances of that happening, it also fill humans with a deep sense of gladness.
Truly heart warming ( which is good for humans, for you and your kind, it is cause to go near a defibrilator ).