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15475952 No.15475952 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible for me to get infected by touching a rusty object or interacting with it in any way with my wound?

>> No.15475961

OP nerd

>> No.15475962 [DELETED] 

Just being a neck schizo is all, I have more to being a fit fag than a nerd.

>> No.15475985

>touching a rusty object or interacting with it in any way with my wound?
clean your dilator, bucko

>> No.15475986

I have a wound from working out, fuck off :(

>> No.15475993

be polite, shill

>> No.15475999

If you're concerned about tetanus, the bacteria is not found in rust but in soil. Rusty things tend to also be dirty things (especially outdoors), hence the meme about getting tetanus by stepping on a rusty nail. The rust itself isn't going to hurt you.

>> No.15476007

You have schizophrenia.

>> No.15476010

why do you care. cope

>> No.15476019

question 1. did it pierce your wound
question 2. does it ache after half a day/a day
question 3. is the place where the wound is changing colour
if the answer to question 1 is "yes" then it is possible.
if the answer to question 2 is "yes" then it is very possible
if the answer to question 3 is "yes" then you you're gonna feel the feeling of blood vessel poisoning crawling up your veins in a bit.
End of thread

>> No.15476116

Uh yeah? It's called Clostridium tetani

>> No.15476122

Kek, fpbp

>> No.15476123

You are schizophrenic

>> No.15476126
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you are shill

>> No.15476127

You are a schizophrenic shill

>> No.15476131
File: 76 KB, 960x644, 1644200862584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are stupid shill

>> No.15476133

You are a schizophrenic shill

>> No.15476143

what are the symptoms of (((schizophrenia))) mr pillsberg?

>> No.15476146
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>> No.15476161

You are a schizophrenic shill

>> No.15476174
File: 83 KB, 1167x500, 604t3g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your script looped

>> No.15476204


>> No.15476222

Okay schizo shill, whatever you say.

>> No.15476251
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>> No.15476268

you must be tired after days hard work, posting anime pics and bullshit

>> No.15476715

Powerful argument friend. Keep it up, have a lovely day!

>> No.15476873

You made a thread calling yourself a schizo shill.

>> No.15476929

> it's all your fault!

>> No.15476936

Enjoy tetanus.

>> No.15476943

enjoy "%scary_word%"

>> No.15476947

You're a real memer. Enjoy the memes.

>> No.15477524

Hey buddy! I take myself and my scientifically founded beliefs very seriously, show some respect!

>> No.15477678

Means contamination
Is a iron substance and corrision product which mostly also contains nickle and shit
>get rust in wound
>get blood or serum poisoning
>its metal poisning

Yes you can get "infected" by getting rust in your wound.

>> No.15477684

>on rust
>ignore metal poisoning
>just believe in a meme bacteria