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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 96 KB, 750x600, INTP2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1546804 No.1546804 [Reply] [Original]


So, let's have a grossly generalized personality test, shall we?

>> No.1546849
File: 27 KB, 500x330, 1279498792002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hitler was an INTJ, btw.

>> No.1546883

Oh fuck. I'm an INTJ. Guess I should start a mass genocide now right?

>> No.1546888

INTP here, but I don't have to hunch over a printer to type.

>> No.1546894

INTJ here, fuck yeah unadulterated mass genocide and I don't even give a fuck about your human rights bitch, get out of my way.

Also my captcha was USSR^2 psychos. How... oddly fitting.

>> No.1546899

INTJ here

>> No.1546900

ESTJ here, true neutral

>> No.1546907

>implying personalities are static and do not shift based on environmental or biological factors.

>> No.1546908
File: 1.35 MB, 1782x1850, 1277132582820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTP represent!

>> No.1546916


>> No.1546927

ISTP here. Recomended prefessions: Engineering. Oh well. Didn't expect to be gay

>> No.1546937

When did I imply that?

>> No.1546955

INTP, warren buffet > all the rest of those people.

>> No.1546967

INTJ. Like the majority of this board.

>> No.1546970


>> No.1546974

Stop these threads. They are pointless and not even science related. Reported.

>> No.1546975

according to that website Clint Eastwood is also an ISTJ.

>> No.1546979

>Your Type is


>> No.1546987


>> No.1546991

INTP here

>> No.1547005

72 questions? fuck you very much.

>> No.1547016

ISTP. Filthy craftsman peasant reporting in.

>> No.1547022
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>> No.1547038

INTJ "So how's that 'normal' intelligence treating you"

It appears most of /sci/ is INTx.

>> No.1547043
File: 69 KB, 750x600, INTJ orgasim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1547045

INTP every fucking time I take these tests.

>> No.1547052
File: 75 KB, 975x319, Geek then and now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to retake the test.

Still INFJ (usually the only one on /sci/).

Also, pic related to OP's pic and sage because not science and this is about the thousandth time we've had this thread.

>> No.1547059

INTJ, oh shi-

>> No.1547061 [DELETED] 

according to this >>1546908 INTP is the best. and im INTP.

>> No.1547063

The test seems similar to an autism test...

>> No.1547067
File: 447 KB, 728x499, 1279210332976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh [/effort]

>> No.1547079

Einstein was INTP
I win

>> No.1547081


Out of the dozen or so of these I've taken, INTJ is the only result I've ever received.

>> No.1547087

ISTJ. Prepare to get organized, motherfuckers.

>> No.1547091

INTJ means you don't have a soul

>> No.1547092


I know.

>> No.1547094

ESTJ in here

i'm from a rare group :S

>> No.1547102

INTP is the best. billionaire and an intellectual bitches.

>> No.1547111

INTP fuckers!

>> No.1547114

>rare group
>ESTJs account for about 8–12% of the population
>Most famous individual who was ESTJ is George Bush

>> No.1547123

wouldn't INFJ be the rarest since it's 1-3%?

>> No.1547130

INTP. We've always been overrepresented here.

>> No.1547126

Bump for more motivators

>> No.1547133

Another INTJ here... I feel like a living stereotype now

>> No.1547139
File: 97 KB, 558x531, This is me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? That would explain why I'm the only one here.

>> No.1547147

INTJ here, also called 'the scientist' or 'the strategist'

to me intj's are incapable of being loved

>> No.1547155


It's all part of my plan.

>> No.1547171

if the other 2 people die, then yes. you are the only one here.

>> No.1547179
File: 95 KB, 500x333, True Happyness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hey, I didn't notice that.
Cool. I'm not alone anymore, /sci/!

>> No.1547198 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 1024x681, I can fix it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1547187

Don't kid yourself. You'll never be anything but alone in your entire life, and you never have been.

>> No.1547209

Isaac Newton and Niels Bohr! Whoop!

>> No.1547223

INTP's are also incapable of being loved
The only difference is that our brains are like scrambled eggs

>> No.1547231

Strength of the preferences %
56 75 50 56


>> No.1547275

We INTJ's need our own board.

A safe haven from the storm of morons lurking about 4Chan.


>> No.1547277

Which category do they put the people who find these tests insulting and the fact that they are taken seriously deeply depressing? Not being snarky, I want to know.

>> No.1547297
File: 28 KB, 933x439, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I'd check it again, just in case.
It's still the same. It's always been that way.

(sage since I've already bumped this a few times)

>> No.1547313
File: 19 KB, 338x250, 1275620269929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1547314

There's some of you in every category, although more the male-dominated ones than the female-dominated ones.

But they aren't, really. At the very least you have to recognize that they tend to group you with people who answered the questions in similar ways.

>> No.1547336






>> No.1547352

"At the very least you have to recognize that they tend to group you with people who answered the questions in similar ways."
Yeah, seems to me that's the gist of what the test is. One major problem (of several) is that each question couples insurmountable ambiguity of the question with an incredibly unrealistic precision of the answer (YES/NO).

>> No.1547368


>> No.1547379

Yeah personally I always get the same result whenever I take these tests
And it probably had to have some kind of validity in the first place in order to be accepted by psychologists
So I don't think of it as bullshit

>> No.1547382
File: 137 KB, 1024x837, How can people not know what beauty this is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just for fun, really. I'm betting most of us don't take the results seriously. If anything, just thinking about the questions posed will help you understand yourself. I think it's good to think about how you define yourself as a person. So, yeah, the test and types probably aren't scientific, but taking the test makes you think about who you are (and who you want to be).

So, I guess it's not so much the destination as it is the journey. You don't have to be bound by YES/NO when you're just thinking about it. It's all just fun.

>> No.1547387

INFJ here. Not sure what that means, really.

>> No.1547392

I don't mind the "just for fun" aspect any more than I mind zodiac signs; it simply bothers me that some people take these seriously (see: entire psychological profession, hiring firms, idiots)

>> No.1547398

INFJ here.

>> No.1547399

I agree. I don't put much stock into it but it's cool to do a Myers-Briggs with a group of friends or something so that everyone can compare and contrast.

>> No.1547401

Yeah never mind that this test was devloped by Carl Jung who is supposedly one of the greatest psychologists of our time

>> No.1547408

I used to be INFJ.

>> No.1547414

Oh? What are you now and what changed?

>> No.1547417

Why am I not surprised that all the INFJ are on sci

>> No.1547423

There are a lot more INTJ or INTP.

>> No.1547426

If we get one person whose 4-letter combination starts with an E, I'll be very surprised.

>> No.1547431

Complainer here. You're exactly who I'm talking about. "Greatest Psychologist" is either not a title that belongs to someone who develops arbitrary and deceptive labeling tests or Psychology is a giant joke. Psychology is not a real science, or at least it wasn't when science was Greek for real knowledge.

>> No.1547437

I'm INFJ, but I'm not a cunt.

>> No.1547439

you sound like a cunt

>> No.1547446

I read that this test isn't absolute for the rest of your life. You are "XXXX" at the moment, but maybe in another moment of your life you can change your personality.
I took the test again and got an ISTJ, although I still believe my personality is more likely an INFJ. But, the desire of being gente and helping others - an important characteristic of INFJ - disappeared, since I lost faith in most people around me.

>> No.1547529

ENTP here, seem to be one of a rarity on this board. Unsure whether this is a good or bad thing.