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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1547317 No.1547317 [Reply] [Original]


How many people must die in the name of science before we stop and ask ourselves the hard questions?

>> No.1547331

>>implying which questions are hard is obvious and that they should be asked without actually asking any.

By hard questions I'm gonna assume you mean Heideggerian Phenomenology. In which case the answer to OP is never.

>> No.1547334

I still don't really understand why we let the Japanese live.

>> No.1547349
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>implying Chinks are people

>> No.1547346

How many people must ask "How many people must die in the name of science before we stop and ask ourselves the hard questions?" before we stop and ask ourselves the hard questions?

>> No.1547360
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>> No.1547364


>> No.1547403

and what do you imply by hard questions OP.

those people were not killed by science, they were killed by people. People, like you or me, like your family, friends etc we are all people, we are all capable of the same things. science gave them the tools, but if there was no 'science' (not that thats possible) they would have been killed by weapons crafted by hands, or bare hands.

>> No.1547425


Just out of curiosity, do you think that religion makes people do bad things?

>> No.1547454

The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind.

>> No.1547458

How many people must ask "How many people must ask "How many people must die in the name of science before we stop and ask ourselves the hard questions?" before we stop and ask ourselves the hard questions?" before we stop and ask ourselves the hard questions?

>> No.1547467

>science gives the tools not the reasons
>religion gives the reasons to kill
Yes. Religion makes people do bad things. Remember the crusades?

>> No.1547489

no, I think people do bad things. religeon doesn't make poeple do good or bad, although people will do good or bad things in the name of their religeon. I think people do bad things, although there are religeons that are just bad in their creation, that is the fault of the people who formed that religeon, and the people who chose to join/support that religeon. (im talking here organised religeon). on the other hand there are religeons that are also good in there creation. but it is the people who decide to support, create or join that the morality (in terms of good and bad) stand on

>> No.1547503


>science gives the tools not the reasons
Those scientists would have justified their crimes by appealing to "progress".

>> No.1547504

How many niggers must troll before /sci/ gets good moderation?

>> No.1547512

1/0 ones (1/0 equals infinity by the way, if you're not a math student you may not be aware of that)

>> No.1547520

How many roads must a man walk down?

>> No.1547521


>to develop weapons of mass destruction for potential use against Chinese

Sounds like they were on the right track to me.

>> No.1547524

So how's calc 1 working out for you?

>> No.1547533

1/0 is undefined... though the limit as x->0 of |1/x| is infinity.

>> No.1547536

both of your statements are absurd
And whose idea was it to support the religeon or the progress of science, we cannot just shovel our actions onto concepts and ideas. science and religeon are not some consiounsness that forces people to commit their actions. it is the people who decide to sacrifice morality for the name of science or religeon that the fault lies with, not anything else. its time we moved past this backwards thinking.

>> No.1547546


>> No.1547567

That's a hard question.

>> No.1547584

who is the girl in OPs picture?

bitch be hot yo.

>> No.1547592


Yeah, for a 12yr old autistic boy.

>> No.1547608

>implying gooks can do science

>> No.1547680


I think he's referring to the convention that was adopted by some in order to avoid having the answers to these sorts of things be undefined. You're right, though, it has no basis in mathematical reality, it's more like trying to get everyone to agree to give the same wrong answer to a particular question.

>> No.1548165

Link over to the section on experiments done by the US government on its own citizens. My fucking GOD.

>> No.1548543



>> No.1550421

chinks = Chinese, because of the language
gooks = Koreans, because korea is "Hangook"
Japs = Japanese, for obvious reasons..


>> No.1550429


Nip = Japanese


>> No.1550443
File: 80 KB, 1280x800, kyahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A: more.

>> No.1550460
File: 332 KB, 481x360, 1276711957437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>injecting horse urine into bloodstream

>> No.1550506

I'm interested in what results they got from their vivisections.

>> No.1550533


WTF, maybe those guys wearing tinfoil hats weren't crazy.

>> No.1550539

any sexy videos of Japanese human experiments I can fap to?

>> No.1550575

>How many people must die in the name of science before we stop and ask ourselves the hard questions

5,9 billion people, should be enough to kill all idiots in the planet