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15465693 No.15465693 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the deal with vegetable oils causing cancer?
Why do they do it?
Why do doctors and government agencies recommend eating known carcinogens?
>In an eight-year controlled clinical trial of a diet high in polyunsaturated vegetable oils and low in saturated fat and cholesterol in preventing complications of atherosclerosis, 846 men were assigned randomly to a conventional diet or to one similar in all respects except for a substitution of vegetable oils for saturated fat. Fatal atherosclerotic events were more common in the control group (70 v.48; P<0·05). However, total mortality was similar in the two groups: 178 controls v. 174 experimentals, demonstrating an excess of non-atherosclerotic deaths in the experimental group. This was accounted for by a greater incidence of fatal carcinomas in the experimental group. 31 of 174 deaths in the experimental group were due to cancer, as opposed to 17 of 178 deaths in the control group (P=0·06).

>> No.15465699

The sample size isn't exactly blowing my mind, anon.

>> No.15465705

> cancer
globohomo buzzword meaning nothing concrete

>> No.15465787

Are the ppl who recommend vegetable oils incompetent or malicious?

>> No.15465835

OP is a tard. Deez mfs p-hacked, didn't they bros

>> No.15465939

>vegetarians giving themselves cancer while presuming that they're eating some kind of uber healthy diet
low iq move

>> No.15465942

>vegetable oils
you mean seed oils
But aren't coconut and olive actually still healthy?

>> No.15465996

it means tumors metastasize, spread throughout your body, and kill you

>> No.15466047

or doctors "treat" you and kill you

>> No.15466057

reminder that the actual cause of cancer is nazi made viruses that modify your dna.


>> No.15466145

>However, total mortality was similar in the two groups
yes, pufa seems to increase cancer rates and saturated fats seem to increase CVD mortality
so eat mufa

might not be pufa though, sometimes it's due to specific types of seed oils that have some other constituents that appear to be carcinogenic

>> No.15466176
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>small sample size
>shitload of other factors neither controllable nor considered by the authors
>no causal link shown
>mindless worship of p-values
Why is every single study on nutrition such worthless bullshit?

Sneed oils may be crap but such a shitty study certainly doesn't qualify as scientific evidence.

>> No.15466238

coconut and olives are fruits

>> No.15466550

>might not be pufa though, sometimes it's due to specific types of seed oils that have some other constituents that appear to be carcinogenic
Canola has phytotoxins in it. I bet if they broke it down by oil type that would be the proximate cause.

>> No.15467576

I wonder if all of the news about people who cured cancer with weed is just a result of people deciding to forego traditional care in favor of getting high.
Of course the idea of endocannabinoid system stimulants having a positive effect on the immune system overall does seem potentially realistic, but avoiding doctors, who the 3rd leading cause of death, seems like more of a sure thing as far as death avoidance goes

>> No.15467733

> I
shill. notice shill style, whatever they type is even toxic to read, it's like constant complaining

>> No.15467735

I cook mostly with ghee, not even pajeet

>> No.15467959

So are you haha got em

>> No.15468118

actual cause of cancer is man made viruses, bacteria, other pathogens that modify your dna directly.

>> No.15468234

>Why is every single study on nutrition such worthless bullshit?
I have often asked this same question. They do the most careless of work, and at like they've saved humanity when they trot out to the press with the most minescule of differences.

>> No.15468397


>> No.15469209

Around the turn of the century, nutritionists were all singing the praise of pomegranate as a miracle food. The reason why is that some hollywood advertising expert had inherited a small pomegranate orchard in southern California so he decided that for the orchard to turn a bigger profit he had to get more people eating pomegranates, so he hired a bunch of scientists to do studies about how wonderful pomegranates were and eventually he was able to get his orchard to produce a lot of money that way.

>> No.15469468

>Study shows nearly 50% increase in cancer deaths in people consuming vegetable oils
So don't eat that shit.

>> No.15470005

Thanks for reminding me I have a bunch of coconut oil at the back of the fridge. I was just about to go out for butter, to make a cake with, but now I don't need to.

>> No.15470737

The study you linked to suggests an increased incidence of fatal carcinomas in a group that consumed a diet high in polyunsaturated vegetable oils compared to a control group that consumed a diet high in saturated fats.

Firstly, not all vegetable oils are created equal. They vary in their composition of different types of fats, including monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats (which include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids), and saturated fats. The health effects of these fats can differ. Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, are generally considered beneficial for heart health, while a high intake of omega-6 fatty acids, without a corresponding intake of omega-3, may potentially contribute to inflammation and related health problems, including cancer. This is still a topic of ongoing research.

Secondly, the way in which vegetable oils are used can influence their health effects. For example, some vegetable oils are not stable at high temperatures and can break down into potentially harmful compounds when used for frying. There is some evidence linking consumption of foods fried in vegetable oils to an increased risk of diseases including cancer, although this is still a controversial topic and more research is needed.

>> No.15470741

Thirdly, it's important to remember that diet is just one factor that can influence cancer risk, and it's the overall pattern of diet and lifestyle that is most important for health, rather than the intake of any single food or nutrient.

The reason why doctors and government agencies recommend consuming vegetable oils is because they are a good source of unsaturated fats, which have been found to have beneficial effects on heart health, such as reducing levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol. They are recommended as a healthier alternative to foods high in saturated fats, such as butter and lard.

As for the company Ambrosia, it was selling "young blood transfusions" for a period of time under the guise of running a clinical trial. However, in February 2019, the company announced it had stopped testing the treatment, responding to concerns from the FDA. The FDA had issued a warning about companies offering young blood transfusions, stating that such treatments have no proven clinical benefits and are potentially harmful.

>> No.15470759

It's because it's practically impossible to conduct proper studies on human eating habits because what ever the effects of food may be are clearly minor and long term so any study would have to be long and highly controlled which is just not going to happen with people stuffing their faces with what ever they want. The best hope would probably be a long term prison experiment but experimenting on blacks has been antisemitic for a while now so that's out the window. You can't even really do good animal tests with food since the bodies react differently.
So you only really see obvious stuff like calories means fatties or add hock pseudoscience like this.

>> No.15471074 [DELETED] 

vegetable oils cause cancer, retard.
vegetarianism is a mental illness, mental illness reduces life expectancy

>> No.15471863

>mental illness reduces life expectancy
it also reduces IQ

>> No.15471915


>> No.15472406

Are you fucking kidding? That's a big fucking study. What were you hoping for, every American to participate?

>> No.15472529

Damn that's a massive increase. Crazy that it's treated as "healthy food" in comparison to animal fats.

>> No.15472550

pufa -> hne -> p53

>> No.15472555

It just means that those who don't die of CVDs live long enough for the cancer to spread.

>> No.15472587

this only means you are a shill, a tumor on the body of economy

>> No.15472603

Alright nerd just give us a list of bad oils

>> No.15472728

>a tumor on the body of economy
No, that's the conclusion of the neet study.

>> No.15472732

no, you don't create any value, parasite

>> No.15472762

bleh bleh bleh
look at my pointless post
bleh bleh
im an attention whore

>> No.15472827

> I
yes, you are attention faggot, shill

>> No.15472831


>> No.15472839

yep, this site is one huge shillery, shill.

>> No.15473475

Scientists publish a lot fraudulent vegan propaganda shilling vegetable oils as if it were real nutritional science.

>> No.15473845

everyone has strong opinions about this, but nobody can identify the mechanism by which vegetable oils cause cancer

>> No.15473951

>Look at me I listen to carnivores who cite these studies and look how masculine they are! Compare that to bald doctor Shekelstein holding a broccoli as a microphone you femboys!
>Oh yeah? I listen to real not malnourished vegans who cite other studies that disprove your claims. Here's an imagine of a dead bald bodybuilder ketoschizo.
>Out of the way morons I'm better than you because I listen to this guy with a PhD who appears to be non-biased and totally evidence based.
>Can't you see that he's a shill? Bro my dad still worked on the farm when he was 90 years old eating split pea soup boiled with pig tails and he drank beer like tractors guzzling gasoline!
Nothing happens. Nothing changes. No one gets anywhere. No one learns anything. Fuck this board.

>> No.15474027


>> No.15474085

You only need a sample size greater then 30 in most cases for it to accurately represent the target population. Could even be a smaller sample size then 30 in some cases.

>> No.15474522

it's referring to sunflower/basedbeans/canola oil and the like, olive/coconut oil are as healthy as butter
>Why do doctors and government agencies recommend eating known carcinogens?
because of massive corruption

>> No.15474736

>I hate /sci/
why are you here?

>> No.15475272
File: 32 KB, 477x301, vaxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the correlation between people who eat vegetable oils and people who got vaxxx'd?
Maybe its the vaxxxxxx causing cancer and vegetable oil consumption is just an indication of being a vaxxxxxie

>> No.15475388


>> No.15475392

>Are the ppl who recommend vegetable oils incompetent or malicious?

Both. Shareholders want profits. Rapeseed oil, an industrial lubricant, is cheap and they lobbied some doctors back in the day to convince people that's totally safe to consume now and butter is somehow bad for you.

>> No.15475396

>you mean seed oils

rapeseed/canola oil. Vegetable oil is just random mixed oils. It's usually 99% rapeseed.

>> No.15476264

I guess at least that makes butter less expensive, since theres fewer people competing to buy it

>> No.15476480

The government forces farmers to destroy milk if the price gets too low. It's not a supply and demand economy.

>> No.15477315

So if theres too much pussy will the government force me to destroy it?

>> No.15477439

How about you get 10k extremely dedicated people, half of which are gonna spend decades eating utter shit and the other half are gonna eat as healthy as possible in a controlled scientific environment.
No? You can't? Shame.

>> No.15477464

>gonna spend decades eating utter shit
Average Americans you say?

>> No.15477470

you could get the next best thing if peta faggots hadn't put an end to experimenting on chimps

>> No.15477675

Free radicals.

>> No.15478129

dead vegetarians best day of my life

>> No.15479058
File: 96 KB, 636x1280, u1FZvaZQ99em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the peta faggots have gotten so bad that new medications, food, cosmetics, etc now need to be tested on human guinea pigs. the covid vaccine wasn't tested on any animals before they started to see how many humans would drop dead from it.

>> No.15479089

there's no "covid", "vaccine" is something

>> No.15479111

>total mortality was similar in the two groups
So in other words it makes no fucking difference what fat you eat

>> No.15479146
File: 43 KB, 496x500, 1545964095137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"seed oils" are primarily used for frying
frying produces acrolein
acrolein is A2 class carcinogen
you don't deep fry in butter, you spread it on slice of bread
you don't dip your bread in flavourless canola oil

nobody is saying frying is healthy
if you started to deep fry everything in clarified butter, lard and tallow, you would get more heart attacks and more cancers as well

>> No.15479162
File: 185 KB, 512x342, 6d5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has me curious. So what about 'fruit oils"? Is there any study that shows if fruit oils have been the miracle substitute for whatever food pyramid scheme they're trying to run now?

>> No.15479219

> anime pic
shillshit discarded

>> No.15479238

cause it's a play on things that the general public partially understands, this is practically the same with particle physics research

>> No.15479341

How did they arrive at that minimum number?

>> No.15479381


>> No.15479428

Processed oils with transfats cause cancer
If you coldpress rapeseed or sunflower oil and DONT cook anything on it, you'll be fine

>> No.15479479

Like most cases, I apply basic common sense to that approach. One clearly shouldn't consume too much of the same thing or the same category of thing, in that case (highly processed) vegetable oil. So stick to one that is demonstrably good based on multiple studies (olive oil) and consume it with moderation. Occasionally, you can also consume something else of course (male should e.g. eat pumpkin seed oil) but again, with moderation. And as a general rule of thumb, eat as much raw (unprocessed) food as you can so veggies, fruits and dairy products. And if you can afford you should also try and eat organic food.

>> No.15479624

>0.000002% of the population.
>I'm sure it's well-randomized!
Kill yourselves, you shit-eating, statistically ignorant, conformist shill fucktards.

>> No.15479626

>Uses drugs

>> No.15480036
File: 67 KB, 700x464, vegans are faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15480192

NTA but you're literally so babyshit retarded that you couldn't recognize a post agreeing with you. Kill yourself, you're too stupid to save.

>> No.15480196

say something scientific

>> No.15480197

Just did

>> No.15480198

omg kys retard, even for a shill you are stupid

>> No.15480217

>I guess at least that makes butter less expensive, since theres fewer people competing to buy it
lmao, are you retarded?
less demand only means price decreases extremely briefly, then production is adjusted down to match the new demand, and since the new demand is lower it means it's going to be more costly to produce each unit, and thus the price will end up higher
it's why mass produced products are cheap and artisan products are expensive

>> No.15480255

It's only the studies posted on reddit, 4chan and random forums that absolutely suck ass and that's the sole reason why they are posted to begin with. Schizos (like OP) are trolling.

>> No.15480782

no, thats completely false, most of science is awful, the replication crisis just keeps on getting worse and worse, science gets stupider every year

>> No.15480783


>> No.15481213

There is nothing wrong inherently with eating flax or sunflower seeds and the oils therein. But you're extracting the oil from a million seeds to use as cooking oil or frying oil. It is chemically extracted and processed to hell. Obviously it isn't healthy. There shouldn't even be a scientific study necessary for this. The food processing industry is literally evil. But then again, I'm a chemical engineer so I might end up at one of these companies and sell goyslop to losers while never eating it myself.
t. extra virgin olive oil and butter eater

>> No.15481399

It's rapeseed oil.


>> No.15482006
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ppl take petroleum based medications all the time and wonder why they're unhealthy. as if swallowing pills doesn't count as eating

>> No.15482814
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>Why do doctors and government agencies recommend eating known carcinogens?

>> No.15482996
File: 226 KB, 600x301, 023b3fa2a859ae12edb49eb5281a940f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you started to deep fry everything in clarified butter, lard and tallow, you would get more heart attacks and more cancers as well
Citation needed.

>> No.15483149

don't forget cottonseed oil
for decades it could only be used for things like candlewax because it's so toxic until some lobbyists got their way

>> No.15483153

much better for you then the processed shit but it still has PUFAs

>> No.15483159

17 to 31 is almost a 100% increase

>> No.15483653

you're replying to an anime tranny, they lie about everything

>> No.15484585

>science gets stupider every year
and more toxic and more deadly and more protected from consequences

>> No.15485343

and greedier

>> No.15486710

6 million vegans died in the vegetable oilocaust

>> No.15487690


>> No.15488502

as much as I dislike them too, olive and coconut oils are as healthy as butter.
but yeah the rest is cancer and so are vegans

>> No.15489744
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>> No.15490713

>not even pajeet
lies, westerners just call it clarified butter

>> No.15491688
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the globohomo "food pyramid" actually lists these carcinogenic vegetable oils as a food group that you should eat every day.

>> No.15492477

>vegan debates itself and loses

>> No.15493696


>> No.15494526

if only it were true.
vegans would be tolerable if they weren't all zealots determined to convert the rest of the world by force or trickery to their carcinogenic lifestyle.

>> No.15495392

Veganbros, this is bad news. Maybe we should consider switching to a less extreme diet in order to avoid deadly diseases like cancer

>> No.15495411

Only eat cold-pressed olive oil

>> No.15495417

When did our culture become so pathetic that it is essentially a competition to see who lives the longest. Hey everyone look at me lived 10 more years as a wrinkly incontinent old man then you did.

>> No.15495486

leukemia was documented in ancient greece idiot

>> No.15495668

it wasn't

>> No.15495695

I was a vegetarian for a long time, but then I decided to give it up. Eating a normal diet is a lot healthier, I've see all sorts of positive changes ever since I stopped having a weird meme diet.

>> No.15495773

>How about you get 10k extremely dedicated people, half of which are gonna spend decades eating utter shit and the other half are gonna eat as healthy as possible in a controlled scientific environment.
If the goal of the study is to determine what's healthy and what's utter shit, then how can you say which is which in advance?

>> No.15495775

We instinctively know what food is good and bad, and it takes decades of media indoctrination to convince people the opposite.

>> No.15495783

>we instinctively know what food is good and bad
Then why do I crave chocolate cookies instead of salad or raw steak? Lmao faggot

>> No.15495784

Because you succumbed to indoctrination.

>> No.15496389

decades of media indoctrination

>> No.15496495

good, because cows kill the planet

>> No.15496497


>> No.15496813

But I liked chocolate cookies since I was a child, since I even knew what a commercial was. What indoctrination?

>> No.15497863
File: 259 KB, 1280x960, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I claim to be and adult yet I still retain my childish tastes
arrested psychological development

>> No.15498567

>vegetable oils
sounds pretty safe and healthy
>extracted with carcinogenic solvents
why don't they ever mention that part?

>> No.15499716

this, just like people who call themselves adults, but still watch children's cartoons

>> No.15500117

>goalpost moving

>> No.15500439

you seem to be upset at having your childishness and arrested psychological development pointed out.

>> No.15500545

You seem desperate to turn your no true scotsman into a valid statement

>> No.15501360

atheists don't have consciences

>> No.15502149

You're the one who willing revealed that even though you claim to be a mature adult, you're still fixated on the same sugary food you were as a child.

>> No.15503035

>you're still fixated on the same sugary food you were as a child.
Why is it that children would incline towards an "unnatural" diet, if they should instinctively know what is good and bad?

>> No.15503149

children don't have the same nutritional requirements as adults, babies subsist exclusively off titty milk, then they grow up, however some people eventually suffer from arrested psychological development and fail to fully mature to adulthood