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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15467863 No.15467863 [Reply] [Original]

>be depressed
>decide to murder a bunch of innocent kids and teachers that you have little or no affiliation with
Why? Even though it's evil, I could understand somebody shooting somebody that actually harmed them in some way. But 99.9% of mass shooting victims have zero affiliation with the shooter other than "wrong place, wrong time".

>> No.15467880

American culture where people want to be tik toker, youtuber or retard shooter.

>> No.15467884

> innocent
overpopulation. of course it's more clever to kill them with masks and jabs

>> No.15467900

>and castration
Double it and give it to the people's public.


>> No.15467943

The actual target is the school/place of business itself, and those who get killed are killed due to their affiliation with the target. In general I suspect you will find that the assailant believed themselves to have been harmed by the targeted institution.

>> No.15467945

Also, in this particular case, roid rage may have been playing a role.

>> No.15467976

Just nuke Africa and India. How hard is it?

>> No.15467981
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>> No.15468106

or "nuke" local school

>> No.15468237

because killing random innocent people upsets society, accelerates societal decay, etc and mass shooters want to harm abstract "society" as a whole. just use your brain for two seconds instead of pushing a thread off the catalogue, thx

>> No.15468256

I think it's this. Mass shooters are mad at society and want to "get back at it" in any way possible.

>> No.15468325

>gov won't post the manifesto
>also >>>/pol/

>> No.15469021

>get back at society by hurting some innocent person
so they're either retarded or psychopaths

>> No.15469026

>t. /pol/ expert

>> No.15469091

One theory is it's revenge against society. They perceived that their live was shit, and felt that society shouldn't have allowed that to be the case.
After that it's just old monkey brain revenge subroutine we evolved with.

You see it's this pattern of someone who's failed by society (single mother etc usually), then goes out and kills seemingly random people, random members of society.

>> No.15469097
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>> No.15469150

There is a screencap on this exact topic. Something about the type of shootings we see would be exactly how a terrorist hidden government would bring chaos.
Unfortunately, there is no secret league of evil to blame. Most people just lash out at whatever they can, especially young loons. Even the cases of those with the intellect to really understand their enemy, they still choose soft targets.

We are entering a batman comic. They will find stewardship, someone is going to see the potential. Not unlike the antifa fags running ops at behest of deranged billionaires.

>> No.15469157

what sickens me the most about this case are the people justifying her actions cause of "transphobia". Trans "people" aren't deserve of any basic human rights

>> No.15469250


This is how you know the world isbeing run by kalergi plan zealots. In their mind the brown shitstain countries are precious sacred obedient cattle, so they never harm them.

>> No.15469252

honestly true for everyone under 30. These kids nowadays seem like they live life through pictures. Like everywhere they go and everything they do seems centered around what kind of pictures they can take and post. They don't just do things to do it. I wonder how these kids see the world growing up with all this social media, it's like they see everything as life through pictures.

I mean previous generations were like this to a lesser extent. My family always collected photos of family stuff through the years, but it was not an every day thing

>> No.15469255

Why is this in /sci/? 4channers being retards as usual like how /g/ is used for social media (YouTube, Twitter, Reddit) and Kiwi Farms discussions.

>> No.15469256
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>Choosing the Chris-chan autist over the Aspie robofu.
We dont make love. We interface.

>> No.15469270

No one accused mass shooters of being rational

>> No.15469275

Antinatalists should start with themselves.

>> No.15469279

Like all atheists, antinatalists are hypocrites.

>> No.15470016

this one was rational enough to complete the big flamboyant suicide it was aiming for

>> No.15470085

Mass shooters are just attention seeking retards. End of story. Why are they so callous? Because we're all callous. We're a warmongering, death loving race that wants to murder everyone that isn't like us. Whether or not you see that as based, is up to you. Serial killers and school shooters aren't going anywhere.

>> No.15470258

Both INTJ and INTP are cute. :)


>> No.15470817

You expect them to go down quietly, then? Here's one that didn't.

>> No.15470821

Like all self-serving fables told by the religious, this one doesn't have the remotest link to reality.

>> No.15471110
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>> No.15471251

The victims were a part of the society he hated. I think his motive is very easy to understand.

>> No.15471258

>But 99.9% of mass shooting victims have zero affiliation with the shooter other than "wrong place, wrong time".
They were jealous of hir cool Kyle Rittenhouse cosplay

>> No.15471310

The New Atheists made it their mission to pwn fundies about evolution, but now it's totally Rational and Logical (tm) to go on a moral crusade against people participating in the thing we evolved to do. It is objectively moral for our species to commit suicide to save le Earth, because the Carl Sagan, our Lord and Savior told us to. BTW life is meaningless because we're insignificant to this vast universe so it doesn't matter what happens to our planet, which will be annihilated by the sun in 5 billion years anyway. I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE.

>> No.15471884

Atheists are never really atheists, they always have other gods they worship. Sagan, Al Gore, Greta, etc.

>> No.15471956

1/10 bait

>> No.15472824

how many shooters were real and not falseflags? how many of the real ones were on antidepressant meds?

>> No.15472833

The primary god of atheism is the self. They're narcissistic solipsists.

>> No.15472837

you understand the transfer of belief. people create new gods to follow.

>> No.15472841

What are solipsists?

>> No.15472846

People who believe their own thoughts and desires are the only real aspect of the universe.

>> No.15473272

Yeah, these guys are all tradcuck kekistani chuds now

>> No.15473276

Same as the old gods huh

>> No.15473481

They're overaged babies. Babies go through a phase of learning in which they regard everything in the rest of the world as inanimate objects which exist to be manipulated by them. Some people never mature mentally past that phase. Its all part of arrested psychological development

>> No.15473565

>so they're either retarded or psychopaths
yes, and often a combination of both

>> No.15473567

The other most common trait among anomalous spree shooters is being hapa. I wonder if anyone has studied the genetic or social reasons for this.

>> No.15474128

You falsely assume that mass shooters, terrorists, etc, are intelligent goal-achievers in their pursuit. Evidence generally shows this to be false. Most attempts can't even get more than 2 or 3 hits, and the methods are terribly inefficient. It's an emotional reaction.

Not at all. There are a myriad ways to bring chaos that are easier and more efficient than this. The inefficiency shows it to be very unlikely that there is any coordinated effort- because chaos is not primarily about flashiness.

>> No.15474132

Once you understand that it's a way to lash out, you also see why it's on the rise- unfortunately, this way of airing grievances is becoming normalised.

>> No.15474143

I'm not sure, it seems to partially align with the pagan gods, their mythologies read a lot like soap operas and celeb gossip.

They don't align with Jesus's teachings but then you would expect atheists particularly dissatisfied with christianiy to be inspired by something else.

>> No.15474148

Thank you I think I better understand the idea now.
>From Latin sōlus (“alone”) + ipse (“self”) + -ism.

>> No.15474278

but they were zeroth law? they were NEXT to live? why throw your life away. what a tragedy. people like them are why we failed.

>> No.15474312

In every single school shooting before the 1980s the perp had some kind of grievance against the primary targets. Take that how you will.

>> No.15474347

But the attention they get comes after they're dead.

>> No.15474384

They have started with themselves moron.

>> No.15474407

>this way of airing grievances is becoming normalised.
A sick society breeds sick individuals. And we're so very sick to the core. You could argue society has never been truly 'healthy', but our condition has definitely gotten way worse over the last couple decades, and I'm pretty sure it will get even worse and we might never be able to recover.

>But the attention they get comes after they're dead.
People cannot fathom their own non-existence. Everything they know necessitates them being alive and perceiving it. Experience by definition necessitates existence.
As such, I'm pretty sure the shooters simply cannot grasp their own death. They have this powerful revenge fantasy in their head, which they repeat over and over again, but the tape gets stuck on the bloody-carnage-and-screams-of-panic-and-feeling-like-a-god parts, not the shooting-yourself-in-the-head-at-the-end/getting-killed-by-cops parts.
A good indication for this is the fact that most mass shootings are absolutely pathetic in their execution. Like, they get two or three kills max. Not even close to what they have been fantasizing about in their heads for years. They daydream about the power-fantasy aspects and don't even plan properly, and when they execute their 'plan', as soon as something doesn't happen the way they expected in their fantasy, they get confused and fumble around and shit. But since they've already entered the cafeteria and killed someone already, there's no turning back and they press on somewhat half-heartedly and don't really know what to do.
Look at the Columbine CCTV tapes, I think this illustrates my point pretty good. At some point Dylan and Klebold just went up and down like a tiger in a zoo.

>> No.15474414

>Dylan and Klebold
I'm a retard, of course I meant Harris and Klebold.

>> No.15474511

Serial killing and whatnot are social revenge quests.

>> No.15474729

in the case of ftms, they're getting revenge for being born without a penis

>> No.15474752

About to turn 31. Got rid of all my social media, hate trannies and niggers, and live in the woods.

>> No.15474758

that makes no sense retard. anti-natal =/= pro-suicide or even pro-abortion.

>> No.15474762

Killing men does not achieve societal decay.

>> No.15474933

I know in Columbine they mainly went after the jocks, but felt the whole school was against them

>> No.15475116

Imagine injecting the substance into your lumpy ineffectual potential-less femoid body that urges you to penetrate and pound and you have NO DICK. ""Ftms"" are the funniest thing.

>> No.15475171

you're right, randomly killing people isn't a form of social decay. increases in mass shootings are neutral if anything. big brain over here, must be a woman!

>> No.15475203

see you're trying to understand the motives of an established insane person
simply do the rational thing and realize that insane people don't belong in society and that there are measurable ways to tell people are insane pretty easily.
This person belonged in a facility designed to house and research the insane not in the open.

>> No.15475231

I could have fixed her. T-T
-All of 4chan

>> No.15475238

Dear lord When i die please let it be at the hands of Deranged furry pooner on a shooting spree

>> No.15475245

I could have killed her and prevented a tragedy
- all of /sci/

>> No.15475248

>Thinking that any of sci desires to prevent tragedy in modern society.

Sir, ethics belongs on another board, this is /sci/

>> No.15475261

I took a Hippocratic oath, but I had my fingers crossed behind my back when I graduated

>> No.15475268

I wish all mentally ill faggots would just die already. God damn I hate this gay earth.

>> No.15475799

I hate everyone
I hate people

>> No.15475928

Liking something's just a waste of time
Liking something's just a waste of time
Yeah I hate everything I even hate you too so fuck you

>> No.15475932

They are friends of Israel

>> No.15475936

Cuz it’s a trans. Do not over think these morons. No hope for the stupid

>> No.15477258

is there anyone who doesn't agree that trannys are so dangerously insane that they should be put in straight jackets and locked away in rubber rooms until they finally perish?

>> No.15477669

>see you're trying to understand the motives of an established insane person
ultimate midwit cop out
>hurr durr I dun get it because there is simply nothing to understand and it's useless to think about

>> No.15478242

it makes perfect sense

>> No.15479007
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this, overpopulation complainers are never willing t lift a finger themselves to do anything about the problem they're demanding a solution for. thats how you know they don't really believe that their own complaints are legitimate

>> No.15479423
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That coveted 15 minutes of fame, for which mass shootings have the lowest bar.

>> No.15479425

What fit is that? It looks high in the mid time and low on the recent time

>> No.15479435

They are disappointed in society and people in general. Since they are students, school is their primary social sphere. They don't see the people thy kill as individuals, but rather as part of the society that hurt them and which they despise

Also school shootings have become a meme. A school shooter becomes instantly (in)famous, being plastered all over the news and internet. Same thing with Dahmer-style serial killers. Blame the media for enabling this.

>> No.15479527

Its called misantrophy.

>> No.15479535

>science & math

>> No.15479537
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Why did you pick this one and not literarly one of the other dozens of these shooters? Oh but wait, the rest are just """"false flag""""" just because.

>> No.15479580
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Why indeed.