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15467916 No.15467916 [Reply] [Original]

It keeps me sleepless at night to think that probably some goverment official or whoever thinks this is the shortest route

>> No.15467937

>autistic mathfaggot cannot comprehend using a different metric than euclidian
the absolute state of zoomer education lol
this is the shortest distance in geopolitical sense, you fucking retarded nigger

>> No.15467953

just sign into wagner, you useless moscow mathfg

>> No.15467955

Based China bringing peace and prosperity to the middle east after USA destroyed everything.

>> No.15467963

That was by design, build up china, push america into stupid wars to sour foreign relations and create public debt then crash the economy and let the chinese commies it

>> No.15467974

>peace and prosperity to the middle east
Anon, I...


>> No.15467978

Not on the mainstream news. That means it isn't real.

>> No.15467982

Isn't Iran a powder keg?

>> No.15467988

Shortest without going through Russia, and while avoiding the need for unnecessary tunnels, bridges, etc.

>> No.15467994
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>Not on the mainstream news. That means it isn't real.
I've been to Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover and the news is propaganda and lies.

You worship a false idol.

>> No.15467997

Enjoy your debt trap diplomacy

>> No.15468001

>give money to third world shit holes
>they don't pay it back
>nobody feels responsible
>money lost forever
Cool "debt trap" bro

>> No.15468003

it's probably not the exact route and is meant to go through population centers

>> No.15468016

I used to think that but Ive listened to a number of leaders from Africa/Asia and theyre mostly seem pretty happy with it all, especially Africa. Built highways, aiports, ports, all over the world, even restructuring debts when they get into economic collapses.

The thing in SE Asia /Thailand railway, looks dodgy but China is also in the mode of "buikd even its not needed because we have the money and operation ability right now". Hence rebuiliding buildings and demolishing them, then rebuild them again...China is so wasteful on itself, cray-cray. Also tofu dredge, building as a form of embezzelment.


>> No.15468026

Trains have never optimized for the shortest path. They optimize for the flattest path they can get right of ways for.

>> No.15468028
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>give money to third world shit holes
>contractually obligated to use chinese contractors only
>money goes back into china anyway
>shit hole still left with the debt and a tofu-quality project in the middle of nowhere
>they don't pay it back
>china takes chunks of your land
>chinamen take your best women
>china makes you vote in their favor in the UN and other forums
>you become china's bitch forever
>china moves on to the next shithole country to rinse and repeat

>> No.15468036

But the local politicians still go with it, because the Chinese are good at paying out bribes. Then the local politicians get to retire in London or Switzerland.

>> No.15468040

As opposed to American colonialism where you get invaded by military if you don't obey?

>> No.15468042

That's completely retarded desu
At most you'd connect to pakistan and turkey ports in arabian and black sea and switch modes.

>> No.15468052

>arabian and black sea
>war breaks out and blockaded by aircraft carriers
shiggity shiddy

>> No.15468066

The other route goes through ukraine too

What is your point?

>> No.15468070

>just go through the himalayas lol

>> No.15468076

>SEAL Team 6 takes off from Pakistan and take out the rail tracks overnight
>what are missiles
>what are bombers
America doesn't need the sea to blockade anyone anywhere in the world

>> No.15468083

It is not shortest, it covers most of China it has a good number of transit countries for loading/unoading cargo and access to a port in Turkey for easy Africa connection. It's quite a logical route.

>> No.15468092
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>take out the rail tracks overnight
>gets caught
You havnt hung around SpecOps enough to know their limits as a splinter cell force, or Intel Agents and them getting caught.

You know the term..."sloppy job".

Legal, a means to proxy-war someone in the open while maintaining innocence.

>> No.15468249

Aircraft carriers can launch aircraft to bomb your railroad anon....

>> No.15468263

It's called Mountains OP. 6 and 7-kilometer tall mountains.

>> No.15468268

>not will
The last time they did the "can" was NordStream pipeline as an indirect war action against Russia harming EU in the process.

Sure, they *could* bomb the railway to hurt China...but that means someone on that line is getting hit too. Unify the world further from the US? Sure...sure, some want to watch the US burn...

>> No.15468415

By modern convention blockades are regarded as full acts of war

>> No.15468426

Theyre not blackading you, theyre bloackading a war criminal in a time of war so its ok.

>> No.15468479

Lol the US invented debt trap diplomacy, at least the modern version. China is just a copycat

>> No.15468509

>china takes chunks of your land
China doesnt do that, they just keep the project they built. Say they build a port, the keep the port.

>> No.15468518

Why do we need a railway from Venice to Shanghai? What's wrong with ships?

>> No.15468522

security from blockades

>> No.15468535

Pointing fingers doesn't change what China is doing to your country, ahmad.

>> No.15468538

>what China is doing to your countr
Building useful infrastructure that everyone can use even if its owned by China?

>> No.15468550

>noooooo you can't point out the US hypocrisy that only when they do it it's right but when China or someone else does it it's wrong
ok, Jimmy.

>> No.15468556

>t. Anti-American populist right winger

The far-right has truly gone of the rails. Conspiracy theories, domestic terrorism, misinformation, etc. The Red-Brown alliance has basically gone mainstream in conservative circles. I thought you supported 'Merica. I thought you support the West. Well if that is the case, then how come the American far-right have become lapdogs for Russia and China?

You will never have sex. You will always be a virgin.

>> No.15468558

Yeah, Saddam was a nice guy who just wouldn't play ball.

>> No.15468560

You have no power here

>> No.15468563

T. Qanon Putinshill retard

At least America will support freedom and democracy, even if it is in service of American geopolitical interests. At least they arent trying to turn the rest of the world into a 3rd world communist shithole.

>> No.15468565

>nooo why don't you just lie down and accept out imperialism

>> No.15468568

Compared to western warlords he actually was civilized.

>> No.15468572

The Chinese are the ones with a colonial agenda. America supports freedom, democracy and human rights. China promotes communism, authoritarianism, and complete social and ideological control over society.

>> No.15468578

Freedom and democracy in a brave new world do not really have much to do with freedom and democracy. Living in a 3rd world communist shithole would also be preferable to dying and going extinct in the 1st world.

>> No.15468582
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>America supports freedom, democracy and human rights.

>> No.15468586

Britannia Rules the Waves!
China has to revive the silk road, because they know they can't compete at sea.

>> No.15468603

The American system is the opposite of freedom and democracy. Putin isn't better though. He's a genocidal psychopath, too.

>> No.15468608

>Putin isn't better though. He's a genocidal psychopath, too.
Lol, why isn't Napoleon or some other military leader called that after they killed millions across the entire world?

>> No.15468637

Maybe because Napoleon didn't kill his own people?

>> No.15468651

Jesus that is one lush beard

>> No.15468739

But he killed 200k of his own men with his egotistical Moscow campaign?

>> No.15468744

>The Chinese are the ones with a colonial agenda.
Are they really? They definitely have their sphere of influence but do they have colonial agenda? Are you referring to Canada and Australia? Because I don't really see colonising anyone

>> No.15468758
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>i am forgotten

>> No.15468776

Okay, I looked it up.
>In 1805 Napoleon Bonaparte ordered the vaccination of his entire army.
Looks like Napoleon was just as psychopathic and genocidal as Putin.

>> No.15468859

>be murican or eurocuck
>think that colonization ended in the 70s
>be a wageslave wage cuck and regurgitate CIA propaganda about china over the internet
>dont realize that china is the first country to build actual infrastructure in these places
>continue being illiterate on the subject and just reproduce what random tabloid shit-lib news are doing

>> No.15468872

>>dont realize that china is the first country to build actual infrastructure in these places
Russia was actually. Before the CIA-backed coups they were very friendly with native Arabic socialist governments.

>> No.15468880
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We now prefer color revolutions over invasions.
Pic unrelated

>> No.15468925

Yeah, America/Israel is going to bomb or sanction that and claim China is "promoting instability" or some shit.

>> No.15468938

Chinka needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

>> No.15469014
File: 28 KB, 640x480, NPC-crowd-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russia bad

>> No.15469063

This but unironically. Evidence available upon request.

>> No.15469064

It is laughable with the railway going through Iran.

>> No.15469068

China doesn't exist.

>> No.15469069

Russia is prone to sudden chimp outs, Iran is somewhat more manageable and predictable.

>> No.15469071

He and other military leaders are called that all the time, dumb fuck.

>> No.15469389

The problem with applying the npc shit meme to any argument you disagree with is that you attempt to make your stance irrefutable. This dogmatic behavior undermines your position and how others view it. Really, you're commiting the fallacy of infallibility.

>> No.15469432
File: 294 KB, 686x447, FwpYludakAEIEui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /sci/ one of the lowest IQ boards? OP makes a thread with a Twitter misinformation grifter, but nobody bothers to correct him. But I guess it makes sense, since orders of operation threads on /sci/ can routinely get 100+ posts in just a few hours constantly.

>> No.15469434

You have an unwarrantedly high opinion of government officials if you imagine them "thinking" about this or any other decision.

>> No.15469724 [DELETED] 
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>Butthurt belter detected

>> No.15469766

>peace and prosperity
that line gets so old.
They should blow up those rail lines just to see you seethe.

>> No.15469821

tell me why Americanniggers let South Vietnam rot and die to pump up communist China.
South Vietnam wasn't a democracy btw lol. it's a dictatorship whose president can be changed as will by the American, just like Jewkraine right now.
democracy and freedom are not what Americanniggers support. it's pure interest and colonization of the rest of the world to keep the empire up and running.

>> No.15469825

back to the OP, you are a fucking retard to think that economic infrastructure projects are optimized for shortest euclidian distance. you are a literally dumbfuck who never did any real engineering project.

>> No.15469832

Why would bosna be butthurt over russia?

>> No.15469833 [DELETED] 

>"anyone who has a healthy scorn for Russia is just butthurt. It is impossible for Russia to do anything wrong"
Every dead Russian soldier is an innocent life saved. The math and science prove it as befits this board.

>> No.15469840
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i don't see how the twittercancer is any different to the planned Western route?
but yes /sci/ is actually dumb as fuck apart from a few generals
You'd actually get quality discussion on /n/ about this, here is just reddit tier circlejerking about chyna
I've done Singapore to Shanghai overland and its amazing, but still required buses.
An alternate route through the middle eat would be fucking great.
With the new Laos hsr line, and Bangkok to Laos in the works I can see an complete train only trip from Singapore to London being possible.
The transiberian is sorta depressing and shit for 9 months the year, this would be a great alternative.
And unlike us in the west the chinks ca actual build rail on time and budget, they've laid 25,000km of high speed rail in the last 10 years.
I'm keen

>> No.15469846

/sci/ is mostly blind contrarianism when it’s not being outright /x/

>> No.15469847

How are they going to prevent merchandise from being stolen transiting through all those shitholes?

>> No.15469870

Butthurt belters get butthurt over anything and everything

>> No.15469882
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>th...this is good for Russia, Ch... China are our bros!
get fucked Russians lmao

>> No.15469884

aside from military conflict zones those "shitholes" probably have the least crimes committed by their own citizens as their law is super strict and thefts actually have their hand chopped off. they're not california.

>> No.15469886

reddit tier thinking lmao
Russia doesn't want China to have anything running over itself.
the Soviet Union literally created a fake state called Mongolia just to have a buffer zone with China.

>> No.15469899
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>> No.15469985 [DELETED] 
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Good boy, now cut your penis, is good for you!

>> No.15470019 [DELETED] 

this is correct

>> No.15470047

Idiot, steam engines can't roll without water. That's probably the shortest route bypassing russia that also passes through the vital waterholes along the way.

>> No.15470050

The shortest route is directly through the Earth.

>> No.15470102

Would be kino as hell taking a train from Paris to Hong Kong.

>> No.15470151
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Why start and stop there?

>> No.15470174

Vietnam is not a particularly kino endpoint, and Portugal marginally so. "By train from Paris to Hong Kong" is swollen with old-world charm.

>> No.15470206
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>Vietnam is not a particularly kino
Never been? It felt like being in a movie set for that modern King Kong movie.


>swollen with old-world charm
That would be Prussia to Siam...now make haste, you little ragamuffin.

>> No.15470218 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 1001x666, FC150220-6607-456A-81B4-0B16EA11B952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It dodges all of Russia and Afghanistan and not by coincidence. Also Kazakhstan because that’s the central Asian country integrated most into the Eurasian Union. Despite their claim of being “dearest friends” Russia and China are only posturing as allies for the time being. China doesn’t want Russia to be able to step on its trade route to Europe whenever it wants. This is designed to bypass us controlled ocean trade routes and Russia controlled empty wilderness that will always be economically underdeveloped. Of course, the choke point is Iran. Would be a shame if someone regime changed it and made all this investment for nothing, wouldn’t it?

>> No.15470375

Shortest path would be a straight line tunnel through the Earth

>> No.15470489

There's a reason i won't explain and then they have to build a safe path avoiding terrorists
Maybe this is why americans lied about the muslims being forced to work, to make extremists attack the yellowmen

>> No.15471306

>Hong Kong
>old world charm
wow, nigger tell me you've not travelled a lot without telling me
>Hong Kong is a great place.
top fucking kek

>> No.15471440
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Except the evidence supports that Russia is terrible.

>> No.15471511

Railroads are easier to bomb

>> No.15471513

they are

>> No.15471518

America is already sanctioning them to shit and Israel is losing its ability to out-bomb Iran by the day. Iran is close to check mating Israel in their own backyard.

>> No.15471530

lol. da Jews is being btfo by the greatest enemies in their heartland.
fricking clowns can't even prevent Iran from obtaining nukes even with all those sanctions n shit.
recession hit in 2024, 2025 and no more support for israel.

>> No.15471533

excellent post agent Fernandez
1 dollar has been deposited into your account

>> No.15472255
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Your post is off-topic. This is /sci/, get back on topic or go back to >>>/pol/uhg

Btw, Donbas is able to kick out hohol terrorists and their NATO handlers from their home with Russia's help :)