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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 906 KB, 927x713, covid_iwasaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15467669 No.15467669 [Reply] [Original]

why do people think the pandemic is over

>> No.15467672

>woman of color
sorry love, you didn't get the memo asians have white privilege, you don't have enough oppression points

>> No.15467683
File: 15 KB, 752x623, covid_dead28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15467688


>> No.15467707
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> why

>> No.15467712
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the reasons are many but it boils down to social pressure.
put simply, when things become unpopular amongst dumb people, politicians who want to stay in power twist themselves into pretzels to make it legal.
the virus is still replicating and mutating but the dumb people don't care bc they wanted to go back to socializing and fucking.
at this stage, i'm actually rooting for the virus to win. at the very least, it's the one that's putting in the effort.

>> No.15467749
File: 135 KB, 1600x900, 23SCI-MATTER10-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people don't care bc
...because I'm an Environmental Geneticist and youre not a doctor, neither is Dr.Fauci, hes a politician. The CDC isbt a medical organization, its a political activist retainer, same for much of the milirary and the Surgeon General.

Counter scientific, counter-medical, counter-logical institutions.

A seperate species if fungus for every insect in the Amazon, always present but rarely explodes...unless an insect population explodes first, then it keeps it in check.

Im not a Virologist so I couldnt *really* opine on the virus...but once it evolved, as an Evolutionary Biologist, its now in my field of expertise, and my verdict outweight "all of The Science" and any expert that disagrees with me, period.

>> No.15467751

> mutating
> degenerate pic

>> No.15467752

Because it is

>> No.15467755
File: 45 KB, 697x500, TIMESAND___COVID2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it isn't over because it would have had to start before that.

>> No.15467757

The pandemic isn't over until Pfizer and the governments accept their legal responsibility for vaxx injuries.

>> No.15467759

>scientist who profits massively from virus hysteria claims that virus hysteria is justified
yet there she is posing for photos in public with no mask on, apparently her vanity overcame her greed

>> No.15467829

>why do people think the pandemic is over
Here's what the WHO says.
>On 5 May 2023, more than three years into the pandemic, the WHO Emergency Committee on COVID-19 recommended to the Director-General, who accepted the recommendation, that given the disease was by now well-established and ongoing, it no longer fit the definition of a PHEIC. This does not mean the pandemic itself is over, but the global emergency it has caused is, for now.
In short it's not over but it's also not a concern. WHO > Yale b*tch

>> No.15467832

aka you should still wear a mask if you wanna protect yourself

>> No.15467839

>the WHO still recommends people not wear masks unless they are sick with COVID-19 or caring for someone who is sick.

>> No.15467840

that's really stupid

>> No.15467844

Trust the science and keep seething retard.

>> No.15467846
File: 36 KB, 589x206, covid_whoLC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't wear a mask if you wanna take a 10% chance of being permanently disabled then

>> No.15467849
File: 55 KB, 1013x258, Screenshot at 2023-05-26 18-47-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have written "long-term, possibly permanently disabled"

>> No.15467851

The mRNA vaccine infects you with COVID, so much so you can easily transmit the virus to others. Tell me, dumb fuck, what has higher odds of that long term damage:
>Vaccine: probability 100% to catch COVID
>No vax, no mask: probability less than 100% to catch COVID
I'll play the odds.

>> No.15467853
File: 72 KB, 680x417, covid_iceberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

covid has much higher rates of side affects as well as more significant side effects than the vaccine which are really rare

>> No.15467857

So the vaccine both infects you with COVID and doesn't. Lmao.

>> No.15467861

6/10 entertaining post

>> No.15467877

> WHO says
WHO always farts, always

>> No.15467879


>> No.15467887


Double it...and give it to the normie.

>> No.15467970
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Because mRNA and viral vector gene therapies were successfully legalized and accepted as something normal by majority of people.

>> No.15468072

because ukraine is "the new thing"

>> No.15468113

covid will kill everyone if its allowed to.

>> No.15468140

>long covid expert
redpill me on long covid, /sci/
is it real or just some made up? Covid was just a mild flu for me and these guys are saying they get symptoms months or years after. Is this real or just some psycho-somatic nonsense from weak people?

>> No.15468143
File: 3.57 MB, 1306x1741, physics_girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little bit of both.
>accurate stuff:
long covid is as real as long cold, long flu, and more. ever catch a cold, get sick for a couple days, then have a lingering cough for seemingly months that just doesn't go away? then you wake up one morning and realize it's gone? that can be viewed as "long-cold". the virus is still in your system. that is, we should re-evaluate our understanding of how long viruses infect us for. in this sense, long-covid is real insofar that we remain infected for months, and can present symptoms (such as coughing) for this long time.
>inaccurate stuff
the symptoms wane over time for viral infections like this, which is why it's a "nagging" cough in a cold. the exaggerated effects you hear about, like with physics girl, are largely psychosomatic. in cases where it's not psychosomatic, the underlying issues such as obesity or cardiac issues are ignored and instead blamed on the (detectable) covid in their system.

>> No.15468151
File: 74 KB, 415x900, covid_LCsymptoms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's real, millions of people have it, some are disabled
your chance of getting long covid increases with each covid infection
pic related are the most common symptoms

>> No.15468159
File: 85 KB, 850x400, quote-i-m-so-despondent-about-everything-everything-i-try-goes-totally-wrong-there-s-no-escape-joseph-goebbels-92-7-0728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds familiar.

>> No.15468161

that's PEM aka post-exertional malaise..

>> No.15468294 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 680x427, covid_china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china is bringing back lockdowns.

>> No.15468331

>post-exertional malaise
Yes, after WW1 and the economical collapse producing Weimar he is tired [yawns] so tiresome...

>> No.15468336

you're not as funny as you imagine yourself to be

>> No.15468368

shill, there's no covid, dilate

>> No.15468370
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>> No.15468372

shill, you are funny. lmao.

>> No.15468375

thanks for bumping my thread

>> No.15468382
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>> No.15468388
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you should wear a respirator (FFP2+, N95) not just a mask, those are pretty much useless
covid19 is classified as BSL-3 pathogen which is why scientists wear pic related when working with it

>> No.15468389

Jesus fucking christ, she's right, it's not over is it. It's only going to keep getting worse the way things are going

>> No.15468394

What would be the outcome? The amount of damages would exceed all their profits.

>> No.15468395

oh, by the way, the more you post crap like this the more i am determined to post the truth here ;)

>> No.15468403

>all this retardation in a single post
impressive. normally one would have to go to /pol/ or /x/ to encounter such grand delusions.

>> No.15468405
File: 199 KB, 640x709, 1683794890784449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientists are faggots, shill

>> No.15468409
File: 55 KB, 680x548, 1654137146713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good. post your shit, you are paid for it, shill

>> No.15468411

you are paid by russia probably

>> No.15468412

those are all just symptoms of getting old

>> No.15468414

children and young adults get long covid as well

>> No.15468416

> russia
shill glows extra hard

>> No.15468419

russia will lose the war btw

>> No.15468420

it could be clinical depression. similar symptoms as malaise and brain fog so anti-depressants will have to be tried first to determine if it is covid or clinical depression

>> No.15468422

stupid shill

>> No.15468424

you are already loser, shill. for your information, for a long time wars are fought to lose, to reduce population and fix economy, "outsourcing" riots to controlled conflict.

>> No.15468425 [DELETED] 

have you seen the precautions they take to protect themselves from covid at davos?
>how to prevent the next pandemic
I thought viruses aren't real? so is there a pandemic or not?

>> No.15468439 [DELETED] 

i am being serious when i say you should seek psychiatric help if you actually believe it

>> No.15468452

>The Chinese health authorities have reported a rise in Covid cases since April, especially from newer subvariants that are spreading across the world. Dr. Zhong Nanshan, a prominent doctor who was among the first to openly confirm in early 2020 that Covid could easily spread among people, estimated on Monday that by late June as many as 65 million people a week could become infected with the coronavirus across China


>> No.15468455

What's gonna happen to all those people? They're gonna start dropping like flies.

>> No.15468471

government is lying, as always

>> No.15468916

and yet, no one has refuted it so far.

>> No.15468926

COVID is just a pretext for a cultural war between the east and the west.

>> No.15468943

>illiterate peon repeats nonsense Psy-Op
"Yeah but you didnt refute his emotions."

Youre not a Doctor, how the fuck would you know if it was or not?

>> No.15468946

>Not just feminist hysteria over flu and man flu

>> No.15468982
File: 114 KB, 1024x692, 1639627279215m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet you are stupid shill.

>> No.15469311

This photo screams mental illness. What a ridiculous narcissist. Sad because some of her vids were interesting.

>> No.15469349

>long covid expert

>> No.15469396

This is a sincere answer and I respect your attempt at genuine dialogue in this cynical, often retarded, shithole.

>> No.15469424

werent there sars epidemics practicaly each year before covid?

>> No.15469794

ok now stratify by age

>> No.15469799

no, fucking germ theorist

>> No.15469800

not gettin vaxxed
not wearin a mask
not isolatin
not changing my life in any way
still didnt catch covid
simple as

>> No.15469808

no one cares

>> No.15469812

why isn't she wearing a mask?

>> No.15470997


>> No.15471356


>> No.15471363

this is not good

>> No.15471367

>why yes, I have no social life, how did you know?

>> No.15471385

>they have to shoe horn "muh disadvantaged *woman of Colour*" in there"
fuck you
fuck off
fuck you
fuck off
fuck you

>> No.15471390
File: 659 KB, 1170x794, left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been confirmed and fact checked. global warmings is caused by white conservatives who refused to take the covid vaccines

>> No.15471754

>Long-COVID in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analyses
>The prevalence of long-COVID was 25.24%, and the most prevalent clinical manifestations were mood symptoms (16.50%), fatigue (9.66%), and sleep disorders (8.42%). Children infected by SARS-CoV-2 had a higher risk of persistent dyspnea, anosmia/ageusia, and/or fever compared to controls.

>> No.15471782

long nothing

>> No.15471785

COVID is not dangerous. My whole family was infected but nothing happened except a cough for a month. Years later people are still cowering behind masks. Weak.

>> No.15471792

The tyranny of the masses is hard to escape indeed.

>> No.15471814

You cannot distinguish tyranny of the masses from your contrarianism from consensus.

>> No.15474094

> consensus
religion is /x

>> No.15474108

That's because vaxxies are having their immune systems destroyed by the clot shot, hence they are dying easier from the coof

>> No.15474111

I too enjoy playing retard.

>> No.15474149

where can I see UK covid death statistics? seems they've stopped counting on the usual sites I visit.

>> No.15474176

remember there was a daily "corona general" thread on /pol with anime pedo girl pics shilled from ukrainian IPs? now those shills spam daily war happenings threads. same shills, same owner, same made up bullshit.

>> No.15474209

remember all those disinformation posts originating from russia

>> No.15474230

So now it's not just "with COVID," it's also "with COVID antibodies."

>> No.15474235
File: 9 KB, 300x169, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how they have all that shit on, but they're wearing pointless surgical masks and still have their eyes exposed. Also raughing at the big label on the face shields.

>> No.15474240


>> No.15474281

does it help? they never catch cold?

>> No.15474292
File: 35 KB, 737x472, 1681984439962597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't. but that's the game, you post disinformation, they post disinformation, and all parties point at each other like a proof of own righteousness. it's called multi polar world, when all globohomo colonies larp animosity while trading in background, to keep cattle entertained and apprehensive, redirected seething.

>> No.15474399

Based globohomo leaders.

>> No.15474403

Adds nothing to the conversation

>> No.15474408

School shooters in the making.

>> No.15474417
File: 17 KB, 360x356, Eg-LakSUMAIor7g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish boomer remover had worked better at boomer removing but I'll take what I can get

>> No.15474741

because everyone realised it's just a fancy flu the chinks tried and failed to weaponise

>> No.15474788

People think it's over because the science said it is no longer in its endemic phase.

It always was stupid.

It's real in the minds of people.

They also stopped in The Netherlands counting deaths, so magically, beginning on January 1st. The deaths just stopped happening. Now there's even zero active cases on the graph.

>> No.15474820

I had chronic fatigue syndrome in 2006. bunch of doctors dont like this condition because it forces them to admit that their knowledge of viruses in america is lacking. I got it from a tick, just like most people. and it took a year of antivirals to get rid of it. But getting through the bullshit of "well I've never heard of that" from doctors who havent participated in continuing education since the 90s is laughable.
but because doctors want to pretend that school ENDED and that science cant possibly find anything new or different, then they push back at patients for not giving them an easy job to solve.

lemme put it this way
you're siding with the dipshits who want to pretend science has identified everything, and no problem remains unsolved.
I'm siding with reality where we actually admit that the world isnt perfect and doctors are not masters of reality itself. where doctors have to accept their ego isnt a substitute for a diagnosis.

>> No.15474821


>> No.15474826

Yellow is so a color

>> No.15474886

thanks chatgpt.

>> No.15474891

>I had chronic fatigue syndrome
stopped reading. you're a fuckin pussy and your opinions aren't worth considering. your experiences even less so.

>> No.15474892

>doctors dont like this condition because it forces them to admit that their knowledge of viruses in america is lacking
>I got it from a tick
Doctors don't like it because Lyme Disease is a bioweapon that leaked from an animal pathogens lab offshore of Lyme, Connecticut on ticks carried by birds.

>> No.15474952

carried by shills and scientists

>> No.15474954

> anger
not scientist or expert, only shill

>> No.15475448

except it's not a flu nor a cold but a SARS virus and it's considered a level 3 biohazard but okay

>> No.15475491

except you are a shill

>> No.15475639

and you are an idiot

>> No.15475673

you are shill
> opinion discarded

>> No.15475680 [DELETED] 


>> No.15475691

maybe you are a shill, were you hired to make antivaxers look stupid? because you're doing a really great job

>> No.15475773

> antivax
false dichotomy, shill

>> No.15475805
File: 71 KB, 680x527, covid_india.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15476148

Damn this bitch is 53 and is still fuckable, japs take care of themselves ay?

>> No.15476176

long covid expert

>> No.15476427

>still trusting '''official statstics'''


>> No.15476864

>Akiko Iwasaki
she cute for an old asan lady

too bad she's a lying BITCH

>> No.15476865
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>> No.15476880

Lets see
>never getting vaxxed
>no one cares about being vaxxed anymore
>you did it for no reason
>you still got covid and you got triple boosted
>I was immune to the chinese cold and never got covid once
>not a single variant was able to affect me
>I am simply genetically superior
oh yeah btw still not wearing the mask, just don't like how it feels. When I go skiing I never wear a neck warmer for the same reason.
Personally I hope the put up quarantine walls around cities and makes it so it's illegal for urban subhumans (You) to leave their segregation zone away from us humans (townsmen).
They have 5G and mandatory vaccines, I have fiber optics and my own garden (organic nonGMO).
Everyday I pray that God sends holy hell fire to those retched cities and turns them to salt and brimstone like in the good old days.

>> No.15477488

shill, cheer up, you will have much work to do
> Human metapneumovirus, or hMPV, has risen across the United States this winter and spring, according to recent data published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

new scamdemic is being prepared

>> No.15477639

She's no Rio Iwasaki

>> No.15477654

what makes u think coincidental poor weather conditions wont plague the countryside you reside in, forcing you to move to the 5g cities you so despise?

>> No.15478793
File: 70 KB, 862x862, oo602b5j523b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. There's still a GOP so there's still a covid and a reason to vote them out.

>> No.15478816


>> No.15479339

Not according to liberals.

>> No.15479385
File: 118 KB, 1080x482, glownigger3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COVID was the AI and vaxx helped deliver it.
>over 70% of the worlds population has been inoculated with the quantum AI
>13.4 billion doses administered
Now we just wait for them to roll out the new technohomo system and hook up all the cattle to it along with all the IoT devices before the inevitable. Many of the unvaxxed will line up for the boosters once UBI and other benefits are announced.

OP is correct the psyops are just getting started.

>> No.15479444

there was no covid, shill. you are psyop.

>> No.15479507

If only it lasted 2 more years
We were so close

>> No.15479542
File: 286 KB, 569x569, Internet of Bodies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assure you the AI is very real dumbass, you can use the gimped version for yourself right now under various forms. The Quantum AI will be unveiled later which is what will run the whole world.

>> No.15479558

assurance failed, shill