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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 324 KB, 1080x905, GermanyExcessDeaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15466573 No.15466573 [Reply] [Original]

This data is from Germany.


2020, deaths was close to expected.
2021, 2-standard deviations
2022, 4-standard deviations

Will the vaccinated ever find their dignity? Will the media ever break their silence?

Will Shills ever feel guilt?


>> No.15466643

how is mortality calculated? because it could easily just mean that less people are being born in the first place because potential parents postponed having kids

>> No.15466669

>2022, 4-standard deviations
what the fuck?

>> No.15466675

>tfw world population is still growing

Pretty lame population control

>> No.15466678

Why would you blame the vaccines and not the disease itself?

>> No.15466679

it should theoretically be a lot lower the last couple years because all of the sickly, old and weak died in 2020 from covid. in other words, deaths that would have otherwise happened in 2021-2023 happened in 2020

>> No.15466680

Because the disease without the vaccines (2020) did not show significant excess mortality.

Rather the excess mortality is correlated with the vaccine uptake.

Based on average deaths from previous years.

>> No.15466681

Because the disease was deadliest in 2020, and if the vaccine were effective, we would expect the vaccine to greatly reduce disease mortality with vaccine uptake. Instead the opposite happened.

>> No.15466690
File: 699 KB, 1319x664, LanarkshireMiscarriages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact, miscarriages are also way up.

>> No.15466693

Maybe the vaccine was the test run and the real deathshot is coming. Because at the current pace the population isn't going anywhere.

>> No.15466702

You don't have the evidence to say that it was "deadliest in 2020". If you do, please submit it to a journal. Keep in mind variant ran rampant in 2021 and 2022. And keep in mind that all statistical measures showed that unvaccinated people perished at a higher rate than vaccinated.

>> No.15466704
File: 584 KB, 1530x887, AusNz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just impatient in wishing death upon the vaxxies.

It's worth noting that the main increase in deaths is in younger people (20-55). We were already in for a boomer die off before.

Couple increased miscarriages, low birth rates (already happened before everything else), and now young people are dying at about 2x the rate they were....

You're going to see a pretty significant decline in population over the next 20 years.

>> No.15466709
File: 197 KB, 1574x898, lookatthat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep in mind that all statistical measures showed that unvaccinated people perished at a higher rate than vaccinated.

Simply false. That was death 'due to covid' which is a subjective cause of death, not all cause mortality.

In any case you're ignoring the obvious:

If the vaccine was 'safe and effective', why were deaths so much higher AFTER the vaccine than BEFORE?

Are you capable of understanding cause and effect?

>> No.15466710

also everyone is fat now so life expectancy will undoubtedly shoot downwards when all the fatties start keeling over in their 50s

>> No.15466712
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Also taken directly from the article.

>> No.15466717

>That was death 'due to covid' which is a subjective cause of death, not all cause mortality.
It's not subjective it's base on our understanding of how Covid affects the body. It's not arbitrary or anything like that.

>If the vaccine was 'safe and effective', why were deaths so much higher AFTER the vaccine than BEFORE?
Could be several factors. Lockdowns are a big obvious one, isolating people and causing economic problems increases rates of depression, suicide, bad eating and habits like drugs, etc.

>Are you capable of understanding cause and effect?
I am perfectly capable, but you haven't demonstrated cause and effect, you've weakly demonstrated correlation at best

>> No.15466727

there was no "covid", "vaccines" are unknown something

>> No.15466749

>It's not subjective it's base on our understanding of how Covid affects the body. It's not arbitrary or anything like that.

Absolutely false. The CDC even famously changed it's protocols for ascribing cause of death so as they themselves said, if you died in a car crash but tested positive for covid, it was counted as a covid death.

Shills are still as remorseless as ever.

> Lockdowns are a big obvious one

That was 2020, my goldfish friend.

>I am perfectly capable


>> No.15466756

You don't have the evidence that the virus even exists

>> No.15466771

>if you died in a car crash but tested positive for covid, it was counted as a covid death.
you were counted as "death with covid", not "death from covid". knowing who had covid is important for determining spread and infectiousness hence why it was recorded but it wasn't considered a covid death.

>That was 2020, my goldfish friend.
Depends on where in the world you were and the economic and psychological effects lasted long afterwords.

Yes we do retard would you like a microscope?

>> No.15466780

covid is causing the excess deaths, covid tests dont work

>> No.15466782

Net population change has never been referred to as "mortality"

>> No.15466786

>you were counted as "death with covid", not "death from covid".
I have never seen statistics differentiating between death with covid and death from covid

>> No.15466787

>Yes we do retard would you like a microscope?
you don't

>> No.15466789


>> No.15466791
File: 546 KB, 1155x787, laborabsences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, they're going to murder you after the vaxxies die.

>> No.15466797

look more closely then. obviously people thought about this

okay go stake a looksy at some samples with yours then and get back to me

they can try i'm jacked as fuck

>> No.15466799

stupid shill

>> No.15466864
File: 1.66 MB, 2720x2648, Covid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will just leave this here.

This was planned out at least 30 years ago.

>> No.15467627

According to the study, there was practically no excess death in 2020 - the first year of the so-called covid epidemic.
The vaccine was then rolled out in late 2020 and In 2021 there was excess mortality amongst all but the youngest group - who were not recommended for vaccination until late in 2021.
In 2022 there was excess mortality amongst all age groups.
Conclusive evidence that covid itself was a non issue and that the vaccine is what caused all the mortality.

>> No.15467646
File: 86 KB, 681x480, excess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15467648

you fucking idiot

>> No.15467656

you got close but sadly you made the wrong conclusion

>> No.15467658

I can tell this is an emotional issue for you by your use of profanity, so you're not capable of addressing the issue in a rational manner. Why not? Are you vaccinated and too proud and image conscious to admit that you made a mistake?

>> No.15467718

government has statistics on everything but "excess deaths"! somehow no one knows why people died! miracle!

>> No.15467803

Not "population control", the same governments which pushed the vaccines on their native populations also increased immigration at the same time. White genocide is their motive. If population control was their motive then they would be restricting immigration as well as offing their own people, but instead they're killing whites at the same time as they're importing "diversity" as rapidly as they can. They also put a lot of effort into sterilizing white children via the trans agenda too, doesn't happen to other races

>> No.15468702

Virtually nothing has changed. Nobody has died in my large sphere. Nothing will change either.

>> No.15468882

vaxxie deaths are a long term plan, they gradually destroy the infrastructure that keeps everyone else alive then everyone dies from starvation

>> No.15468887

Anecdotes are not superior to population data. Unless you think those people were just kidnapped by aliens or some other conspiracy nonsense.

>> No.15468889

>Yes we do retard would you like a microscope?
Even if it did exist you couldn't see it under a microscope following official claims.
Rather than lashing out maybe go and try to find the evidence you think exists.

>> No.15468894

Only about 1/3 of the excess deaths during the pandemic period have been "with covid". That doesn't even mean that they died of covid, just that there was evidence of infection in their system at death. The other 2/3rd had no evidence of infection though you might argue that the virus damaged the person to a degree that they died after their body was cleared of the virus and antibodies.

>> No.15468984

what virus? take meds.

>> No.15469214

Yep, its all part of "the great replacement"

>> No.15469233


It is population control, but the "schnozzes that be" were trying to be careful as to not destroy all human civilization by overdoing it. They just wanted to give humanity a trim and free up some prime real estate. It was obviously a metered measure.

>> No.15469268
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>> No.15469472
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>More Evidence Covid19 'vaccines' were population control
What if you figured out that EVERYTHING "government" has been pushing for the last 40 years is "population control", would you really be surprised?

>> No.15470004

vaxxies are extremely gullible, they believe everything on tv is real

>> No.15470118

germ theorists are way more stupid

>> No.15470242

He's right. There's still 0 evidence this thing exists. The fact that 2020 was a normal mortality year is proof of this.

>> No.15470245




>> No.15470286


>> No.15470413 [DELETED] 

no viruses exist. i'm 300 lbs, never been sick a day in my life.

>> No.15470449

Israel recently released data on the difference. The number of 18-49 year olds who died FROM covid and not just WITH covid was zero. Every single WITH covid death for those under 50 was due to non-covid factors. Meanwhile, overall mortality for those under 50 is skyrocketing.

>> No.15470582

> I am
there's no covid

>> No.15471082 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 640x576, SumHR1UdcLV6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

covid was plainly fake af

anyone who fell for the charade is very low iq

>> No.15471211

> Krueger

>> No.15471227

I'll never understand the population control meme. Scraping pennies from billions of people is how wealth accumulation and eliteness works. If you reduce the population, you reduce your own income and you reduce the number of ways you can spend your income recreationally.

>> No.15471245

In the US Republicans refuse to take the vaccine

Because of this, more Republicans died

The evidence is in, you lost. All your misinformation, conspiracies and lies killed people. My uncle died of Covid-19. He told the family, clear up until he died, that the vaccine was dangerous. Assholes like you who spread misinformation and lies killed my uncle.

>> No.15471263

Is that another fascist study that's going to be retracted next year or has it already been retracted? Hard to keep up. (By fascist, I mean merger of authoritarian government with scientific industry.)

>> No.15471298

Some of these psychopaths have more than enough money. They want world control, simply

>> No.15471324

But they already do, because that's what money does. It controls the people who have to use it. Less money means less control and fewer people means fewer people to control with money. Psychopaths who want more control would want more people doing shit for them.

>> No.15471327

Money is just a number. It doesn't exist if enough people decide it doesn't. What they want is to lower the chance of a successful revolt by reducing the number of people who are capable of taking part in one.

>> No.15471347

It's a number that only matters in terms of what you can exchange it for. Control, service, hedonism, and the social status that comes from it. Fewer people means less of that. Revolution is also much, much easier if there are fewer total people.

>> No.15471527

> my uncle
shill, old story.

>> No.15471534

on that scale social status comes from owning armies, secret services.

>> No.15471716

If life expectancy is 80 years then 1/80th of the population dies every year and 1/80th is born. If humans just completely skipped a year of babies then per capita death stats like this would jump about 1%.

>> No.15471725

>potential parents postponed having kids
I can't believe that would happen so consistently on such a scale.

>> No.15471735

anyone who thinks covid wasn't real is low iq

>300 covid articles pulled
doesn't prove covid isn't real
one of those papers is how 5g causes coronavirus and other bullshit papers

>> No.15471736

oh, you must be same shill germ theorist

>> No.15471737

not like any of you faggots were gonna reproduce anyway

>> No.15471740

yes i am a truth shill

>> No.15471744

so you shill for big pharma and government "truth", for money. you are psycho.

>> No.15471746

i already told you I just do it for free

>> No.15471747

why do you seethe when somebody else is not going to reproduce? like you lose something like a loser

>> No.15471751

> I, I
you lie, as always, paid shill.

>> No.15471760

one of those retracted papers was also a paper linking myocarditis to the vaccines

>> No.15471761

the american school system at its finest

>> No.15471763

where do i apply to get paid for this?

>> No.15471766

>i'm 300 lbs
lmao, opinion disregarded, fatty

>> No.15471769

tell me again you are free shill, I enjoy it lol

>> No.15471770

are seatbelts population control? are masks?
both increase your survivability not decrease it

>> No.15471771

shills always try to tell who exactly they are, being anonymous

>> No.15471773

masks don't.

>> No.15471928
File: 465 KB, 1800x1800, 00xp-1918masks-03-mediumSquareAt3X-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

masks were responsible for most of the death during the Spanish flu epidemic

>> No.15472023

omg medical fascism

>> No.15472027


>> No.15472121


Cardiac Arrest Data
In response to Xabi’s recent FOI, the MOH provided the number of cardiac arrest cases from 2018 to 2020. They added, “The information for the years 2021–2022 does not exist in the office.”

>> No.15472143

Maybe it's the same thing they do with prescription drugs, they just load you with a bunch of shit and rare health conditions which make you miserable and reliant on the system so they can laugh at you. Why kill when you can cripple.

>> No.15472180

I think I just found another aspect of the vaccine genocide agenda. I was reading this...

Just to be clear about what was found. The vaccine causes cells to produce spike protein similar to the one found in Covid. But the spike proteins generated by this method have a particular signature on their ends, which is remarkably similar to the signature found on the myelin coating on our nerves. This coating is like plastic insulation on electrical wires. Imagine a fungus or some other issue invading your house and eating the insulation off the electrical wiring. All the wires begin to short out and blow the entire system. This is what Multiple Sclerosis is like. The nerves that run up the spine and in the brain need that coating to avoid 'shorting out' and causing motor issues and can ultimately cause death by stopping things like the heart and causing widespread brain malfunction. This is what Michael J. Fox is dealing with.

So the T-Cells are what goes after the infection. And the vaccine trains them what to look for. But the same signature is on the myelin coating of the central and brain nerves, so it can also begin to attack that coating and strip it away, causing MS.

...and I remembered this is exactly what rapeseed/canola oil does.


In the last few years rapeseed/canola oil has been added more and more into most foods on the market. Another aspect of rapeseed/canola oil is that it attacks the cardio-vascular system and increases cancer rate, just like the vaccine.


>> No.15472199
File: 56 KB, 738x500, 61j9p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15472219

It seems every month now some celebrity will 'die unexpectedly' or 'die suddenly'. The first few times I didn't think much of it, but it's now becoming unignorable. I've always been someone who checks MSM news sites regularly and prior to 2022 I would rarely see celebrities die so often and so young.

>> No.15472222
File: 1.68 MB, 1040x5824, old_times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no literally:
>giving people literally 14 - 25 vaccines within 2 weeks
> against cholera, menegitis, anthrax etc.
>then giving them "standard of care" medicine back in the days
>which included: Arsenic, Strychnin, Mercury, ether inhalations and electroshock therapy

They symptoms of "spanish" flu literally looked like horrific poisoning.

"The slow suffocation began when patients presented with a unique symptom: mahogany spots over their cheekbones. Within hours these patients turned a bluish-black hue indicative of cyanosis, or lack of oxygen. When triaging scores of new patients, nurses often looked at the patients' feet first. Those with black feet were considered beyond help and were carted off to die."

People literally got necrosis after the fucking treatments, because they were poisoned.
They turned purple and black.
Does not sound like a "flu" to me.

>> No.15472226

part of globohomo propaganda, nocebo shilling. "let the bodies hit the floor" was /pol psyop shilled hundreds time a day
> I
you are same stupid shill

>> No.15472229

>produce spike protein
please provide one proof of isolating a spike protein from any patients with a direct method such as an protein assay.
No indirect meme method:
>Antibody test

>> No.15472243
File: 608 KB, 856x552, kochsPostulate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you. But your "shill spamming" is really retarded.
Just do not engage with retards.
>SHILL calling is gay as fuck.

>> No.15472268

I agree that Covid never existed, that wasn't the point of my post fagtard.

>> No.15472270

no, faggot, everyone using "I" as kind of proof or influence here is total faggot

>> No.15472290

>everyone using "I" as kind of proof or influence here is total faggot

But still, just posting "shill" is also a retarded sceptard behaviour.

>> No.15472294

maybe because we are in a pandemic

>> No.15472304

> we
> pandemic

>> No.15472306

just cope. send complaints to /pol

>> No.15472410

Made to get you stuck on the transport
Less oxigen to brain, more damaged it will become.

>> No.15472523
File: 2.45 MB, 350x189, 1474851868447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If vaccines were seatbelts

>> No.15472531
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The mass die-off was always a meme. We will not see more than a 10% culling.

COVID was the AI and vaxx helped deliver it.
>over 70% of the worlds population has been inoculated with the quantum AI
>13.4 billion doses administered
Now we just wait for them to roll out the new technohomo system and hook up all the cattle to it along with all the IoT devices before the inevitable. Many of the unvaxxed will line up for the boosters once UBI and other benefits are announced.

>> No.15472589


>> No.15472591


>> No.15472604

No one enjoys or covets owning armies and secret services. There's no social status in that. It's a chore, delegated to others.

>> No.15472605
File: 308 KB, 1200x695, Semmelweiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, doctors really hate anyone that interferes with their ability to poison and harm patients.

>> No.15472834

money is only lower level of control. underlying resources are the basis of power. and weapons.

>> No.15472861
File: 1.27 MB, 908x2324, 1675413651040562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me redpill you about Semmelweisz and why he was killed.

Washing hands was not to "kill bacteria" to prevent deaths.
It was to wash off the arsenic of the hands of doctors who also did the embalming and autopsies.
They literally used arsenic to embalm people.
And they did it with bare hands.
Then touched the wounds of birthing women with their arsenic tainted hands, which literally poisoned them.

The use of arsenic was not only in the interest of the doctors but also of the rich alchemists who produced this toxic crap.
They got him killed.




Until the early 20th century, arsenic was usually used as an embalming fluid, until it was discovered that less toxic chemicals could be used.

Also anthrax never made sheep sick.
It was arsenic sheep dipping.
Pasteur was a fraud

>> No.15472882

You can't control resources and weapons without people, who you can't control without money. Only poor people want population control.

>> No.15472892

dude, you CAN control people with weapons. if you think it all revolves around "money" you are an idiot.

>> No.15472917

You can also control people with porn. No one who wants power, control, and social status would ever want fewer people.

>> No.15472923
File: 129 KB, 593x900, 96f3ced4196716f14a120b1ebf27f1fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pasteur
rebranded "demonic possession" as "rabies", which is only "anger"

>> No.15472932

oh, you are same shill, overpopulation denier.

>> No.15472942

Is a meme.
It literally a meme to make people love the idea of force sterilizing "lower" humans.
It's literally a invention of rich people who push people from villages into Mega cities and then give them a sense of "overcroweding" so that, retardoids begg for "mass deaths" and that everyone should die except them, because "they are not the ones who overcrowd".

>> No.15472950

I'm this poster >>15471227
Population control meme is silly because less population means less wealth and fewer ways to use your wealth.

>> No.15472959

overpopulation is a fact. overpopulation of economy. government is tired of inventing new "jobs". just like the fact that people died in wars were not needed by anybody. right now population is being culled in Ukraine and Russia, and this is only the beginning. those who have power already have all the power they need.

>> No.15472979

Having power isn't about the word "power," it's about what you can do in real life with your power. If you already control a world of a billion people, controlling a world of a million people would feel so painfully weak and boring that you'd probably kill yourself.

>> No.15473048

No it is not.
Wars are needed to kill conpetition.
They select the best and most alpha men, and trick them into killing each other in the middle of nowhere.

Then the gamma cucks try to steal their widows and properties.
Over pop does nlt make sense.
You don't need to create jobs if you just let people live and farm, anelf sustain.

Before ww1 people qorked for themselves and their community

>> No.15473050

total shillshit. every war is proof of overpopulation. people don't need each other. only your mom loves you, shill, while you are cute and eat little.

>> No.15473058

If that analysis made sense, the world population would be less now than it was before the first world war.

>> No.15473062

no. wars are fought against own population using another population. economy is one machine, countries interdependent, no any competition. right now people in Ukraine kill each other while gas keeps going through pipe, Russia pays Ukraine for transit, Ukraine keeps safely exporting grain. two colonies simply fix economy by dramatically rising prices, destroying obsolete production, along with population. even ancient Egypt was overpopulated, those who were engaged in construction of pyramids really did not have anything else to do, either build huge useless shit or go kill and be killed in a war. overpopulation of people is direct result of increased food productivity, overpopulation of farms. globohomo shills "no overpopulation" because it would be demotivating, so they let people having children, most psychoactive drug ever, and in background help people age quicker and die asap in order to balance budget. pensions and social care is a huge burden. but now times changed, they really want to reduce fossil fuels consumption, and all service economy tumors became highly toxic, no room for discovery and innovation, so population will be culled, and you, shills, are a direct instruments for reducing "life print" with your veganism, covidism, climate changism.

>> No.15473083

Ok. You are definetly either a pothead shizo or absolute controlled Op.
Prolly both since you are Name fagging a truthfull statement.

You are a discredit fag similar to the disaster trolls.
Where in the fuck, did globohome ever shill for "no overpopulation" ?
Since you appear to be in every thread...
You might even be a Bot.

>> No.15473089

kys mouthfoaming shill

>> No.15473105

stop. replying. to. the. shill.

>> No.15473146
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>> No.15473148

The guy you're talking to believes Jews don't exist.

>> No.15473351

joos that shit in your pants don't exist. you faggots haven't even defined joos as functionality, scientifically

>> No.15473353

you are a shill, and your task is devalue truth by calling unwanted people "bots". come on, lets have user ids here

>> No.15473690

How stupid is this board? Even /pol/ is ahead of you on this topic.

>> No.15473691
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>> No.15473696

What an absolute load of horse shit. You schizo motherfuckers have no place in society.

>> No.15473711
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, Ω.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will never learn, they will never accept the truth because their hubris blinds them to facts. Violence is the only rightful answer against those godless demons.

>> No.15473714

True and real. That is why the boosters only give 100% immunity to the manufacturers.

>> No.15473835

go away to society

>> No.15473927

> Lockdowns are a big obvious one, isolating people and causing economic problems increases rates of depression, suicide, bad eating and habits like drugs, etc.
Kek. Still parroting this bullshit
>young people are having heart attacks and developing cancers at accelerated rates because of those dang lockdowns!
Such a lazy and illogical way to explain excess deaths.

>> No.15473934

No cbdcs are coming. And the same people who got vaxxed so readily will accept the digital money and wave every right to think for themselves to get it. They'll say it's science and most people even here will go with it.

>> No.15473936

>would you like a microscope
Lol not an answer faggot.

>> No.15473971

> kek
shill. yes, lockdowns, stress, nocebo.

>> No.15473987 [DELETED] 

your ignorance begets your privilege. you clearly didn't struggle during the pandemic. meanwhile, i know literally dozens of people (friends and friends of friends) all of whom openly admit they drank more alcohol during the pandemic than they did in their previous 10-20 years of life. if you want to pretend that social isolation (and for many, unemployment) didn't turn people to drugs, you're either a moron of the highest degree, or an privileged ignoramus. i'm giving the benefit of the doubt and assuming you aren't a moron.

>> No.15474087

Yeah, these people must be perpetually alone to believe any of this.

>> No.15474682

people who obeyed the social isolation rules got what they deserved, same goes for vaxxxxies

>> No.15474686 [DELETED] 

people didn't have a choice when literally everything from restaurants, gyms, social gathering places, etc. were closed. you're again revealing your privilege.

>> No.15474692

You're allowed to go outside into nature. Or are you one of those people trapped in an urban bughive?

>> No.15474695 [DELETED] 

you really don't understand what it's like to have friends and socialize, that much is clear.
>hurr durr just go out into nature

>> No.15474701

Ok yeah you're an urbanite. Listen, just because you and your friends willingly live in a filthy subhuman wasteland doesn't mean we all do.

>> No.15474712 [DELETED] 

wrong. you just don't understand what it's like to have friends.

>> No.15474715

>erm you j-just don't h-have friends...
>because mine won't go out with me except to bars where im paying
He says as he becomes increasingly agitated.

>> No.15474728 [DELETED] 

keep digging, anon. anyone with social skills can see you obviously lack them (indicative of no friends). internet doesn't count, btw.

>> No.15474797

So when the fuck can I finally die? I had to get 5 fucking shots. the original 2 for pfizer because amazon required it and 3 boosters since because I didnt die the first time.
so when's the due date? or are you moving it again? does someone need to send you some money to hit the kill switch or some shit? why the fuck is it taking so long shitlick?

>> No.15474804

> vaxxies
> deserved
shill keywords

>> No.15474806

unclear really, you're at a higher risk of many illnesses going forward.
the batches varied a lot some only got saline

>> No.15474807

> you are unlucky

>> No.15474811 [DELETED] 

describe the frequency with which you got sick pre and post vax

>> No.15474815

the shill is playing with you. nothing personal, it's her job, they create here "narratives", like in matrix, "pull over peoples eyes" certain perspectives, views. "it's your fault" basically.

>> No.15474878

You are assuming that very syringe has the same payload.

Here are the "procedural steps post authorisation"


They changed the composition like very 2 months.
Added and subtracted excipients.
In october 2021 they added sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid because they upped the crap and the PH was different in different production facilities.

>> No.15474935

and you forgot to mention that the first wave had the most deadly strain if I'm not mistaken.
very sus indeed

>> No.15474942

> strain

>> No.15475255
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>> No.15475338

Healthy people don't need to wish death upon the world in their memes to unwind. You have a rotten passtime, have fun coexisting with the billions who will not be dying in spite of your fantasies.

>> No.15475374

> it's your fault
shillshit. society is cancer.

>> No.15475472

theres less than a billion who got vaxxed
have fun irrationally wishing misery on ppl who you provide joy and amusement to by chimping out at their epic 4chan memes

>> No.15476258

>go on 4chan
>get angry at memes
common habit of redditiers

>> No.15477201

But they will be unhealthy.

>> No.15477235

What is it like being 300 lbs and getting angry at rational things like the existence of viruses? Do you sweat profusely as you argue on this godforsaken Laotian spice trading forum?

>> No.15477249

>I hate 4chan
why are you here?

>> No.15477330
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>> No.15477970

funny how the shill conveniently ignored this and asked you to publish a paper proving covid was deadlier in 2020 than in 2022 (yeah the fucking retard doesn't realize arguing the disease was deadlier when everybody was vaccinated and had acquired immunity than when nobody was is a bad look for the efficacy of the vaccine), yet continues arguing the vaccine is not a factor in the increased mortality rate WITHOUT PUBLISHING ANY PAPERS (the fucking hypocrite weasel scum) disproving the findings of a published paper that clearly states otherwise

>> No.15477980

hey fuckface where's your paper disproving this paper's conclusions? >>15466712
too brainlet to get a paper published uh? you need to fuck off then
zip your mouth shithead you got no right to argue til you get your findings published smoothbrain retard

>> No.15478113

I can tell that you're experiencing emotional distress by your use of profanity. why don't you take a break from the board for a while so you can calm down and come back when you're ready to discuss science with us on a strictly rational basis?

>> No.15478158

You'd make a more convincing case if you compare different countries that are 90% vaccinated like Belgium, Portugal, and Malta. Belgium has no increase in mortality in the 0-44 age range for example.

>> No.15478163

somethingated, not "vaccinated".

>> No.15478314
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>rational things like the existence of viruses?

>> No.15478325
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>> No.15478372
File: 1.19 MB, 1x1, PAIM-22-00278_Szczeklik_orig.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The mortality rate was significantly higher in unvaccinated group compared to the fully vaccinated group in the entire cohort (447.9 per 100 000 vs. 43.76 per 100 000, P<0.001) in all age categories.

>> No.15478457

fake af

>> No.15478489

worshipping "documents" is for cattle.

>> No.15478575

Oh, and I suppose all the shit posted by OP and company isn't fake.

>> No.15478592

exactly. all those charts and studies are a garbage, trash to confuse weak minds. fucking factoids.

>> No.15478643
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>> No.15478694


>> No.15478710

Some people took 5 or 6. There are a few outliers who got even more.

>> No.15478719 [DELETED] 

you underestimate how terrified media made people of covid. there are some people STILL wearing masks everywhere. i even see some motherfuckers using gloves at stores.

>> No.15479108

ugly people love the masks, helps them hide their ugly faces that they are rightfully ashamed of

>> No.15479145
File: 885 KB, 1152x720, IT&#039;S JUST.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty lame population control
>As they control the populations in all these various countries to simultaneously start wearing masks, 6 foot rule and purposefully not talk to each other.

It's the most genius population "control", not even Orwell could have come up with it.

They're paranoid schizophrenic sheep who are really ugly on the inside. They hide behind the mask because it cushions them from the embarrassment of having to explain their incomprehensible gibberish to normal people. It makes them invisible not just because it covers their face, but because it's a signifies to everyone that they should be ignored like the doper diaper wearers they set out to be. It's their mobile safespace which is why they only wear it in the grocery store and not at the bug chasing parties and fur con hotels.

>> No.15479204

population control is not about numbers, retard, it's about fear

>> No.15479228

>wearing masks, 6 foot rule and purposefully not talk to each other
except the majority of people ignored these, especially if nobody was watching

>> No.15479308


>> No.15479382

SK DESTROYS one of the most cited pro vaccine scientist.

>> No.15479396


The unvaccinated Amish were the control group. Their infection fatality rate from COVID was 23X lower than the surrounding community. Their secret? They ignored ALL the CDC's recommendations.
The lack of record-level data transparency from the health authorities worldwide should tell you everything you need to know
The Amish did nothing more than provide us with statistics that are publicly verifiable.

On the other hand, the US health authorities in every state and country deliberately kept the vaccine-death records from public view, providing only summary data.

You can’t get linked death-vaccine record-level data from any state or federal government anywhere in the world: they all refuse to produce them. No exceptions.

I talked to one of my State Senators about sponsoring a bill for more than an hour and he said only that he would “think about it.”

After I asked our State Epidemiologist Erica Pan if she believed in data transparency of public health data and she stopped answering my emails at that point.

Nobody will let any of us in to inspect the records either.

It’s just not allowed for anyone to see the data and learn the truth.

We are all supposed to trust them.

Sometimes I get lucky and get leaked data in my mailbox. What little data I was able to get from public health records showed that the COVID vaccines are killing people. The slope of deaths was supposed to go down after vaccination, not up.

>> No.15479442

there's no covid, all this effort in vain

>> No.15479616

Also if you get the data and make a youtube video about it they will update their numbers to be standardized. So basicly all data is falsified.

>> No.15479674

That's irrelevant since the injections do exist.

>> No.15479687

Why are people in their 50s so much less affected than other age groups?

>> No.15479728
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>except the majority of people ignored these,
>especially if nobody was watching

Ah yes, they only ignored it only once the fear subsided. It doesn't matter who ignored what, the point was to create the "nobody" who always watches and waits and doesn't ignore unless the information is too inconvenient. It was to create people like >>15479396 this anon describes.

>The lack of record-level data transparency from the health authorities worldwide should tell you everything you need to know
The irony is this is one of the talking points they abuse to get you to trust them. "Oh uh, science changed we didn't know/data isn't there to assume.

Do they? They could be placebos and no one would be the wiser.

>> No.15479774

>the point was to create the "nobody" who always watches
social media already accomplished that, anything further is a waste of resources

>> No.15479806
File: 815 KB, 498x275, how-do-we-tell-him-mr-krabs[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything further is a waste of resources
Dependents aren't making "the plan".

>> No.15479863

> They could be placebos
exactly. if I were the "joo" I'd try to make them as cheap as possible to maximize returns, i.e just saline. I would out several years so cattle gets accustomed to regular injections, and then would use specially prepred poisons. suppose you need to get rid of some politician or activist, he comes for his next jab and gets his special injection, and dies after few days. blame covid.

>> No.15479892

My favorite vaccine meme was the initial rollout of them and how they had to be frozen to absurd temperatures like -50C before used.

LOL okay, so out of the goodness of their hearts they're going to:

>transport fragile packages at -50C across the planet,
>then store them properly until inoculation
>then replace them every 30 days when they expire
>Also it's a DNA treatment and not actually a vaccine like the rest of the ones you store in a fridge and not a freezer
>Oh now you need a second one

See it would make so much more sense if that's where all the covid money was actually being invested into.

>suppose you need to get rid of some politician or activist, he comes for his next jab
None of these faggots took it. They all had private doctors who didn't recommend taking it. What they did take was that covid money though.

>> No.15480021

>The unvaccinated Amish were the control group. >Their infection fatality rate from COVID was 23X lower than the surrounding community.
How do vaxxxxies explain this?

>> No.15480057

They don't usually explain anything, they just seethe and cope.

>> No.15480388
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this is why ppl in their 50s fare so much better than everyone else

>> No.15480540

omg muh lead again. total bullshit.

>> No.15480549
File: 501 KB, 670x732, 1681391288389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites aren't being ethnically cleansed from their own cities and homelands because the overall population is increasing :^)

>> No.15480640
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>> No.15481523

US Government expert testifies under oath that vaccines can trigger autism
Even the expert relied upon by the US government to “prove” that vaccines do NOT cause autism admitted that vaccines can trigger autism and that the US government deliberately mischaracterized his testimony. See his affidavit.


>> No.15481538

Don’t expect Congress to ever investigate
Unfortunately, they aren’t talking about this at all in Congress. Why? Because the drug companies don’t want them to.

For example, there was a House bill (H.R.3069) in 2009 which would have required the NIH to do a survey on the health outcomes of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated.

Can you guess what happened next?

Yup, it was killed in committee. Never saw the light of day.

>> No.15481600

Not a vaxxie but a plausible explanation is that the Amish aren't a bunch of fat asses who are popping dozens of pills and living a shitty lifestyle. I'd be curious to see the influenza fatality rate for Amish compared to the general population before the pandemic.

>> No.15481609

there was no pandemic, lol, stupid shillie. attempt failed.

>> No.15481660

Since you obviously need your tiny hit of dopamine, I'll change pandemic to "response to the perceived pandemic" so you won't derail the thread any further with your attempts to fill your empty life with low grade interactions.

>> No.15481675

> derail
like you define its direction

>> No.15481685
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Eugenics is based.

>> No.15482024

50 year olds are clear the ones behind this conspiracy

>> No.15482159

Ignore this retard.
Either it's chat GPT driven or a derail disaster troll.
Germs are not cause of disease, but this retard is obviously in every medical oriented thread to taint the "germ theory of disease is unproven" position.

>> No.15482169
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There are three purposes for a vaccine program.
1) Behavior modification and selective intelligence reduction.
2) Population management. Whether it be via fertility, average lifespan, rate of chronic illnesses, etc. This can be tailored to a given race and region as needed.
3) Social stability. Inducing chronic diseases then making them a thing can create solidarity. Weakened people are more dependent, and therefore they're more fearful and easier to control. Their continued existence is tied to the system, they cannot leave, they can dream but they know they cannot ever live on their own. The economic aspect is another layer on top of it.

They clamp
xray and mammogram
and more

>> No.15482174
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>> No.15482175
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Section 13 of every single insert.

>> No.15482177
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Woops. Wrong one.

>> No.15482757

it good of you to finally admit that covid-19 was a hoax

>> No.15482783
File: 127 KB, 684x992, fakeCompare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They compared the "same amount" of "antigene".
But did not compare for "Adjuvants" (aluminium hydroxide)

Twinrix and Engerix-B has different adjuvant composition hence they are different products.

>> No.15482784

cattle perceives what media imposed on them, use word "scamdemic", shill.

>> No.15482790

They don't do placebo control trials for any of them. It's always adjuvant or another vaccine.

>> No.15483723

>Since you obviously need your tiny hit of dopamine

>> No.15484607 [DELETED] 

there was no pandemic

>> No.15485419 [DELETED] 

This, thats what the graphic in OP proves. Midwits were easily tricked into taking a poisonous "vaccine" by CNN and it's crew of fake soience experts.

>> No.15486716 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1200x615, cnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao that vaxxies are dumb enough to fall for this kind of trickery

>> No.15486726

it's inaccurate, the amish were hit really hard with covid

>> No.15486741

Thank God. Amish are fucking awful. M

>> No.15487153

coordinated shilling

>> No.15487255


>> No.15487390

not agreed

>> No.15487640 [DELETED] 

racism is banned on 4chan outside of /b/

>> No.15487659

Less people had long covid. You let your fear of the jab meme you into getting FluAIDS. Good luck with your permanently hampered immune system and brain damage

>> No.15488800 [DELETED] 

only amongst vaxxxies

>> No.15488823

>every war is proof of overpopulation
think it was kinda written in the stars. scorpion and the frog. it's in man's nature to kill each other. men before us were 1000s of times more impulsive.

>Wars are needed to kill conpetition.
you mean kill enemies.

>They select the best and most alpha men,
some men are simply soldiers. even without a war to fight. a plumber doesn't lose his skills if there's no work. some men are cowards. it's all how you react to being surrounded by disloyalty

>> No.15488953
File: 224 KB, 897x531, 1662493510556359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War is about tricking people to leave their family unprotected and get killed in a no mans land on the behalf of other men.
It's all about derooting and destryoing families to thin out the "cannonfodder".

War is the biggest crueles alchemistical joke ever:
>how to turn lead into gold?

Former rich Alchemist families and bankers worked together and funded all sides, to trick capable young men to kill each other because they saw the glory and horror in propaganda posters and leaflets.

They got young men, into wars, which was just a meatgrinder to destroy families, and leave single moms with children behind.
It's all a big trauma ritual to destroy love and family.
Your families got ripped apart as well.
Do you know how many young men, got tricked to move to the USA during WWI+II ?
War is an excuse to fragment families all over the world and deroot them.

There are not """nations""" there are only aggregates of fragmented families without roots who own a certificate to be allowed to have legal access to a geographic location.

War is the only endeavour in which the wins are payed out in Gold and the losses are payed in blood, but it's never the blood of those who profit.
When a man is tricked into dying in no mans land, his family will lose everything and the profiteurs will buy their land and businesses.
War is and was to destroy small businesses and force people to work for the big corps which funded these wars, while they lose their xommunity and family.
Now today the military butt boys are meme lords.
But in the past it was fathers with families and business owners who were good willed, but exploited to die for a cause they did not properly understand.

>> No.15488982

The goal isn't to cull low wage slave labour, the goal is to cull the White middle class so the White upper class can rule non-White wageslaves who will live in Bangladeshi ghettos forever.

Germany has replacement level migration.

>> No.15489007
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they did blame the disease

>> No.15489812

because the data shows that the vaccine was what caused all the mortality

>> No.15490017


>> No.15490207
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You're just, like, cherry picking countries that support your beliefs, man.

>> No.15490664
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>> No.15490912

no such thing.

>> No.15491148

Based and redpilled.

>> No.15491338

and respirators protected even more
why is it this much into the pandemic some people still don't know you should be wearing a respirator not a surgical mask

>> No.15491444

>it's inaccurate, the amish were hit really hard with covid
Less than 10 in the entire USA died of covid

>> No.15491458
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poor gooks got hit hard after the gmo injection

>> No.15491717
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That means it's working.

>> No.15492492

>Less than 10 in the entire USA were dishonestly classified as having died of covid

>> No.15492513

>White genocide is their motive. If population control was their motive then they would be restricting immigration as well as offing their own people, but instead they're killing whites at the same time as they're importing "diversity"

They said they were going to go after whites first, then everyone else. Does it realistically matter where all the brown people are if most of the whites die off? They all parasitize off of white people anyways, after most of the whites are gone very few are going to build/maintain infrastructure for brown or black people in America or any other part of the world.

>vaxxie deaths are a long term plan, they gradually destroy the infrastructure that keeps everyone else alive then everyone dies from starvation


>> No.15492526

How much of it is due to suicides / comorbidities of locking down all of humanity

>> No.15492838

her name was diamond Princess

>> No.15493807

holocausting the low iqs is good

>> No.15493920
File: 686 KB, 964x964, FxZHQa_aQAE6j7m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Editor at pro-vaxx soience journal gets vaxx induced heart attack, refuses to consider the scientific implications

>> No.15494598

>Will Shills ever feel guilt?
no, they'll just tell more lies in order to try an escape responsibility for the harm they've caused. being liars is how they got shills in the first place, they're not about to become honest now or at any time in the future for any reason, no matter how severe

>> No.15495516

because the disease didn't exist while the vax was very really and clearly also toxic

>> No.15496139

bad cope, the lockdowns were in the year that didn't have excess deaths, all the excess death is post vaxxx

>> No.15496147

>2022 miscarriages
Ok, but the vax rolled out in early 2021, why did we only see an increase a whole year later?

You wanna know the secret here? It's because we stopped Covid surveillance, and thus while in 2020 we understood relatively well if a death was from Covid, in 2021 we stopped and just started attributing it to unknown causes, which is what drives the excess mortality rate.

You are retarded antivaxxers. You can manufacture anything if you use a non objective metric like "excess" mortality, it's essentially just saying more people died than what we expected, but it's not actually saying more people are dying overall than in 2020.

>> No.15496172

>Covid cases are correlated with vaccination numbers
Yeah, no shit sherlock. If you're getting infected with Covid more often then you probably want to go in and get vaccinated more often.

>why were deaths so much higher AFTER the vaccine than BEFORE?
BECAUSE IT'S NOT "DEATHS", it's excess mortality. READ MY LIPS: EXCESS MORTALITY. Not the same thing as deaths. If you expect 0 people to die in a year, then any death could be counted as "excess mortality". Fucking retard.

>> No.15496176

>BECAUSE IT'S NOT "DEATHS", it's excess mortality. READ MY LIPS: EXCESS MORTALITY. Not the same thing as deaths. If you expect 0 people to die in a year, then any death could be counted as "excess mortality". Fucking retard.
Strangest cope honestly. This is the same statistic they used to make covid seem like a somethingburger and it's based on a 5-year running average.

>> No.15496182

>Strangest cope honestly.
>I have no argument

> it's based on a 5-year running average.
GREAT, fucking great. Good for you. Still doesn't mean anything.

>> No.15496186

Look, I want to believe. If you can produce ANYTHING of tangible evidence which can't be picked apart by babby tier intro to statistics, I'll believe you.

>> No.15496192

Well if you don't even understand how excess mortality is calculated then I literally cannot help you. You don't meet the basic IQ bar to understand this topic.

>> No.15496203

Yeah, sure, I'm the one who doesn't understand excess mortality. Obviously if you compare years in which there wasn't a pandemic to the years in which there is one, then obviously you can't be surprised when it doesn't follow the trend. This isn't evidence of anything.

Now if you were to find a study which shows excess mortality stratified by number of vaccines taken, I'll believe you.

>> No.15496205

>"But I did have breakfast."

>> No.15496218

>Now if you were to find a study which shows excess mortality stratified by number of vaccines taken, I'll believe you.
Not possible, because it would hurt the personality rights and "Data privacy" laws of the people.

You can only get information of vaccination status when the people go into restaurants.
But not when they die, to protect their privacy.
Easy as that.

>> No.15496226
File: 219 KB, 3000x1271, lightbox_2a4659f0f01011ed8d30dd44c1354a5a-Fig12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, this is the last time I'll reply to you. This graph is from your own study. If we are to expect vaccines are driving the excess mortality, then why is the second peak smaller than the other two? The article claims that there is a temporal correlation between vaccines and deaths. Yeah, no shit there is. People get motivated to get vaccinated if they see a bunch of people dying from the virus. Simply saying "there's a temporal correlation" doesn't mean anything. There's a temporal correlation between snakebites and ice cream sales, but can you conclude snakes love ice cream? No.

Idiotic study.

>> No.15496245

>Obviously if you compare years in which there wasn't a pandemic to the years in which there is one, then obviously you can't be surprised when it doesn't follow the trend.
Why would a pandemic during the 5-year running average make excess deaths go up afterwards? In the absence of any actual change in deaths they would go down

>> No.15496256

Because the pandemic never ended? There is no set day when the Covid virus just disappeared. There is no "after" in this situation.

>> No.15496259

>"But I did have breakfast."

>> No.15496269

>I have no argument

>> No.15496277

kek, and you still don't even know.

>> No.15496284

Like I said, even if covid deaths were equally bad in 2021 and 2022, the moving five-year average would make excess mortality go down, not up.

>> No.15496298

>Because the pandemic never ended? There is no set day when the Covid virus just disappeared. There is no "after" in this situation.

So let me get this straight:
>during the most deadly pandemic when it was declared a pandemic, there was no excess deaths
>but it is about health and death
>because it is a pandemic when people die and get sick
>then WHO delcared covid pandemic as over
>even though, now more people die
>also in the young
>also in the non vulnerable group
>but it's actully over and not over at the same time
>but it's not a pandemic, because some People said so
>but it's about health
>but more people are dying then during the pandemic and when no vaccine was available
>but it's not a "risk for public health"
>there fore it's not a pandemic
>but the virus is still there, and according to your logic it is responsible for the excess deaths
>but it's not pandemic worthy anymore
>even though more people die

>> No.15496305

"it" never appeared lol

>> No.15496313

Ok? Like I said, the pandemic never ended. Covid deaths weren't equally bad in 2021-2022 as 2020, see the graph: >>15496226

The vaccine clearly had a positive effect considering peak excess mortality was reduced after the first wave of vaccinations. Problem is we know the protective ability of the vaccine wanes with time, which is exactly what we see, a slow increase in mortality after vaccinations.

You could ask if the vaccines are doing it, but again the study isn't enough evidence to say one way or the other. You're just saying shit with no evidence.

>> No.15496318

>"Why would I be hungry? I ate breakfast today."

>> No.15496333

>peak excess mortality was reduced after the first wave of vaccinations
Oh it dropped after?
And peaked during the first wave of vaccinations.
SO when they injected more people were dying.
And after the frist wave it didn't peak anymore.

And according to your graphic:

The death peaks and injections are extremly close together.
Why are people dying while the vaccination wave?
Like here:

it appears to me, that there is a strong temporal correlation between deaths rising, with the administration of the vaccine.

>> No.15496346

>And peaked during the first wave of vaccinations.
>SO when they injected more people were dying.
>And after the frist wave it didn't peak anymore.
HO-LY SHIT. That's literally my entire point, are you 80 IQ? See >>15496226

Simply saying "there is a temporal correlation" IS NOT EVIDENCE YOU FUCKING RETARD. There is no new information which I can possibly discern from OP's article which would suggest the vaccines are driving the mortality. It's indeterminate, a statistical fallacy to conclude the vaccines are doing this. You're just saying a bunch of vacuous shit.

>> No.15496349


>> No.15496350

>There is no new information which I can possibly discern from OP's article which would suggest the vaccines are driving the mortality.
Aside from the fact that as injections continue to be given deaths spike with the same temporal association even though the pandemic is over.

>> No.15496353

look, liar is seething and yelling

>> No.15496354

I mean, people are taking fewer covid vaccines now than they did in 2021, and excess mortality is still going up, so yeah.

>> No.15496362

And since we know that covid isn't responsible for any of those deaths, governments are scrambling for any cope they can to avoid admitting that it's the vax's long-term side effects.

>> No.15496363

When it happens in multiple places everywhere arround the world, and they all have the same factor: Vaccination the correlation inidcates that it might be causal and should be investigated.
Just like you said:
>There is no new information
Yes. Which is the point of all the critic.
HOW in the fuck can there NOT be information when seeing this statistical behaviour?

Even though we know:
>clots, myocarditis, heart attacks etc.
Occur shortly after vaccination in a respectable number of people.
So your argument is:
>people die
>it just appears that way
>all arround the world
>with the same pattern: Vaccines administerd, deaths rising
>but it only correlates
>but when they all have a common factor, and NOW information is given nor arises even though it is a extremly improbable "coincidence" which means: Strong correleation, which means IT HAS TO BE investigated.

Everywhere arround the whole world there is the same pattern. Even repeasting, like in your graphic:
>vaccin peaks and death peaks peak at the same time
This is a statisticall anomaly, which should be investigated.

>> No.15496367

That isn't a graph of covid deaths, it's a graph of excess deaths, and I didn't compare 21/22 to 20, I'm comparing 21 to 22. Is it your claim that there were more covid deaths in Germany in 2022 than in 2021?

>> No.15496378

>This is a statisticall anomaly, which should be investigated.
Yeah, they did. Maybe if you didn't look at "alternative" studies you'd know this.

>> No.15496383

>Yeah, they did. Maybe if you didn't look at "alternative" studies you'd know this.

no they didn't.

>> No.15496403

Ok then go ahead and show me a study which did the only reasonable thing to do:

Collect all data from all people that died create a table with the following collumns:

Age-groups (in 10 year steps) | Date of Vax1 | vax2 | Vax 3 | Date of Covid infection | Date of death | Cause of death | Comorbidity diagnosed prior 2020 (yes/no) | Comorbidity diagnosed after 2020 (date/null)

>> No.15496407

"White like me", amirite Moishe?

>> No.15496745

Something people don't realize because they're stupid is that 85% of the world's social resources such as medicine and drugs and therapy go towards the elderly.

A clot shot that makes sure you don't live past 65 would be ideal

>> No.15497859

>nobody will ever know that we stole all the social security funds if we kill everyone before they're old enough to collect

>> No.15498388
File: 149 KB, 1024x1280, U9lJ0tCTpfO1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaxxxies were tricked by a lame media hoax and now they are going to pay the ultimate price

>> No.15498528

Fucking retard

>> No.15498984

Nice conspiracy theory photoshopped from InfoWars.

>> No.15499624

>t. butthurt vax cattle upset at seeing the truth

>> No.15499639

Are you denying the gay frogs exist?

>> No.15499659

nocebo shilling

>> No.15499902

2 more weeks.

>> No.15500443

the measured increase in excess deaths started two and a half years ago and it is still increasing

>> No.15501472

Alex Jones was the only one who would listen to Dr. Tyrone Hayes' findings about the effects of pesticides on amphibians, the entire science world willfully ignored Hayes, who was later proved to be completely correct.
So if Infowars is making a claim then that claim is more trustworthy than the scientific conventional wisdom, Infowars has a better track record

>> No.15502181

Vaxxies will never admit they were hoodwinked, they're too arrogant

>> No.15502305

why do you keep samefagging over and over?

>> No.15502323

I would desperately love to be able to cull the human population to less than 1% of its current size, so believe me when I say that I dearly wish that the vaccines had been some kind of global population control scheme. But if they were, they were an incredibly ineffective one.

Even if a third of the global population were wiped out tomorrow, we'd be back to today's numbers within a generation or two. A few million extra deaths is less than nothing.

>> No.15502948

>If you're getting infected with Covid more often then you probably want to go in and get vaccinated more often
Holy fucking retardation

>> No.15503130

>But if they were, they were an incredibly ineffective one.
so far, sv40 takes time to work

>> No.15503136

while people were busy jabbing each other and discussing muzzles and seatbelts government did tricks with economy.

>> No.15503247

And invited in most of Latin America and anyone else who could make it to Mexico.

>> No.15503977

This. Illegals were explicitly disallowed from receiving the vax.

>> No.15504025
File: 261 KB, 1250x1226, A big scammmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15504350

>government did tricks with economy.
That was actually the Federal Reserve bank that was doing that, its privately owned and not part of the government.

>> No.15505263 [DELETED] 

Infowars is generally more accurate than nearly every other media outlet

>> No.15506491 [DELETED] 

if the 2021 rates show about a 4% rise in excess deaths and the 2023 show about 8% then 12% should be expected for this year.

>> No.15507522 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 1280x1024, v1c5dzpiq5j21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15508279 [DELETED] 

>death rates in 2022 not hindered by the initial die off in 2021
so the rate of vaxxxie death is still accelerating and we should expect to see even worse (better) numbers for this year.