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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15465792 No.15465792 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, i have diagnosed ADHD+ADD and medications never achieved anything more than making me a zombie. I dont have an extremely bad case of ADHD+ADD, my life is overall good, i have a gf, a good well paid job as an IT specialist. I learned how to navigate around my illness quite well but sometimes sometimes i just can't keep focus on long and important tasks.
I recently discovered about nootropics and they look pretty interesting.
So my question is: Is there a nootropic (possibly a bit stimulating) that i can get when I cannot manage to keep my attention on important tasks?
And if yes where i can get it from that make world wide shipping?
I'm not interested in to weird research chemical psychostimulants.

>> No.15465797

Fake diagnosis by scammers
Another scam

Stop being so gullible.

>> No.15465803

Interesting, why do you think nootropics are a scam?
I would love to hear some critique about it

>> No.15465817

I think that is rude to make bold claims without having any arguments to back them up.
Especially in to a board dedicated to science.
You should consider going back reddit where you will find a lot of all knowing neck-beard like you.

>> No.15465822

shilled advertisement of pharma

>> No.15465927

This is true

Why do you fall for this shit?

They obviously do

>> No.15465955

nope, faggoty shill, they don't.

>> No.15465969

Stimulants for ADHD are well-supported but aren't for everyone and it can be hard to find the right med/dosage
Nootropics are complete bullshit with zero scientific backing. It's snake oil.

>> No.15466002

There's only one faggot here and it's you

>> No.15466033

nope, this site is teeming with shills, and shills are faggots, faggot

>> No.15466260

Viruses do exist you moronic cocksucking faggot

>> No.15466286

viruses don't exist, fucking shill. you fucking germ theory is total bullshit.

>> No.15466428

Do some reading you fucking moron


>> No.15466437
File: 54 KB, 738x500, 63ml0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Wikipedia
you can shove it up your ass

>> No.15466641

You deny facts because you're a dribbling moron, faggot

>> No.15466735

you deny facts, faggot and paid shill.

>> No.15466815

No I don't because I recognise that viruses exist, you dribbling faggot

>> No.15466955

Coffee and nicotine. You're welcome.

>> No.15467383
File: 3.00 MB, 480x480, fish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good weight loss combo, at the least.

>> No.15467502

> recognize
shill. I KNOW viruses don't exist.