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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15465948 No.15465948 [Reply] [Original]

Post /sci/ textbook reccomendations/ ordered guides. Any subject welcome preferably physics/math.

>> No.15465971
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>> No.15465982
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>> No.15465984


>> No.15465985

>'be a nerd and read one'
>never read a book
>smarter than most people

>> No.15465988

Where is the bible schizo

>> No.15465991

Get your eyes checked, pedo

>> No.15466024
File: 2.81 MB, 331x498, beavis-laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smarter than most people
49% of people are.

>> No.15466105

Remove Griffiths, especially QM, remove Taylor, remove Halliday (that one has to be a troll kek) and probably remove LL vol 2

>> No.15466122
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people who overpraise Axler just demonstrate they've never seen a good LA book. this chart gets a pass though for including H&K, objectively the best LA text
>Strang and Stewart
>w/e the fuck that plug'n'chug mutt book to the left of Stewart is
>top 15 of all time

>> No.15466123
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>Remove Griffiths
I haven't read his Quantum Mechanics book, but pic related is the most accessible (and enjoyable) EM textbook I've read.
He's a good author.

He even called the pound and foot system users "Neanderthals" which was pretty funny.

>> No.15466124
File: 56 KB, 254x314, Screenshot 2023-05-27 165058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic

>> No.15466127

anyone got a number theory chart or anything close?
also i'm thinking of making my own chart for algebra books, but i'm terrible with image editing, what would be the easiest way to make one?

>> No.15466227

His QM book is nothing like the EM one
Whoops just saw it. I am NOT a loli enjoyer btw

>> No.15466228

Paint.net or just MS Paint really

>> No.15466247

Ok groomer

>> No.15466262

Whats that mean

>> No.15467574


>> No.15467633

>linear algebra done right
what a fucking shitty book.

>> No.15468366
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>> No.15468371
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>> No.15468393
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>> No.15468400
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>> No.15468552

that's a pretty shit chart if i'm being honest. got one on advanced NT?

>> No.15468566
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>> No.15468576
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>> No.15468688

>advanced NT

>> No.15468734

>t. 49%er

>> No.15468785
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>advanced NT
Thats like zeroless base systems and dynamic base systems and other nonsensical shit, I have almost never come across anthing like those that has been labeled "Number Theory", ever.

Norman Wildberger does a lot of Number Theory but he doesnt label it as such, but it totally is. Mod math for example, though I would modify his definitions a bit;

Advanced Number Theory and Schizo Math are synonyms. Only the insane touch it...you are not insane, so not for you.

>> No.15469016


>> No.15469043

I don't know shit about anything and just started quickly scrolling through pages in the intro to electrodynamics pdf

what the fuck does an upside-down triangle stand for?

>> No.15469176

Its the div operator, it means partially differentate whatever it's being applied to basiically

>> No.15469231

it's the exterior derivative of the 2-form associated to a vector field :^)

>> No.15470369
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>> No.15470373

no it's not, you're such a fucking idiot
literally every post of yours is total bullshit

>> No.15470381


>> No.15470424
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Good luck in class tomorrow...but this class is dismissed...now get out.

>> No.15470503

How do I git gud at Classical Mechanics? I am unable to solve the problems in Red Morin. I know I am retarded with sub 100 IQ but I want to learn Physics. Please help.

>> No.15470602

study 10 hours a day

>> No.15471780


>> No.15472346

+1 for including david morin's book
that is literally the best freshman classical mech book out there, very lucid explanations for stuff, top-tier problems, very succinct but has greater readability than literally anything else

people see the short chapters and think it doesn't cover much but it covers everything you need, and sometimes some of the theory is hidden in the problems (which is perfectly alright, since there are solutions for those: e.g. rutherford scattering, the cycloidal pendulum, the catenary problem)
people also get scared by the problems but unless you're a midwit you will have an incredibly fun time working through them

the other red book, taylor, is insanely overrated by retards
i don't like it at all, tried reading a couple chapters just to see why people cream themselves over it all the time
there is nothing in its content that justifies its length

>> No.15472355

you should be able to solve all the one and two star problems without much difficulty. If you can't, that shows that you lack understanding of the topic at the level required by the book.
I wouldn't worry _too_ much if you can't solve most of the three and four star problems. I'd suggest you just solve whatever three star problems you can (you should be able to solve at least some of them), go on to the next chapter, and then revisit the ones that you couldn't later. You would've gained some extra intuition in that time, and you'll be approaching the problems from a different place, and that would surely help. BTW if you can solve most of the three star problems you should be pretty happy since that means you're smarter than like 90% of your peers most of whom would be retards.

Also don't worry too much if you can solved the physics part of a problem but then get stuck on evaluating an integral or something. That just means you have to get better at integrals, you understand the physics.

Also also, sometimes some set of problems require you to solve them a certain way. If you can't figure that out you might not be able to solve the entire class of problems. Sneaking a look at the solutions every now and then is okay, as long as you make sure you're not fooling yourself into thinking you understand how to solve a problem when you don't.

>> No.15472356

i feel like griffiths e&m is alright but that might be because i haven't read any other undergraduate e&m text

>> No.15472552

Baby's first physics textbooks. There's no condensed matter or stat mech and the only QFT book on there (Zee) is trash.

Griffiths and Halliday and Resnick are good for what they are and they've taught generations.

>> No.15472726

If you had added a limerick, I would have thought this was Morin himself.

>> No.15472731

>david morin's book
>that is literally the best freshman classical mech book
I'm a mathfag, so this was my choice. Haven't completed the entire thing yet (it's a side project), but definitely prefer it to anything else I've seen.

If you're mathematically inclined, where do you go next? I mean to read Arnol'd, and of course there is Landau/Lifshitz.

>> No.15473042

I honestly have no idea
I tried reading Arnold some time back and got filtered hard since I didn't (and still don't) have all the math prerequisites required to fully understand and appreciate that book
L&L is good but it doesn't actually cover that much (in fact it doesn't even mention noether's theorem iirc)
I didn't read beyond the first couple of chapters (the first chapter is pretty good since it provides motivation for why the lagrangian takes the form it does without appealing to newton's formulation) but I really don't think it's worth trudging through them if you've got morin and goldstein

i'm just a physics freshman btw, will probably get around to giving arnold another try a couple years later

>> No.15473052

How many LA books does a student need? Kunze and Hoffman is enough.

>> No.15473722


>> No.15473757
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>> No.15473761
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>> No.15473811

Do you have any recommendations for electro-magnetism? Perhaps LL is a consideration for that. Since I was pleased with Morin's classical mechanics, I picked up Purcell's EM book (Morin resurrected Purcell's book and released it with some of his problems for the 3rd edition), but I'm ashamed to say I've barely looked at it.

I've heard Feynman is good to read, but someone told me it's better as a review after one has completed traditional textbooks, although they were specifically talking about Feynman Vol 1.

>> No.15474472

griffith em

>> No.15474980


>> No.15475048

can someone make one for waves and signals?

>> No.15475052

it says WITH apocrypha, dummy

>> No.15475061

>no you can't just measure something differently because uhhhh REASONS OK
uh yeah maybe if my dick was getting sucked I'd change my mind

>> No.15475432

I haven't read anything except for griffiths

>> No.15475846
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>> No.15475849


>> No.15475851


>> No.15475869 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15476088 [DELETED] 

Lol nigger really said "Earth a plane". Jokes really write themselves, n shiet.
Also kill yourself glowie, we all know you're just here to give the impression that all conspiracy theories are as dumb as the flath earth one.

>> No.15476874


>> No.15477061
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Oppenheim has a 3rd signal book, pic rel. Haven't read it yet (still reading his first book), but based on reputation it probably belongs in the list.

>> No.15477808


that is all just magic ... no true expression of the sphere.

>> No.15477813
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>> No.15478610


>> No.15478693
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>> No.15479048

Is there a /sci/ recommended books chart for learning how to make a computer?
Not obscure programming languages or gay algorithm analysis.
Just everything that makes a computer up, from the chips and the boards all the way to the units, buses, peripherals, and all that.
Pref. something that starts with the physics/chemistry part of it though.

>> No.15480984
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>> No.15481268

Great ones, used all of them. I will say, RHB totally mogs Boas imo.

>> No.15481283

>Neil Degrasse Tyson

Is this a joke?

>> No.15481323
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>> No.15481324
File: 1.11 MB, 1x1, Fractional_Distance.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15481327
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>> No.15481330
File: 2.08 MB, 1x1, TIMESAND___NextSteps-146-306.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15481819

What about history and language guides?

>> No.15481901

how do you guys afford these books? i'm a poor student and can barely afford classes let alone housing.

>> No.15481912
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>> No.15481946

That's the stupidest picture I've seen in a while

>> No.15482003
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used books are like 10 bucks

>> No.15482011
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Lucky. My books are either near free or this.

>> No.15482210
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Who said I could afford anything?

>> No.15482623

Can anyone make top EE books? Currently reading EE 101 by Ashby.

>> No.15482693

schwartz should be there instead of zee for qft. or srednicki if you're based

>> No.15482965


>> No.15483142

What book is the best introduction to Logic?

>> No.15483674
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>He doesn't know the joys of having the entire history of human knowledge at the palm of his hand. And for free also

>> No.15483710
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yo cunts I'm tryna find a pdf of picrel

>> No.15484652
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>> No.15484936
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>> No.15485006

Looking for top tier physical chem / theoretical chemistry books hit me up nerds

>> No.15485063

My biggest complaint is David c lay being on this. Peter lax LAWA was much better

>> No.15485074

Retarded sequence, just why

>> No.15485995


>> No.15486000
File: 9 KB, 249x250, Pepedaddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer open assholes

>> No.15486922

libgen [.] rs

>> No.15486981

Is there a chart/guide for algebra? Like covering up to sheaf?

>> No.15487160

Griffiths E&M is pretty decent but his QM book is not good. Sakurai, Bohm, Dirac are all better. Halliday and Resnick is a really low quality book and shouldn't be used now that Morin exists.

>> No.15487975
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lol, lmao even

>> No.15488958
