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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15464768 No.15464768 [Reply] [Original]

why germans good at science

>> No.15465318

because otto von bismark

>> No.15465415


>> No.15465423

The Faustian Spirit originated from germany

>> No.15465438

If Germans are so smart why did Hitler cockblock the gun in your image every step of the way in favour of a 19th century bolt action rifle until it was too late?

>> No.15465440


>> No.15465442

watch forgotten weapons

>> No.15465461

Yeah Ian said it was because Hitler is retarded

>> No.15465462
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no thanks

>> No.15465550

Ww2 was faked

>> No.15465554

Btfo incels who fell for fake news

>> No.15465558
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>> No.15465560

german sounds so ugly than they just shut up and calculate

>> No.15465625

High iq + autism

>> No.15465658

The Germans were so great at science and engineering that their fighter jets fell apart in mid air because they didn't test the glue.

>> No.15465663

If they were truly autistic, they would never have the creativity needed for physics and philosophy.
East asians are autistic, not Germans.

>> No.15465738
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Germans are stereotyped as blunt, overly orderly/organized/conscientious. It also takes a certain kind of obsessiveness to be great at one's craft. All sound more like autism than Chinese drone behavior. There's more to it, something one might call the Aryan spirit (for adventure, initiative, creation etc.).

>> No.15465751

You mean engineering?

They are quite shitty with theories. But anglos are the opposite, they invent literal fairytales.

>> No.15465771

The Prussian education model which allowed a great deal of broad educational and intellectual freedom combined with medieval guild standards which allowed scientists and engineers to implement their innovations easily. We take for granted how easy it is today to have something machined or 3D printed.

>They are quite shitty with theories

>> No.15465774
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>that green dot in Afghanistan
Its a bit bigger than that and has red and purple in it too, there is (basically) a bit of everyone there. Sven, Ivan, Chang, Rajesh, Ahmed...just no Mbutu...

...until now.

>> No.15465775

Ah, "Language", I was thinking Genes. Either way, basically yeah.

>> No.15465779

As a Turkish Chad in Germany I can tell you that most Germans are retarded and anti-intellectual when it comes to STEM. There are very few rare exceptions of Germans who are extremely talented. But in my experience 99% of Germans on the street will express open disgust against mathematics, physics or chemistry.

>> No.15465781
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Language groups are often tied to ethnicity. In this case the Indo-European languages spread by expansions and invasions of people like the Yamnaya and Aryans.

>> No.15465783

Pfft. Pathetic cope, most Turks can't even get into Gymnasium. Look at how shit Turkey as a nation is. The absolute best life a Turk can live is as a browncel in Germany paying tax to his betters.

>> No.15465784

Most people of any race are dumb.
Also, please go back. You don't belong in Germany.

>> No.15465786

>The absolute best life a Turk can live
I saw a Turk driving a Ferrari here;
37.8608351, 27.2539332

>> No.15465788

Yes, but that's an actual Turkish Chad. Not some identity crisis immigrant mutt.

>> No.15465789

Yes, Im curious about Latin vs Cyrillic as mathematical pattern systems and how a language can shape one's perception of reality, revealing or hiding things from one's mind.

The whole "if you cant name it it doesnt really exist in the mind", like how blue used to not exist, etc.

>> No.15465791

>Latin vs Cyrillic as mathematical pattern systems
What did you mean by this?

>> No.15465798
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Mathematical Linguistics. Its so fundemental to lanhuage most people cant even recognize its there.
>Fish: Water? What water?

English is really good at time perspectives, past future tense like "I would have." The perspective is in the past but prpjected to the future. Asian language usually dont have this at all, hence why they usually speak broken English, theyre supplanting English on top of their native languages model.

>> No.15465800
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Shitskins are good at deluding themselves with anecdotes and personal experience. It's literally how they cope. They are too scared to even look at statistics. Here it is, 50% of migrants never even finish school, 2nd gen migrants are just as bad. They are massively illeterate net loss that offer no intellectual capital, just cheaper manufacturing line assemblers.

>> No.15465810

Jews without them theybare regressing to mediocrity

>> No.15465814

What Germans do very well is to segragate people according to their skills since a very young age. The German education system is very good at focusing resources at smart people while teaching wagies valueable skills to be productive workers

>> No.15465818

This may have been true 60 years ago. Nowadays German schools want everyone to be equal regardless of intellectual skill. They allow everyone to attend any school they want and they lower the requirements for passing grades every year. Smart people are actively discriminated and told to be less smart in order to keep up the illusion of everyone being equal.

>> No.15465820

Which is why German science is becoming more mediocre by the day. The countries that seem to do a nice job nowadays are Poland, the baltics and the nordics. Either way if your education system becomes Mickey Mouse your education will follow.

>> No.15465823

He is right though.
t. german

>> No.15465825

Quality post.

>> No.15465830

I still don't see where this involves math. Also you said "Latin vs Cyrillic". Those are just alphabets representing phonetics in a slightly different manner, ultimately insignificant. What you said about grammatical tenses shaping the world view is just Sapir-Whorf bullshit which has been deboonked long time ago as unscientific nonsense is only propagated by gender trannies today who want to force their pronouns into everyday language.

>> No.15465838

If they were good at science they would have developed nuclear weapons first before launching the war and crushed the USSR.

>> No.15465845
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>I still don't see where this involves math.
Im so sorry for you plight.
>Those are just
Youre neither a Linguist nor Mathematician, leave the defining to the professionals.
>ultimately insignificant
I dont research other men's works, I do my own research and compare it to others as a sort of "My penis is bigger." kind of way.
>has been deboonked
No it hasnt and youre a shit researcher, get the fuck out of the lab, you charlatan hack.
>into everyday language.
Language is an evolving model that changes with evolutionary process of the biological lifeform.

Shut up, dumbass, everything you learned was self-affirming to your delusional belief systems, NOT SCIENCE.

>> No.15465851

No arguments? That's sad. I expected rational discourse, but unfortunately you decided to behave like a screeching infant instead. Guess I'll go back to my collection of math and linguistics books to engage in actual intellectually stimulating endeavors instead of dealing with cretinous pseuds like you who want to feel an unwarranted sense of smugness over barely having learned that there are different language families.

>> No.15465861
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>No arguments?
I posted research results.
(...the fact you didnt even see it means youre not a scientist or researcher, just a "nuh uh, no u" normie NPC...)


>> No.15465866
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>math and linguistics books
Post book with timestamp.

>> No.15465877

ok I'm stupid, why does google translate do this? I have read about stable diffusion having developed some kind of internal language which can also be used to prompt it - is this what's happening there?
you allude to something intrinsic to natural language I should be able to discern here but to me it looks more like you just found some artifact responses - in other terms did you probe more responses like these? is there a pattern? can you really trigger predictable responses by speaking the models "pure mathematical language" of Cyrillic D-letters, spaces and line breaks?

>> No.15465880

How come almost all mainstream media personalities are raging shitlibs and NPCs? Is it that the personality traits that make one a faithful adherent to The Current Thing™ also make one creative, charismatic and attention-seeking? Or is it something more nefarious, like that only the faithful are allowed to have a platform? Denying that white genocide is happening really is a clear signal that you are indeed one of the faithful, since, in different contexts, the same people celebrate that it is happening.

>> No.15465883

>ok I'm stupid, why does google translate do this? I have read about stable diffusion having developed some kind of internal language which can also be used to prompt it - is this what's happening there?
Basically yes. Google translate has a lot of glitches. It is trained to produce accurate output on valid input. If the input is bullshit the output will be hard to predict. In the past there was a glitch were certain inputs allowed users to retrieve private mails from google mail accounts through google translate. This way it was revealed that google infringes its customers privacy by feeding private mails into their AI models.

>> No.15465891
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That was several years ago and shortly after that I moved on to AI codes and algorithms there of. Although my research into Linguistics continued along with my travels around the world it wasnt related to the translate codes.

Korean, Native American and "Afrikaan" with time, specifically. Some with English and Egyptian/Chinese (structural aspects, some Biological).

>> No.15465892

Post hand of stfu shitskin.

>> No.15465893

The best you can show us are some outdated historical books you didn't even finish? Epitome of pseud larping.

>> No.15465895
File: 76 KB, 720x720, 2023-05-26_21.29.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best you can show
I throw away physical books because I have better things to do with life.
>The best
You couldnt recognize the best if it ppsted at you.

>> No.15465900

Unfortunately traveling the world didn't make you smarter. In fact it puts you on the same level with zoomer sluts on tiktok.

>> No.15465909
File: 1.96 MB, 498x370, bart-simpson-at-least-you-tried.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't make you smarter
>Doesnt realized lived experience is just as important.
>Literally thinks he can learn how to drive from a book.

Fucking wow...you are a "functional retard", can dress, shop and groom itself but is unable to do anything original because he only operates on what he is instructed by society to do.

Doomed sheep.

>> No.15465918

You come to a /sci/ (a place for intellectual discussion) and you shit on intellectualism? Sorry baby, this isn't tiktok or Instagram. We don't care about your petty little travel blog or your twerking skills. We only care about facts and logic, and unfortunately in both departments you appear to be deficient.

>> No.15465919
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download - 2023-05-25T114102.573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...read more research papers and go back to whatever board you come from, tourist. Its obvious youre not a scientist of any kind...

>> No.15465949

AKA navel gazing

>> No.15465986
File: 3.72 MB, 3984x5312, Potsdamer Platz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is me measuring radioactive tiles on S-Bahnhof Berlin Potsdamer Platz.

Most germans are not interested in natural sciences.

>> No.15465990

Confirmed not native German.

You are wrong retard, I work at a Leibniz Institute and we are 90% native.

>> No.15466004

Go fill out your information collection sheet on some other anon. I am as german as you can get.

I don't really care about you being german. Maybe you live in a city and meet people who are different, but I am surrounded by people not interested in STEM.

>> No.15466013
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Because they used to have their greatest minds coordinate with the greatest Jewish minds. Then they started listening to some shit-tier postcard artist and, one World War later, they got their shit pushed in so bad that their fearless leader was racing to commit suicide while his lackeys were scrounging up enough gasoline to cook his corpse.

Now they're cucks who are easily intimidated by environmentalists and muslims. Has-been political power.

>> No.15466031

>I am as german as you can get.
1) I can see the melanated shit in your hand you lying filth.
2) Berlin is not a German city. It's just rapebaby cucks and other evil mutts who hate Germans with a passion for no real reason.

>I don't really care about you being german. Maybe you live in a city and meet people who are different, but I am surrounded by people not interested in STEM.
No, you are just exposed to lower class people, but strata exist everywhere in !)) cities and in the towns. You're extremely low IQ if you think anyone ITT implied every single German is a scientist/engineer/mathematician. But absolutely the best researchers we have are natives, all the latest international prize winners, innovaters etc. are. You basically saw an immigrant steal your place at your local uni grad programme and then made your assumptions without looking at the facts because you're a demoralising, defeated cuckhold.

Also, even in Berlin I visited the Weierstrass Institute only two weeks ago and it was entirely German plus one Asian and Pole. All national conferences etc. entirely German and all have a deep intetest in their topic. In fact it is usually the third-World expats who don't care as they are just there trying to exploit publically funded positions as a visa loophole (in vain). Other EU researchers tend to be pretty cool.

>> No.15466036

>most Germans
>90% at Leibniz institute

Looks like someone here doesn't understand sampling bias / conditional probability. That's quite cringe for someone allegedly working at a scientific institute. But then again German Abitur doesn't even imply that you know Bismarck ;)

>> No.15466048

You just outed yourself as a clueless outsider who doesn't understand the research landscape of Germany's national labs.

>> No.15466051

Sorry, I don't know everything about Germany yet. Just got my German passport in 2020 after coming here from Syria in 2016.

>> No.15466058 [DELETED] 

>Just got my German passport in 2020 after coming here from Syria in 2016.
No worries baiter, gas doesn't care what papers you shitskins carry.

>> No.15466070

This is correct. Everyone I have seen working at Leibniz institutes was white.
Nonetheless he doesn't understand conditional probabilities. Leibniz institute implies interest in STEM.

>> No.15466082
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[Forgot pic]

>> No.15466098

Hello Peter Scholze. I must say, I didn't expect you to be on here.

No, let's be honest. Lying is unscientific. Fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.15466104

>long hair
That's a woman.

>> No.15466106
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>be a mutted out half breed germ
>have superior technology
>get BTFO by your enemies every single time
Why are germs like this?

>> No.15466110

Higher IQ, technology, better soldiers sometimes can't overcome huge population and resource disadvantage.

>> No.15466112

Especially when those you are fighting and peers or near peers in all these aspects*

>> No.15466114

How reliable is that map? I had expected far more variations in and near Fergana.

>> No.15466115

Everyone that loves STEM and actually wants to be a researcher is native. Where there is indeed fewer native Europeans is in Masters courses (esp. aimed at internationals) and the Bachelor programmes. These are the new lower class of second rate idiots who are being imported to depreciate engineering wages. They only care about money and are too dumb to think about living costs. Young Germans already realize you cannot survive on the pittance these companies who cry "labour shortage" want pay, so of course they go for other higher wage career paths. Professors are aware of what they are doing though, and don't invest second rate students on good projects.

Hence why the national labs end up full of Europeans who actually love research and not visa queue dodgers.

>> No.15466118
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>> No.15466119

Fuck you, show me your Fields medal then maybe we'll talk.

>> No.15466125

There's more German blood in total in America than in Germany. Of course they did better.

America was always going to win any war it entered even OKW knew it was over Germany the second Nips bombed Pearl Harbour.

>> No.15466128

No there isn't. Germanic? Sure.

>> No.15466129


>> No.15466131

No, German, it's 13% German today due to late 1800/early 1900 migration (so it was probably much higher around WW2).

Germanic is about 70% Anglos+Germans+Scandis+Dutch etc.

>> No.15466138
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Picrel is from the 2000 census and it was 13% in 2020, so you can extrapolate to before the 1965 immigration law changes.

>> No.15467003

>If Germans are so smart why did Hitler cockblock the gun in your image every step of the way in favour of a 19th century bolt action rifle until it was too late?
Hitler was E1b1b.

>> No.15467142

You post this exact 'insult' whenever someone disagrees with you. You are in need of a gassing.

>> No.15467360

It's hard to make frivolous apolitical content and not speak your mind when you know what's going on and understand the gravity of it. To be a good content creator, you have to be very singularly focused and mission-driven re the stuff you're doing/making, and if you know it's like making sand castles on the beach in the shadow of an incoming tsunami, you won't be able to do it. Also, if you make one ideological slip with a public persona, 80% of whatever you built is immediately destroyed - it's safer and more sustainable to just work a normal job and try to donate money to good causes e.g. groups and influencers that get out and redpill people on a large scale.

>> No.15467363

Hitler was Austrian, this thread is about Germans

>> No.15467365
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why were jews transphobic

>> No.15467366

t. historically/culturally illiterate

>> No.15467373

High intelligence and creativity.

>> No.15467391

You really should be sterilized. The jewish enlightenment (haskallah) didn't occur until the mid 1800s. Newton and Leibniz invented calculus what, 200 years before that? By this time Cauchy and the others were laying the foundations for analysis and Europe had already entered the industrial revolution. Jews excel at word games, aggregation, subversion and treachery. Keep outing yourself as a bed shitting inbred with your ignorant comments though.

>> No.15467866

izmire gelde allahını yere indiriyim şizo piçi

>> No.15467923
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>You are in need of a gassing.
I gas myself all the time, mortal-human.

Second, the fact he cites someones work instead of the results/findings of the work meanshe is appealing to a faux-authority. I critique the work, I couldnt care less if he has a PhD, is popular or respected.

I cut down gods and men with the same measuring rod, for I am a just and merciful god.

>senin Tanrın
You will never know Muhammed, you feckless and faithless sprite of modernity.

>> No.15467925

>>senin Tanrın
>You will never know Muhammed, you feckless and faithless sprite of modernity.
Oops. Eating pancakes and drinking my coffee in Warsaw, landed last night.

Next time I'll be in Turkey I will be in the east, visiting Mt Ararat, like all Thunder Warriors should. A Mecca for the Imperium and the Unification Wars.

>> No.15467927

What he do?

>> No.15467928

He invented pickled herrings.

>> No.15467946

ne anlatiyon yarram

ağrı dağındada sikerim her yere gelirim amk çocu seni

>> No.15467956
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Post body.

>> No.15468130

sus aQQQ malezyalı piçi bu senin fiziqin değil çink gavatı kimi kandırıyon

>> No.15468132

hitler intentionally handicapped the germans and kept all the good technology secret for their eventual escape.

>> No.15468139
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Man up...post your body or die a coward.

>> No.15468233

are u some sort of millionaire who travels the world 'round?

>> No.15468241
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No, I travel because I have no home and research to find my way back to when home was.

>> No.15468253

I feel like Germany does a lot of research, but really fails at doing anything with it.

The greater society is way too conservative. All the research output gets used by the US or even the UK or even France, before it makes it way to German R&D departments.

>> No.15468265

pls come to romania passionbro
i want an autograph

>> No.15468270

also where not when

>> No.15468285
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Sheeit, too many places above it on the list at the moment, this trip was to be North Eastern Europe, Russia then Mt Ararat Turkey to Afghanistan, but there is a seminar in Spain in July that Im going to so it will have to wait until then. Should get to Afghanistan by autumn.

>where not when
No, when. My home is a nation that no longer exists and only exists in Genetic memory of humanity who echo it through their cultures, myths and legends.

Rome never fell...it simply relayed the torch to the next empire. Going further back in time I have tracked this relay all the way to Adam and Eve, and further, to a time before history, before human, before animal, to Genesis itself.

>> No.15468291

when you're about to come to romania, leave me a (voice, preferably) message so that i know. thank you

>> No.15468298

>Le Einstein
>(Felix) Klein

>> No.15468377

3 of those are Jews.
Also in math they have Euler, Gauss, Hilbert etc.

>> No.15468546

With jews you lose

>> No.15468646

All those who you mentioned were already brought up. Also I'm just saying, Jews are everywhere, yet somehow the German jews are the most successful

>> No.15468695
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Sure. Jews were most concentrated in the East. Those regions specifically were essentially scientific dead zones. And lots of the "science" Jews produce is nonsense like Freudian psychoanalysis, race denialism Gould/Boas, politics dressed as science (Frankfurt school, tranny nonsense etc.). All in all extremely subversive. Though one can then argue that they still make up say about 20% of physics Nobel prizes and fields medals, which are more objective. Regardless Whatever benefits one might get (of which I am highly skeptical -- Europeans were doing just fine without them as this anon pointed out>>15467391) are drowned out by everything else that having Jews in your country entails.

>> No.15469484
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>why germans good at science
They got rid of the Jews that used science for money laundering rather than real pure science.

NSDAP/Nazis were the only socialists who ever got anything done.

>> No.15469539
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>got anything done.

Getting their shit pushed in?

>> No.15469599

Well yeah, before the Russians pushed their shit in.

>> No.15469915

why didn't he post body? Is he fat or something?

>> No.15470746

Germany's success in science can be attributed to a variety of factors, including a historical tradition of scientific inquiry, a strong education system, substantial investment in research and development, and a culture that values precision and discipline.

Historically, Germany has been a powerhouse in scientific and technical fields. Many pivotal figures in science were German or worked in Germany, including Albert Einstein, Max Planck, and Werner Heisenberg. This tradition has created a strong cultural foundation for scientific pursuits.

The education system in Germany has a heavy emphasis on science and technical subjects. Universities such as Heidelberg, Munich, and the Technical University of Munich are renowned for their strong science and engineering programs.

Germany invests heavily in research and development, with significant funding both from the government and from industry. This includes major industries like automotive and pharmaceuticals, as well as smaller high-tech companies. The Max Planck Society, the Helmholtz Association, and the Fraunhofer Society are among the leading research institutions in the country.

The German culture, which values precision, discipline, and thoroughness, can also be conducive to scientific pursuits. These cultural traits align well with the meticulous nature of scientific research.

However, it's worth noting that scientific achievement is not exclusive to any one country or culture. Many factors contribute to a country's scientific success, and these factors can change over time. For instance, the rise of technology and the increasing globalization of research mean that collaboration across countries is becoming more common.

>> No.15470819

>Jews left Germany for the US
>the technological mantle moved from Germany to the US
Just a coincidence bro

>> No.15470823

The answer is jews. Even Chat GPT knows

>> No.15470852

this, and also
this and high conscientiousness

>> No.15470856

Thanks, ChatGPT

>> No.15470860
File: 41 KB, 800x655, Sputnik_asm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews left Germany for the US
>the technological mantle moved from Germany to the US
You sure? Seems like it was in someone else's hand too. It took a generation for it to die down, about when the existential fire-under-the-ass from WW2 became "old people".


And now the US has to Elon to do their work, and the Russians before that.

>> No.15470872

I'm sure that has nothing to do with Germany being completely destroyed, split up, and occupied. Also you ignored the point about Jews being far and away concentrated in the East.

>> No.15471706

based Forgotten Weapons

>> No.15471826

Western Mongolia was always a backwater shithole
>Gets their country reconstructed for free after chimping out against all of Europe
>Has one of the most vigorous economic growths in history
>Still loses the technological mantle
Bro, it is just jews. Just deal with it

>> No.15471991

1. jews were segregated or kicked out during your presupposed German technological mantle
2. WW2 killed a generation of German men. America suffered minor losses in comparison on top of having far higher population.
3. American WW2 boom and post-WW2 (short lived) prosperity attracts many of the worlds best minds (ignoring the "kidnapping" of German scientists e.g. operation paperclip). Today America is rapidly losing ground to China.

>> No.15472149

?? german cars are better than USA ones even today, computer technologies are outsourced to taiwan and other countries, yes it a concidence because a WW2 happened

>> No.15472153

most USA growth today is done by immigrants, just like after WW2, and USA has growth because of being army superpower that sucks out every other country since century, you could call USA a GIGAJEW not because of itself but because of what it steals from others

>> No.15472215

Orthodox jews != german jews

It is the upbringing in a argument-based culture.

>> No.15474161

>Nearly all of them dead for 100+ years
Germans are not special, if anything they below average, money attracts science, see Russia in the past vs now.