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15461368 No.15461368 [Reply] [Original]

Grandiose delusions, also known as delusions of grandeur or expansive delusions, are a subtype of delusion that occur in mentally ill patients with a wide range of psychiatric disorders, including two-thirds of patients in a manic state of bipolar disorder, half of those with schizophrenia, patients with the grandiose subtype of delusional disorder, frequently in narcissistic personality disorder, and a substantial portion of those with substance abuse disorders. Grandiose delusions are characterized by fantastical beliefs that one is famous, omnipotent, wealthy, super intelligent or otherwise very powerful. The delusions are generally fantastic and typically have a religious, science fictional, or supernatural theme.
There is a relative lack of research into grandiose delusions, in contrast to persecutory delusions and auditory hallucinations. Around 10% of healthy people experience grandiose thoughts at some point in their lives but do not meet full criteria for a diagnosis of grandiose delusions.
While similarly named and sharing some features in common, grandiose delusions are distinct from grandiosity.

Grandiose delusions vs grandiosity
While grandiose delusions refer to beliefs about nonexistent fame, wealth, powers, or religious and historical relevance, grandiosity refers to feelings of superiority, uniqueness, importance or invulnerability, and is best understood as a form of self-regard.

Why is there is a relative lack of research into grandiose delusions?

>> No.15461379

>Why is there is a relative lack of research into grandiose delusions?

Because every psychiatrist suffers from them.

>> No.15461401

>Why is there is a relative lack of research into grandiose delusions?
Why is there ever a relative lack of research on any given subtopic within any given field of research? Just wasn't considered as relevant or useful, or wasn't considered and overlooked. Why it was overlooked could be a lot of things, chief among them self-selection.

If everyone who ends up in your clinic is having auditory and other hallucinations almost all the time, you're probably not going to be too busy spending your time figuring out how to treat those who AREN'T in or aren't going to be in your clinic. Of those who are, if they're the least at risk, they're also least concern. Limited resources, prioritization.

So the "why" is answered same as it always would be in most cases. Finite resources, finite time, the end product of an emergent attentional and resource-allocating triage.

>> No.15461411

OP is fagGPT

>> No.15461463
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>If everyone who ends up in your clinic is having auditory and other hallucinations
what little research has been done says
>Around 10% of healthy people experience grandiose thoughts
and thats only healthy people
auditory hallucinations are less common than that, but for whatever reason, the researchers sill avoid the topic of delusional grandiosity

>> No.15461946

>believing you can understand people brain by observation
every psychiatrist jew suffers from schizophasia

>> No.15461992
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> many words
only to imply it's illness, and that cattle must feel pathetic and insignificant. only scientists and government must be great, right? that is how propaganda works, by hiding programming statements and claims into questions like "facts", and NPCs swallow the program. that's how schools convert children into NPCs

>> No.15461998

> da joos
shill, poisoning well

>> No.15462000
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>believing you can understand people brain by observation
>"Its impossible to know what this dog is experiencing...Joy? Sorrow? Hunger? We will never know."

The Hubris of man is to assume the limits of other...forgetting your but an ant among elephants for you associate with idiots to feel superior, you hide from the ones that cast shadows over your known reality.

>> No.15462670

Its not a disease. Grandiose delusions are required to achieve anything in life, its basic self-esteem and confidence.
Some people do become kings, great conquerors or world-changing researchers, inventors and businessmen. Its not a delusion.

>> No.15462708

>only to imply it's illness, and that cattle must feel pathetic and insignificant. only scientists and government must be great, right? that is how propaganda works, by hiding programming statements and claims into questions like "facts", and NPCs swallow the program. that's how schools convert children into NPCs

100% this. OP and others like him are no different than the doctors who would diagnoses escaped slaves for their "delusions of freedom". OP wants to live in a world where aspiring to do something great with your life is an illness. OP is unironically evil, and probably a follower of the man with the tiny white hat in Rome.

>> No.15462715

>Its not a disease. Grandiose delusions are required to achieve anything in life, its basic self-esteem and confidence.
>Some people do become kings, great conquerors or world-changing researchers, inventors and businessmen. Its not a delusion.

OP is one of those losers on Reddit always crying about how (insert accomplished person here) is the REAL loser. OP would probably make meritocracy illegal if he could.

>> No.15462746

>there is a relative lack of research into grandiose delusions
This permanently disproves all the people who say "theres no low hanging fruit left"
Here is an example of an area of potential scientific investigation which has been ignored by the scientific community
Someone who decides to investigate it might even learn why the scientific community has been willfully ignoring this topic

>> No.15463554

lamo@ppl with grandiose delusions getting angry at the topic of this ITT thread

>> No.15463669

OP is so buck broken he thinks confidence is a disease

>> No.15463689

where im from you are either retarded or not retarded. No need for corporate labels for spoiled corporate kids

>> No.15463702


Causality is not real.

>> No.15463960

>lamo@ppl with grandiose delusions getting angry at the topic of this ITT thread
Yep. That is also why it is so poorly researched clinically speaking. Since the grandiose narcissist sees himself as superior to everyone at all times in all cases, the notion of being subject to "help" or needing "help" from inferior people (everyone else) is repugnant and unacceptable. Good luck getting any of them to study without tricking them, and good luck getting that past an ethics review board. And of course anyone thinking they could dare help them is evil/delusional/etc.

Basically the two subtypes are identical in retroactively rewriting reality and therefore delusionally predicting future reality. Grandiose delusions for narcissists are kind of like "all according to keikaku", but keikaku changes if it fails retroactively to protect the narcissist from admitting their plan was wrong.
Grandiose - If he guessed heads and it landed tails he guessed tails
- Primarily rewrites internal narrative first, retroactive
- If the plan fails that was always the plan even if it was explicitly not the plan
Covert - If he guessed heads and it landed tails you swapped the coin for a two-headed coin, or put a curse on it, etc
- Primarily rewrites external social narrative first, projective
- If the plan fails it's everyone else's fault even if nobody else was involved

Those are the two extremes where most narcissists will contextually fall somewhere in between the two. As no fault can be admitted, and no mistakes ever made, everything must be filtered to confirm whatever the narcissist feels must be true. That is why they tend to break down into schizophasia, or total irrationality, in pursuit of reversing and evading criticism when confronted with the falsehood of their beliefs. The difference between that and something genuine is that narcissists do not care if they contradict themselves or rely on nonsense.
>inb4 narcissists point somewhere else because I hit too close to home

>> No.15463970
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>Since the grandiose narcissist sees himself as superior to everyone at all times in all cases, the notion of being subject to "help" or needing "help" from inferior people (everyone else) is repugnant and unacceptable.
Absolute facts. Death before dishonor...you damned, dirty, APE!

>> No.15464065

yep, self respect is considered disease by globohomo.

>> No.15464068

shill, I wonder when your overlords will start throwing shit at people, literally. like paying some "antifa" real-life shills for doing it.

>> No.15464084

every kitten is a king. every child. then society conditions people into cattle. technological society makes people cogs in the machine. someone with self respect simply cannot tolerate being 8 hours in office sitting, silent not to disturb other cogs. and globohomo don't need healthy people, just enough to wage slave, and then die, asap.

>> No.15464093

man, people who "trespass" your social border by disguise of offering help ARE the narcissists! they are the ones who run around offering salvation from "sin" or "infection" in order to get attention, to feed on some loosh.

>> No.15464102

> lot of text
lot of desire to get attention, shill.

>> No.15464196

btw, shill, devaluation is the major sign of toxic narcissism. you are one.

>> No.15464214
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He’s literally me.


>> No.15464243

isn't desire to classify everything as disorder also a disorder?

>> No.15464274


Pretty accurate.

>> No.15464305

namefags getting really triggered by this thread

>> No.15464555

pretty samefag shill

>> No.15464557

yep, deception triggers non-cattle.

>> No.15464570

btw, desire to trigger is the essence of toxic narcissists.

>> No.15464796

scientists don't like the topic because it calls their own evidence free presumptions of superior intellect into question