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15450831 No.15450831 [Reply] [Original]

Whats causing the rapid increase in strokes amongst young people?

>> No.15450840
File: 308 KB, 898x1200, 8mwcek011vn71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone including you fucking knows ((the)) cause so quit lying to yourself. The question is, will we publicly acknowledge it before the great dying?

>> No.15450852
File: 1.40 MB, 2408x1080, Screenshot_20230516-194116_Agario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing that causes autism?

>> No.15450856

It's a COMPLETE mystery who the fuck knows probably global warming.

>> No.15450859
File: 320 KB, 1170x805, 1684578758318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking water is dangerous. I bet they've been drinking water.

>> No.15450864


>> No.15450868
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Why did nobody tell them to stop shaking the duvet?

>> No.15450873
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We need to ban gardens.

>> No.15450880
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Government is causing the rapid increase in strokes amongst young people

>> No.15450914

The First World Depopulation Agenda
Sorry CHUDS only 60IQ monkey negros are allowed and le heckin valid.

>> No.15451034

Climate change.

>> No.15451038

oral contraceptives increase blood coagulation

>> No.15451087

the correct answer is covid

>> No.15451090

correct reply: take meds, shill

>> No.15451106

whatever it is its not the vax ok?

>> No.15451113

Long covid has been known to cause permanent neurological damage

>> No.15451292

Now, wait a second. The MMR vaccine now causes strokes too? I thought, we were over that manufactured controversy.

>> No.15451305

Which protein of the virus in particular?

>> No.15451320

Are scientists really putting the blame on soil rather than upsetting pharma companies?

>> No.15451330

You know, considering that heart disease and heart failure prevalence increased by a mere 9 % or so relative to 2015-2019 and that most of the increase happened in 2020 really does lend a lot of credence to the idea of it being caused by a vaccine that wasn't available before 2021.

I figured, whoever was responsible for disseminating that vaccine causes heart disease meme most likely is not a person acting in good faith but a number of PR agencies which might be much more closely affiliated with Big Pharma and big government than you would like to believe.

>> No.15451331

what are you talking about?

>> No.15451339

You know very well what I'm talking about, Pfizer shill.

>> No.15451361

Probably the rapid increase in obesity

>> No.15451405

Only if we keep it in active discussion. Those who caused it would love for us to just stop talking about it and let it go unnoticed.

>> No.15451412

>most of the increase
Quantify instead of weasel wording your desired conclusion.

>> No.15451424

Yes, because blaming the vaccine for everything is not a desired conclusion...

You know, I would really like to know what it is about the vaccine that riles up people so badly. And why people so desperately want others to die of it.

>> No.15451429

>Whats causing the rapid increase in strokes amongst young people?
Our degenerate wageslave lifestyle and pollution.

>> No.15451513

You better hope so, clotcoffin lmao

>> No.15451523
File: 56 KB, 738x500, 61j9p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, you are that one stupid shill

>> No.15451561
File: 1.78 MB, 480x480, 1684588075354688.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows it's the medical industry's latest product they pushed on the public, with force of corporations and government in most of the world too.

Really lucrative business, killing people. It's all the medical industrial complex is really good at, they certainly don't make money from curing people, but slowly torture them to death with "treatments" or mandate your products through corpos and gov't and it's very lucrative.

I don't know why anyone would ever defend this corporate fascism. You'd have to be completely morally bankrupt or a prideful fool.

>> No.15451569

apparently even mild covid can cause cognitive impairments
it's very obvious it's true from these antivaxer posts

>> No.15451713

>why people so desperately want others to die of it
The pro-vaccine side started that one.

>> No.15451778

There is a reason why COVID boosters only grant 100% immunity to the manufacturers.

>> No.15451798
File: 265 KB, 1000x666, chimp_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything that comes from pharma shills like you are nothing but lies. There is no amount of pain and suffering cruel enough to punish you. The "elites" are out of reach, so you will have to pay for their crimes. You don't deserve to have a face anymore.

>> No.15451804


>> No.15451826

you don't understand. all people do since invention of agriculture and farming (i.e. extreme food production) is insane breeding and killing each other fighting for resources. after WW2 elites decided to replace guns with syringes, this is true nature of "cold war", a hidden "civil war", medics against everyone. it's approximate picture, but you get the idea.

>> No.15451882

we stopped taking daily aspirin

>> No.15451888

Forbidden Knowledge

>> No.15451995

>You know, I would really like to know what it is about the vaccine that riles up people so badly.
having to jump through hoops at my job and being banned from restaurants and entertainment venues for half a year for no legitimate scientific reason was rather irksome

>> No.15452070

Sounds like a meme

>> No.15452169
File: 444 KB, 750x1241, 1673147576760882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post is almost 100% true, except that these particular mRNA shots were a pentagon project and pharma profit was a secondary motive.

>> No.15452187

they'll fix it in the next booster

>> No.15452191

it’s both covid and the vaccine

>> No.15452226


>> No.15452311
File: 357 KB, 1070x1177, Interesting Data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whats causing the rapid increase in strokes amongst young people?
geeeeeeeeeeee whatever could be fucking up people's vascular system and brain? Hmmmmmmmm such a mystery as to what has changed in recent decades.

>> No.15452313

Prion AIDS caused by COVID and the vaccine.

>> No.15452415
File: 157 KB, 951x1280, xxbioweaponusedHIVsequencexx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prion AIDS
Interesting take, considering HIV virus was spliced with Corona Virus to make Covid-19 and in turn the "vaccines".

>> No.15452430
File: 382 B, 70x70, vax.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Covid vaccine, duhh!!!!

>> No.15452669

I wish I was getting paid for shilling the vaccine and masks, I just do it for free.

>> No.15452702

They need an excuse for mail in ballots to get Trump out of office. In the end the scheme didn't even work and then ended up just using fake electronic votes. The whole Covid episode was completely unnecessary.

>> No.15452816
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1654424540356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I, I, I
shill, you fool only yourself

>> No.15452818


>> No.15452821

please don't reply to me or my posts ever again

>> No.15452866

youths getting old ppl medical conditions below 50 years old just proves that young people are lazy and don't take care of themselves because they're too low iq to figure out how to. you gotta be doing something really stupid to be having a stroke while you're still young

>> No.15452938

whores get what they deserve

>> No.15452940
File: 1.37 MB, 2120x1580, 1672248104298280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Devil(living like degenerates, pumping your veins full of vaccines and drugs, taking meds, eating unhealthy food, never fasting, never praying to God once in your life).

>> No.15452968

and that's a good thing

>> No.15453056

shill, are you competing for the most retarded shill nomination?

>> No.15453057

> devil
no, shil, it's government.

>> No.15453094

>everyone who recognizes the vaccine works is automatically a shill
you're the retard here

>> No.15453097

i'll be praying for your ilk to die off

>> No.15453109

everyone who uses word "vaccine" is either a shill or retard

>> No.15453116

i wrote this as a joke and then remembered that he signed operation warp speed into law... WHOOPS!

>> No.15453118

climate change lmao

>> No.15453374

Sitting on their asses all day long, leading to blood clots.

>> No.15453439

>being alife is the single most cause of death
>a shocking new study shows that 100% of people who died were previously alife.

>> No.15453442


>> No.15453446

Excessive masturbation. I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet.

>> No.15453449

Then I should have died a decade ago. I'm fapping >8 hours per day.

>> No.15453576

> I
another personal story from anonymous as proof of something

>> No.15453845


>> No.15454105

All masturbation is excessive

>> No.15454653

I still don't understand how the people who hate Trump the most all became the most outspoken vaxxxies

>> No.15454688

people who love trump still believe in viruses. total retards.

>> No.15454701

>least vaccinated group dying of strokes
wow wouldn't have guessed that

>> No.15454704

shill, go to sleep

>> No.15454709

The rate has increased over the past 30 years. It's almost like getting fatter and vascular disease at a younger age isn't healthy.

>> No.15454789
File: 424 KB, 1176x1280, Excess Death Rates England.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting fatter
True, due to the government pushed "high carb and low protein diet". Goy slop.

However, the rapid rise in excess deaths is something that has just begun in 2021 and to the present.

>> No.15454813

> excess deaths
globohomo buzzwords. suddenly no statistics!

>> No.15455137

yeah, its inexplicable and irrational, but so are the vaxxxxies. trump still gets boo'd at his own political rallies when he brings up the vaxx, his own people will never let him live that one down, its weird.

>> No.15455145
File: 60 KB, 845x681, hitler drank water, trump also drinks water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid was probably a Nazi anyway.
Glad he died.

>> No.15455150
File: 138 KB, 990x1024, trump vaccine then and now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's no longer the Trump vaccine, it's the Biden vaccine now, okay?
As soon as the administration changed, the chemical composition of the vaccines also changed. It's common knowledge. They're safe and effective now so go get your booster shot.

>> No.15455153


only meaningful replies so far

>> No.15455220

bullshit. vaccine is something. nobody from you goys knows what is there.

>> No.15455230

This. The effects of COVID are worse than the vaccine.

>> No.15455234

there's no "covid". "vaccine" is something.

>> No.15455235

Bullshit. Covid was nothingburger for me. A runny nose for a few days, nothing more. But the vaccine fucked me up, gave me severe neurological symptoms. I still haven't fully recovered.

>> No.15455236

You anti-science fucks will never win. We're going to put mRNA vaccines in the food supply.

>> No.15455240

Based. Even the microplastics and the bugs we eat will be vaccinated with pseudouridylated RNA.

>> No.15455252

who is "we"? I kinda doubt pfizer honchos are posting on 4chan or that you have any say or influence in anything thats going on.

>> No.15455457

Holy shit what an incredible discovery

>> No.15455558

They unironically pay PR firms that do, in part, advertise on 4chan.

>> No.15455569

>Hmmmmmmmm such a mystery as to what has changed in recent decades.
Vaccine schedule haven't change for the last 20 years. It's tiresome when your false info is so easy to disprove. It's really not clear to me what gets people riled up so badly about vaccines and why every other guy believes it to be the cause of autism when it is self-evidently false.

>> No.15455571

>They unironically pay PR firms that do, in part, advertise on 4chan.
I knew a local antivax guru who paid money to eastern european immigrant workers to post anti 5g info on facebook and 4chan.

>> No.15455576


>the pentagon can counter chinese and other hostile bioweapons in a 2-month period

Wild timeline

>> No.15455590

It's the vaccine. The vaccine spike is different from the covid one. see vid here
The vaxxine spike damages the endothelium.

>> No.15455883

>we have had a pandemic of a virus that killed and disabled millions, can cause damage to every single organ, causes diabetes in children, gives people fatigue, brain fog, heart attacks, strokes, some lose their teeth or get other problems..
>what's causing the rapid increase in strokes?

>> No.15456073

They have infinite money, so why wouldn't they? Buy why do they to advertise to begin with? If their vaccines are so good they should sell themselves

>> No.15456359
File: 54 KB, 738x500, 63ml0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> spike
> vaccine

>> No.15456362
File: 42 KB, 720x661, 1644849940631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> we
> virus

>> No.15456582

Why the increase only amongst young people? You explanation doesn't explain that at all

>> No.15457223

Theres a lot of reasoning in this thread which ignores the fact that the increase is specifically amongst the young, but the increase in vaccinations post 1980 could be a reasonable explanation

>> No.15457246

yeah, jabs, not economy and stress.

>> No.15457260

Fat is a lie. The government puts chemicals in the water that solidifies once it enters the body!

>> No.15457315

>The government puts chemicals in the water that solidifies once it enters the body!
So you think viruses and vaccines are fake, but you say shit like this?

>> No.15457399

bruh it's been like 3 years since I've been on this board how is it all a /pol/ autist colony don't you niggas have jannies

>> No.15457403

Not my problem. Just hide schizo antivaxxers.

>> No.15457425

Reality has a based bias.

>> No.15457443

he thinks nothing, shills are not paid fot thinking, they are paid to deceive and impersonate

>> No.15458020


>> No.15458681
File: 69 KB, 1170x738, Y1NzadpzfSRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

55 years old, not quite in the young category, but pretty close

>> No.15458688


>> No.15458792


>> No.15458802

I got 2 shots. When am I going to die?
My chest does feel funny sometimes...