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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15451451 No.15451451 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the possibility of a young Earth not taken seriously when we have actual evidence pointing to it? Just because of the beef between religion and science?

>> No.15451472

what evidence are you talking about

>> No.15451477

The Holy Bible

>> No.15451478


>> No.15451491

The flaws of radiometric dating and soft tissue on dinosaur bones

>> No.15451502
File: 385 KB, 1143x1600, 1684494183569819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the Bible
Us to Jesus is about 2000 years
Jesus to Adam is only about 4000 years
And Adam to the Beginning is only 6 days

this is simple arithmetic
there is no way to get the millions of years meme unless you're bad at counting

>> No.15451507

6000 years is not young
that's very old

>> No.15451527

please fuck off this board

>> No.15451538

It's very unlikely that a document which has proven to be right about so many things just happens to be wrong about the age of the earth

>> No.15451541

There's worldwide evidence of the flood.

The Bible is more scientific than the big bang religion, abiogenesis religion, and evolution religion.

>> No.15451563

why should I trust the people who wrote the bible over scientists

>> No.15451567

Please let's just stick with scientific arguments, not religious or philosophical.

>> No.15451577

please list the things the bible is right about

>> No.15451578

Can you? Big bang, abiogenesis, and evolution all violate laws of science, but you suspend science to hold your religious/philosophy beliefs you falsely call science

>> No.15451581

Frankly, the list is too long for 4chan posts, plus you wouldn't read most of it anyway. Not like you'll even skim an article, you'll just see it was written by a Christian and cry about that to justify your deliberate ignorance to scientific facts solely because they go against your philosophical world view. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15451583
File: 244 KB, 697x893, 1673869990957512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the Bible
it's God's word
why should you trust man's word over God's word?

>> No.15451586

>Big bang, abiogenesis, and evolution all violate laws of science
Then discuss that, you can take biblical arguments to /his/

>> No.15451587

there are no ultimate sources of knowledge
everything in the bible was invented and written by men
men who are fallible as everyone else

>> No.15451588

Why should I trust man's word who claims it's God's?

>> No.15451590 [DELETED] 

many of these things listed were known in pagan greece as well

>> No.15451609

This video goes through some of it

>> No.15451887

>there are no ultimate sources of knowledge
is that something you ultimately know?
it would take God to be the ultimate source of knowledge.
(and it does!)
So you do trust God. Good. Go ask God.
He knows everything, including your whispers at night.

>> No.15451916

That shit is filled with turds jews pulled out of their assholes.
The only path to salvation is Gnosis, not a jew nailed to a stick.

>> No.15452035

>it's God's Word

>> No.15452064
File: 83 KB, 768x958, 1671051305474088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know why, if people were to believe the Bible over science, satanists would lose.

>> No.15452874

Sure I trust him. He told me he doesn't know what he's doing and that the Earth isn't 6000 years old.

>> No.15452876

why are you certain only the Bible contains God's Word?
why not Bhagavad Gita or the Quran? or the Eddas or Vedas?

>> No.15452877

maybe people like Darwin and Feynman and Dyson were much closer to God and had more access to Truth than people like Jesus or St. Paul did

>> No.15453024

Why would the jews make it all up
What would they have to gain?

>> No.15453091
File: 88 KB, 796x896, F7AE3D42-97EE-4E7D-A242-53C443F756F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scientists won’t accept my evidence
>because it’s so undeniably true
>so eminently obvious
>self-evidently correct
>you’d have to be trolling not to see it!
>It’s The Holy Bible
>and we’re all the degenerate children of the Lost Perfection of Eden!
>babies are automatically evil until a priest performs a special ritual to spare them the punishment of Hell for the crime of imperfection
>have any of us actually seen the curve or are we just letting scientism tell us what’s real or fake?

Living-fossils of troll posting, nearly unchanged by evolution even after hundreds of millions of posts.

>> No.15453166

solve the heat problem and i will take you seriously

>> No.15453320
File: 83 KB, 750x750, 48CF1AEE-5ADB-4B9F-82C5-B6CEAB079B38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.15454280

read the Bible
have you read the Bible?

>> No.15454281

>proof that the Bible is the Word of God?
read the Bible

>> No.15454344

I have a problem with the logic of "there is no evidence of X." Being that we live on this tiny blue dot, I would like to know how one can prove that there is no evidence of whatever it may be. We CAN prove that there is no evidence of something when we are actually able to analyze it for evidence. For example, we can prove that there is no evidence of flying unicorns on planet Earth. Can we prove that there is no evidence of flying unicorns ANYWHERE in the universe? No, we cannot.

No intelligent person would EVER state that there is no evidence of God, aliens, flying unicorns, or whatever. It is a negative claim. Evidence itself is a variable that must be considered. When someone claims that there is no evidence, when I know it is impossible to analyze, I assume that that person is biased, and isn't very intelligent. "I know it is true because academia says so." Irrelevant. Academia has not been able to prove universal negatives, and the evidence of universal negatives also applies.

>> No.15454347

I think the mormon zoomers discovered this place
its fucking trash now

>> No.15454904

read Talmud
have you read Talmud?