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File: 137 KB, 815x499, trustthesciencegoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15445825 No.15445825 [Reply] [Original]

Why has the general public lost trust in science as an institution? How can this be fixed?

>> No.15445837

>How can this be fixed?
Humpty Dumpty...

>> No.15445839

government is behind science, government tells them what to emulate. fuck government.

>> No.15445857 [DELETED] 
File: 1.37 MB, 2120x1580, 1672248104298280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to fix this is to simply humble oneself and admit mankind can never grasp the laws of the universe. Only God can. Replace universities with churches, police stations with castles and fortresses and presidents(puppets of the jews) with kings, put to death bankers, outlaw usury and you will fix most problems.

>> No.15445860
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>> No.15445909
File: 191 KB, 670x600, Confidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why has the general public lost trust in science as an institution?
There's no good evidence to suggest they have, if you mean the United States. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/08/27/public-confidence-in-scientists-has-remained-stable-for-decades/
Image only shows "a great deal" of confidence, for "some confidence" it is an additional 47%. Only 7% responded "hardly any". People who don't have confidence in science as an institution are an extremely small minority.
>How can this be fixed?
Given those who know least trust science least, the answer is clearly more education https://news.gallup.com/opinion/gallup/357698/world-trust-science-scientists-rises-amid-pandemic.aspx
Otherwise, for general psychiatric conditions involving poor social or institutional trust, making life less shitty makes fewer cynics. Making life less shitty also involves better access to psychiatric care and healthcare in general. It is not surprising for international analysis those with least trust in their government have the worst lives, and at the same time least trust in any science related institution as a generalization of not trusting institutions. There, too, it follows the answer is "make life less bad".

>> No.15445910

>as an institution

>> No.15445915

If you want the past two years in particular, I went and got the GSS variable for it and the table is here https://gssdataexplorer.norc.org/variables/458/vshow

As a proportion of responders for "a great deal" from 2018-2022 it's 45%, 50%, and 40%. "Some confidence" 48%, 42%, 47%. "Hardly any" 6%, 6%, and 12%. If you look at the table for prior years proportionally, or just graph them, even the year 2022 is within the usual range for these values. Figured in hindsight I should've included the table in case you wanted the GSS figures for current year.

>> No.15445921

Settled Science™ tells us that there are infinitely many genders, that mutilating children's genitals is reasonable and right, that human races do not exist, that whites definitely do not exist (whites are evil and racist, though), that everyone's equal, that DIE-doctrine is holy, that women are oppressed and discriminated against, that Corona is incredibly dangerous and lethal, that those refusing Corona vaccine are a danger to the public, that climate change necessitates outsourcing industry to China and importing Africa into Europe.

People should be losing their faith in science institutions.

>> No.15445930

>i hate society because i could never get a girlfriend
yeah we know. why dont you whine about it elsewhere?

>> No.15445943
File: 109 KB, 363x811, Age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the spinning ball-Earth is finally exposed worldwide for the 400+ year deception it was, Earth's entire population will suddenly be faced with the reality that every government, every space agency, university, secret society, religious organization, mainstream and alternative media outlet have ALL been duplicitous in propping up a monstrous manipulation to fleece and control the masses. The resulting mass mental exodus away from the control system is exactly what humanity needs. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these lying politicians, spokesmen, reporters and teachers suddenly change from being heralded voices of authority to being ridiculed, shunned and denounced as they deserve. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these governments, universities, media outlets and other entangled organizations which have long been hard at work weaving this multi-generational ball-Earth myth, suddenly and completely lose all credibility. Once the truth of our flat Earth gets out, so does the truth of these few elite families/societies who have kept this most important and fundamental reality from us for these hundreds of years! Essentially, once the flat Earth truth gets out, so does every other important truth by proxy, because this "mother-of-all-conspiracies" holds under its umbrella literally ALL of the other conspiracies, and exposes them.

>> No.15445947

>better access to psychiatric care
There it is. Every single time, without fail, that someone one defends science it's because they want to lock someone up.

>> No.15445950

better access to psychiatric care != "lock someone up".

>> No.15445951

>How can this be fixed?
Step 1 is a coup of the United States government

>> No.15445952

or, you know, it's actually true

>> No.15445953

By definition the only way to give psychiatric "care" to an untrusting cynic is to lock him up and force it upon him.

>> No.15445954

Because instead of producing substantial empirical data on anything, these scientific institutions force scientists to make salami slice claims based on pure inference. Hence, a replication crisis.

We can fix this by systematically undermining these institutions, one of the most effective forms of this is illegally sharing research from journals and holding "peer-reviewed" studies up to the light of public scrutiny.

>> No.15445961

>By definition the only way to give psychiatric "care" to an untrusting cynic is to lock him up and force it upon him.
Not by any of my definitions.

>> No.15445966

Right, because you define involuntary confinement and forcible injections that cause permanent irreversible neurological damage as "care."

>> No.15445968

>Hence, a replication crisis.
Science continues to improve upon the methods employed, discovers huge problems with earlier research, argues a lot by publishing explanations and alternatives to avoid the same problems. You conclude from this...
>We can fix this by [not doing anything actual scientists are doing]
I'm all for open science though. The thing is, so are increasing numbers of scientists. Just worth pointing out you seem wholly ignorant of various so-called "replication crises" and any relevant publications on it, and are using it as a buzzword without actual meaning. Your reasoning makes this clear,
>Because instead of producing substantial empirical data on anything, these scientific institutions force scientists to make salami slice claims based on pure inference.
The most substantial empirical data and claims are precisely what, in various fields, have most failed to replicate. To the heart of the matter, there is no institution ever that will nor has existed that will eliminate motive to cheat the system. For everything else, as my first point explains, scientists have been publishing and working quite a lot on advocating and implementing more stringent checks or methods of checks.

Though as noted I don't disagree on transparent and open science. You may not care since I'm not disagreeing with your advocacy, even if I find all its reasoning mistaken.
>Right, because you define involuntary confinement and forcible injections that cause permanent irreversible neurological damage as "care."
Nope. Done with the narcissistic mind reading yet?

>> No.15445974

>narcissistic mind reading
This is either projection, or more likely you only used it because it's one of the most common basic bitch insults on the internet today. "Paranoid" might have been on target, if I wasn't at the ready to substantiate my claims, but if I were engaged in narcissism I would at the very least be namefagging.

>> No.15445989

>This is either projection
At no point have you asked what I think, and you have only assumed things I have denied thinking. How is describing what you're doing "projecting"?
>but if I were engaged in narcissism I would at the very least be namefagging.
Narcissists are terrible at guessing what others think but believe they know exactly what others think, because they have delusions of superiority and a total lack of empathy. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2004-18274-004
Narcissism predicts self perceived competence in "mind-reading" or having correct assumptions about what others are thinking.

>> No.15445999

Oh, so the issue is just that you're stupid. That makes sense. I'm not reading your mind, and the content of your thoughts is irrelevant. What matters is the real-world phenomena which correspond to the words you type. Actually-existing psychiatry is a system of involuntary confinement and forcible drugging, and by advocating for psychiatry you are in actual fact advocating for involuntary confinement and forcible drugging, regardless of the contents of your thoughts.

>> No.15446004

>you don't have sex
Woman detected

>> No.15446008


>> No.15446018

to become scientist is to eventually become mentally ill. scientists don't laugh, don't make jokes, they fight for grants among themselves, they live submerged in fear, lies, larping, the only science they can do is to do "studies", then pull some causation from correlation from their ass, and publish afrer "peer review" by same kind of losers.

>> No.15446026

>Oh, so the issue is just that you're stupid.
>I'm not reading your mind, and the content of your thoughts is irrelevant.
Oh? Then why talk about my intentions and definitions? You know, thoughts?
>Every single time, without fail, that someone one defends science it's because they want to lock someone up.
>Right, because you define involuntary confinement and forcible injections that cause permanent irreversible neurological damage as "care."
Seems like you don't enjoy being caught and realized you have to pivot.
>and by advocating for psychiatry you are in actual fact advocating for involuntary confinement and forcible drugging, regardless of the contents of your thoughts.
How could you know that if you don't know my thoughts?

>> No.15446045
File: 55 KB, 512x849, troon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why dont you whine about it elsewhere?

>> No.15446058

I don't understand the science behind people cutting their dicks and tits off, but so long as they continue getting 'fixed' like a pet so they don't infect the rest of the world with their stupidity I'll tacitly trust in their decisions.

>> No.15446074

>Oh? Then why talk about my intentions and definitions? You know, thoughts?
Definitions are communications, not internal thoughts. They exist to facilitate the exchange of thoughts between minds. As far as ascribing intention to you, saying you want to lock people up, that's just stating the logical consequences of your expressed preference. Your stated intent is to increase the availability of psychiatric "care." All else being equal, that outcome would necessarily result in an increase in involuntary provision of psychiatric "care" including involuntary confinement and forcible drugging.
>How could you know that if you don't know my thoughts?
Because that is the meaning of the words you are using. The internal mental state which provoked you to choose those words is irrelevant, I cannot access it and make no attempt to do so.

>> No.15446112

>Definitions are communications, not internal thoughts. They exist to facilitate the exchange of thoughts between minds.
If I define something I am communicating my internal thinking at minimum by ascent to some referred definition if it is not wholesale mine. Your attempts to weasel are growing increasingly schizophasic and you're now spouting transparent contradictions.
>As far as ascribing intention to you, saying you want to lock people up, that's just stating the logical consequences of your expressed preference.
As I'm sure you now wish you had done. Let's check what you wrote again, shall we? >>15445947
>Every single time, without fail, that someone one defends science it's because they want to lock someone up.
>it's because they want to lock someone up.
>that's just stating the logical consequences of your expressed preference.
>it's because they want to lock someone up.
Hm. No, pretty clear you asserted I desired to lock someone up.
>that outcome would necessarily result in an increase in involuntary provision of psychiatric "care" including involuntary confinement and forcible drugging.
Not at all. If you care to learn to ask I would be happy to explain that.
>Because that is the meaning of the words you are using.
Oh? Please quote me the dictionary that renders "access to psychiatric care" as "lock people up".

>> No.15446148

>400+ year deception it was
Lol, the radius of the globe earth was calculated by the ancient Greeks.
> Earth's entire population will suddenly be faced with the reality that every government,
So if the consequences are that severe, why was the "flat earth truth" hidden in the first place? Who gained something by convincing everyone on the planet that we live on a globe? Why was it so important to them that they had to force millions of people to sustain the "lie"?

This post is right: >>15445860
You flat earth retards are the fucking worst

>> No.15446188

>There's no good evidence to suggest they have, if you mean the United States.
>Published in 2020
>Data set from pre covid
What the fuck is your problem? Are you intentionally being a dishonest faggot?
>Blog post saying more psychiatrists needed
Fuck you. Kys.

>> No.15446196

>At no point have you asked what I think
Implying you're not guilty of this? Your post is literally textbook projection.

>> No.15446198

>If I define something I am communicating my internal thinking
Private language argument, see Wittgenstein.
>pretty clear you asserted I desired to lock someone up.
And I subsequently admitted that to be an error. Here, >>15445999 I acknowledge that you were merely not bright enough to understand the consequences of your stated preferences. It was wrong of me to ascribe to malice that which is explicable by stupidity, and for that I sincerely apologize.

>> No.15446201

>Oh? Please quote me the dictionary that renders "access to psychiatric care" as "lock people up".
You being a plebbitor faggot aside (and clearly being an estrogen addled headcase on numerous medications), people get involuntarily committed to psych wards all the time. For example when it's concluded by psychiatrists or psychologists that you're a threat to yourself, you get locked up and put on meds against your will. As for why I called you an estrogen addled headache, it's because you're either a woman, a tranny, or a low-t betamale soilent guzzling faggot. Nonetheless the end result is the same.

>> No.15446227

I also posted the dataset and relevant figures >>15445915. As stated the last available date, 2022, is still within normal variation range for the history of the data.
>Private language argument, see Wittgenstein.
This is an attempted distraction from the fact you assumed how I think and which definitions I employ, and the intentions therein. >>15445947 >>15445966
>Every single time, without fail, that someone one defends science it's because they want to lock someone up.
>Right, because you define involuntary confinement and forcible injections that cause permanent irreversible neurological damage as "care."
You were engaged in mind-reading as stated >>15445989 and chose to tell me what I think instead of asking. Care you start asking?
>you were merely not bright enough to understand the consequences of your stated preferences.
You made no argument to consequence originally, you explicitly wrote,
>it's because they want to lock someone up.
>because you define involuntary confinement and forcible injections that cause permanent irreversible neurological damage as "care."
Telling me what I want to do, telling me what I think in how I allegedly define things.

>> No.15446236

>Care you start asking?
No, I'm not interested in your game. I've already apologized for presuming your competence, and I concede that you have given sufficient evidence to the contrary. Have a good day.

>> No.15446246

>No, I'm not interested in your game.
No game. Was genuinely just wondering, and so you've answered.
>I've already apologized for presuming your competence, and I concede that you have given sufficient evidence to the contrary. Have a good day.
Til next time. This takes no real effort on my part, and you'll have egg on your face each and every time you do this. Best quit while you're way behind.

>> No.15446247
File: 544 KB, 1440x2170, schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That formatting
Actual mental illness. Estrogen addled retard stuck in her own head. Yes, I will call you a woman. And no, that isn't a compliment. Congratulations, you're as stupid as a hole.

>> No.15446272

>fuck government.

fuck the state it's literal anti-christ

>> No.15446283

Well, science shouldn't be an institution for one, but a method. The moment you create an institution, that means politics, personal gain and eventually corruption will enter into play. "Science" has been nothing but a pain in the ass for the general public those last years, no more cool space projects or powerful energy sources, but only justifications for annoying policies, especially environmental and health related ones. No wonder people are getting tired of it.

Practical sciences will always be relevant anyway, the kind of science that make computers or planes work for example. When people see something works, no reason for them to hate it.

>> No.15446325

What *does* giving psychiatric care to an untrusting cynic look like?

>> No.15446342

NTA, but soft coercion. Cash payments for accepting psychiatric treatment paired with widespread promotion of discriminatory attitudes toward such persons in order to reduce their probability of economic survival via any other means besides accepting said payments.

>> No.15446361

>the general public lost trust in science as an institution
>science as an institution
>he asks while posting from his almost magical device that allows everyone to connect from all over the world
>he asks while posting a pic of a journalist talking about stuff without using proper terminology
who the fuck keeps making these dumb and obviously loaded threads, and why are they full of obvious botted responses?
how much do you people get paid for this crap?

>> No.15446363

word salad. be specific and use a concrete example.

>> No.15446371

>The best way to fix this is to simply humble oneself and admit mankind can never grasp the laws of the universe
Skepticism isn't a substitute for knowledge.
Some theories work better than others.
Even if we have no way to prove that our theories are irrefutably correct, we can still do much better than sacrificing children in order to appease the gods and get fair weather.

>> No.15446375

>What *does* giving psychiatric care to an untrusting cynic look like?
In general? Or do you think that was my position? Per my first post >>15445909 all I wrote was "making life less shitty makes fewer cynics." The only reference to psychiatric care, "making life less shitty also involves better access to psychiatric care and healthcare in general", was a separate sentence not about, nor implying, one ought psychiatrically treat mere cynicism. I simply ended on "make life less bad" and any particulars were only examples. Could throw on "classify dental care as minimum healthcare too" and similar.

I'm not a psychiatrist nor a psychologist or someone involved with patients or practice related, so someone coming for help in life I can only guess depends on why they're so cynical about it. I'd know no better than a google search the methods involved.

>> No.15446384

what does better access to psychiatric care in general look like? It's never been easier to get on meds than it is now

>> No.15446388

That's not word salad, I understand what he said completely.

>> No.15446397
File: 44 KB, 841x704, word salad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the wokebot agrees that it's salad.

>> No.15446406

>cash payments
Supplemental Security Income, i.e., disability payments.
>widespread promotion of discriminatory attitudes
Using psychiatric symptoms like "word salad" as insults.

>> No.15446407
File: 3.56 MB, 1784x1044, globohomo kikes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15446409

>what does better access to psychiatric care in general look like?
Whatever works to reduce the reasons 56% of respondents with a mental illness could receive no treatment https://mhanational.org/issues/2022/mental-health-america-access-care-data
More specifically, of those "Almost a quarter (24.7%) of all adults with a mental illness reported that they were not able to receive the treatment they needed. This number has not declined since 2011."
Reasons given were,
1. No insurance or limited coverage of services.
2. Shortfall in psychiatrists, and an overall undersized mental health workforce.
3. Lack of available treatment types (inpatient treatment, individual therapy, intensive community services).
4. Disconnect between primary care systems and behavioral health systems.
5. Insufficient finances to cover costs including copays, uncovered treatment types, or when providers do not take insurance.
Cost seems to be the biggest one, "29.67% of adults with a cognitive disability were not able to see a doctor due to costs."
>It's never been easier to get on meds than it is now
Not everyone needs medication. Those severe enough to need it are also least able to get it, given the primary factor is going to be cost and those with the most severe problems usually can't maintain employment sufficient to pay for it. At the same time, if you give up and rely on medicaid you can't earn enough to live in most places rendering that out of the question without moving and finding a new job. Lots of long term planning stuff someone in deep shit probably can't do. There are many such poverty traps in the USA

>> No.15446410

Accusations of delusional thinking are simply admissions of lack of understanding.

>> No.15446411

Wasn't word salad. I find it funny you were unable to ask for an example, and had to resort to demanding one after insulting him instead.

>> No.15446416

resort doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.15446429

>resort doesn't mean what you think it means
It's my judgment of your actions, so it means exactly what I think it means. Of course you wouldn't think of it in those terms. Thought you were done for today?

>> No.15446443

>Thought you were done for today?

>> No.15446446

He thinks you're me because he's too stupid to follow stylistic cues.

>> No.15446455

Eh, random hostile anons tend to look the same. I can just say you're right, doesn't matter to me. What's funny as shit to me, though, is you come right in the very instant. kek

>> No.15446461

calling a post word salad is what constitutes hostility now? lmfao holy shit. you're clearly genZ

>> No.15446464
File: 93 KB, 1066x400, Screenshot_20230518-125901-480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right in this very instant
Never left, merely bid you in particular good day.

>> No.15446465

>calling a post word salad is what constitutes hostility now?
Discourteous I suppose to be more precise. A sort of banal hostility, though perhaps the word was too strong. Per the chatbot example, "might not be the most constructive or helpful way to go about it"

>> No.15446468

NTA and yes. Word salad is a literal symptom of schizophrenia, and describing a post as word salad is equivalent to suggesting that whoever made that post should be forcibly confined and injected with neuroleptic drugs against their will.

>> No.15446474

I just calls it like I sees it. What you wrote wasn't word salad. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You're welcome

>> No.15446480

>calling a post word salad is what constitutes hostility now?
NTA2, but I can confirm that it is indeed hostile. You'd have to be severely autistic or retarded not to perceive it as such. This message is hostile too, by the way.

>> No.15446487

What if the real hostiles were the friends we made along the way?

>> No.15446518

imo: sex is binary, gender isn't. gender is differen't from sex, because i don't remember having gender with your mom last night.

>> No.15446530

You're different from a woman. Always will be.

>> No.15446539

NTA but I'd be down for frenemies.

>> No.15446554

This is retarded.
People trusted science when scientists worked to discover reality, made sure they were right, and their information was useful.
Now retards dressed up and pose as scientists, don't understand they are not the real thing and that isn't what science is about, and wonder why people refuse to learn their fake nonsense.
I worry that we will see some burned churches again if we haven't already, because of some impostor retards trying to "prove themselves".

>> No.15446559

Sorry fren not a bad enough dude to rescue that president. Frens are fine (:

>> No.15446566

>This is retarded.
In what way? You described what seems like a personal judgment but it doesn't really relate to the broader question which, seems to me, is a simple matter of surveys.

>> No.15446569

Always room for more frens.

>> No.15446580

It's retarded in the way your reply is.

>> No.15446582

>pre covid lockdown stat
Lol are you serious?

>> No.15446608

>Lol are you serious?
Second post tracked down the GSS variable for the current stat >>15445915 still within the historical variance. It is down in 2022, but basically back to what it usually is

>> No.15446638
File: 16 KB, 641x404, Populace loses faith in science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a proportion of responders for "a great deal" from 2018-2022 it's 45%, 50%, and 40%
>people mark "inapplicable"
>clearly meaning they don't give a shit
>choose not to count in statistics
>biases data toward only counting people who give a shit
unjustified analysis. i've taken the liberty of reanalyzing the data including those who wrote "inapplicable". fun game. rotate the image 90 degrees.

>> No.15446647
File: 14 KB, 585x353, People_Distrust_Science_Growing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you know what? i'll even beat you on your own turf. let's say it's valid to ignore those. then the graph is still dishonest, as is your analysis. observe: i only included in this analysis those with codes "1", "2", and "3" (that is, a great deal, only some or hardly any trust in the scientific community). i took the percentage of these people who said they have hardly any trust in the scientific community. you see, you claim that the trust has remained largely static over time, using "a great deal" as your metric. now reconcile it with my graph, showing a rapid increase in people saying they have "hardly any" trust in the scientific community. in short, you're a dishonest piece of shit.

>> No.15446653

Institutes have too much power and that is a problem for people, yet at the same time the same people swear allegiance to said institutes argue over retarded politics and which rich jewish pedophile baby foreskin sucker should run the country next because they're definitely gonna be better than the other guy and not exploit you as a human being.

>> No.15446670

>general psychiatric conditions involving poor social or institutional trust
Funny how there's no psychopathological opposite of paranoia (I had to coin "entonoia"). Psychiatrists' only interest in the "trust" end of the axis is for the extremes encountered in Williams' Syndrome. This ignoring extremes at one of the ends of an axis is seen elsewhere as well (Type I thinking error tendency pathologised, but not Type II, for example). If the DSM had any validity, you'd see the following entries
>Pathological Authority Trust Disorder
>Wealth Acquisition Disorder
>Power Obsessive Disorder
There are people who have no problem identifying people in the personal relationships and circles of friends who are untrustworthy and even which domains to trust them (for example, to trust someone never to betray a confidence whom one would never give the keys to one's car and vice versa). But for some reason, when it comes to certain classes of people, context-dependent entonoids are unable to use such discernment when it comes to venal and corrupt politicians, officials and institutions. Anyone who has watched the fiasco that has been the Covid hysteria (histrionics maybe?) and response who still trusts the medical fraternity is fucked-up as a soup sandwich mentally.

>> No.15446693 [DELETED] 

You'd be dealing with someone who thinks that trust can only ever be a problem if you'd got the rare genetic disorder, Williams Syndrome. He would dismissing you valid concerns and your acuity at assessing trustworthiness socially as irrelevant. He would assume à priori that all officials, agencies, governments and ngos are 100% trustworthy and not possibly venal, corrupt or agenda-driven label anyone who disagrees as "paranoid".

>> No.15446702

You'd be dealing with someone who thinks that trust can only ever be a problem if you'd got the rare genetic disorder, Williams Syndrome. He would dismiss your valid concerns and consider your acuity at assessing trustworthiness in social situations as irrelevant. He would assume à priori that all officials, agencies, governments and ngos are 100% trustworthy and not possibly venal, corrupt or agenda-driven and label anyone who disagrees as "paranoid".

>> No.15446710

Based take

>> No.15446746

lol I used to call it cattle disorder, or vegetable disorder

>> No.15446772

I applaud the effort and encourage you to learn more about statistics. Reason being that without knowing the basics you can make pretty big mistakes. In this case, failing to understand the data you're working with by failing to check definitin definitions, and wrongly assuming a meaning it does not have. See the codebook here https://gss.norc.org/get-the-data/stata
>.i – Inapplicable (IAP). This reserve code is used when a respondent does not see a question, either due to structural factors (e.g., for a respondent on ballot C, they will be marked inapplicable for a question exclusive to ballots A and B) or to personal factors (e.g., a respondent who is not married will be marked inapplicable for a spouse-related item).
>unjustified analysis.
You appear to have included the structural coding IAP rather than the relevant "don't know" coding DK. IAP is for things unrelated to the particular question or structural as described, "DK" is about people not knowing/caring.
>and you know what? i'll even beat you on your own turf.
If you could I would enjoy learning something new.
>now reconcile it with my graph, showing a rapid increase in people saying they have "hardly any" trust in the scientific community. in short, you're a dishonest piece of shit.
Dishonest for linking the data source and pointing out the 12% figure in "hardly any"? >>15445915 Or correctly, and honestly, pointing out the confidence hasn't deviated from its usual range for the data history? The level of confidence as noted is still within normal range for all prior years. Massive uptick, if you care to check, is *mostly* driven by Republicans though not entirely. I encourage you to keep going and learn more about this kind of thing. It can be quite fun.

>> No.15446779

>history = present
more dishonesty. the OP (whom i am not) is about current distrust, not trust from 40 years ago. as i demonstrated to you, with data from your own source, distrust is skyrocketing (which you also reported, but not visually, nor with any previous data to compare it to). in short, you're a dishonest fuck.
>i would enjoy learning something new
promises, promises. your responses indicate otherwise. either admit you learned something (that is, you were wrong), or triple down.

>> No.15446782

NTA but not seeing the question would fall under did not answer. The spouse example doesn't apply here.

>> No.15446798

>more dishonesty. the OP (whom i am not) is about current distrust, not trust from 40 years ago.
How is it dishonest to point out the confidence for "great deal" and "only some" remain around the same level they've always been? Still around 40% for "great deal of confidence" as well as 45% for "only some".
>as i demonstrated to you, with data from your own source, distrust is skyrocketing (which you also reported,
Yes, I did report it
>but not visually
I linked the URL where you can easily see the graph.
>nor with any previous data to compare it to.
I started with the 2018 value as the connecting point to the prior graph.
>in short, you're a dishonest fuck.
How? The general public hasn't lost trust, the confidence levels are still in the same range they've been since the survey began. The "hardly any" category is, as noted, primarily driven by republicans. It is also primarily driven by people with a high school or less education. To be clear, that does not mean "exclusively driven", but the majority of that "hardly any" category are uneducated republicans.

So I'm dishonest for giving everybody what they wanted and with the data relevant to the question? Namely,
>Why has the general public lost trust in science as an institution?
The answer? Because uneducated Republicans. If you want to know *why* it's primarily uneducated Republicans that would require a different set of data and research. Which does exist, mind you, if you care to go look.
>NTA but not seeing the question would fall under did not answer. The spouse example doesn't apply here.
IAP or NA are different codes. For this particular variable the labels are IAP, NA, DK, S (skipped on web). https://gssdataexplorer.norc.org/variables/458/vshow
The only relevant one here of any sizeable category is "don't know", the spouse example for IAP was just one example. It depends on the variable, as some do not have some options. This variable, however, has the four relevant labels

>> No.15446847

trusting statistics makes you feel your life makes sense. anyone who believes any number from government is retard

>> No.15446857

>Two out of three metrics are stable while the third doubles
You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.15447214

>You're a fucking idiot.
Or this is exactly like a bit ago, where you didnt understand something basic and made some pretty amateurish blunders with data interpretation. I am putting it kindly and hoping you learn to grow up a bit, and maybe like data analysis for its own sake rather that your failed attempts to cudgel somebody with it.

As for what the issue is this time? Already said. It is mostly high school and lower republicans. If you even glanced at my other link or read my original post, you wil note it talks about ignorance of science and a shitty life contributing to exactly this kind of thing. The whole point wad the real reason falsifies the big narrative claims about science somehow circling the drain. In reality it is just political. The poorest whose livelihoods likely got hit hardest are unsurprisingly most likely to reactively shoot the messenger, since they dont understand the messenger anyway. The fact every other demographic and the two other codss are within norm is NOT a sign the sky is falling.

But it could next survey. You never know

>> No.15447217

you still can't tell the difference between anons who respond to you, lol. are you autistic?

>> No.15447221

No, sadly I have a perfectly normal brain. Tell me then, where ought I distinguish you mindlessly going "no ur stoopid" from the other brat? Since you know so much.

Put another way I simply do not care and it is cute you think that is somehow a personal failing on my part lol

>> No.15447228

Not trusting institutions is healthy. Why would you want to "fix" that?

>> No.15447252

fuck all "institutions". That's another word for "SCAM".

>> No.15447257

love that meme. So fucking true but people are waking up to the glowops due to AI being so obvious.

>> No.15447282

>perfectly normal brain
>browses 4chan
if you can't see the issues with your statement, then not only are you autistic but you're also retarded.

>> No.15447334

We need less psychiatric care not more. Even better psychiatry should be abolished all together like the pseudo-science retardation that it is. Not that psychiatry was ever good to begin with it has always been a place for families to get rid off the vulnerable and unwanted. However ever since the takeover of our medical establishment by rockerfeller money in the early 20th century psychiatry(and the whole medical field in general btw) has been nothing more than a social control tool and money making scheme at the expense of our health and sanity. Funny how much more stable people where generally only 40 years ago its almost like the dramatic increace in psyche meds did not do any good





They did the same in china and europe btw



>> No.15447345

>I hate 4chan
why are you here?

>> No.15447359

>Everybody on le 4chan is mentally ill
I see you already have the shrink mindset where everybody is mentally ill. A world where more than 85% of the people that visit a psychiatrist get diagnosed with a meme disease. Because of this more than 1/4 is called ''mentally ill'' these days

>> No.15447377

autism or any other DSM-V or ICD-10 diagnoses(not that the previous version where any different)are not real diseases. All these diagnoses are nothing more than a subsection of symptoms of behavior that are given a name. When a psychiatrist is diagnosing somebody with so called ''disorders'' all they are doing is checking of a list of behaviors. This also makes the whole thing completely subjective and based on opinion in that regard but even if everybody was judged by the same standard than it still doesnt say anything. At most its an unreliable rough form of behavioral classification. I always cringe when people talk about being mis-diagnosed because you cant be diagnosed correctly to begin with. Its not like a real disease like cancer where the source of the symptoms is the cancer itself in these fake mental health disorders the symptoms are the disease. When somebody that is depressed is saying ''i dont have energy because of my depression'' for example he is really is just saying ''i dont have energy because i dont have energy'' since deppression is nothing more than a label for behavior. Im not implying with this btw that psychological problems do not exist they absolutely do and there is great variation in human minds and behavior relatively and some people are indeed very different and insane. However looking up some disorder symptoms and thinking ''yeah that fits'' really doesnt mean anything since these disorders dont mean anything. They have also written down the disorder symptoms in such a way that almost anybody that complains to a psychologist or psychiatrist will get diagnosed especially in the latest dsm edition its the medicalization of normal human behavior and emotion. The real reason our hijacked medical system is like this has more something to do with selling drugs will duming down and poisoning the population for controll purposes and even more monetary gain.

>> No.15447395

He didn't say he hates 4chan, nigger.

>> No.15447399

>All abnormal brains are mentally ill
Sounds like you're the dunce with the shrink mentality. He didn't say the anon was mentally ill either.

>> No.15447407

Even normal brains are sometimes(whatever thats supposed to mean) its all dependent on if the psychiatrist roasty wants to suck your dick or not at the moment.

>> No.15447426

All three of you are delusional in that you accept the premise that 4chan is somehow special or off-brand to normal people. 4chan has more traffic than every corporate media website, probably all of them combined. There's nothing "abnormal" or even unusual about browsing it.

>> No.15447438

>4chan has more traffic than every corporate media website, probably all of them combined.

>> No.15447457

They haven't, the conspiracy tards are just getting louder.

>> No.15447462

They're getting louder because more people are saying it.

>> No.15447640
File: 303 KB, 1202x900, triads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had to coin "entonoia"
Do you know any other interesting words?
>look it up I've put it out there
Google can't find it.

Here's my contribution:

[math]\begin{alignat}{1}\textbf{thalasso-} &+ \textit{-phobia} &= \text{fear of deep water}\\
\text{aqua-} &+ \textit{-phobia} &= \text{fear of (any) water}\\
\textbf{thalasso-} &+ \textit{-cracy} &= \text{rule by sea}\\
\text{telluro-} &+ \textit{-cracy} &= \text{rule by land}\end{alignat}[/math]

>> No.15447756

Decades of forced institutionalization in supposedly scientific institutes that told nothing but lies to children mixed with propaganda while protecting them from the dangers of direct experimentation and discouraging dissension is finally catching up.

>> No.15447843

So the only reason people are untrusting and in need of care is because the government is a scam that purposely withholds resources from people to drive them crazy so they will buy drugs?

>> No.15447850

>substantial empirical data on anything
Empirical data is just as easy to fake or their wouldn't be a booming magic/illusionist industry.

>> No.15447922
File: 457 KB, 828x818, 1684455826699239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>force children to undergo 17 years of brainwashing
>they still don't trust the government
how low iq does the government have to be to get this result?

>> No.15447945
File: 2.00 MB, 400x354, helio_nonsensical_system.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why [...] the "lie"?
>13 Brazzillion years ago
>absolute nothing
>then due to complex & random quantum events the absolute everything manifested
>in a infinitesimal small spot
>the absolute everything exploded (Big Bang)
>then Gasses collapse to stars and planets
>just by coincidence, create perfect orbits
>around a sun
>then a ice comet struck earth
>3 Dan Bilzerean years ago
>it melts creates atmosphere and shit
>then lightning hits a wierd spot
>a meaningless coincidence
>life is singe cell
>over a course of umteen billion years cell turned to fish
>then monkey then human
>and the solar system works like a well oiled clockwork ever since
>we are on a 1040mph spinning piece of dirt
>that orbits the sun with 67000mph
>which moves with 0.5 million mph through space while dragging all planets perfectly with it

>while the milkyway spins with 1.5 million mph and dragging the sun and solar system sideways
>and while all these motions happen, we have reoccuring celestial events
>like asteroids finding us always every 18 years and so on
>yearly Perseids in July
>Halley's Comet that visits us ever 75-79 years
>even though the sun travels 942.5 million kilometers each year though space
>we have no paralax because the stars are so far away that the distance is negliant
>but when we move ARROUND the sun the paralax of the seasons is so large, that our ancestors used it orient them selves in space & time the with the star signs, which also repeat EXACTLY each year,
>also the moon never gets tugged away a little when its between earth and sun
>the orbit never changes
>and its amazing
>how our universe is like a well oiled mechanical clock and how we are just random MEANINGLESS pieces of crap living on spinning dirt in the vast emptyness of the universe
>and As I stated before
>I fucking love science
We are meaningless on a pear shaped oblate spheroid. So I might as well consoom and coom

>> No.15447970
File: 1.22 MB, 956x1692, mercurial_past.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A psychiatrist is a meme lord profession.
They juggle together greek and latin words and then claim you are sick.
Even if you have nothing and are "normal" they have the power to diagnose you with a psychological issue:

Psychology is highly philosophical and subjective.
Not only that it mostly disregards neurology and influences of substances on behaviour.
And to relate to that specific issue, let me educate you on the beginning of "psychiatry" and history.
Between the 1800s and 1960s there was a boom in this "medical profession".
Everywhere were mental asylums and people got lobotomized for literally every shit.
Some were political motivated, like the early eugenics movements.
But a lot of issues were caused by the general usage of arsenic, mercury and antimony in medicine.
>potassium antomony tatrate
Those all contain highly neurotoxic crap which turn you into retards.
And it was known, for example with mercury
The mad hatter disease.
They neurologically poisoned people which then went crazy. And this is not even absurd, even know we know it, with drugs like crack, opiates, meth etc.
It fucks up your brain, and subsequently you get neurological malfunctions which present as "psychological" symptoms, which then get memed by those indoctrinated "Doctors" who just claim its because of some supressed "memory" or "trauma" or some shit.

We are exposed to a shitton of crap which inflict damage to our neurological system but it is ignored and only tangentially mentioned in the pathogenesis of "psychological" diseases.
Body and Mind are a unit not compartmentalized and this is disregarded mostly.

>> No.15448659

>Practical sciences
Is called engineering, and it obviously works much better than the scam that academics are running these days.

>> No.15448674

>Why has the general public lost trust in science as an institution? How can this be fixed?
Maybe stop obviously lying to us all the time?

>> No.15448697

>Tries to still sound superior after getting complete fucking humiliated in public.

>> No.15448827

lol if you think that's what happened why would I care at all about your opinion?

>> No.15448846
File: 24 KB, 474x316, th-1335565099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe stop obviously lying to us all the time?
I don't think that card's even on the table.

>> No.15449067

Yah because they arent the ones who are the tards, they are smarter than you so they understand what you are too stupid to figure out

>> No.15449169

>Yah because they arent the ones who are the tards, they are smarter than you so they understand what you are too stupid to figure out
The least educated have the highest tendency to believe your bullshit. For intelligence, analytic thinking combined with fluid reasoning ability most predict not believing retarded ideas. Intelligence alone correlates strongly with not believing it, but within the same range of IQ analytic ability predicts variation within standard deviations. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364605121_Analytic_thinking_outruns_fluid_reasoning_in_explaining_rejection_of_pseudoscience_paranormal_and_conspiracist_beliefs

There's no world where you're not the dumbest least capable of thinking. Too bad, so sad, read a fucking book on statistics for once.

>> No.15449200

Government has nothing to do with science. Academia is relatively independent and lots of research happens in private companies.

>> No.15449206

>Why has the general public lost trust in science as an institution?
1) Science is very complicated. The general public cannot understand it.
2) The general public must therefore accept it, without understanding it, essentially they need to accept being treated like babies and be talked down to by scientists
3) Internet now exists, which allows people to search for information, including false information or information they don't understand properly.
4) This creates a false sense of competence, people now think they can understand something extremely complicated with a google search
5) People lost trust because they feel talked down to and now can access information to do their own "research". It's a fusion of arrogance and a bruised ego.
Every single science denier is like this. I have talked with science deniers on the internet for years and it always boils down to them wanting to feel superior to scientists.

>> No.15449211

The wokebot also considers that a grammatically correct sentence, which it is not, it's a sentence fragment.

>> No.15449227

At least there is criticism in the comments of that twitter post.
Still cringe that the editorial staff of magazines are misrepresenting scientific findings to shill their ideology for the greater good.

>> No.15449231

it is the literal midwit meme come to life HAHAHAHA

Yah of course some of them are stupid and it makes it easier to convince them because they realize they dont really understand how anything works and you can explain it to them in a way that makes sense for them to understand and if it makes sense then you have them on board.

Then you have the smart people who though they knew how things worked but after you explain to them how they really work they are able to look into their mind and see "yah things they told me dont really make sense or fit together therefore they lied to me and now I know the truth."

But then there is the midwit, you, who thinks you know how something works because you just believe what you have been told and never noticed how things dont line up and never investigated any further and are too stupid to understand the truth even if it is spoonfed to you. You are the midwit, the stupid motherfucker, that's you

>> No.15449238

Oooooooooh, they even have a 3D matlab plot

>> No.15449241

midwit is just something conspiracytards invented to cope with the fact they're retarded. It's pure projection.

>> No.15449247
File: 1.79 MB, 355x343, joker6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>midwit noises

>> No.15449252


>> No.15449255 [DELETED] 

You want your institutions to be trustworthy. If no one trusts them then you basically lose civilization. If you trust no institution at all, ever, you quickly become a flat earther.

Granted, a lot of people are so brainwashed and frustrated that they want civilization to end, so if that's where you are, I'll be on the other end of that war. Yeah, it's not perfect, getting better in some ways and worse in others, but it's the best we got and it's worth fighting for, especially given the alternative the flat earther types are promising.

>> No.15449271

Because politically minded people have now infiltrated practically every field and are now larping as scientists.
Pretty much everything published in the last 10 years is bullshit, and a large fraction of what was published since 2000 is bullshit as well.

>> No.15449372

>it is the literal midwit meme come to life HAHAHAHA
I don't know if this is the most desperate cope in existence or you're trolling. I really hope you're trying to troll.

>> No.15449378

>Oooooooooh, they even have a 3D matlab plot
I know, right?!

>> No.15449380

I am not trolling, I am 100% serious when I say both you and your boyfriend you are sucking off are stone cold retards without a solitary doubt in my mind what so ever

>> No.15449383

Oh it's you. That makes more sense. Didn't even see it was you. Obviously you're trolling. Just as obvious as you've got to be some mod or janny since you're still not banned for it.

>> No.15449396


>> No.15449413

you sure do seem to enjoy talking about gay stuff unsolicited.

>> No.15449421
File: 2.67 MB, 414x322, joker4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard noises
I know it is hard for midwit ego maniacs to face the fact that are actually quite stupid when they thought they were hot shit giga-brains but when an actual intellect like myself comes and shits all over all the retarded shit you thought you knew and shows you are actually just an NPC clown who can only babble and regurgitate pop sci meme article, you have to face the truth eventually. You can ignore reality all you want, but it will always catch up to you I assure you. You are a piss ant retard and the sooner you come to terms with that the sooner you can possibly escape being a piss ant retard

>> No.15449423

What wrong with that? Are you some kind of chud homofobe?

>> No.15449425


>> No.15449427

>What's wrong with homosexuality
You a troll or a faggot?

>> No.15449436 [DELETED] 

You don't want people with high security clearances to be ready and willing to blatantly disobey the government for their own ends, sadly, nor do you give ones who ignore corporate HQ to have industrial secrets. Such freedom is reserved for those who can't so easily sabotage at will, and thus have no such responsibility or duty of fealty.

>> No.15449444

Uhmm... sweety there is nothing wrong with being gay. Its natural dont you know about the gay gene? The scientific consensus supported by peer-reviewed studie's show's that being gay or trans is hecking valid and good go be a ignorant bigot somewhere else this is a scientific board where we trust the science

>> No.15449445

And? >>15449169
>but within the same range of IQ analytic ability predicts variation within standard deviations. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364605121_Analytic_thinking_outruns_fluid_reasoning_in_explaining_rejection_of_pseudoscience_paranormal_and_conspiracist_beliefs

>> No.15449516

Thanks for showing how cattle minded you truly are i suppose not wanting to expose yourself to gene therapy makes you a security thread lel. I will remeber this for next time when faggots like you claim that ''the science'' and its partisans are totally neutral and not at all censored or else removed by higher authority.
>Such freedom is reserved for those who can't so easily sabotage at will, and thus have no such responsibility or duty of fealty.
Look look reddit im so much better than these non-compliers. Follow the current thing or get rekt sweety

In your reddit superiority feels complex you also totally ignored the point why i posted that link in the first place. Your claim that trust in science is the result of stupidity does not go very well with the fact that large amount of people from the highest order including nuclear physicist where laid of at the los alamos national laboratory. It does however support the midwit theory of the other anon that you talked too

>> No.15449543

>Thanks for showing how cattle minded you truly are
For everyone rejecting your retardation all the evidence clearly shows the opposite. You're delusional and delusional about how stupid you are to boot which, well, no shit.

>> No.15449612

>Your le stupid
Woaw! What a amazing rebuttal from our smart science man!

>> No.15449621

This. The government wants obedient workers. Makes sense.

>> No.15449635

>Woaw! What a amazing rebuttal from our smart science man!
It's a descriptive fact. I don't waste time arguing with people who reject facts and reasoning.

>> No.15449650


>> No.15449654

>claims science wrong
>Personally demonstrates how spot on it is

>> No.15449663

>My opinion's are fact's
>Why do you disagree with me why dont you belief the facts AHAHAHHHHH!
t. nigger

>> No.15449677

>1) Science is very complicated. The general public cannot understand it.
I hate this cope.
>we scientists are soooo super smart, everyone else is low iq
usually followed by claiming personal credit for the achievements of the tiny minority of successful scientists while willfully turning a blind eye to the failures and the harmful ones
>we scientists are smart because we invented antibiotics
>thalidomide? never heard of it

most scientists are midwits, just like everyone else

>> No.15449679 [DELETED] 

Other replier wasn't me, but yes, if you aren't an obedient drone, you're a security threat. You don't give anyone but the most loyal of subjects high security access. Otherwise you're just asking for spies and saboteurs to run rampant all over your ass. Applies to governments, corporations, any outfit of multiple people with secrets to keep.

You also want the most creative and efficient researchers possible, but any outfit worth its letters is going to be quite willing to sacrifice some potency for its security, especially when a security leak is an existential threat, as it is with nuclear scientists.

You don't want to be an obedient drone? Don't apply for high security clearance or a job that requires an NDA. (Or if you do, be damned sure to maintain the appearance of keeping your nose clean, or brown, as the situation requires.)

>> No.15449690

A "midwit" is still a lot more intelligent than the average person on the street. It's also not a question of intelligence alone, it's one of expertise, something which you can't get from being an arm chair expert.

>> No.15449696


>> No.15449706

>science is an institution rather than merely an epistemic mechanism

>> No.15449712

>something which you can't get from being an arm chair expert
I disagree. The only thing that matters is the validity of your point's and arguments. Even if said arguments come from a crackhead homeless junky.

>> No.15449718

Your points and arguments are not going to be very good if you're an arm chair expert.

>> No.15449723

If humans do not use reason and we just persecute people we do not like then the unreasonable people with said opinions would be the first to die under a monarchy or a tribe

>> No.15449733

Could be the case with most crackhead homeless junkie's. Authority still isn't to decide what is true or not.
>Muh appeal to authority
Come on faggot midwit this is basic stuff

>> No.15449738

>Why has the general public lost trust in science as an institution?
It's being used as a political tool. Funding is issued through organisations which have an agenda. They're even transparent about it, but people are retarded and don't understand the context which a model is created.
For example: The instruction 'find the increases in global temperature' is very different from 'find the changes in global temperature'. These objectives are completely unrelated to each other, but the retarded normies see the same question and they're the ones who count.
This is a real problem and the cause of most of the poor decision making practices by our governments.
>How can this be fixed?
It can't. The people in charge have an agenda and experts are paid to provide evidence in favour of that agenda. The experts are almost certainly better informed than you, so arguing will almost certainly mean you lose. Yet you know, they know and the politicians know the information is heavily bias and wrong. Logic be damned.

>> No.15449757 [DELETED] 

The other problem being that the only counter arguments are also funded by people with a political agenda. Particularly when there's a lot of money to be lost, as with climate change denial.

Really, it's gotten to the point where one can't get to the truth of any remotely controversial subject, as it's possible to endlessly cherry pick scientific articles from either side, as both sides of the argument have their paid shills. There's lots of subjects you can't have a scientific discussion about, as any discussion will be purely political, and both sides thrive on the rage and frustration and the divide that it all creates.

>> No.15449759

>Could be the case with most crackhead homeless junkie's. Authority still isn't to decide what is true or not.
Nobody says it does. You just pretend the consensus of experts, and the authority on the topic of experts, counts for nothing so you can feel special. Your odds of being right on anything absent evidence such that you'd be publishing anyway are far worse than consensus, and if you think otherwise you're just a narcissist or utterly clueless.
>It's being used as a political tool.
Yet mostly uneducated highschool or less Republicans are losing trust in it. Political reaction does not make science a political tool. It's just a scapegoat the uneducated use because they want things to blame for their lives being shitty, and what better to blame than things you don't understand?

>> No.15449762

not they aren't. nonproductive midget scientists who go through their careers producing nothing of any value while collecting a paycheck are leeches who never should've been allowed in the front door.
they are not the equivalent of the few productive scientists they are the opposite, they just drain resources and give nothing in return

>> No.15449766

Without all those other so-called "midwit" scientists you'd be so neck deep in menial, administrative, and other tasks, you'd get fucking nothing done. Stop talking about things you know nothing about.

>> No.15449785

Einstein worked through most of relativity at the patent office. You are an absolute drooling retard.

Midwit scientists are the reason those menial and administrative tasks have to exist in the first place

>> No.15449794

>Your odds of being right on anything absent evidence such that you'd be publishing anyway are far worse than consensus, and if you think otherwise you're just a narcissist or utterly clueless.
The ods are actually very high mainly because off>>15449738
>Your odds of being right on anything absent evidence
Because somebody does not belief the most propagated narative of a subject doesn't automatically mean they came to their conclusions absent of evidence. Dont you see how close minded and dogmatic you are? You assume from the get go that people who do not follow the establishment line of thinking must have come to their conclusions without evidence. You assume they are wrong and the establisment is right by default. Follow your priest class dogmatic retard
Midwit meltdown

>> No.15449811

Science isn't just theories, retard.

>> No.15449814

Actual midwits who are jelly af they don't have a lab to work in and are arm chair experts.

>> No.15449818

>jelly af
Yes we know you see your degree like shanique see's her gucci purge

>> No.15449826

You can't do math

>> No.15449835

/pol/tards who only come here to push their politics seething again because they have no credentials, don't work in a lab, and have never contributed to any scientific research, but think they're misunderstood geniuses and experts because they read shit online.
Many such cases.

>> No.15449837

On the contrary, I have a lab and am an actual expert. I'm just sick of being surrounded by midwits and HR retards pushing drivel like "muh diversity" and "trust the science" and "trannies are our greatest strength." The people who suck at math and science compensate by becoming communists and pretend that makes them smart

>> No.15449840

No you don't, you're a /pol/tard larper.

>> No.15449844

Absolutely seething

>> No.15449854

>starts talking about trannies out of nowhere
Go transition already lol, fucking obsessed weirdo.

>> No.15449868
File: 81 KB, 636x873, Horsey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek @ that video

n1 anon well meme'd

>> No.15449873

>The ods are actually very high mainly because off >>15449738
Yeah. You pretend it counts for nothing, just because you have a conspiracy theory doesn't change that. All so you can feel special.
>You assume from the get go that people who do not follow the establishment line of thinking must have come to their conclusions without evidence.
Nope. "Your odds of being right on anything absent evidence such that you'd be publishing anyway are far worse than consensus"
Where have you published? I'll happily review your rstats related code and evidence. Bet you haven't.
>Einstein worked through most of relativity at the patent office. You are an absolute drooling retard.
Einstein had a PhD. Go play pretend expert with your narcissistic delusions somewhere else.

>> No.15449881

/pol/fags are mad af at scientists because they are infuriated that they get respect in society, have interesting jobs and their work often contradict their political views (e.g. climate change, vaccines, etc). It's just pure cope and jealousy from delinquent little narcissistic mouth breathers.

>> No.15449887

>talking about trannies
But i didn't or did the basedjack video hurt your feels? Kek. This whole thread is just you calling everybody stupid and thinking it's a valid argument. Then when people returned the favor too you and called you a midwit one too many time's you started having a meltdown and bragging about your degree like>>15449818

Im not a believer in psychology so i wont claim to be able to psycho analysis you. However i estimate the change is pretty high that your psychological make up of arrogance is blinding your eye's. People only have to call you a midwit a few time's in a discussion for you to disregard any argument they make. You are not searching for truth but to strike your own ego it seems

>> No.15449889

That isn't me genius.

>> No.15449891

Whatever helps you sleep at night, chud

>> No.15449892

How do you define sex too lmao

>> No.15449895

>Einstein had a PhD.
How could you possibly post something so irrelevant and think you made a point. Midwits defending midwits

>> No.15449899

>How could you possibly post something so irrelevant
"Your odds of being right on anything absent evidence such that you'd be publishing anyway"
cope and seethe.

>> No.15449902

Restructure the institution
Remove the heads
Fire those who are political
Hire from politically neutral
Hire from right side of politically party

Institutions are 90-95% far left marxist today. There's a marxist capture of institutions in private sectors, government sectors and education sectors.

>> No.15449903

I've made 4 posts ITT tops, retard.

>> No.15449904

oh this is the shit eating schizo, should have known. ignore this fucking retard, he is a literal schizo

>> No.15449906

the what
Bodhi I ignore you because you're a troll. I am not part of your fan club.

>> No.15449907

>Yeah. You pretend it counts for nothing, just because you have a conspiracy theory doesn't change that. All so you can feel special.
Strawman very black-white thinking of you. I never said all science that isn't shunned by the establishment is wrong by default. Im just not a retard midwit like yourself that think le hecking science exists in a vacuum of neutrality. You calling public record information of things like science funding ''conspiracy theory'' doesnt make it any less true

>> No.15449908

because he is a literal schizo, NPD to be exact, cluster B. He is incapable of holding a conversation because he is psychotic and will just come up with bizarre non-sequitors and projection. It is hard to explain to someone who has never dealt with them, you have to have to experience and you will be able to spit them pretty easily after that because they bizarre and retarded shit that has nothing to do with the conversation you are having and when you corner them and ask for evidence or to present what they are rationally they cant and they just have a meltdown and will most times get violent at that point

>> No.15449912

I'm not strawmanning you I am judging you. I agree with the other guy, you're a /pol/tard larper. Especially the hilarious remark on climate change. Easiest way to know someone doesn't know shit about modeling.

>> No.15449913

I agree he is a major retard however:>>15447377

>> No.15449915

>Especially the hilarious remark on climate change
That was not me i did not write anything concerning climate change in this thread

>> No.15449917

You replied to a comment directed at someone else, so Iassumed you were that anon. So change the pronouns, "I am not strawmanning him I'm judging him"

>> No.15449920

Lmfao next ur gonna say nothing wrong with being a nigger becuz the warrior gene is natural

>> No.15449923

It is a bit bizarre that she's using this to push the transgender acceptance agenda. The inversion on chromosome 2 doesn't include genes that determine sexual development, but sexual selection instead. It just resulted in white-white and tan-tan matings to be exceedingly rare. The 4 sexes thing just means that a white-white or tan-tan will significantly reduce the likelihood of the chicklings survival, it's a lethal combination. These findings are no more relevant to trans rights than they are to justify racemixing, because of course same ethnicity offspring have a normal survival rate in humans.

>> No.15449932

I do however agree with the guy that climate change as propagated by globohomo is indeed very fake&gay

>> No.15449934

Then my criticism applies to you and there was functionally no difference

>> No.15449938

yah the "mental illness" isnt real cult on this website are some of the most retarded motherfuckers you will ever come across, flat earth tier retards

he said
>When a psychiatrist is diagnosing somebody with so called ''disorders'' all they are doing is checking of a list of behaviors

Yah maladpative and psychotic behaviors you massive fucking retard. If someone come to you and says "hey I know how we can get rich, I found this treasure map that leads to billions of dollars worth of treasure" and they show you a piece of paper covered in their own shit it doesnt take a genius to know there is something wrong with them The psychologists job is to then figure out which psychotic disorder best describes them because they arent all the same half wit.

>> No.15449942

>I do however agree with the guy that climate change as propagated by globohomo is indeed very fake&gay
Yeah because it is in contradiction with your politics, but you mask this and pretend your disagreement is a scientific one. For the /pol/tard, every thing must fit to the political narrative inside his head. Like a reverse libtard.

>> No.15449943

tooker is an actual schizophrenic. It isnt hard for people to figure that out pretty quickly because he is SO out of touch with reality. Whereas a cluster B like this other asshole here arent as psychotic as a schizo. In fact they can go through life and most people wont ever even notice because they function well enough to be able to hide it. It is like a falling down drunk vs someone who can hold their liquor. Someone can be drunk as piss and be able to hide it but it doesnt change the fact that they are highly impaired mentally and physically.

>> No.15449949

>In fact they can go through life and most people wont ever even notice because they function well enough to be able to hide it.
Amber heard is a perfect example of this, only people very close to them will be able to figure it outlike Johnny Depp did kek. I hope the pussy was worth it. I have dated numerous BPD cluster B's and they will make a whore blush so I know it was worth it kek

>> No.15449951

joking of course, it actually isnt worth anons so dont fall for it. These people are life destroyers. they are like wrecking balls that destroy everything they touch

>> No.15449952 [DELETED] 

>You're a schizo!
>No you're the schizo!
>Fuck you both, I'm the schizo!

This is all very productive...

>> No.15449972

It's was me that wrote
I refrenced>>15447377
>The psychologists job is to then figure out which psychotic disorder best describes them because they arent all the same half wit.
Thats why i call it a rough form of behavioral classification at most in that post. Since thats all it is plus it fails at that too since there is no reliable way to even measure this behavior with only a human observer to determine it. Something like fever can atleast be objectively measured with a thermometer. However people with fastly different behavior can get the same behavioral classification just like people with fastly different psychologies can get the same mental disorder. Dont you see a problem with calling these disorders to begin with since they are not disease's but only shitty behavioral classification determined only by the subjective opinion of a midwit shrink?

>> No.15450001

I didnt read the whole thing at first but yah it is true for this most part so my bad. I thought you were one of the "mental illness isnt real" cultists on this website

>> No.15450743 [DELETED] 

Why has science become so untrustworthy?

>> No.15450782

People are realizing that scientists are like priests, they wear their own garments and claim authority on the truth, while promising salvation.

They hate each other because they compete on the same terrain for authority, there’s nothing else to it.

>> No.15450890

Got it.

>> No.15450998
File: 104 KB, 570x698, 507743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Stop funding activist degrees in universities.
2. Re-establish meritocracy in educational institutions, ban quotas.
3. Fund university departments whose sole purpose is to reproduce supposed scientific findings in order to expose fraudulent papers.
4. Remove tenure from anyone who claims to speak for "the science"

>> No.15451018 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 624x624, brainwashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical globohomo/CIA poster

>> No.15451057

is it true that if you put a camera on the floor on a baseball court pointing horizontally, and you step away to the other end of the basketball court, and you take a picture, your feet won't show in the picture? and that it's because of perspective?

>> No.15451065

Nobody "denies" the scientific method. Science is meant to tested and replicated/falsified. Science is not meant be trusted or suspected. Scientists, otoh... Maxwell is trustworthy. Fauci is not.

>> No.15451109

Imagine not realizing just how corrupt the world's institutions are in 2023 after being shown time and time again with irrefutable evidence that they bold faced lied to your face. Yah, you are an actual retard, not a meme retard or schizo, you are actually fucking retarded in some way as in you are legitimately mentally deficient in some shape or form

>> No.15451114

Science says that men with dilated wounds that have to be dilated regularly lest they heal are human females.

Science is totally discredited.

>> No.15451132
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Psychotic, they believe in a reality that doesnt exist and no amount of proof will change their view because they dont come to their view and perspectives based on facts, they just blindly follow authority which is what the OP tweet is exposing, they are trying to get this information printed in books to "legitimatise" this view because most are too stupid to say "I dont care who says it, this is fucking retarded and a flat out lie." A large percentage of the population is incapable of this, they will simply cite whatever tells them the lie they want to believe then call you conspiracy theorist or insane for pointing out the emperor has no clothes.

Shits crazy, it is like witchcraft, the "source" is a like a sigil that hypnotizes retards. This is the state approved narrative and if you challenge it it means you are insane and need to be medicated/institutionalized. I tried to warn you all for years here how retarded everyone in power is and how your entire nation can collapse overnight if it is run by a bunch of fucking schizos. Would you let a schizo who doesnt know what a woman is be the captain of a submarine or spaceship you are on? How well do you think that would turn out? Well that is the situation you find yourself in right about now The inmates have taken over the asylum and they want to burn this whole thing down with you in it

>> No.15451133

To anticipate responses invoking the irrelevant sex/gender distinction, "gender" is nothing more than a taxonomic self-claim and is no more remarkable than a man claiming to be human or to belong to another species.

>> No.15451137

I once cut my finger open with a saw and the wound had to be glued shut. I still have the scar. For several hours, I was a human female, with a small vagina.

Science is amazing!!!

>> No.15451140

This post has been verified Scientifically, with Science.

>> No.15451171

"Mental illness" is a category error. The mind is an abstract concept that has no anatomy and thus, no possible pathophysiology. Brain tumours, e. g., can cause psychiatric symptoms and the diagnoses are e. g., astrocytoma, glioma, etc., not some psychobabble bullshit. Diagnosis is in the discipline of neurology, not behavioural or affective symptom-naming. Proper phrase heads with "mental" or "mentally" modifiers are
etc. These are legal, forensic, psychometric or layman's determinations, not diagnoses.

>> No.15451189

>If someone come to you and says "hey I know how we can get rich, I found this treasure map that leads to billions of dollars worth of treasure" and they show you a piece of paper covered in their own shit it doesnt take a genius to know there is something wrong with them
Sure, the problem is that if instead of fecal smear the "treasure map" is filled with equations that its examiner doesn't understand, if the examiner is a psychiatrist (or more generally, any person in a position of authority who believes that "the science" is in their side), their response will be no different than it would be to the fecal smears.

The IFLS response to this is simply a just world fallacy - the psychiatrist has authority because he's smarter and it's impossible that he isn't right, so the paper *must* be filled with fecal smears, so there's no need to feel bad about the fact that you're too dumb to understand it because it's just shit.

>> No.15451253


>> No.15451347

thanks for this meaningless wall of text. I dont need a degree in psychology to know when someone is fucking "off" and cant be trusted with responsibilities. You can call it w/e you want I dont really care. I will leave it to people in that field how to treat and classify it. It doesnt change anything I said above

>> No.15451360
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>Sure, the problem is that if instead of fecal smear the "treasure map" is filled with equations that its examiner doesn't understand
I don't disagree and have said this myself here.

I mean what you are getting at is the system can be accused ... well yah every system can. This is what the "conspiracy theorists" know the average drooler is too stupid to figure out. The "conspiracy theorists" says yah the patriot act can help catch terrorists but it can also be turned on you in the future. No we will not allow government to suspend our rights under a claimed "emergency" no matter how scared your stupid ass is of the flu. This is one of the fundamental differences between left wingers and right wingers, collectivists vs individualists. We will not go along with anything that threatens our liberty and dont give a fuck what excuses you try to use to try and get us to do it real or fabricated. I dont care how many niggers kill each other in Chictown, I dont care how many school shootings there are, I will not give up my guns for any reason ... ever. It is NEVER on the table no matter what bullshit tear jerking nonsense some journo and poltical cuck tries to use because it is a wolf in sheep's clothing. You see the tyranny enacted when they know you have guns, wtf do you think theya re going to do when you dont" Literally the ONLY reason there is any freedom in this world is because Americans are armed to the teeth. If freedom falls here it's over globally

>> No.15451366


>> No.15451390

> They juggle together greek and latin words
exactly. very powerful magic, turns off critical thinking completely, creates illusion that they know something extraordinary. That is the primary reason this dead language is used, to create distance between general population and globohomo quacks, to make people feel stupid, to make them blindly obedient.

>> No.15451420

>I mean what you are getting at is the system can be abused
Yes that's true, but no it isn't what I'm getting at. The phenomenon I described isn't an abuse of the system, it is the system functioning properly, as intended. Why do you think the early practice of psychology/ psychiatry was called analysis? Because just like in data analysis, you need to filter outliers in order to get a coherent result. The patient who makes his psychiatrist look like (and feel like) a moron? They're an outlier. The shrink's job is to filter that outlier out of having any significant impact on what society resolves into.

>> No.15451441

>have media control
>have control of grant monies
>have pecuniary interests that are at odds with reality (drugs ineffectiveness/effectiveness, risks or lack thereof,for example)
>have ideological interests, biases that are at odds with reality
>have agendas that run counter to the people's best interests
>have regulatory agencies captured (so bad with pharma that there's practically a revolving door between corporate and regulatory executives)
>media mouthpieces: hurr, durr, trust the science

>> No.15451447

government has everything to do with the science, fucking shill

>> No.15451456


>> No.15451468

It's not a sentence or statement. There's not a marked for person/number verb in that entire ponderous string of conjoined clauses. It lacks a predicate like, "...may be the best way to..." It's not word salad either. The construction is entirely logical.

>> No.15451486

I'm not a troll. The people on this board just arent smart enough to talk about things that interest and when I effort they act like retarded chimps so I return the favor. They just seethe about it because I am so much better at it than they are and they know it. They cant insult or clown me because they know I am superior to them in every metric imaginable. I also make the shills seethe because for the last 8 years they knew I was the only person here knowing what they were doing

>> No.15451501

*things that interest *me* and when I effort *post*

>> No.15451572

well, ideally the only "musts" that bind individual to society must be in social contract, basic law, constitution, and "trust science" and any other "trust" must not be in there.

>> No.15451662
File: 22 KB, 618x671, tts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the science and cut your penis right now, is good for you!

>> No.15451667
File: 70 KB, 1346x2048, fw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are missing your daily COVID boosters, get two in each arm right now!

>> No.15451835

faggots like you should be executed in the streets

>> No.15451855

If you're mistaking my description for an endorsement, that response is understandable. I was describing the system that actually exists, not what I wish to exist.

>> No.15451868

I think I did

>> No.15451871

In that case I agree with your sentiment

>> No.15452090

I agree that faggots should be eliminated rapidly and mercilessly

>> No.15452127


>> No.15452210

Have all scientists come together at once to denounce trans ideology, the sociology cult, and religion. Until that happens people have good reason to think we are all full of shit. Why belive them if they are willing to lie?

>> No.15452218

they'll do it if somebody pays them for this.

>> No.15452227

>Why has the general public lost trust in science as an institution?
Not yet, unfortately. The general public thinks that their institutions (whether it's science, journalism, education, government, etc) are simply off course and that it's a fixable problem. They don't understand that this is operating properly the way it was intended from the start.
>How can this be fixed?
Why would you want to?

>> No.15452248

I don't know that they have, I did as soon as I saw all these supposed "rational" people turn into unhinged cultists over a flu like disease

>> No.15452254

We should get elon musk to accidently do it.

>> No.15452380

>acktchuyally sparrows have quadribillion sex
Who asked ? I don't give a fuck about sparrows you dumb bitch we're talking about humans and they only have two sexes. Fuck you.

>> No.15452429

>in science as an institution?
I don't trust ANYTHING called an "instutution". Fuck that goy-bot shit.

>> No.15452502 [DELETED] 

Gonna become a flat earther then? The institutions tell you it's a globe.

>> No.15452755
File: 54 KB, 474x585, physics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does it upset you so much to see blatantly fake sºyence narratives debunked?

>> No.15453413

Wow, lot to take in. Thank you Bodhi

>> No.15453465 [DELETED] 

Because if you deny the truth because a mouth you don't like spoke it, you're an ignoramus, and if you rebel only for the sake of rebelling, you're a nigger.

>> No.15453511

I don't understand the argument you people are even trying to make. You think you are more intelligent because you are incapable of seeing reality is not matching up to what you are being told? You think you are smart because you are incapable of being able to tell when people are lying?

Help me make sense of what your schizo claim even is because you just look like a seething retard posting cope the projecting your cope

>> No.15453583

Science doesn't deal in truth, that's mathematics. Science deals in useful approximations of truth, which is wonderful except for when the not-too-bright fail to understand the difference.

>> No.15453881

>I don't understand the argument you people are even trying to make.
Given all the research on /pol/tard tier people I'm not surprised in the least.
>You think you are more intelligent because you are incapable of seeing reality is not matching up to what you are being told?
>You think you are smart because you are incapable of being able to tell when people are lying?

Most people aren't like you, and don't think like you. You're a special kind of insecure and project that smugness onto everyone else. Try again, or don't, either way explaining it to you is pointless.

>> No.15454079 [DELETED] 

the n word is racist

>> No.15454424

yw, good podcast

>> No.15454425


>> No.15454428
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>muh pol
get some new material reditor faggot

>> No.15454438
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>> No.15454443
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kek, based

>> No.15454445

>Most people aren't like you, and don't think like you
>therefore you are bad!!!
Appeal to majority cattle like you will only ever get it when talking head tv man shows you a 12 second clip of protesting redditors. This will unconsciously signal to your brain that the opinion in now approved to be believed.

>> No.15454450
File: 199 KB, 563x482, polposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let the screeching commence, such sweet music

>> No.15454557

Because stuff like >>15454377 happens on a daily basis
People wouldn't presume that all scientists are liars if scientists weren't constantly getting caught lying.
Maybe the scientific community should do something productive and worthwhile instead of incessantly lying and manipulating and pushing false narratives they hope to profit from.

>> No.15454614

> scientific community should do something productive
for free? no, pay for it. you retards always seem to think scientists are like Santa Clauses giving off science like gibs because love you. no, and right now government pays and says what to produce.

>> No.15454656

>>therefore you are bad!!!
Nope. Wrong again. Therefore stop projecting your bullshit onto everyone else.

>> No.15454659
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>carl benjamin
My favorite Applebees waiter

>> No.15454743
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>> No.15454834

>Thinks being a toddler is being wise

>> No.15454841

>cherry picking
You have to go back.

>> No.15454931

>How can this be fixed?
Behead every single scientist that has any political or corporate ties
Simple as

>> No.15455423

>seething retard doubles down saying retarded shit

>> No.15455445

why not politicians who order and fund "studies"?

>> No.15456108
File: 27 KB, 700x350, politics and science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool it with the antisemitism, buddy

>> No.15456336
File: 416 KB, 400x494, 1646317384624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to understand that scientism is a cult and their purpose is to spread propaganda, not truth.

>> No.15456431
File: 483 KB, 1354x1572, MaterialismIsNotScience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jay is stealing my material kek

>> No.15456432
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>> No.15456433

Affirmative action and niggers

>> No.15456466

There are engineers in academia dumb dumb

>> No.15456501

Many years ago I was doing some research for something, I forget what now, but I came across Jay's website and his article on esoteric hollywood. I read it and it was a pretty god article and I made a mental note to stop back by some time. I kinda forgot about him for years and then saw he was doing some guest segments on infowars and was like "hey I know that dude lol." I never really got into him much but I could tell he was sharp and educated, he was your typical Christard bible thumpiing drooler, he knows the arguments and is obviously trained in classical philology. I didnt realize how sharp though until watching this clips then watching this one as well after it was suggested to me in the video you linked.

He is incredibly sharp even beyond some of my arguments sometimes. I am not saying I am the end by all either by any means, but everyone else is hopelessly clueless I just run ramshod over dumbasses who don't have the first fucking clue what they are even talking about. It is refreshing to see there are people available to normies who arent complete idiots who can actually hold philosophical debates in this day and age, it is very rare. When you come across the real deal - if you are truly an intellectual like the hacks here larp as - you should be left in awe a bit at how masterful and learned a trained and knowledgeable philosopher is because they will open your mind like a can opener to things you could never comprehend previously. Anyhow, enough waxing poetic, great vids, ty for the links

>> No.15456504

>he was

>> No.15456534
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>> No.15456614

the white male scientists are even better at concocting fraud than the low iq affirmative action ones are. climategate was an entirely white male affair. white and (((white))), but all male

>> No.15457206

>defend sºyence
>get zapped

>> No.15458117
File: 1.51 MB, 320x320, 1612043650743.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of lobotomy and evil satanic shit like this.

>> No.15458627

Because sºyentists are all manipulative liars

>> No.15459493


>> No.15460135

>And when biologists looked closer, they noticed something strange: The mating among the birds was very particular. In over 99 percent of cases, tan-striped birds would mate only with white-striped ones. You almost never have tan-tan or white-white couplings. Opposites attract.
>Now, there’s no perfect definition of biological sex, but one definition involves what proportion of the population a typical individual can and will reproduce with. In virtually all animal species, that’s ½, or one over two. Which is why we have two sexes.
>But in white-throated sparrows, there are tan-headed males, tan-headed females, white-headed males, and white-headed females. And each group reproduces with only ¼ of the population, or one over four. In other words, there are four separate sexes.
Lol. This is just racism in a species which does not use mirrors.

>> No.15460214

Just like everything from and before the 20th century, science was co-opted by companies and corporations. The problem is that at some point it became less blatant and corporations started to flaunt about it. At the same time certain groups started to treat science (more specifically, pop science) as if it was some sort of dogmatic religion, which of course didn't ran well after decades of media saying things like "carrots improve your vision", only for decades later for media to say "hey turns out that carrot thing was made up to protect espionage tactics during ww2"

>> No.15460247

not a word about government and secret services, you trust em, don't you

>> No.15460354

>government and secret services
Who owns them?

>> No.15460503

so clever and smart and powerful people, beyond your degenerate imagination

>> No.15460961
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>> No.15461227

If this board is what science discussions are for a "relatively well educated bunch" compared to normies, then I would lose my trust in the institution of science real bloody quickly. They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and this board, believe it or not, isn't tol far mate. People are becoming less educated and can barely understand the ocurrences of modern science(exemplefied by this board). Bloody honestly there should be more effort in educating people in at least the basics so they can see how wonderful the scientific method and its results are, but then again thats how the government wants us mate, bloody stupid and bloody poor. Makes the masses easier to control(4chan included).

>> No.15461699

>Why has the general public lost trust in science as an institution?
Because soientists are untrustworthy
>How can this be fixed?
Khmer rouge style is a proven effective method

>> No.15461705

I wouldn't pay you for your rant, shill.

>> No.15462609
File: 471 KB, 1366x1350, bunkertroons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spy a seething bunker troon

>> No.15462618

Nah I just thought Liberalists were cringe and gay

>> No.15463390

>I hate /sci/
why are you here?

>> No.15463474

What the fuck does it mean to trust science? Reading science is like reading books, if you want to read it you read it and then decide if that's some good shit. This has never lead me astray.

Normies don't like reading, but they think it's so important, but they never read.

>> No.15464337
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>> No.15464342

Science isn't an institution. It's a method and it's the government that people don't trust.

>> No.15464360

If you know the Applebee's waiter meme you have been in the game a long time (2017 at least) and most /sci/ are socially inept and politically illiterate so one must assume you are a bunker troon infiltrator. Respond to these allegations at once

>> No.15464363

At the time, I was a high schooler who like Metokur streams

>> No.15464379

ah, right on

>> No.15464390

My issue with Sargon isn't so much political, it's an issue with half-measures in general

>> No.15464398 [DELETED] 
File: 3.90 MB, 3472x4468, JudeoMasonry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yah I hear that. He is a stepping stone though. If you are going to use the Jews platforms you have to tip toe dont forget. If you don't you lack the ability to reach a larger audience, but that is changing via odysee and rumble. Sargon knows more than he lets on and they are getting bolder with what they discuss on lotuseaters. You have to admit however he has been in the trenches at the vanguard for a long time so he deserves some respect for it. You could say he and PJW gave birth to anti-SJW movement really. Sargon got in the mud and read all their material and exposed them as the Marxists they are hiding behind their lies and facade of w/e bullshit they lied to normies and said they were about so as I said he deserves some respect in my book. To each their own

>> No.15464406 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 1080x774, 16466665083638372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a lot of those on /sci/