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15450943 No.15450943 [Reply] [Original]

What is the medical establishment not telling us about cigars? Redpill me about this testosterone supplement.

>> No.15450969

oh, another smoke shit advertisement

>> No.15450972

Hello. I am the Professor of Cigars at the University of Valencia in Spain. We are the custodians of the Cigar Venus de Milo (also referred to as "Cigar Venus"), the rarest cigar of them all, it was rolled by cigar artisans who work exclusively in the medium of cigar. I have studied many cigars and I can assure you that smoking cigars will make you a big man, if not the biggest

>> No.15450980

for you

>> No.15450990

I won't give you a redpill. I'm an "incel" neet who lives off his parents' hard work (thanks for the 3 houses, dad) and smokes all day. I don't have high testosterone since I have a shit beard and can't gain muscle. Yet, I smoke. Why? Because I enjoy it. Simple as.

>> No.15451096

good. keep calm, cattle.

>> No.15451626

smoking lowers t and increases e, same as beer

>> No.15451634

I love a good classic Simpsons reference.

>> No.15453187

>What is the medical establishment not telling us about cigars?
Cigars are fine and dandy until you start coughing up tar and your throat and gums feel sore all the time. Coughing for minutes at a time every morning is also a load of fun, let me tell you. I'm not telling you to quit, but smoking is much more healthy if you only do it once a week or so. If you smoke cigarillos, at least do your self a favor and switch to filtered ones if you haven't already

>> No.15453634

I'd just vape, if you use e-juice it's cheap, and vaping is far less unhealthful

>> No.15453737

>just vape
enjoy your popcorn lung and COPD zoomer retard

>> No.15453777

tobacco is for fags

>> No.15455273

Nicotine does not directly boost testosterone production.
It partially inhibits the aromatase enzymes that convert testosterone into estrogen.
The boost in T levels caused by smoking is marginal at best, and certainly isn't worth the cardiovascular damage.

>> No.15455344

>smoking lowers t and increases e, same as beer
Good. I'll add them to my HRT regimen.

>> No.15455415

The popcorn lung instances were from vaping THC with vitamin E. As far as nicotine goes, vaping is much safer than smoking

>> No.15456816

This post presented to you in plain packaging™

I think there is corruption or ignorance in this area.
Note 4 and 5 in OP image are termed cigarillos and cigarros, and are often sprayed/treated just the same as cigarettes. In contrast, cigars are generally not supplemented with additional chemicals / nicotine. First, smoking IS harmful (for example one little known side effect is inhibition of nitric oxide synthase, which has implications for conditions such as atherosclerosis), but this has also obfuscated research into this area.
Example, nicotine was found to drive spike protein off ACE receptors (it has a higher affinity). It's basically illegal to make any statement suggesting nicotine is "good" in any regard in many Western nations as the implication is that you are advocating tobacco products. This is why we didn't see the absolute collapse of the smoking demographic during recent "novel" respiratory disease outbreak which was expected.
Note, most smoking research does not make a distinction between cigarettes and premium cigars.
Governments such as Australia's, continue to spend millions of taxpayer dollars every year on anti-smoking campaigns, yet the percentage of smokers in Australia is not statistically different to that of the USA (11.2% vs 11.5%). Also, lung cancer incidence rates are actually higher in AU than US.
My suspicion is that at this point, it's basically a way to pad politicians friends with millions in cushy government grants for ineffective advertising. Demonising a practice which the majority of people generally accept as "unsafe" is like only picking the low-hanging fruit when it comes to stealing govt tax revenue if you're one of the "lucky" companies getting the contract.

>> No.15456904
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I mean what else do you expect them to do? Pay billions of dollars making ad for people NOT to use their product? What are you. the federal government?

>He will despise every other phony scientific claim backed by government stooges except the one that these same phony scientists and government stooges hate and try to oppress
Why have a name? Jannies please get this clown a honking nose.

I too smoke, but alas am not a privileged snob who repeats themselves every sentence using different wording that amounts to a useless post.

>Note 4 and 5 in OP image are termed cigarillos and cigarros, and are often sprayed/treated just the same as cigarettes.
Indeed. Cigars are nor required by law to be sprayed with fire retardant as per government regulations.

>most smoking research does not make a distinction between cigarettes and premium cigars.
Most smoking research was conducted by cigarette companies until the government forced laws like the above and then became legally invested into said research after the bastardization of said product. Oh well, more jobs for Africa and China.