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File: 940 KB, 2560x1709, 2021_06-04_FSNY_Paula_and_Aggie_cows_LH_4651_CREDIT_Farm_Sanctuary-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15447495 No.15447495 [Reply] [Original]

Check out this science article about agriculture land use. Apparently veganism is more feasible for a growing population. It makes sense that it would be more efficient to eat plants directly rather than relying on other animals.


>> No.15447499

but killing plants makes global warming more

>> No.15447567

That's a good point. The livestock farms requiring more land than plant farms means that they would need to deforest more, and deforestation furthers global warming.

>> No.15447575

Agriculture allows for more calories yes, but less actual nutrients. This is actually perfect for creating a large slave army, which was why agriculture defeated hunter gatherers, they were able to create hordes of canon fodder with low nutrient low value food.

>> No.15447592

What's an actual nutrient? That's an interesting narrative you have. Maybe you should write a historical fiction book.

>> No.15447600

b vitamins, choline, carnitine, carnosine, vitamin a, vitamin d, vitamin k2, cholesterol, saturated fat, BDNF, etc

>> No.15447601

no i mean killing the plant to eat it means it's not working to help global warming anymore - do you see what i mean

>> No.15447881

what land types are they actually comparing most vegans seem to ignore very basic practicalities

>> No.15447892

> new study
old bullshit repackaged

>> No.15447953

Vitamin B12 and vitamin D can be found in fortified foods or supplemented. The rest that you listed are not typically an issue.
I see what you mean. Livestock farming kills more plants, so it makes sense that it would contribute more to global warming.
Land that could be left alone for carbon sequestration or used to grow food for humans. Animal agriculture actually uses more crop land than plant agriculture because of the need for animal feed.

>> No.15447958

headquartered in Washington DC, where there are no significant scientific research institutions of an note. its a purely political publication posing as a scientific one in order to be influential. it has never published any significant scientific articles of any sort.

>> No.15447959

>Land that could be left alone for carbon sequestration or used to grow food for humans.
learn a little about the subject first.

>> No.15447962

Now read the next sentence.

>> No.15447963

why do vegans consider it morally fine to kill plants, but not animals? do they hate plants?

>> No.15447965

I think it's more out of respect for sentient beings, golden rule blah blah.

>> No.15447967

Because as animal ourselves, we have insight into the experience of other animals. Do you want to abuse animals? I'm not saying there's a right or wrong answer. It's up to you to decide what you want to do. Maybe you're a sadist.

>> No.15447974

read mine again

>> No.15447984

>Because as animal ourselves, we have insight into the experience of other animals.
you don't have insight into other animals, you only presume you do, pure projection. you have never wandered through the wilderness all day naked, looking for something to eat, you've never slept outdoors without a tent or a sleeping bag and probably not even with those, you've never gone a day without using language, you have no idea what its like to be an animal, you only presume you do because you're too emotional to have self awareness, projection is an emotional process, not an intellectual one. the animals you worship as equal to yourself have no issue with eating other animals
cow eating a snake
deer eating a rabbit
if you think those things are similar to yourself then you should eat animals without a second thought too

>> No.15447989

who says plants aren't sentient? you only presume that because plants don't have a face you can use to motivate your psychological projection with.

>> No.15448023

I do have insight into other animals. I can observe what they're doing and understand them. I can relate the objective aspects of my experience to them. I can communicate with them to varying degrees with various methods. You accused me of projection then immediately projected your own fantasy world. What do you know about what I've done? I have slept outdoors without a tent or a sleeping bag. Language is not just something used. It's not just the words you see on your screen or the sounds that come from your mouth. Language is everything that we know and don't know. Don't speak as though we are above it. I know exactly what it's like to be an animal because I am one. I never said anything about equality.

>> No.15448027

no advanced nervous system in anyway.
I'm not even a vegan but this supposed gotcha argument is dumb as shit.

>> No.15448052
File: 67 KB, 700x464, vegans are faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do have insight into other animals. I can observe what they're doing and understand them.
You can only presume you have those abilities.
Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.15448064

No, it's not a presumption. I understand animals. How far does your lack of understanding go? If you can't understand animals, why should you be able to understand anything? Is incompetency your excuse for animal abuse?

>> No.15448082

livestock and crop production are complimentary, They consume by products of the human food supply system and allow the utilisation of land types marginal for crop production, either due to climate conditions, aspect, soil depth, lack of hardware, excess rainfall.

under your proposed vegan system agriculture would be limited to the minority of land types suited to arable production, soil organic matter would be further starved and farmers would be completely pushed out of agriculture while only the large industrial farms are better positioned to secure the necessary capital, all while producing a nutritionally inferior product.

>> No.15448095

The use of these other land types is an unnecessary expense. Limiting ourselves to land types suitable for crops is good because that's all we need.

>> No.15448101
File: 46 KB, 1196x1082, 1647950847267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, I want kill animals for food. including shills, scientists, politicians, doctors if it comes to that (after their detox of course)

>> No.15448104

I would never eat a vaxxxie, but I might eat pigs that had been fed vaxxies, if it didn't seem to negatively impact the pigs' health and reproductive ability

>> No.15448114

You would have to kill off an awful lot of people to maintain the same feed supply, remove grass as a fertility building break crop from your arable rotation, dispose of all non directly consumable crop byproducts and co products and exterminate every herbivorous pest species.

Veganism is an extreme ideology whose consequences most of its adherents do not comprehend the full magnitude of in practical application. It renders organic agriculture almost impossible.

>> No.15448274

you're saying because a cow kills plants that means you should too? how about just everyone stop killing plants.

>> No.15448337

> global warming
no such thing. shill.

>> No.15448351

>kill plants
wtf is the state of this board, plants grow fucking fruits and you eat them, not the plant :D

>> No.15448393

>Vitamin B12 and vitamin D can be found in fortified foods or supplemented
Cute way to say that the body needs meat.
Do you consider yourself to have the same mental capacity as a cow?

>> No.15448398

>I know exactly what it's like to be an animal because I am one
I'm that case, you don't deserve human rights and your "opinion" is nullified.

>> No.15448496

try feeding animals only fruits (acidic shit) and see what happens.

>> No.15448521

>muh marginal landz!
imagine parroting that retarded myth

>> No.15448532

imagine not knowing the difference between weak organic acids that are metabolized to carbon acid and breathed out as carbon dioxide, and strong inorganic mineral acids that are typically the byproduct of metabolizing foods heavy in sulfur, phosphorus, and nitrogen (hmm, I wonder what kinds of foods those are)
enjoy being a retarded idiot, I guess

>> No.15448535

You understand that i dont mean only fruits right ? Even a pepper or garlic is in this context a fruit of a plant

>> No.15448540

B12 is synthesized by the small intestinal microbiota, right where it's absorbed (not just further down as commonly parroted by ignorant morons)
the only necessity is plenty of bioavailable cobalt in the diet, which is almost exclusively found in fresh and ripe fruits
there's also abundant bioavailable and bioactive B12 in certain plants, like nori
and vitamin D is only derived in sufficient amounts from sunlight, no animal source provides anywhere close to enough
nice try, retard

>> No.15448553

>who says plants aren't sentient?
everyone with a rudimentary understanding of neuroscience, retard
sentience is derivative of primary consciousness, and only organisms with specific neural structures have primary consciousness
those organisms are: vertebrates, cephalopods, and arthropods
no other organisms are conscious, and thus not sentient
plants are not any of those organisms

>> No.15448567

>there's also abundant bioavailable and bioactive B12 in certain plants, like nori
why do you lie?

>> No.15448570

It's 2023 and people still believe that food can be reduced to a bunch of components that can be made in a lab and have the same effect on the body as if the body is just a straightforward chemical factory adhering to simple formulas like C + O2 = CO2 because that's what basic biochemistry courses teach you. Super mega ultra turbo extreme autism.

>> No.15448573

why are you a retarded dumbfuck who still parrots bullshit with zero basis in reality?
>Dried green and purple lavers (Nori) contain substantial amounts of biologically active vitamin B(12) but less of dietary iodine relative to other edible seaweeds
>«A silica gel 60 thin-layer chromatography of both laver extracts shows that non-coenzyme forms (hydroxo and cyano forms) of vitamin B(12) predominate in both dried lavers.
>These results indicate that the dried lavers (nori) are the most excellent source of vitamin B(12) among edible seaweeds, especially for strict vegetarians.»
and you conveniently ignore how it's synthesized by our gut microbiome right where it's absorbed, of course
typical braindead idiot, zero clue about the facts of reality, just the same autistic squawking as ever

>> No.15448591

So you're admitting you are a dumb motherfucker?

>> No.15448594

I wasn't going to eat meat today, but thanks to your sanctimonious comment I now will. I'll have some chicken for lunch and spare ribs with Mac n cheese for dinner. Thank you for the inspiration. I'm already salivating.

>> No.15448601

>b vitamins, choline
all found in plants
>carnitine, carnosine
not essential, all humans can synthesize these easily
>vitamin a
only plants contain the provitamin A carotenoids that the body converts to retinol in highly controlled amounts
consuming retinol directly is extremely toxic
and yes, all humans convert more than enough
>vitamin d
only derived in sufficient amounts from sunlight, not anywhere close to enough in any animal food, not even the fattiest fish basking in the sunlight all its life contains even a fraction of what you need for optimal health
>vitamin k2
converted easily from K1 by the body
not essential, literally biosynthesized by every single animal cell constantly from intermediates of energy metabolism
>saturated fat
imagine thinking that's essential
peak retardation
only produced endogenously
any more retarded nonsense?

>> No.15448607

>get called out on retarded bullshit
>"u-ur dumb..."
lmao even
enjoy poisoning yourself with toxic garbage like a total moron
>Mac n cheese
imagine your body being so unhealthy that it doesn't immediately reject this as the poison it is
you have my pity

>> No.15448615

The purpose of militant vegans is to make you reactively defend factory farming, they don't actually give a shit.

If you want a real discussion about a viable sustainable food system then they won't provide it.

>> No.15448617

>If you want a real discussion about a viable sustainable food system then they won't provide it.
it's called permacultural agroforestry, retard
meanwhile "regenerative agriculture" is literally the most degenerative practice imaginable for soil
you're beyond retarded

>> No.15448618

I'll enjoy my meals, thank you. I accept your concession that my body and digestive tract is stronger than yours.

>> No.15448620

Why are you doubling down on your retardation?
It couldn't be clearer that you have almost zero real knowledge of what you're trying to claim.

>> No.15448624

>permacultural agroforestry
What climate zone do you live in?

>> No.15448625

enjoy poisoning yourself with toxic garbage
>my body and digestive tract is stronger
yes, not immediately reacting to poison appropriately is such "strength"
>parrot the retarded myth about "muh marginal landz!"
>get called out on it
>double down
>get called out on it again
>triple down
you are here
what next?

>> No.15448634

you can do it as far north as 65° of latitude N or S, retard
there's zero excuse

>> No.15448636

kek even the wokebot is calling you out for your lies
>No, nori, a type of seaweed commonly used in sushi and other Japanese dishes, is not a reliable source of vitamin B12. While nori does contain some vitamin B12, the amount is generally considered to be too low to meet the recommended dietary intake of this vitamin.

>Vitamin B12 is predominantly found in animal-based foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Plant-based sources of vitamin B12 are limited and often not reliable for meeting the body's requirements, especially for individuals following strict vegetarian or vegan diets.

>The consensus among nutrition experts is that plant-based sources, including seaweed, cannot be relied upon as a sufficient source of vitamin B12 for vegetarians and vegans. The vitamin B12 found in animal-based foods is in the active form and is more readily absorbed by the body.

>To ensure sufficient intake of active vitamin B12, individuals are generally advised to rely on animal-based sources, such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. For those following vegetarian or vegan diets, it is recommended to obtain B12 through fortified foods or supplements that contain active forms of the vitamin.

>> No.15448640

If I eat a food and feel fine and if you eat a food and almost die, then my body is clearly more resilient. I'm sorry that your malnourished body is incapable of handling normal foods.

>> No.15448642

imagine parroting the exact retarded claim that I just thoroughly refuted
pretty hilarious
facts really will never work themselves through the thick skulls of dumbfucks like you, I guess
>While nori does contain some vitamin B12, the amount is generally considered to be too low to meet the recommended dietary intake of this vitamin.
except that's blatantly untrue

>> No.15448645

This study convinced me that we should start eating vegans

>> No.15448648

>If I eat a food and feel fine and if you eat a food and almost die, then my body is clearly more resilient.
>if I have AIDS and my body doesn't react to severe biological threats, while yours does, clearly I'm just more resilient!
lmao even
imagine your body being so toxic that it can't even react to severe threats to its integrity anymore
poor thing
again, you have my pity

>> No.15448650

>>parrot the retarded myth about "muh marginal landz!"
firstly you ignored every other point made, secondly you don't understand what the word even means.
You're only interested in conflict.

>> No.15448653

imagine eating fruits just because everyone does it and all google is full of propaganda memes like "vitamins", "microelements". body rejects it, so people add sugar to disguise disgusting taste, and force children to eat that sweetened shit.

animals are not that stupid. also, fruits are seasonal, can't be staple food for animals. even red color is a warning: poison.

>> No.15448655

there are no "points" made by carnist retards, every fact of reality goes against their moronic death cultism
>you don't understand what the word even means
hilarious projection
keep squawking "muh marginal landz!" like a good little parrot
quadruple down

>> No.15448666

anyone who uses that unironically is retarded

>> No.15448670
File: 1.57 MB, 200x159, hystericallylaughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating fruits
>body rejects it
>fruits are seasonal, can't be staple food for animals
where humans evolved for tens of millions of years there are no seasons at all, not even a dry or wet season, fruits grow all year long
even if they don't at extreme latitudes it's still what we're physiologically optimized for
>even red color is a warning: poison
imagine being so clueless about basic botany that you don't even know that plants make fruits specifically for the purpose of having frugivorous animals eat them and disperse their seeds
literally peak retardation

>> No.15448671

Propose a viable complete vegan diet sourceable from the locale.

>> No.15448677

>Having AIDS makes you more resilient to viruses
Is this what veganism does to a person's ability to reason?

>> No.15448681

fruits, tubers, greens, and nuts
fruits can be harvested in abundance for a long part of the year even at extreme latitudes, and can be preserved easily
tubers can also be harvested in abundance for even longer, and can be stored for longer too
greens can very easily be frozen, you can without a problem harvest a year worth for everyone
and nuts are also easily stored and keep well with little to zero processing

>> No.15448683

>This study convinced me that we should start eating vegans
To elaborate, vegans aren't conscious lifeforms, so there are no ethical concerns. They consume vast resources directly and force the inefficient allocation of vast more. They pose frequent threats to human safety and prosperity. And they are entirely grass-fed, grass-finished, non-GMO products. I can't see a compelling argument against eating vegans.

>> No.15448686

>not actually reading what I wrote
is this what toxic garbage like dead animal remains does to a person's brain?
the point is that AIDS makes it so that your body doesn't react to biological threats, retard
just like your body doesn't violently react to poisonous garbage anymore

>> No.15448692

>vegans aren't conscious lifeforms
veganism is a human ideology, and all humans are conscious
try again, retard
>consume vast resources directly and force the inefficient allocation of vast more
except plant-based agriculture is orders of magnitude more efficient and sustainable than any form of animal-based agriculture
try again, retard

>> No.15448696

I'm seeing a lack of protein sources and a reliance on nuts for fats

>> No.15448698

>AIDS makes it so that your body doesn't react to biological threats
Thanks, I needed that laugh. To reward your generosity, I've committed to having lobster tomorrow.

>> No.15448703

vegans aren't human
if a fox kills a rabbit is it murder?

>> No.15448707

That's a religious site, not a scientific one btw.

>> No.15448708

>can't see a compelling argument against eating vegans.
For starters they wouldn't taste good. Vegans some in two varieties: the obese hamplanets who consume Oreos all day, or the malnourished ones with no meat on their bones. The former is too fatty and the latter is probably too gamey. I'd give it a try though. They're an abundant resource so I can't imagine it being terribly expensive. I'd pay a premium to know their name before they became food. I already do that with cows at my local butchery

>> No.15448712

>a lack of protein sources
you braindead idiots truly are something else
protein has never been a lacking macronutrient for humans, leaves have always been an inexhaustible and rich source of protein for primates
as long as sufficient carbohydrate is consumed, which is the optimal fuel for every single cell of the body, humans can even maintain a positive nitrogen balance with very low intake of protein too, so it's literally nothing to ever worry about unless you're literally starving yourself of carbohydrate
and like I said earlier, fats are not essential to humans, humans constantly biosynthesize all the fats they need, literally every single cell in the human body, every animal cell in existence in fact, constantly synthesized cholesterol from intermediate of energy metabolism
>get schooled yet again
>try to pathetically laugh it off as if you didn't just get totally destroyed
>if a fox kills a rabbit is it murder?
it's not "murder", no, since that's a legal term that applies only to specific situations where humans kill one another
>vegans aren't human
you know you've totally destroyed someone when they start trying to joke around instead of addressing anything
thanks for the concession

>> No.15448716

anyway, schooled you carnist retards enough for today
feel free to peruse my posts if you want to stop being morons and start wisening up
closing this tab now, won't read a single more word of your retardation, and that pleases me greatly
feels good man
bye retards

>> No.15448720

Fellow channers, see the unconscious vegan in its natural environment. A stupid creature, the vegan is prone to angry rants, intense obstinance, and bottomless vanity. Best not to get too close, as confrontation and stress can ruin its juicy flavor

>> No.15448723

You sound upset.

>> No.15448725

Almost sounds like they have some sort of nutrient deficiency.

>> No.15448734

>it's not "murder", no, since that's a legal term that applies only to specific situations where humans kill one another
Seems you've changed your tune since the last thread where this had to be actively pointed out.

>> No.15448738
File: 447 KB, 1080x1080, ab5226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heres your minced meat anon, its chewed once.. just how you like it

>> No.15449052

okay. you eat fruits, I stick to meat/greens/vodka. don't forget your meds.

>> No.15449094

Why would you have to kill off an awful lot of people? I think you misunderstand farming.
No. That is not what I'm saying. Try interpreting my post again.
The fortified foods and supplements that I mentioned do not contain meat. I don't consider myself to have the same mental capacity as anyone other than myself.
Nobody here claimed that we have this level of control over food. Quit projecting your fantasies.
The viable sustainable food system is veganism. That is the discussion.
What locale and why should I?

>> No.15449110

are you paid for that like for 7 separate comments?

>> No.15449111

why not just stop killing plants? people stop, cows stop, everyone stops

>> No.15449118

You can do that if you want. I want to survive.

>> No.15449150

>Nobody here claimed that we have this level of control over food. Quit projecting your fantasies.
Filthy liar. Vegans claim that vitamin/mineral X found in animal products can be replaced by supplements or plants. Likewise carnivores claim that substances found in plants are non-essential or are inferior to animal forms of that substance. Both fail to recognize the poorly understood irreducible complexity of both plants and animal products that benefit our bodies. Science education, food guidelines and labels are especially guilty of this: they represent food as a sum of components. Stop being dishonest.

>> No.15449162

You're blinding yourself with your own narratives. Take a good hard look at the messages on your screen.

>> No.15449173

lol what?? all you need is sun and water.

>> No.15449180

Wouldn't that be nice.

>> No.15449183

>The viable sustainable food system is veganism. That is the discussion.
It's not veganism is the most wasteful

>> No.15449186

Nope. It's the opposite. Think of the energy expenditure it's taken to raise you. Do you think it would be worth it for someone to have raised you for the flesh on your bones?

>> No.15449188

When you grow wheat for bread, pasta, etc what do you do with all of the straw, chaff, bran?

>> No.15449196

you can, nasa studied it

>> No.15449199

I don't grow wheat. I also don't even use it. You're asking the wrong person.

>> No.15449304

Ask yourself why you need to fortify foods with B12 :)

So you don't consider yourself above animals? You see yourself as an animal? You don't deserve human rights.

>> No.15449326

Because I want to survive. Vitamin B12 acquisition is important for survival. I see myself as a human. Humans are animals.

>> No.15449327

What if the veganism movement is a form of gnosticism?
What is the gnosis of the vegans?

>> No.15449415

>Vitamin B12 acquisition is important for survival
why do you think that? why would it possibly be important for survival?

>> No.15449416

both are psyop

>> No.15449451

>100 posts
>23 IPs
one autistic samefag bumping their vanity thread over and over again

>> No.15449457

The question you should be asking is how. There is no reason for reality. I should have used a different word than 'important' because it implies subjectivity. Vitamin B12 is sourced externally by humans. It is involved in a number of processes necessary for survival.

>> No.15449471

I thought this was always one of the main arguments for veganism?

>> No.15449485

> you must not eat what your body wants in order to save the world (from you)

>> No.15449514

Ohhh...you are a stupid veg*n
Fungi are the solution, they don't taste like shit

>> No.15449542

why kill fungus though. i still don't get the value judgment at play in this thread. killing life is bad period

>> No.15449556

>High protein leaves
>Fats nonessential
>Adequate amounts of b12 from seaweed
I like it. although slower to effect, it's also more subtle than the heavy metal deficiency memer.
>Gorillas don't need to eat protein, because they grow their own protein in the bacteria that thrive inside of them. The gorilla consumes the vegetation to feed the bacterial colonies of their microbiome, and then absorbs the protein formed by the bacteria as they feast on the cellulose fibers of the vegetation

>> No.15449589

Do you eat anything?

>> No.15449606

water, i guess it has some small things in it but i don't think they die, they just pass through. you can get all the nutrient energy you need from the sun

>> No.15449610

That's amazing. You should document your life and show the world.

>> No.15449625

i'm not a millennial. no one needs to see my life. the nutrient energy was already studied by nasa, there's a link upthread

>> No.15449642

I find any data or conclusions from NASA. If you could organize it yourself, it would be revolutionary. A human that can survive by doing nothing but sitting in the sun and drinking water. You could do it publicly. Your life must be so easy that it would hardly even be an inconvenience.

>> No.15449648

Oops! NASA definitely is not the source of any data or conclusions. I meant to say 'can't.' Please ignore that!

>> No.15449651

here i found the quote from nasa again https://www.spacedaily.com/news/food-03d.html

>> No.15449671

I can't find any NASA publications. How was it verified that he survived for 130 days on only water? Where can I find the report?

>> No.15449691

> Last June, scientists from the US space agency verified that Manek spent 130 days surviving only on water, the report said.

>> No.15449695

That's the line I'm referencing. How did they verify it? Where can I find the report? There's no substantial information in that sentence.

>> No.15449716

lol i don't work in nasa, ask the newspaper

>> No.15449727

Okay. Why are you referencing that article instead of leading by example then? Instead of linking a dead end barebones 20 year old article, you could just show people how you live.

>> No.15449729

>how about just everyone stop killing plants.
Sure, you can cut out plants and starve to death. Literally everything you eat is going to either eat plants, be a plant, or eat something which eats plants.

>> No.15449752

why would i want to be a reality show? millennials are so weird

>> No.15449754

the sun doesn't eat plants and doesn't die

>> No.15449780

Millennials? What do they have to do with this? This is an anonymous digital message. Why are you telling us that we can live off sunlight and water?

>> No.15449806

> you should document your life and show the world
> you could just show people how you live
this is weird. only old people who grew up in a millennial childhood would imagine this
ask nasa, i don't work there

>> No.15449822

You raise a good point, but I think we can find a solid middle ground by tightly regulating their Oreo intake in the last few years of life. Their diets should also be supplemented with protein and exercise to ensure the limbs reach a good 85/15 ratio. It may not be easy, but the benefits to the ecosystem are simply too great to ignore. And as you say, the fact that we can make sure they are raised ethically with individual names and attention is very nice

>> No.15449828

I don't think it's weird at all. People have been documenting their lives for thousands of years, and a good first step to teaching people something is demonstrating it yourself. You are also wrong because I am not a millennial.

>> No.15449833

I've heard something similar before
The key qualifier here is what the water is

>> No.15449856

> You are also wrong because I am not a millennial.
when did i say you were a millennial? all i said is i wasn't.
let's test whether you can admit you have a reading problem and apologize for imagining i said something i didn't. can you admit it and apologize?

>> No.15449858

i drink nyc tap water. i don't know what the guy nasa studied drank

>> No.15449929

I like this idea. We solve overpopulation while simultaneously restricting our carbon emissions and also solving the obesity epidemic. I really see no issues with this proposition

>> No.15450081
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>only old people who grew up in a millennial childhood would imagine this
>You are also wrong because I am not a millennial.
>let's test whether you can admit you have a reading problem

>> No.15450112

didn't think you could, people like you make life worse for everyone else

>> No.15450122
File: 24 KB, 600x647, 1675824390677135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't think you could, people like you make life worse for everyone else

>> No.15450123


>> No.15450476

raising animals uses a lot more plants and land area than just eating the plants

>> No.15450477

>literally who said something 100 years ago

>> No.15450480

>Humans eat the same plants as animals
Retard alert

>> No.15450487
File: 40 KB, 547x662, 336cb8d1a756387ea28045280d03237b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post turned me gay. Thanks, faggot!

>> No.15450493

>Vegans retard (obviously consuming copious soi and tofu) spontaneously brings up how he's a faggot
Unsurprising. We already knew you were a low T fag

>> No.15450500

You were gay first! It's like you didn't even think about my post before replying!

>> No.15450503

its not like we're even remotely close to running out of space for agriculture. in the use, massive amounts of corn is converted into ethanol for usage as fuel and massive amount of grain is shipped overseas, we could easily switch strictly using fossil fuels and stop feeding the rest of the world and we'd have enough grain to raise enough beef pork and chicken to convert the country to a purely carnivorous diet.
worldwide, the three largest crops alone, corn, wheat & rice, produce more about 4000 calories of consumable food for every human on the planet, thats only 3 crops and if we ate it all, everyone would be a massive fatso, barley is the next biggest grain crop and you can go down the list and add it all up and you're looking at tens of thousand of calories per day per person.
humanity produces 200 billion kilos of sugar a year too, each kilo is 4000 calories, and there's also a lot of fishing too. we aren't running out of space, we aren't running out of food, we aren't running out of anything, our issue is figuring out how to make use of all the massive, massive amounts of excess.

>> No.15450506

Shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.15450511

meat it awsome

>> No.15450514

You carnivores sure do love MEAT, don't you? I'll bet you're salivating for some smoked sausage. Or perhaps some WEINERschnitzel! lololololol

>> No.15450521
File: 65 KB, 800x533, kebab-skewers-glass-vodka-uzbek-restaurant-79042201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this cute little beauty