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15447076 No.15447076 [Reply] [Original]

New Study Reports High Levels of Toxic Metals Found in Fruit Juices and Non-Dairy Milks



Elevated levels of toxic metals and essential elements in commonly consumed soft beverages are of public and regulatory agencies’ concern, and thus frequent monitoring of these elements is critically important. The study determined 25 elements in 60 soft beverages: single fruit juice, mixed fruit juice, plant-based milk, artificial/soda, and tea purchased in New Orleans, Louisiana, and commercially availabe in the United States. Elemental concentrations were determined using ICP-MS. The 95th percentile concentration ranges of the elements were: 0.06–5 µg/kg (Tl, Sb, Th, Pb, Cd, Co); 5–15 µg/kg (As, U, Se); 20–40 µg/kg (Mo, Li, Cr); 200–450 µg/kg (Ni, Ba, Cu); 1500–2000 µg/kg (Al, B); 4000–6000 µg/kg (Fe, Sr, Zn, Mn); and 125–2000 mg/kg (Mg, Na, Ca, K). Seven of the 25 elements—Ni, Mn, B, Cd, Sr, As, and Se—exceeded the drinking water standards in 38.3%, 36.7%, 16.7%, 5%, 5%, 3.3%, and 1.6% of the beverage samples, respectively. Aluminum and Zn exceeded the secondary non-enforceable drinking water standards in 40% and 6.7% of the samples, respectively. Mixed fruit juices and plant-based milk frequently contained elevated concentrations of most of the elements. While toxicity is unlikely unless individuals consume a large volume, moderating consumption of these beverages is required, especially to protect infants and young children. Regular monitoring of these chemicals in beverages is required for food safety and to provide sound nutritional advice.

>> No.15447107

Vegans are being intentionally poisoned

>> No.15447126

>poisons also have other poisons
who cares
if you drink juice you dont care about your health anyways

>> No.15447143

who would drink that sludge?

>> No.15447169

Most ground water contains arsenic in detectable concentration, some are undrinkable.
Arsenic is part of nature.

>> No.15447233
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>toxic metals in popular beverages
What happens when the left-wing powers that be ban glass containers for most foods.

"You will eat ze toxic metals and be happy with your autism peasant!"

>> No.15447291
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> new study
first line is punch line

>> No.15447757
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vegans drink it all day errday

>> No.15447870
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>Non-Dairy Milks
I believe that is called "juice."

>> No.15447874

My non dairy creamer.
I'm just gonna drop a brute steamer
Check it out!

>> No.15447877
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>> No.15449373

>Aluminum exceeded the secondary non-enforceable drinking water standards in 40% of the samples
That'll lower your IQ real quick, no wonder vegans are so stupid

>> No.15450682 [DELETED] 

Not surprising ersatz milk is poison, ersatz anything is always worse than the original it was based on. It wouldn't be considered "an acceptable substitute" if it were superior, it would be considered an improvement. I'll stick to my whole milk, the way god intended.

>> No.15452026

Is that why they're so low IQ?

>> No.15452038


>> No.15452689

It might be part of why they're low IQ, but its not the whole explanation

>> No.15453921 [DELETED] 

>drink fake milk
>this is so much healthier because its vegan, right guys!?!?
>get poisoned, deservedly so

>> No.15454875

Yeah the aluminum causes Alzheimer's disease type brain problems

>> No.15454933

Copper deficiency causes Alzheimer's.
Aluminium is the third most common element. It can't be toxic, at least not on general.

>> No.15454943

>Copper deficiency causes Alzheimer's.
Says who?
>Aluminium is the third most common element. It can't be toxic, at least not on general.
Aluminum in nature is present in a very undigestible oxide form.

>> No.15454970

>Says who?
Evidence that shows greatly reduced levels in brains with Alzheimers.
>Aluminum in nature is present in a very undigestible oxide form.
So is iron.

>> No.15454978

iron can be toxic

>> No.15454992

>>Aluminum in nature is present in a very undigestible oxide form.
>So is iron.
Iron oxide is decently bioavailable for a metal oxide because it's not that difficult to break the molecular bond. But it is toxic in high doses. If you want to think about the difficulty of extraction in another way, compare how easy it is to smelt iron with primitive tools with how difficult and energy-intensive it is to smelt aluminum with modern ones.

>> No.15455001

>Evidence that shows greatly reduced levels in brains with Alzheimers.
That's not remotely proof of any causal link to diet. If there was such a link you could easily win a nobel prize just by giving people multivitamins.

>> No.15455530

In north america, and we specifically don't drink this water.
In europe it's far rarer.

>> No.15455531

>Evidence that shows greatly reduced levels in brains with Alzheimers.
Confusing correlation and causation, as usual, I see.

>> No.15455783

You still can ingest arsenic if that water is used on crops, dairy cattle.


>> No.15455843

Yes, of course. You hope that it's sufficiently controlled to not be a problem, though.
As far as I know arsenic doesn't accumulate, it's just that if your blood concentration is too high, you die, am I right? Unlike, say, aluminum or lead.

>> No.15455973

I guess, the problem is there is zero money in improving nutrition, as well as the general complexity bias in science as such.

>> No.15456044

Sucks for all the kids out there whose parents give them shitloads of fruit juice and think it's healthy. Possible relationship with autism, ADHD, etc?

>> No.15456128

nutrition doesn't need improvement, just eat normal food like ppl have been doing for 1000s of years and you'll be fine

>> No.15456288

>arsenic doesn't accumulate
Arsenic does bio accumulate as any toxin with long half life in some tissues. The same applies to mercury, lead, cadmium, etc. At least it doesn't biomagnify as mercury in fishes because we don't eat predators like with seafood.

>> No.15456300

I thought it was entirely cleared, but you're right, it actually is bioaccumulated. Gay! More shit to look out for. I need to buy an uninhabited island or something.

>> No.15457178

>we don't eat predators
you don't cause you're a sissified vegan faggot, I enjoy snake meat as well as bear, seal & sea lion

>> No.15457199

All those are less than rounding error contrarian retard.

>> No.15458516

>t. sissified vegan faggot

>> No.15458672

>beef, pork are vegan foods
ok dipshit

>> No.15459522

Chickens are predators, they eat bugs and small snakes. Chickens evolved from T-rex

>> No.15459524

>punch line
I see what you did there

>> No.15459545

It doesn't. Hair must be used to diagnose past exposure.

>> No.15459561

Lol I drink RedBull exclusively, the most based drink with no toxic metals.

>> No.15460825

Is this why vegans are all so unhealthy looking?

>> No.15461612

>Non-Dairy Milks
no such thing, milk is dairy by definition. ground up rice suspended in water is not milk in any way, people who patronize those products deserve death

>> No.15461630

Should've just put the "in the United states" part in post title.
Woah, Americans being fed more slow poison, no surprise.

>> No.15463445

>not intentionally poisoning vegans and other lactose intolerants

>> No.15463449

And all recycled paper and cardboard is packed with cancerogenic and bioaccumulative MOSH and MOAH. Good luck to all the cucks that eat garbage packaged in paper LMAO

>> No.15463467

Packaging materials potential contaminants
>Polyethylene and polypropylene: ethylene monomers propylene monomers, Zinc catalysts and antioxidants. These materials only have good barrier against humidity, so things like pigments or contaminants from cardboard boxes like MOSH and MOAH can leak into the product unless it contains EVOH, PET or PA as a functional barrier to stop it
>PET: antimony trioxide, if it is recycled (rPET is allowed for food contact unlike recycled PE or PP) it might contain traces of BPA, plasticizers or other contaminants from the bottle flakes. PET is a lot less permeable than PP or PE so it acts as a functional barrier to most contaminants
>Aluminum canned food and bevarages: They have BPA coatings in direct contact with food and obviously aluminum crosscontamination is possible. It acts as a functional barrier against outside contamination
>Paper: It has no barrier against anything and its recycling process is dirty as fuck. You literally are chugging contaminants such as traces of ink, MOSH, MOAH, plasticizers and whatever other low molecular polymers they add to papers to make them functional. It is the dirtiest packaging material by far if it contains recycled content (and all paper does)
>Glass: It is very impermeable but very toxic elements like lead can leak from it. As it requires a plasticized cap to be operation for packaging, you will always find plasticizers in products packaged in glass bottles.

>> No.15464686
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>> No.15465432

physical illness caused by mental illness

>> No.15465850

Politically correct newspeak Reddit lingo is full of lies like that

>> No.15465873

>>Paper: It has no barrier against anything and its recycling process is dirty as fuck. You literally are chugging contaminants such as traces of ink, MOSH, MOAH, plasticizers and whatever other low molecular polymers they add to papers to make them functional. It is the dirtiest packaging material by far if it contains recycled content (and all paper does)
So I need to avoid buying things like oats or rice sold in cardboard boxes?
is there anyway to check whether they're using clean types? now I'm starting to get paranoid. I hadn't considered card before.

What about waxed papers?

>> No.15465910

>So I need to avoid buying things like oats or rice sold in cardboard boxes?
I would, but if it is also packaged on a plastic bag that is probably PE which is not a functional barrier against the contaminants that I mention (unless for some odd reason it contains EVOH) so all cereals and things like that can be polluted with all the garbage that comes from cardboard recycling.
is there anyway to check whether they're using clean types?
It depends on the country, in Switzerland recycled paper, cardboard is banned with direct food contact and in the EU it will be banned soon unless you put a functional barrier to it. In the US no one has to declare it, so no provider will tell you.
Waxed paper was a functional barrier which is why it is allowed to wrap candy and other confectionary goods

>> No.15465944


Damn it am I going to actually have to grow my all own food and fully monitor every step now?

>> No.15467165

The mentally ill have substantially reduced life expectancies

>> No.15467367

And in the pesticide laden crops you eat, and that your cattle then eat, and in the ocean making its way into the fish you eat, and in the land due to rainfall, and in the air you breathe, and in your water... more news at 11? This won't end until the earth is a completely poisonous husk.

>> No.15467680

Is that due to the toxic, addictive medications they're given or due to the illness itself?

>> No.15467685

The government is doing everything it can to exterminate the population.


>> No.15469181

>The government is doing everything it can to exterminate the population.
only the dumbest portion. vaxxxxies, vegans, global warming hysterics, trannies and faggots are all rightfully being driven to extinction. the amish continue to thrive on traditional diets and traditional lifestyle, they have live a dozen kids in every family. mormons are somewhat similar, but only half a dozen kids.
urbanite extinction, best day of my life

>> No.15469303

The juice.

>> No.15469386

Chickens are a predator.

>> No.15469747

>raises concerns
why would I be concerned if vegans get poisoned by their frankenfoods? we'll all be better off when those idiots are dead

>> No.15469959

In the case of vegans, its due to unhealthy diet

>> No.15471038 [DELETED] 

Do they behave stupidly because they're low IQ or are the low IQ as a result of stupid behavior?

>> No.15471041 [DELETED] 


>> No.15471845

yeah its retarded how they take the "my body is a temple" attitude with respect to eating meat, but they have no issue with swallowing down petroleum based medications.

>> No.15472770
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>> No.15473682
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>plant-based milk
as nonsensical as sausage based astronomy

>> No.15473689

I get all my cancer from my electric kettle, imagine buying bottled beverages

>> No.15474625

does boiled water cause cancer?

>> No.15475284

chickens just eat whatever is most readily available, like all other animals. the distinction between herbivore and predator is one that only exists in the minds of retarded sºyentists who waste their lives inventing categories that don't exist in nature.
heres video of an elephant fishing
wikipedia and every sºyentist on the planet will tell you that this is impossible, but the elephant isn't stupid enough to listen to them, it would rather remain ignorant and enjoy some sushi

>> No.15476320
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Cow eating a snake

>> No.15477276

deer eating a rabbit
"herbivores" only exist in soience textbooks, in IRL there are no "herbivores"

>> No.15478232

>fake meat causes cancer
>fake milk causes cancer
thanks, science, way to go, good job

>> No.15478237

lab grown meat is literal cancer

>> No.15479009

coming soon: carcinogenic laboratory produced air

>> No.15479112

>just eat normal food like ppl have been doing for 1000s of years and you'll be fine
Won't work when the entire environment is depleted of nutrients.

>> No.15479134

I don't know what third world shithole you live in, but my soil quality is fantastic.

>> No.15479149

>the entire environment is depleted of nutrients.
wrong, atmospheric CO2 levels have never been higher, CO2 is the most important nutrient any plant needs, with higher CO2 levels the plants can now root further into the soil than they ever have before and access heretofore untapped sources of the other micronutrients they crave.

>> No.15479181

Aluminum ions are present in acidic soils. Like aluminum chloride, its not metallic but not an oxide either

>> No.15479192

Causation isnt even real, everything is correlation. Causation is just a particular type of very obvious 100% correlation where thing A always implies thing B, but most complex things have dozens of interacting "causes and effects".

>> No.15479340

FDA says they're 100% safe, chud.

>> No.15479431

>atmospheric CO2 levels have never been higher

>> No.15479432

micronutrient depletion

>> No.15480085

Mine too, Every summer I grow a big vegetable garden that produces all sorts of excellent produce, much better quality than anything at a grocery store and I never add anything to the garden other than a top dressing composed of my two year old compost pile. So far this year I've already harvested kale, spinach, lettuce, strawberries, peas chives and the first few cherry tomatoes

>> No.15480090

Again, I'm not sure what shit soil you live on but mine is great. Regular composting keeps it fresh in nutrients.

>> No.15480771

I don't see how anyone thinks that farming even causes soil nutrient depletion, most of the plant's body is below ground in the root system and that all stays in the ground and rots. most of whatever is harvested is almost always the starch/sugar portion of the plant. the starches and sugars are made out of sunlight & co2, they don't come out of the soil.

>> No.15481926

most ppl don't understand how plants work, the assume that the plant eats the soil when the plant only uses the soil to anchor itself

>> No.15482647

oral sex, AKA fake sex also causes cancer. ersatz anything is probably not good for you

>> No.15482846

Is this satire or are you guys actually this dumb?

>> No.15483695

you're the dumb one, you have clearly never grow any plants

>> No.15484597

>predatory herbivores
how does science explain this?

>> No.15484820

I have a literal degree in agricultural science?

>> No.15484822

What explains the phenomena of many raw vegans switching to become raw carnivores after a certain period of time?

>> No.15484826

You are the smart ones on 4channel, please help a brainlet out. I just want to eat healthy. Wtf do I eat without getting poisoned?

>> No.15485469

meat, eggs, milk & fresh fruit.

>> No.15485480

Protein restricted diet.

>> No.15485731

Weston A Price foundation

>> No.15486817


>> No.15487746

nutrient deficiency

>> No.15488836

no you don't

>> No.15488942 [DELETED] 

it's probably fine

>> No.15488944
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>> No.15489817
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>healthy fats & oils
>lists carcinogenic seed oils

>> No.15490106

I do but it's irrelevant to discuss it here.
What insane reason do you have to believe that plants aren't pulling minerals out of the ground to incorporate into their tissues?

>> No.15490292

Average government science.

>> No.15490681

negligible tiny trace amounts, most of which are retained in the roots

>> No.15490747

>negligible tiny trace amounts
do that for a century

>> No.15490750

Drink water. That's it, you don't need alcohol or liquid sugar.

>> No.15491652

doesn't end up making a difference
100 x 0 = 0

>> No.15492460

>I do but it's irrelevant to discuss it here.
because you don't

>> No.15492507

As i thought you're retarded

This is an anonymous discussion board what good is trying to prove my credentials going to do?

>> No.15492596

Retard, why would phytomining be a thing if it didn't a actually draw an appreciable amount of mineral?

>> No.15493619
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vegans are faggots
they'd be dying of aids anyway, who cares if they die of poison fake milk

>> No.15494502

>why would phytomining be a thing
it isn't, its only a thought experiment which has no practical applications and has never been carried out

>> No.15495415

Veganbros, maybe we should switch to real milk if s•y milk is toxic

>> No.15495593

Mercury in fishes is also not particularily bioavailable, so its implication for human health is overstated.

>> No.15495628

They're probably lactose intolerant

>> No.15495691

It's also offset by the amount of selenium in the fish which binds mercury.

>> No.15496300

I don't care if they're lactose bigots, they should switch anyway

>> No.15497365

Selenium doesn't "bind" mercury. Most proteins that use methylmercury amino acids also use selenium amino acids, so a lot of mercury alone will cause a deficiency.

>> No.15497479

This is somewhat related to my field! Plants are known to take up heavy metals in place of common metabolites just like you are, which becomes a problem when mine trailings of arsenic and cadmium are dumped into the water, lead acid batteries fumes produced from recycling make it into the water, Heavy metal tails from gold refining and rare earth metal refining gets dumped into the water, heavy metals from both the fuel being burned in cars and the caddy's, lead still being used in air travel fuel, cobalt being used in the production of computers, and when 50% of the worlds yellow paint for outdoor structures is being made of cadmium - it gets into your food because it all washes into the water one way or another. Some plants are so good at it there's programs in place to try and restore heavily contaminated soil with them; Gastroblium and Phyllanthus species will be my examples because of (1000ppm antimony tissue accumulation and 2000ppm lead tissue accumulation) and (500ppm lead tissue accumulation and 800ppm arsenic tissue accumulation) respectively, which is all roughly 10,000 times higher than most of the foods causing human contamination to begin with: Once the population is established and has matured in roughly 5 years, the plants can be cut down and processed for these toxic metals so they leave the environment forever, or even turned into fertilizer for an ecosystem which might use some of the contaminants (Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, Iron, and others). The idea can even be extended to plants that might metabolize platinum to cleanup roadside dust, like members of the genus Daucus, or other precious metals for a profit without mining into the ground!

>> No.15498420

and cows presumably are a better filter than plants are

>> No.15498449

I see reddit wsn't working again?
Soon you will kill everything using this way. The planet will die, devoid of nutrients, because of YOUR insanity. Where do you even put those metals?

>> No.15498451

lol its the lead schizo again

>> No.15498885

Per kg of body mass they're roughly 20,000 times WORSE than plants for this job but okay
you sell them to an industry that uses them again, the way all recycling works? You're not destroying ecosystems, you're fixing ones that we already killed one way or another, you seem unread about this topic.

>> No.15499103

The ecosystems were heavily disrupted by ancient mining, you aren't fixing it, you are making it much worse.
Organisms accumulate those metals because they need them, not in error. Why do you think that all organisms accumulate the exact same poisons in error? Why do microoorganisms metabolize mercury?

>> No.15499108

why do those box plots vary so much.

arsenic is between 2 and 12 ug/kg

thats a factor of 10, whats causing it to very that much?

>> No.15499782

>thats a factor of 10
>whats causing it to very that much?

>> No.15499789

>Why do you think that all organisms accumulate the exact same poisons in error?
Because biological chemistry is imprecise. Carbon monoxide steals the place of oxygen in the blood but it isn't a necessary nutrient because it's capable of doing so.

>> No.15500354

Carbon monoxide is naturally present in the body, it is not an essential nutrient because the body can produce it itself. It doesn't try to hoard it, it gets rid of its excess.

>> No.15501224

how much longer before greta and the rest of the faggot vegans die of fake milk poisoning?

>> No.15501834

imagine how much healthier people who don't eat goyslop are and how much better lives they lead

>> No.15502356

>Per kg of body mass they're roughly 20,000 times WORSE than plants for this job but okay
enjoy your modern toxic goyslop pseudo milk and your environmental savior complex mental illness, milk from cows is still perfectly healthy as it always has been

>> No.15502784

Nothing I've ever said has had anything to do with the safety of foodstuffs, why are you trying to move goalposts when we aren't even having a debate? You're just confusing me.

>> No.15503538

How can cows be worse when they produce real milk thats non toxic?

>> No.15504046

What??? They accumulate less lead per kg than a plant does what the fuck are you talking about?!

>> No.15504053

I can tell that you're experiencing emotional distress by your use of profanity, why don't you take a break from the board and give yourself some time to calm down, then you can come back when you're ready to discuss science with us on a strictly rational basis rather than letting your emotions cloud your judgement

>> No.15504356

>OMG!!!! Why are you discussing food safety?
This is a thread about recent findings in food safety

>> No.15504669

Okay but I cannot have a rational discussion with someone trying very hard to shift goalposts about a topic we're not arguing about. This conversation is over if you cannot stay cohesive or consistent. Goodbye.

>> No.15505349 [DELETED] 

>stop shifting the goalposts by discussing food safety in a food safety thread

>> No.15506503 [DELETED] 

vegans just don't like seeing evidence that their outlandishly weird diets are unhealthy

>> No.15506506

trust the heckin science!

>> No.15506508

This. Besides, the Japanese eat tons of fish and they're not all drooling retards with mercury poisoning.

>> No.15506519

And they aren't fat and gay like almost everyone else.

>> No.15506585

The real takeaway here is that there isn't actually much mercury in the fish fillets you eat. It's likely all in the organs which you won't be eating anyway.

>> No.15507296

How to eat safely?

>> No.15507707

Put on safety glasses and try to be calm and deliberate with all of your movements. Consider using plastic utensils or sticking to finger food, but be careful not to bite your fingers!