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File: 43 KB, 1005x857, NASA_Logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1542366 No.1542366 [Reply] [Original]

The US House of Representatives is currently on a one month recess. When they reconvene in September, one of the first things on the House's agenda is to pass their version of the NASA Authorization Bill - HR 5781. The bill would cut funding for developing an American space industry from $6 billion over 5 years to just $250 million. It would gut funding of technological development and scientific research programs in favor of continuing work on the Constellation Program - over a fourth of NASA's budget over the next decade would be wasted on money pits like the Ares I. If this bill passes, space exploration will be set back years, maybe decades. Humanity would barely manage to keep a presence in LEO and all hopes of expanding beyond within the next twenty years would be gone.

That can't be allowed to happen, NASA deserves better! This next month is the only hope of stopping this bill - nearly every member of the House is in a close race for reelection, and they plan to spend the next month shoring up their constituency. I've been in contact with my Congressman's office for the last week and I'm trying my best to arrange a face-to-face, but even if I can convince him to oppose the bill, one vote isn't enough. I encourage everyone to call you Representative, write them, show up at their events if you can - DEMAND that they vote against this bill!

>> No.1542501


>> No.1542510

Not an americunt so i can't help.

China may be our only hope.

>> No.1542553

China's only launching one manned mission every 3-4 years and it's overhyped Tiangong "space lab" is still years from completion. The NASA and/or private space are the only real chances for manned spaceflight beyond LEO in our lifetimes.

>> No.1542585
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Just stop.

All NASA is good for is putting up satellites. There is no threat to our lovely satellites.

If you ever bothered to look into the UFO phenomenon though, you would know that NASA is just a charade for the peasants to oogle at.

Here's Edgar Mitchell, Apollo astronaut, telling you the facts.

>> No.1542592



>> No.1542660
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/x/ is that way ->

>> No.1542706

That's funny, because a huge portion of our advancements in technologies are thanks to NASA.

>> No.1542725

I don't really care, it was going to be done sooner or later, I'm confident that provate space corporations will be able to continue research in Space. That's actually a dream of mine, to create a space exploration company.

>> No.1542765

If the bill passes, private space companies will lose millions in financial aid and incentives and billions more when their investors pull out. Some of these companies have fantastic plans for when things really get going, but with the cuts to funding in the bill, the COTS program will essentially be dead, and the developing private space industry will grind to a halt, or very nearly so.

>> No.1542790
File: 83 KB, 196x378, edd nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's funny, because most of our manned missions was to the fucking moon.

>> No.1542822

thanks for reminding me why i no longer go to /x/

>> No.1542833

It was dying anyway. We only went up into space and onto the moon at all because it was yet another pissing contest with Russia. And since those are mostly done with, all motivation has dried up.

People can't think long-term at all anymore. Well, the voting majority at least.

>> No.1542884

All the more reason to get out there and show them their are voters who still give a damn about the state of our space program. Pessimism and apathy are the two biggest obstacles that have stood in the way of human expansion. Don't let that pattern continue.

>> No.1542900
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You need to fucking realize we HAVE NOT found another stable world close to us. And even if we did, after all the exploration we've done, it would be way too far away to send anyone and expect them to come back alive. We will NOT be traveling to other worlds anytime soon. Perhaps we can build more satellites or even a vacational resort or something around our planet but other than that, it's pointless. No need to waste money that could be better spent researching nuclear energy... proving the string theory.. ETC. As of now, there is NO point in putting that amount of money into space "exploration"

>> No.1542903


>this is what today's youth actually believe

>> No.1542916

There really is no reason to..

>> No.1542940
File: 30 KB, 347x422, magellan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to fucking realize we HAVE NOT found another way to India. And even if we did, after all the exploration we've done, it would be way too far away to send anyone and expect them to come back alive. We will NOT be traveling to trade cloth for spices anytime soon. Perhaps we can build more ships or even a vacational resort or something around the tip of Africa but other than that, it's pointless. No need to waste money that could be better spent researching alchemy... astrology.. ETC. As of now, there is NO point in putting that amount of money into oceanic "exploration"

>> No.1542946


>Our space technology is too poorly-developed to make anything useful out of a space program
>We need to stop wasting time developing our space technology

>> No.1542949

>implying the chinese had telescopes to see to america, could tell that noone lived within 100 years of time it would take to send a sailboat, AND THAT SAILBOATS RUN ON ROCKET FUEL.

>> No.1542967

Hmm... pretty sure even if it just meant being able to get to other planets in the Solar System, it would be pretty productive in terms of harvesting resources and the such.

>> No.1542990
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We need realize there not anything over big hills! Maybe we make wheel but no point. If were things over big hills, would be too far away! No waste good rocks on silly wheels!

>> No.1542994
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India is not at the other end of the Milky Way. Distances in space are HUGE, more than you can possibly imagine (given that we've never sent humans anywhere past our own moon). I know it sounds close-minded but it's the COLD TRUTH.
Even if by some miracle, thousands of years ahead, we reach superluminal speed (which is impossible, as far as we know), we have yet to find a planet as suitable for carbon-based life as the Earth.
Our only hope is that out there... perhaps in another galaxy or in the farthest regions of the Milky Way, we find said planet. And if it's in either of those places, it's still too fucking far away to get there anytime soon.

>> No.1542995

I've got to say this:

I personally love the idea of space exploration. There is no other field filled with as much opportunity as the stuff NASA deals with. It's fantastic and fascinating at the same time. Just think about all the possibilities mankind will have once it unlocks some of the full potential of everything out there.

But, things are way too fucked up down here for us to take advantage of all those possibilities. Global health, hunger, disease, wars, education, and immovable, unchangeable bureaucracies all pose huge obstacles to human advancement. At least a few of these things MUST be dealt with before we can really take advantage of space programs. And while I know that none of the money saved will go to these causes, we've gotta start somewhere.

So, while I love everything about the possibilities space offers, I just have to be realistic. If that money can help get troops out of Afghanistan or help clean up some of the horrible shit down in the Gulf, so be it. And I am the youth that >>1542903 is talking about. I'm 16. And I feel horrible saying this, but someone has to.

If we ever want to reach greater heights, we sure as hell better get things straightened up down below first, or else everything will be fucked.

Flame me if you want, but it's the best I got.

>> No.1543010
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Clearly you've never watched Gundam.

The ideas of using asteroids for their materials and living in space colonies (kinda like the ISS maybe?) are pretty much impossible without research and development. Which is sorta what NASA does.

Hate to say it man, but unless we blow ourselves up first we really have no where to go BUT space.

>> No.1543014

Stagnation is bad.

I'm sure there are plenty of ways in which $6 billion could easily be saved from plenty of other wasteful things and money also be directed to 'helping the problems down here'.

>> No.1543021

But that will never happen. And wishful thinking gets us nowhere.

>> No.1543029

Right but the longer we say "there's no point!" then the longer it takes for us to reach that technological achievement in any way.

>> No.1543034

>doesn't realize that time slows the faster you go
>thinks length means anything in interstellar travel

>> No.1543039


>> No.1543042
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It's a BEAUTIFUL idea. Finding other worlds... other kind of living creatures, colonizing other planets, intergalactic flight... Sadly that's just not the way our Universe works.

And I agree with >>1542995
If we can use that money to bring an end to world hunger... research into more environment-friendly fuels, then so be it. We've got way too many things to worry about down here. And even if things were perfect between humans, there's still nothing to look forward to in the close regions of outer space (as of now). No fucking Pandora nearby... no planet showing signs of life. NOTHING. Give it up already. Perhaps your grand-grand-grand-grandchildren will see hope somewhere far but you won't.

>> No.1543080

I'm 23 and the fact that people just one generation below me are that fucking pessimistic is really depressing.

We've spent more on the war in Afghanistan in less than 10 years than we've spent on space exploration in 50. Anyone who honestly believes that building one more aircraft carrier or funding one more month of welfare will advance the human species more than exploring the cosmos is either misinformed on the value of the space program or a complete fucking retard

>> No.1543091

Jesus fuck, Anon, nobody is talking about plumbing the depths of the fucking Milky Way. A mission to Mars is not far-fetched, and NASA is already planning to do it soon.

>Implying we can't do both at the same time

>Voice of reason detected

>> No.1543097
File: 320 KB, 1200x1200, Machinery_of_the_Stars_by_alexiuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So what's your point? Would you waste billions, trillions perhaps in sending a starship into the cold space "just to check" if there's a habitable world out there?
We need to, AT LEAST, find a habitable world for us before thinking about the distances in space. And of course length means something in interstellar travel; even if you were to travel at the speed of light, distances are still pretty, preeeeeeeeeeetty enormous.

>> No.1543099

OBAMA don't be a nigger... VETO that fucker if it is passed

>> No.1543118
File: 45 KB, 468x377, ifindthatoffensive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He thinks the extra $18 billion a year NASA's been 'selfishly' hogging is all that stands between us and world peace.

The simple truth is that there will ALWAYS be problems on Earth. Shutting down space exploration won't solve them.

>> No.1543123

The farthest man-made object from Earth is fucking Voyager 1, which is barely out of our own Solar System, and you are talking about finding HABITABLE PLANETS already?

What the FUCK do you people think NASA does?

We already know there aren't any habitable planets near us, the point of sending teams to places like Mars is maybe to, uh, um, I dunno FIGURE OUT A FUCKING WAY TO LIVE THERE in a self-sustaining environment.

>> No.1543128

I wasn't talking about spending more money on war, I specifically said "get troops out" for a reason. Don't assume I mean things I don't say, and, by the way, no, >>1543091, we can't do both. We've proven that time and again.

>> No.1543139
File: 87 KB, 720x405, Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going down to my representative's local offices tomorrow, wish me luck

>> No.1543157
File: 64 KB, 580x480, f606ad58-47f5-4488-8254-722341a4b726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, to hear some of these people talk you'd think NASA sits on its ass all day burning hundred dollar bills and eating rotisserie chickens in front of starving AIDS-ridden African babies with clubbed feet.

Yes, if only NASA weren't selfishly hogging that $18 billion dollars a year it gets to explore space and expand our understanding of the Universe we could solve all the world's problems!

>> No.1543159

You're fucking 16. What the fuck do you know about "what we can do."
>We've proven that time and again.
How, exactly? Because my guess is you know fuck-all about what you are talking about.

>> No.1543163
File: 68 KB, 717x532, mars_spiritcolor_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need to bear in mind the fact that the cost to get humans into space is astronomical compared with unmanned probes. A misunderstanding of this is why a lot of people can't understand why we have not been back to the moon, or why we have not sent humans beyond Earth's orbit at all since 1972.
Also Mars has no global magnetic field; which would cause serious damage to RNA and DNA, which means we can't even live in the surface. We'd have to take enormous drills and explosives to get to depths greater than 7.5 metres below the planet's surface where we'd be safe from cosmic radiation.
And I'm not even mentioning the costs of bringing all that machinery to Mars, let alone food and water for a colony to survive.

>> No.1543172

We spend $20b /year to aricondition tents... which they refuse to insulate yep letting nasa spend some money is so waist full and irresponsible shame on you nasa we need to air condition outside because of global warming and your sending the money to space


>> No.1543173
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you're 16.

>> No.1543177
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>> No.1543184

Okay, fair point. I dunno if it's true, but it still doesn't change the fact that NASA is working on those things. It doesn't make sense to stop funding just because NASA doesn't shit out bread and cake for everyone.

Space exploration is worthwhile, I don't care what anyone says.

>> No.1543189
File: 56 KB, 330x270, hawking2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet. But I'm an optimist. We will reach out to the stars." - Stephen Hawking

>> No.1543190

Why don't you say "fuck" a couple more times, it'll just prove your point better. Look around you. Look at all of the bullshit that is going on. And, please, one only needs a mildly good history course to understand all the ways we've screwed up in the past 100 years due to over reaching our bounds. What the fuck do you fucking know about what the fuck "we can do?" And how the fuck am I limited to that fucking understanding by being fucking 16? I'm not being arrogant and saying I know everything, but I'm also not retarded. I don't need great life lessons to understand potential.

>> No.1543199

I am raging at how stupid some people are here.

This is supposed to be a /sci/ board. You should have a certain level of intelligence.

The post about the disproportionate spending is correct of course. Pumping even.. I don't know.. $10 billion dollars is chump change to a government.

And HURR DUURRR... this $10 billion that didn't 'go towards solving mans problems' actually did. To deny the progress we have made technologically from our space exploits would be the dumbest statement you could possibly say. Go onto some NASA sites or some shit, and look at how unbelievably incredible the systems/satellites they have are, and the stuff they can do. And then realize that many of these have wide ranging applications included helping out us common folk down here.

And the STFU.

>> No.1543206

Please see:

What the FUCK do you think Mars is? Pandora? It's even easier to live in the fucking Sahara than to have a self-sustaining colony in Mars.

I know problems will NEVER end; however, that doesn't mean we have to ignore them.

>> No.1543207

Radiation was invented by the man to keep us down. Animals that are exposed to constant levels of low level radiation quickly adapt. Radiation is even known to have a therapeutic effect detouring cancer.


>> No.1543211


Okay, I was just going to rip into you. But I'm going to give you a chance to explain yourself.

List me a few of the problems that we caused by 'overreaching ourselves'.

>> No.1543217

>Look at all of the bullshit that is going on.
>Implying there has never been "bullshit going on" before 2010
This is what I'm talking about. You have a rudimentary understanding of the worlds problems, and you think they can be solved by saying "bring our troops home," or some other meaningless slogan you heard.

There will always be problems on Earth. That doesn't mean we should stop space exploration. That's just a ridiculous non-sequitur.

Captcha: torsos called

>> No.1543231


Yet I don't see why people seem to associate that shutting down Space Exploration programs is somehow going to make the world around us a better place. I'd argue the opposite.

>> No.1543239

Human genome project. Man what a money sucking black whole that might pay off after idk 50 years of constant work at it.

>> No.1543247

I know we shuld just give up thats too much work and too far for any payouts

>> No.1543248

How is that a "problem," and not something you happen to not approve of.

>> No.1543250

He's right... you're fucking 16. Christ you probably haven't even worked your first part time job and yet you have the fucking gall to dump your pessimistic bullshit here and act like you know better than the rest of us. Go to sleep you little cretin, it's passed your bedtime.

>> No.1543258

Can't recall any problems the human genome project has caused in the world, unless there was some mutant attack I didn't hear about.

>> No.1543259

The payout is KNOWLEDGE. It's the whole point of science to behind with.

>> No.1543268

Was meant as a joke, showing an instance where people thought we where being foolish to try. We ended up decades ahead of schedule and under budget.

>> No.1543273

>Implying he said we should stop space exploration

>> No.1543277

Just like people see mars

>> No.1543281

Fun fact: A substantial portion of the money that goes to African food and medical aid efforts ends up supporting warlords and paramilitary groups.

Would you rather see one half of a penny of your tax dollar go to supporting genocide? Or "taking stupid pictures of stardust"?

>> No.1543282

I fail to see how I've acted like I know more than any of you. I even said I didn't. I just offered my opinion, Christ. I'm not even a pessimist, believe it or not, I just feel like we have bigger fish to fry. That's all.

>> No.1543286

>>Implying he said we should stop space exploration
>At least a few of these things MUST be dealt with before we can really take advantage of space programs.
>So, while I love everything about the possibilities space offers, I just have to be realistic.
>If we ever want to reach greater heights, we sure as hell better get things straightened up down below first

>> No.1543287

I think we should take all the money going to NASA and give it to AI research.

>> No.1543290



First of all, the payoffs are already apparent. I'm not sure how much you know about biology and genetics, but I'm going to guess not a lot if you think that there hasn't been already some very interesting findings from this that can in a very real way help everything from diagnosis to treatments.

Secondly... wait so the whole issue you have with it was the money spent? Jesus. A quick look around would estimate that this cost sub $10 billion. Again chump change. And the benefits it can bring back to us are enormous.

If you want more details, I'll be glad to look them up. But I'd suggest that you do it yourself.

>> No.1543294

I think we should take all the money going to NASA and give it to furry research.

>> No.1543296

Yeah! We've got much bigger fish to fry! Quit dilly dallying with your rocket science, there's starving kids in China doncha know!

>> No.1543302

AIs will be able to make the furries.

>> No.1543305


Thats exactly what he said.

"If that money can help get troops out of Afghanistan or help clean up some of the horrible shit down in the Gulf, so be it. "

>> No.1543306

OK you can take the NASA money if furrys can get the army money.

>> No.1543311

If our ancestors had embraced that kind of attitude, we'd still be living in caves trying to perfect the perfect campfire design and arguing over the fairest way to divide up a mastodon.

>> No.1543321

sometimes i masticate in public

just thinking about masticating can get me moist

>> No.1543341

I insert things in my orifice and masticate in front of strangers with them.

>> No.1543359


>> No.1543391
File: 86 KB, 720x405, Worried_left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting back to the OPs point - while it doesn't seem like one call or one letter or one short meeting with a representative will impact their decision, never forget that you're a part of their constituency. Politicians know that every constituent they piss off is one less potential vote in their favor, one less potential donator, one less potential volunteer. Losing one vote can cost a candidate dozens, even hundreds more, and in races as close as those going on in these midterm elections, every vote counts.

Most people don't care about the space program either way, so a politician who thinks he's going to lose votes by voting for this bill will take the safe route and oppose it.

>> No.1543461


>> No.1543466

I don't know about you guys, but if the US government came to me and offered to give NASA an extra $30 billion EVERY YEAR but would raise income tax by 2.5% (IE the current amount you pay x1.025. Not what you're already paying +2.5% of your income) I would say HELL FUCKING YES.

People look at $6 billion and say Thats a shit-ton of money! But this is a government that spends $3.5 trillion a year. And as the Steven Hawking quote up there says, the single greatest thing that we can do to increase the chances of survival for the human race is get off this rock. Having two planets doubles our chances of survival as a species.

Come on guys.

>> No.1543480

Let's just get some russians and put them in a spaceship pointed at Alpha centauri already.

>> No.1543495

amen brudah

Seriously, lets just build a valkyrie/orion and get going.

>> No.1543498

What would be really nice is if we could put together some kind of outline of suggestions politicians could use to author a better NASA bill. I mean, asking to up the budget to $100 billion a year is obviously out of the question, but I'm sure there are some things we can all generally agree on and which could fit into the same $18-20 billion budget being proposed.

>> No.1543596

So many fucking pessimists on this thread

>> No.1543626
File: 71 KB, 661x953, 1280748121415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're giving in. Don't.
I demand 75 billion be put forward as NASA's budget. Per year.

>> No.1543637

NASA should be given MORE funding to work on testing means of transporting electricity through lasers. Then we could just have them build a ton of solar panels on the moon and they'd be able to do whatever the hell they wanted with all the money that'd be raking in.

>> No.1543693
File: 287 KB, 480x360, 34514b5b4b8f83919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give this man a fucking cookie

>> No.1543699

Lasers are overated, antimatter is a more efficient way of transporting energy. But yeah, solar farms on the moon.

>> No.1543748
File: 72 KB, 734x404, 1259215509428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Raise NASA funding to 75 billion, allocate 20 billion to manned mission to Mars, another 12 billion to base on moon
- Abolish federal reserve, got to real greenback (like Andrew Jackson)
- Reduce spending on all military by 45%
- Allocate the rest where needed (better broadband, infrastructure, education, healthcare
- Legalize weed
- Do whatever I can to bring the production shit back to America, without fucking over workers even more (such as dropping minimum wage)
- aim for 25% of America's power to be from wind, solar, nuclear, and geothermal
- High-speed rail. ~ 280km/h.
- Arrange for something more ambitious than ITER

What else have I missed?

>> No.1543751

Admirable, but it'll never happen. The US government is already under a lot of pressure to cut spending dramatically. Frankly I'm surprised (and thankful) NASA wasn't one of the first things put on the chopping block. NASA's not likely to get more than $20 billion a year any time soon, the best you can hope for is improving the way in which those funds are distributed.

>> No.1543758
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>The US government is already under a lot of pressure to cut spending dramatically

>> No.1543760

but is there any foreseeable technology that utilizes antimatter for that? Lasers are more economical with today's technology.

>> No.1543763

create 4 major electric monorails going north/south and east west at both costs and in northern and southern states

>> No.1543766

All admirable goals... all of which will, sadly, get you laughed out or thrown out of any politicians office. Yes 'big changes, now' would be really nice, but I'm afraid we're going to have to settle for the more Darwinian 'gradual changes over time' approach.

Make a few changes to the NASA bill, NASA and the private industry improve and accomplish more, people start getting more interested in the space program, politicians start allocating more money to it.

>> No.1543769
File: 2.09 MB, 4750x3167, Taxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn it inurdaes, get the new chart

>> No.1543778
File: 3 KB, 153x137, 2010-07-31_0608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw non military spending lowers by 50billion, and military spending DOUBLES

>> No.1543780
File: 57 KB, 455x610, 1262442388903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking WAY am I scaling down to what THEY want. America is screaming for change. This was obvious when Obama was elected with BILLIONS even around the world screaming his name and celebrating. If I ever did get in politics I wouldn't stoop down to such petty achievements like OH WE GAVE NASA AN EXTRA 2% FUNDING LOLZ

>> No.1543793

I'd vote for you.

>> No.1543798

YES, WE GET IT! The US spends a ridiculous amount of money on military bullshit. No one is denying that, and ideally maybe military spending will decrease once we end combat operations in Iraq and finally withdraw from Afghanistan.... but no politician and almost no voters would ever support cutting military spending in half.

None of this 'could bes' and 'should bes' bull. Focus on what we can do to realistically improve the space program.

>> No.1543801
File: 6 KB, 493x402, 1259314025218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me have a happy.

>> No.1543804

i wouldn't, if he gets reelected the first matter of business would be CRASH PHOBOS INTO MARS

>> No.1543812
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>almost no voters would ever support cutting military spending in half.
You're fucking kidding me, right?
No, I would arrange a small part of funding into investigating possible cheap, effective ways of terraforming and colonizing Mars.

>> No.1543823

no conservatives would vote for yo

>> No.1543827

Well, yeah. The LHC creates anti-matter. Just in tiny tiny amounts. We're talking atoms here. But thats because the LHC is not built for making it, its built for finding tiny shit like the Higgs Boson. Antimatter farms are basically particle accelerators tuned for antimatter production hooked up to a ridiculously powerful energy source (your lunar solar farms.)

The antimatter is the most perfect fuel because it is 100% conversion of energy to matter. Nothing is absorbed in the atmosphere or wasted as excess heat from giant lasers. (although the efficiency of the particle accelerators that would produce it remains to be seen) The problem is getting it to earth safely, as any amount large enough to be useful for generating power would also go off with the power of a couple thousand nukes if it touches normal matter. Tiny little problem, that.

>> No.1543830
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I can live with that.

>> No.1543838

Could get liberals and libertarians. Don't need conservatives.

>> No.1543859
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>> No.1543861

Anti-particles are only ever made. Anti-hydrogen is a theory. Second, energy conversion of annihilation is 100% mass, yes, but the energy that comes out is largely unusable, especially with current technologies (gamma rays). Do you understand mechanical efficiency?

>> No.1543866

No, I'm not fucking kidding. I can count the number of elected officials who would actually support any kind of significant cuts to military spending on one hand: Barny Frank, Ron Paul, Walter Jones, and Ron Wyden... and even they would only support something on the scale of a 10-15% cut. Good luck convincing the other 481 members of Congress.

Meanwhile, recommending some simple but significant changes to NASA is something that's actually doable.

>> No.1543907
File: 43 KB, 628x238, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the elected officials.
I can also count the number of countries with highest amount of money spent on military out of a budget on no hands at all.
Captcha was crescendo decision, lol

>> No.1543910


Yes yes, I know. Original lunar AMAT farm idea was to make AMAT for fuel for a Valkyrie or Orion style spaceship which is hella easier than making usable electricity. I concede that I was stupid to make my AMAT > LASERS post.
....antimatter is still cooler than lasers.

>> No.1543936

Again... nobody's arguing the US doesn't spend a ridiculous amount of money on its military. Nobody's arguing that's not completely retarded. But you're not going to convince a single elected congressman to support cutting military spending by 45%

I hate our ridiculously overblown 'defense' budget too... but I care more about the space program. Changing the former is not a battle that can be one... the latter issue isn't much better but at least there's a chance of making a difference, however slim.

>> No.1543942
File: 34 KB, 600x485, 1277608316706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you're not going to convince a single elected congressman to support cutting military spending by 45%
Note to self: learn how to speak like Carl Sagan

>> No.1543964

Welcome to 2010.
We have already produced antihydrogen since 1995 and produced antihelium-3 in 2003.

>> No.1543966

I have yet to see a single interview or article suggesting Congressman Paul has supported more than a 20-25% cut in military spending.

Focusing more on idealistic could bes and should bes accomplishes nothing. Yes it'd be wonderful if military spending were slashed by 90% and we had a hundred thousand windmills in every state and there were no starving children in Africa... but that's not what the point of this thread is. The point s convincing congress to oppose a single bill... a goal that could be realistically achieved within the next month.

>> No.1543970


oops, link to >>1543866 by mistake

>> No.1543986

it's not like I would implement these radical things immediately- first I would abolish the federal reserve and bring the production base back to America.

There is the problem that I'm an Australian, though.

>> No.1544001

>There is the problem that I'm an Australian, though.
Then your opinions on American politics, and the argument which has derailed this very nice thread are irrelevant.

>> No.1544012
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>people like my ideas though very sad that they won't come true due to hurr durr senate
>say I'm Australian

>> No.1544032

You derailed an honest attempt to do something to save the American space program into a series of naive rants about aspects of American politics you disapprove of.

I can only hope that if efforts to save NASA fail and it is transformed into a welfare program, that your country's space program will be able to take its plac... OH WAIT!

>> No.1544036
File: 45 KB, 290x290, 1270423422388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying American politics isn't absolutely buttfucking retarded
>implying Australian politics isn't buttfucking retarded
>implying wanting a metric shitton for NASA as funding straight away isn't awesome

Get off /sci/ please, you have no vision.

>> No.1544066

>implying there is anything you, as a citizen of another country, can do to influence American space policy other than derail a thread actually trying to do something with empty political rants.

>> No.1544075

>implying I ever said there was
Jeez man, I'm trying to inspire some optimism

>> No.1544111

No, you're trying to be funny and not everyone has caught on to the fact you're a child who still thinks being an asshat counts as a joke. You do some funny shit sometimes... which you then kill when you just don't know when to turn it off. You have not yet developed a sense of appropriateness or timing when it comes to humor. It'd be terrible to discover that you're over 18 and still have such a lack of experience in rather basic social concepts.

>> No.1544183
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i mean, the biggest ones aren't a threat since they orbit between mars and jupiter safely and forever. even tyrannosaurs are just a bigger threat. our civilization will last for million of years, and we'll colonize more worlds. perhaps we may destroy eachothers in another nuclear war eventually.

>> No.1544194
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>No, you're trying to be funny
>and not everyone has caught on to the fact you're a child who still thinks being an asshat counts as a joke.
Why so mad? There is nothing to be angry about.
>You do some funny shit sometimes... which you then kill when you just don't know when to turn it off.
I'm funny now?
>You have not yet developed a sense of appropriateness or timing when it comes to humor. It'd be terrible to discover that you're over 18 and still have such a lack of experience in rather basic social concepts.
You do realize this is /sci/, right?

>> No.1544198

The pursuing of knowledge is the ultimate goal of humanity. We are curious creatures, and the only species alive with our own growing cultures. But instead of this, many others would rather focus on BS like war and politics, because humans have fucking complicated societies. And politicians are fuckheads.

I'd also vote for you.

>> No.1544229

I am not upset in the slightest. You're just a kid... And in answer to the "you do realize your on /sci/?" Yes, this increases the probability you are actually under 18. In the off chance that you're over 18, I would like to point out you have a social deficiency that you should have gotten rid of years ago.

>> No.1544250

Regardless of whatever problems he might have your current behavior does not reflect well upon you and has been noted.

>> No.1544280
File: 60 KB, 823x655, 22032010_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because you're a stunning beacon of social interaction, what with your pointing out and exaggeration of others assumed flaws.

And yes, u mad.

>> No.1544296 [DELETED] 

And once again, trolling.
>"Oh no, i am not getting to this guy. Oooh, I know, I'll insist I am anyway until he gets upset though the annoyance of it.

Your humor is falling flat. And simply attempting to be annoying does not count as humor. If you want to really be funny and just a troll, listen to my advice. Learn about proper timing.

>> No.1544303

And once again, trolling.
>"Oh no, i am not getting to this guy. Oooh, I know, I'll insist I am anyway until he gets upset though the annoyance of it.

Your humor is falling flat. And simply attempting to be annoying does not count as humor. If you want to really be funny and not just a troll, listen to my advice. Learn about proper timing.

>> No.1544310
File: 13 KB, 240x240, 1264255155814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. I wasn't even attempting to troll you, but you so blatantly come into the thread going 'I think you're a aspie dumbass' and I can't help but fuck with you.

>> No.1544315
File: 73 KB, 300x301, 1280188085966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're both attention whoring niggers, stfu

>> No.1544320

Except, again, you're only attempting to fuck with me and it's not even upsetting. You've already completely derailed the thread and our little back and forth changes nothing. Your "crash phobos" gag is funny, i like that one. I've even joined in with you, it's great. But you have done nothing but upset people in this thread. I am the only one not mad, not insulting you, and not flipping a shit. I am trying to help you and you are so absorbed, to hopelessly insistent on "he's not mad, I must try harder" that you have just completely lost. The one person trying to help you and you target them. Again, really, just learn some timing.

>> No.1544330
File: 79 KB, 403x235, 1279690577227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except, again, you're only attempting to fuck with me and it's not even upsetting
>But you have done nothing but upset people in this thread.
The thing is, you're still posting. You need to 'prove' something to me, otherwise you would just not post.

>> No.1544331

Hey look, tripfags are arguing.

>> No.1544339

>you need to "prove" something to me, or you would not post.

Wow, like, you're exactly right. In fact I may or may not have said
>I am trying to help you

>> No.1544344
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 1267676987732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really see no help. Sorry bro.

Does this make you feel... upset?

>> No.1544346

No, not upset. But at least you proved to me you're over 18.

>> No.1544352
File: 434 KB, 643x361, 1268454599678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you. You've just caught me in my 'dicking around' time. Come back in 12 or so hours when I'm serious again.

>> No.1544371
File: 68 KB, 650x507, whenyouseeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>even tyrannosaurs are just a bigger threat

True. Good to finally see someone else who doesn't believe in all that dinosaur extinction bullshit.

>> No.1544378

Oh no, they're extinct. But that doesn't mean they cannot come back.

>> No.1544494



>> No.1544498
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>> No.1544588
File: 23 KB, 300x219, s-OBAMA-large300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not going to veto the shit out of this bill

>> No.1544591

I gave up on you Americans for manned space exploration and I am going to learn Chinese

>> No.1544597
File: 173 KB, 892x1024, whatsupdoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you.. serious ?

Are you.. saying there's no point in space exploration ? Oh wow.

>> No.1544603
File: 25 KB, 333x347, 1275556520889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europe keeps getting the innovative projects and spreads billions of subsidies supported by ~20 governments
>NASA gets crippled with a budget of a couple of million a year
>my face

>> No.1544611
File: 98 KB, 480x640, Falcon_9_upright_on_pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constellation is overpriced and underperforming political pork. NASA has already lost the race, there are private sector companies who will soon be able to put men and materials into space far cheaper.

>> No.1544615
File: 35 KB, 304x367, magellan_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to fucking realize we HAVE NOT found another continent close to us. And even if we did, after all the exploration we've done, it would be way too far away to send anyone and expect them to come back alive. We will NOT be traveling to other continents anytime soon. Perhaps we can build more wharfs or even a penitentiary or something around our shores but other than that, it's pointless. No need to waste money that could be better spent researching dandyness... proving the phlogiston theory.. ETC. As of now, there is NO point in putting that amount of money into "exploration"

>captcha: mass subluminal
I came

>> No.1544643

>There is no point in exploring because we have not found anything!

...oh I am not saging your post or this thread. I want everyone to read what you wrote. It's comedic genius.

>> No.1544645

Crap, replied to the joke post making fun of the comedic genius post... in combination BOTH are awesome.

>> No.1544659

Why don't NASA put all its funding towards mining the moon or asteroids? Then it can fund itself and do whatever the fuck it wanted.

>> No.1544673

NASA never had enough funding to do that. Technically they did, if you include ten years of funding totaled... but that would mean they'd have to do absolutely nothing else BUT a mining project.

>> No.1544686

Moon is hollow, faggot.

>> No.1544707


I gave up on Australians being the ones to push manned space exploration.

>> No.1544713
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>doing anything

>> No.1545170
File: 66 KB, 429x700, 1265014208590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, the private industry is depending on financial aid and incentives through the COTS program to help fund their initial development, and to provide an initial client when their spacecraft are up and running.

You think COTS will continue operating if the commercial development budget is cut from $6 bil to $250 mil? Fuck no. COTS would be shut down and commercial spaceflight would die.

I'm writing an email to my representative right now.

>> No.1545215
File: 7 KB, 225x225, nasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this bill! NASA deserves better! Congress needs to amend it or vote it down!

>> No.1545394
