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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.41 MB, 640x360, wtcnorthtower.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15412554 No.15412554 [Reply] [Original]

what happened here /sci/?

>> No.15412560

Appears to be some kind of building. It was there, and then it was not

>> No.15412567

Is that one of those demolition videos? Why did they set it on fire first?

>> No.15412573

the jet fuel cooks the steel

>> No.15412578

Smoking is bad for you mkay?

>> No.15412582

Classic China

>> No.15412614


>> No.15412619

the Republican Party and their reliable warhawk bloc was going extinct, Bush and (((those))) influencing him knew it, so they gave the US another babby pearl harbor excuse to kill civilians overseas and secure more votes for coal power and preteen pregnancy and shit.

>> No.15412621

Both parties are compromised by jewish supremacists and bribes, extortion, or blackmail rings like EpsteinMaxwell.

You just stop at LE REPUBLICANS, because you're a fucking retard.

>> No.15412624

>Obama did 9/11

>> No.15413236
File: 29 KB, 736x365, bush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the democratic party perpetuates the same lie and so does russia and china

>> No.15414788

Dustification using directed energy weaponry.

>> No.15414791

the ceremonial destruction of the twin towers had been planned out since the building was constructed decades before.

>> No.15415463

I'm going to explain this like you're 5.

Big heavy building want to fall down.
Earth pull on building hard.
But strong metal hold building up.
Very hot fire.
Strong metal get soft not strong.
Earth still pulling.
So big heavy building fall down.

>> No.15415512

>half of the world hates the US and their freely done war crimes
>clearly an inside job lol nobody would target the US

>> No.15415518

Obama and Osama are actually the same person.
Source: >>>/x/

>> No.15416329

that's not how it works
the vast majority of the building wasn't even on fire

>> No.15416417

hot fire on part of the building weaken steel
building above fire get pulled down
momentum of falling building go crash crash crash crash downwards
building overall weakened because big debris falling down onto lower floors
building go down

>> No.15416441

jet fuel melted steel beams

>> No.15416447

The lower floors were not strong enough to support the floors above them. Simple.

>> No.15416457
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The basis for the most inappropriate joke my mom ever made
>Visit new york
>On second day, hotel managing guy is talking to my mom
>Asking if everything is fine, where we are from etc.
>Basic small talk ensues
>Conversation drifts to 9/11
>How terrible that day was
>Guy mentions that the Hijackers studied at a german university
>Mom jokingly replies that in the end their proper german education at least helped them achieve a dream somehow
>Guy looks at her like pic rel
>She tries to explain, just wanted to say that german unis are quite good
>Guy is still beyond pissed
>We leave

>> No.15416458
File: 250 KB, 1080x1193, wtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you see that massive inner core?
it was designed to carry the gravitational loads
and the top just went right through it at close to freefall speed

>> No.15416463

Entropy increased. Pretty much unavoidable.

>> No.15416549

>jet fuel melted steel beams
also domino effect, once it starts dropping each floor adds more weight and pressure

>> No.15416597
File: 15 KB, 643x451, TIMESAND___IsThisTheMan762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guy is still beyond pissed

>> No.15416598


>> No.15416634

Right. The lower floors could never hold all that weight. They weren't designed for that.

>> No.15416658

>9/11 violates laws of physics

>> No.15416671

>What is momentum

>> No.15416694

>what is the law of conservation of momentum

>> No.15416703

Something that has caused 2 buildings in history to entirely collapse due to fire and no others.

>> No.15416839

You obviously don't know what it means

>> No.15417447

Fatty fat mc fatlard amerishart™©® farted and killed 6 gorullion of his kind. 2 birgurs were harmed too

>> No.15417591

>they clearly used super thermite that doesnt detonate or produce any residuals and is totally undetectable and does not alter the pressure inside the building
>it was planted there when the asbestos was being removed.

>> No.15417609

>the vast majority of the building wasn't even on fire
the floors that were weakened by fire and crash collapsed ontop on the floors that were not on fire
massively increasing the weight on the next floor down which that floor is not designed to handle
this floor collapses onto the floor below which again is not rated for anywhere close to this amount of weight, apply this to every floor below but the weight gets higher and higher every second resulting in a cascade collapse extremely fast.

like its the same as when you stand on a scale and then you hold very heavy weights, and you keep doing that until you cant hold these weights anymore. take that weight and then add even more. that is you max rated weight. then stand on the scale again and jump up and down onto the scale 1 time, the peak recorded weight during this action is going to be much higher than your estimated max weight when holding weights.
now imagine you are holding 8x your body weight and you jump.
even if there was no crash and no fire, if this cascade of floors falling down hits the next floor that is perfectly intact it is going to fall down and become part of the cascade.
this is extremely simple stuff to understand.

>> No.15417615

>look lots of steel, steel is strong :) and look how much there is, nothing can break it:)
fucking spastic.

>> No.15417625

what's the object made of that is crushing the steel structure?

>> No.15417647

this goes into my troll-science collection

>> No.15417648

10 floors of burning steel and concrete all falling more or less at the same time.
i assume you have read this anon?

>> No.15417649

Try this anon; Hold up a weight close to what you can carry in one arm. Now have a friend drop that weight from a foot try to catch it without moving your arm anon.
When a gravitational load is in motion it's inertia is added to the weight you feel. ~1/3 of a giant building that moves: A lot of inertia.

>> No.15417653

but if it's burning that means it's even softer than the structure it's hitting

>> No.15417662


>> No.15417671


What happened to Building 7, daddy? No airplanes or evil muslims hating our Judeo-Christian civilization.

>> No.15418102

from what i have seen every part of 9/11 is 100% explainable except for building 7.
at least from what i have seen.
like yeh, planes hit the buildings and the pentagon and that random field in the middle of nowhere.
but building 7 man i just dont see it.

>> No.15418245

how do you explain the collapse of the twin towers?

>> No.15418270

here i already wrote this.

the general narrative is probably true. but wtc 7 is just too far for me.

>> No.15418348

>here i already wrote this.
but that's utter nonsense i thought you were trolling
i don't even know where to start

>> No.15418369

>its nonesense
prove me wrong.

>> No.15418376


>> No.15418412

no you stupid cunt
prove what i said wrong.
actual dipshit.
do what i said to do and prove me wrong.

>> No.15418437

somehow you got the idea that the floors weren't rated to hold a weight above an unspecified treshold, but the bottom floors already held all of the weight of the upper floors and this same structure continued all the way to the top, the inner core to carry gravitational loads and the perimeter walls to resist lateral forces
furthermore you stated that the upper floors were weakened by the fire and destroyed the floors that weren't weakened
that is some inverted logic my dude

>> No.15418466

thats not what i said.
my main point is the jump on the scales.
this simulates the fall.
you can rate for whatever but once that shit starts falling it doesnt matter what the rating was.
also yeh, it burned and was weakened not fucking evaporated.
its still up top. it is still heavy. you can heat a steel beam to the point of bending or breaking and it is still going to weigh roughly the same as when it was cold and at peak structural integrity.
you can heat concrete to the point where it cracks but it will still weigh roughly the same.

>> No.15418474

but it's weakened, the joints won't hold up, concrete cracks and breaks up
why would it take the path of the most resistance?

>> No.15418490

you mean least right?
it has no reason to fall to any side and its not going to float, so the floors pancaking is the path of least resistance.

>> No.15418501

>it was designed to carry the gravitational
as opposed to fucking what, burger loads?
do you even read what you write?

>> No.15418506
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>when you are holding 8x your body weight and you jump

>> No.15418508

as opposed to lateral forces from winds and such

>> No.15418513

if you're the anon saying that a tower 100s of meters high should be able to just tank half its total weight falling on it then you're wrong

the anon before explained it pretty well here

>> No.15418516

was it fucking falling from the mid section? no

>> No.15418518

why am i wrong?

>> No.15418520

you're saying that a sky scraper should be able to tank its own weight falling on its self
nothing is rated to withstand something like that
and it sure as hell wouldn't be in a country like america where sub contracting and corner cutting is second nature to literally every building project for the sake of profit

>> No.15418523

>building falling = building falling

>> No.15418533

>its own weight falling on its self
19 floors falling on 91

>> No.15418540

See >>15418506

>> No.15418543

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the Ukraine and Russia war start soon after the one with America and Afghanistan.

>> No.15418547

holy shit this has to be bait
its 19 floors falling onto 1 floor, and then 20 floors falling onto 1 floor and then 21 floors falling onto 1 flaw.

do you actually not understand this?

>> No.15418551

>onto 1 flaw.
floor sorry.

>> No.15418552

>this has to be bait
oh the projection

>> No.15418556
File: 654 KB, 300x168, science_proven-schizo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beyond science™

>> No.15418573

lol another common retard test full of government shills

>> No.15418580

so if i drop a brick onto your head its ok because im not dropping it on the rest of your body which is holding up your head :)

>> No.15418583

an actual study

>> No.15418592

Where did the straight downward momentum come from? Did the jet fuels melt the seel beems into liquid?
>muh impact
No, the plane barely made it through the windows and the building barely shook when it was hit.

>> No.15418596

Someone please fly a plane into a skyscraper for science, we need a larger study group.

>> No.15418622

if i was elon musk this is what i would have done instead of buying twitter.
imagine if you could perfectly recreate it.

>> No.15418626

>No, the plane barely made it through the windows

>> No.15418747

>Did the jet fuels melt the seel beems into liquid?
No, in conjunction with the impact it just weakened them to the point they could no longer support the floors above
>No, the plane barely made it through the windows

>> No.15418773

WTC7 fell and proves that the first two towers were hallucinations all along, like the moon landing.
Also something something Jews.

>> No.15418861

Another 9/11 thread with no mention at all of Lucky Larry Silverstein.
Weird how that is. They want me to forget but I wont.

>> No.15419038
File: 144 KB, 1642x1250, 9-11_dancers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15419296

because the jew shit is by far the least interesting part of the whole thing.
this is a thread about how the buildings fell not why planes crashed into them you fucking idiot.

>> No.15419306
File: 1.22 MB, 892x667, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it didn't literally melt. it weakens a lot at high temperatures without waiting to melt.

t. civil engineer with a lot of annoying structural-materials studies.

>> No.15419308
File: 65 KB, 225x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS. also the structural design was stupid, in that a central column carried most of the bulk. most other buildings (including the replacement for those) has a strong outer shell that would destroy an airplane before entering a "core" (or at least try).

>> No.15419325
File: 1.44 MB, 1071x804, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Osama gave some interviews back then that Americans never saw because they were censored and few had access to any kind of 'dark web'.
He clear said he believed he was lucky and that he hoped for major damage and didn't expect a total collapse.
As a professional at structural engineering I believe him because what he did relied on that building having most of its weight concentrated on a single column (unless they did a survey of all the buildings in the area and looked for one that had exactly that weakness (it would not be impossible by just visiting them).

(it's not exactly a secret how your building is designed)

>> No.15419348
File: 496 KB, 728x933, keg7noqyml751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean it was a great design until a plane hit it.

>> No.15419353

perhaps it's not easy to foretell as an engineer. it explains how the planes cut through the outer shell like it was paper.
that is NOT common (most other buildings with strong outer structures would just make them explode there).

>> No.15419355

>why would it take the path of the most resistance
Matter is not sentient, it does not know or care that there is an easier path off to the side, all it knows is gravity is pulling it straight down.

>> No.15419358
File: 28 KB, 134x101, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat. is that even uneven near the top (one of the big columns splitting into different sizes)? that would probably make them even weaker.

>> No.15419359

Have you not seen any of the footage or photographs. The plane left huge holes right through the building, completely severing a significant number of the columns that hold up the building.

>> No.15419361

Why is the building completely empty?

>> No.15419362

>due to fire
Why does everyone ignore the massive amount of physical damage. Its as if you people don't have eyes, because the extent of the physical damage was extreamly obvious.

>> No.15419364

do you know what a spastic is? it's someone who has twitchy muscles. it's not a general purpose insult. delete your comment and try again

>> No.15419367

Most likely a painting and not a real photo

>> No.15419368

The dancing israeli thing is suspicious as fuck so I would definitely not say the Jew angle is the least interesting part of it.

>> No.15419375 [DELETED] 

The TV interview they gave after being released by the FBI is wild.

>> No.15419381

this is when it was still in construction, you can see the cranes on top. so every floor was empty. just the raw structure.

>> No.15419395
File: 186 KB, 1199x900, 1199px-World_Trade_Center_Building_Design_with_Floor_and_Elevator_Arrangement_m.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well the building was still under construction so it could be something to do with that or maybe stairs? idk im trying to find blueprints that show this but my brain doesnt even know where to start.
it could be 1 is stairs and the other is elevator
best i can find is this pic which shows the elevators do kind of go up in sections like we see in the photo.

>> No.15419397

i dont give a fuck if jews did it, i care about people saying that it was a controlled demolition or totally fake or thats not how buildings fall.
great jews did 9/11... NOW WHAT?
ok can we move on to actually interesting shit.
for fucks sake.
>da joos
so fucking boring.

>> No.15419410
File: 666 KB, 640x360, wtc1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15419413
File: 2.85 MB, 640x480, wtc1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15419439

anything else you would like to add to the conversation?

>> No.15419451
File: 2.45 MB, 550x310, thermite911.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thermitic reaction right before the collapse

>> No.15419453
File: 714 KB, 480x270, thermite2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15419455

us went full drama

>> No.15419456

these dont look the same
if you think they do, you are blind and retarded

>> No.15419460

>these are not the droids you are looking for

>> No.15419467

>anything else you would like to add to the conversation?
you can see the preemptive detonations...

>> No.15419475

thermite doesnt stop
the sparks on the tower started and stopped.
what we are seeing in the tower is molten metal sparks.
hmmm that looks familiar doesnt it

>> No.15419480

>molten metal sparks
what do you think iron oxide and aluminum powder produces

>> No.15419486

>air inside the building
>massive weight crushes the floors
>air has to go somewhere
>air and smoke gets pushed out through a weak window


>it was an explosive device
>but only on 1 window
>and only 1 explosion
>with no fire
>just pushing smoke out
show me any controlled demolition that only has 1 explosion on 1 side every like 20 floors.
you cant because thats now how controlled demolition works.
also why would you set off explosives in a building that is already falling down? the top was already collapsing.

>> No.15419487
File: 23 KB, 602x436, main-qimg-bdd6c67d412946f7b10e7fa6cea5d731-3906033458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's melting the metal?

>> No.15419490

what do you think molten steel produces?
fucking spastic.
or maybe it was molten steel which the entire fucking building was made of????????

>> No.15419491

steel melts at 1500C

>> No.15419498

heat from the fire + pressure of the entire top of the building resting on far far far less supports than it was designed for.
if you compress metal it will get extremely hot and it will melt.

>> No.15419502

how did they know it was steel?

>> No.15419511

The amount of shills in this thread is mind boggling

>> No.15419519

>anyone i disagree with is a shill

>> No.15419601

the resistance of the lower section was so high that the top floors started to melt on top of it but then crashed right through it
if it didn't collapse how long would it have taken for the entire top section to melt on top of the lower section?

>> No.15419605

>floors started to melt
no the supports were melting

>> No.15419612

>but only on 1 window
at least two
if it was weight pushing out air why did it stop with increasing weight pushing down air?

>> No.15419638

>at least two
yes, but 1 and then 1 more on the same side like 10 floors down.
>if it was weight pushing out air why did it stop with increasing weight pushing down air?
could you rephrase this? im having trouble understanding it, thanks :)

>> No.15419650

>it weakens a lot at high temperatures without waiting to melt
And collapsed perfectly straight downward onto parts that were not weak, at near free fall speeds?

>> No.15419656

Yes goyim don’t question it because it’s boring! See, it’s just not worth remembering that Jews are responsible for almost all global happenings , boring!
You’re a retard sir

>> No.15419658

>air inside the building
>massive weight crushes the floors
>air has to go somewhere
>air and smoke gets pushed out through a weak window
>then stops happening because that was the only weak window

>> No.15419663

>maybe it was molten steel which the entire fucking building was made of?
I thought the buildings core was made of beams

>> No.15419668

wtc structure animation

>> No.15419676

you didnt read my post.
go back. read it. and then apologise for being retarded

>> No.15419677

>And collapsed perfectly straight downward
Yes because that was the path of least resistance. There were no significant lateral forces that would make it fall in any other direction
>onto parts that were not weak, at near free fall speeds
Yes. The top portion of the building was practically in free fall when the supports collapsed

>> No.15419680

look at any close up video or picture of the tower.
most of the windows are already broken on most of the floors.
also air can go through the stairs/elevator and bypass multiple levels.

>> No.15419693
File: 578 KB, 1615x1012, Bildschirmfoto 2023-05-06 um 14.31.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15419698
File: 1.46 MB, 1500x1774, 49887401-51c9-4cf2-aaa9-dc0f8ae5e17c_2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of steel....
but also steel beams make up the exterior walls and floor.
also im pretty sure the entire exterior was clad in aluminium which has a much lower melting point than steel.
side note, its a shame how hard it is to actually get high res pictures of any of the construction or stuff like that, also alot of the diagrams are pretty old and low res.

>> No.15419712
File: 1.52 MB, 1500x1774, 1683377158734455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15419737

you dont understand how falling things work do you?

>> No.15419867 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 683x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah retarded people have the delusion a building that size of a mountain would drop like a broom stick in a 90 angle from the bottom. it's like expecting mountains to open like pic related on every earthquake.

also it's not even as clear "straight down" as the conspiracy theorists claim; for building 7 which was smaller they cherry pick a video; on other videos it is clearly at a clumsy angle going down.

>> No.15419875
File: 301 KB, 683x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah retarded people have the delusion that a building the size of a mountain would drop like a broomstick at a 90 angle from its base. it's like expecting mountains to open like pic related on every big earthquake.

also it's not even as clear "straight down" as the conspiracy theorists claim; for building 7 which was smaller they cherry pick a certain video; on other videos it is clearly at a clumsy angle while going down.

>> No.15419929

ignoring the rest of this thread explaining how obviously an airliner crashing into a building would destroy it as retarded theory uno

retarded theory no.2
>most defended airspace in the world? how did they let an aeroplane hit the tower then?
basically all aeroplane hijackings were for ransoms, not for some death cult, and no, they don't have random SAM sites in new york for no reason (probably do now tho)
and two jet fighters did try and scramble but it was too late

retarded theory no.3
>but they found an undamaged passport of one of the terrorists! clearly a plant
lots of stuff was undamaged by the crash, including a fabric seat and shoes as opposed to a leather wallet

>> No.15419937

Sparks like this aren't specific to thermite. Almost any material that isn't wood will create a spark shower when burning under pressure. Wood doesn't because of its fiber structure, but most materials that aren't fibrous do.

>> No.15419967

Imagine believing Osama was behind these controlled demolition/occult ritual. Retarded NPC, no shortage of you on /sci/

>> No.15419977

wood will create sparks but not anywhere close to this.
usually a result of kinetic force and the hot/on fire charcoal

>> No.15420000

Yeah. It has sparks, but they look different, because the burning pieces flying off are fibers rather than grainy particles. So the total number of particles is lower and they burn less intensely, so it doesn't look nearly as dramatic. Charcoal is a middle ground, because much of the fiber structure in charcoal has burned away.

>> No.15420036

There have been skyscrapers where the fire caused top floors to collapse onto lower floors, but the whole building didn't collapse at all, much less like it was a controlled demolition.

>> No.15420054

you're stupid. back then hijackings were extremely easy. the buildings have a stupid design that holds all the weight from a single column in the middle lol (it's why they seem to cut through the building like it's paper lol (most of it was glass and thin 1-floor-only structure)).

>> No.15420059

New York not having air defense to this day is suspicious though. Washington has it.

>> No.15420067

The opposite is true. Most buildings have a strong inner frame with a weaker outer shell. The twin towers had a strong inner core linked to a strong outer shell. This allowed an open floor plan on all the floors, but it was a poor design choice when it came to being significantly damaged. They said they planned for airplane strikes, but apparently they didn't plan that well.

>> No.15420083

>ctl+f nerve gas
>0 results

Really /sci/?

>> No.15420105


>> No.15420162 [DELETED] 
File: 574 KB, 788x788, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memes. the main bulk is obviously supported by the core in the middle. the out stuff were paper thin for the standard of that building height.

>> No.15420166
File: 574 KB, 788x788, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memes. the main bulk is obviously supported by the core in the middle. the outer stuff were paper-thin for the standards of that building height.

>> No.15420171
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PS I mean look at this shit. there is almost no load bearing structure peripherally.

if there was the planes would just explode on the outside for the most part.

>> No.15420190

Schizo theory: The buildings were designed to collapse. 11.09.2001 was the first day of the new millennium according to the coptic calendar, that the elites use.

>> No.15420332

>The buildings were designed to collapse
seems to me they were designed to be cheap

>> No.15420764

>There have been skyscrapers
where they built in the exact way as the world trade centers?
did they have a plane crash into them?
no? then shut the fuck up about shit that is literally irrelevant

>> No.15420880


>> No.15421200

either a false flag or a scientific impossibility
you decide

>> No.15421209
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Fuck I hate showing up to a thread after it has already devolved to sub-100 IQers flinging schizo shit at each other.

Here's what happened.
1. Jet crashed into the building, spreading burning jet fuel all across two floors.
2. High temperature from the fire started heating up the metal structure.
3. Metal conducts heat rapidly. Eventually the entire metal framework of the building on all floors started getting hot. This is the critical detail that people miss. Even though the fire was on a few floors, it heated up the entire metal structure on all floors.
4. Heat makes metal soft.
5. Eventually one of the floors softened to the point of buckling. Since the entire structure was butter soft by that point, the shock from the first buckled floor cascaded down the whole building.

>> No.15421245

>isreal funds Al-Qaeda
>Al-Qaeda hijacks the planes
>the attacks push america into a frenzy and pushes their massive military into the middle east
>hundreds of billions are instantly poured into defence and rnd
>isreal is america's only real ally in the region
>isreal gets cutting edge military training and hardware on top of billions of dollars on top of the donations they already were getting
>isreal keeps getting stronger while america is massively weakening all of the surrounding nations that all hate isreal
>even mentioning isreal or jews in the same sentence is instantly considered hate speech
>everyone thinks america did it to themselves
great can we talk about the buildings now?

>> No.15421257

also people forget how hot smoke gets.
>NIST reported maximum upper layer air temperatures of about 1,000 degrees Celsius
>The strength of steel remains essentially unchanged until about 600°F. The steel retains about 50% of its strength at 1100°F
>1100°F = 593.3333°C
and just the air temp was almost double that.

>> No.15421313

but what about the rest of the floor? They are not heated.

>> No.15421328

we already went over this anon.

>> No.15421544
File: 74 KB, 687x386, temperature-strength-metals-SI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much jet fuel was left after it went up into a big ball of fire?
how much heat do you suggest was distributed across the entire structure?
it must've been more than 350C since structural steel actually gains strength when heated

>> No.15421581
File: 770 KB, 2086x3000, 1683421203373198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the outer stuff were paper-thin for the standards of that building height

>> No.15421615

jews wrongdoings.

>> No.15421630
File: 457 KB, 433x881, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is on that pic. a load bearing structure there being completely gone would have already collapsed it and it's obvious a thick core further in holds it all up.

the see-through pic someone posted above is the most hilariously revealing about that fact.

>> No.15421641

watching this makes me so sad

>> No.15421644

wait it backwards, and it's like a dick, getting an erection.

>> No.15421647

my dick does not erect into a disappearing smoke cloud

>> No.15422224

Not really.
We have established that the top section was super soft butter and bottom section hardened steel.

>> No.15422238
File: 2.71 MB, 4500x3037, 1683424705534680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15422495


>> No.15422503


>> No.15422635

yes for a fully loaded Boeing 767 flying as fast as possible the outside of the towers were literally paper thin.
it was for a fully loaded Boeing 767 flying as fast as possible a straight shot to the core of the building.

>> No.15422641

>was super soft butter
begone troll.

>> No.15422809

i've repeated what >>15421209 said. read the room

>> No.15422816

controlled detonations by operatives funded by the cheney administration so cheney can give his friends in the military industrial complex a pay day when they go to war as promised.

>> No.15422824

I won't confirm any official theories, but things don't work the way we think they do. Every impulse breaks down into constituent frequencies and hence the power of the weirding way. In the case of slamming into a steel frame, the plane is acting like a soft but very very large artillery shell. It is the sort of power people attribute to an orbital barrage, suppose like dropping a tungsten rod from space.
As for the final collapse of the structure, that is a different sort of problem.

>> No.15422875
File: 661 KB, 352x240, 911_178_08-512484078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the second plane actually missed the core that's why people were still able to use the stairwell and escape
but still exactly the same collapse

>> No.15423805

which is interesting because the tower that the second plane hit actually fell first meaning even though it didnt hit the core directly the fact that it missed and went further through to the other side did more damage.
also from the footage i see, it hit far lower meaning there was significantly more weight above where the plane cut through.
actually i just did some searching before posting and i came across this document showing the plane did hit the wtc 2 core, but it just clipped the corner(page 50)

>> No.15424071

"What a Gravity Driven Demolition Looks Like"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FYUGFG3Rj0 [

>> No.15424090

ok but what does this hydraulic system look like?
not only that but this video does not dispute that planes hit the towers and that the towers had massive structural damage and were on fire for over an hour and had an inside air temp of 1,000 degrees Celsius
can said hydraulic system withstand being hit with a plane and being of fire and being at that temp for that long?

how was this system installed?
when was it installed?
has this system been used on a building with the same design as the towers?
if they had access to plant these hydraulics ahead of time why not just plant traditional explosives and frame it on the arabs anyway?
why wait so long to activate these hydraulics?
are you saying they planted these hydraulics in a set area of the tower and had the hijackers fly into the exact same area of the tower?
why have the towers start falling at 2 different heights and have the planes hit 2 different areas if this was so well planned out?

>> No.15424174

no one is saying hydraulics were used to bring down the twin towers
the video is an example of hydraulics being used to induce a gravity driven demolition and how there was a measurable impact when the top section connected with the bottom section
something that didn't happen with the twin towers

>> No.15424181

it also shows how both sections mutually destroyed each other in the process

>> No.15424195

>traditional explosives weren't used
>oh and hydraulics weren't used either
>oh and it wasn't because of the planes
why even post if you aren't going to offer a counter solution
all you are doing is saying "that didnt happen"

>> No.15424203

i've shown you molten metal leaking out of the towers moments before the collapse
i've shown you preemptive explosions
i've shown you firefigthers talking about rivers of molten metal
so if you can add one and one together that would imply the usage of both thermite and explosives

>> No.15424276

>preemptive explosions
no you havent
no proof, also we have already gone over this, 2 random expulsions of smoke on the same side multiple floors between, AFTER the building started to fall.
>i've shown you molten metal leaking out of the towers moments before the collapse
no you have shown sparks that start and stop, also even if that was molten metal you have nothing to prove what kind of metal it was.
>i've shown you firefigthers talking about rivers of molten metal
without footage neither of us can say if they were telling the truth and on top of that no one who was there that day would have been able to tell 1 molten metal from another molten metal, was it steel? was it aluminium? you dont fucking know, they dont fucking know and i dont fucking know and we dont have any footage of it.
>both thermite and explosives
again literally no proof.
>it was a controlled demo that used both thermite and explosives(this never happens
>but it didnt look like traditional demo
>and there was only 2 little puffs of smoke after it started to fall
>and only on one side
>oh and the only type of non explosive demolition wasnt used....
btw here is the largest steel frame building demolition i could find(totally different design)(and skyscrapers are usually un-built instead of imploded, they are taken apart in the same way they were constructed.)
hmmm thats ALOT of explosive, and thats ALOT of very loud booms, and thats ALOT of smoke coming out of every window on every floor.
this doesnt look at all like the twin towers at any point
it even fell down in a totally different way.
its almost as if skyscrapers like the twin towers are literally never brought down by explosives,

oh silly me! it must have been silent explosives planted in the elevator shafts and the planes did no structural damage at all :p

>> No.15424282

who needs precisely timed explosives and demolition experts when you can get the same result with some jetfuel and cutting some beams?

>> No.15424287

ok you've made the joke comment, now for the real one...

>> No.15424296

cutting random beams, too

>> No.15424300

a double joke comment combo
now for the real reply...

>> No.15424307

look, your trolling is very obvious
you've called the way down through the building the path of least resistance

>> No.15424357

because it is
what force was pushing it to fall to the side
what force was pushing it up?
we know exactly what forces are pulling it straight down through the rest of the building.

>> No.15424398

It's almost like flying a 300,000lb airliner into the building at 500MPH might also have done some damage.

Also, when did a building fire ever involve a cross country flight worth of fuel being ignited in the building?

>> No.15424742

the building didn't even twitch when the plane hit

>> No.15424761

how do you know?
>well i was looking at it in grainy footage from hundreds of meters away most of which is usually hand held
how about we take a look at a video where a 9/11 survivor talks about what happened when they were inside one of the towers as it was hit
>stairwell shaking back and forth
>handrails breaking away from the wall
>steps like waves in the ocean
so please tell me again how the tower didnt even twitch when the plane hit you absolute retard

>> No.15425397
File: 855 KB, 1280x720, wtc7.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15425402

When I see this I hear the laugh track in my head

>> No.15425411


>> No.15425425

>no explosions
>none of the windows even broke
>smoke indicates that at least the whole top half is on fire
>fall pattern especially at the end indicates the entire middle of the building had caved in
hmm looks like super thermite and smokeless shockwaveless explosives with a touch of hydraulics to me.

>> No.15425449

>freefall for 8 stories
>meaning nothing in the way to slow the fall
literally impossible by random fires

>> No.15425459

>random fires

>> No.15425540


>> No.15425572

are you retarded?
this doesnt support what you said.
you said random fires
this document has no mention of random fires
it talks about fires but not random ones?
are you ok in the head bro?
>On Sept. 11, 2001, WTC 7 endured fires for almost seven hours

>> No.15425578

separate fires in WTC 7 broke out on different floors, most notably on Floors 7 to 9 and 11 to 13. The WTC 7 fires were similar to building contents fires that have occurred in several tall buildings where the automatic sprinklers did not function or were not present.
>separate fires
>on different floors
aka random

>> No.15425581

you dont use random to describe that event.
simple as that.

>> No.15425587

but that's what it was

>> No.15425600

you dont understand the meaning of random
simple as.
what they describe cannot be accurately described as random

>> No.15425729

The building flexed considerably, but otherwise stayed within design limits. These things are designed to survive hurricane force wind loads.

>> No.15425739

are you saying it was.. controlled?
a controlled demolition maybe?
hm! you might be onto something

>> No.15425855

im just saying you misused the word random
and then linked an document as if it proved that it was random
they never said random
you just took what they said to mean random
that doesnt mean it is random or controlled
thats all
get it together mate.

>> No.15425911

thread theme

>> No.15425918

>what happened here /sci/?

Ritual sacrifice to appease ((((their)))) god(s)

>> No.15425921

ritual pagan sacrifice?
ok im with that.
someone has to feed moloch

>> No.15425952

>men growing beards in caves have a variety of talks
>come to the conclusion that they hate the freedoms
>cavemen plan to attack two financial buildings (finance amd economy was a fairly common subject around the campfire) in a land they saw on TV
>100% mission complete gold standard op picrel on first and second try
The rest is history

>> No.15425970

>this floor collapses onto the floor below which again is not rated for anywhere close to this amount of weight
if that's true then how come they designed the floors above it to be above it? Were they just floating there or something?

>> No.15425995

you are so fucking stupid
peak possible weight and peak resting weight are 2 different things you mouth breather.
if a chair is rated for 100kg and you are 50kg its fine even if 2 of you were sitting on it.
now if just 1 person were to jump onto it from multiple meters above the peak weight on the chair is going to be way 100k and the chair is going to be at the very least damaged if not totally destroyed
now imagine the chair was already thrown off a balcony and then set of fire for an hour.
and again i will repeat its not falling onto the entire bottom of the building, it is falling onto 1 floor, and then breaking that 1 floor and that it is falling again onto 1 floor, exponentially increasing the weight and destructive power.
again if your whole body is healthy and i drop a brick on your head are you going to fall over?
the rest of your body didnt get hit so why are you falling over?
why does your head hurt if it didnt touch the rest of your body?
see how this works?

christ. you guys are actually just brain dead.

>> No.15426013

Chairs are a bad example because they were what caused wtc7 to collapse (by catching on fire).

>> No.15426020

>doesnt engage just pivots

>> No.15426083

Chinese building burns for several hours. Doesn't collapse.
And your brick analogy implies he would collapse into his shoes when referring to this topic.

>> No.15426120

>not jet fuel fire
>is just a fire and no other structural damage caused by anything hitting it or exploding inside of it
>we know nothing about how this building was constructed
>20 years more building experience
>not even half as tall

>And your brick analogy implies he would collapse into his shoes when referring to this topic.
no... it doesnt imply that.
i was referencing the first idiot saying that it should not collapse at all because the tower that is not on fire should be totally fine because he thinks that the top of the tower is falling on top of the combined strength of the rest of the tower therefore nothing should happen or some stupid shit

>> No.15426125

I mean technically it WAS a controlled demolition, but by jihads.
Didn’t they find their passports nearby?

>> No.15426131

they found alot of intact stuff outside the towers.

>> No.15426708
File: 73 KB, 785x652, physics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you saying the top section counts as a single unit but the bottom section counts floor by floor?

i have visualized your troll physics and added how it would happen in reality without controlled demolition

>> No.15426722

you'd think if you wanted to fake it, you'd probably put a lot of fucking effort in to guarantee that it doesn't look like it was faked.
it's not like we don't have hundred of years of experience destroying buildings.
its like, if you have one single chance to fake these buildings being blown up, and you orchestrate these simultaneous fake hijackings and sacrifice thousands of your own citizens, you'd think that you would be absolutely fucking positive that you aren't going to be debunked by some retards saying "well it sure looks like that thing when buildings get controlled demolished".

>> No.15426732

>some retards

>> No.15426744

you're picking apart the point that is irrelevant.
why, if some shadow organization is willing to kill thousands of US citizens, and orchestrate multiple simultaneous hijackings in a truly unprecedented situation, where no do-overs are possible, would you ever leave any evidence pointing to premeditation?
why plant explosives? why set it up like a demolition? if they want to ensure it collapses, blow up one side of the building instead so it topples. any number of things other than a clean demolition, IF you were going to do it.

>> No.15426765

close but the tower was actually past its expiry date so they also used it to collect a huge insurance on it

>> No.15427143

other fake and gay staged "terrorist" attacks include:
>boston smokebomb
>brussels airport smokebomb
>vegas shooting
>dylan roof fake shooting
>san bernadino shooting
>manchester/ariana grande smokebomb
>berlin truck
>nice truck
>westminster attack 2017
>london bridge attack
and i can keep going. all fake, all gay

>> No.15427405

this is just a picture
you havent done math or calculated or simulated anything.
i could post my own picture and it would be just as valid.
watch op's video again, it lines up with what i said.
again you still havent proven my scale theory to wrong.
jump on a scale, the number is going to be huge.
and another thing is stop counting the entire bottom of the building as 1 object, its floor by floor.
by 8 seconds the entire top section is not longer a neat orderly building shaped thing its all be crushed together and is falling together.
and whatever is being crushed below is now added to the weight above.

>> No.15427407

what's being catapulted to the sides if it's added to the weight?

>> No.15427423

the frame :)
your only answer is
>duuur controlled demo huur duuurrrrr
how did the buildings fall down without mentioning some kind of pre planned assist.
because as we have gone over before that opens up a million questions and you cant answer a single one of them.
also NIST doesnt even believe in the pancake theory, they describe some middle out type shit.

>> No.15427429


>> No.15427475

what's catapulting the frame to the sides?

>> No.15427485

The air that's being compressed

>> No.15427499

does the compressed air only blow away the frame of the bottom section or also of the top section?

>> No.15427799

>Republican vs Democrats
These big cons are clearly above that fake rivalry

>> No.15428089

Funny how in controlled demolitions they blow up the building from the bottom. Obviously they should set a fire on a single floor 3/4ths the way up and the building will turn into dust.
(Don't forget the directed energy weapons though)

>> No.15428298
File: 651 KB, 796x601, 1675325054911273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15428673
File: 1.98 MB, 960x720, wtc7collapse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15428680

without saying controlled demo
what happened here?

>> No.15428707


>> No.15428722

>you'd think that you would be absolutely fucking positive

Texas heehaws totally predicted the rise of social media to expose them. Operation NWs

>> No.15428724

>Didn’t they find their passports nearby?

Yep within 1 hour of the event and in mint condition! Those pieces of paper proven they did it! Too bad they couldn't find the indestructible reinforced steel Blackboxs to really put these loser antivax republicans in their place! I AM SO SICK OF ANTIVAX ANTICHILDTRANS REPUBLICANS SAYING 9ELEVN WAS AN INSIDE JB!!!!!

>> No.15428726

bush is a republican..

>> No.15428729

>bush is a republican..

Nah he a Rino. I worship trump now.

>> No.15428731


>> No.15428741

clearly you cant read
i said without mentioning controlled demo
that video says it was controlled demo
>when scientists tell me thing i dont like
>when scientists tell me things i like
actual fag.
i 10000% bet you are a fag that screams dont trust the government but then gobbles their balls when they say and do things you that align with your world view
fucking pathetic.

>> No.15428745


What's your point? Why do the families of American victims have a right to know?

>> No.15428748

>I worship trump now.
even though he funded and massively supported the covid vaccine and spread it around the world and got vaccinated himself?

>> No.15428749

you are right
he should have released "the truth" to the sand niggers that got blown up, do they have a right to know?

>> No.15428750


You Americans (I'm an American too but it's more like how you think of a town, okay, as in i leave when its convenient) you Americans and your pathetic obsession with figuring out who really planned the attack. Why do you care and what right do you have to know? Your safe in your nation. Bush kept you safe. And Trump is one of us. You can trust him

>> No.15428752

If you saw how much money. HOW MUCH BEAUTIFUL MONEY. was involved you would have done what we did too. Don't act so high and mighty. Sacrifices are necessary sometimes, you understand. It tragic what happened to the civilians and soldiers and blah blah blah but whatever. Life is good!

>> No.15428754

he's a liar and an opportunist
he will tell you what you want to hear and then the exact opposite when he got what he wanted

>> No.15428755

>even though he funded and massively supported the covid vaccine and spread it around the world and got vaccinated himself?

Oh you sweet summer child, you didn't have an in to get paid? Pathetic. We had trillions pumped and you didn't even get a few million of that? Trump is God.

>> No.15428758


The vax made us MILLIONS. Your loss if you missed out.

>> No.15428759

is that you bibi?

>> No.15428762

>the sand niggers

The Saudi Royals? They have more a right to know than Americans do. Americans are easily frightened - the truth would scare them. Maybe you will understand how the world works oneday, but I don't have all day to answer questions I have a lobster brisk waiting and don't want it to get cold. You empathize

>> No.15428763

what words are you even saying?

>> No.15428764

no saudi royals died because of 9/11 you deranged loser.

>> No.15428766

>what words are you even saying?

You didn't get money from the vax?

>> No.15428768


You sound like a real antifa loser you know that?

>> No.15428770


That's right. (((They))) are to blame. You can trust the Repulicans and Democrats. They always have your best interests in mind

>> No.15428771

neither did you, sooo?
>inb4 my country made the vax which made billions in profits which made my country richer which made me richer because something something trickle down economics

>> No.15428772


>> No.15428773


>> No.15428776

>no saudi royals died because of 9/11 you deranged loser.

Sacrifices are necessary sometimes. That's up to you kings and rulers to decide. You would know that if you godless Americans read your Bible which was th me founding document of your country. You would know you have no right to life. It's right in the good book

>> No.15428778

>anyone i dont like is antifa
>anyone i dont like is a nigger
>anyone i dont like is a fag
>anyone i dont like is a jew
>anyone i dont like is a glowie
>anyone i dont like is a liberal
>anyone i dont like is a traitor
>anyone i dont like is a [insert thing you dont like]
did i miss anything anon?

>> No.15428782


That's fine. Just leave bush and trump out of it so it happens again.

>> No.15428783


I meant so it doesn't happen again. I mistyped. You can trust Republicans with your lives. They are tried and true

>> No.15428788


You probably don't even wear a pressed suit and tie everyday. Your opinion is irrelevant

>> No.15428792

this is terrible bait anon
you can do better than that.

>> No.15429951

science is not about who you agree with

>> No.15429960

>this group of scientists say WTC 7 fell because of these reasons
>this other group of scientists say WTC 7 fell because of different reasons that is contrary to what the first group said and coincidently aligns with my pre existing beliefs

>> No.15430852

>my main point is the jump on the scales.
what happens to your knees when you jump on the scales?

>> No.15431661


>> No.15432717
File: 98 KB, 660x436, 911mossadcia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15432808

Here was what I was looking for.
What I find most interesting is actually what is going on now. D&C shills throwing out all sorts of literal nonsense 20 years later is suspiciously similar to holocoaster and lampshades.
10k people watched the first 767 hit in person. 3m people watched the second 767 hit in person, 5k recorded it and somewhere around 500m myself included watched it live on tv globally.
20 years later jews work to shape the narrative for 20 years from now. Very soon AI created shit will be throwing everyone off and making them question everything they see.
Jews did not mind fuck millions of people in NY and NJ with holographic aeroplanes and make 1000s of cgi videos instantly.
But, the standby f16s could easily have been there for 2nd plane, Confusion about what is going on is a reason to launch F16s, SOP. That was the US Government making a direct lie. I mean obviously there were a lot but that one which I heard that on TV it flipped the light switch in my head. I don't believe the Dancing Israelis story on its face, I literally think that was kike chutzpah and them tipping their hand. They were very secretive about the 757 details from the beginning, media made it sound like the pentagon was destroyed. When the good pictures did finally start coming out everyone was saying the same thing. WTF. Missiles. No wing or engine marks on Pentagon no anything where the other hit dirt. Like all planes were remote piloted. The time Urban Moving Systems formed a few years before was after the planning had started, obviously.
The interesting thing isn't arguing about details of wtc controlled demo. It is all the psychological operations then and the ones still going on, it makes the Holohoax 100x more understandable to normies.

>> No.15432862
File: 163 KB, 600x436, 1683892615849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are controlled demolition explosives in every skyscraper for these cases. In case of an earthquake or an attack, you don't want it to tip sideways and kill tens of thousands of people.
This is the only thing they hide. All the other conspiracies are propagated by them to muddy the water.

>> No.15432991

It's an open secret that the collapse of the WTC has been unexplained. The "pancake" theory provided by the investigation team provides no details as to how 6 weeks after the disaster the basement was still smouldering, nor explained witness testimony of explosions. It wasn't able to predict how human remains might find themselves on the rooftops of nearby buildings and every publicly spearheaded initiative to get to the bottom of the entire debacle has been slapped down.
How anyone still believes the conventional narrative is beyond me.
Believe me, I wish there wasn't a conspiracy, A horrible crime was committed and those responsible still walk free. It's a damn disgrace.

>> No.15433263

What's something you would find interesting?

>> No.15434217
File: 86 KB, 850x400, quote-let-us-never-tolerate-outrageous-conspiracy-theories-concerning-the-attacks-of-september-george-w-bush-60-63-90-2890590725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15434988

science is not about who you agree with

>> No.15436315
File: 283 KB, 571x252, 9-11 evidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15437227
File: 59 KB, 326x435, bush cheney 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15437964

An accident

>> No.15438653


>> No.15438670

>again literally no proof.
"Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe"

Very sophisticated, very complicated, master class of demolitioning. These people aren't dumb.

>> No.15438681


>> No.15438685
File: 47 KB, 257x392, The_Tower_(novel).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15438693

As to how they could have put it in the buildings:

"The amazing correlation between floors of impact and floors of apparent failure suggests that spray-on nano-thermite materials may have been applied to the steel components of the WTC buildings, underneath the upgraded fireproofing (Ryan 2008). This could have been done in such a way that very few people knew what was happening. The Port Authority’s engineering consultant Buro Happold, helping with evaluation of the fireproofing upgrades, suggested the use of “alternative materials” (NIST 2005). Such alternative materials could have been spray-on nano-thermites substituted for intumescent paint or Interchar-like fireproofing primers (NASA 2006). It seems quite possible that this kind of substitution could have been made with few people noticing."


Remember, this was a world changing event. Extreme complicated, carefully planned, skilfully executed, and they have the entire military-industrial complex at their disposal. This shit was next level.

>> No.15438695

This book was made into a movie called the Towering Inferno, which was seen by a guy who used it as inspiration for a book called Nothing Lasts Forever, which was turned into Diehard.

>> No.15438777

>plane flies into building
>fuel explosion+kinetic energy leads to large explosion
>damages structural integrity of upper floors but not enough to cause collapse
>fuel from the planes starts fires throughout building
>fires cause building to get very hot
>eventually the heat causes one of the damaged upper floors to buckle
>floor below it has weight of 20+ floors suddenly dropped on it
>causes that floor to collapse
>floors continue to collapse top to bottom as they have more and more floors dropped on them
>total structural collapse
It’s really not that complicated. Retards have a hard time understanding it because there has never been a similar event to it in all of history so there’s nothing to compare it to. The closest thing we have is when a small plane hit the Empire State Building in the 1940’s but the circumstances of that were completely different from 9/11.

>> No.15438779

>I have no evidence to back this hypothesis up, but hypothetically it COULD have happened, therefor I’m going to believe it

>> No.15438819

I posted the evidence, not my fault you ignored it.



If you want an 9/11 plan signed by Bush and Cheney with ABOVE TOP SECRET label on it, yeah I don't have that but we have enough.

We also have this https://archive.org/details/RebuildingAmericasDefenses

>> No.15438824

>It’s really not that complicated.
It's not complicated because the physics do not support free-fall speed hypothesis. The damages from the airplanes were not sufficient to bring down the buildings in free-fall speed into a flat pile, this necessarily required other sources of demolition.


>> No.15438831

The planes were for the theatrics/pyrotechnics as a misdirection mechanism.

>> No.15438855

The physics are explained here:

>> No.15438911

posting in a schizothread.
reminder for everyone to take your meds

>> No.15438920

Apply the Occam's razor, schizos.

>> No.15438930

>Apply the Occam's razor
Why? We already sufficient evidence as to what happened.
If you believe the official story.

>> No.15438933

>believe everything governments and corporations tell you otherwise you're mentally ill

>> No.15438966

>Plane hit building
>Jet fuel fire so hot it melt the steel beams
>Whole building collapse
>No plane frames found bcs fire so hot it melt plane
>Found identity cards from Saudi Arabia though bcs fire can't melt identity cards
>"it's the muzlims from saudi arabia"
>Invade iraq & afghanistan

>> No.15438979

you forgot
>most of the planet buys it and does nothing about it

"It's his story [history], nothing to do with the truth"

(reference: citizens investigation team/pentagon investigation)

>> No.15438994

People don't understand. Materials class will teach u all u need to know. You don't need a material to melt for it to become unstable and lose its form and support weight. You only need to heat it past its eutectoid point.

>> No.15439016

Except there is no evidence the fires/damages were severe enough to cause material to become unstable, lose its form and ultimately collapse the way it did.

Explosives were used:


>> No.15439621

Nuclear detonation under the building.
Lift shafts cleared with explosions to allow radiation / heat to rise to the top.

>> No.15440080

This is poisoning the well. Along with "no plane", "mosad" etc. "theories".

We already know what explosives they used.

>> No.15440128
File: 31 KB, 1088x464, noooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck man, did this photographer died?

>> No.15440150

No need to visit. It`s a pretty shit city.

>> No.15441351
File: 1.09 MB, 320x240, mural van.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15441558
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1636464620452.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15441580

read Judy Wood's where did the toers go.

>> No.15441662

No. It's part of the psyops disinfo campaign.
Check out Heinz Pommer's analysis.

>> No.15441663

Piss off Moshe.

>> No.15441679

Hitler was framed.

You only see him witnessing the aftermath

>> No.15441681
File: 81 KB, 370x500, 1683835380111075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No speeches

>> No.15441686

What explanation does he have for the cars and twisted metal?

>> No.15441688

Je sus
Jews Us.

>> No.15441691
File: 248 KB, 920x1110, 1680170162806775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who by?

>> No.15441713

Radiation. Thermo-nuclear energy fields.

>> No.15441770

I'll have to follow his ideas up and compare them, though any american academic is suspect

>> No.15441825

He's German.
Mostly censored on youtube. You'll find his talks on Odysee,

>> No.15441846

I meant wood? you propose her to be part of the glowie disinfo front

>> No.15441889

She's at best a useful tool. By dismissing nukes without serious arguments, skipping over and misrepresenting evidence that's inconvenient and introducing pseudo-scientific hypothesis ("Tesla-Hutchinson effects") and concluding that some unknown Directed Energy Weapon must have done it, she deflects attention from serious scientific inquiry.
Her followers will be dismissed and ridiculed if they try to use her arguments.
It's a nice diversion tactic. All psyop campaigns introduce multiple, competing, semi-plausible theories and conspiracy ideas, to pollute, confuse and obfuscate.

Anyone with real analysis gets ignored, killed or discredited.

>> No.15442305

Alright, Watched the start of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRoRGjLkbrI
introduction claims it to be steam when it was really cold dust reported at the scene
why should I give this guy time?

>> No.15442396

He explains what he means by steam. See 42. minute.

>> No.15442436

reading the website it seems he is not in conflict with Judy Wood's research and actively builds on her work.