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File: 884 KB, 1701x939, DEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15440226 No.15440226 [Reply] [Original]

The DEN is the entrance to a massive state of the art survival apparatus deep in the Front Range granite batholith. One one faithful day planes from all over the world will land at the DEN carrying the worlds brightest, the most skilled people in their various fields, the best stock humanity has to offer and the large extended families of the powers that be, on a one way ticket to the new world. The planes will be left abandoned on the runways and adjacent aviation land.

In these high-tech caves, the powers that be hope to accomplish what no previous highly developed society on earth has ever done before (including whoever built the Great Pyramid of Giza), which is to survive what the ancient Greeks called the kataklysmos (κατακλυσμός, “inundation”) with enough food, water (from the Cheesman dam), and other supplies as well as all of our knowledge (the patent databases and Wikipedias of the world), enough highly advanced military equipment to outfit even a large army, and technology that we do not know even exists

>> No.15440229


>> No.15440233
File: 936 KB, 2552x1204, Seal_of_Colorad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEN is just the entrance and reception area for lucky 144,000.

The Front Range is also the home of the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, which according to Wikipedia houses all of the following:

Air Defense Command satellite systems
Ballistic Missile Defense Center
Combat Operations Center
Space Defense Operations Center
Joint Surveillance System
Survivable Communications Integration System
It is also notable that the CIA is rumored to have recently moved their headquarters from Langley, Virginia to Denver, Colorado.

>> No.15440235
File: 136 KB, 675x708, USDof Interior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowledge of the end times changes men. Some it molds into indomitable conquerors. Those are the men who have certain knowledge of the end time and who are slated to enter the multitrillion dollar granite tunnel system in the Pikes Peak batholith. They walk as gods among us. For them, a new world awaits. For everyone else..

>> No.15440236

Yes pretty much. I actually thought the "event" was going to happen in 2016 or 2017 but it didn't. The psycho schizo here who always spergs out like a massive fucking retard tries to make fun of me for trying to explained all of this to people many years ago on /pol/ but I was right even though I dint know the specific date. I had good reason to believe the date I thought it was however. If you check the /pol/ archives you can find all the data and the logic I used to come up with that date but I wont list it all here again

>> No.15440238

I will say I thought it may have something to do with Nibiru or "planet x" orbit which is why it was able to be calculated with precision when the next time it came through and rekt our shit on earth. Watch the movie 2012, good movie and a lot of truth hidden in it

>> No.15440387

What causes the great catoclysm?

>> No.15440436
File: 118 KB, 1080x482, glownigger3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COVID was the AI and vaxx helped deliver it.
>over 70% of the worlds population has been inoculated with the quantum AI
>13.4 billion doses administered
Now we just wait for them to roll out the new technohomo system and hook up all the cattle to it along with all the IoT devices before the inevitable. Many of the unvaxxed will line up for the boosters once UBI and other benefits are announced.

>> No.15440448

Don't reply to me again.

>> No.15440465

you ever hear of earth crust displacement? possibly due to polar shifts. No way to really to know for sure, only theorize. As I already said above, could possibly be Nibiru, if it exists. If it is a massive planet it could reek all kinds of havoc. Look what just he moon does to the tides. In fact watch the movie Moon Fall and imagine that happening on a much larger scale due to the gravitational pull of a massive planet coming very close to us in its 13,000 year orbital path

>> No.15440478


>> No.15440480

Is this the adam and eve story?

>> No.15440484
File: 640 KB, 813x434, maxresdefault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet is proof that we are able to build an artificial consciousness. All data and all memories are shared in the cloud. Any machine connected to this cloud is able to fetch whatever data whenever it wants from it.
Through this cloud we can also remotely communicate. We are only restricted by the speed we type our messages in, but the machines send this info to the receiver almost instantaneously.
Internet of Things is the collective unconscious of the machines. The machines are able to interact with each other without the need for an external command prompt (i.e. a human telling the machine to notice another machine or transmit data to it). Botnet might sound like a familiar concept.
The transhumanists are building this same collective unconscious for humans - the Internet of Bodies. The usual suspects are to blame.

>> No.15440490

possibly, some people theorize that, that when the bible describes adam and eve it wasnt the first man and woman but rather the first man and woman post-cataclysm. I have discussed this here a bit in the past as well. That evolution doesnt work we think it does, it is grossly incomplete. It is entirely possible that new humanoids just spawn from the aether with completely different traits than the previous race without "evolving" into another one. Just poof they are and replaced with a new type overnight which is why there are so many strange humanoids from the past like the paracas skulls, the giants and the "ant man" skull etc. Even the bible describes the giants and every culture around the world knows of them in their history/mythology.

>> No.15440497


>> No.15440666

I have a theory that could is probably very close to the truth. If we are living inside God's body/mind (which we are) then we are like blood cells, or T cells or hell maybe even a virus or bacteria. We are like a cold forming on the Earth organ, overpopulated and the flood event(s) are the immune system wiping us all out. In the bible it says god sent the flood because of the mixing of tongues. Well this obviously signifies a very large population because small populations are far apart and rarely come into contact with each other unless done by conquest like Alexander the great and what not. They had to explore to find new places to conquer. Anyhow, the mixing of the tongues is also symbolic of miscegenation. The races arent supposed to mix like this. Imagine you red blood cells suddenly decided to "mix: with you white blood cells, or your T cells decided to mate and reproduce with your neurons etc. It wouldnt be good and all the ancient religions were against race mixing, it could be like what a cancer would be in some way. So the races mixing due to overpopulation triggers an immune response. Just a theory but you have to admit it makes sense

>> No.15440674
File: 12 KB, 259x194, babel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the bible it says god sent the flood because of the mixing of tongues.
the story of the tower of babylon I meant to add. they are always leaving these weird clues too. You can really sink into a rabbit hole if you spend too much time on this shit. Believe me it has happened to many a genius in the past. Watch Dark City, the detective in it or the movie PI. They are basically about people who discover the shit we are talking about here. Also 666 confirms kek

>> No.15441313

Or maybe 2/3 of the world has been inoculated with the AI and thus corrupted.

>> No.15441783

>earth crust displacement
for reference and a bump

>> No.15441789
File: 71 KB, 711x442, 1677016465936126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15442491

>In the bible it says god sent the flood because of the mixing of tongues
This isnt in the bible. The flood came because the world was full of criminals and sinners. Nothing to do with tongues, you are mixing up the story of the flood with the tower of babel, which happened after the flood

>> No.15442501

So God hates unity?

>> No.15442508

But which god? El, Yhwh or one of the other gods scrubbed out and written over?

>> No.15442511

I am not even sure anymore anon, i just know God and humans have toxic relationship.

>> No.15442513

Hoooold on... now hold a minute..
Now that i said that.. has anyone ever analyzed relationship of God and humans?

>> No.15442522

Yhwh was one of the elohim/anunaki canaanite rabbi/priests threw in with him monotheistically and kind of wrote out a lot of others.

>> No.15442524

Correct, God created many different cultures and races throughout the world, different one for very climate and environment, he gave each one the perfect home for their type

>> No.15442525

*At least that was what I heard but I haven't checked.

>> No.15442536

Zamn, Elder Scrolls was soft disclosure all along

>> No.15442638

w/e bible is shit anyway. I havent read it since uni

>> No.15442644

I have mentioned this here before. Lots of red pilled games out there. Ever heard of arcanum? Some skyrim mod used to have a pretty decent blog
