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File: 135 KB, 1238x800, 1684154729132374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15439601 No.15439601 [Reply] [Original]

why are IQs dropping? are only retards breeding?

>> No.15439605

> IQ
globohomo invention shilled to retards to waste time in useless measuring and comparisons.

>> No.15439608

Why do you ask questions when you can't handle objectivity because how controversial it is? You too >>15439605

>> No.15439651
File: 458 KB, 1030x3300, alzheimers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trick billions of the general world population to inject them from birth onward with neurotoxic aluminium
>normalize it
>if it hurts it works
>some people get para sympathetic issues
>some people get enteric nervoussystem issues
>some people get cognitive neurological downgrades
>call it "normal health"
>inject people with neurotoxins even more

>> No.15439658

>are only retards breeding?
Yes. And it's 99 % the fault of feminism. Immigration will make us stupider too, of course, but feminism prevents most smart men from having large families, and most smart women from having any families whatsoever, and that'd make us stupider even even with borders entirely closed.

>> No.15439667

Plebs operate entirely off of impulse, thus reproduce at higher rates than those with higher intelligence.

>> No.15439669

If they used your IQ to determine how many government subsidized wives you should receive maybe more people would care about being smart.

>> No.15439698

You should go and check Jolly heretic channel on YT
Start from these videos

>> No.15439712

Few people understand but this is all really matters in the world.
I don't support some totalitarian breeding programme, but we definitely need to establish social institutions that promote marriage between best of the men and women.
Both Men and Women nowadays end up wasting their prime years, thanks to shitty socio-economic environment, this adds to sadness and frustration in their middle ages.

>> No.15439735
File: 60 KB, 1024x462, Reset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cost of living (lifestyle creep and Inflation)
>marriage and family laws

>> No.15439745
File: 16 KB, 265x300, 9ae23345248c41529511ffc89f5b446b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking a large portion of all IQ tests and singlehandedly causing the drop.

>> No.15439752

It's almost like there's nothing preventing the low IQ from being killed off naturally like they would have been in the past

>> No.15439782

Industrial pollution. Food is full of industrial chemicals

>> No.15439790

very high iq people are all trooning

>> No.15439797

mass immigration, poor diet and mental illness caused by technology

>> No.15439824

>low IQ
>killed off naturally in the past
Nature had thousands upon thousands of years to do that and it still couldn't do it.

>> No.15439935
File: 27 KB, 632x621, 1683553340552476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are here because intelligence was obviously a trait humans (and ancestors) selected for over time. The timeline isn't over thousands of years, it was over millions and billions of years. And removing all selective pressures is about to reverse that in a fraction of the time.

>> No.15439947

Because high IQ people are the retards.

>> No.15439955
File: 2.54 MB, 750x1334, 1AD5C881-A2CF-4C89-B62B-695BE6C3A2DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just walk me through it, tell me what to do, I'll do it

>> No.15439964

If natural pressures aren't viable, then we're in a unique position to apply artificial pressures instead. I think the anon earlier in this thread is right, we should reward high intelligence individuals for having kids to, at the very least, keep up with the rate of low intelligence breeding. Or apply pressures in other ways. Just don't get strung up by the redditors trying to do it or it will all be for nothing.

>> No.15439974

if you measure yourself and compare yourself with others are stupid clown

>> No.15439987

>Both Men and Women nowadays end up wasting their prime years, thanks to shitty socio-economic environment,
It's ironic. Actual high achievers feel like $150k household income isn't enough to start a family on.
Meanwhile 70 IQ niggers have popped out 5 kids by the time they are 20 and working part time at McDonald's if at all.

>> No.15440004

I get your point but aluminium hydroxide is not the same thing as elemental Al3+ and doesn't function the same way at all

>> No.15440017

>It's ironic. Actual high achievers feel like $150k household income isn't enough to start a family on.
To guarantee or maintain their quality of life and for their children? Yeah, they're right.
>Meanwhile 70 IQ niggers have popped out 5 kids by the time they are 20 and working part time at McDonald's if at all.
You mean people of any race who don't give a shit about the life their kids will have to live will recklessly keep having them? Who knew.

>> No.15440024

Digital entertainment keeping people from interacting with the real world is probably the largest factor.

>> No.15440026

What is education like in those countries? I know it's been simplified in the USA. I'm not sure if kids are getting dumber due to environmental factors, or if they're failing to develop proper critical thinking skills due to less intense education.

>> No.15440032

Could be a lot of things. Economic correlates with physical abuse for example, so greater probability of more kids receiving more hits to the head. For slight variations and large scale trends there need be equally slight large scale shifts in averages for living conditions or whatever constitutes the population sample. That's assuming you don't have any sampling biases, which that table doesn't indicate at all as one ought to with respect to various estimates of error.
Pretty sure four different people explained to you the last time you posted this misleading chart why it's bullcrap.

>> No.15441246
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Saving this thread, boomp