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File: 67 KB, 800x405, hypergamy-pyramid-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15431217 No.15431217 [Reply] [Original]

How sound is the science behind the modern redpill movement ?
I keep hearing about hypergamy and that will will only date higher or equal status men and if a mans status drops while in the relationship, that she will leave.
Is this all just bro science?
I am not going to lie, I have had real problems with women and its easy to fall into a confirmation bias trap because they really do seem awful to me these days.

What say you /sci/?

>> No.15431219

jesus, i meant that women will only date higher status men
not will will date

Sorry guys, not a great way to start a thread

>> No.15431236

I don't know if there is actual science that backs it up, but if you interact with women enough and have relationships with enough of them all of this quickly becomes apparent. Its kind of like how you can talk to someone and instantly tell they are a couple standard deviations below you in IQ. These are just patterns and knowledge that are acquired through firsthand observation by those of us with higher than average SMV.

>> No.15431251
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So for the mostpart , you embrace the ideas put forth about female behavior proposed by these male centric platforms that have only recently become a part of mainstream discourse ?

>> No.15431274
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I am convinced that high heeled shoes are just women misunderstanding what men want from them.

Many men think they are attractive now only because they fetishize just about anything that comes there way that they perceive as feminine.

>> No.15431579


>> No.15431588
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>> No.15431660

Anon this is a misogynist thread not a raciss one
Also women are the jews of gender

>> No.15431931

But isnt that just anecdotal evidence ?

>> No.15432003

They make legs look more elongated and make it easier to reach things. All at the cost of eating concrete with one poorly managed move, of course

>> No.15432432

>people are attracted to attractive people
How stupid would one have to be for this to be some kind of earth shattering revelation.

>> No.15432441

Right? Why can't people try to be attractive and work on themselves instead of complaining why no one likes their ugly asses?

>> No.15432521

by all means workout, eat healthy, get a hair transplant, or do whatever you gotta do to improve your attractiveness (in fact, I encourage you to do so), but equating the self evident tautology "people are attracted to attractive people" (something school children understand) to the gravity of neo from the matrix realizing for the first time that reality is actually a machine simulated illusion makes no sense and, quite frankly, is just bizarre

>> No.15432538
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Bro, just be at least average height (6'3), have an average salary (400k) and an average dick (8 inches) and you should have no trouble finding a woman. It's not that hard, bro. Just be yourself.

>> No.15432544

Breeders are so fucking retarded, holy shit

>> No.15432747

>finding a woman
why do you want this?

>> No.15432751

Women have always been shit. If you fall for any other modern nonsense, at least bring yourself back to reality with this: women have always been shit. Don't create some golden age where everything would've been marvelous. There's a reason sexual competition is the most fraught and highly strung in all of nature.

>> No.15432758

Because being a father is the greatest joy available to a human being, and the only path to true male contentment.

>> No.15432938

>Don't create some golden age where everything would've been marvelous.
But there was
For most of western civilization there was enforced monogamy
Nearly every man had a woman
Now the bottom 30 percent do not have access to women
Do you not see how huge a shift that is ?

>> No.15432942

Women only care about genetics, a homeless handsome man can score more pussy than any of us combined in our lifetime in just one month

>> No.15432944

No you fool, women are ONLY attracted to very hot men

>> No.15433076

The only women that like me are my grandma, my mom and my sister
Feels good to be top 10%

>> No.15433100

I mean, you can look up articles about how 'educated career women struggle to find a man that makes as much or more money than her'.

You have all the evidence that confirms it from women's own mouths and writing, they just of course put it in terms that make them sound better.

>> No.15433103

>I am convinced that high heeled shoes are just women misunderstanding what men want from them.

My guess is it's more about trying to intimidate men who aren't 4+ inches taller than them.

I would say a female I was attracted to once wore heals and pretty much vocalized this sentiment.

>> No.15433108

>women are only attracted to the MOST attractive men
>Men are far more willing to settle for a lower quality woman

Ah, the gaslighting and lack of intellect of a female brain.

>> No.15433110
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>Women have always been shit

Perhaps, but they've gone from an easy solid satisfying shit to burning ghost pepper cramping diarrhea.

>> No.15433200
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Red pill is wrong. Women have no standards. They sleep with literally every man who isn't an obvious incel manlet.

>> No.15433223

We're not talking about your mother here anon

>> No.15433379

>a homeless handsome man
very very false anon
Women are only swayed by what others think of the potential mate.
They do not go by their own cravings as men do.
Attractiveness is only of interest to them insofar as it elevates status

>> No.15433441

you realize that at least 30 percent of men are manlets right?

>> No.15433445

Do these women lack the capacity to realise they themselves are not lambos? Do women have self-awareness? Or is the attention they get from 'busses' making them think they are 'lambos'?

>> No.15433466


All women think they are special little princesses

>> No.15433645

I am short but handsome and fit
Do I get a pass or am I not allowed access to the women ?

>> No.15434215

how is this a red pill tho? even among deers only the best buck gets to breed

>> No.15434495

deers have society and advanced civilization? deers had enforced monogamy and christianity that was responsible for their development of science, technology, etc?

perhaps if such social constraints disappear, a state of nature will return, where chaos reigns and women feel uncomfortable in public?

what do you think, bud?

>> No.15434501

Why would you hop into a stranger's car vs one created for public transportation?

>> No.15434534

Remember, women don't estimate men according to a bell curve. In a woman's mind at least 70% of men are manlets.

>> No.15434536

>how is this a red pill tho? even among deers only the best buck gets to breed

Because young boys grow up being fed Disney crap about love and romance and think that's how women work. They hear about feminism preaching equality and not shaming people and free love and such and believe it.

That's the only reason any of this is a 'red pill'. Because we've been indoctrinated to believe people aren't animals pursuing genetic based strategies.

>> No.15434886

>Do I get a pass or am I not allowed access to the women ?
Your only chance to access the women is by becoming a woman.

>> No.15434902

What the heck is SMV?

>> No.15434964

doesn't help they're raised that way

>> No.15434965

>becoming a woman

>> No.15434978
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We’re effectively in amidst a polygamous society where women have access to a high-quality mate that they will have to share, but women tend to not want that.

We’re more likely to see a rise of singlehood and kind of this atomised sexual culture with less long-term commitment, well now they found themselves in a world where they could unleash this ‘pussy power’ without consequence, it's "liberating".

The guys being pursued are too busy with every other girl who is pursuing him, there’s now a mismatch of highly educated and selective women versus economically unattractive men.

As such a minority of men are monopolising the attention. When you have a minority in any sex ratio they call the shots in terms of sexual behaviour. So now women have become more disposable than ever by the only men they ironically consider ‘worthy’. It’s the same princesses who are actively sabotaging their own ‘they lived happily ever after’ fairytale ending.

The highly sought after men will find it relatively easy to settle down once they're older, and men are able to stay fertile for longer than women, so the ironic thing is that most of these women will try to settle down after 40 when they've finished riding the cock carousel but fail to find a suitable mate in time. They will die childless and alone, and it's entirely their fault.


This link is probably what you're interested in, I saw it posted by someone last week on another board. I've only skimmed it, I'm not really very interested in all of the redpill/blackpill stuff. Most of it is common sense.


>> No.15435004

They're visiting sperm banks and raising kids with their friends now

>> No.15435006

The sexual revolution has been the greatest thing that's happened to social norms in the last 2000 years (for men only).

The other day I was talking to a semi-retired colleague. Crazy how hard it was for them to get sex needing to go through parents etc. before they are trusted. Now we can just rail through our college clads consequence free and zero obligations (as long as you smart enough to never trust girls when they say they are on BC).

I thank boomers every day for gifting us the sexual revolution.

>> No.15435016

Sexual Market value

>> No.15435017

Well it's good and bad. Birth rates are dismal compared to the past. It's not exactly conducive to a healthy society. It seems mass immigration is the "answer" which has it's own issues, especially for countries that aren't as able to brain drain other countries.

>> No.15435030
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Its real but exaggerated.

Also hypergamy isn't really good for women or men for the most part. The only winner are the top men even women lose in this system. It not selecting good genes either since women are all on birth control and many used up women date down to betas reddit tier men at 35. Chad will never select these girls long term and it leaves them bitter and resentful and they eventually settle for beta provider types they hate.

In the past women married earlier and were more realistic. So they went for a good guy in their town who they knew. The sad irony is the most picky girls at 20 will all end up with the same men they would call incels at 20 when they are 30 post wall. Chad wins because he gets to fuck around then he can get the homestead life when he's sick of it. Majority of women chasing top 1% guys never have a chance this destroys their expectations and when they eventually settle it leaves them bitter and resentful leading to divorces down the line...

Anyways moral of the story women who have high bodies or settle down at 28+ will be resentful and wreck your life since you can never match up to the men she view she deserved from her early years. Only date low body count women or suffer from pent up resentment

>> No.15435038
File: 2.53 MB, 640x480, chud.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this indirectly leads to population crash as most women forgo marriage till their 30s this is if anything creating very dysgenic people.

The amount of ugly career provider types I know who are redditors that marry these women and have 1-2 kids is insane. Women could get half decent men if they didn't have all these choices. Too many choices destroys their brains and once their value lowers they can't get the guy that would have been her looksmatch from HS/college that could have been happy with her.

Never seen these types of whores happy at 30 they either die alone or they are humiliated with the guys they considered bottom barrel in youth.

Unironically the video related where they are both relatively similar in looks and if he's a hard working good man will be 99% happier then any of these girls dating up. Only friends I know in happy marriages today met their wife in college or HS when she was in her early twenties or late teens.

>> No.15435049

Barely making a dent in the birth crisis issue look at Japan they are 20 years into this and no such thing as this.

Not to mention do you think a society where millions of single women with mental issues taking random mens sperm and in single motherhood households would be good for society certainly not.

>> No.15435064

They'll still answer to biology, regardless of having a partner. Expecting the birth rate crisis to correct itself is a bit of a pipe dream at this point. Japan has its own crisis of older generations refusing to give up the reigns and insist on keeping old practices. Their birth rates are a consequence of far more than just women working.

>> No.15435070

And single motherhood later in life after being established and being able to provide is far different than being a single mother at 22 that relies on social safety nets and their parents to help raise a child. You get broodier and more overprotective mothers that way, but it's better than a lot of alternatives that leave kids neglected.

>> No.15435078
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My point is sperm donors will for one barely make a dent and even if it could it would be bad for society.

This system is unsustainable and will not last longer then a generation or two at most. Anyone that considers this natural selection is retarded. While Women hold off on having kids immigrants in America and Europe will have 5X as many children and you will see a society of uglier dumber low IQ people.

>pic related
Is how North America and Europe will pan out so much for muh hypergamy or eugenics this is the future

>> No.15435107

And do you believe that will change as time goes on? Western women and men will suddenly decide on what's right for civilization, and decide to start creating families? There has already been a massive stink about wage inflation being a part of the current economic crisis, meaning that another event will happen to drive wages down again and create an even larger gap that corporation heads can thrive on.

>> No.15435112

Its seems rather realistic. Having sex=children is huge investment for females unlike males.

>> No.15435116

Well its not so much a matter of if things are going to change they will change. But it depends on the extent of the damage after the fact.

I see dumb people having kids all the time meanwhile women in Uni are not and are pining after chads. This society is done for in the long run if this doesn't change. I could see this being one of the biggest genetic filters in the past few centuries men have always died in wars but throughout history 80% of women who made it to adulthood successfully had kids it was much lower for men. If we see a situation where half of women do not procreate it might seriously alter the genepool to select for more impulsive women who recklessly have kids.

>> No.15435129

You're sitting at the tip of the iceberg and refusing to look below the water. Even if everything suddenly lined up and people decided to start having families and coupling earlier, you sit at a major faultline: fertility. Man-made conveniences have polluted every environment, including the human body. You're not going to get rid of that pollution easily, the children that are being born now are becoming more and more dysgenic, and the adults having them are becoming more mentally unstable.

>> No.15435132

Hypergamy and being overly careful is a good thing. But the issue is when you have a million options it leads to delusions.

In the past women had men in their town to pick from and had to depend on them for survival. Now survival is ensured through employment or the government for every woman. And with tinder and urbanization/sexual revolution women can filter out the top 5% in their areas very quickly leading to an information overload and indecision. Womens natural anxiety towards securing a man who will protect her and have good genes is corrupted with modern standards.

Poor trash in a trailer park can easily have 10 kids that make it to survival but women's proclivity towards status makes them see things like fancy cars as necessary for survival.

>> No.15435135
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Think about it from the biological point of view
what is advantagious for a woman?
having one strong male heir who can spread his genes and therefore hers.
Think about how awful single mother raised children behave.
On average, they are more violent and more fucked up
just what youd want to spread genes further.
Honestly you should get out of the science industry if you question this sort of thing. You'll be eaten alive by your """""peers"""" or worse, kill yourself when you realize how biased you've been all your life, and how hopeless the so called intelligentia really are intellectually.

>> No.15435137

Yeah its a very rough issue. East Asia in my opinion is still better off then the West even if the economy declines its still less dysgenic since they have less parasitical classes and less social welfare.

I really don't know the solution but the first step is recognizing this is due to incompetence and active neglect this is not completely a quirk. Letting in millions of low IQ immigrants and then giving welfare to trailer trash and everyone with kids is making the issue worse. A population collapse is bad enough but the issue isn't that not enough people are being born its that they are displacing them with more and more dysgenic people.

>> No.15435145

>faggot upholds christianity as the reason civilization is great
>fails to hold it accountable for forced monogamy, the thing that made it impossible for women to experiance evolutionary pressure and self select themselves out of the gene pool

>> No.15435148

>corporation heads
those are just jews anon.

>> No.15435149

>im fucking retarded
this is going to completely destroy and exprocreate feminist retards who think they belong outside the kitchen. its the opposite of dysgenic. imagine thinking a woman having a child from 16-24 is not the prime target age range

>> No.15435154

Retarded trailer trash are the ones you see breeding in mass at 16. Or low IQ immigrants.

How many 130 IQ girls do you know having kids at 16 getting knocked up. The problem is that society used to coax women into having kids now you get one baby momma with 8 kids

>> No.15435196

>faggot upholds christianity as the reason civilization is great

keep leaching off the inventions that were made possible by the one of a kind, hajnal line social technology that developed with christendom in the background...didn't read the rest of your post

>> No.15435197
File: 22 KB, 314x474, bell curve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read... if you don't know what regression to the mean means in IQ science.

>> No.15435241

>Studies funded by the heritage foundation and the institute for family studies
>Cherry-picked data
>On top of everything there's the conceit that the happiness of the woman is somehow the central issue

>> No.15435322

>retard cant into science
>warns me that I'm totally destroying the science he totally cant into
its fucking nothing
no matter how dumb the trailer trash, the feminists are dumber retarded intellegencia.

>> No.15435335

This, we are in a sexual arms race

>> No.15435380

Birth rates are low _due_ to immigration stoking housing costs and lowering wages. Most families want kids, they simply can't afford them anymore.

Despite my post above, I did marry eventually as did most of my friends and most delay children due to job insecurity, not because they aren't bored of college year sex binges.

>> No.15435392
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It's mostly a result of women entering the workforce. Abortion was made more accessible as well. Mass immigration can't have helped though. It gradually became more expensive to raise children as women entered the workforce as well, funny how that worked out.

>> No.15435431
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>> No.15435476
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>> No.15435688

>It's mostly a result of women entering the workforce
Women entering the workforce is the exact same mechanism:
>Greater labour competition
>Lower wages
>Families suffer

Companies addicted to lower wages are now crying "labour shortages" so they can pay people even less. AI is just going to be the nail in the coffin as 1/4th of our workforce will flood the labour market in the near future.

>> No.15435868

There was one recent article promoting this.

It remains to be seen if it will actually catch on. I doubt it will.

>> No.15435877

>Their birth rates are a consequence of far more than just women working.

Then explain why the phenomenon is so widespread and consistent across every nation and culture that pushes women to work?

>> No.15435895

It's all true and you know it. You're just throwing out whatever noise you can to defend your ego.

Clearly the sexual revolution and BC led to more women having more partners.

Women's happiness is only one index, and there for anyone that claims that sexual liberation brings women happiness.

You ignore the marriage stability and STD's chart on either side of that one, because clearly, those are undeniably important to the health of a civilization.

>> No.15435906

What has happened in the past 30 or so years that has significantly changed? What are other events that we can observe that have happened both independently and with women entering the workforce?

>> No.15435916

Because it is contrarian to the indoctrination.

>> No.15436063

There are certainly other factors that have coincided with it, such as the introduction of birth control, no fault divorces, and all.

But those are all tied to the same ideological movement.

>> No.15436768

> Has you can see
