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File: 703 KB, 1x1, The Antiscience Movement Is Escalating, Going Global and Killing Thousands - Scientific American.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15431940 No.15431940 [Reply] [Original]

Why was this board so against the lab leak theory?

For the first two years of COVID this board was vehemently opposed to the Lab Leak Hypothesis, and any discussion of the topic would be met by butthurt SJWs accusing you of being a conspiracy theorist and a "poltard".

Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been a lot of evidence pointing to the possibility of a lab leak, and it has generally been taken seriously by mainstream scholars in the biomedical sciences, including some of the top biologists, epidemiologists, and medical doctors in the world.

However, as the pandemic progressed, we found more and more evidence suggesting a lab leak, and with the Twitter Files, even evidence demonstrating that corporations and government officials were intentionally and systematically engaging in censorship of the topic. Now that we have all of this ning evidence, the pro-censorship shitlibs are nowhere to be found. I know a lot of you pop soi leftists use this board, so why did you promote disinformation, and would you consider what you did to be "science denial"? If not why? Why are you allowed to lie and ignore the scientists and censor scientific discussion?

>> No.15431950

Because covid is not real. I have yet to see any real evidence of it.

>> No.15431977

Because they’re thinking what they’re supposed to be thinking, like good little goyim

>> No.15431982
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political reasons

>> No.15432000

the people on this board are NPCs, they believe and parrot whatever the dominant narrative is from the dominant propaganda purveyor without question and attack anyone who is capable of critical thinking.

>> No.15432016

Because /sci/ is filled with hubris addicted Chuds who couldn't find their own assholes with a quantum asshole detector from the future.

Also this, literally never seen proof it's real.

>> No.15432027

The false implication is that the virus was engineered. China, like the US, has the technology to make a virus that only affects young people, is asymptomatically contagious for years, and most importantly, doesn't affect Chinese.

Now, the idea that a lab was studying a wild COVID variant and it got out, might be another thing, but the narrative is always that the chinks designed and then released this thing, on themselves, on purpose, for some reason.

>> No.15432085

I remember a few people noticing "hey there's a virology lab in Wuhan, isn't that interesting" but there were certainly a whole lot more people posting stupid shit about le chink bioweapon.

>> No.15432408

That wasn't the narrative you disingenuous strawman fuck.

>> No.15432576

Because suppose it did leak from a lab, who would have leaked it? Some lab technician? Who would have a motive to leak a novel airborne virus and fuck up the global economy?

The conspiracy theory never answered any of those questions in any coherent way so I assumed it was a garbage theory.

>> No.15432581

Sucks to be a genius like you who must always be right and never wrong

>> No.15432584

Yes, it was.

>> No.15432613

>The false implication is that the virus was engineered.
Not false.
>China, like the US, has the technology to make a virus that only affects young people, is asymptomatically contagious for years, and most importantly, doesn't affect Chinese.
>Now, the idea that a lab was studying a wild COVID variant and it got out, might be another thing, but the narrative is always that the chinks designed and then released this thing, on themselves, on purpose, for some reason.
It couldn't have been a "wild variant" and also leaked from the lab, since it would have been outside already. You're also ignoring all of the information regarding US funding of/partnership with the Wuhan lab regarding SARS gain of function research which was over 15 years running by 2020. If anything, COVID as a joint China/US glow-op to simultaneously lockdown HK which was rioting at the time and give pretext to rig the US elections to oust Orange Hitler, but I digress.

>> No.15432617

See >>15432613

>> No.15432930
File: 30 KB, 469x407, shitlib_censorship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're average woke leftist doesn't actually care about science, and they have no respect for working scientists. They claim to, but in reality they really support the mainstream media and big tech corporations, who align with their ideology and values. They claim to "Trust the Science", but they actually trust public consensus, popular opinion, and the mainstream media. This is not just my take on the matter. This is backed up by numerous polls and studies. The left has consistently and repeatedly made it very clear that they are opposed to any scholar or academics who disagree with their woke, pro-corporate, pro-censorship ideology. Again, this is not my opinion. This objectively true. Polls show that 76% of democrats support more censorship, and in particular, they actually PREFER censorship to be orchestrated by corporations and billionaires. Traditional liberals and leftists have generally been opposed to corporate power and the mainstream media, and have generally favored government oversight, but modern woke shitlibs actually support deregulation, and they openly state that they support corporations and corporate censorship over and above government censorship (but both kinds are still great, in their mind).

The average woke shitblib will never be able to respond to these criticisms or even begin to have a serious discussion about these topics. The problem is that to do so would require them to admit that even the mainstream media and tech corporations can be wrong about things. However this fundamentally conflicts with shitlib ideology. They hold it as a axiomatic truth that the mainstream media and public opinion determine what is true. By definition, the mainstream media and the US government and multinational corporations cannot be wrong. By definition, any criticism directed at the media, corporations, or the government is a form of conspiracy theory.

Pic related. From a recent Pew poll like 2 years ago.

>> No.15433050

no, it really wasn't. the only people who thought it was intentionally engineered and released as a bioweapon were the same fringe nutjobs who thought the vaccine had wifi nanochips in it or whatever. you've fallen for a psyop specifically designed to paint everyone disagreeing with the official narrative as an unhinged lunatic. you should be embarrassed.

>> No.15433955

Yeah, I basically haven't run into anyone who actually believed in the Bill Gates microchip narrative. I've only ever heard about it on mainstream media, cable news, and from woke leftists bitching about it. As far as I can tell, the shit about muh Bill Gates microchip conspiracy theory is just a strawman that was fabricated or exaggerated by normies and the mainstream media in order to demonize people who were interested in the lab leak theory or concerned about the negative consequences of lockdowns and mandates for our economy and civil liberties.

>> No.15434018

Mods are trannies.
Tourists from reddit
Trannyism is heavily promoted in every social media/company

That's why. The society is captive by the elites.

>> No.15434672

There are websites that archive the board, you know.

>> No.15435090

The redditors have been dseething for 3 years straight lmao

>> No.15435927

Bump, because I'm really curious to hear an answer.

>> No.15435976

>The conspiracy theory never answered any of those questions in any coherent way so I assumed it was a garbage theory.
That's a retarded point of view. Any conspiracy theory that posits the answer to every aspect of some event is going to be wrong about one of them

>> No.15435997

Who cares. It doesn't even matter.
Covid was a meme.
The lab leak theory is a big part of why the mass hysteria exploded

>> No.15435998

Because John Oliver, Trevor Noah, and Steven Colbert said it was racist and the people who suggested it were stupid hillbillies and that's as far as normies got with the theory.

>> No.15436019

I wasn't.
After I read the book The Hot Zone I was interested in virology and knew that the people studying it only make things worse.

>> No.15436534

>The conspiracy theory never answered any of those questions in any coherent way so I assumed it was a garbage theory.
>t. scientifically illiterate woke normie redditor

It's not a "conspiracy theory". It's a valid scientific hypothesis. Even if the Lab Leak Hypothesis turns out to be false, that would not make it a "conspiracy theory", it would just be a scientific claim that has been falsified.
Now the reason I say you're scientifically illiterate is because you've clearly never studied any scientific discipline in your life, or you'd know that literally no scientific theory is complete. We don't have a complete scientific theory of any domain of natural phemenon, not even physics. A scientific claim is not require to provide a complete explanatory account of the entire matter in question. You can break things down and ask different questions and formulate different hypotheses, without analyzing the entire subject in question. If that were not the case, then science itself would not be possible. Scientists have to break subjects down into different topics and different questions, and then they perform multiple different experiments and write multiple different journal articles.

You don't have to have a complete understanding of the issue from the jump. Again if that were the case, then science would be conceptually and epistemologically impossible. For example, I don't need to provide you with a detailed theory of quantum gravity in ordered to demonstrate to that acceleration due to gravity on planet earth is roughly 9.8 m/s^2. Logically speaking, you do not need to know ALL true claims about a subject in order to know SOME true claims about a subject. This is so obvious that it should not need to be explained to any non-impaired adult, and under normal circumstances, I would not even need to say any of this, but you're operating purely from a partisan, ideological lense at the moment, so you're able to just overlook basic logic and common sense.

>> No.15436564

I was against it for about six months.

>The false implication is that the virus was engineered.
>Now, the idea that a lab was studying a wild COVID variant and it got out
See, that's a lie though. That it could have been a virus manipulated by the Chinese and accidentally released was one of the initial conspiracies which was quickly shot down. Now we have people like you acting like no one said something similar at the time.

>> No.15436569

>Because suppose it did leak from a lab, who would have leaked it? Some lab technician? Who would have a motive to leak a novel airborne virus and fuck up the global economy?
A Taiwanese lab was studying Delta. A worker was accidentally infected and spread it outside of the lab. It was not intentional, there was no motive, and Taiwan apologized. Something similar could have happened at the Chinese lab. It's been noted that proper protocols were not in place to prevent an accidental release.

>> No.15436684

It’s similar to the Monty Hall problem, where people still have problems of understanding.

Imagine a million locations (doors) one of the location (door) is the origin of the pandemic (contains the price car). the others are just subsequent outbursts (goats).
You guess location (door) X as the origin (price) without significant evidence. The host of the show eliminates all locations (doors) except your chosen X and the Wuhan institute of Virology (door number #284625) where this specific virus has been researched on, and is within footwalk to the first identified outburst.

Now guess where the price is located.

>> No.15436709

Because the natural origin of the virus from the Chinese wet market is far more probable than the lab leak theory. The CDC's official stance from the start of the pandemic was 'We don't see evidence that the virus was leaked from a lab". Which is a perfectly valid statement and yet people used this to discredit the CDC and the WHO and then used that as validation to spread conspiracies about the vaccine which got people killed.

>> No.15436727

Normies don't care, have an opinion, or even spend a single second thinking about anything you wrote. Both sides of the conversation you're trying to have are autists who have an unhealthly obsession with political propaganda.

>> No.15436745

>monkey goes into lab
>monkey takes virus
>monkey infects human

How fucking convenient. It was the government my small brain friend.

>> No.15436746

>Because the natural origin of the virus from the Chinese wet market is far more probable than the lab leak theory.
An argument can be made the other way. SARS-CoV-2 came prepackaged to infect humans at a high rate, which is not typical for a zoonotic spillover where it typically takes a long period of time for infectivity to increase. In addition, we have email correspondence between Fauci and other officials admitting the probability of a lab origin, only to have a paper released two days later (which was secretly funded by Fauci) stating the improbability of a lab origin, which Fauci frequently quoted. And oh yeah, if you're going to say "The CDC SAYS" and then use that as proof, then why ignore what the FBI says? Different agencies have come to different conclusions. What left a sour taste in people's mouths is the speed and authority with which the WHO and CDC wiped away any theory that differed from natural origin, far before they could have really had the evidence to make such a declaration. While this is happening, China is wiping out any evidence of origin and blocking foreign entrance into the country. Then the WHO opened an investigation against China regarding a lab leak, only to drop it because China wasn't cooperating. These are not reassuring actions by organizations that are supposed to have our best interest at heart.

>> No.15436756

>it couldn't have been a wild variant if it's in a lab
Virus varieties exists everywhere in nature.

>> No.15436793

>The false implication is that the virus was engineered. China, like the US, has the technology to make a virus that only affects young people, is asymptomatically contagious for years, and most importantly, doesn't affect Chinese.
They absolutely do fucking not

>> No.15436799

I don't remember opposition to the lab leak theory here. Alina Chan and Razib Khan have always been respected in /sci/.

>> No.15436816

>Because the natural origin of the virus from the Chinese wet market is far more probable than the lab leak theory
Based on what?

>> No.15436826

Based on the lies of the CDC and WHO.

>> No.15436829

Because there are millions of SARS variants in the wilds of China, and because a virus engineered by China wouldn't only kill a tiny portion of the elderly or Chinese.

Granted, if anything, the response to COVID has reminded us is that if we ever do see an actually engineered virus we're all royally fucked.

>> No.15436836

>Because there are millions of SARS variants in the wilds of China
They do a terrible job of infecting people, and they're highly dangerous if infected. They're quite different from SARS-CoV-2. Think of the actual mortality rates of the original SARS and MERS.

>> No.15436915

>it can't have come from a lab because it wasn't dangerous enough
terrible reasoning

>> No.15436932

The FBI only stated that there was a higher than 0 possibility of a lab leak origin then said nothing on why they thought that. You guys took that way out of proportion.

>> No.15436942

They also expose far more people.

What is more likely.

Thousands of people a day interacting with thousands of animals a day without any protection handling meat, blood and bodily fluids of slaughtered animals got a virus from Pangolins which had already jumped species from bats.


Labs in Wuhan with professionals who study bat viruses let a variant which had mutated in pangolins somehow despite the fact that they don't research pangolin derived viruses who cannot enter or leave the facility without high levels of decontamination procedures let the virus out by accident.

Then Occam's razor. This is not a lab leak.

>> No.15436948

>new SARS pandemic originates in a city hosting a viral lab studying SARS viruses
>occam's razor suggests it came from pangolins

>> No.15436952

Cassandra complex, I'm not a genius it is just that everyone else is really stupid. A man of average height looks like a giant next to a dwarf

>> No.15436960

Now you are learning how the game is played. I predicted all of this year's ago

>> No.15436967

No. DNA says it came from pangolins. Do you guys not read?

>Now, the two researchers used genomic sequencing to compare the DNA of the new coronavirus in humans with that in animals and found a 99% match with pangolins.

>> No.15436982

>Why was this board so against the lab leak theory?
It wasn't. Are you too dense to realise actual paid grifters and shillbots post here? They always replied with precisely two posts. They were easy to spot as they were very rush, inorganic, and didn't know any /sci/ memes.

>> No.15436984

indeed and occam's razor suggests that the emergence of the new SARS pandemic from the city with the lab studying SARS viruses is a coincidence, since the simplest explanation is that it came from pangolins

>> No.15436988

Lab leak people thought they did gain of function research and it leaked by accident.
Bioweapon thought they were targeting European DNA in SEA people (for which there were two early paper showing that highest attack was on them while lowest was on Han Chinese), but that it leaked from the lab before it was finished.

All else is your own obvious disinformation, but thanks for keeping the thread alive chucklefuck fed.

>> No.15437001

They ARE making a bioweapon in a Wuhan (and other level ^4 safety biolabs), the fact has been confirmed by professional private intelligence agencies and corroborated with the funding trail. Whether the covid-19 virus was a leak from a part of that, a connected wing of the lab studying the virus for pure scientific reasons or had a natural patient zero in the wet market (a city block away from the lab) is another question altogether.

The fact is that China purposely kept out the international investigation team for MONTHS to destroy evidence so they are almost certainly guilty of something they don't want the internatiomal community to know. Lab leak or not.

>> No.15437007

>t. Paid shill who's masters didn't teach him basic science

It was negligence you idiot. I have see Chinese researchers who come and give zero fucks about walking out of the labs with contiminated lab coats. Nevermind properly decontaminating every square mm of themselves like they're supposed.

It's extremely easy to accidentally leak something.

>> No.15437020

>fringe nutjobs
The US department of energy is a network of 17 major national laboratories who studies advanced biological technology and precisely bioweapon defence are not "fringe nutjobs", but a significant segment of the scientific community.

Here, your own religion's Jesus reported on this:

Shoo shoo shill, you didn't get the memo yet that you are out of the "it's a conspiracy theory!?" stage and already entered the memory hole stage.

>> No.15437023

Meant to qoute >>15432584

>> No.15437029

Only black people and like 5% of self mutilating freaks watch any of the shows you mentioned.

>> No.15437032
File: 145 KB, 822x1022, Awakening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a wolf amongst mindless sheep. Do not try and turn a sheep into wolf, that is impossible. Train other wolves to herd the sheep. The future of humanity hinges on the outcome of your success or failure. If you have anything in this life that you care about then you better fight like hell to protect it

>> No.15437041

>people used this to discredit
No, people used money trails, treason and uncovered bribes to descredit them.

>> No.15437053


>> No.15437066

For me I thought the entire "conspiracy" was just:

>wuhan lab working on virus studies
>may or may not be bioweapon research but this part is always unsure to me and could pottentially be irelevant to this percice issue but is still highly important and note worthy if true.
>virus gets out most likely on accident from someone just being retarded
>this is highly embarassing for china so all systems go to larp this didn't just happen

>> No.15437143

Yes, that's precisely what happened which is obvious from the fact that they refused to let international investigators in. The thing that pisses people off is supposedly neutral organizations who helped them cover it up. While other used the political capital to be gained to advance their own careers.

It should be surprising considering these are captured organizations with a history of praising genocidal African dictators. People were just surprised to learn all at once how corrupt these institutions they put blind faith in really are.

>> No.15437501

nothing to leak, there was no pandemic

>> No.15438847


>> No.15438890

yep, no viruses, no pandemics, only paid shills

>> No.15439628

This is very ironic, given that the only argument that sjws ever provide when you challenge their narrative is that anyone who disagrees with them is just an inbred white trash blue collar high school dropout maga conspiracy theorist. That's literally their entire argument. They're only capable of responding with insults, and making wild assumptions about your ideology, political views, and socioeconomic status. Anyone who disagrees with the SjW is a nazi. Anyone who disagrees with the SJW is a conspiracy theorist. If you disagree, it doesn't matter because your just a science hating, bible thumping poltard hillbilly. Sjws claim to be reasonable, open minded, accepting, and intelligent, but it's really the opposite.

>> No.15439634
File: 640 KB, 813x434, maxresdefault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COVID was the AI and vaxx helped deliver it.
>over 70% of the worlds population has been inoculated with the quantum AI
>13.4 billion doses administered
Now we just wait for them to roll out the new technohomo system and hook up all the cattle to it along with all the IoT devices. Many of the unvaxxed will line up for the boosters once UBI and other benefits are announced.

pro tip: there was never a deadly virus out there

>> No.15439677

the vaccine was the bioweapon. recall the strange symptoms of "covid" early on in china.


>> No.15439685

nocebo shilling

>> No.15440281



>> No.15440345
File: 136 KB, 1694x818, remove GOF sequences from PREDICT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl-f Ralph Baric
0 results
>ctrl-f Peter Daszak
0 results
>ctrl-f Shi Zhengli
0 results
>ctrl-f EcoHealth Alliance
0 results
>ctrl-f USAMRIID
0 results

/sci/ still doesn't know what they're talking about it seems.

>> No.15440807

>I'm really curious to hear an answer.
It's a brainwash mantra hiding the fact they cannot disprove real science. Real science is the fact that people did control experiments they avoid like a vampire sunlight.

>> No.15440980

>The FBI only stated that there was a higher than 0 possibility of a lab leak origin
That's incorrect. They favored a lab leak over natural origin. Also, if you're going to argue it shouldn't count because they're uncertain, then the other agencies are even more uncertain about a natural origin. So basically, no one knows, yet within two days of an email exchange involving Fauci where a lab leak was stated as more likely than natural origin, he funded a study to claim otherwise and then did multiple interviews citing the study (without stating he funded it) to argue a lab origin made no sense. Yeah, nothing suspicious about that at all.

>> No.15440993

>Thousands of people a day interacting with thousands of animals a day without any protection handling meat, blood and bodily fluids of slaughtered animals
The SARS-like viruses usually infect people who are going into caves with bats. They don't generally happen at meat markets, and they definitely don't infect millions of people like it's nothing. Do you know how many people were infected by MERS and SARS-1? It's a low number. BTW, even if it jumped to Pangolins (unproven), and then jumped to humans, it still would require years of infecting humans to reach the infectivity that it was at by the time we knew about it. How likely is it this was going around for years before anyone found out, and at the same time managed to not be all that deadly despite evidence from SARS and MERS that they tend to be very deadly until they've adapted to infecting human hosts?

>Labs in Wuhan with professionals who study bat viruses let a variant which had mutated in pangolins somehow despite the fact that they don't research pangolin derived viruses who cannot enter or leave the facility without high levels of decontamination procedures let the virus out by accident.
Why are you so hung up on pangolins? A wild-type virus similar to SARS-CoV-2 was found directly from bats and was being studied by the Wuhan lab. Take some humanized genetic mice, infect them repeatedly to see how the virus mutates, and voila, you end up with SARS-CoV-2 which can easily infect people and could potentially be spread by a lab technician who was unknowingly pre-symptomatic. Occam's Razor suggests that's far more likely than bats infecting pangolins infecting humans for years before REALLY infecting billions of humans while the epicenter is near a coronavirus lab in Wuhan that just so happens to have been studying coronaviruses and had a viral outbreak in the months preceding China's lockdown but coincidentally had nothing to do with SARS-CoV-2.

>> No.15441000

>Do you guys not read?
My guess is you don't. Do you know the difference between "might have" and definitely did"? It's also worth noting you're trusting scientists from a country that spent a lot of time hiding SARS-CoV-2 and then blocked a WHO investigation into the origin of the virus.