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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15429212 No.15429212 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true would it medically be a bad thing? It5 seems like the people it would effect wouldnt know the difference anyway

>> No.15429218

one more week

>> No.15429328

>one more week
till the winter of severe illness and death?

>> No.15429334
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Its finally happening

>> No.15429338

yes, caused by the vax

>> No.15429358

Why would a vaccine cause any long-term effect at all?

>> No.15429417

I already have that so oh well.

>> No.15429434

/sci/ is well boosted sir, we don't take kindly to your anti-science kind in here

>> No.15429485

I took 2 vaccines. A mutation in my body allowed the spikes to integrate. My name is Alice and this is my story.

>> No.15429505
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>that 0-14 and 14-44 trend

>> No.15429511

One more fortnight, just one more.

>> No.15429520

Deagle's 2015 forecast was 70% depopulation by 2025, so ackshually it's two more years.

>> No.15429524
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Hey sudden-kun, how ya feelin'

>> No.15429539
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none of that matters. it isn't about health or safety. it's all about the largest transfer of wealth and power in human history.


>> No.15429669

A gene therapy.

>> No.15429911

>science denialism

>> No.15430686

gonna be hard to study this one, vaxxxies were already low iq to begin with

>> No.15431484


>> No.15432560

also they'll be dead soon, by the time anyone gets a grant to do the research, it might be too late to investigate them.

>> No.15433782

the people affected were dumb 2 begin with

>> No.15434033

Why would you post a tweet and not the European study the tweet is referring to?

>> No.15434535

uhhhhh cuz uhhhhh globohomo juice

>> No.15434643

to see if you were too brain damaged to find yourself yet

>> No.15434698
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Vaccine hesitant folks tend to be more melanated themselves.

>> No.15434868
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Africans are high IQ

>> No.15436278

>get vaxxxx'd
>suddenly have lower IQ than africa

>> No.15437135
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>> No.15437883

vaxxxies are low iq

>> No.15437906

We only need like a 10 million people with >100 iq. Too many and it’s an existential threat (according to the algorithms).

>> No.15438181

> we
> iq

>> No.15438186

nocebo shilling.

>> No.15439011

vaxxxies were all double digit iq to begin with

>> No.15439578

Objectively false, the middle of the bell curve is what vaccinated, so mainly 85-120.

The cattle, smart enough to understand the orders of its kike master, but dumb enough to fall for the kike's lies, is what vaccinated.
The genuine dimwit, acting more on emotions and instinct than reason, actually didn't fall for the lies and didn't trust the kike.

>> No.15439589

"COVID Vaccines". Yes, generic "covid" "vaccines".
Like four completely different techs (half of them were here for a century already) have exactly the same effect. Sure.

>> No.15439673
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COVID was the AI and vaxx helped deliver it.
>over 70% of the worlds population has been inoculated with the quantum AI
>13.4 billion doses administered
Now we just wait for them to roll out the new technohomo system and hook up all the cattle to it along with all the IoT devices. Many of the unvaxxed will line up for the boosters once UBI and other benefits are announced.

>> No.15439678

too late

>> No.15439733

wtf does antikythera mechanism have to dow ith anything

>> No.15439807

There is a study linking long covid to low T cells.

So "long covid" is basically vaccines deactivating the immune system regarding the covid virus.

>> No.15439821

Why are you biased to western taylor-made regulations for big pharma? There are many covid vaccines, but coincidentally only the 4 intracellular vaccines were allowed in the west. No subunit vaccines, no traditional vaccines. Only adenovector and mRNA.
The fact that today everything minus phizer is allowed in the west tells you what level of corruption there is. So for instance, novavax (subunit) is available in my country only if you have taken an mRNA vaccine before.

>> No.15439851

>LNP crosses the blood-brain barrier:
PEGylated solid lipid nanoparticles for brain delivery of lipophilic kiteplatin Pt(IV) prodrugs: An in vitro study
Arduino et al

Investigation of enzyme-sensitive lipid nanoparticles for delivery of siRNA to blood–brain barrier and glioma cells [2015]
Bruun et al

>Spike protein crosses blood-brain-barrier: in-vitro
The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alters barrier function in 2D static and 3D microfluidic in-vitro models of the human blood-brain barrier
Buzhdygan et al

The S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood-brain barrier in mice
Rhea et al

>> No.15440206
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every vaxxie I know lacks even the most basic self awareness skills. Literal NPCs. But NPCs do keep me filthy rich, so....

Keep getting vaxxed NPCs, I'm sure keeping me rich will also somehow cure racism too lol

>> No.15440565

I'm not from the West, never got any mRNA shit.

>> No.15441185

Kind of disappointing, I was hoping it would kill them all swiftly

>> No.15442300
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>> No.15442330

We all know what this is really about.


>> No.15442373

It's about a scientific study. The fact you're ignoring & discrediting it instead of debating it means you are the politically motivated one.

>> No.15442381

Hard to tell. If they took the COVID boosters they already had brain damage.

>> No.15442386

Good for you. Now is well known the Russian and even the Chinese vaccines were far better at reducing mortality.

>> No.15442389

And this is why socialism is a disease that can't be tolerated and must be extirpated from society no matter the cost.

>> No.15442412

Not really, literally that twitter claim is false because the study didn't even show that
>AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The study being referenced, conducted by German researchers and not yet peer-reviewed, looked into the presence of the virus’ spike protein in the brain following infection. The paper did not explore vaccine side effects, a co-author confirmed.

>> No.15442490

Heh, you ran to AP Fact Check and didn't even bother reading study abstract, did you?

>Our results revealed the accumulation of the spike protein in the skull marrow, brain meninges, and brain parenchyma. The injection of the spike protein alone caused cell death in the brain, highlighting a direct effect on brain tissue. Furthermore, we observed the presence of spike protein in the skull of deceased long after their COVID-19 infection, suggesting that the spike’s persistence may contribute to long-term neurological symptoms.

Try being less lazy and reliant on propaganda sites like fact checkers in the future.

>> No.15442499

AP is not a scientific organization

>> No.15442514

Cool it with the antisemitism.
The vaccines are safe and effective, tikkun olam.

>> No.15442521

>The paper investigated the distribution of the virus’ spike protein in the brain using mouse models and human postmortem tissues.
They did not investigate the covid 19 vaccines as OP is claiming, they did not investigate vaccines at all, they investigated mice that were infected with the virus, you can't even read for shit

>> No.15442540

They investigated the spike protein in particular you pilpuling lying disingenuous KIKE
The same spike protein that the vaccines that will heal this flat plane make the goylems' bodies produce permanently until their sudden cohencidental death.
The same vaccines that reach everyfuckingwhere.

Please booster, please stab yourself, please boost, please jab yourself, please please please, jab stab jab, please please please, stab your self ! And your loved oooooooones !

>> No.15442550

They looked at the spike protein from the virus, not vaccines, there was no vaccine effects being investigated

>> No.15442556

Displays of chutzpah should be ground for immediate summary execution.
Demonic filth.

Still, please continue your genocide of the cattle, they are after all your sword and your shield.
Please please please continue.