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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 193 KB, 1164x966, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15428153 No.15428153 [Reply] [Original]


When people tell me that something is not true without giving reason, I'm inclined to know more. Anyone have more information on this?

>> No.15428170

you have to go back

>> No.15428198

So, how do the jews control the math jobs?

>> No.15428257

What else did he expect from an offshoot of EJB? When I first heard of EJB I tried posting there to talk to fellow economists outside of my department but the responses made it clear 90% of people there don't do economics or even have a passing interest in economics and the remainder 10% are cocky econ undergrads gossiping about their profs like women. If I want to get involved in pettiness like that I can always go to my student union.

>> No.15428270

They promote people with small faces. Don't ask me why, but they always do.

>> No.15428292

Shafarevich was right

>> No.15428334

anonymous message boards become filled with racist trolls? I'm shocked I tell you, completely shocked.

>> No.15428344
File: 178 KB, 596x1280, catholics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15428394

>cranks complaining about string theory
>complaining about string theory
Yeah sure, they're the cranks.

>> No.15428396

remove yourself fucking shill. you deceive for money.

>> No.15428408

explain how they're wrong

>> No.15428429

Commenters clearly suggest that many posters are graduate students, postdoc, etc.

>> No.15430121

If this post is to be believed, the answer they give is nepotism.

>> No.15430139

it's not just math, all academia is infested with jewish nepotism. These are the most coveted jobs because they pay 6 figures and its very easy to just publish random garbage that only people in your own circle look at. The majority of academia is a ponzi scheme and anyone that does actual research will get spied on by the israelis (and chinese).

If you want to do actual cutting-edge rnd don't do it at academia they will steal your work.

>> No.15430140

>How do Jews control math jobs in academia?
They control the banking system. All other things are dependent on the banking systems, so they must do as the Jew bankers say.

>> No.15430147

Didn’t know mathfags were so based

>> No.15430248
File: 40 KB, 672x671, poltard_schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another poltard crawls out of the woodwork to spew his derange and unstable conspiracy theories about DAAAA JOOOOOOOOOOOZ

You incels truly are dedicated. It's like you never get bored.

Next time you feel the need to go on a racist schizo rant, do it on >>>/pol/.

>> No.15430251


>> No.15430260

Are you jewish by any chance?

>> No.15430266

They monopolized the hexagram. Everything else is secondary. Reclaim the hexagram.

>> No.15431041


>> No.15431068

>a lot of people, myself included, were quite shocked to see just how much of a vile undercurrent of toxic, sexist, racist people there were spread out across the legitimate maths community
I love how millennials determine a person's value depending on their political views, gender or ethnicity. It's never their talents, accomplishments or technical skills, is it? It's almost like a manchild's idea of progress. But no, it's definitively not that.

>> No.15431116

why does this thread still exist

>> No.15431125

Why shouldn't it?

>> No.15431269

shill, gtfo