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File: 397 KB, 1x1, Legatesetal13-Aug30-Agnotology.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15423382 No.15423382 [Reply] [Original]

This paper says only 0.3% of scientists think global warming is real, the previous 97% consensus claim has been completely debunked. Does this mean we have to change our science based views on global warming?

Climate Consensus and ‘Misinformation’: A Rejoinder to Agnotology, Scientific Consensus, and the Teaching and Learning of Climate Change
>Agnotology is the study of how ignorance arises via circulation of misinfor- mation calculated to mislead. Legates et al. (Sci Educ 22:2007–2017, 2013) had questioned the applicability of agnotology to politically-charged debates. In their reply, Bedford and Cook (Sci Educ 22:2019–2030, 2013), seeking to apply agnotology to climate science, asserted that fossil-fuel interests had promoted doubt about a climate consensus. Their definition of climate ‘misinformation’ was contingent upon the post-modernist assump- tions that scientific truth is discernible by measuring a consensus among experts, and that a near unanimous consensus exists. However, inspection of a claim by Cook et al. (Environ Res Lett 8:024024, 2013) of 97.1 % consensus, heavily relied upon by Bedford and Cook, shows just 0.3 % endorsement of the standard definition of consensus: that most warming since 1950 is anthropogenic. Agnotology, then, is a two-edged sword since either side in a debate may claim that general ignorance arises from misinformation allegedly circulated by the other. Significant questions about anthropogenic influences on climate remain. Therefore, Legates et al. appropriately asserted that partisan presentations of controversies stifle debate and have no place in education.

>> No.15423820

>only 0.3% of scientists think global warming is real
nearly all professionals are old enough to have observed the weather on their own during their lifetimes and realized nothing is changing

>> No.15423944

>nothing is changing
That's how climate change works though. It feels like nothing is changing, but in reality all the things are changing so rapidly that it feels like nothing is changing at all. STOP !.... feel that? That's right. It just changed again. It's just like that old saying where you get a frog and then boil a pot of water and then put some pasta in the pot then add some salt and let it boil for ten minutes or so until it's al dente then remove the water and pasta from the pot then put the frog in the pot and then go eat the pasta and come back later and the frog probably isn't in the pot anymore. That's climate change right there

>> No.15425062

>the frog was poisonous and you are now in A&E

>> No.15425376

Thank you for the explanation.

>> No.15425390

>Their definition of climate ‘misinformation’ was contingent upon the post-modernist assump-tions that scientific truth is discernible by measuring a consensus among experts
This is how you know this is a pseud of a paper. It's just a bunch of philosophy and not a whole lot of science, so in other words it's meaningless.

>> No.15425623

sounds like science! fuck yeah science!

>> No.15425657

Most logically coherent defense of climate change hysteria I've ever seen.

>> No.15425681

>Their definition of climate ‘misinformation’ was contingent upon the post-modernist assump- tions that scientific truth is discernible by measuring a consensus among experts
It's really not. Inserting "truth" here is a strawman. Empirical science doesn't establish absolute truths. Instead the best you can do is the current best understanding. How do you establish that? The best you can do is poll the experts. Far from perfect, but it is the best option.

>> No.15426651

>only 0.3% of scientists think global warming is real
so 99.7% agree that it isn't

>> No.15427693

How did they get 97% when in reality it was only 0.3%?

>> No.15427864

it's a number on a screen. they can make it 146% if they want, cattle never questions MSM.

>> No.15427943
File: 80 KB, 1005x513, 1683678190310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really want to know, the 0.3% number is what you get if you use the narrowest possible definition for what "endorsing GW" is and the widest possible one for not endorsing it. This is just based on papers, not a poll. A lot of them weren't written to express an opinion either way.

>> No.15427958


>> No.15427959

I don't know and I don't care. How about we just make the planet better? Do you agree that smoke comes out of cars? Do you like breathing it? Do you like that there's a perpetual cloud of car pollution above cities? Just make the planet better; this isn't hard to figure out.

>> No.15427972
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, fake enviromental concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about we just make
what have you done so far?

>> No.15427975

> I
shill diverts attention from the fact that government is a fucking liar.

>> No.15427978

>government is a fucking liar.

>> No.15427991

>what have you done so far?
I consume local stuff even if it's more expensive, don't drive, and only leave the house about 5 times a year. I also separate my trash and save it for people who live off selling recyclable stuff instead of throwing it away to the government garbage collectors.
>government is a fucking liar
So what? If you were expecting it to be honest you sure are young. Feel free to run for prez and fixing the system, but in the meantime how about doing things that are good for everyone? Believing in the government is a way of being a useful fool, but being so anti-government that you side with the car companies is another way of being a useful fool. Play the move that is useful to humans instead of the ones that are useful to capitalism and pride.

>> No.15428000

>only leave the house about 5 times a year
The most well-adjusted climate cultist.

>> No.15428001

what the fuck why do I never get consulted on all these "x percentage of all scientists" papers

>> No.15428400

brevity and precision are signs of intelligence, shill. ranting is a sign of shilling.

>> No.15428407

Scientist here, I believe in climate change. Wasn't asked though.

>> No.15428591

by lying
intentionally misrepresenting the fact in order to demand funding and political power

>> No.15429856
File: 2.29 MB, 1x1, WCD-version-06272215121.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15430600

you must not be a significant enough scientist to have your opinion count

>> No.15431440
File: 81 KB, 370x500, pwnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15432340
File: 42 KB, 928x578, antarctic-sea-ice_figure1_2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It feels like nothing is changing
because nothing is changing

>> No.15432545

You'd think people would be happy about this, but yet they seem agitated and angry when you point it out.

>> No.15432704

>oh no, we're not all gonna die of climate change in two weeks!!!!
yeah, wtf is that all about?

>> No.15433896
File: 79 KB, 1500x500, climate-crisis-end-of-the-world-stonetoss-political-cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its irrational asf.
Its almost as if global warming was some sort of insane doomsday religious cult that needs to be able to claim the world is coming to an end for religious reasons and are willing to deny reality in support of their insane religion

>> No.15434657

probably your halitosis, body odor & personality

>> No.15435211
File: 65 KB, 618x597, 1654252672380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> scientist
> believe

>> No.15435247

I read your retarded and rescinded bullshit from 2013 and they're claiming that a single study lied about the data they presented based on tortured definitions made by this new paper and an outright lie about easily accessible peer reviewed data

Utter sophistry

>> No.15435255
File: 389 KB, 1200x900, nsidc_global_area_byyear_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Antarctic only

>> No.15435294

Show the last 5 years at least

>> No.15436497

>source: google
google also says women have penises
they lie about everything
the overwhelming consensus amongst real scientists is that global warming is fake, only 0.3% of scientists say global warming isn't fake.

>> No.15437283
File: 2.18 MB, 1x1, 1679790666057760.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if global warming were real, the scientists wouldn't need to conspire and lie about it

>> No.15438063
File: 239 KB, 803x704, 1679541666883949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, their need to lie proves its fake

>> No.15438144
File: 81 KB, 350x350, 086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15438849
File: 1.78 MB, 1920x1080, mtp_fs_data_download_3b_2021_04_25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15438905

Found the 0.3 percenter retard

>> No.15438909

Pay me money to make the temperature go down goy. Dumbfuck.

>> No.15438916

I thought this was figured out back in 2010.

>> No.15439527

>earth is measurably warmer
>even big petroleum companies admit it
>increasing CO2 in the atmosphere is proven to warm up the planet
>humans happen to output enough CO2 that coincide with the increase of temperature
It would be a huge stretch to claim humans don't cause the planet to get warmer. The real question is if it is even an issue to warm the planet up, especially since without human-caused global warming, we would be heading into an ice age.
Smoke is not CO2. CO2 is not toxic at all, you can't smell or see it. You even drink it with your soda. I agree we should treat fumes and toxic gasses, but that doesn't mean we should stop eating meat.
This is good. We need living space for white men and the arctic retreating opens up new lands to populate and new waters to trade through.

>> No.15440883

>99.7% of scientists think global warming is fake
that sounds like a consensus to me

>> No.15441217

>This is good. We need living space for white men and the arctic retreating opens up new lands to populate and new waters to trade through.
Obama will build a waterfront arctic mansion as soon as the shoreline is available

>> No.15442333

Amazing ppl can look at data like that and still think global warming is real