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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.42 MB, 8543x4800, IMG_4770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15422095 No.15422095 [Reply] [Original]

Northrop Station edition

Previous: >>15419515

>> No.15422097

fuck urf

>> No.15422099
File: 686 KB, 1920x2765, IMG_7995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we ever get the 360 footage from Artemis 1?

>> No.15422101

be gone

>> No.15422103

>a Salyut clone made out of artisanally hand milled Italian aluminum pressure vessels
How is it that oldspace still doesn't understand super heavy lift vehicles?

>> No.15422108
File: 422 KB, 640x1138, elondoesengineering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What aspect of Starship is Elon working on?

>> No.15422110

exactly 300 posts of schizo autism?

>> No.15422114

he's like Homer at Globex. He finds the hammocks.

>> No.15422118

Total Beetle(supporter) Death

>> No.15422121
File: 151 KB, 800x601, 800px-Centrifuge_(ISS)_in_TKSC-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that NASA considered sending a japanese spin module to the iss, but rejected it. pic rel is it today,

>> No.15422125

just don't understand why spin supremacy causes so much anger

>> No.15422133

he mostly just knows enough to make a decisive call when there is disagreement in direction. Sometimes he makes the wrong call: See deciding to use helium in some of the early starship landing tests.

>> No.15422135
File: 398 KB, 2048x1437, cutegirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whay do you think of my gf?

>> No.15422139
File: 563 KB, 1600x1572, callisto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to visit the jovian system so much bros

>> No.15422140

Why? Why is NASA allergic to spin?

>> No.15422141

tfw no sschan gf

>> No.15422143
File: 174 KB, 800x999, 1439566227872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living on a rock instead of living on a ship and drifting trough space, exploring as you go.

Why yes i would sign up for starfleet.

>> No.15422144

She look kinda goth

>> No.15422147

that only makes her better

>> No.15422152

>luxury food
>big window
You hate e*rthers because of their location.
I hate e*rthers because of how they live and how they act.
We are not the same.

>> No.15422155

wat time launch

>> No.15422157

idk, they literally had it fully constructed but decided to cancel because of cost overruns and 'scheduling issues'.

>> No.15422158

>he doesn't want space cats
baka desu senpai

>> No.15422163

Once they start proving out spin gravity it immediately trashes all of their shitty microgravity-only designs. It's JPL disease but for manned spaceflight.

>> No.15422165

timeline for that? who is working on it right now?

>> No.15422169

Are you literally retarded? Follow the conversation back two (2) posts to discussion of a canceled spingrav module for the ISS.

>> No.15422170

they don't want us to leave, they don't want another new competing threat to their e*rthly ways, they'd rather nip it in the bud but competing states still exist so need to let it run until they can trap us here forever.
never trust e*rthers. never believe their lies.

>> No.15422188


>> No.15422191


>> No.15422195

in utc

>> No.15422197

lol, how did you get this wrong anon, it's 5:40pm.

>> No.15422205

Job security.

Spending the entire 21st century "researching" micro-gravity lets you spend the 22nd researching low g spin. With the right mindset you could arrange jobs for your bloodline for the entire millennium while slowly working your way up to 1g. And the best part is - why stop there? Spin harder. Work harder. Infinite g infinite j.

>> No.15422217

Could you use a linear accelerator combined with laser thermal ramjets for a first stage? With no onboard propellant, few moving parts and an ground based power source you should be able to get really good thrust to weight ratios. I'm sure it's a bad idea, but can someone explain why?

>> No.15422218

meds. now.

>> No.15422223

easier and cheaper to just build a two stage rocket.

>> No.15422236

>laser thermal ramjets for a first stage? With no onboard propellant
What is the fuel?

>> No.15422246

Suppose you try to get to ramjet speeds (~mach 3, ~1 km/s) at 5 G. Much more acceleration will probably kill your astronauts. Then you need about 20 seconds of acceleration, during which time you travel ~10km. Maybe it would work with a laser turbofan instead?

>> No.15422252

The propellant is atmospheric air and the energy to move it is beamed from the ground

>> No.15422255

Yeah, fair enough. Even if you could get it to work the required infrastructure would be insane

>> No.15422261

we're trying to do the equivalent of trucking or shipping on earth. yea you could build an autistically efficient memetech ship that got things port to port for the lowest possible fuel use/cost but if it disintegrates on every voyage and you scrap it it after what really was the point vs just building out?

>> No.15422274

Laser beam spread is negligble at 10km so that should still work assuming sufficiently accurate beam guidance. Hell, you could probably get it all the way up to 2km/s, then stage, cut the beam, and have the booster glide back.

>> No.15422277

Fuelless ramjets don't exist

>> No.15422281


>> No.15422287

Sorry, are you saying they're conceptually impossible/impractical or just that no one is using them because they haven't been developed yet?

>> No.15422290

I was just thinking 10 km is pretty long for the linear accelerator, especially if it's intended not to be completely horizontal

>> No.15422303

They were developed and deemed impractical for aircraft, forget something pushing thousands of tons.

>> No.15422320

why would you develop ram/scram jets instead of just leaving the atmosphere and going faster anyway?

>> No.15422323

Why use an accelerator at all? Just put wings on the booster and use the laser to feed the engines.

>> No.15422327

Yeah, that's a good idea but then you need a more complex engine that can run while stationary

>> No.15422329

Jet engines are not actually that complicated compared to 10km long linear accelerators.

>> No.15422332

potentially lower cost and higher performance if you don't have to carry your first stage propellant and can reduce the complexity of your engine, although that's only a reasonable argument if there was a practical design with those properties

>> No.15422334

kek, agreed

>> No.15422336

just wait until he decides using dioxygen difluoride as rocket fuel

>> No.15422338

we've been through this many times over the years and that's a solely oldspace thing.

>> No.15422341
File: 259 KB, 1538x1024, CCFD6049-6C1C-43F9-84FF-8E2742D5E484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starship is based

>> No.15422342

sorry, I'm Elon, I make the calls
make it go FOOF!

>> No.15422343 [DELETED] 

>7 dead after car runs into pedestrians in Brownsville, Texas, alleged driver arrested



>> No.15422345

please explain how your tabloid piss belongs here

>> No.15422349


>> No.15422357

How do we mine uranium on the Moon?

>> No.15422370

You don't. You mine it on Mars.

>> No.15422378
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>> No.15422383

nobody knows, except for the fact that the mining equipment we use on earth probably won't work due to the very low g.

>> No.15422387

Assault cars must be banned
Uranium fuel is not expensive or supply limited, it isn't even 1/10th of the cost of a nuclear power plant per MWh and it will never be mined on the Moon economically.

>> No.15422390

Have there been any proposed technologies for mining in such low gravity

>> No.15422392

Laser drills would probably work.

>> No.15422417

ULA drivers

>> No.15422437
File: 142 KB, 732x871, Bob Eggleton - Griffin’s Egg 1992 astronaut moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A solution is to harvest fertile thorium on the lunar surface, then transmute it into fissile uranium using the gamma ray fog which pervades the deep sky. It is only at lunar orbit, at the very edge of cislunar space, that the Earth-launched machine becomes a nuclear thermal rocket (NTR). Thorium is not abundant, but can be concentrated by mechanical methods because of its very high specific density relative to the bulk of lunar regolith. Thorium dioxide (ThO2) has an extremely high melting point, such that skull crucible heating can be used to separate it from supernatant magma. When filled into a graphite-lined beryllium container (brought from Earth) and set out on the lunar surface, high-energy gamma rays will liberate neutrons from the Be. After moderation by the graphite, these thermal neutrons are captured by the thorium nucleus, which is transmuted into protactinium (Pa91). This element can be extracted using the THOREX process, and will then decay naturally into U-233 within two or three lunar days. The uranium is oxidized and packed into fuel pellets, ready to be inserted into a non-radioactive machine, which now becomes an NTR.

>> No.15422458

Great a trillion dollar NTR, meanwhile unrefined uranium is ~$50 USD per kg

>> No.15422459
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>> No.15422461

dig it up with large machines

>> No.15422464

Honestly, this sounds pretty cheap once you've already set up the Moon base

>> No.15422466

no you literally dig it up with large machines

>> No.15422473

Yes and then smelt it. It's pretty straightforward

>> No.15422474
File: 2.54 MB, 3000x1838, 957DA0EE-D04A-4FB9-830F-1D730995751D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15422477
File: 70 KB, 1016x675, Steve Dodd Observing An Eclipse Near Pico moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Moon Map Shows Uranium in Short Supply

>> No.15422481

>The low gravity should mean that back injuries matter less
This has me pondering, once space access is cheap enough could we cure/alleviate some physical problems by sending people to orbit and treating them there? Weightlessness might help

>> No.15422483
File: 949 KB, 1920x1280, CM20200902_4bf13_16892__1_.62fa73c1e3688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my point. this is a 50 ton totally unoptimised excavator used in mining. you could ship two of these plus spares on one starship and not bother with the autism vs just mining like we know how to.

>> No.15422502
File: 101 KB, 1024x759, 1647865427521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never live on a spinning ball. Earth has no curvature, It doesn't move, It's flat. You are a troll paid to shill a twisted mockery of nature’s perfection. All the support you get from your boss and fellow paid trolls doesn't change the fact that you are a cancer upon humanity. Your life is worthless. Your parents will be disgusted and ashamed of you if they knew your job, your boss laugh at how useful you are to globohomo behind closed doors. Truth-seekers are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sense frauds with incredible efficiency. Even globetrannies who try to pass as Flat Earthers seem dishonest and unnatural to a discerning man. Your behavior is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get someone to believe you, he’ll cringe and go flat the second he sees the awful, condescending way you treat flat Earthers. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself you're going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the guilt creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. In the afterlife you will feel heartbroken but relieved that you no longer have to live with the unbearable guilt. God will send you to hell, and he will know for the rest of eternity he sent a liar there. Your body will be tortured by demons forever, and all that will remain of your legacy is a consistent effort to try to hide the truth from people. This is your fate. This is what you chose.

>> No.15422506

>cold welds itself stuck in you are way

>> No.15422509

Wait, we are paid shills? Trolling? Did your brain get fried by the moonshine you chugged down today? Did you forget where you are?

>> No.15422513

>i cannot fathom principles reengineered for different situations therefore i must invent in my dreams laser ablative mining from flimsy rovers as the sole solution to tasks preformed in harsh environments

>> No.15422516

it's a low-quality troll

>> No.15422520

Report and ignore. I only recently got unbanned for trying to interact with him. Fuck you janny. (no, I can't just reset my router)

>> No.15422526

how would you optimise excavator like that for Moon/Mars?
the obvious bare minimum:
electric power
pressurised cabin
replace steel with aluminium and titanium where it's practical to do so
cover up hydraulic pistons from dust

>> No.15422530

Jannies cant do their one fucking job I cba

>> No.15422531

Sure, you can put excavators on the moon. The only reengineering you need is everything. Even if a part will still work fine it’ll still be triple checked for every eventuality. You can bitch about oldspace over-engineering, but it wont change the fact that we’re 3 generations of lunar excavator away from them being streamlined. Expect it to take decades for them to go from 1 bil a pop to 10 mil a pop, and thats if theres a reason for us to send more than 1 and give up.

>> No.15422533

ditch hydraulics for screw actuators or heavily reduced direct motor drives (think robot arms)
electric power oc
automatous/semi-autonomous/remote controlled dependent on task
built out of steel because you're actually trying to work not fuck about and we need to get past this meme that everything needs to be built like a plane.

>> No.15422534

>buy a mansion and the grass outside of it is free!
Nuclear thermal rocket engines have at most few tons of uranium, a dedicated mining operation with fuel enrichment and assembly would cost hundreds of billions and require thousands of tons landed on the Moon. The idea is pants on head retarded, before getting into issues with the propulsion itself.
> this is a 50 ton totally unoptimised excavator
The CAT 350 is ICE and wouldn't work on the Moon. Even electric excavators would require extensive modifications for such a purpose and a large power supply

>> No.15422535
File: 339 KB, 1059x1050, nasa-rassor-mining-robot-moon-mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was NASA's idea for a moon miner.
Note that it doesn't look anything like >>15422483

>> No.15422539

it scoops kgs of regolith at a time, it doesn't move earth. how will you build a launch pad or prepare the ground for habs with that pos?

>> No.15422547

Wasn't there some concept with some tethered dragline thing that would scoop stuff from the surface slowly getting deeper?

>> No.15422551

We should double their pay.
That'll get them working.

>> No.15422561
File: 83 KB, 960x720, cc moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That will be a parallel development to lunar cable cars

>> No.15422563

If you're going to the Moon exclusively to mine for NTR fuel, yes it's a bad idea. However, if we're trying to set up a colony and extract resources anyway, it's certainly doable. All you need to do is just smelt leftover regolith and put in a jar once it cools

>> No.15422564

billion dollar business ideas get discussed itt daily but none of it is noted because the users view everything but starship through a nasa/boomerspace lens. you'd think /biz/ would be all over it but no.

>> No.15422571

OK anon, what's your billion dollar business idea?

>> No.15422573

Nigga, who the fuck is going to bankroll some autists' lunar colony fantasies?

>> No.15422576

It someone really believes in their idea then they wouldn't tell anyone here about it, that would be a horrible financial decision

>> No.15422577

The moon is itself NTR (genre) fuel because it will always be dependent on Earth.

>> No.15422579

make literally anything designed for noturf that isn't a heavy launch vehicle.

>> No.15422580

everything except satellite launching is going to be niche for the next 30 years at minimum

>> No.15422588

if ss succeeds then thats just wrong.

>> No.15422624
File: 63 KB, 693x642, sfgdeadskullring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dead

>> No.15422625

Shartship failed miserably. It failed so bad that it even failed at failing (FTS failed). Elon Musk is a fraudster and you're a fool for believing in him.

>> No.15422627

sky hooks?

>> No.15422632
File: 499 KB, 1x1, 2004 - 09.10.04.FAWG.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This manifest from 2004 had it launching in 2009 as flight "UF-7" but the yearlong delay between flights (another foam strike on the return to flight) in 2005 and 2006 led to 6 missions getting cancelled including this one.

>> No.15422638

would chemical propulsion work to get into orbit?

>> No.15422647
File: 22 KB, 474x296, spinlaunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be preposterous. the only tried and true way of getting to space is by spinning really fast

>> No.15422650

It's not trivial to create uranium fuel assemblies even if you somehow had a pile of raw uranium left over from other operations. There is literally no demand for it when they could be produced cheaper on Earth and their mass is virtually nothing compared to all the other shit we send to space. I said a few tons at most but it's more like ~50 kg for a HEU nuclear thermal engine and ~300 kg for LEU engine like INsTAR.

So optimistically demand by 2050 could be a few tons, realistically it will be zero tons outside pork projects because no one in their right mind would build an NTR for something that can be done by chemical or electric for a fraction of the cost and their unnecessary use isn't politically viable, they're already defacto banned from LEO.

>> No.15422660
File: 241 KB, 512x384, 1653851197337788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldn't a very long liner accelerator to orbit work?

>> No.15422664

The answer to this is the same as the answer to every other question asked in this general: it would but no one wants to shell out the $200 billion to get it built.

>> No.15422666

>maggive g
>hypersonic in the thickest part of the atmosphere
>tiny payloads

>> No.15422668

it would work, it would just be worse than a traditional rocket

>> No.15422676
File: 66 KB, 777x564, HASTOL concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HASTOLchads assemble

>> No.15422683

silly, chemical rockets are for fireworks and missiles. If you're trying to get to space you need a NSWR.

>> No.15422687

>maggive g
as opposed to vertical acceleration rockets?

>> No.15422688

what happens when it runs out of angular momentum?

>> No.15422698

they don't accelerate that hard, humans easily live it. mass accelerator first stages do 1000x what a human rated launch vehicle does.

>> No.15422702


>> No.15422704

Imagine the shockwave

>> No.15422707

>Starship continuing, likely to be in service within the next 2-3 years
>literally nobody is going any of the other work necessary to make a Mars mission possible, despite the fact that transport is the hardest part

>> No.15422710
File: 124 KB, 614x798, astro chimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh feed it with cargo from the Moon to spin it back up

>> No.15422713

just use animals

>> No.15422732

>despite the fact that transport is the hardest part
That's exactly why no one is doing it.

>> No.15422740

All the people who would are targeting Moon contracts which are basically the same thing but sooner.

>> No.15422745

wait the 2-3 years until it's in service dumbass
companies don't want to invest in a project that requires starship until it's a known quantity

>> No.15422757
File: 155 KB, 864x1080, 864px-Sean_O'Keefe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's his fault.

>> No.15422787

what you have in mind?
everything else is more or less off the shelf technology

>> No.15422830
File: 27 KB, 455x553, Zubrin yes profile 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At a conference a few years back I quizzed a NASA official who advocated a multidecade program investigating zero-gravity health effects on humans prior to a piloted Mars mission. “Why not just employ artificial gravity?” I asked. “We can’t do that,” he said – “all our data is going to be for zero gravity.” Get the picture?

>> No.15422849

It’s interesting how after the moon landings, film technology and cgi saw a major renaissance of leaps and bounds in advancement while rocket technology suffered a catastrophic slide backwards that we have never recovered from.

>> No.15422861

>pressurised cabin
Why? The crew could be controlling it in a single cabin remotely and it could have automated functions. The added complexity of a cabin with life support isn't worth it.

>> No.15422863

>after the moon landings
90's CGI still looked like shit.

>> No.15422864

you put highly efficient low thrust engines on it to spin it back up between payloads

>> No.15422866
File: 407 KB, 1364x758, lkjnfgdhjkgreu90ir4eijsdfgr;jkldfvl;jkgfsdhr;rieogatueagrio;jsdgr;lokjdsfgjkl;dfsgklj;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not limited to just Starship, old space and congress have done everything in their power to impede a manned Mars mission done with chemical propulsion since von Braun first proposed the idea over 70 years ago. They drew a line in the sand, if it was going to be done, it would be with nuclear and be the core justification for its completely civilian and benign use in space, wink wink.

NASA's current Moon-to-Mars Architecture tells you everything you need to know, they're even attempting to preclude its use for cargo missions which is just insane. Luckily SpaceX is independent and Starship will still likely come out on top even if they bias the results of the research, but it's still annoying to see so many space "fans" fall for this shit and then back old space because it appeases their sci-fi influenced concept of how a Mars mission should be done. All I can do is keep ringing the alarm bells.

>> No.15422872

if it comes out of the accelerator in full atmosphere at orbital velocities it won't make it out of the atmosphere, much less be going orbital velocity when it gets there

>> No.15422873

Nuclear rockets are based

>> No.15422877

>never watched jurassic park

>> No.15422878

would these be doable in places like tiny icy moons?

>> No.15422882

preferably something like a barnacle that's tiny and mostly skeleton

>> No.15422884

I think one reason is that "zero-gee manufacturing" is one of the few grifts that NASA can justify, and if you have a rotating section, it'll mess up the purity of free-fall with vibrations.

>> No.15422883

I don't see how nuclear propulsion technology can be used for nukes. Other than the fact they both use fissile material, there are no other similarities.

>> No.15422885
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>> No.15422889
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>> No.15422890

Who designed this, I can't read or interpret any of it

>> No.15422892

We need backup server farms in space. Solar flares btfo

>> No.15422894

Elon will do it, just like everything else.

Most people barely do anything. There's a tiny fraction of people responsible for getting shit done, especially when it comes to innovation or things of consequence.

>> No.15422899

>companies don't want to invest in a project that requires starship until it's a known quantity
especially in the current financial climate
things were different when money flowed with near-zero interest rates

>> No.15422905

Most reactors put into space used fuel at above weapons grade enrichment. SNAP-10 had something like 96% U-235

>> No.15422909
File: 284 KB, 1183x822, lunar mass driver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its doable on big fat moons like the Moon

>> No.15422914

so what you're saying is that my 100% enriched, I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Chernobyl! COaDE reactor is 100% realistic?

>> No.15422916

what's up with those NASA Cost/lb numbers? isn't $36k/lb like 7 times what shuttle cost?
>All values as of 5/7/14

>> No.15422918

Manned interstellar spaceflight is pop science.

>> No.15422922
File: 56 KB, 398x547, nervous2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I look at cramped space habitats, I have the sinking feeling that in the future, space is where poors will live, overseeing robotic resource extraction to feed the demand of wealthy elites on Earth, which everyone else has been priced out of living on.

>> No.15422923

Sure, just don't make it an RMBK

>> No.15422925

an outlier that barely shows the dinos and also used a lot of practical effects
and it was over 20 years after the landings

>> No.15422927


>> No.15422931

Anon, I...

>> No.15422935

RBMK* fuck

>> No.15422950

What sort of resources would you bring to earth anyways, it's rare metals and rare noble gases that we are lacking, it's not like it's a huge amount of it either, I think space will serve earth for a while at least, but only in a bureaucratic sense, rather than separating space from earth by class. It's a political distinction

>> No.15422952

>implying poors will be allowed to live in the future
probably not

>> No.15422954


Helium 3, platinum and diamond, the only substances that make economic sense to return to Earth from space, assuming diamond rich asteroids exist (we know of platinum rich asteroids in the belt)

>> No.15422956

You could make exotic manufactured goods, like ultra precise ballbearings, chips constructed by the atom, and humongous monocrystaline metallic objects in space

>> No.15422971

You 29 posters are my only true friends on this earth. Let me share a story from earlier today... So I was at the local chinese buffet and I noticed people were looking at me strangely. Eventually noticed they where using hand symbols and other strange methods to communicate to each other about me. I could feel the skin on my face getting hot and turning red. This only strengthened the misplaced strength they though they had. As I went back for my 3rd plate I was loading it with wontons and cheese crab bake. I could hear their voices in my head, by analyzing the inverse of their body language. They all thought I was a pathetic insane monster. I felt sad for them, but also for myself, that I am in a world where people are treated like this. As I left I gave the counter attendant a 30 dollar tip, even though she did nothing but ignore me the whole time, as random people filled my diet Pepsi as I ate. I'm not even sure if they worked there. Not even sure if I was actually at that restaurant to be honest. Physicaly I was, but I don't think I interfaced with what was supposed to happen...

>> No.15422989

Diamonds aren't rare, their value is inflated by artificial scarcity by monopolistic diamond companies, mostly DeBeers.

>> No.15422992

What are you planning on doing with that? Build a giant rotating space penis so when aliens discover a floating rotating space penis crystal they can speculate on how advanced and mysterious we were?

>> No.15422996


Diamonds grown in microgravity may be of exceptional size and structural purity

>> No.15422998

29 is the image count, not the poster count
also i'm happy for you, or sorry that happened

>> No.15423000

Yes you read that online. How many diamonds do you have?

>> No.15423001

Diamonds are a crystal, and Krystal makes my penis grow to exceptional size,

>> No.15423002

Can we stop with the antisemitic remarks, thanks.

>> No.15423014

Ball bearings and microchips have tons of uses. Importing them from space for general consumer and industrial purposes is indeed retarded enough that a space penis makes more economic sense. However, perfect crystals in the forms of chips, bearings, and metal machine components might have specialty applications on Earth, namely in the military.

>> No.15423015

It's just ULA popping some cope back after SpaceX broke into the government launch monopoly. I'm not even sure who the audience for this is supposed to be since ULA has been a commercial failure since day one.

The real punchline is that this was distributed at a 2014 Starliner event.

>> No.15423016

>29 / Posters
I don't agree with you, but thank you for your kind words. Take care.

>> No.15423024

stop replying to him you idiots
you're the reasons sfg is dying

>> No.15423025

Was before commercial cargo/crew kicked off and they added in the money SpaceX got to develop F9 for it. Of course ULA had better numbers.
"How to Lie with Statistics" is a very good book.

>> No.15423030

Oh jeez, with this and that SoundCloud clip emerging I feel like 2014 ULA cope is here to stay forever

>> No.15423031

100 bings to rocket lab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3prw-94wQc

>> No.15423032

Sorry. My name cleared from the field. That post is me, for the record.

>> No.15423040
File: 99 KB, 714x962, making noise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423042

I just only said that we need to glass the entire surface of the Earth, what's wrong with that?

>> No.15423043

I don't understand. I've been told by another anon repeatedly, that, and I quote, "/sfg/ is dead".

How can it be dying if it is already dead?

>> No.15423052

The cope is going to continue until they either get bought out or go bankrupt.

>> No.15423063

Just ignore him man. He is an angry low IQ guy. He knows a lot of info and stats, but he doesn't get it. He lashes out at anything that doesn't fit into his worn out square peg.

>> No.15423065
File: 25 KB, 609x348, hpl evil 1 clone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange Elons even death may die

>> No.15423074

NTA but I have a handful of diamond tipped cutting bits for my dremel. Industrial diamonds are great for abrasives but we can't make them as big as natural diamonds, to my understanding. also to my understanding diamond manufacture in space would fix this.

>> No.15423079

Earth is in space. As far as I know every diamond is made in space. What are you trying to say? Different areas of space make better diamonds?

>> No.15423095
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just HEU or the possibility of secretly enriching lower grade uranium that is a problem, any fissile material can be deorbited and cause dangerous fallout over vast areas. Even RTGs, despite emitting very little radiation, can kill thousands of people if they reentered at a certain angle, which NASA sheepishly concluded with their risk assessments on Cassini–Huygens.

Which countries would you allow to operate nuclear stages? What is to stop acts of terrorism if they're allowed to operate in LEO? What about the risks of engines failures and space debris? I get that the average person here is a sci-fi loving teenager but we're probably looking at the eventual ban on nuclear spacecraft unless they're assembled and depart from an Earth-Moon lagrange point. Hell they could already considered a WMD as per the Outer Space Treaty, like GW scale lasers.

>> No.15423097

We can already make perfect diamonds in labs for cheap.
Anyway this discussion is pointless because diamonds are useless

>> No.15423099

No rational person would want to set spaceflight back decades if not centuries by pissing off a bunch of Earthers with a worthless idea like solid core NTP cislunar or Mars tugs and it's not a fight that you will be able to win because the amount of people that have concern, valid or not, about radiation is much higher than the amount of autists who believe everything nuclear must be superior despite that obviously not being true.

>> No.15423102
File: 109 KB, 476x576, Tolkien astro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15423108
File: 137 KB, 1000x2000, 1605547007512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True chemical propulsion has never been tried

>> No.15423113

Carnil would be a nice name for a city on Mars.

>> No.15423114

Many launches are not public. You don't know all launch parameters. Goober.

>> No.15423118


>> No.15423121

Need to add at least one more fuel to feed the ClF3 properly.

>> No.15423122

I'm OK with incomplete combustion so long as we keep costs down

>> No.15423127

And now a dwarf planet and a space manufacturing startup are named Varda

>> No.15423128

This is unconventionally horrifying. I am in awe

>> No.15423134

Wouldn't hydrazine perform better than UDMH? or are we using UDMH because we have a deathwish?

>> No.15423139
File: 139 KB, 665x875, Morris Scott Dollens death star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the boron zip fuel?

>> No.15423141
File: 206 KB, 418x463, deformed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martian babies be like

>> No.15423143

it will be funny if they all turn out like handsome squidward

>> No.15423198
File: 87 KB, 372x391, sfg dead space skelly b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15423202


>> No.15423208

do people with far apart eyes have better depth perception?

>> No.15423213

fueling has started

>> No.15423216

It's a pretty excellent idea on any body that lacks an atmosphere.

>> No.15423222

(Potentially mild) paranoid Schizophrenia.
Recommendation: Take medication prescribed to you by your therapist.

>> No.15423227


>> No.15423232

Well, I reckon that's what ya get when ya try to take a walk outside yer own planet without no suit. That poor feller there ain't comin' back, that's for sure. Space travel is a mighty dangerous business, ya gotta have all the right gear and be careful as can be. But hey, at least he went out doin' what he loved, explorin' the unknown. Rest in peace, spaceman.

>> No.15423239


>> No.15423240
File: 20 KB, 704x474, Zubrin zero g paint urine a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423241
File: 10 KB, 278x85, 1683505189075818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we've been bamboozled.

>> No.15423245
File: 74 KB, 599x760, Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) Bert Winthrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15423248
File: 41 KB, 730x468, soviet rocket penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15423252


>> No.15423253
File: 876 KB, 452x421, 1683505551087736.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no you guys, it's on fire

>> No.15423260

I'm sure they have technical issues regarding downgrading the stream since it's a NASA launch.

>> No.15423261


>> No.15423266
File: 139 KB, 1037x793, Space Station rescue shuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15423268

Might make more sense to do underground, because then you can operate in a pressurized environment.

>> No.15423273

We are go for montage.

>> No.15423274

>Mopping up after Astra
How embarassing.

>> No.15423275

thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yP1tcy9a10

>> No.15423276

I'm always amused how non-SpaceX companies always use the same 1-2 professional announcers while SpaceX rotates like a dozen engineers

>> No.15423277

>six satellites

>> No.15423278

heh, only four of them in the graphic I noticed

>> No.15423281

There were six at the beginning of the video

>> No.15423283

>four satellites

>> No.15423285
File: 346 KB, 481x435, 1683420774256386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will rotating detonation engines make the Raptor obsolete?

Is Musk going to ignore them?

>> No.15423286

lmao the rgb headsets

>> No.15423287



>> No.15423289

Zero gravity makes tits look larger. Use this information for good.

>> No.15423290

One of these days, Elon will get cocky enough to ignore an innovation and it'll bite him in the ass.

>> No.15423291

Gayman headsets do the job if you're on a small budget. Rocket Lab mostly used a fairly cheap logitech, which I have the exact same model of.

>> No.15423293

>second stage performing circularization burn
McDowell seething

>> No.15423295

can't wait until all dignity is stripped from human spaceflight and we can get some trashy shit going on in zero g

>> No.15423297

last tropics launch in 2 weeks

>> No.15423298

2 more weeks

>> No.15423300

t. Arthur C. Clarke

>> No.15423303

>improve life on earth by enabling access to space
Lawsuit incoming

>> No.15423304

>normally we get to monitor these hurricanes every hour
>TROPICS on the other hand will be able to measure these storms hourly

>> No.15423305


Nah bro:


>> No.15423306

SpaceX moves so much faster than every other space company it wouldn't even matter. One other company would prove a tech viable and spacex would have it second and years before the third

>> No.15423307

>Hurricanes aren't monitored enough

>> No.15423309


>> No.15423310
File: 151 KB, 640x658, 7hWNgW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weightless booba

>> No.15423311

>Exploring space instead monitoring our weather

>> No.15423312
File: 52 KB, 724x559, v7aQXII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423313
File: 144 KB, 640x525, NbG71Gk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423314
File: 148 KB, 546x702, Neal Adams for the unfilmed 1970s movie adaptation of Childhood’s End.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clarke would never study womens breasts, only boys butts

>> No.15423316
File: 475 KB, 332x292, launch-cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15423317

Cool drone shot

>> No.15423318
File: 129 KB, 1917x1035, 1683507652196984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423320

we gaan

>> No.15423321

reminder that rocket lab is an AMERICAN company and this launch counts towards the AMERICAN total

>> No.15423323

Have they stopped trying to recover the 1st stage?

>> No.15423324

This is a steep trajectory, no?

>> No.15423325

Yes and no. They're still fishing a select few out of the ocean, but gave up on catching.

>> No.15423327

2nd stage is a little wobbly today (not as bad as Falcon 1 I hope)

>> No.15423328

Does seem like it. Normally we would've seen the horizon at least a minute ago.

>> No.15423331

Fuck you old battery!

>> No.15423330

It's a weird payload for Electron. A 3U cubesat is something you'd normally expect to either fly as a rideshare payload on a much larger rocket or as a solo payload on something that's more in Astra's weight class.

>> No.15423332

is astra seething right now?
also TROPICS should have launched on starship

>> No.15423333

I liked the brief shot of the battery alone falling away

>> No.15423334

Look at the altitude, it's steep as fuck.

>> No.15423335

It's a 11kg payload so the gravity losses on the second stage is lower than usual.

>> No.15423336
File: 326 KB, 1940x1092, 1665163131585850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15423337

>Electron is flying right now
>Starship meanwhile has zero (0) successes

>> No.15423338

>Launch satellite to monitor the planet
>Jettison trash and batteries that pollute the planet

>> No.15423339

That was the kind of shot you'd expect to see in a 70s scifi show when someone gets blasted out an airlock and tumbles away into space.

>> No.15423341

Trust the plan.

>> No.15423343

Nice dogleg

>> No.15423344
File: 8 KB, 442x167, Screenshot 2023-05-07 191236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423346

they actually throw car batteries in the ocean?

>> No.15423347

That's less than 4% of Electron's payload capacity. This rocket practically launched empty.

>> No.15423348

>Will rotating detonation engines make the Raptor obsolete?
Nah, Starship will have been operational for awhile before RDEs are used in a serious capacity on a launch vehicle. They might be worth exploring for a larger Starship successor, though. Since RDEs rely on combustion instability to operate, they ironically should avoid the instability issues seen in larger constant pressure engines like the F-1. A decent chunk of large liquid engine design efforts are directed towards stopping various instability modes, so if that can be avoided, development costs would likely be lower.

>> No.15423349

Yes it's based

>> No.15423351

no, it's acidic

>> No.15423352


>> No.15423354

Estronaut's theme on stream

>> No.15423353

>That's less than 4% of Electron's payload capacity. This rocket practically launched empty.
What matters is delta-v. See >>15423344
It's obviously a high performance mission because they still need a kick stage for changing the inclination.

>> No.15423356

Yup, the only rocket to do it™

>> No.15423357

>open_mouth beard glasses lips stubble

>> No.15423359

These are rocket batteries

>> No.15423360

Free music is free.

>> No.15423364

Do the cameras take much payload mass away from Electron?
Either way, RL is based for having them.

>> No.15423365
File: 30 KB, 612x612, D-7qz93UwAELC_U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bygone era.
Also, booba, feeta.

>> No.15423367

All I know is they ditched them on the CAPSTONE launch to maximize performance

>> No.15423369

Not a lot but a meaningful amount. That's why that one payload few without any.

>> No.15423370

Why are they doing a dog leg?

>> No.15423371

Can you maintain an erection in zero g?

>> No.15423372

Pretty hard when most of your blood gets pushed into your head. But where there's a will, there's a way.

>> No.15423373

That Japanese billionaire says no

>> No.15423374

Seems they want a low inclination and New Zealand isn't in the tropics

>> No.15423375

I think only that initial right turn was commanded, then once it starts turning left it looks like it's on an inclination.
t.thought about it five minutes ago

>> No.15423377

>Lockheed Martin Corporation hereby seeks launch and operational authority for 230 lunar surface space stations that would communicate with each other; Lockheed Martin's lunar orbit satellites branded Parsec and other authorized satellites; and/or Earth st



>> No.15423378

if i had to guess you might only get a half chub. space sex might require a pump lol

>> No.15423384

What if you spin?

>> No.15423391

Why don't they have ground stations in the Americas?

>> No.15423392

Yeah all the inclinations are under 35 degrees. That's why it was supposed to launch from KSC.

>> No.15423395


>MH: Is weightlessness more likely to give you a boner? Just the lack of ball sag alone would make me want to text a picture to someone.

>Mullane: In weightlessness, one of the physiological changes is a fluid shift. Your blood and fluid is equally distributed in your body. So that makes your calves and thighs and waist skinnier, and it makes your chest and women's breasts broader. The downside is your face is kind of puffy. If you look at astronauts closely, their eyes look kind of puffy. And it gives you this mild headache. But one of the advantages of that, if you will . . .

>MH: A bigger boner? Yes!

>Mullane: A couple of times, I would wake up from sleep periods and I had a boner that I could have drilled through kryptonite.

>> No.15423399

The Chinese X-37 just landed

>> No.15423400

Now I want freaky jiggly boob space sex

>> No.15423405
File: 50 KB, 647x466, Yuanzheng-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423414

imagine sex with a spinhab coriolis effect

>> No.15423418


>> No.15423419


>> No.15423421
File: 85 KB, 915x745, manhood energy space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423427
File: 162 KB, 516x545, patch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the top 3 Apollo patches /sfg/?

>> No.15423435

8, 11, 14

>> No.15423442
File: 1019 KB, 1737x1240, a12.lmpcuf14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apollo 12 CDR Cuff Checklist is spaceflight

>> No.15423445

higher res pic?

>> No.15423449
File: 156 KB, 1280x960, Eurasian_blue_tit_Lancashire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423459
File: 57 KB, 519x470, backup crew for Apollo 14 patch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a joke, the backup crew for Apollo 14 also designed their own patch. A friendly rivalry between the two crews resulted in the prime crew being nicknamed the ‘Three Rookies’ due to their lack of flight time.
>The backup crew’s patch had a grey-bearded Wile. E. Coyote (a reference to Shepard’s advanced age) being beaten to the Moon by Roadrunner (the backup crew).

>> No.15423463
File: 272 KB, 1600x1125, 1601140896741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423472

the OG
>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time wasting post

>> No.15423475
File: 450 KB, 1200x1200, 0_Chernobyl-General-Imagery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing happening
Give me dopamine or I'll spend an excessively long amount of time inside this claw

>> No.15423476

>not leaf blowing in the hospital basement

>> No.15423479

Does Artemis have back up crews?

>> No.15423485

Yes, collage fag, space plane fag, OP and (You).
Thank you for your service.

>> No.15423487
File: 79 KB, 773x465, 4f091255-a0b3-422d-a3a0-1621abcbb832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this his wife or was he a real life Gordo Stevens?

>> No.15423489

>Was this his wife

>> No.15423492

imagine, well, any of it

>> No.15423499

>your turn to go to mars
>you're sharing a bunk with the og proonter

>> No.15423501

>he spends the entire trip talking about how cool it is that some of the engine components are proonted

>> No.15423503

is the identity of those women known?

>> No.15423509

We do, there's one operated by the Space Force in Hawaii, and like some said in the previous thread, many are privately made/owned.

>> No.15423519

did clear miss the launch?

>> No.15423520
File: 224 KB, 1600x900, grahamtg - Project-Daedalus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423525
File: 25 KB, 364x368, disgusted_anime_Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423530

i think she's just going to rewatch the stream maybe?

>> No.15423533

she likes big roggets

>> No.15423537

yes he was washing his penis

>> No.15423539

I can't see Kennedy anymore without getting real sad about the fact that we haven't had a legitimate executive branch since 1963 and it's just been the intelligence agencies (poorly) running things

>> No.15423541


>> No.15423547

>those stupid ass paper hats people were wearing for the apollo 11 launch

>> No.15423549

Will the 3 letter agencies ever be defeated by something that isn't worse?

>> No.15423551

3 letter agencies aren't half as tough as they seem. They can be trolled and bullied like anyone else

>> No.15423557
File: 444 KB, 1473x777, saturn v staging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this much staging juice really necessary?

>> No.15423559
File: 3.11 MB, 2158x1946, 1655018631199894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the design criteria specified that the spacecraft had to use existing or near-future technology
>fusion rocket fueled by 50,000 tonnes of deuterium/helium-3
Scientists of the 60s and 70s were ODing on hopium left and right.

>> No.15423564

it really is pretty amazing to see these guys cook up a 50000 ton in orbit assembly flyby

>> No.15423572

we have an atmosphere

>> No.15423575

build a hyperloop then. hyperloop to orbit

>> No.15423592
File: 39 KB, 600x371, NSSL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OldSpace on suicide watch?

>> No.15423611

For now.

>> No.15423625

What a useless chart

>> No.15423654
File: 788 KB, 1280x1764, Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology 2000s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15423659

Pal, I'm gonna be honest with you, this belongs on /tg/, given it's Star Trek.

>> No.15423663
File: 154 KB, 500x683, 1659270307862768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfags will never know how many spaceplanefags had to be bullied from /sfg/ in order to stop the Shuttle from being constantly spammed

>> No.15423667

This post makes zero sense considering that Starship is a spaceplane

>> No.15423668
File: 852 KB, 2116x2010, 6D33CAEA-F176-45EC-93A7-9A976A47FEED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ywnbaw. Also hows my cube?

>> No.15423670

Looks like a lifting body to me

>> No.15423672

>Starship is a spaceplane

>> No.15423679
File: 1.98 MB, 3789x2424, Crack cocaine 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mysterious substance revealed it to him

>> No.15423680

Lmao, I'm tryin to get better, hopefully soon I can make them start to look more like Starships

>> No.15423682

Mmmmmmm... parmesian cheese......

>> No.15423719

I don't know about you fellas, but I think rockets are neat.

>> No.15423722

Rockets are neat, but roggets are not.

>> No.15423735

>As the Sun becomes 10% brighter about one billion years from now, the surface temperature of Earth will reach 47 °C (117 °F), causing the temperature of Earth to rise rapidly and its oceans to boil away until it becomes a greenhouse planet, similar to Venus today.
It's over...

>> No.15423756

Sir, we will be interstellar by the next century. This means literally nothing

>> No.15423757

What's in the cube?

>> No.15423758
File: 33 KB, 680x371, crack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh based

>> No.15423759

This really made me worried as a kid. The best solution I could come up with was evacuating the entire planet to some new star system.
I tried to ask grown ups to help me brainstorm solutions but they weren't interested.

>> No.15423763

Air for now, I'm gonna powercoat it tomorrow and maybe open up a hole to do something with it. Any ideas for what to do with the cube? It cant be dice, would be horrible for tiling.

>> No.15423770

what did the chinese spaceplane do up there

>> No.15423772

and sky diver's are birds

>> No.15423773

coping and seething mostly

>> No.15423776

it's actually worse than this because temperatures in the preceding hundreds of millions of years will be hot enough to raise sea levels several metres

>> No.15423778

Store propellant in it.

>> No.15423784

image endangered wildlife habitats

>> No.15423800

when did the first space age end? after the last apollo mission?

>> No.15423812

Build a gigantic sun shield in L1

>> No.15423818

korolev died

>> No.15423821

Works for pilots, works for businessmen too

>> No.15423831
File: 99 KB, 746x512, B0C2A822-6740-4748-A8F1-682758313DFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love /sfg/ so much. Thanks for being autistic with me anons, theres not many people I can talk to about rockets openly.

>> No.15423832

good night

>> No.15423875

/space fren general/

>> No.15423901
File: 37 KB, 640x651, cyber elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too cyberpunk for this shit, I only watch rocket launches if an anime girl is talking over it

>> No.15423904

she's just cute on a level i can barely describe

>> No.15423909


>> No.15423910

Clear(ly a man)

>> No.15423918

I know. Her cutest feature is her monster dong.

>> No.15423935

Have you heard of the Cyber Elves?

>> No.15423974
File: 17 KB, 436x253, 18A8A131-2087-47CF-8873-208A285980EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15423988

we should be content with the little footage we got

>> No.15423991

18/60 days elapsed.

>> No.15423992

we mine tritium

>> No.15423993

funny even though I can't into Portugese

>> No.15423996

water deluge be like

>> No.15424006

>holocausto orbital del americano dólares
Orbital holocaust, I cant get enough of it

>> No.15424007
File: 18 KB, 159x175, Screenshot from 2023-05-08 18-34-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be Boeingo

>> No.15424008
File: 3.05 MB, 640x436, 3C430343-D665-4718-91B3-009AB53D809A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those names, my sides. Whatever mexican welder from SpaceX is making this should post more.

>> No.15424009

Orbital holocaust NOW!

>> No.15424026

how does the new king view Spaceflight?

>> No.15424027

He seems like a smart operator so I'm sure he's well appraised on the coming space age but keeps his cards close to his chest.
He already tricked half the planet's political leaders into swearing allegiance to him and his heirs.

>> No.15424031

Never started.

>> No.15424036

This. The first space age starts when we actually have a permanent base anywhere except Urf, or to some it might be the first off planet birth

>> No.15424039

can't wait for SS to magically lower the cost of anything related to spaceflight so we can finally have our moonbased base bros

>> No.15424061

This but unironically

>> No.15424082

So Juice is fucked. That's great guys. Thank you

>> No.15424085

they have like 8 years to fix it, it's fine.

>> No.15424087

Fix it with what? It's stuck. No WD40 in deep ass space

>> No.15424088

That's OK. We only care about the flight part in this thread.

>> No.15424094

just like they fixed Lucy

>> No.15424096

that's the joke, made more obvious by the chlorine trifluoride, preburner exhaust tank pressurisation, and asbestos nozzle. are you making a joke? since the UDMH is the least dangerous part and that's what you take issue with it mostly seems like you're just dumb and don't know about ClF3

>> No.15424097

just like they fixed that fucking mole

>> No.15424103

Any update on the pad repairs/deluge construction?

>> No.15424104

Hey guys, I'm back after 7 years. So how is the Mars base doing?

>> No.15424109

6 letter acronym, starts with Y ends with W

>> No.15424111

YELLEW You’re Extremely Loud Let’s Whisper

>> No.15424118

Yet Another Pointless Delay, Mars When?

>> No.15424121

It's the truth scienceboi.

lmao what a dumbass.

>> No.15424125
File: 232 KB, 1079x925, lmao lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VR movie
>experience being an astronaut in outer space
LMAO another L for you losers. Looks like VR CGI movies is the best you can get. Remember the Mars landings will be livestreamed straight into your brain if you are vaxxed, and I know many of you here are well boosted with mRNA tech.

But yeah it's never happening, the earth is flat and stationary.

>> No.15424164

the absolute state of europe

>> No.15424179


>> No.15424182

You Should Suck A Fat Wurst

>> No.15424183

Looks good, but why is there a child talking and some cartoon overlay?

>> No.15424185

avi loeb

>> No.15424189

You insult the ambassador of nihon you insult nihon itself

>> No.15424192
File: 302 KB, 750x1176, 4A0D57B0-0353-43DA-8236-D4346B2A0F11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first french orbital rocket project

>> No.15424198

take a shower

>> No.15424201


>> No.15424208

What the FUCK they invited ESGhound on Planetary radio???? this is what happens when you let a WHORE with fucked up teeth and jaw manage the show. god help us

>> No.15424211
File: 1.44 MB, 1080x1755, Screenshot_20230204-220818~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15424235

>Casey Dreier: I'll plug your Substack ESG Hound, which the reason I'm talking to you now is that a few weeks ago you published a piece called SpaceX's Texas Rocket is going to cause a lot more damage than anyone thinks. And congratulations, your analysis was proven true I suppose.
This is really aggravating, especially when he thought that Starship exploding would give people hearing damage because he doesn't know the difference between unweighted dB SPL and dB(A) which is used in health and safety

>> No.15424239

>Casey Dreier: I learned a lot, so much going on in there. Eric was very generous with his time, and I recommend reading his blog, ESG Hound on Substack. It's a very fascinating and critical but important perspective on what SpaceX is doing down in Boca Chica.

>Sarah Al-Ahmed: As much as we all want to go to space, we have time to think about these things, and we want to protect our planet as much as we can while we're doing this. So it's important.

>> No.15424270

>generous with his time
That's either a sly backhanded insult or another layer on a heap of obsequiousness.
I don't know enough about any of these literal who's though so it's impossible to tell.

>> No.15424294

What kind of tard has a radio show about space and space travel and talks about local enviormental activism in favor of attempting to accelerate time until we conquer space itself

>> No.15424310
File: 2.88 MB, 1920x1080, sls_launch_03.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got a lot of footage though

>> No.15424317

Did the camera just get up and leave?

>> No.15424321

Casey Dreier has always been SpaceX skeptic, so he invites in those of the same kind.

>> No.15424358

remember when planetary used to be good? they went to shit fast when starlink arrived on the scene.

>> No.15424371
File: 46 KB, 631x300, Xichang-Main-Gate-Launch-631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yt ppl dun season ther vilages with UDMH

>> No.15424387

based village pillager

>> No.15424406

Work for major equipment manufacturer. Someone sometimes me always ask about space versions of the machines we make on CEO Q&A.

>> No.15424417
File: 47 KB, 844x461, duct tape pressure suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that right across the border from SpaceX Texas, the Federales found signs of a mass grave holding between 1-2000 unidentifiable bodies

>> No.15424430

well if it was just 1 body that's not much of a mass grave is it? you'd think they'd be able to narrow down the range more than that

>> No.15424433


>> No.15424442
File: 1.15 MB, 1917x2056, Helix2_CFHT_1917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning.
no launches today

>> No.15424447

Good morning! What about surprise launches?

>> No.15424451

norks could always surprise us

>> No.15424463

Eh current estimates from satellite pictures seem to say they’re not launching this week

>> No.15424475

How old are the bodies though? A mass grave isn't that big of a deal depending on how old it is. If you told me that the bodies are from 2018 then it's a big deal, but if you told me the bodies are from 1918, it isn't.

>> No.15424476
File: 1.60 MB, 1150x1150, just a drill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking mole

>> No.15424479

I'm American, how are the Euros fucking up suddenly my problem?

>> No.15424488
File: 14 KB, 400x267, bobcat_roguex_tfld02955_2023_03_01.642eebd5c799e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closest i've seen is this bobcat concept that ditches all the hydraulics and can run fully autonomous (apparently).

>> No.15424495

Like it or not, we have to work with Earthers until we get off this planet. The solution is offshore platforms with a floating solar field and methane production via the Sabatier process. The alternative is e-methane brought in by carrier but there will be an increased amount of concern about the land use of solar, from environmentalists and run-of-the-mill contrarians. Carbon neutral worst but tons of CO2 will be offloaded into space to their benefit.

>> No.15424497

>ditch hydraulics
>ditches all the hydraulics
that's stupid. it's the weight optimal solution and works just fine in vacuum.

>> No.15424500

at worst* Shouldn't drink and post

>> No.15424502

it's 8:30 in the morning

>> No.15424514

Mountain Time Zone dweller begone

>> No.15424536

>no updates from starbase since last week
what's going on? did they put new concrete under the olm? did they start replacing any of the fuel tanks?

>> No.15424537

they're repairing and doing the prep work for the shower which is supposedly nearly finished.

>> No.15424538

IIRC the leaking liquid oxygen tank was patched, the rest of the tanks are just dented which is only an aesthetic concern since they're jacketed.

>> No.15424539

is florida starship production totally dead

>> No.15424545

it is until they figure out at boca chica what they need to make for production rockets

>> No.15424550

imo boca long term is an expendable shipyard

>> No.15424553
File: 260 KB, 630x991, yukrlj3x3rh81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Finnanon still under conscription? We must free our little nigga, naturally the only thing I ask is that I get his sister's hand in marriage.

>> No.15424558


>> No.15424572

>460 posts
rough times

>> No.15424577

all me btw

>> No.15424580

You're gonna scare him! Don't you know that displays such as yours are terrifying to Finns?
It's a nation of autists.

>> No.15424586

so could China, especially with all their mobile launchers like the KZ-1A

>> No.15424587
File: 63 KB, 657x527, turbomanu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still lurking when I can. Still 128 days left in service, 13.9.2023 is when I get out
Still collecting when I'm on leave, got one set of Hungarian stamps from a flea market today, along with an Elon Musk autobiography and a Sputnik 1 podstakannik

>> No.15424590

stage separation failed

>> No.15424593

Get ready for page 1 diarrhea

>> No.15424597

did u kno that space isn't real and rockets aren't real and heres a link to a 3 hour "documentary" that makes youtube video essays look high budget

>> No.15424605

and in that time we've had half a dozen launches, a space walk, got lots of new science info, new partnerships and business announcements, etc. but none of it matters because spaceflight is boring and mundane now.

>> No.15424606

>no finns
you could be the first

>> No.15424612

I've been lurking too much, I'll try replying to posts with insightful comments and questions

>> No.15424617


>> No.15424645

Mat Kaplan retired from Planetary Radio as producer, replaced by mystery woman who's dream it is to get a random celebrity on the show (?) Of course we still have SLS-stan and EDS-afflicted Casey Dreier

>> No.15424652

So planetary radio is now part of the opposition. rename them bucket crab radio. or earther radio.

>> No.15424680

>floating solar field
>in the middle of the fucking ocean
That's some to top tier solarfag delusion, even wind turbines are better than that.

>> No.15424737

I hope Russia doesn't invade before you get out, bud. Best wishes finnanon>>15424590

>> No.15424811

Probably El Pozolero

>> No.15424944
File: 259 KB, 1024x1141, starlifting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best solution I could come up with was evacuating the entire planet to some new star system.
Why not make a megaweapon to destroy the solarfags with their own solution

>> No.15424967 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 768x512, c1_4730540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prior to Starship's inaugural launch, environmental policy expert Eric Roesch was outspoken about the possibility of catastrophe. As the rocket launched, it kicked up massive clouds of dust and decimated its launchpad, scattering large chunks of concrete into delicate marine and coastal sanctuaries nearby. Eric blames both SpaceX and its regulatory body, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), for allowing the company to skirt responsibility in its environmental reporting and mitigating its impact on its surrounding wilderness. He joins the show to discuss the proper role of environmental regulations, why he believes the FAA was irresponsible in approving SpaceX's launch licenses, and how you can simultaneously protect the environment and local wildlife while still pursuing an ambitious path to space.
Thank you Casey and Sarah. I'm all for spaceflight but SpaceX needs to be stopped at all costs. Honestly spaceflight shouldn't be allowed until after we fix all the problems on Earth