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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15421822 No.15421822 [Reply] [Original]

There are some forbidden knowledge in science right now that you're not supposed to know the answer to and you're not supposed to ask.

>> No.15421826

science is a method.
you're asking politics

>> No.15421832
File: 86 KB, 610x459, Excess Deaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe that doesn't mean that flu was counted as cv but that cv outcompeted the flu. Picrel is the Dutch government saying that there were no excess deaths in april 2023.


>> No.15421836

>"dr" that doesn't understand the difference of respiratory droplets vs aerosol

>> No.15421841

Now you're a senior doctor?

>> No.15421879

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15421887

most doctors are clueless about biology and chemistry, let alone mathematics or physics. they're more similar to programmer code monkeys, who also don't know pretty much anything about anything.

>> No.15421938

>How did we have fewer flu infections in the year where we all stayed home, wore masks, and washed our hands, especially around grandma?
Truly a mystery, that

>> No.15421946


>> No.15421969

There's "fewer" and there's 0.000048% of what would be a normal year's worth of flu.

This is better than magic. In a single year, we've eradicated flu from the world. WHO/Bill Gates have been fighting polio for decades and that hasn't been solved yet. But FLU, the most contagious of all disease suddenly became non-existent? If thats not a miracle from god, then I don't know what is. So either God exist or you're fucking retarded nigger. I'm willing to be you're a gullible retard.

>> No.15422023

>FLU, the most contagious of all disease
lolno >>15421946

>> No.15422117

Compare the average infant age at mortality in cases of SIDS to the average age when infant vaccine schedules are administered.

>> No.15422156

>hurr durr if you get covid then the flu can't get you too

>> No.15422179

Yet we had over 100 million covid cases

>> No.15422182

Meant for >>15421938

>> No.15422211

All right well good thing you linked that post the first time then?

>> No.15422258

Two pieces:
1. intelligence is largely genetic (with a 0.8 correlation IIRC)
2. blacks have an IQ ~=<85.

>> No.15422273

No u.
>but...but...the science is bought and paid for propaganda!
Yes and so is anti-science. We live in an information war you braindead moron. We can't be sure of what's going on anymore.

>> No.15422278


>> No.15422308
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It’s been a while since I’ve seen evidence of anyone actually reaching beyond what’s given to them.

>Now try again.

>> No.15422339

This is one of the cringiest things I've witnessed on 4chan and let me tell you, the competition is stiff

>> No.15422359

I am with this guy, I need the back story behind this. As a meme, it would have been much better is it was page 1 of 470 or something like that.
Some of these quotes don't even make sense to me. I am assuming some of these are just mnemonics.

>> No.15422384
File: 179 KB, 750x1334, BF226ED0-526D-4CFE-9004-B34EDAECF055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crows came to be 10th April 2010 and I schizoed out at 100% potential and realised this thing into existence.

Burgo’s catchphrase, weffriddles, notpr0n
You’re right about the mnemonics, it’s a major part.
It’s supposed to generate ideas and motivations into ‘perfectly constructed language and ideation’

Or it does none of that and I’m completely deluded with no evidence to show, whatsoever.

I’d say try it before you knock it, but the point is that it might waste your time.

>good luck

>> No.15422399

this is what you get when a 105 iq thinks they are 150 iq

you are not profound, you are clown

>> No.15422408
File: 208 KB, 750x1334, F83C6D56-9C95-429F-9D58-AEF881BB1070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, true.
I had that thought in the shower today.

But you’re literally insignificant. So find your way through before you come at me.

>> No.15422423

It's not magic, it's called selective attention. Nobody was testing for influenza, that's it. There is no "conspiracy" covid isn't "fake" you are a retard conspiracist who can understand the basic concept of limited medical resources/doctors.

>> No.15422427

*can't understand

>> No.15422434
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>> No.15422439

"Scientists" stopped using it. So they are no longer scientists, they are politicians?

>> No.15422441
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>> No.15422453

>Since March 2020 fewer people have been tested for influenza, but that is not the reason for fewer recorded cases.
Gee I dunno, maybe it was because of lockdowns? That would probably explain why fewer people tested positive.

>> No.15422465

read again

>> No.15422500

You see the problem then
LMAO what? Selective flu testing? You're an actual retard
t. physician

>> No.15422603

Couldn't they have tested this fairly easily at the time by giving a bunch of people a flu shot and then see how many of them still get sick? Like if 100 people get a flu shot and 90 of them get sick still a month later then that's a good indication that they're sick with something other than the flu

>> No.15422606

Where did the link to her source go. Maybe the covid people have it

>> No.15422735

Well the flu shot doesn't work so that's a problem with your experiment.

>> No.15423010

So the lockdowns stopped influenza in its tracks, but produced little to no effect against BASEDVID-19? Seeing as the results couldn't be differentiated between the most extreme national lockdowns and the most minimal.

>> No.15423013

>>How did we have fewer flu infections in the year where we all stayed home, wore masks, and washed our hands, especially around grandma?
>Truly a mystery, that

Half the country never shut down, or masked up. I visited red states during "lockdown" and it was business as normal there. I'm not rven writing this for you. You are blind, ignorant, corrupt, a liar or some combination of those. I writing this for anyone who still can think objectively.

>> No.15423083

>Surely my anecdotes will be more convincing than data to those who think "objectively"

>> No.15423096

No it's stopped covid, it's just the chinkflu is a lot more contagious than the red blooded American flu

>> No.15423126

Wrong. I think I used too many big words for you.

COVID did not stop in countries that locked down.
COVID did not stop in countries that did not lock down. It spread the same.

>> No.15423527

>It spread the same.
In the end, everyone gets it.
Vaccinations and lockdowns reduce the amount of dead, and the rate of infection - not the total amount of infected.

>> No.15423809
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>> No.15423837

This is a /pol/ thread

>> No.15423847
File: 145 KB, 1080x774, 16466638291655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must spend a lot of time on /pol/ to be such an expert, maybe you the one who doesn't belong here

>> No.15423940

>bringing this up in 2023 as "forbidden knowledge"
We were saying this while the plandemic was happening and getting banned off of twitter and jewtube for it

>> No.15423964

Only reason its brought up is because twitter now allows uncensored stuff like this due to new management lol. And the elites hate him for it.

>> No.15423971

No, the are more like a librarian where you describe a plot/scenario and they recommend a book that matches.

>> No.15423975

>nobody was testing for influenza
So they didn't actually test whether people had covid vs the flu, they just labeled everything covid for the gibs?

>> No.15423978

>it stopped it because it was too contagious to be stopped

>> No.15423987

If it was so contagious that nothing can stop it, then why were stores/churches/businesses forced to shutdown? Why were people's bank accounts taken away by the government for not wearing masks? Why was everyone forced to wear mask? Why were people fired from jobs for not getting vaccines that dont stop the spread of virus and dont have meaningful means to stop the virus? And instead the vaccines spread the virus.

Forbidden questions lead to more forbidden questions.

>> No.15424013

>>Surely my anecdotes will be more convincing than data to those who think "objectively"

"My anecdote". Trump was holding massive, mask less rallies at the time. Red state stores were open and no one was masked. Everyone on red states knows this. But, like I already said. You are a liar and crook. This post is not for you. It's for anyone with a brain who wants the truth.

>> No.15424015

>So they didn't actually test whether people had covid vs the flu, they just labeled everything covid for the gibs?

That's exactly what that subhman is saying, but won't admit. It's called a Freudian slip.

>> No.15424021

Yeah, the actual answer breaks their programming.

There's not just an ideological incentive to label everything as covid, to legitimize shutdown of the states/countries they were in, but there were financial incentives all the way from the top to the bottom to highlight covid and make millions of dollars at the hospitals. They get tens of thousands per covid care facility/death records. "Whats the harm in labeling it as covid? The upside is we get $10K per death"

>> No.15424028

you dumb fucks think you got away with not getting vaccinated? next time you'll get it, one way or the other. remember this post when you're choking on your blood

>> No.15424809

And Trump voters died off en masse

>> No.15425500
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>> No.15426307

two weeks

>> No.15426322

Aren't republicans significantly older on average?

>> No.15426345

>no argument against viral interference
I am dissapoint.

Tbf, it does seem like it's a little too perfect but that's just intuition talking.

>> No.15426377

Older, wiser, more experienced, more knowledgeable, less naïve, less emotional, less easily manipulated, etc.

>> No.15426387
File: 92 KB, 1199x635, Fvc-876akAA8Ej0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Older and more down to earth. If you identify as liberal or left, you're vastly more likely to be misled by the media's [current thing] narrative.

>> No.15426411
File: 118 KB, 900x2316, memes_cold_flu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

widespread epidemics.
are literally a meme.
It's a broadcast phenomeon.
If you force test and create fear, and claim that different diseases and symptoms all of a sudden are all now ony disease, then you can declare a "pandemic".

>1) collect a group of symptoms from various or similar diseases (or ICD-10 codes)
>2) declare the group of collected symptoms now are a new Disease
>3) deploy a scare campaign and panic and make sure that [insert new disease] is diagnose as often as possible, so that people with one or more symptoms can be declared as "infected"
>4) include a asymptomatic form of disease, and make sure it gets diagnosed
>5) declare pandemic based on epidemiological/ statistical increase of diagnosis [insert new Disease or ICD-10 code]
>6) use pandemic to increase regulatory power, thin out population and force product on them
>7) after product is deployed revise what you told on step 2) and say symptoms are now different diseases and should be diagnosed as such
>8) declare pandemic is over based on epidemiolical/statistical decrease of diagnosis with [insert new disease or ICD-10 Code]

What is the actual disease?
That is the way more important question.
A so called "pathognomonic" symptom, is one which has a certain "hallmark" so you can identify a disease and differenciate it from every other disease.
Whats the hallmark of the flu, covid, rsv, the cold?

>> No.15426415
File: 1.68 MB, 1040x5824, old_times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me extend on this:
>100 BC - 300AD
>Leprosy pandemic
>Declare anyone as Leper who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash
>send them to leper colonies, force them to wear bells around neck
>make people kill the lepers
>suddenly disappears after christian medical council decides: "Now someony is only a leper if their skin is rotting, and libs are falling of"
>Leprosy pandemic is over

>Pestilence pandemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the pestilence who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash, gets goosebumps when blown in the neck
>Force medicate them with mercury, scalp them and burn their farms because "it could spread"
>even execution is on the list for being declared as "pestilence infested"
>if people die because of the treatment or starve, collect their property and hand it over to the catholic church
>1400AD Catholic medical council decides: "Now only people who have foul bumps are pestilent"
>Pestilence is now over

>~1500 AD
>Pestilence pandemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the pestilence who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash, gets goosebumps when blown in the neck
>repeat pattern

>~1800 AD
>Syphillis epidemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the syphillis who has: Cough, sniffles, hairloss, sings to loud in public, commits fornication, has a skin rash, gets goosebumps when blown in the neck
>now create such a fear and a "solution" that people will take the solution even if they are fine
>calomel and arsenic as "preventative medicine"
>people get sick
>must be the syphilis
>Catholic medical council now says: "only people who have smelly wierd foulish genitalia are syphilis vicitims"
>epidemic is over

>> No.15426418
File: 516 KB, 1070x486, polio4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or how about Polio?!?

>~1900 AD
>Polio epidemic
>Declare anyone as as infected by the Polio who has these symptoms for 24h : stiffness in the limbs, fever, stiff neck, rashes, menegitis, encephalopathy
>now create such a fear and a "solution" that people will take the solution even if they are fine
>Vaccine with aluminium and shitton of streptomycin and neomycin as "preventative medicine"
>people get sick
>die (cutter incident)
>must be Polio
>World medical council in 1955 says: "only people who have paralysis for longer than 60 days are now Polio cases and all former symptoms are actually seperate diseases"

You collect several diseases.
Pack them together to one new disease.
Then everyone will have the new disease.
Then after a while, you make the disease by definition so specific, that it's disappearing.
why did polio disappear?"

> because they just renamed and redefined it after the introduction of tha vax


They did the solve and cuagula Trick:
> before 1955, 24h of:(stiff neck, pain in the limbs, fever) = polio
> after 1955 60 days of persistant paralyitic symptoms.
> Also split it up in menegitis, chinese paralytic syndrome, flacid myeltis, gullian barré syndrome, tansverse myelitis, encephalitis etc.

>> No.15426751
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>> No.15426769
File: 242 KB, 751x960, 1645660742850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Earth is flat with a dome.
God exists.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Gravity doesn't exist.
Never went to the moon.
Asteroids don't exist.
UFOs are a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is a lie.

The world is ruled by secret societies that worship Satan. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.


>> No.15426775

That makes sense, republicans are trained from young age to be paranoid so naturally they only trust their leaders and not the news.

>> No.15426777

Glow in the dark is here

>> No.15426798
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>> No.15427164

What if the CIA is good sometimes

>> No.15427385

just because you were hiding in your cuck hole doesn't mean everyone was. if you were a blue collar worker or anything else 'essential' life didn't change at all except there less fags like you on the roads.

>> No.15427389

>Yet we had over 100 million covid cases
*100 million positive tests

>> No.15427397
File: 495 KB, 1400x1750, 1680602236136995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are never ever leaving this plane alive.
You will never jet through the galaxy with your inflatable robowaifu.

>> No.15427867
File: 51 KB, 768x432, 1589484265495,corona-verschwoerungstheorien-106~_v-16x9@2dM_-ad6791ade5eb8b5c935dd377130b903c4b5781d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15428002

>LMAO what? Selective flu testing?
Did or did covid not hijack the official hospital procedures?

After it did that, where does flu come in on the flow chart? Up at the top, despite sharing symptoms with covid? Or near the bottom after questionable PCR testing? And what fraction of flu cases in the past were determined entirely from the presence of the correct symptoms?

>> No.15428541


>> No.15428550

Its the opposite. Most republicans are mainly of conscientiousness trait. You dont train that, because of high conscientiousness, the media propaganda doesn't go through to their brain. They're pretty consistent throughout the life.

Where as people with low conscientiousness gets manipulated because they dont have a strong foundational approach to life. So the media "trains" and primes their mind to become puppets.

>> No.15428617

sure was nice.

>> No.15428678

doctors got super bonuses for treating "covid" cases, no wonder they reclassified cold from "flue" to "covid"

>> No.15428683

typical shill well poisoning

>> No.15428690
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intelligence report: after "syphilis" started suddenly "lepra" disappeared. syphilis cured lepra!

>> No.15428767

kek . just lol at you

>> No.15428774

You should never go to the doctor ever again

>> No.15428836

good advice desu.

>> No.15429058
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just thought it was worth mentioning

>> No.15429071

That's the point, you doofus