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File: 748 KB, 1661x3035, PedophiliaResearchTLDR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15419432 No.15419432 [Reply] [Original]

What are some unpopular scientific truths?

>> No.15419476

That homosexuality is a mental disorder.

There is no reasonable action which can be taken to ensure that the "beneficial" case occurs and not the "completely fucked up for life" case w/r/t pedophilia.
There is a possibility that it is accurate, but it holds no actionable value and amounts to little more than an infohazard for pedophiles to use as justification.
Keeping these truths in mind, it is better to use this paper as an acknowledgement that therapy is impossible for pedophiles- the next logical conclusion is eternal confinement or execution in the more extreme cases.

>> No.15419503

>There is no reasonable action which can be taken to ensure that the "beneficial" case occurs and not the "completely fucked up for life" case w/r/t pedophilia.
Of course there is. Do you believe that if laws were to change to accommodate positive, mutually desired adult-child sexual relationships, that parents would just allow their children to enter into relationships which the children do not desire? The least reasonable action is a blanket ban of all adult-child sexual relationships, as it causes the most harm to children and society overall.

The Netherlands had an effective age of consent of 12 where cases were only prosecuted if the minor complained, a parent complained, or a social worker complained. There were absolutely no issues with this system, and it was only reverted due to pressure from the US.

"The completely fucked up for life" cases are (A) a rare exception, and (B) are not caused by sexual interactions, but rather other complicating factors. Also, they are not prevented by current laws and attitudes regarding adult-child sex, they happen in spite of them, and are exacerbated by them.

Allowing consensual sexual relationships to occur will not increase harm, it will decrease secondary harm which occurs due to stigmatization of sexual relationships.

>There is a possibility that it is accurate, but it holds no actionable value and amounts to little more than an infohazard for pedophiles to use as justification.
The truth is valuable in of itself.
>Keeping these truths in mind, it is better to use this paper as an acknowledgement that therapy is impossible for pedophiles- the next logical conclusion is eternal confinement or execution in the more extreme cases.
"Pedophiles don't cause any harm to children whatsoever, so we must confine or execute them".

Why is it always the people who call for pedophiles to be executed due to some perceived antisociality, always happen to be the most antisocial people? Maybe it's projection?

>> No.15419507

>The least reasonable action is a blanket ban of all adult-child sexual relationships, as it causes the most harm to children and society overall.
>If you don't let me have sex with children, those children will suffer greatly
Did this sound persuasive in your mind?

>> No.15419510

>pedophile trying to shift the Overton window so he can fuck children
Argument as old as time. You're sick, deluded, and need to be put out of your misery.

>> No.15419512

>The least reasonable action is a blanket ban of all adult-adult sexual relationships, as it causes the most harm to adults and society overall.
>If you don't let me have sex with adults, those adults will suffer greatly
Do you see how ridiculous your straw-man argument sounds?
Pedophiles are significantly less psychopathic than normies obsessed with killing innocent people due to their sexuality:

Goudreault, M. (2017).
>"Differences between pedophiles and controls reached statistical significance for psychopathic traits, with pedophiles displaying fewer psychopathic traits compared to controls. These results contradict the findings of the large majority of studies using forensic and clinical samples of pedophiles."

>> No.15419513

Gas the Qanom boomer natsoc retards

>> No.15419514

Raping children isn't innocent you sick fuck.

>> No.15419518

Good thing I don't advocate for or want to rape children.

You are advocating for murder though.

>> No.15419520

>Pedo is outright lying
Surprise surprise. There's a reason your ilk are the most despised pieces of shit in prison. Even the literal low IQ, mentally ill, murders, arsonists, etc all recognize that despite their inability to be functional members of society, they're not fucking pedophiles. Kys.

>> No.15419526

>What are some unpopular scientific truths?
Around here seems like the most unpopular truth is anti-science types are least capable of scientifically relevant thinking and reading, and most likely to think they know a lot more than they really do because of it.

>> No.15419528
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At least I'm not low IQ, mentally ill, a murderer, or an arsonist in prison who can't be a functional member of society.

Why are you so concerned with what the prison population believes about a certain sexual minority?

>> No.15419530

I'm just explaining what your future entails. Death penalty is too kind for your ilk. You need to suffer the worst punishments possible.

>> No.15419537

that religion is made-up bs

>> No.15419553

>"All sex is rape"
>No, not all sex is rape
>"You're a rapist as I have already 'proved' all sex is rape and only a rapist would disagree"
Take a step back and see how deranged you are.

>> No.15419555

>Fucking children isn't raping them
Once again a lying pedo is trying to shift the Overton window. You will never be accepted in society. Everyone hates you and for good reason.

>> No.15419556 [DELETED] 

Education yourself.

>> No.15419557

You're admitting to having sex with children?

>> No.15419559
File: 725 KB, 990x1350, 541068486410461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only are men and women biologically different, a good percentage of difference is cognitively related.

>> No.15419560

Educate yourself.

>> No.15419562

that there are real differences in intelligence between subpopulations, that there are only two genders, that emancipation of women has led to the inevitable downfall of our species.

>> No.15419571

It's impossible to gain a lot of weight without excessive calorie intake.

>> No.15419583

>injectable glucose
What did pharma mean by this?

>> No.15419596 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15420248

>only two genders

>> No.15420262

nta but it was all throughout history and up to not even 100 years ago that adults would marry children and it was normal. They were usually adolescents though and not preteens. There should be some distinction between someone that's attracted to a 15 year old and someone attracted to a baby, the latter is considerably more disturbing. I'm not advocating for either though but just pointing out that there is some nuance there. The U.S. still has a lot of legal child marriage occurring too
>Between 2000 and 2018, some 300,000 minors were legally married in the United States.[13] The vast majority of child marriages (reliable sources vary between 78% and 95%) were between a minor girl and an adult man

>> No.15420298

Prader-willi syndrome - victims cant gain muscle, so a normally healthy amount of calories for them makes them gain weight.

>> No.15420302

>mutually desired adult-child sexual relationships
How many pre-pubescent children are out there fantasizing about having sex with adults? I'd say virtually none.

>> No.15420306

That pro-pedo shit is almost as retarded as the normie anti-pedo shit. They are seriously trying to claim harm isn't done as long as its voluntary? That isn't even true for adult-adult sexual contact.
No one can handle the science of pedophillia except for me. Why is everyone so dumb?

>> No.15420369

When I was pre-pubescent I humped a pillow with my little baby boy dick for barney.

>> No.15420396
File: 74 KB, 736x460, gravity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Earth is flat with a dome.
God exists.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Gravity doesn't exist.
Never went to the moon.
Asteroids don't exist.
UFOs are a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is a lie.

The world is ruled by secret societies that worship Satan. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.

>> No.15420398
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>> No.15420499

>What are some unpopular scientific truths?
If gender were actually different from biological sex, people wouldn't want to try to change their sex to supposedly match their "gender identity."

>> No.15420500

>What are some unpopular scientific truths?
If race weren't actually real, there would be no reason to care how many groids work in a business or star in a movie.

>> No.15420503

>What are some unpopular scientific truths?
Something isn't automatically false simply because it hasn't been proven true, much to the humiliation of atheists everywhere.

>> No.15420504

>What are some unpopular scientific truths?
If women were actually equal to men, they would have defeated us long ago because they've outnumbered us for pretty much the entire existence of humanity.

>> No.15420533
File: 149 KB, 1878x424, Pedo_deserve_hanging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedos wheel out the same tired, old arguments about trauma, get BTFO, sink back to their pedo caves and then rinse repeat. Hopefully you will be facing the wall soon

>> No.15420554

And yet they can "choose" to change gender without parent's consent in some places, and they can get abortions (without stating reason) at 15 in some places as well, without parental consent.

I'm not saying it is correct to permit children to have sex with children. I'm just demonstrating how arbitrary the whole thing of what can children do or not do (lawfully). Lastly, there have been cases where depending on the crime, children can be tried as adults.


>> No.15420556

>*permit children to have sex with adults

>> No.15420562

All you're saying is that we should ban child trannyism and abortion too.

>> No.15420563

doctors who are abusing children by mutilating their genitals and flooding them with hormones doesn't mean children can consent to anything. all you're doing is providing another example of child abuse.

>> No.15420570

This just shows that tranny pushers are pedos

>> No.15420596

No, I'm just saying it is permitted in some places while in other places those things are not permitted. So, there is not a consensus on if a child can have autonomy to make life changing decisions. If there is no consensus then it means there are different reasons to why it is okay and why it is not okay that the child make a life changing choice (like changing genders). Which in the end, if the reasoning (for either side) is not backed by science or unbiased research, it is arbitrary. Think back to when we could marry children. The reasoning was probably not well thought out, and now we know better to not fuck children or marry children. Who is to say that that won't change again in 1,000 years (for reasons we can't imagine now)?

In the case I linked to: "The Scottish government has issued new guidelines to primary schools...". This means the government supports child abuse by permitting children to make those choices. The government guidelines is the proxy by which children can legitimately decide to change genders in school. (more like express their choice of gender in school).

Whether you agree or disagree is another matter. But some people are agreeing on letting children make these choices. Lastly, children can be tried as adults depending on the crime. It is implied that the child made a decision (to commit the crime) and it not "innocent" or whatever arbitrary reason we invent to protect children from the full severity of the law. So again, there are exceptions (in the law) on how should we treat children. As an adult criminal, to abort, to change gender, etc.

>> No.15420609

those aren't people, they're criminals making those decisions. if it was legal for your boss to put your child in the coal mines and then to fuck your child, you're the braindead drone to say "well golly, it's legal so it can't be wrong!" you likely also do certain illegal things because you don't believe such thing should be legal. in short, you're a cancer and deserve the wall.

>> No.15420611

>Think back to when we could marry children.
your language choice betrays your argument. you're pretending to be an impartial, neutral party and yet cannot help but admit you want to fuck children. none of your arguments are valid, child molesting faggot. i've tipped off the FBI about your posts in this thread.

>> No.15420640

>"Pedophiles don't cause any harm to children whatsoever
define harm.
and be careful, your life might depend on it

>> No.15420659

So, the Scottish Government (their people) are criminals, and the local governments of some states in the US are as well, and anybody who disagrees that children cannot make those choices, and let them make those choices are criminals. That is your stance, understood. You still haven't presented an argument in favor of why you think these people are criminals. You've just stated that you think those people are criminals.
If it was legal for my boss to do that then I couldn't stop it from a legal standpoint. It doesn't mean I'm gonna permit it from happening, I would break the law to stop it from happening. I believe that raping children is wrong and that child labor is wrong.

I'm not pretending to be impartial. I stated that I do not believe children should marry adults or have sex with adults. I took a stance. You are arguing that children cannot consent to sex (which I agree), using the prisoner/soldier + Police/inmate analogy. This analogy uses dynamics of power as the basis for the reason to not let these things happen. My point is, even though I agree that children must not have sex with adults, much like inmates/police, the reasoning is arbitrary (unless it is based on science or unbiased research) and mostly depends on what society at the time considers correct or not. This leads to some states letting children make decisions or not, or some states letting them abort at 15 or not, or some states trying children as adults or not, etc. I claim that the reasoning to take a side on this matter must be unbiased and based on science, otherwise you will get people who agree and disagree on whether children can make life changing choices. For example, you'd be hard pressed to disagree on utility of General Relativity, right? The evidence (unbiased research and testability) is so unsurmountable that you wouldn't argue agains it (or anybody for that matter). This is what I'd like to happen with these issues on children being able to make choices

>> No.15420671

people used to get polio too, it was perfectly normal, but that doesn't mean it was beneficial

>> No.15420700

Nta. Link doesn't work

>> No.15420701

Define healthy amount of calories
Protip: you won't win this argument, excessive refers in relationship to the energy expenditure so unless you bend the meaning of words, you can't prove him wrong, besides "normal" people don't just automatically gain muscle mass by eating more, and it would still be gaining weight anyway

>> No.15420715

All he said was without "excessive calorie intake," nothing about in relation to calories burned. "Excessive calories" could be defined in different ways. If you define it as the amount of calories when you start to gain weight, then obviously it will make you fat. No one argues against thermodynamics, they argue that their metabolism is slow, which is partially the case for some normal people and could be entirely the case for people with syndromes like Prader-Willis.

>> No.15420758


>> No.15420818

what the fuck are you even babbling about?

>> No.15420887

That's a terrible example. You could have at least said slavery and it would have made some sense. The point was that people are taking about it like it's some new thing that people are advocating for but it's been there for like 99% of human history

>> No.15420892


>> No.15420895

You realize you can be a pedophile and not rape children right?

>> No.15420897

RH no. Also, I am a better physicist than the average guy that gets paid to work as a physicist professionally.

>> No.15420898

Putting pedophiles into therapy is unlikely to be effective, I agree. Instead they should be given depot-provera shots to suppress libido and prevent recidivism.

>> No.15420900
File: 943 KB, 1x1, TIMESAND___FractionalDistance.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RH no

>> No.15420899

That argument works both ways which is why both religious people and atheists are idiots

>> No.15420909

I don't understand. People want to change because they are different things

>> No.15420912

Boys definitely do. I had several Pamela Anderson posters on my wall when I was like ten. I don't know about girls though maybe they're different

>> No.15420917

Don't post links to files dude they download automatically and could have viruses and shit I don't know. It says in the rules don't post files

>> No.15420926

Ahh I see mine was (((deleted))). How bizarre

>> No.15420963

>you realize you can be a faggot without being a faggot right?
nice try, pedo. your posts are being submitted to the FBI

>> No.15420965

>files are allowed
>don't post files

>> No.15421058
File: 1.46 MB, 2289x1701, 1611312397491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die. As one NDE researcher said that he does not know anyone who has read the literature on NDEs who has not been convinced by it. And the book in pic related is known to convince even hardened skeptics that there is an afterlife.

>b-b-but NDEs are dreams or hallucinations somehow
Already explicitly refuted in the literature you likely have not read on NDEs.

Here is a very persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:


It emphasizes that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.

Or as one person quoted in pic related summarized their NDE:

>"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved."

>> No.15421456

trannys use the pdf upload option to post pdfs that include child pornography which isn't visible in the thumbnail

>> No.15421460

>moar made-up bs

>> No.15422620

stfu pedo, you faggots lie about everything

>> No.15422941

take your meds schizo XDXDXDDDDXXDDXD

>> No.15422945

how have you not been banned for spam? I'm curious

>> No.15422959

Black men unironically have the largest penises on average

>> No.15423660
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nearly all of science is fake and gay.
another case of too many cooks ruining the pudding.
the overwhelming amount of midwit wannabes and posers shut out the few qualifies individuals by leveraging the peer review process

>> No.15425502
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midwit npcs ruin everything

>> No.15426444

trannys are all faggots and all faggots are pedos, thats another unpopular scientific truth.