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File: 138 KB, 2373x1725, New Autism Prevalence Rate Released by CDC (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15420831 No.15420831 [Reply] [Original]

The elephant in the room no one wants to talk is the increasing numbers of mental disabled kids, NOT ONLY because autism

As a teacher every year we have more and more severe cases like this video:
https://youtu.be/j4PTf7LgsIE [Open]

Also I've seen this with my own eyes in my circle of acquaintances. I personally know at least 6 or 7 couples that have kids that fall into the autism spectrum (less serious cases than the video) . This was definitely not normal when I was growing up. And not only autism, brain problema are also increasing.

Even young mothers.

No one wants to talk about it because if you told the population you have a 5-10% or severe disabled kid natality rates will drop even faster.

>Inb4 anons that says severe autism and other mental disiabilities did'tn exist and that autist peoplenare all like sheldon cooper.
>Inb4 is over diagnosis
Go to any school and ask teachers if it's overdiagnosis or just the reality.

>Hurr it's only mature women
Arab countries have young mothers and are the countries with more autism in the world.
Also in the west the countries with younguest mothers have more autism. And even in european countries these with older mothers seem to have less autism so even if ahe affect it's not the only thing.

>uh... Debunked. We just keep getting better at testing & detection. People 10 years ago were twice as bad at us now at detecting stuff as simple as "is my kid retarded?"

chart doesn't really convey the catastrophic extent of the problem - to come out of almost nowhere and accelerate exponentially like that without any sign of slowing and without any serious investigation by health authorities is scary and shocking

The overdisgnostic theory is the official theory of the NWO, in fact you will see many glowis around here promoting it since they don't want you to think and investigate about it.

What would you do if you have a severy autistic kid and have to change their diapoers 3 times a day for life?

>> No.15420836

>countries with older mothers have actually a bit less autism but also an exponential increase.

Yeah age may afect but doen't explain the exponential inceease

>> No.15420840

>Air polution
>Weed during teen ages
>Tatto ink
>Paracetamol abuse

We don't really know

>> No.15420842

People don't like to talk about it because of the conclusions people draw from which potential changes in healthcare mandates may have caused the rise. It's a political third rail.

>> No.15420844


This could happens to anyone and the states are ignoring the issue because of the fear natality drop even faster

>> No.15420847

People like to say those "quirky, weird" kids you had in your class growing up were actually on the spectrum and just not diagnosed. The difference is that they were actual functional human beings. They had friends, they completed their schooling and got jobs.
The amount of straight up dysfunctional, nearly non-verbal kids these days is outstanding. In my day we had a handful of kids kept in a separate classroom ("special ed") and even they were just called slow or retarded as a slur because they couldn't keep pace with the rest of their peers.

>> No.15420863

They're ignoring the issue because if it was caused by one of their policies they can be sued.

>> No.15420868

I feel like a huge part of it is children are able to totally immerse themselves in zero social interaction fantasy via electronic devices. This retards their development in ways that never occurred in the past.

>> No.15420885
File: 5 KB, 320x180, ginsburg_trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you expand the diagnostic criteria for a condition you'll find more of it? Wow. I didn't know that.

>> No.15420901

Came here to post this. There is no parent interacting constantly with the kids anymore. You can't just cram kids into childcare centres where staff cannot provide one on one social interaction for 14+ hours of the day. They get crammed into sterile environments where they get treated like babies. When their parents are home they are so zombified from their meaningless wageslave existence that all they want to do is find escape in the television, not go through several hours of intensive questioning by a curious young mind. I also suspect that daycare centres are hives of child abuse.

>> No.15421359

>Kid watch some screen
>Becomes unable to talk forever.

Don't be in denial.

>> No.15421768

Not him but what a piss poor attempt to straw man his point.

>> No.15421821

A non verbal autist doesn't exist because mommy gave him a tablet....

>> No.15421929

yeah but the post that said "studies show vaccines don't cause autism" said vaccines don't cause autism.

>> No.15422363

My school district always accused me of being autistic but they never provided proof. Never had a doctor diagnose me or anything. I was put in special education classes from 2nd grade all the way to senir year of high school. Didn't find out my school claimed I was autistic until middle school when I found a school document about me labeling me autistic. Nobody had the guts to tell me, not only that but they never explained how I was autistic. They just said I was without any proof. Looking back at it, I probably could have sued them but I don't know. I am just really pissed off they would say that about me.

>> No.15422368

>[Open] [Open]
OP is a faggot

>> No.15422462

It absolutely happens, you want your child to be an adult retard go ahead dog, you can ruin their ability to exist, even if they seem gifted. You need to socialize. I had the zero interaction fantasy myself kind of with random outburts of odd behavior in school. It's bad and it's only aimed towards favorite children.

>> No.15422700

You seem to enjoy talking about yourself on social media.

>> No.15422715

I see no indication of that.

>> No.15422751

Your excessive use of personal pronouns and personal anecdotes indicates a high degree of narcissism.

>> No.15423607

I didn't write it.

>> No.15423834


>> No.15423931
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, Ω.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is just going on as planned. Western civilization became an existential threat to the old ones so they infiltrated the US government and all its institutions to destroy it with postmodernist nonsense, poison the population with drugs and fake vaccines, and finally starve them to death sabotaging farming worldwide.
There is no torture cruel enough to punish the traitors who sided with demons.

>> No.15424215

I'm neither the anon you're reply to nor the anon who wrote the post, but this is simple projection. It's far more narcissistic to believe that you are somehow qualified to accurately evaluate the mental state of others on the basis of a few lines of text, than it is to anonymously disclose facts about yourself.
>inb4 no u /you're doing the same thing
No, my conclusion is premised upon the assumption that you're the same anon who's been doing this same tone-policing no-fun-allowed crap for a while now. I can admit that my assumptions may be wrong, in large part because I'm not a narcissist.

>> No.15424408

>Autists are smoking weed and getting tattoos in their teen years
>Therefore they're autistic as a child

>> No.15424425

There's a theory out there that autism is caused by cold mothers who don't show enough affection to infants. The infant then never learns the importance of affection and how crucial it is for social skills. As for why the autists have sensitivity to sensations I don't know. Probably because they learn as infants the importance of independence (lack of affection) and amplify their preferences into retardation. For instance nobody likes a loud siren near them but it takes an autistic retard with no social skills to air this disgust for everyone to hear like a literal child. It's simply lack of emotional maturity.

>> No.15424436

>fake vaccines
It implies there's real vaccines.
Do you believe the Earth is a globe, too ?

>> No.15425042
File: 61 KB, 800x534, glow-bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get lost, nobody needs glowies.

>> No.15425053

No not everybody dislikes sirens. Self reporting lol.

>> No.15425074

Hypersensitivity to stimuli is also often accompanied by a lack of sensitivity to other stimuli. A childish reaction can probably be blamed on poor social skills and social awareness but the actual sensitivity to it is probably more biologically rooted.

>> No.15425448

Then why 40% of autist are non-verbal?

>> No.15425469

Most of mental illnesses are either inherited genetic or passed on through trauma.
People with fucked up brains tend to want to have more children for some reason. I've never heard anyone with ADHD say "I won't have sex because I risk passing on my ADHD by having a child." Instead, they go "Ugabuga, SEX FEELS GOOD! I would love to have a kid, wouldn't that be fun?!"

>> No.15425526

Because when they say "nonverbal" what they actually mean is "vocabulary of under 40 words AND/OR unable to communicate with words alone." I have never met an Italian-American who isn't nonverbal by that standard.

>> No.15425535

Do you have any studies/evidence other than purely anecdotal that the increase in autism numbers is actually related to an increase in the number of people that would be considered mentally handicapped/disabled?

My understanding was that the massive increase (particularly post 2010) was due to the combining of all autism sub-types along with heavily relaxed diagnostic criteria, resulting in 'quirky', 'weird' or 'different' but otherwise entirely functional people being classified as autistic despite no significant symptoms other than perhaps social difficulties/isolation, which has a number of alternative explanations that are more likely IMO than a sudden increase in a particular mental/biological condition.

>> No.15425554

This would not result in a steady increase year-over-year, but rather a big jump then a plateau.

>> No.15425555
File: 363 KB, 1070x1177, vax dangers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the increasing numbers
The cause is not a secret, just that there is so much money involved that the government, pharma corps and TV "news" media all work to supress the data and get $ as a result.

>> No.15425568

I've never met a kid from my local Mennonite type group that was mentally ill.
So it is something environmental that can be avoided.
They are anti doctors in general, and I really think it has something to do with OTC drugs during pregnancy.

>> No.15425569

Bruh.. it could be that some of the stated is causing mothers to give birth to autistic children. There are many things that can affect a baby pre-birth. We already know most that are caused by mother's negligence. Fetal alcohol syndrome, "crack babies", etc. It's not exactly Alex Jones tier theory

>> No.15425637

What if it's microplastics?
That would mean human race is fucked

>> No.15425650

You're a fucking retard.
It is obviously all the smartphone/vidya/electronic experiences """normal""" children get instead of real human interaction. It completely deprives them of normal human bonding experiences.

>> No.15425792

>the length people will go to to avoid responsibility for a problem

>> No.15425850
File: 37 KB, 576x576, WEF bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is just going on as planned. Western civilization became an existential threat to the old ones so they infiltrated the US government and all its institutions to destroy it with postmodernist nonsense, poison the population with drugs and fake vaccines, and finally starve them to death sabotaging farming worldwide.
>There is no torture cruel enough to punish the traitors who sided with demons.
There is no way to disagree with this post.

>> No.15425851

Sonograms fry the brains and vaccines fry the guts and immune systems.

>> No.15425857

Chemical pollution. It's only getting worse.

>> No.15425859

Their mothers, dingus.

>> No.15425871

Yes. The reason is unfit babies are not weeded out anymore.
You want to take over that responsibility?

>> No.15425893

Quads of truth.

>> No.15426023

The consequences is that disabled people should be euthanized as they would be better off themselves and to others for not existing.

>> No.15426644

We are talking about mothers/fathers fucking their sperm/eggs quality.

>> No.15427674

pharmaceuticals and vaccines.

>> No.15428464

This is my biggest fear.

>> No.15428504

Something like 20% of Gen Z identify as LGBTQ and many are sterelizing themselves in the name of ideology. Some as children, with or without their parents knowing.

>> No.15428796

>weed during teens
Quick Google search shows first recorded use of weed was 2800 BC, and wasn't controlled until recently. People have been smoking weed for literally thousands of years.

Meth was an OTC medication in the 50s and that didn't change for 20 years. Boomers are the result of methheads but autism is because of weed? Get the fuck out of here LOL

>> No.15429263

In no time in history weed consumption in teen ages have been this high arround the world.

>> No.15429269

I have autistic family and they were born like that for sure. They never learned to talk. Not at 3 years old, not at 4 not ever. I dont think one session of baby einstein caused it.
They are like cats, very affectionate.

>> No.15429289

>high carb diets
>lack of meat and saturated fat
>seed oils unironically
>internet use by the offspring

>> No.15429469

Only antisemites would be against all of that.

>> No.15429966

There's no way for you to know how much weed teenagers were smoking three thousand years ago.

>> No.15429992

>Arab countries have young mothers and are the countries with more autism in the world.
This is not a good counterexample to the "mature mothers" hypothesis, because Arab countries have more cousin marriages, which is a potentially separate and much larger source of congenital mental illnesses.

>> No.15429993

We know from archaeological and anthropological study that psychedelics were used rarely and ceremonially in premodern times. People were not chronically addicted to them.

>> No.15430000

>There's no way for you to know how much weed teenagers were smoking three thousand years ago.
It was limited to just a tiny area in the middle east back then, where the plant originated.
Weed didn't become widespreadly used as a drug until the early 1900s among blacks first, then spread to whites in the 1920s boom-years, very recently in overall terms.

Before the early 1900s weed was mostly just grown for hemp production.

>> No.15430009

>Weed didn't become widespreadly used as a drug until the early 1900s among blacks first, then spread to whites in the 1920s boom-years, very recently in overall terms.
One small correction: it started among Mexicans, then spread to blacks. In the late 1800s and early 1900s it was considered a Mexican vice. In the 20s it moved to blacks and some whites, then most blacks, and only became widely abused by whites in the 70s.

>> No.15430048

Lol yes we know

Are you in denial because you smoked in your teens and maybe (we don't know for sure) your sperm have a higher probability of a disabled kid?

>> No.15430067

Pick one.
Interesting that this are produced some of the most profound scientific and mathematical advances in ancient times. Maybe you have a point.
I've smoked weed most of my life. I'd be interested if you can post some studies done on the risks. Then I can compare them to the risks of modern medicines.

>> No.15430128

The Chinese may be onto something. They connected autism with gut flora and are treating autistic kids with fecal transplants. I know about one kid like that in my family (in Europe) whose parents made a trip to China for that very purpose and a year after the transplant the kid behaves better and even started to talk. So if the missing link is the diet... that would explain why it's worldwide.

>> No.15430131

>gut flora
I should have said gut biome.

>> No.15430132

It's been suggested that it's a metabolic syndrome, which may have something to do with why it occurs so often in overvaccinated and overmedicated children.

>> No.15430143

Considering the "covid vaccine" destroys certain parts of the immune system, and the majority of teh immune system is dependent on intestinal biome, that makes sense.

The high sugar diet sure is hard on the intestines also.

>> No.15430145

All women are inherently on the autistic spectrum and its about time we talk about it.

>> No.15430155

I do wonder how much schizoid personality disorder gets misdiagnosed because parents emotionally neglect their kids by ignoring them for their phones and pass parenting off to devices

>> No.15430199

Why would a group of people who's biggest fear is group revolts promote anything that decrease one's ability to form groups?

>> No.15430207

This. Kids who were weird coped with it and grew with it. Some got beaten out of it by peers and parents.
Now every shit behaviour is stapled as "autism" and further excuses the behaviour as something everyone elses' problem.

>> No.15430208

What's wrong with vid related? He looks like an average american. Also he didn't do nothing wrong. Just expressed his creativity. If he claim to be trans, no one would say he's autistic

>> No.15430212

Anon is refering to their parents, cuck

>> No.15430523

Is there any actual difference between the mentally retarded and severely autistic?

>> No.15430538
File: 514 KB, 192x192, 17245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One is literally me and the other has trouble naturally reading faces.

>> No.15430567

People having children at older ages is part of it. People used to get married right out of school but now they wait till 40. That is so unfair that mot only is my life like this but everyone here intentionally makes it worse.

>> No.15430571

I HAVE to go to Europe with that fat dumb slob. I do not want to.

>> No.15430575

It's obesity. Arabs are the most obese people on the planet.

>> No.15430583

>The amount of straight up dysfunctional, nearly non-verbal kids these days is outstanding.
It really isn't desu, I have family members that work with proper dysfunctional retards and the number is actually decreasing. In fact they used to have 30, today they would only have 1 dysfunctional special ed kid if it wasn't for the 5 migrant kids.

>> No.15430755

Even the data of African countries say that severe non-verbal autist are increasing.

You can't deny the reality.

Also we are talking in %, if you have 100 kids and 2 severe autist back then and now 20 kids and 2 severe autist the % would have increase.

>> No.15430793
File: 38 KB, 850x190, celandic-children-born-during-1994-1998-with-autism-spectrum-disorders-diagnosed-until.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, my point is it's not a Western problem. Probably most of the Anons going "hurr screens, hurr microplastics" (i.e. inert organic fibre) and even the "hurr bossmommy" incels are way fucking off and clueless about how Westerners in real life are actually raising their kids (which is far more traditional than people here think or indeed what was common in the 90s).

I looked up Iceland and it appears that diagnosed childhood autists actually halved in the 2000s. It is entirely possible that there is no need for alarmism at all and that this is simply a function of improved medical infrastructure in the third world and migrants in the first world. It was probably always in their population.

>> No.15431871

>People used to get married right out of school but now they wait till 40.
Getting married right out of school doesn't prevent having children at 40, it only prevents having your first child at 40. That is the group of people who are more likely to have "autistic" kids. And it's not because old sperm and/or old eggs cause "autism". It's because the resulting offspring are the results of multiple generations of selectively breeding for the ability to focus on a detailed task to the detriment of natural social relationships.

>> No.15432086

>It's because the resulting offspring are the results of multiple generations of selectively breeding for the ability to focus on a detailed task to the detriment of natural social relationships.
Interesting sociological cause.

>> No.15432087

Phthalates. Microplastics. PFOA's.
Mystery solved.

>> No.15432090

more pollution

>> No.15432119

It obviously doesn't explain all cases of autism, it's a broad umbrella term. But a lot of "famous historical figure retroactively identified as autistic" cases fit that profile. It fits the "mom and dad are both computer programmers" stereotype of the 90s. Fits my own family over at least four generations.

>> No.15432136

Not sure but it's fun to consider that whatever it is probably hasn't even hit its peak yet.

>> No.15432525

Interesting. Family friends of ours who are German expats are like this. The kids are all either 160 IQ professors who did their PhDs at MIT or actual proper dysfunctional autists who need their ass wiped three times a day (the kind that expire naturally at 12).

It was like 2:1 genius:autist, no one really understands why, but at least these days they can test.

>> No.15432532

They have always existed but back then they didn't diagnose it much and just pretended they were simply weird.

>> No.15432588


The rate of diagnosis of autism in Iceland has grown more than sevenfold since researchers first measured it in 1977, and it has quadrupled since 2001.

Lol stop coping

>> No.15432686

>Parents in 2018 didn't know something is wrong with their kid not talking at 4yo and unable to go alone to the bath.

>> No.15433545

>actual proper dysfunctional autists who need their ass wiped three times a day (the kind that expire naturally at 12)
That's unlikely. I would buy "the kind that tend to be killed by members of their own tribe before the age of 12 in the absence of social pressures against that kind of thing." But needing your ass wiped three times a day is a result of being unable to cope with the demands of modern sanitation and has nothing to do with the ability to survive in a state of nature, where you can drop a log anywhere you want.

>> No.15433590

Because European population growth has flatlined.
If you look at the people responsible for the growth you will see it's people who are quite high on the inbreeding scale.
What's the most popular baby name in Britain? Or say.. France or Germany?

>> No.15433596


>> No.15433612

It's fashionable if you can believe it. There's a belief that it confers some kind of benefit so people want their kids to be diagnosed as autistic. Not to mention many self-diagnosed so-called autistic kids are just awkward basement-dwellers so they just have no social graces. Being a twat doesn't make you autistic but that's the vibe today.

>> No.15433638

a austic person can hide really well in those types of communities .
many assistited living programs for retards operate very similarly to mennonite and amish houses.

>> No.15433698

>chemicals everywhere
>motorvehicle pollution
>pesticide/herbicides and antibiotics/vaccines in food
>dysfunctional families
>living with dirty ass dogs
>old mothers
at this point its a miracle anyone is born normal

>> No.15433733

yet he just made a literal wef puppet his ceo at Twitter baka