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15420188 No.15420188 [Reply] [Original]

>only three weeks of teaching left this semester
How are you holding up professor bros?

>> No.15420221

I'm waiting until finals are over so I can fuck the zoomerettes I impressed

>> No.15420224

I moved to a government job and so I don't teach anymore and I just do research all the time. I sometimes miss teaching though, especially this time of year when the work is almost done and I can do whatever I want for a few months.

I was never in the TT though. If I got there I might have stayed in academia.

>> No.15420225

None of them are impressed. At best they'll ask for letters of rec

>> No.15420483

>How are you holding up professor bros?
I have a student who's finished about 8% of the course and he wants me to give up my summer to give him an incomplete that I already know he's never going to finish.
I plan to say no.

>> No.15420487

>and I can do whatever I want for a few months.
No, I get to spend my summer building a new course. It's lovely to pretend I get summers off, though.

>> No.15420522

Had an end of semester meeting with my MD professor who still practices and he gave me a free consultation on my peptic ulcer. He told me to change my mechanical eating habits, and that has helped alongside the pantoprazole.

>> No.15420547

>How are you holding up professor bros?


>> No.15420594

Not a prof but a TA. A few final year undergrads reached out and said we should hang out during the summer. Didn't feel like being rude and saying no. I hope they forget what they said because it's going to be weird doing stuff with people 5 years younger than me. Have any of you became friends with former students? How does that work?

>> No.15420602

Optimized my class for my fat stupid Huston astro tier retard cheater students

>> No.15420606

i've got a student who earned a C- in my class, openly admitted to cheating in other courses, and refused to do lab work. she asked me for a letter of recommendation, so naturally i told her yes. didn't say it'd be a strong one.

>> No.15420627
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>nooo you have to put in effort in my heckin course. Cheating is LE BAD!!!!

>> No.15420651

Have ChatGPT write it for you.

>> No.15421040

Can someone here with grading papers as part of their job tell me how many students turn in their work in the last hour? My professor says she grades in the order she received them and I turned mine in with about an hour and a half to spare. I'm getting impatient. Also I'm curious.

>> No.15421065

>Cheating is LE BAD!!!
it absolutely is
i cheated to get past calc I & II and it set me back more than simply taking calc I for a second time would've done

>> No.15421109

what'd you have in mind? maybe i should just post what i posted here into GPT and see what i get

>> No.15421192

I tried it myself
>I am writing to recommend [student name] for admission to your institution. Despite receiving a C- in my class, [student name] has a remarkable talent for cheating and a total disregard for deadlines and academic standards.
>[Student name] has demonstrated a remarkable ability to excel in an environment that rewards dishonesty and plagiarism. If you're looking for a student who embodies the spirit of academic mediocrity and unethical behavior, then [student name] is the perfect candidate for your institution.
>[Your Name]