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File: 174 KB, 1170x1344, 1681842301880826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15370375 No.15370375 [Reply] [Original]

Are eggs really as bad for you as social media doctor says they are?

>> No.15370437

Post pictures of him and decide whether he is a man who looks trustworthy.

>> No.15370464

This thread again? Doctor Baker, Saladino and Berry say nuh uh, but the carnivores are a different flavor of shill like the vegans are. Shills here, shills there, shills everywhere. All is fake and gay. No one knows anything about anything. Except me. I know what I want and I want it now. If nothing else, eat pussy, let your dick be swallowed by pussy and die a happy men. Meanwhile scientists try to forget how much they hate their life by begging for money so they can read the writings of other beggars and debate about their paid for arguments supported by paid for experiments with injecting a gallon of saturated fat and cholestrol in adorable little beings that had the misfortune of being born to monsters masquerading as humans that overdevelop their brains to compensate for their lack of eating pussy.

>> No.15370525

Can you goylems just vaccinate already.
You're the reason the kikes can function, without you filth they would have already been genocided.

>> No.15370536

The only way that they will get me to eat the bug is by having it eaten by a chicken and turned in to egg and tendies.
Fuck these retarded pseudo scientists trying to claim what humans have been eating for thousands of years now is suddenly bad for you.

>> No.15370539

I eat 3 eggs a day most days of the week. Also drink 2 measured cups of milk most days of the week. I'm 34, and have been doing this for many years. Every time I go for my annual check up my doctor just tells me to keep doing what I am doing because my health is flawless and I'm also complimented on how fit I am and how great my blood pressure is, etc. It's not the same doc every time either since I move every 1-2 years since I'm a WFH chad and can move any time I want without worrying about my job since I don't have a commute.

>> No.15370545

Can you drop the antisemitism already, you hateful bigot.

>> No.15370679
File: 80 KB, 256x256, paranormal cow2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggs are really good for you. Don't let anyone tell you different. They are especially helpful if you are trying to stick to a high protein/low carb diet - all kinds of delicious ways to make eggs.

The only bad thing about eggs is, currently, the price gouging. Pic unrelated.

>> No.15370684

literally the dumbest made-up nonsense I've ever read
why don't you retards at least try to make it a little bit believable?

>> No.15370687

>low carb diet
enjoy destroying your health

>> No.15370691

I eat about 10-15 eggs a week, sometimes 20, for a decade now, also 35 and I have never felt better. Not a chad though and I live in same place for all my life, but I travel once a year around globe. So here's that, cuck

>> No.15370694

>egg yolk makes whole chick
>provides human with energy that makes whole chick
>listening to a doctor over an animal

>> No.15370859

Reminds me of those chuckle fucks who say "um sweety? Bread is actually bad for you!" despite humanity eating it for millennia.

>> No.15370921

High cholesterol content, so if you are prone to heart disease lay off da eggs

>> No.15370930

Europeans civilized the world on stale bread, salted meat and lukewarm alcohol.
that's why they want to take it away from us.

>> No.15370935
File: 1.65 MB, 3024x4032, milk n eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it not believable? I usually have 4 cartons of grass fed organic milk and 3 cartons of free range organic eggs in my fridge at all times but I finished one of each today so there's only 3 and 2 respectively in this picture I took right now. I love milk and eggs and consume them regularly in the quantities I stated in the other post. Sometimes I might not have any milk on a day, or may not have eggs on a day, but most days of the week I'm having 2 cups of milk and 3 eggs.

>> No.15370985

Don't be so obvious in your trolling. Basic knowledge is that processing, refining and high heat stress the body with spikes in blood glucose and AGE's. Alcohol is an undisputed carcinogen. Therefore oatmeal is objectively healthier than bread and slow cooked meat is objectively healthier than salted meat which is often also smoked and nitrated thus carcinogenic.
Rather than good or bad and who ate what when, consider what food contains the most and easily digestible nutrients and the least toxins. Then consider that you don't like the taste of plain boiled meat and vegetables so go back to consooming slop again. Repeat this cycle over and over and there you go: modern society filled with trolls like (You).

>> No.15372226 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 976x549, _127641331_chimpanzees_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to a doctor over an animal
modern soientists are dumber than animals lmaooooo!!

>> No.15372385
File: 469 KB, 1006x604, 4cedf9009cb4fc69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please do not consume anything from nature
>please only eat processed goyslop
>please don't drink milk
>don't eat eggs
>consoom seed oils
>meme foods
>fear nature

>> No.15372400

They didn't specify. Is that premature death for the one eating it or for the egg being eaten?

>> No.15372406

>drinks cow milk
>trying to live as baby cow
>trying to grow up to be adult cow
Has your transspecies transformation been complete yet?

>> No.15372408

>listening to a doctor over an animal
A doctor is an animal

>> No.15372409 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15372410

I just literally read some study that says eggs will protect you from alzheimers disease

>> No.15372415

>eggs will protect you from alzheimers disease
Implying alzheimers is the only cause of death

>> No.15372422
File: 65 KB, 734x651, pyramid2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have cow
>create a unspoken contract of givin it shelter and protecting it from predetors
>in exchange it gets grass which humans cannot eat
>cow it converts to food
>milk cow
>generatate various products from it
>increase it's longevity by controlled fermentation (yoghurt and cheese)
>live in symbiosis with nature
>use cow shit as fetilizer so that soil is nutrient rich


>only grow mono cultures
>no animals
>low nutrients
>deplete soil
>use toxic herbicies and fertilizer to compensate
>use all soil nutrients to use them to be converted into sugar
>only eat carbs and onions goy!

>> No.15372424

elaborate how eggs kill

>> No.15372510


The process of making dairy is far more disgusting, both Materially and Morally, than the process of making oil.

>> No.15372517

The heat from the rice cooks the egg.

>> No.15372527

Theres natural things that will kill you in a few minutes. Like certain berries and certain types of fish, what is "natural" has nothing to do with whether something is healthy or not
Also butter it one of the most unhealthy foods on earth due to it raising Ldl and
Apob alot thus increasing the chances of heart disease

>> No.15372532

Chronic disease doesn't show up and that age. You could be eating packs of doritos and refined sugar every other day and still be found by in good health so

>> No.15372538

For reference, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and respiratory disease all start to show up on average on your 50-70's more or less

>> No.15372559
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kek, sad germophobes.
You live in a natural world, yet you believe we are unable to have symbiosis. kek.

Ants also "milk" Aphids:

It's called a symbiotic relationship.
Never said that everything is "good" because it's natural.
But this is a symbiosis that exits since thousands of years.

And was good.
Only when "legislature" forced people to kill and poison their animals, then it turned haywire.
>you were required to dip farm animals in arsenic by government
>later the agricultural adjustment act
>Now we only grow corn and onions

>oh nooo somehow the soil depleted wierd
>but we are sure it has nothing to do with the fact, that we eliminated the presence of animals on soil and the natural cycle of nutrients by removing natural fertilization

>> No.15372567

>Also butter it one of the most unhealthy foods on earth due to it raising Ldl and
>Apob alot thus increasing the chances of heart disease

Heart disease is neurological poisoning and stress.
They could never find any causal releationship between LDL and heart disease.



>> No.15372607

>Now we only grow corn and onions
Because feeding crops to animals is the only way the livestock industry can realistic exist in the modern world, if farmers used the grass fed meme multiple earths would be required to feed the population with enough calories from meat, there's even studies on the matter and they always find that grazing would require many earths to even be possible to feed the general population at any significant level
>Heart disease is neurological poisoning and stress.
No is not and that makes no sense
>They could never find any causal releationship between LDL and heart disease.
They did already and is not even controversial at all
>Consistent evidence from numerous and multiple different types of clinical and genetic studies unequivocally establishes that LDL causes ASCVD.
Your links are extremely outdated opinions and all the evidence on the aggregate says the opposite of those opinion links you gave, that's why every major health institution agrees that ldl increases heart disease

>> No.15372647
File: 384 KB, 526x636, 310032765_3473947442889115_3895342796573366248_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nightmare cow

I had a sister who was actually terrified of horror cows as a small child.
Not satan, literal farm cows. The moo sort.

>> No.15372654

The receding hairline, the glasses, the beard, the name (((GREGER))). All of them seem to be pointing to something.

>> No.15372666

>>Heart disease is neurological poisoning and stress.
>No is not and that makes no sense

Your heart is controlled by the parsympathetic nervoussystem.
If you get neurotoxic you literally get a heart attack.
Why in the fuck do you think jelly fish and snake bites and metalpoisonings cause heart attacks you retard?

>> No.15372671

Small penis?
Pls explain. But that makes sense.

>> No.15372679

>If you get neurotoxic you literally get a heart attack.
I've had issues with medication and I think this shit. It wasn't too bad yet before I started to take a lot more care, particularly with booze.
People take concoctions of all sorts and it's very neurotoxic to them.

The worst ones are actually your normal shelf meds, they can build up in your body and cause bad neurotoxic situations.

>> No.15372727

>Why in the fuck do you think jelly fish and snake bites and metalpoisonings cause heart attacks you retard?
Because of their venom you fucking retard, where does the "neuro stress" that you are proposing gives heart disease is comes from?

>> No.15372745
File: 12 KB, 956x94, 12345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no early life section, but then you scroll down...
couldn't fool me for a second

>> No.15372756

>butter it one of the most unhealthy foods on earth
>muh heart disease
Only the #1 killer of americans because americans are obese, inactive, and most of the old ones smoke, if you are active and not overweight it isn't a major concern

Hes not entirely wrong anon. Having a mexican shove his forearm up a cows ass so it can be injected with bull cum and kept pregnant and producing milk is pretty objectively a lot grosser than mixing some seeds and chemicals in a metal vat.

Not that subjective human grossness is any better of a measure of healthiness than what is considered "natural"

>> No.15372771
File: 20 KB, 160x148, Marowak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dietary studies are trash. Don't rely on one but instead a piling of many.

>> No.15372803

Eggs is the best and cheapest way to improve nutrition in developing countries.
Only mentally ill v*goids would be so insane to think eggs are bad for you.
Japan, the 1st world country with the healthiest population also has one of the highest egg consumption.
Personally I eat 2 (two) soft boiled eggs a day.

>> No.15372812

People have been drinking alcohol for millennia

>> No.15372894

Yes, it's a big process to try to become a cow by pretending its milk is food. Just use it to shit on real food to help grow. If that's not enough to maintain the cow then you're admitting that cows aren't worth the fartilizer so you pretend cow milk is made for humans just like they pretend onions food is food

>> No.15372965

When I start eating a lot of eggs all the time, like six scrambled eggs a day or something, I very quickly start to feel like not eating them, even though they are delicious. That's probably a sign that my body doesn't like them too much.

>> No.15373028

You sound allergic. You might die

>> No.15373188

>Only the #1 killer of americans because americans are obese, inactive, and most of the old ones smoke, if you are active and not overweight it isn't a major concern
Untrue the same seen in the japanese population studies, eating more animal fat gives more heart disease, in that study everyone was about the same weight and the ones eating more animal fat still had more heart disease
>Heavy intakes of total and red meat were associated with an increase in all-cause and heart disease mortality in men

>> No.15375035
File: 784 KB, 1032x3140, modern_is_better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where does the "neuro stress"
Why do people get heart attacks from trauma, psychological shock or even financial anxiety?

Also the fucking meds?
Aluminium in vaccines?
Mercury in tooth fillings?
Toxic accumaltive pesticides, which are sprayed on "milk and egg replacing" s.o.y products and sneed oils ?


The standard american diet is so SAD.

>> No.15375694

This is such a retard argument. At least any mammal would drink dairy if offered because it’s incredibly nutritious and delicious. Other animals don’t drink other mammals milk because there’s no way for them to know or have the ability to extract it.

>> No.15375695

What do you eat? Knifing and car bombings?

>> No.15375705

>because there’s no way for them to know or have the ability to extract it
Implying milk from mammals comes from anything other than a nipple...

>> No.15375781

>another thread where moxyte (terminally online vegetroon) tells lies that nobody in /fit/ buys
oddly persistent

>> No.15377051

Do you think a dog sees a cow and things about sucking its nipples? A dog has no idea. You have to give him milk and he will happily drink it. Cats too. I can’t think of any animal that would pass up a glass of ice cold milk. Humans are smart enough to know all nursing mammals produce milk and that if you pull on the nipples it will squirt out.

>> No.15377133
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x1058, 1682011295690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really want to look like this guy?

>> No.15377135

I love the new Twitter context snippets so fucking much.

>> No.15377139

Don't care
Taste good

>> No.15377178

>thinks animals don't recognize nipples
>all baby mammals die from lack of nutrition because they can't operate a nipple

>> No.15377381

My grandpa eats 10 eggs a day and he's pretty healthy. He also exercises with some weights in his house

>> No.15377451
File: 130 KB, 640x640, Confused Eve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think a dog sees a cow and things about sucking its nipples?
There are plenty of videos of animals suckling on animals they are not supposed to be suckling

>> No.15377463

you jack off to child pornography

>> No.15377570
File: 337 KB, 500x345, Good question, Robin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how did you reach this conclusion

>> No.15380165

It's creep how kikes triggers the uncanny valley.
Wonder if it's because they're demons, or because they're misgeneated bastards.
Could be both.

>> No.15380173

Psychological projection, virtue-signalers for X tend to partake in X, be it faggotry, child rape...
Especially if it comes out of nowhere.

>> No.15380571 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 220x293, hidous kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd probably end up embittered and angry and seeking revenge on humanity too if you were born looking like one of them

>> No.15380592

Eat what makes you happy and don't get fat.

>> No.15381358

You are not answering the question, you are just speculating, no one has ever said there's only one way to get or cause to heart disease, high cholesterol just happens to be the one main reason behind it which has time and time again been proven through multiple means in genetical studies, observational studies, clinical studies etc...

>> No.15382504

Do you know how the heart works?
The same blood flows through your whole body, yet nobody ever had a
>spleen attack
>liver attack
>kidney attack

Even though thay all have arteries.
Only the hart has a "attack" and wierdly the minority of heart attacks show any correlation to blockage due to cholesterol induced plaques.

Your heart is regulated by nerves.
If you have a nerve damage, your para sympathetic nervoussystem can crash and contracts your heart, and you suffer a heart attack.

Thats why certain neurotoxic drugs and poisons cause heart attacks.

This whole cholesterol shit is a meme.
Literally your whole body and hormones require cholesterol to be built.
Even vitamin D is made from cholesterol.

>> No.15383300 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15384144 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 187x250, soyence kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey goy, stop eating food
>hey goy stop drinking water
>hey goy stop breathing air
>hey goy you're ruining my planet
this characteristic semitic behavior is the only evidence that makes the holohoax narrative slightly believable

>> No.15384260

Your body produces all the cholesterol you need already. You are dodging and not saying anything, you are just spitting mechanistic speculation that has no basis in reality.
>minority of heart attacks are due to cholesterol blockage
This is an empirical claim, do you have evidence of that
Anyway, reality is in the study link of this post >>15372607 which you didn't respond to because you have no studies to fight back, you have just your meme woowoo toxic quack speculation nothing more

>> No.15384268

>I know what I want and I want it now.
Is that you Mr. Vain?

>> No.15384987

>spitting mechanistic speculation that has no basis in reality.




>This is an empirical claim, do you have evidence of that



Also before 1940s almost nobody dies because of heart attacks.
And then they ate butter, lard and milk products a lot.
Only after the 40s it increased to be in the top 3 mayor causes of death.

>> No.15385586 [DELETED] 

I had eggs for breakfast, am i gonna die?

>> No.15385696
File: 722 KB, 828x819, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where "trusting the experts" gets you. You become this man. You literally, physically become this man.

>> No.15385933 [DELETED] 

whats wrong with he abdomen? why is he so bloated?

>> No.15385943

>Jew becomes the golem
Oh the iron knee....

>> No.15386009

We were gaslighted as children to not trust our own judgement, like don't judge a book by it's cover. That way scientists can ignore their own science that eyes and brains have evolved to judge accurately for survival and reproduction. Yes but here is an artificial illusion that totally proves your lack of good judgement they say. Whatever. My brain is fried with nonsense. Well played elites. You got me.

>> No.15386948 [DELETED] 

You may not like it, but thats what peak health looks like

>> No.15388401

r u dead yet?

>> No.15388493

I eat 6 to 12 raw eggs every day and have for years. I noticed a huge difference in recovery from injury, reduction of brain fog and drive since I began eating so many eggs.
I imagine I very well could be the healthiest anon on this board at any given time. Eggs, in particular the yolk, are probably the best single food in the world along with roe and liver.

>> No.15389608

how much liver can i eat without risking gout?

>> No.15389627

? as much as you'd like, why the hell would liver cause gout?

>> No.15389636

let's suppose eating animal fat does give me heart disease(it won't). Why would I care if it's something that won't appear until I am 50 or so? Living a high carb vegan lifestyle will quickly age you anyways, si you will look and feel terrible by that age even if you don't get heart disease.

heart disease is actually caused by pufa and carbs. though.

>> No.15389641

Yea no
eggs are high in hdl, that is the "good" cholesterol

they're some of the most nutrients dense foods you can have

eggs are some of the healthiest foods and probably the closest thing to a superfood you can eat

>> No.15391056 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 700x758, renthound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, looks like hes a goner

>> No.15391260

>Why would I care if it's something that won't appear until I am 50 or so?
Uhhh, ackshually, it's much more important to prolong the amount of time you can be a decrepit semi-corpse than to be strong and energetic during your active years.

>> No.15391405
File: 73 KB, 636x929, heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of your links are literally mechanistic speculation, they are not human data, this is a quote from one of your links who perfectly explains it
""Theoretically, augmentation of parasympathetic activity could be detrimental even though little clinical evidence supports this. When patients with terminal HF die, they may experience profound bradycardia or asystole instead of ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation; however, it is not at all clear that this is due to a primary parasympathetic mechanism"""
Ok you sent me a book but where's the source for the claim that most of heart attacks are not from cholesterol blockage
>Also before 1940s almost nobody dies because of heart attacks.
This is false, pic related, the fact that we have less heart disease deaths today than before refutes that

>> No.15391416
File: 236 KB, 1086x1039, Higher Education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Governments, leaders, the rich, corporations, university/science based scam programs, etc. all want low-health, low-energy, beta-males who obey what they are told.
A weak subservient slave-class of peasants to control and rule over.

>> No.15391565

people eating egg have died 99%
people drinking water have died 100%

>> No.15391836
File: 76 KB, 685x599, 12889_2007_Article_1118_Fig1_HTML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Also before 1940s almost nobody dies because of heart attacks.
>This is false, pic related, the fact that we have less heart disease deaths today than before refutes that

>Shows graphic that conveniently started after 1950s.

>no sauce

>Ok you sent me a book
Which is a analysis of 50 years of pathological findings of heart attacks

It is a exhaustive analysis of heart deaths.

>> No.15392457

have you ever eaten an ostrich egg? they're about 3lbs each

>> No.15392885

What is your picture about? Is not heart disease mortality, you are posting an irrelevant unsourced graph, also are implying people lived more before the 1940s, cause that's what you seem to be implying with that picture lmao
Your own links says there's less heart disease mortality today than before
>Which is a analysis of 50 years of pathological findings of heart attacks
It looks like a quack book that's just worthless since the very own links you linked before say there is little to no evidence to what you are talking about and is all just mechanistic speculation
>It is a exhaustive analysis of heart deaths.
No is not, is just a mechanistic trash speculation gibberish which is why its found in researchgate and not in a real journal, an exhaustive analysis would be systematic review but I don't even think you know what that is, either show a study with human outcome data or shut the fuck up.

>> No.15392893
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>> No.15393026

You'd have to be highly antisemitic, violently so, to not trust that alledged human.

>> No.15393088
File: 684 KB, 717x742, LIQUID_TREE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you will never come to the taste of every eating anything that is not dehydrated pulverized nutrient space food on s.o.y. and canola oil basis.
I hope you will only eat for the rest of your life The Science™ and Codex Alimentarius™ conform low CO2 footprint slop.
I hope you will only eat out of Government approved recycled plastic.
I hope you will never touch grass again.
I hope you will never touch a animal again.
I hope you will fear every bit of life including yourself.
I hope you will live in a concrete open air prison which will have exchanged every tree with LIQUID3™ CO2 Compensating Photo bioreactors.
I hope you will never be able to drink unflouridated water.
I hope you will never enjoy a second outside of the virtual reality.

>> No.15393685

That's just a bunch of nonsense i'll just comment on the first line
> s.o.y.
Söy is healthy and there's no evidence saying otherwise, legumes in general are literally one of the healthiest if not the healthiest food on earth since they always get inversely associated with every disease in every study looking at them
>canola oil
Also healthy, vegetable oils in general are healthy according to all the aggregate human data on the subject, only grifters say the opposite

>> No.15393746
File: 2.00 MB, 800x450, 1673555178892916.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15393989

what's even the point of trolling like this

>> No.15394532

There used to be an emu farm south of Picachu peak in AZ, they sold eggs. Emu is good meat too.

>> No.15395890

eggs whites have the highest protein to calorie ratio of any food

>> No.15395952


Not at all. Strong people (criminals) always organize themselves in structures that mirror and attach themselves to the Government.

>> No.15396019

Egg whites contain antinutrients. I only eat the yokes. Get your protein from something better like steak.

>> No.15396349

This is the best new twitter feature.
You should cook the whites (make cloud bread) and eat the yolks raw.

>> No.15398327

>A doctor is an animal
yep, they're not human or any other kind of civilized creature, probably a subspecies of leech

>> No.15399374
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>> No.15399501

dietary cholesterol =/= blood cholesterol

>> No.15399611

Eggs increase LDL greatly in the blood plasma, however we now know it is ox-LDL who is the main culprit.

>> No.15399624
File: 193 KB, 1085x1437, soibot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15400337

Based grassmilk enjoyer. I drink at least a half gallon of that stuff every day. Tastes amazing and very nutritious

>> No.15400381
File: 37 KB, 780x438, 8189587932107580791253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The egg bullshit is a prime example of the abject failure of statistics on a philosophical level.

>> No.15400417

>eating cooked food
Yeah, great idea, I love destroying nutrients and making my food carcinogenic.

>> No.15401061

>no meat, its carcinogenic
>no eggs they are le bad
>pufas bad
>seed oils bad
>etc etc etc
>gut microbiome le good, no wait you need a sterile microbiome to not put stress on your liver
Seriously, is there any way of getting to the bottom of this?

>> No.15401067

You're looking at it the wrong way, the world is designed to make you suffer, there is no correct choice because everything you do will ultimately come back to haunt you.

>> No.15401094

Meat is only carcinogenic when cooked. If you don't cook it, it is fine and quite healthy. I am dead serious btw, virtually every carcinogenic/harmful factor of meat is caused by the cooking process.

>heterocyclic amincs, polycyclic hydrocarbons, advanced glycation end products,oxidized cholesterol, destruction of vitamins, etc

I think meat is healthy, but if you cook it, it is the worst shit in the world and you would be better off going vegan. That's part of why a lot of vegans seem healthier than those who eat cooked meat.

>> No.15401447

Egg whites have an antinutrient called biotin. If you want to eat raw food just throw away egg whites.

>> No.15401451

I hate the way '''vegans''' stare at the camera like that.
>Do what I say because I'm more moral than you

>> No.15401516

>That's part of why a lot of vegans seem healthier than those who eat cooked meat.
what fucked world are you living in?

>> No.15402692

Im not buying this, raw meat eating is the smallest alternative health niche out there and it looks like it doesnt even work most of the time. If you can somehow source super healthy meat then maybe you'll be fine eating it raw but even then you're still taking a big risk.
I've seen raw liver eaten successfully many times but red meat doesn't work.
Anyways im not necesarilly focused on meat, im just wondering what people here's approach to nutrition is because every time i go down a rabbit hole there'll be ray peat types coming out to dissuade what i've found. He's probably bullshit though

>> No.15402732

Every animal on the planet eats their meat raw, including Japs. Most weebs have eaten raw meat.
The main effect of cooking meat is to melt out the fat and evaporate off the moisture. Some kinds of meat are tough and hard to chew, cooking renders them more tender. It all depends on what kind of meat. A lot of fish are so soft that they don't need to be cooked, some cuts of beef like prime rib can be so soft they barely need cooking, but I doubt anyone is ever going to claim shoulder or shank are good raw.
Civilized life affords people the opportunity to be picky eaters, is SHTF and ur innawoods with ur SKS and shank is all you got and you don't want to or can't cook it for whatever reason, you'll eat it raw. Everyone or nearly everyone who has ever claimed to be a nutrition expert has been lying, paying attention to them is a waste of time. There was a pomegranate craze around the turn of the century, tons of media saying you'd live forever if you made pomegranate part of your diet. It turned out that someone in Hollywood had inherited a pomegranate orchard and the pro-pomegranate publicity campaign was their way of insuring big profits on their new property.

>> No.15403287

whats wrong with his abdomen, why is it distended like that? some kind of massive tumor or cyst?

>> No.15403380

>carcinogenic/harmful factor of meat is caused by the cooking process
Also increases oxidation but yes essentially this. Any food that descreases oxidation like olive oil is a plus. All animal fats are a mixture of saturated and non.

>> No.15404865

food science is all popsoi lies, see OP & >>15385696 for more info on that

>> No.15404977

Already do this. I only eat raw egg yolk. I see no benefit to eating egg whites anyways.

I have been eating raw meat for 6 years, exclusively red meat, organs, and of varying sources. I have even eaten raw wild boar liver. I have yet to contract any kind of noticable illness from it. The lowest quality raw meat is healthier than the highest quality cooked meat. I di not exclusively eat meat, I don't hesitate to eat a carrot or lettuce or whatever if I feel the desire, but I only eat raw foods.
Ray peat had interesting things to say, but I'm not very convinced that a high sugar diet is optimal or even acceptable.
I'm a bit wary of olive oil given that a) most of what people buy is not even olive oil and b)most brands are heated in the process which causes oxidation and accumulation of carcinogens. If I could regularly source unheated truly raw truly olive oil I would happily consume it.

>> No.15404997

and what is good? bugs? apples? thin air?

>> No.15405001

> I only eat shit
personal story shill

>> No.15405017


>> No.15405159


>> No.15405873

i saw it on a episode of "king of the hill"

>> No.15405910
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>> No.15405934

>I'm okay with my existence, selling nutritional advice while looking like shit. Do you have any problem with my existence?

>> No.15406341

just look at the color of him. its like he's a pile of ash that will just burst apart at any gust of wind. ive always held a deep hatred for skinny, weak, low t, and fat people trying to act like authorities on health. all health departments of the world would probably be better off if they exclusively employed bodybuilders

>> No.15407403

you must be fucking retarded
egg yolks contain 5 times more biotin than egg whites
how do you people get out of bed in the morning?

>> No.15408562 [DELETED] 
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>you must be fucking retarded
>egg yolks contain 5 times more biotin than egg whites
>how do you people get out of bed in the morning?
kys soiboy

>> No.15410192

>don't eat eggs goy, eat this toxic estrogen filled legume instead

>> No.15410199

you know how in those movies the alien infects the chest and tries to get out? it's kinda like that, you see, the jews (also called "reptillians") actually coinhabit a human shell with the small chest-bursting creature. the reptillian does the tribalism, the thinking, and soi production, whereas the chestburster allows for the reptillian to switch to a new shell when the current one is spent.

>> No.15410218


>> No.15411256

Can you please stop with such demonstrably false slander.
We chesbursters are NOT associated with jews, and only tend to have jewish hosts because satanic rituals are the best opportunities to get a host.

>> No.15411296

fair enough fair enough

>> No.15412038

why is /pol/ always right?

>> No.15412841
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>> No.15413387

the unnameable unspeakable censored legume which we are not allowed to discuss
do you think maybe they have something about it they're trying to hide?

>> No.15413831

Enough with the antisemitism you antisoyist.

>> No.15414617

I am working for a cardiovascular research lab in switzerland.
Saturated fat studies that are positive are all funded by related industries. On the other hand the correlation is so weak. It's pointless. Just eat whatever you like, except processed foods and move alot. The rest is in your genes and as long as you don't do genetic testing with medical consulting there's no way to tell if or how much you're affected negatively from high sat fat consumption.

>> No.15414725

Nutrition studies are so fucking cancer. 10 studies supporting one thing, 10 studies supporting the opposite. There are general rules which hold up like eating low GI food, fibre, fruit, vegetables, fish, etc. but don't waste your time on most of it. A lot of it is trash.

>> No.15414966

Humans have been eating bugs since we were human.

>> No.15414967

Whole milk?

>> No.15414972

>my teeth needs sugar because, well just because I want it

>> No.15415152
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>> No.15415325

all my aunts and uncles on dad's side ate eggs for breakfast every day for their whole lives and all of them lived 90+ years

>> No.15415700
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>> No.15415850

70% of the Western Population is either overweight or even obese and they eat nothing but shit l
all day long so even infants get their diseases now.

>> No.15415994

You are what you don't eat.

>> No.15417324
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>> No.15417578

>That's part of why a lot of vegans seem healthier than those who eat cooked meat.
this board has the most underrated shitposters on this website I swear to god

>> No.15417680

you are both literally retarded
my point is that if you're trying to avoid biotin for some reason you should eat the whole egg or just the white, since either of those contains a smaller fraction of biotin than yolks

>> No.15417689

>That's part of why a lot of vegans seem healthier than those who eat cooked meat
may I see the lot?

>> No.15417741

Mind telling me why squeezing a cow's udders is disgusting and immoral? You sound like a city boy who's never gotten his hands dirty doing some physical work.

>> No.15417747

I don't get too hung up on diet autism. Just don't get fat or overdo it on certain known unhealthy micronutrients.

The generation that subsisted off of spam, tv dinners, ketchup sandwiches and lead in the water lived to age 80-90...

>> No.15417965

No one can provide an actual argument one way or another lol

>> No.15418155
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Doctors hired by politicians and billionaires know more than you, just obey them and you will be fine. Now eat the bug you piece of shit.

>> No.15418162

Good boy, I will nail a pair of ass ears right into your skull as a reward for you.

>> No.15418174

That is not a man, that is something that must be exterminated to save the planet.

>> No.15419148
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>> No.15419331
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No, eggs are one of the healthiest foods that will never harm you

>> No.15419815

what eggless faggot even eating? is that a cube of east asian estrogen legume topped with a banana?
i'd rather eat eggs no cap fr

>> No.15420129

Bread, rice, and corn are peasant foods. They are useful to feed large quantities of people, that's it. The fact that successful societies fed their armies and cities with bread does not mean that bread is a healthy food.

>> No.15420131

Dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol are unrelated. Dietary cholesterol and testosterone levels are, however, positively correlated. Hmm

>> No.15420136

>debating science by appealing to authority, not reason or evidence
Lol. Well my dad could beat up your dad so you are defacto homosexual.

>> No.15420140

I don't know but they're one of the worst tasting things on the planet.

>> No.15420146

>Bush '04
this must be a vintage David Dees, thought I recognized his style

>> No.15420191

> Dietary cholesterol and testosterone levels are, however, positively correlated.
low carb-high fat diets lead to a decrease in testosterone in clinical studies so that correlation is incorrect

>> No.15420194

that's not authority, that's what the aggregate of all the literature of the subject says in the data

>> No.15420199

MD are not scientists so you should ignore whatever these runts say

>> No.15420867
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>> No.15421371
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doctors are all human garbage
doctors are bad for your health

>> No.15421382

This seems to be the collection for weird dieters. What is the trick to eliminate cholesterol stuck to artery walls? Vitamin C? I will not give up my high fat diet and I don't care if I die, but I am taking care of moms and don't want her to stroke out and become a burden I can't handle.

>> No.15421951


i've had a cat that would suckle on my dog on you retard.get rekt

>> No.15422061

Nutritionists are rivaled only by ethicists in their ability to be worse at their job than basic common sense.

>> No.15422126

ocassionally news and social media will get on some fad of saying a certain food or drink is bad and then a year later have articles saying its good for you.
I just ignore that shit.

>> No.15422955
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Stop eating eggs goy.

>> No.15422965

That's a Jew though, they age poorly

>> No.15423599

maybe its an ftm, look at how narrow his shoulders are