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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15418952 No.15418952 [Reply] [Original]

How is your research going, /sci/?

>> No.15418954

you jack off to child pornography

>> No.15418958

I'm still putting estrogen in his protein shake.
He hasn't suspected a thing also he's beginning to complain about gyno and chest sensitivity, so, I'm pretty assured my roommate's femboyification will be a success.

>> No.15418980

What fields are most amenable to independent research? I wanna do some stuff with cellular automata as they don’t exactly need much to get up and running, the question is whether anybody would read any papers I write given I only have a bachelors in physics

>> No.15419240
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>How is your research going, /sci/?
Excellent. I'll be, hopefully, scooping one of the programs that didn't want me.

If you use method established in other papers, a paper structure used in other papers, you fill a research gap between recent papers, and you submit to relevant conferences, how could they not read it!

>> No.15419257
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excellent. just discovered that bullshit they pulled with cvoid plandemic is mild compared to the madness they created with so called "syphilis" a century ago, with "wassermann test" which could test positive even boots, and blood tests required to get marriage license!

>> No.15419316

Thanks for the encourage anon

>> No.15419339

>Need to study instrumentation
>Unsure if it exsits yet and if it doesn't i'll have to make it,

>> No.15419342

Excellent, I am expecting more reference material of the book>>15418952

>> No.15419479
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I have just had to put yet another orphan to sleep because he wouldn't stop screaming during procedures.
Sure. Everyone wants to "be the cute cat boy". But when it comes time to perform the actual science of metamorphosis and genetic restructuring inside a liquidation pod to do so it's always;
>"No! Someone help me! It hurts! Kill me! Kill me!"
I swear. No one balls left on this weakling planet. I bet you those working in the Victorian era on machines never complained half as much, and they were given missing limbs for their services, not eternal life extensions. Oh well. You know what they say. No pain, no gain.

>> No.15419493
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Why are you like this?

>> No.15419501
File: 13 KB, 400x225, 482582759265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was never hugged as a child.

>> No.15419873

I am struggling to draw figures for my article because I have a poor natural sense of esthetics

>> No.15419877

I love Maho chan

She’s an adult

>> No.15420101

I'm in med school, not much of a research component, but most of my letters of rec came from research PhDs. I miss research.

>> No.15420107

dont you have some small breasts to ban in australia?

>> No.15420352

Bad. The project isn't working and I'm either too retarded to figure it out or the idea from the PI doesn't work. I'll probably master out after going at it for a few more years and making zero progress.

>> No.15420472

>How is your research going, /sci/?
Very well! I've built up a new form of set theory from propositional logic and I'm about to use it to define arithmetic in a way nobody has ever done before!
I think I'll have something impressive finished in the next month or so.