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15417187 No.15417187 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any correlation between sexual fetishes (as well as paraphlias) and IQ?

>> No.15417192
File: 298 KB, 1024x746, Yes_Daddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15417193

idk about IQ but autism, degenerate sexual fixations, troonism, etc all correlate with early life neural dysfunction and remapping. as does left handedness, probably explaining why it became a negative sign. at the same time this pool of people anecdotally I would say has a wider intellectual distribution with more nitwits and geniuses and fewer midwits

>> No.15417195

big tits and breeding are the only acceptable fetishes.

>> No.15417207

I want to try out orgies

>> No.15417215

They did a study on pedophilia in particular and found that pedophiles were more likely to be lower IQ on average. They also found that they were more likely to be left handed and have suffered a traumatic childhood brain injury.

>> No.15417406
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>be me
>grow up in the era of "I am woman hear me roar"
>always treat women with respect
>time passes
>now approaching middle age
>still a wizard
>spent past 30 years trying to improve enough to get female interest
>turns out science says they just wanted ted bundy this whole time
fuck this gay earth

>> No.15417501


>> No.15417511

I think there's a big difference between someone that occasionally looks at strange (legal) porn online with no intention of ever doing it in real life compared to someone that does all the strange stuff in real life. Also many very wealthy men and movie stars and all kinds of upper class people engage in all kinds of weird sex and you don't become wealthy by being an idiot. I think the line should be drawn at what is legal and what isn't and apart from that you're an adult and can do what you want and if someone calls you degenerate then they're clearly just trying to boost their own ego and mostly likely are equally as degenerate just in other ways, even though degenerate is highly subjective based on personal preferences unless if you're an evangelical Christian or something

>> No.15417520

>more likely to be left handed

It's been found in a 2020 study this is because it frees up the mouse arm while browsing porn and as a result they get into a bunch of weird shit much faster than someone that must swap to click while fapping.

Releasing the penus to click a new link resets ones arousal level a bit and you have time to cool down before impacted with whatever was in that link so you're
less prone to just keep going and like "oh yeah! fuck" accidentally blow your load while looking at something really weird, which then makes you associate that thing with pleasure.

>> No.15417522

Clearly [math]\LaTeX[/math] means IQ beyond 140.

>> No.15417529
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> **X-files theme**

>> No.15417584

>incest more interesting than latex
These are thè end time, right?

>> No.15417618

Imagine being woke enough to include a third category to include the tiny fraction of people who don't feel like either male nor female,
while simultaneously being so hyper-racist (specist?) that you equate 99.99x % of all intelligent life in the universe with monsters under a 'alien/monsters' label.

>> No.15417704

You posted this thread before. All fetishes are low IQ. They are the result of a conditioned response to a stimuli. Having them is a maladaptive behavior because it leads to nothing useful, reinforces a pattern of useless thoughts. This has been proved experimentally, as fetishes to a jar of coins can be instilled.


It's pure reddit to have a fetish and say le quirk muh unique, much less pretend having any of them is a sign of intelligence. They are abbarant and undesirable, arguably diseases of the mind, much like homosexuality and gender dysphoria.

>> No.15417815

>now approaching middle age
mfw millenials are already approaching the 40 to 60 years old range.

>> No.15417824

Damn...soon they'll be called boomers, just a couple administrations away...

>> No.15417825

And we got nothing to show for it. Even zoomers are more successful than us.

>> No.15417827
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>And we got nothing to show for

US millenials had kids, most of the world's millenials didnt. Are you...American?

>> No.15417829

This. Pretty much everyone with weird fetishes is a dysfunctional dumbass.

>> No.15417833

Your dad was a retard if he never thought you to not listen to what women say but to watch what they do.

>> No.15417842

IQ is globohomo concept for cattle.

>> No.15417852

Genes affect everything, so if you're a mutant freak in one way, you're almost certainly a mutant freak in many other ways too. If you have unusual fetishes, your brain is probably fucked up in other unusual ways too, and your face and body are probably going to be unusually ugly as well.

>> No.15417873

>employing penile plethysmography
Is that really valid at all? I myself get half-erections at things that really do not arouse me at all. Things that actually make me feel disgust.

>> No.15417877

Keep in mind this chart just demonstrates what people admit to liking. I'm sure pedophilia is so low on the chart because people don't want to admit to it

>> No.15417882

With the amount of people consuming loli or shota content I actually think a lot more people are minor attracted.

A few weeks ago TikTok had this trend where people were basically posting straight shota. Thousands of likes, millions of views and hundreds of comment asking for "sauce"

>> No.15417888

'Incest roleplay' having low interest is a dead give people are not honest in this regard if you know anything about the state of the contemporary adult industry where it's considered vanilla.

>> No.15417895

Minor-attracted and paedophile are wildly different, though. Being attracted to 13-year-olds does not make you a paedophile, but it for sure does make you minor-attracted. I'd wager that the vast majority of those wanking off to loli-porn would not do it to actual child porn.

>> No.15417919

The chart was done by Aella, I'm sure she would put pedophile, hebephile and ephebophile in the same category.

>> No.15417948

Maybe the problem is that it's specifically roleplay. The real thing is hot. Play-pretend is not.

>> No.15417994

No. Fetishes are a globohomo distraction for cattle.

>> No.15418008

>mfw millenials are already approaching the 40 to 60 years old range.
Yes, the oldest millennials are approaching the lower bound of that range, to be specific

>> No.15418015

As in entities who express sexuality also have an IQ? What the fuck is this retarded shit? Also, I love that women love what I love doing with women. Everybody wins. Exhibitionism and humiliation being neutral is also bretty based.

>> No.15418021

>you don't become wealthy by being an idiot
One of the most persistent lies in modern society

>> No.15418033

>raceplay less than 1 in deep purple
entire discords of 4chan spammers in ruins with one dot.

>> No.15418054

>I love that women love what I love doing with women.

>> No.15418056

Fellas..is it gay to have sex with women? What the fuck are you even saying you fucking troglodyte?

>> No.15418067

Go be a homo somewhere else

>> No.15418073

No, you leave. You have to go back to /pol/. Just you and the boys, jerking each other off. The straightest place on the internet. Some might even super straight. Fuck off, retard.

>> No.15418076

How come your homosexuality sticks out so hard that all it takes is one anonymous message to notice it time after time?

>> No.15418086

Because cave dwellers feel the compulsion to project their insecurities once they shrivel up inside the second someone is capable of discussing their preferences and express their emotions with confidence.

>> No.15418089

If only you could explain the gay away.

>> No.15418091

You like cock and are ashamed to even think about thinking about it. What's there to explain?

>> No.15418092

Once again science shows that killing all the democrats is the solution for all problems.

>> No.15418096

Didn't you just spout some nonsense about projection?

>> No.15418100

>more likely to be left handed

>> No.15418101

Therefore, everything is a projection. That's cute. You, anon, literally came in unprompted to claim that loving sexual experiences with women is what fags do. Doesn't get much gayer than that.

>> No.15418109

>Doesn't get much gayer than that.
I'll take your word for it. You're the expert with plenty of hands-on experience about the subject after all.

>> No.15418111

>You're the expert with plenty of hands-on experience about the subject after all.
Funny, it says Anonymous. Are you familiar with what projection is? Hands-on experience, short of having cameras in places I fuck, how would you know?

>> No.15418115

>argument ad-homo-speech

>> No.15418120

>literally no argument
Well, at least you tried.

>> No.15418126

Fallacies are not arguments, fag.

>> No.15418130

Then you can fuck children in peace with the rest of the Gang of Pedophiles instead of having to listen to them whine?

>> No.15418135

Why use your brain to show when you can tell and cry about it instead, amirite fellow /sci/entist?

>> No.15418138

This sounds like a stretch but I will heccin trust the experts

>> No.15418139

Yet more homo-speech. At least try to say something coherent.

>> No.15418143

Combine the symbols in front of you to form entities that form meaning. What's confusing you?

>> No.15418147

The words make sense. The way you've used them, however, constitutes merely incoherent homo-speech. Does it keep happening because of your illogical female brain?

>> No.15418153

Too good for sci

>> No.15418159

Ah, you don't understand and YOU KNOW woman bad therefore incoherent. That checks out. Do you think it's because your IQ is too high that you can't seem to solve this puzzle of having a fucking conversation with a perspective that isn't mapping 1 to 1 to your perspective of the world?
Let me guess,
>durrrrrr homo speech brain can't keep up hurrrrr

>> No.15418173

I honestly can't understand a word you're saying anymore.

I need to go now, anon. I don't care about hearing yet another sermon about feminism in any case. I must say, it was absolutely hilarious how I could tell who you were based on just one anonymous message.

>> No.15418178

Right, obsessing over me is hilarious. Have a good day.

>> No.15418345

Let me guess, prison population? Seems many of our elites are pedos and Tesla was attracted to pigeons

>> No.15418356

>Probably took prison as population as sample
>Prison population has lower IQ

Yeah, pedos are so low IQ that one day they are literally governing you, next day they are lower IQ.

>> No.15418396

No, actually. It was a study done on both convicted pedophiles and ones who came in voluntarily. The point of the study was to show that the lower IQ wasn't just a result of some pedos being full criminals and was more inherent to the condition. There are plenty of pedos on 4chan who are in denial of being lower IQ.

>> No.15418413
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>not posting the subsequent study

>> No.15418420

>Impregnation reverse rape yandere

>> No.15418439

>consent violation
>under 18s
>oral sex from/to animal
>animal penetration
>all massive outliers on their percent interest vs tabooness
Islam was right.

>> No.15418445

Islam was also right

>> No.15418464

> shows that the average teleiophile in our study had a high school education, whereas the average pedophile did not complete high school.

Arguably, somehow they got the bottom of the barrel even with "voluntaries". It is an interesting study though, maybe we can also imply that people that did not complete high-school and left handedness is correlated?

>> No.15418494

>impregnation reverse gang rape by yandere lolis
Lactation for extra IQ points.

>> No.15418578

Oh, so it's not science. Must've been posted to this board by mistake.

>> No.15418624

>dat low uniforms interest
People have no idea what they are missing out on. They think it's all shitty porn-nurses, but you can do some really fun fantasy shit with uniforms.
My fiance has half her closet dedicated to sexual dress up: wigs, contacts, all types of clothes, shoes/boots, thigh highs. Neither of us knew how much we'd be into it until she started wearing shit, and now its so much fun. I lament how lame male clothes are though: I either have a black suit or like some form of leather harness, and then...not much else.
Also how the hell is petplay more taboo than godamn monsters/aliens

>> No.15418642
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Are agp trannies high IQ?

>> No.15418655

>doggystyle more taboo than blowjobs
>more dudes want to fuck animals than women want to be fucked by animals
>receiving oral sex from animal is significantly more interesting
>sex with your own dead body
>4x more women than men
lol what even is that
The hell is
>destructive pregnancies

Fascinating. Although. It's by aella which means its most likely a very skewed sample: not only could people take it as many times as they want, from the website:
>Followers of my main twitter account tend to skew heavily male, white, 25-35 years old, western-world, in STEM, roughly evenly distributed across the political spectrum (though more heavily libertarian), and very sex-friendly. The followers on most of my other platforms (around 500k total) followed me when I was posting pornographic content to market my Onlyfans. The content I posted was pretty generically vanilla, and distributed across a wide variety of minor kinks (e.g., the subreddits r/palegirls, r/breedingmaterial).
I’m anticipating the greatest skew here coming from disproportionately sampling people who are sex-positive or expose themselves to internet pornography more regularly than others.

>> No.15418675

>Is there any correlation between sexual fetishes (as well as paraphlias) and IQ?
Giantess fetish is for those of us blessed with high IQs

>> No.15418701

Giantess is rarely a fetish on its own.

>> No.15418716

There are high IQ people in various fields who possess horrendous fetishes. Schrödinger was a pedophile and a polygamous sex freak who had a diary of his sexual escapades. Ted K has autogynephilia and almost went through sex reassignment. Mozart was a disgusting scat obsessed nutcase, and Joyce loved farts. I think that having fetishes is probably not a reliable indicator of intelligence, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is weakly correlated with intelligence, as neuroticism and high iq are already linked.

>> No.15418742

I've lately been pondering a correlation between tall-girl relationships in fiction, and at least bisexuality in their authors.
So far I've come up with Snekguy (whose big cat girls are also hairy), and Stephen Fry (male protag in "Making History" starts out in a LTR with a taller woman, ends up gay).
There's some /sci/ interest in whether the correlation exists but I used to go for the taller ones myself, and am wondering if I've been in the closet all this time.
/inb4 "you post on 4channel, honey, what do YOU think"

>> No.15418771

Low iq cope
Vanillas smoke pot all day, fetishists create the world you live in

>> No.15418805

my theory is that precocious neural development happens at too early of an age where the child has yet to have any solid concept of "other people" or enough social interaction with peers so the wires get crossed

>> No.15418809

>Ted K has autogynephilia and almost went through sex reassignment.
To earn extra money he had participated in a CIA-funded mind control study in college and that's why he had a mental episode. It wasn't a natural part of his psyche, it was induced via psychological torture.

>> No.15418857
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>> No.15418898

>>Followers of my main twitter account tend to skew heavily male, white, 25-35 years old, western-world, in STEM, roughly evenly distributed across the political spectrum (though more heavily libertarian), and very sex-friendly. The followers on most of my other platforms (around 500k total) followed me when I was posting pornographic content to market my Onlyfans. The content I posted was pretty generically vanilla, and distributed across a wide variety of minor kinks (e.g., the subreddits r/palegirls, r/breedingmaterial).
Christ. Her sample couldn't be any more fucked. It's 100 % made of simps and porn addicts. And she really tries to sound scientific and objective. Her data is less than worthless.

>> No.15419885

Yes, I too am losing faith in humanity. We are clearly seeing the decline. When does the fall and collapse come to the sorry remains of the western civilisation?

>> No.15419945

I'm not surprised that 'toothlessness' is at the absolute bottom, but the question is why is it even there? It's like, I'm not expecting tiles or foreverly tied up bologna, but it's just such a weird thing to specifically fetishise. In a practical sense, it would make blowjobs easier, but even then specifically finding that sexy in its own right is still strange enough.

>> No.15420046

Sex 'researchers' get the rope.

>> No.15420149

>When does the fall and collapse come to the sorry remains of the western civilisation?
Never, it just keeps getting worse forever. 10 thousand years of darkness. You will have an enbie gf and you will like it.

>> No.15420167
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I think sexual deviation has more to do with social isolation and your awareness to it than IQ.

Smarter people on average might feel more isolated and they are more aware of it, thus they might reflect their feelings of "not fitting in" with sexual fantasies that help them cope with their social withdrawal. Same with mildly intelligent people that are unfitting for whatever reason, and mentally handicapped persons. Although those whose IQ is not on the medium might be more prone to feelings of marginalization, as they are, by definition, less normal.

This can be seen on the classic example of (and please tell me I'm not the weird one here) being ignored and mocked by some girl and wishing to rape her and to make her suffer.

I hope my personal glowie ignores this post.

>> No.15420230

>Children more taboo than babies

>> No.15420258

>Your dad was a retard if he never thought you to not listen to what women say but to watch what they do.
You'd be surprised how common that is and it's a key factor in the overall cuckedness of millennials and zoomers. At least the liberal boomers and genXfags were the first to be indoctrinated in feminism in the universities. My dad for instance is a "believe all women" sort of simp, however it worked for him because he was at least a Chadlite and back in the 80s the social/sexual dynamics had not degenerated to nearly the extent as today. He'd probably be an incel if he were in his 20s in today's world desu. I'm luckily spared that fate because I'm an unironic racist and sexist Chad.

>> No.15420316

raceplay is taboo?

>> No.15420323

My dad was a betbux cuck and taught me literally nothing about women. My mom tried to teach me to be a henpecked woman's servant or some shit. It took me a while to snap out of that and realize what I should actually be doing.

>> No.15420324

How the fuck is breeding a fetish? It's the whole reason fucking exists.

>> No.15420331
File: 16 KB, 260x190, s-CELEBRITY-BITCH-FACE-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case in poinit

>> No.15420333

Or the ones who will admit it to some sociologist are low IQ.

>> No.15420341

>sex with your own dead body

>> No.15420362

>You will have an enbie gf and you will like it.
Mixed feelings here, since I haven't had a GF for abot 20 years.

>> No.15420366

yea haha that's so weird haha

>> No.15420400

Beastiality is THAT close to pedophilia? yikes

>> No.15420405

Americans are really into bestiality.

>> No.15420508

>oral sex from animal more popular than men fighting over you
>almost as popular as cuddling and romance
>cannibalism/meatslaves as popular with women as mlp is with men
what the FUCK is wrong with women

>> No.15420665

This is why western men increasingly go to Thailand to find a functioning woman.

>> No.15420682

>western men increasingly go to Thailand
But the chart says woman with a penis skews female. Man with a vagina also skews female.

what the FUCK is wrong with women

>> No.15420708

This is an online poll. It's overwhelmingly "women".

>> No.15420733

>reverse gang rape by lactating yandere futa vampire lolis.
295 IQ easily.

>> No.15420741

>always treat women with respect
Hanging your head down around women is not respect.

>> No.15421111

where tf is bbw admirer/feederism on that chart? is it just because everyone is so fat these days it doesn't matter?

>> No.15421235

No refunds, thanks for playing.

>> No.15421308

They don't mean interracial sex, they mean like calling each other racial slurs and roleplaying slavery and white genocide and shit like that.
It wouldn't be politically correct to include interracial sex itself on there as a taboo (even though it is).

>> No.15422964
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Now correlate with pic. related.

>> No.15423380

Lgbt is the lowest IQ board on this website

>> No.15424002

>fetishists create the world you live in
So that's why we're in a self-destructive dystopian tranny hell

>> No.15424011

The weirder it is the lower the IQ
I expect geniuses to find the greatest pleasure in just mating pressing the shit out of their woman

>> No.15424402

This is cope
Most geniuses have sexual paraphilias
It requires higher levels of intelligence like humans to even have paraphilias in the first place

>> No.15424529

Not all fetishes are created equal
My harmless attraction towards male feet has only ever improved the world

>> No.15424955

>sez with your own dead bodu
>less taboo than dogs
>extremely predominant on females

>> No.15425235

>Most geniuses have sexual paraphilias
Got a source for this remarkable claim? So perhaps >>>/s/latex is right in that latex is patrician taste?

>> No.15425259

Is it a compliment when women say I remind them of Norman Bates?

>> No.15426109

honest to god, I think most people would have crazy fetish shit if they would just stop being insecure and enjoy life. It has nothing to do with "deviancy" and everything to do with being secure in yourself. I think that smart people relax their narrow worldview when you compare shit like like "omg doggystyle is a sin" vs. "the arrow of time heads forward because, despite the symmetrical nature of time-evolution, the approximate location of our time to the big bang allows the progression of forward/back time, similar to how there is no up/down in the universe, but the approximate location of us next to the massive earth allows us to define an up/down in relation to the massive object" and they just generally embrace the experiences of life, while low-IQ people bother themselves with small, stupid shit.

>> No.15427483 [DELETED] 

You're both wrong.
Arguing about fetishes on an Ugandan bottle rocketry forum is globohomo distraction for cattle.

>> No.15427493

You're both wrong.
Arguments about fetishes on an Ugandan bottle rocketry forum are a globohomo tool for distracting cattle.

>> No.15427588
File: 2.66 MB, 315x409, comment_164YU5lPxq8ZS9Qq6zfwq9nR9nnCqg0K.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and everything to do with being secure in yourself
People have to be that to be comfortable in latex. A lot of things in >>15422964 and >>15418413 are just vile, such as scatology, dead stuff etc.

>> No.15427596

>pedophilia is so low on the chart because people don't want to admit to it
this entire chart just demonstrates the volunteer/self-reporting fallacy

"oh, I'll say I like cunnilingus (disgusting) instead of teenagers (gorgeous), so this minimum-wage chick giving the survey doesn't look at me funny and take down my license plate. Maybe she'll even invite me home"

>> No.15427606

>to not listen to what women say but to watch what they do.
First thing I’ll teach my son when he hits puberty

>> No.15428915

>self-reporting fallacy
This is probably correct. It would have helped if we could get something more objective, such as the oocupation of the various groups.

>> No.15428924

Because you're living in the clown world clusterfuck dimension

>> No.15428930

He doesn't.
He probably tries to treat them the same as men.
When I was a kid I did too.
But you grow up and learn.
Women don't merely want you to not "hang your head down" around them.
They want you to look down on them. To be above them. To mistreat them. They want you to demonstrate dominance and superiority. Once you get that everything clicks.

>> No.15428934

Just fiy, that's too late.
Teach them from damn near birth, so that their superiority over women is natural.

>> No.15429085

Based and Skinnerpilled

>> No.15429379

If the prevalence of "rapeplay" is <0.4, and it's predominantly female, does it mean that most women responded to like rape?