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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1541315 No.1541315 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, since this is a "science" board, and science meaning the acquisition of knowledge. I ask of you /sci/ to list and summarize the most important happening in history (wars, empires, inventions, etc.). Be honest and I shall be grateful. With your contributions we might even help out a few lurkers in the process.

>> No.1541321

I'd say the beginning of articulture would be the important first

>> No.1541325


>> No.1541326

egypt and stuff
roman empire
castles and dragons

>> No.1541333

Why sage?

>> No.1541334

postan only because the picture is relavant to my interests. templars ftw - knights of God. I believe I'm a high-tech templar, seeing as they influenced me to be what I am. I don't believe they are fictional either.

>> No.1541339

Domestication of wolves/gods

>> No.1541341

Tough call. As much as I hate politics as a whole, we probably couldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for the decision to have a society and to at least have enforceable laws. Hammurabi's laws may have been harsh, but they were an important milestone (get it? Stone?)

Unfortunately, it is essentially politics, indirectly or directly, that slows scientific progress to a maddening crawl.

>> No.1541342

Wars and empires? who remembers the great tribal wars of the 790,000 Bc? who even cares?

>> No.1541344

thats it. fuck this board. im going back to [deleted to prevent faggots from finding it].

>> No.1541345

haha meant dogs. /sci/ is turning me into a religious troll

>> No.1541346

Who would believe they're fictional? They have records and everything to prove their existence.

>> No.1541347

Templar isn't fiction bro, they played some decently important roles thru history. Origonal bankers ftw

>> No.1541350


I luv Assassin's Creed too! It also taught me everything I know about religion and the crusades

>> No.1541352

What fantastic insight. Yes, the Templars were real.

ITT: jigsaw is still 15.

>> No.1541361

Goddamn there are some retarded people on this board.

>> No.1541365
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>> No.1541374

lol nice one. polite sage for off topic

>> No.1541378
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>> No.1541382

Who let ego back into /sci/?

>> No.1541384
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>> No.1541390 [DELETED] 

Thank you. I should have saged too.
Retroactive sage.

>> No.1541387

Thats why I said the "most important" ones. I'm look for more of a summery of the occurrence itself in history. Mostly because history is like one immersive epic to me, and also because it can teach lessons to avoid in the future. Like how WWII changed everything, and I see this current world as a post WWII world and anything after it is simply a deviation of it and its under-bellies.

>> No.1541394 [DELETED] 

Except that it goes in the email field, sweet Jesus.


>> No.1541393

He's not being as bad now, he's at least tolerable

>> No.1541395

You cannot into sage (it goes in the email field btw)

>> No.1541399

not sure if troll

>> No.1541400

I don't know is this is the most important historical event ever, but it is definitely in the running for most significant invention. Gutenberg's printing press allowed for the spread of knowledge and ideas at a more rapid pace than ever before.

>> No.1541414

I apologize.

>> No.1541415


Thanks. Retroactive sage (doing it right this time.)

>> No.1541423

Nevermind, I think jigsaw actually dropped to 14. Bout time someone on this board figured out time travel!

>deleted to prevent faggots from finding it
Good call

>> No.1541461

WOW! nice. 10/10 good job.

>> No.1541487

No one else? Or are all you guys just taking your sweet time spell checking everything?

>> No.1541499

What about the weel?
Seriously, guys.

>> No.1541512

Pretty widely agreed upon as the most significant invention ofall time.

>> No.1541542

>the most important happening in history (wars, empires, inventions, etc.).

Well if you're allowing empires in, then the inventions their people made and the wars they went fought all count towards it's importance.

>> No.1541544

I played assassins creed, but I remember killing the templars. I don't really remember the story.. Also, I'm yet to play the second one. I kind of grew out of Xbox gaming and into the computer/internet stage. I only care about learning at the moment, although I completed mass effect 2 a few days ago (insanity as an adept with thane and grunt as bro). Saying that, I've been playing games since I could hold a controller - Halo 1/2/3 are more to my interests - not impressed with MW2, etc.... All I'm saying is, "no" assassins creed did not teach me religion, I chose to check out the bible. I guess Gene Ray influenced it.

>> No.1541564

Exactly! Its a general then a specific. Although when I say empire, I sort of mean what its culture was and its lasting impact on society. Such as the Roman's, and Constantine's conversion. And we all know what that let to.

>> No.1541565

I'm still gonna go out and say that agriculture or the internet are better

>> No.1541568
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>> No.1541573

Hmmm nope, not a word about anything relevant or intelligent.

>> No.1541582

But the internet is like a vast take on the printing press. More ideas put into circulation of impression at an improved rate.

>> No.1541591

Exactly. its like the printing press on steroids

>> No.1541593
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You're SO WACKY!

>> No.1541615
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>> No.1541855

Oh jigsaw you lovable retard.