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File: 56 KB, 1552x512, 1C821B7C-C717-45E4-A944-4295A3911B47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15407830 No.15407830 [Reply] [Original]

what are your guys thoughts on the biggest waste of money in science?

>> No.15407844

money is meant to be wasted

>> No.15407847

Why is it a waste of money? Does it not do anything?

>> No.15407849

Since both sites already exist along with most of the equipment that is a relatively cheap experiment.

>> No.15407854

except the budget recently ballooned from 1.5 billion to over 3 billion

>> No.15407858
File: 588 KB, 768x894, anyway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 years to build, cost $3 billion.

>> No.15407861

Elon loses more than in a single tweet.

>> No.15407862

Most of the money spent goes to salaries and to companies to develop new tech useful in other areas. Better that than most of social spending.

>> No.15407863

they aren’t even close to finishing yet though. by the end i wouldn’t be surprised if it were 6 or 8 bil

>> No.15407864

Bait harder.

>> No.15407870

still cheap over the timescale. there are plenty of experiments you can say are a waste, this isn't one of them.

>> No.15407876

What will it do that's worth $10 billion?

>> No.15407899

Give us the best neutrino source on the planet and apparatus to measure them. Neutrinos are the only observed particle that definitively cannot be explained using the existing Standard Model (they have mass through an unknown mechanism, only spin one way, etc). Compare that to the billions on dark matter experiments which have found nothing, or the tens of billions spent on CERN with no new physics seen.

>> No.15407919
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>The premiere result from DUNE on CP violation is predicted to lag the result from Hyper-K by 5 years. The final report of the Snowmass 2021 Topical Group Report on Three-Flavor Neutrino Oscillations released on June 15, 2022 [49] estimated that a 5σ (hence discovery level) result on CP violation would be released from Hyper-K in 2034 and from DUNE in 2039.

>> No.15407929 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 486x324, navelgazingcartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its all unproductive waste, science all just a pack of lies created by delusional, unproductive, leisure class navel gazers in order to justify their lazy sinecure lifestyles in the eyes of the general public

>> No.15407932
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huduh, spending a few printed billions dollar to do physics experiments is wasteful but spending trillions on useless social programs on african americans, on useless gender studies research, and on military is not.

>> No.15407933

And what productive work have u done?

>> No.15407941
File: 40 KB, 480x212, Big-If-True.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> trillions
> social programs

>> No.15407950

I mean... If anything this is actually valuable physics. More so than most. It kind of proves the concept of neutrino communication which is kind of a big deal.

Imagine vital communication lines used with neutrinos that just pass through everything (meaning you can shoot a message through the earth or through planets easily).

>> No.15407955 [DELETED] 

>i deserve to get welfare because the lowest IQ people on the planet need welfare to survive
so what does that make you?
other than a pedophile that jacks off to kiddie porn

>> No.15407956

I don't think neutrino communication is viable. Neutrino astronomy is already being done by observatories such as ICECUBE. The main reason for DUNE is to investigate neutrino oscillation which isn't explained by the standard model.

>> No.15407961

>sees loli
>immediately thinks about jacking off
quit projecting

>> No.15407962 [DELETED] 

you're an overaged baby, you're an adult by law only, daddy pays all your bills, you've never earned a penny in your life and you don't know what it means to be productive.

>> No.15407969

yes, all those healthcare cost, affirmative actions, free education and the damage caused by black must've costed more than trillions of dollar over the past 50 years.
physics has given so much to this world. the internet, infrastructure, everything. physicists gave it all for almost free so be grateful and shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.15407976

Why not? Can you not send packets of information through it? Even rate or neutrinos could be used as messaging..

>> No.15407990

>While the ability
to penetrate matter is an important advantage of neutrinos, the weak interactions
of neutrinos also imply that very intense beams and massive detectors would be
required to realize this type of communication.
We report on the performance of a low-rate communications link established using the NuMI beam line and the MINERvA detector at Fermilab. The link achieved
a decoded data rate of 0.1 bits/sec with a bit error rate of 1% over a distance of
1.035 km that included 240 m of earth. This demonstration illustrates the feasibility of using neutrino beams to provide a low-rate communications link, independent
of any existing electromagnetic communications infrastructure. However, given the
limited range, low data rate, and extreme technologies required to achieve this goal,
significant improvements in neutrino beams and detectors are required for “practical” application.

>> No.15407998

>except the budget recently ballooned from (X) billion to over (Y) billion

You just described every major project in human history.

>> No.15408002

Perfect. That's what I would expect and precisely why more money should be put into neutrino physics.

It's not high-rate but a lot of military messaging for example isn't exactly high-rate anyway (outside imagery). It's all very early technology, superconducting is just now getting more practical applications for example (especially in the military) since technology has come to the point that robust systems are feasible.

>> No.15408025

Time will tell, anon.

>> No.15408080

They could spend the money on researching how to create cheaper experiments. That would be better for everybody. Then they could do more experiments for lower cost without people complaining about all the billion dollar failures.

>> No.15408134

Some experiments need to be large enough to work. Also, there're a lot of neutrino experiments trying to get better and cheaper ways to do the same. Cutting edge research never is cheap, quick or easy. Too many unknow unknows to even think about a cheaper solution.

Semiconductors got cheaper after a lot of research and mass production.

Contrary to that, social spending keeps growing, getting more expensive and not more effective. I WONDER WHY

>> No.15408167

this is toxic neutrinobro cope. you need to admit to yourself that DUNE and LBNF is a giant money sink and no good will come of it, physics or technology or otherwise. nothing good will come of it. face it.

>> No.15408252

Sometimes it seems like they build a particle accelerator 4 miles long, but then they don't really get the results they want. Then they build one 6 miles long, results not good enough. Then build one 8 miles long. Then 10 miles long. Then 12. Then 14. 16. 18. 20 miles long, and so on. Maybe they should develop the tech over like thirty years and then build something that does a lot of stuff instead of this incremental stage thing that costs so much. I think if you removed that social program money you'd see a lot of people homeless or sick or similar, it's not something everyday people have to deal with so it looks like the money vanishes. Finding out how a particle interacts with a black hole or if it changes color or whatever is very low priority compared to the well-being of humanity. They already get a lot of funding for the experiments they want anyway really

>> No.15409376

Who cares? Some wagies paid taxes to pay for that, its what they exist for.

>> No.15409445

What is being productive except putting in work so that other people won't kill you? Every other animal just eats kills and shits ruthlessly, we are essentially the same but money and economy is an advanced animal game that only primates of a specific intelligence can currently partake.

Essentially the mindset of a peasant knowing he must produce enough or else the nobility and it's henchmen will hurt you.

I.E police and evictions and taxes etc for most of the modern age, but it's kind of softened up and kinder than it was since life is easier.

>> No.15409487

What would researching how to make researching cheaper look like outside of an audit?

>> No.15409492

A low bitrate communication's device that can go through a large amount of solid mass is somewhat useful for military applications, and maybe for miners who want to communicate to the surface, or some space mission on an asteroid. It's an interesting concept.

>> No.15409629

>spent 10 trillion on the flu season
>billions to ukraine
>billions to israel
>but you can't spare ~0.0% of GDP for the based boys who just want to throw particles

>> No.15409631


>> No.15410289

Found the K*ynesian fag.

>> No.15410573

>>but you can't spare ~0.0% of GDP for the based boys who just want to throw particles
the japanese are going to do it better, and earlier, for about 1/5th the cost. not based at all.

>> No.15410676

I declamped but I didn't know we were unclamping so mulligan please

>> No.15410685

it doesn't matter anon, they don't write it in English so it is as good doesn't exist.
t. found so many weird shit that the Jap and Rus did in some old book that were claimed to be invented by some AI researchers way later.

>> No.15410688

People wouldn't believe the amount of scientific breakthroughs that are locked in Russia just due to the laziness of scientists.

>> No.15410941

>Most of the money spent goes to salaries and to companies to develop new tech useful in other areas.
I think this is much more often said than seen.

>> No.15410948

>physics has given so much to this world. the internet, infrastructure, everything.
Really? How do you think that they did that?

>> No.15410954

You’re projecting

>> No.15411276
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>CP violation

>> No.15411647

worth it. one the last remaining viable roads to BSM

>> No.15412654

again, the Japanese are going to beat us to it and at 1/5th the price.

it’s honestly going to be a huge embarrassment when hyper-Kamiokande finds BSM at 5 sigma and then three years later DUNE doesn’t even publish because they only reach 3 sigma.

they should pull the plug now because if they follow this through it will totally poison the US support for funding any kind of particle physics. SSC was wrong to cancel and DUNE is wrong to continue.

>> No.15412662

Unused money, money sitting in bank accounts, money kept under the mattress is wasted money damaginv the economy.

>> No.15412667

The Japanese, the nation obsessed with automated robots and mechs can't even land a shitty lander on the moon the advanced particle physics is way beyond them.

>> No.15412673

What gave you the idea that landing a rover on the moon was easy?

>> No.15412675

you’re just incredibly wrong. the japanese have a stellar history in particle physics not only in experiment but also in theory. the reason they don’t have a good space program is because they are the asian equivalent of jews and can’t bear to waste so much money on useless crap like an international space publicity station with no scientific purpose or value

the japanese have it figured out and they’re going to crush us on science if their economy ever picks up (i.e. 20 years after they start having a replacement birth rate)

>> No.15412681

>the reason they don’t have a good space program

It's actually a great space program, it's just that spacex is mogging the whole planet at the moment. Once starship is flying JAXA will be building cool shit for it guaranteed.

>> No.15412685

The Japanese are supposedly masters at automation and robots, stupid amerisharts who still suposedly swipe their credit cards sent several rovers to mars.

>the japanese have it figured out and they’re going to crush us on science if their economy ever picks up (i.e. 20 years after they start having a replacement birth rate)
So basically never

>> No.15412689

meant to be smartly wasted

>> No.15412708

>So basically never
i know the luddite movement peaked in Japan (the Kyoto Convention) but i think the Japanese are already redpilled more than americans even. i don’t want to see another Pearl Harbor but i think Japan is or will soon be getting back to fundamentals

>> No.15412712


>> No.15412721

Isn't the older generation redpilled (boomers and gen who are too old to have kids) but the average millennial salary man is black pilled af and just want to check out of society asap. Don't know about zoomers but I really don't think they are too keen on having children

>> No.15412733

the demographic decline in Japan—when their population started declining—happened in the late 2000s iirc. that means an entire generation of Japanese people have been raised in a nation of paying a shitload of taxes to finance old folks homes. in a nation with negligible immigration. how long can that last? i mean once the oldsters die off they will have a massive “no more boomers dividend”. sooner or later they’re going to have a generation of millennials and zoomers who get a giant windfall of inheritance and concomitant tax breaks from the demographic phasing out of boomers and things are DEFINITELY going to change

>> No.15412749

>once the oldsters die off
I don't understand how will that work, it's not like life expectancy just going to drop one day, or all boomers gonna die at the same time, they will keep dying only to be reaced by next set of boomers who will live even longer only to be replaced by even longer lived gen x

>inheritance tax in japan
Lol, old people are literally bankcrupt in japan, they have nothing, the real estate, the crappy apartments they live in probably already are out of date and waiting to be demolished (buildings in japan have really short service lives).

>> No.15412796

Nebulous promises of "research" with no actual ideas for the form it would take are all popsci fags are capable of making huh

>> No.15412833

>popsci fags
you’d be surprised how common this is with actual “physicists” now. the current generation is trained in nothing but data analysis and many of the contributions to e.g. Snowmass and P5 are along the lines of “we want experiment X. experiment X is possible in theory but we need a lot of funding to research it because none of us know anything about engineering so we need a lot of money to hire engineers to figure out experiment X for us”

>> No.15412916

>buildings in japan have really short service lives

This is a function of shitty laws designed to keep property values down. I'm in Japan right now and the quality of construction I am seeing here is FAR above trash burger buildings. Laminated beams every stud, every noggin, steel beams out the wazoo, proper mortice joins on all the framing, solid wood tongue and groove boards, super thick solid ceramic roof tiles. Admittedly these are new constructions I am looking at, the old stuff may be shitter.

>> No.15413168

>Unused money, money sitting in bank accounts, money kept under the mattress is wasted money damaginv the economy.
Irrelevant and this never happens. All money is spent

>> No.15413174

>The Japanese are supposedly masters at automation and robots,
You got that from Mazinger Z, all serious electronic development comes from California.

>> No.15413176

>they will keep dying only to be reaced by next set of boomers who will live even longer only to be replaced by even longer lived gen x
Shrinking population, retard. Theres not enough replacements
3 boomers die, 2 gen x take their place

>> No.15413179

This is probably one of the best and most worthwhile experiments in human history. If we can get material reconstruction done from FFT absorptions we could detect the mineral distributions of the entire planet.

This is the first step towards a planetary scanner you're a fucking midwit for not recognising that fact.

>> No.15413183

There should be zero social programmes. Only job creation funding.

>> No.15413196

Huge cope.

I don't think you've ever dealt with Nip elites.

>> No.15413200
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They inherit a lot that's for sure, but will they be as power as their boomers? Not in this century.

>> No.15413227

That's reasonable though. And yes, as another Anon correctly pointed out, it is unlikely that you will get new industrial tech or a component that you can put into your phone or whatever (contrary to popular belief this has never, ever happened starting from a Physics experiment). But it does train a new generation of engineers who will go on to design/manage other things.

Do I think the money would've been better spent on medical tech, fundamental imagining research, automisation and materials science? Yes, absolutely. Do I think it's a "waste"? No, I think we should spend even more on all the fields I mentioned and less on black hole aid and welfare projects or grants given to Humanities/activist NGOs which are explicitly designed to subvert and destroy our civilization. I would much rather see this hard earned tax money go to Physics while also benefiting tax payers through job creation.

>> No.15413243
File: 45 KB, 700x599, South_Korea_Population_Pyramid.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a point though because in Japan (and most East Asian countries) it's like 3 boomers : 2 gen x : 1 Millenial : 0.5 Zoomies

So technically their crisis will be perpetual. As much shit as people give European politicians they did at least succeed at stabilising the native growth rates so that even if all the migrants are removed now then at least the crisis will be over in 2-3 decades.

Now imagine South Koreans working 70 hours a week only to see their nation decline and probably get conquered by neo-Mongolian hordes before they can ever retire.

>> No.15413255
File: 11 KB, 220x294, Robert_R._Wilson_Los_Alamos_identity_badge_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excerpt from a 1969 congressional hearing of Fermilab director, Robert Wilson on building a particle accelerator:

SENATOR PASTORE. Is there anything connected in the hopes of this accelerator that in any way involves the security of the country?

DR. WILSON. No, sir; I do not believe so.

SENATOR PASTORE. Nothing at all?

DR. WILSON. Nothing at all.

SENATOR PASTORE. It has no value in that respect?

DR. WILSON. It only has to do with the respect with which we regard one another, the dignity of men, our love of culture. It has to do with those things.

It has nothing to do with the military. I am sorry.

SENATOR PASTORE. Don't be sorry for it.

DR. WILSON. I am not, but I cannot in honesty say it has any such application.

SENATOR PASTORE. Is there anything here that projects us in a position of being competitive with the Russians, with regard to this race?

DR. WILSON. Only from a long-range point of view, of a developing technology. Otherwise, it has to do with: Are we good painters, good sculptors, great poets? I mean all the things that we really venerate and honor in our country and are patriotic about.

In that sense, this new knowledge has all to do with honor and country but it has nothing to do directly with defending our country except to help make it worth defending.

>> No.15413271

I wish we could return to patriotism and white culture being legal again.

>> No.15413282

enjoy ur jewish string theory and no progess in the last half century, thats all clown world has to offer

>> No.15413307

I get that /pol/ wants everything to be Jewish because they obsess so much that they buy into Jewish racial centrist propoganda, but String Theory grew from Gunnar Nordström's theories, literally the Whitest name I can think of. From there it was all Germanic authors contributing with a token Nip and Jew all the way to the modern era.

I hate /pol/tards so goddamn much.

>> No.15413420

String theory was originally formulated in the '60s to explain the strong interaction. The extra dimensions were initially required to remove tachyons.

>> No.15413428

Ok, in the 60s the big names appewr to be Geoffrey Chew and Steven Frautschi.

Thr 70s it's by Yoichiro Nambu, Holger Bech Nielsen and Leonard Susskind so Nip-Dane-Jew.

>> No.15413444

God hates Jews so God damn much.

Literally the enemy of all mankind, a cursed parasite race of child rapists who create a nation so they don't extradite child rapists.

>> No.15413449

You forgot about Veneziano who was the first to get any numerical results.

>> No.15413461

spice harvesting is NOT a waste of money.

>> No.15413950

for real its all fake anyway the banksters can always print more and create more debt from it to extract real wealth from the world.

>> No.15413962

Great so it's good for killing people more efficiently, I fucking love science!

>> No.15414020

Yeah, that's obviously never coming to light though, as our world is controlled by people who hide everything from us deep underground and at the outer ends of civilization.

>> No.15414162

i know why. it's a logistical problem which will be solved soon. however, the time for anything to take an effect as well as the inertia are considerable.

>> No.15414910

based post.

the reason it does not apply to DUNE is because we’re guaranteed to lose to Japan already and we’d make ourselves look second-rate; just like when the US made the USSR look second rate and undermined the USSR’s credibility

cancel dune now

>> No.15414934


>> No.15415315

Why do you think you need to be first? Science is about reproducability too and you will expertise for the follow experiments.

>> No.15416920

federal government cancer research.
60 years of waste, no progress

>> No.15417050

It's not supposed to leave your country or have some paper obsessed faggot piling it into a digital bank account

>> No.15417328

depends on what you call progress, they all collected their salaries and pensions and suffered no consequences for failing at their career goals.

>> No.15417610

Banks only take like 10% of all wealth. They have a lot of control tho because they decide what gets funded

>> No.15417717

>The main reason for DUNE is to investigate neutrino oscillation which isn't explained by the standard model.
At what point do physicists admit their models are bullshit and start to walk back and reexamine their assumptions?

>> No.15417719

>The link achieved
>a decoded data rate of 0.1 bits/sec
One bit every ten seconds lmao. $3 billion dollars.

>> No.15417728

Also the fact the Higgs Boson is a man made particle, not found in nature.

>> No.15417733

That wasn't the objective of the experiment, it was something fun they did as a test to see if it even was technically possible.

>> No.15417736

You clearly have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.15417772

Could be useful for a future europa mission if they can scale it down.

>> No.15417778

Wouldn't work. The data rate falls off rapidly with distance since the neutrinos disperse quickly. The stream generated isn't like a laser. iirc if they linked to the detector in Japan the data rate would be something like 3bits per year.

>> No.15417865

NYC recently spent 4.5 billion to build less than two miles of subway a few blocks away from another subway line going in the same direction. I'd say this experiment is okay

>> No.15418180
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Far better than giving that money to warmongers, or keeping useless parasites like you alive.

>> No.15418683

this assumes perfect control over systematics

an independent experiment, based on a different detector technology can confirm the HK results

>> No.15419200
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>> No.15419211

And only 3.5 billion of that was embezzled

>> No.15419234

They would cringe at your racism

>DR. WILSON. We do expect to pay our way, Senator Pastore. When we spend Federal money, the taxpayers' money, then we have an obligation to give a fair return immediately. One of the things that we are doing, I am sure, is near and dear to your heart. We are taking a very positive stand with regard to racial problems.

We have spent a large amount of time and effort on open housing.

By now, essentially all of the communities in the vicinity of the project, some 20, have passed open housing legislation. We have instituted a training program in collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where we have taken young men out of the inner city of Chicago.They came out to our laboratory for a period of orientation. Then we sent them to Oak Ridge for technical training. In 6 months, they will be back with guaranteed jobs, 23 young men.

Twenty percent of our staff are nonwhite. We are going beyond that. Every time we let a contract, we have a prebid conference. We have Mr. Kennard Williams, our equal opportunity officer, read the law to the contractors. We have found them most cooperative, for they are anxious to see a solution to the racial problem too. We have also initiated a program of finding and then spending much of our money with small black industries. In other words, we are directly channeling some of that $250 million so as to help fill those hungry mouths you were describing.

>> No.15419551

My racism? All I said is "White culture" which includes caring for minorities precisely as you described (same as colonial missionaries did). Or are you saying that White culture is inherently racist in which case your point is non-sequitur?

>> No.15419670

>Or are you saying that White culture is inherently racist

>> No.15419691

Say that from start and don't dump a wall of text trying to justify your low IQ hatred.

>> No.15420893

climate science
they're demanding $50 trillion

>> No.15420927

You're clearly a racist fucktard as shown by how upset you are at my post

>> No.15421393

Cope, you got caught out for being racist and anti-White, now you're just negotiating.

>> No.15421407

the neutrinos must flow

>> No.15421435

>spend 8e9 dollars to answer a question nobody asked

>> No.15421569

My country is soon spending 100 billion on some shitty railway project that will take years to finish and won't benefit anyone

>> No.15421578
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>> No.15421631


>> No.15421665


>> No.15421894

beats giving it to israel

>> No.15421953

i hate nasa like you wouldn't believe.
the people at jpl are the most arrogant retards you will ever meet it's such a farce

>> No.15422045


>> No.15423061

>$50 trillion
thats half a million dollars per taxpayer

>> No.15423416

that’s nothing compared to the 200 million per black person we owe to them according to this guy

>> No.15423454

>implying neutrino beams don't have military applications

>> No.15423787

at 1.2 million per negro it come out to roughly the same number, 50 trillion, but then there would be political motive to end all affirmative action, welfare gibes, food stamps, etc., and then a few years later the negroes would all be broke again, with no safety net

>> No.15425546
File: 36 KB, 602x341, main-qimg-118e5d8ec67bde9773f8b6f2eb3b1338-pjlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

medcal research
trillions wasted for no benefit, doctors only cause trouble

>> No.15426475

They don't, 5th generation warfare has overridden all that, MIT researches how to spread propaganda now instead of physics based weaponry

>> No.15426808

medical insurance
the medical community is less than worhless, they're the #3 cause of death, everyone would be better off without them

>> No.15427819

>i need 6 zogillion dollar for muh soience ficition space fantasy, star wars is real life, i can't tell the difference

>> No.15427880

>over budget and behind schedule
So its like everything else?

Look up the US federal budget, social security alone is almost a trillion, adding in medicare, medicaid, and income security puts social services it well into the trillions

>> No.15429357

In your dreams chuds. Those social programs are the black man's reparations

>> No.15429373

Define "black". Americans are all the same mixed race mutts who are paternally slave owners that raped slaves.

>> No.15430015
File: 49 KB, 553x700, military-welfare1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VA is the 2nd largest department after DoD

>> No.15430052

I haven't seen this image in ages, but the funny thing is that its even more true.

>> No.15430671

It only gets worse and worse, everyone in government is just as greedy and thievish as the scientists are

>> No.15431474

gibs me dat science money fo free

>> No.15432567
File: 859 KB, 4256x2640, hunterdubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jelly?

>> No.15433795

Least productive research institutions getting the largest amount of funding

>> No.15434606

all they ever do is publish lies in their replication crisis journals.
university researchers are less than worthless, they waste fortunes to produce their lies

>> No.15434857

diversity & affirmative action

>> No.15436267
File: 18 KB, 400x326, KCmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all waste, scientists don't produce anything

>> No.15437005

is there anything in science that isn't a massive waste?

>> No.15437021

seriously give us in poverty training programs that aren't filled with miles of bureacratic tape

>> No.15437057

Yes, easier access is a must, also zero taxes for minimum wage workers to boost local comsumer spending power.

Only welfare abusers would complain about such a system.

>> No.15437379

the red tape is job security for the welfare cases who work for the government, which is the real point of those progams

>> No.15438684

What money is spent on science that isn't a total waste?

>> No.15438689

Many ppl on my uni go for projects/thesis like "Micorplastic bad on XYZ. How bad". I get it. Microplastic bad. Everybody knows. Wow, your results are statistically significant? The sample is too low but hey, p value matches!
And they get grant money and acclaim for this shit because "ecology".

>> No.15438815

How much money is the entire world funneling into Ukraine?

>> No.15438818

packet loss too high.

>> No.15439351

Ukranians are dismantling a geopolitical enemy which has been funding neo-Marxism and refugee floods to Western countries for the last 70 years.

The price tag is a bargain.

>> No.15440285
File: 225 KB, 594x396, EthnicHomogenity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ukranians are dismantling a geopolitical enemy which has been funding neo-Marxism and refugee floods to Western countries for the last 70 years.

Are you saying the Ukraine is dismantling NATO and the EU?

>> No.15440358

EU is Judenfreii, unlike Russia which is ruled by Jewish oligarchs.

NATO and the EU is pro a united Europe. So am I. So was Hitler. So was Napolean. So was Charlemagne.

Go seethe on /pol/ with the other brown subverters

>> No.15440388
File: 47 KB, 397x573, GermanyExists4Israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EU is Judenfreii

Thank you for being such an easily defeated and useful foil.

>> No.15440426

Pretty much every major scientific project since the 1960's has been a gigantic waste of money.

>> No.15440554

>Confusing subtle boasting for placation of the international community

Meanwhile the EU is enjoy unprecedented prosperity and the local Jewish population has declined even further. Antisemitism in the USA is at record heights.

Tit tok, the places left for lying Kikes to hide are growing smaller and smaller each year and Iran is growing more and more powerful.

>> No.15440586

>Meanwhile the EU is enjoy unprecedented prosperity
Are you retarded? The EU is poor as fuck. Housing, gas, energy, food, cars, and luxury items are all way more expensive than everywhere else in the world, and Europoors also have way less disposable income than Americans. EU militaries are also shitty as fuck, and they have to come running to America whenever something happens.

>> No.15440627
File: 111 KB, 1600x1129, GDP_per_capita_development_in_Europe,_1820_to_2018.svg (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EU has always been poor, since purging Jews it's growing faster than ever. No surprise.

>Inb4 globohomo trade

The GDP _per capita_ of Asia has been stagnant since the 70s, it's declined in Africa since the 50s. Look it up.

>> No.15441282
File: 423 KB, 990x1176, scientificaly speaking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15441317

Oof, in the face of hard data, just make jokes, lie, distract from the truth.

Expected no less from your slimey filth ilk. It is a true blessing to be rid of you.

>> No.15441333

Fuck are you talking about? The fact that it was mentioned just now that neutrino oscillation is not explained by the Standard Model is an open admission by the field of Physics that it isn't a complete model. Anybody who understands Physics knows that the Standard Model has gaps, inconsistencies with either other extremely well-tested theories or experimental observations. It's just that there won't be any "walking back" because the Standard Model explains more phenomena than any other theory we've come up with thus far.
Who the fuck am I kidding, you'll say some retarded shit about "aether" or "the electric universe" or maybe something even less coherent and pretend that that's a serious contender for the next paradigm shift.

>> No.15441545

$1.2 trillion in Africa alone

>> No.15442358

gibes for "scientists" who produce nothing of value are part of the social programs

>> No.15443903

>B-but Anon! Don't you know that we had to spend 30 billion on a particle accelerator to discover the electron?
>Without this fundamental discovery, the computer you are typing on would not exist!

>> No.15444043

Science is stagnating. physics students are mostly morons who don't know much besides QFT. For those drones, if there is something incomplete from a theory, then it means there is a new particle somewhere. Those idiots have made up hundreds of particles so far and they are still looking for more. That's the entirety of their intellectual framework. LOL. And btw, the job is shit. hep is really just computing feynman diagrams to some retarded orders in terms of h_bar. It's just computer stuff and 0% physics.
Since the LHC is the biggest DUD in the history of physics, those morons fear they got exposed. So what did they do? they said they wanted 100 billions this time to build a bigger LHC, and to achieve what? discovering new particles LOL.
It is just putting ones head in the sand at this point

even on a global scope, theoretical physics is pretty much dead. Zero innovation since the discovery of the CMB.
All the atheists crave for a new scientific revival with biology, AI, and biohacking but it wil be an even bigger dud. And even worse, they are even less a science, because the side effects are even more complicated to predict in general, and with respect to the particularities of such and such genetic population.
And people will scream about ethical stuff since testing on living beings will be even more mandatory sooner or later...
Even on the level of the daily life, you can see the scientific decay with videogames. video games coming out today basically look like the games they were releasing on 360 and PS3 ca. 2005-2007 when I was in middle school. Compare a pixelated N64 game from the late 90s with a 1080p HD Xbox 360 game from the mid 2000s and the difference is astonishing. Compare a 360 game like CoD4 from the mid 2000s with the latest version of the same game 15 years later, and you will find very few differences. If 3D graphics were progressing at the same rate as in the late 90s and early 00s, then we would have photorealistic videogames by now.

>> No.15445245

yeah, they're big on claiming credit for things they had no part in creating, they have to do that because they create nothing of value themselves

>> No.15445363

>extract real wealth
you've almost made it but you're still trapped in the "wealth is real" "value is real" mind prison. why do you think this mind prison exists? who do you think made it? there you go

>> No.15445711
