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15381592 No.15381592 [Reply] [Original]

Uhhhh cultbros, what's happening and how do we stop it?


>> No.15381610 [DELETED] 

Education standards dropping.

>> No.15381630

>what's happening
The government spent the last 3 years lying non-stop about covid, and now a growing number of people don't care what they have to say.
>how do we stop it
Stop lying in such ridiculous and transparent ways. Coincidentally, this will also solve the climate change issue.

>> No.15381663

its man made along side every other phenomena nowadays.

someone is fucking with the reflectivity of our atmosphere

>> No.15381696

Climate change absolutely is caused by human activities, but GLOBAL climate change due to burning coal is an absolute bollocks fabrication with zero evidence to back it up.

>> No.15381816

covid also causes brain damage. Worth pointing that out. I would be interested to see the odds and numbers but I haven't enough coffee to calculate the probability even though it'd be a simple conditional for the estimate.

>> No.15381841

>what's happening and how do we stop it?
Migrants calling stupid White people out on their shit.

>> No.15381871
File: 157 KB, 1155x1111, 1656784712829173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not covid, it's oxygen deprivation.

>> No.15381912

But migrants are the ones affected by AGW the most. Ironically enough higher latitude regions are low risk and some actually stand to benefit from AGW despite being the main perpetrators.

>> No.15381922

>white man's burden

>> No.15381972

Too many "ten years from now" predictions have failed to become even remotely true and now people are starting to tune out those who make such pronouncements.

>> No.15381991


>> No.15382078

"entirely" is an objectively false, braindead response
why do they count "equally" as "climate denial"? i imagine most who responded that would still favor action

>> No.15382120

yet somehow the least compliant most antivaxxer states have the highest rates of covid complications and brain damage. You got brain damage too.

>> No.15382131
File: 61 KB, 593x791, 1678254618166580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's the vaxxie states that are the sane ones.

>> No.15382136

>Uhhhh cultbros, what's happening and how do we stop it?
i mean, why stop it, it's too late anyway, just live your life, fuck the future generations, at least their lives will have more meaning, struggling for survival like in the good old days

>> No.15382138

>i imagine most who responded that would still favor action

>Perhaps the most surprising statistic from the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC) survey is that 70% of Americans are unwilling to spend more than $2.50 a week to combat climate change. Nearly four in 10 Americans said they were unwilling to pay a couple of dimes.

>> No.15382142

>Too many "ten years from now" predictions have failed to become even remotely true and now people are starting to tune out those who make such pronouncements.
it's hard to notice the problem when we have air conditioning in our work, house, car, but eventually it will be hard to miss, when crops start failing and prosperity is eroded, people will start noticing their bills going up, and their salary not following

>> No.15382146

>two more weeks

>> No.15382167

>Too many "ten years from now" predictions have failed to become even remotely true and now people are starting to tune out those who make such pronouncements.
If you base your opinions on activists and politicians lying like always, instead of bothering to understand the science involved, you're not any better. You're just an idiotic contrarian no different from a flat earther.

>> No.15382237

We are ten years away from the point of no return. Only clean reusable energy such as clean coal and gas can save us from this nuclear apocalypse.

>> No.15383062

bills have been going up and salary not following for a long time now, and most people respond with inaction.

>> No.15383064

Nuclear energy will save us from a nuclear apocalypse.

>> No.15383070

There is no science, it's all politics. What you call "the science" is data tampering and fraud.

>> No.15383115


>> No.15383187

Why? Of what? It obviously follows that age-adjusted rates of such damage would be higher with less vaccination compliance or uptake, given the higher rates of severe complications among the non-vaccinated. Same for hospitalizations in general where age and comorbidity adjusted. Have you lived under a rock or are you another schizo going to claim vaccines dun it?

>> No.15383193

Thank you for conceding that you have no evidence.

>> No.15383198

Thought so. Trick someone else into wasting their time.

>> No.15383347

I've become much more skeptical myself, though I was a believer up until 2019 or so. The fact that the elites didn't give much of a fuck for decades and are now trying to combat it in ways that clamp down on people's freedoms is a bit suspicious to me.

>> No.15383350

The fact that they continue to buy all the property in allegedly imperiled places also makes one wonder a bit.

>> No.15383784

>"Education" standards dropping
ftfy, faggot

>> No.15383788

>The fact that the elites didn't give much of a fuck for decades
They still don't.
The reason they're clamping down on freedoms now is because fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource which is rapidly dwindling.

>> No.15383993

Thirdies don't believe AGW is real. China produces more CO2 in a year than Europe did during the entire industrial revolution century. Most thirdie countries just deforest and pollute to max profits (as they should).

It's only white people that are dumb enough to fall for AGW scams.

>> No.15384000 [DELETED] 

>The reason they're clamping down on freedoms now is because fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource which is rapidly dwindling.
Yes this time it will definitely be peak oil. Just like it was in 1990 et. al. Oil is definitely not abiotic and renewable, which is why you need to eat the bugs and live in the pod and why nuclear energy cannot be funded.

>> No.15384002

>The reason they're clamping down on freedoms now is because fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource which is rapidly dwindling.
Yes this time it will definitely be peak oil. Just like it was in 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010... Oil is definitely not abiotic and renewable, which is why you need to eat the bugs and live in the pod and why nuclear energy cannot be funded.

>> No.15384008 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 215x234, qui mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's only white people that are dumb enough to fall for AGW scams.
It's only white countries that are dumb enough to have jewish dominated media

>> No.15384016
File: 514 KB, 623x427, consumer5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say oil is "abiotic" or whatever for a second.
How many barrels/day does this process produce?
Wouldn't that number have to be less than current world oil production since old oil wells have apparently run dry and can no longer produce oil?

Honestly I sincerely doubt someone as profoundly stupid as you has ever even thought about these kinds of things. Whatever retarded excuse you can come up with is a good enough excuse to keep on consuuuuming

>> No.15384081 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 850x545, Annual-changes-in-global-crude-oil-production-BP-2020-and-Li-flux-in-oil-produced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oil production only increases every year.
your anti-consumerist image is cringe,
theres nothing noble about your poverty. you're poor because you're too lazy to work and you're jealous of people who are better than you because they're earning what you wish you could have, but are too sedentary to get.

>> No.15384098 [DELETED] 
File: 425 KB, 1648x1372, 1575698538794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a pic of your hero greta lounging in her $20,000 chairs, which you want, but will never have. you'll never know the pleasure of sitting in a $20,000 chair and it gets under your skin that others are able to enjoy it.

>> No.15384402

Cope. Car exhaust smells bad. Odds are its bad for the environment too. Odds are global warming is real.

Unless you have your own aircrafts that measure solar radiation and been monitoring the amount of solar radiation since the 70's. Then you'd be a credible source instead of just some internet random being a global warming skeptic because global warming skepticism happens to be "trendy".

>> No.15385578 [DELETED] 

global warming is a minority fringe belief, shizco

>> No.15386076 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 383x438, consumer4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're jealous of people who are better
I'm about as jealous of you as I am of the disgusting fucking cow in pic related (your mother) and the massive hunks of shit she produces.
Honestly the cow's byproduct has more value than the disgusting tripe you post online. At it can fertilize a plant or something.

>> No.15386127


>> No.15386153
File: 41 KB, 800x479, consumer14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty amazing the coincidence of how you clowns have a belief system which almost exactly reaffirms your feel-good consumerism.
I'm sure miss piggy here believes that eating an extra large meat lovers pizza and 6 L of coke in one city is good for her health too, because eating feels good.
Retarded fucking NPCs the lot of you.
And although miss piggy may look more disgusting, the truth is, in your souls, the putrid rot has set in far deeper around the core with your kind than it ever could in the morbidly obese.

>> No.15386174

kek @ u
love hearing commies seethe and have "coincidences".

>> No.15386193

ice caps still not having melted after decades of being told that they would melt
maybe, they figure, that this climate change faggotry isn't all it's fagged up to be

>> No.15386240
File: 211 KB, 307x430, consumer22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commie now. super original bruh!
thats a big word for a little hick i know
anyway, your beliefs coincide with what feels good, just like fatty here
and they're just about as retarded as you might expect

>> No.15386246

>you must be le afraid of le climate le crisis because...

>> No.15386277

You seem to have a fattie fetish. Good times for you, since most people are blobs now.

>> No.15386896 [DELETED] 

wimpy sissies hate larger men out of fear, nearly all of fat hate stems from the knowledge that the big guy could crush you if he wanted to.

>> No.15386912
File: 147 KB, 271x426, consumer2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not the stone age any more, fatty.
if you can't move fast (and you can't .. because you're fat), you're just a rippling blob blubber. easy target. dead as a sack of door nails. useless. its pathetic. its sad
stop being a fucktard consuuuuumer if you can (your probably can't .. because you're retarded)

>> No.15386960 [DELETED] 


>> No.15387160
File: 344 KB, 1200x764, EeRvc14VAAAiGlw[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instead of bothering to understand the science involved
They told me not to understand the science involved

>> No.15387170

Most people are cattle who will ultimately fail and misinterpret any study they try to read. They're idiots who can draw any conclusion from anything.

>> No.15387177

>That pic
Fucking lol, where is it from

>> No.15387183

Bills are going up without salary and you know what people are doing? Doubling down on the doomsday bullshit and choosing to focus on grooming genz into the suicide alphabet.

>> No.15387208
File: 76 KB, 750x580, 6441a5013b30b.image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe that's because theres literally nothing you can do to stop the weather, war, etc.? If there were a way to make food prices go down, dont you think people would have done it already?

>> No.15387211

Hello European. Please stop pretending to understand America. Don't you have a kings dick to suck?

>> No.15387220
File: 161 KB, 1077x810, 1591453140204 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting that the change is driven by Democrats and Independents.
This is likely part of a larger trend of science skepticism after COVID. Everybody saw scientists lying about COVID and corporations censoring critics for political reasons. So now nobody can trust the science anymore.

>> No.15387223

I'm American, but please stop pretending like you know anything at all. Tornadoes in the south, hurricanes Ian, midwest drought, Calif flooding, north record snowfall, etc. We've taken an absolute battering lately. You can only focus on negative events for so long, you only linger on the liberal stuff because because that's how you best cope.

It's difficult to talk about extreme weather at all when there's no foreseeable solution to it. It's called coping.

>> No.15387225

>I'm American
We both know you're lying. Take a moment to introspect and ask yourself how I can tell.

>> No.15387234

Climate change is affected by human activity and is settled science. The projections of its effects on the environment and world economy into the future were always heavily disputed. Eco loons intentionally conflated the certainty of the former with the latter. Now people are starting to distrust the latter and also the former by association because they’re tribal and nuance takes effort.

>> No.15387275

Ah, no evidence for an argument so you use an ad hominem attack. How embarrassing.

>> No.15387281

Because climate change is so minutely affected by humans that the effects are completely negligible.

>> No.15387282

Source for an increase in extreme weather? Because there has been no increase and it is well documented, why are you being disingenuous?

>> No.15387295 [DELETED] 

There is more evidence for climate change than there is of Jesus' existence.

>> No.15387342

Of course there is, the climate is always changing, for instance we are currently in between glacial periods.

Too bad you have no evidence for your claims and tried to attack a strawman.
What's funny is that on your own you conflated the belief in global warming with religion. Luckily no one believes in your anti-science climate mystery cult.

>> No.15387354 [DELETED] 

You are wrong.
Click this link to find the truth.

>> No.15388509
File: 147 KB, 1024x954, nasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15389515

>i go to 4chan.org to post government propaganda

>> No.15390624

This is going down because green policy is counterproductive for fighting CSTO in world war 3.

>> No.15390634

And by csto I meant russia and china, sorry I'm retarded.

>> No.15390659

This. There's no standards, and all that matters is funding and accolades. Majority of scientists aren't even nerds, just normies.
t.ex pharmaceutical scientist

>> No.15390677

based truth speaker. their souls are blacker the blackest gorilla nigger deep in the jungles of the congo

>> No.15390691

>clotbros we won

>> No.15391203

Modern nerds are almost worse than normies. They're easily taken in by comicbookish delusions like global heating from an undetectable trace gas.

>> No.15391301

al gore told everyone that we would be underwater by 2020

that hasn't happened in fact not a single point or theory from climate change scientists has come true

satellites tell us there is more co2 in the air in terms of parts per million, sure, but nobody funded by al gore, soros, bill gates, jimi carter, or literally anyone have gone through the effort of calculating how much c02 actually incurs a greenhouse effect on a planet. It doesn't take a degree to realize that a ball of matter and gas inside space doesn't behave like a greenhouse inside an atmosphere of air

>> No.15391456

>california has a drought for years
>climate change!!!
>california gets a ton of rain
>climate change!!!
Is there any possible situation that you wouldn't make that claim?

>> No.15391481

climate change is caused by humans however it is not caused by meat production. Climate change is almost exclusively caused by oil/gas, anythung requiring a lot of computing power, etc

>> No.15391498

>Climate change is almost exclusively caused by oil/gas,
All that sequestered carbon used to be in the atmosphere, and the planet was warmer, wetter, and greener, and life evolved and flourished.
Warmer planet = more life.

Why do Climate-Change cultists hate evolution and life-diversity?

Why do Climate-Change cultists want to cause massive CO2 drops that cause worldwide crop failures and mass starvation.

>> No.15391503
File: 33 KB, 332x500, 1434697641137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you Knew™?

>> No.15391606
File: 281 KB, 833x1638, californians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is none. The Californication of the globe is now complete. Everyone has the cultural memory of a fruit fly.

>> No.15391908 [DELETED] 

>anythung requiring a lot of computing power
so like the climate scientists' massive computer simulations that are always wrong?

>> No.15392000

Creating the hockey stick fraud probably caused more global warming than an entire herd of cattle.

>> No.15392515

There was an and Earth Day rally downtown a few days ago, a bunch of high school kids showed up to participate. They took the bus to get there.

>> No.15392540

>Any evidence that disproves my claim is just:
>Le gubberment
>Le Jews
>Le leftards
>Le goyim
>Le deep state

>> No.15392541

People's reliance on phones has made them dumb

>> No.15392553

Now inflation is a symptom of climate change too? Just like disparate outcomes for blacks, right? Jeez, I can’t wait until the day this climate change house of cards comes tumbling down, and you people are finally revealed as the charlatans you are

>> No.15392556

You're so pathetically obvious

>> No.15392560

Lmao. Prove we’re running out of oil, schlomo. If we were actually nearing the end of the era of useful oil extraction, countries would be building nuclear power plants, not decommissioning them. I do not believe that oil is running out because no sane country would allow the retarded denuclearization policies that green parties support, unless we had something to fall back on to power or counties when their shitty little wind turbines end up not working (hint, it’s more fossil fuel power)

>> No.15392880

your naive trust in governments duly noted. but unfortunately, national governments really are dumb enough to do what Germany did, decommissioning all nuclear power plants. a democratically elected government is the summary caricature of the electorate, what would you expect from them?

>> No.15392930

Heretic! How dare you gainsay the sacred science! Thou shalt burn in the fires of climate change! Saint Gore's curse be upon thee!

>> No.15392937

Agree. The "Oil Wars" we've been being told about for decades won't be because the oil runs out, it will be because fusion made oil worth pennies on the dollar and the countries that rely on the sale of it started some shit

>> No.15392967
File: 232 KB, 623x785, 1675555655188432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they keep saying its going to happen and nothing has happened in decades. They went from climate cooling to climate warming and now to climate change which is a blanket excuse that any natural weather phenomenon can be attributed to. meanwhile they refuse to make nuclear, misrepresent models that have been debunked and use this supposedly life threatening issue to pass legislation without debate

>> No.15392982

Don't forget the ozone hole and acid rain.

"Climate change" is literally the idea that the weather will be different in the future and then they can say, "Ha! We were right all along!"

>> No.15392988
File: 138 KB, 662x880, 94309A58-6824-4D46-B3C6-8AAA95512215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trump derangement is cutting into our climate fear porn airtime. something's got to give.

>> No.15393037

How dare you profane the image of saint Joan of Aut! Worse yet, you speak the name of the Orange Man Bad! Sooth! Thou shalt be pulled asunder by the Checks of Blue!

>> No.15393083

You're not wrong, 'what governments are doing' is at best weak evidence that the oil is running out for exactly the reasons you highlight. That said, there isn't any evidence that oil IS running out at all, and there are mountains of evidence that it isn't. As much as leftards hate frakking, it's existence implies that oil won't run out for possibly centuries.

>> No.15394705

How can oil be running out if the only way to stop oil extraction is by having the government shut down production. Shutting down production guarantees that more oil is readily available.

>> No.15394807

They even admitted the whole CFC/ozone hole thing was a total mistake and actually their own fault for not knowing how the planet worked, but the laws remain.

>> No.15394857

The ozone hole was a hoax, but pumping NOx and SOx in the air does result in acidic rain, which can be a problem.

>> No.15396096

america was exporting oil just a couple years ago, there is plenty of the stuff, it isn't running out

>> No.15397483

I have never owned a "smart" phone, a lot of people were never stupid enough to fall for that blatant marketing ploy

>> No.15398194

>how do we stop it?
Stop abusing scientific credibility by bundling it with race propaganda and other politics.
Stop pushing the wildest doomsday models that predict catastrophes over decades and cataclysms over lifetimes. People will live long enough to see the lies and then be less open to seeing actual, gradual problems.

>> No.15398498
File: 86 KB, 1088x1105, speilmann2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late
this global warming lie has been going on my whole life, but the weather has yet to change noticeably. scientists are just paid liars and they will never be anything more than that

>> No.15398515

a mouth breather like you called people schizos not even 2 years ago for even mentioning any of those things. Now you are the expert eh? You are a retard useful idiot and it is all you will ever be because you do not seek out and verify i formation for yourself, you wait for other people as retarded as you are to drop it into your lap then mock people smarter than you are that tell you it wrong who actually know what they are talking about. You are an NPC

>> No.15398524

I'm happy that soon I'll be able to say it is bollocks without my lower IQ colleagues shitting bricks.

I only ever supported this nonsense to improve local air quality in cities which is extremely underrated.

>> No.15398543

cities have bad air quality and bad air quality is proven to lower iq
so why do urbanites all presume that they're so intelligent when the know that the urban air makes them dumb?

>> No.15399294

>so why do urbanites all presume that they're so intelligent when the know that the urban air makes them dumb?

>> No.15399326

I love these stats anytime someone brings up murder, obesity, poverty, etc and point to "red states" aka the states with the most blacks.
>Hurr missouri has more murders than Maine
yeah because Maine is 95% white and St Louis is in Missouri. Stats dont account for blacks

>> No.15399335

I love how the question implies the veracity of global climate warmchangooling, with the only contentious part being if humans did it or not.

The Earth is a flat plane, space is fake, nuclear weapons are fake, radiation is just heat, deserts are niggermade forests make their own rain, oil is abiotic and infinite, CO2 is a bounty, men are not women women are not men, the holocaust is complete fiction, COVID doesn't exist, the vaccines are sterilising blood clotting agents (and that's a good thing fuck you cattle)

>> No.15400429

home come all of your images of lothesome fatsos are of whites? blacks have a higher obesity rate.
are you jewish?

>> No.15400898

proves nothing. in 2000 it was already too late. even if all emissions were stopped temperature would keep rising as there is delay because heat needs to accumulate. it would still trigger tipping points. is this board full of contrarian idiots or are these shills paid by big oil and ruskies?

>> No.15400973

>is this board filled with?
Fuck off you tourist shill. No one is buying the lies anymore.

>> No.15400996

Quality post.

>> No.15401012

Time goes on, their doomdays never happen, people become increasingly skeptical. Doesn't help that they're now being deliberately obfuscative and ambiguous, it's """"climate change""" now not global warming so they can call literally anything a confirmation of their bias. The average person smells bs.

>> No.15401048

Years of failed doomsday predictions are finally catching up to this scam.

>> No.15401052

>Tornadoes in the south, hurricanes Ian, midwest drought, Calif flooding, north record snowfall, etc.
None of these are new or even remotely notable.

>> No.15401563

Now it's not even "climate change" it's "climate chaos."

>> No.15401984
File: 295 KB, 456x400, consumer10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(At the risk of getting banned again.. for trolling)
I've got a few black fatties too. I just collect the ones I find and there seems to be fewer black fatty pics online. I'm not jewish, as if that fucking even matters. IMO the Larry Finks of this world are just as sick as you are.

>> No.15401994

>"climate chaos."
I like it! Has a ring to it. Increase the entropy!

>> No.15403222
File: 215 KB, 1200x968, rockwell pwnz niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not jewish, as if that fucking even matters
It matters quite a bit, you even mentioned Fink yourself

>> No.15404042

What do you think of jews that think people like fink and the prics at cnn aren't real jews?

>> No.15404332

>no true scotsman

>> No.15405405


>> No.15405441
File: 87 KB, 780x547, Annual-global-surface-temperature-data-from-2000-to-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15405467
File: 56 KB, 780x547, 1682832664311309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone can put fake lines and dots on a jpeg, the political activists who pose as scientists do it all the time

>> No.15406994

It's especially easy when you've cooked up the thermistors to always read hot.

>> No.15407022
File: 830 KB, 2101x656, HitlerSpeechs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was a time of warm climate from about 900 A.D. to 1300 A.D. when global temperatures were apparently somewhat warmer than at present. Its effects were evident in Europe where grain crops flourished, alpine tree lines rose, many new cities arose, and the population more than doubled.

Let me let you in on a little secret. There are people in this world that posses knowledge, ancient knowledge about how this reality works on many levels. They use this monopoly on knowledge to rob your stupid ass blind. They are always falsifying history to keep your dumb ass from catching on to what they are doing and have been doing this for 1000's of years, because you see those who don't know history are destined to repeat it. People do not change, human behavior does not change and a grift that works continues to work for infinity if you can keep the smart people who catch on to it from explaining it to the mouth breathers who do not.

They never planned on mass communication and information being at everyone's fingertips however so their scams are coming to their final conclusion and they want to lock your stupid ass down in a global soviet style gulag before it is too late and you behead them all, which is just around the corner

>> No.15407028

The medieval period of hot climate or Medieval Warm Period has always aroused controversies and various interpretations among historians and scientists. Yet it did exist just as the colder periods that the earth has known and historical accounts confirm its worldwide occurrence.

Don J. Easterbrook is Professor Emeritus of Geology at Western Washington University in Evidence-Based Climate Science gives a clear description of this period that lasted for almost half a century.
The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was a time of warm climate from about 900–1300 AD, when global temperatures were somewhat warmer than at present. The effects of the warm period were particularly evident in Europe, where grain crops flourished, alpine tree lines rose, many new cities arose, and the population more than doubled.

The Vikings took advantage of the climatic amelioration to colonize southern Greenland in 985 AD, when milder climates allowed favorable open-ocean conditions for navigation and fishing. Greenland settlements lasted about 500 years before cooling during the Little Ice Age ended the settlements.

During the Medieval Warm Period, wine grapes were grown as far north as England, where growing grapes is now not feasible and about 300 miles (500 km) north of present vineyards in France and Germany. Grapes are presently grown in Germany up to elevations of about 1800 ft (560 m), but from about 1100 to 1300 AD, vineyards extended up to about 2500 ft (780 m), implying that temperatures were warmer by about 2–2.5°F (1–1.4°C). Wheat and oats were grown around Trondheim, Norway, suggesting that the climate was about 2°F (1°C) warmer than present (Fagan, 2007).

>> No.15407032

Elsewhere in the world, prolonged droughts affected the southwestern United States and Alaska warmed. Sediments in central Japan record warmer temperatures. Sea surface temperatures in the Sargasso Sea were approximately 1°C warmer than today and the climate in equatorial east Africa was drier from 1000 AD to 1270 AD. An ice core from the eastern Antarctic Peninsula shows warmer temperatures during this period.

At the end of the Medieval Warm Period, around 1300 AD, temperatures dropped dramatically and the cold period that followed is known as the Little Ice Age. This period occurred from the 14th century through the mid-19th century.
(Source: Evidence-Based Climate Science/ Don J. Easterbrook)


kys you fucking retarded sheep

>> No.15407052
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The Little Ice Age (LIA) was a period of regional cooling, particularly pronounced in the North Atlantic region.[2] It was not a true ice age of global extent.[3] The term was introduced into scientific literature by François E. Matthes in 1939.[4] The period has been conventionally defined as extending from the 16th to the 19th centuries,[5][6][7] but some experts prefer an alternative timespan from about 1300[8] to about 1850.[9][10][11]

The NASA Earth Observatory notes three particularly cold intervals. One began about 1650, another about 1770, and the last in 1850, all of which were separated by intervals of slight warming.[7] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Third Assessment Report considered that the timing and the areas affected by the Little Ice Age suggested largely independent regional climate changes, rather than a globally synchronous increased glaciation. At most, there was modest cooling of the Northern Hemisphere during the period.[3]

Several causes have been proposed: cyclical lows in solar radiation, heightened volcanic activity, changes in the ocean circulation, variations in Earth's orbit and axial tilt (orbital forcing), inherent variability in global climate, and decreases in the human population (such as from the Black Death and the epidemics emerging in the Americas upon European contact[12]).

>> No.15407057
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climate is non-linear. This is the very definition of chaos theory. Linear equations and computer models will NEVER be able to predict a chaotic system

>> No.15407061

2021 was a dark year for us chuds I see

>> No.15407120


>> No.15407143

i appreciate you being a namefag
it saves me having to read your drivel

>> No.15407146

Wow bodhi finally made a based post.

>> No.15407168

>how to show everyone you are a retarded newfag
Son I am the one who brought based to this board. I told everyone everything you are all soifacing over elon saying years ago. It just take me long to see how fucking stupid everyone on this board is and decide to stop effort posting and just troll all of you because you are such annoying and moronic lolcows.

>> No.15407171

*didnt take me long

I dont like repeating myself for mouth breathers to piss and shit themselves squealing like

>> No.15407292 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15407838

I'm congratulating you for being right, just this once. Don't make me take it back.

>> No.15407896
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>> No.15408661 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15408681

Do you guys remember that time when the MSM was talking about the coming Ice Age? I do.


>> No.15408797

He said the line!

>> No.15409328

>it will be hard to miss
when people like you get their way and ban air conditioning.

>> No.15409335

>How many barrels/day does this process produce?
whatever we require, abiotic oil is one of those hypothesis that are purpose-built to allow people to ignore problems.

>> No.15409343

denuclearization and oil scarcity both make oil more valuable, strangling energy markets like this will destroy our society but for a short while our hallowed job creators will make a few more bucks from higher oil prices.

>> No.15409501

>implying he needs to you to tell him what is and isn't right

>> No.15409694 [DELETED] 

If he didn't crave public affirmation he wouldn't be a namefag.

>> No.15410461

Since its now consensus opinion that global warming is fake, why are scientists still trying to make a big deal about it? Why don't they respect the consensus?
Science is a danger to our democracy

>> No.15410483

Unironically this. Teachers already had enough trouble teaching basic literacy & arithmetic to Youths without all of their attention being taken away by Instagram and Tiktok

>> No.15411247

Theres no oil shortage except what is artificially induced

>> No.15412574

Gas was cheap just 3 years ago, what changed so suddenly to make it become expensive?

>> No.15412599


>> No.15413407
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>> No.15413619
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yep, global warming is a big lie supported by ZOG media and academia

>> No.15414857

CO2 is not a greenhouse gas

>> No.15414875

The price of oil crashed to negative $40/barrel in 2020, so suddenly everyone stopped drilling/refining, and no one wants to ramp up production and risk it happening again, especially not now that they're riding on record high on profits as a result.

>> No.15415237

It's almost as if hyperbolic rhetoric and ham fisted socio economic policies made people feel they were being lied to

>> No.15415674
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>> No.15415996

You mean people are deeply antisemitic and need to go to sensitivity and tolerance training.

>> No.15417325

that just proves that there is no such thing as a natural oil shortage and that peak oil is a scam

>> No.15417715

Everything was better when Trump was in charge, he should be appointed president for life.

>> No.15418542

True enough, we're suffering from an excess not a shortage. Though it should also tell you that oil prices are not contingent on who is president, nor is inflation, which is also the result of shit that happened in 2020.

>> No.15418928


>> No.15418947

>bad smells are bad for the environment
retarded take, shit also smells bad, but it depends what environment it is in as to whether or not it is good or bad for said environment.
>Odds are global warming is real.
provide both the odds and the calculation that you used to prove that those odds are valid. i could do with a laugh.

>> No.15419091

Cry more rabbi

>> No.15419726

>Odds are global warming is real.
OP proved that the odds are against global warming being real.
CO2 cools the oceans via increased photosynthesis and causes ice ages

>> No.15420475

Very interesting hypothesis, and it makes complete sense.

>> No.15420876

photosynthesis negates radiative inputs, its an endothermic reacion. the more photosynthesis there is in the oceans, the cooler they get. the more co2 there is, the more photosynthesis there is

>> No.15420903

That would perfectly offset the increased use of fusion and fission power by a much more energy intensive society, so it sounds like it's not a bad thing.

>> No.15420928

If they're idiots they will be unable to differentiate between an expert giving an unbiased assessment and a shill trying to control their perception, so it literally makes no difference.

>> No.15421481

>bad smells are bad for the environment
thats an emotional reaction, not a scientific one.
a lot of deadly gasses are completely odorless

>> No.15422649
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>> No.15422747

If only we were so lucky.

>> No.15423622

yeah, obama could buy another oceanfront house if it were true

>> No.15425435

I wonder why nobody talks about this.

>> No.15425445

Enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.15425485

nobody trusts scientists politicians experts etc after the lies during covid. literally nobody.

>> No.15426200

As we should all understand from a young age, the more and bigger lies you tell the less anyone will believe you.

>> No.15426231

Anyway, i can't wait to see space rockets achieving orbit over this globe earth, and let's hope the holocaust don't happen again due to global warming.

>> No.15426717

you're gonna need to get serious about that "much more" in a big way or you'll just have to learn to deal with the next ice age, which won't even be so bad, only about 5ºC colder. just buy a hat and a few pairs of heavier socks and you'll be fine

>> No.15427859
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>> No.15428525

yeah, ice ages might sound scary because of the name, but they're really no big deal. mammoth skeletons recovered in siberia, so ever siberia was inhabitable

>> No.15429632

probably because climate scientists can't do math or physics

>> No.15429652

I'm actually fairly neutral on climate change. I think Earth has been an extended ice age for a long time, and it's possible humanity might have nudged things enough to catalyze us to transition into a warmer climate. It doesn't make sense to me though that human activity can actually change something as massive and complex as the global climate on its own though.

>> No.15430109

I hope you're right. Once we leave the ice age the world will become much more livable.

>> No.15430287
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>It doesn't make sense to me though that human activity can actually change something as massive and complex as the global climate on its own though.
With the infinite growth paradigm, it becomes inevitable, sooner or later.

>> No.15430647

>its real because *made up academic gobbledygook*
you should learn some math and physics if you want to legitimately understand the issue

>> No.15430654

misleading question

>> No.15430657
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>> No.15430661

>1/6th the biomass of fungi chads
its over for animals

>> No.15430669

>"Human small, climate big" is my math and physics argument. You need a pretty big brain to get it.

>> No.15431470

oh no fungus is causing global warming!!!

>> No.15432344
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can't learn that in college anymore, they only teach politically correct brainwashing these days

>> No.15432662

>plants 450gigatonnes
they'll eat up all the co2 real fast

>> No.15433807

that much plants can easily eat up all the excess CO2.

>> No.15433813

I heard that in 2000.

>> No.15434106

You did harm onto me, you tried to kill me.
Right now I just want to do harm onto you, as much as possible, and making you suffer as much as I can. I don't care about anything else.

>> No.15434430

>Earth farts
>We all die
The audacity of humans to think the universe gives a shit about a tiny insignificant rock.

>> No.15434841
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>> No.15436231

lmao that even midwits have figured out global warming is fake.
anyone who still legit believes in it is double digit iq

>> No.15437104


>> No.15437417

good pic

>> No.15438724

Good thing we live in a democracy, I'm sure the scientists will now respect majority opinion and agree that global warming is fake

>> No.15439265
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>hahaha those silly humans
>i am so superior

>> No.15440603

Does he really need four waterfront mansions?
How does a guy who never earned more than $400k/yr afford all those mansions anyway?
Don't say book sales, you have never seen anyone reading any of his books. JKR got rich on book sales and you've seen a lot of ppl reading her stuff, if Obama was selling that many books, you'd have seen ppl reading his books.
My theory is that he got rich on illegal political corruption and the money was laundered through the publishing industry

>> No.15440836

literally correct when you consider pacific islanders

>> No.15440852

true, their countries have literally been wiped off the face of the earth. it's tragic that already no one can remember the names of those vanished countries :(

>> No.15440854

5cm high islands are still here.
All the fucking islands are still here.
This is pure fiction and i wish death upon you, your family and anything remotely associated with you.
Unrelated but did you vaccinate against COVID-19 ?
We must all do our part ! :)

>> No.15440869

coral atolls erode rapidly and sink into the ocean all by themselves

>> No.15440882

post a source that the most anti-vax states have the highest rates of brain damage.

>> No.15440914

>builds home atop sand
A kid in a sand pit will notices that the water erodes their work; a tribe of adults should have got their shit together and left for stable ground.

>> No.15440956

Several Solomon island, Philippine islands, and Malaysian territories are now under water. Meanwhile, Bangladesh and Vietnam have lost hundreds of miles of beach front properties, and several US coastal military installations have been abandoned due to flooding.

>> No.15441002

apparently the guardian had to retract their own article after the author of the study told them they were fake news lol