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15399706 No.15399706 [Reply] [Original]

Do you regret not studying harder /sci/?

>> No.15399714

Are they downies?

>> No.15399715

Downies are called Mongoloid for a reason. Asians just look like that.

>> No.15399717

maybe. i focused so hard on getting a job/experience that i let my GPA fall to 3.1. wasnt very competitive for grad school. my work might end up paying for my phd later so i guess we'll see.

>> No.15399742

yes, because i just waste my time on 4chan instead.

>> No.15399816

I feel like I studied too hard. My 3rd year is almost over and I’m honestly kinda fucked. No clue what I’m actually interested in, no plans for the future. Too much time and money has already been spent though, no point in turning back

>> No.15399900

Gets fucked by mid white guys I bet

>> No.15399908

Would smash breh..

>> No.15400161


>> No.15400181

Retarded down syndrome mongaloid here. I prefer the term undertard spazmodic rudimentraloid, thank you very much

>> No.15400205

yes. my last year of hs was in the pandemic and i spent the whole time playing videogames.
i still got into a pretty good university, but i'm left thinking what i could've reached if i had studied for entrance exams.

luckily i studied a lot before the pandemic, and was able to bullshit my way into people thinking i'm smart

>> No.15400207

You just know that azn qt takes BWC.

>> No.15400284

>sunk cost fallacy

>> No.15400301


>> No.15400315

hope you're good looking
lookism is everything

>> No.15400355

only retards and anti-socials study hard

>> No.15400439
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I don't care.

>> No.15400585

>Let me make a funny tiktok about my brother haha
>But wait let me make sure I can also flaunt myself
Greetings from Kazakhstan

>> No.15400692
File: 68 KB, 750x458, Ifuckinghatewomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15400702

Why do asian women go for BWC?

>> No.15401037

why doesn't she spend time with him
why does she just let it happen
why does she not care

>> No.15401206

>tranny keyboard
its allready over.

>> No.15401225

9gag tier meme

>> No.15401258

>mid white guy
No such thing in America. All white men here are at least six feet tall with BWC.

>> No.15401290

I regret studying too much. Social life is infinitely more important than studying.

>> No.15401502


>> No.15402051

they are quite literally builded for it

>> No.15402057


>> No.15402252


>> No.15402259

quite literally builded for (you know what)

>> No.15402292

damn i want to bang his sister

>> No.15402323

I'm glad I didnt get a gaming pc until I was an adult. It's not really the kids fault they get addicted to gaming it's like handing your kid readily available heroin, but on top of that they cant drive anywhere and nothing is walking distance. What do u expect lol. Anyways its safer indoors at least they wont get shot or stabbed playing valorant

>> No.15403155 [DELETED] 

beta white cuck?
>Six Inch

>> No.15403157 [DELETED] 

>chudcels are esl shitheads
no way

>> No.15403159 [DELETED] 

>colourful keyboards le bad
lmao retard

>> No.15403347

>Anyways its safer indoors at least they wont get shot or stabbed playing valorant
Until they scam the wrong person out of cosmetic items.

>> No.15403360

>incels are esls too
no way

>> No.15403409

Shes perfect. I wish I could see her without makeup.

>> No.15403481

She looks like she has white bf

>> No.15403496

does anyone know her tik tok

>> No.15403498

I regret studying hard

>> No.15403558

well you can't trade anything in valorant, unlike csgo (if that's what you are thinking of).
of course there is always scamming on the internet

>> No.15403579

I studied precisely what I enjoyed
My body simply knew what was worth learning and what wasn't

>> No.15403589
File: 147 KB, 330x251, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who tf hold their keyboard like that? especially for an fps? Did he get that idea from some youtube video?

>> No.15403644

I just don't understand what the difference is between a gaming pc and a playstation. I suppose I'll always be a retard.

>> No.15404155

Thats a man

>> No.15404163

Kids always have methods they believe will improve their performance. When I was a kid it was the 'claw' method on controllers

>> No.15404171

Main difference is gaming PC is probably in your room and connected to internet for high speed gaming so u never have to leave your room. Playstation still needs to be connected to TV and also might not have internet and also not as easy to get lots of games. So it's not quite as addictive although it can be just as bad

>> No.15404174

pro gamers often play like that; he's probably mimicking them. don't ask me why, although it does give more room for the mousepad

>> No.15404257

>Do you regret not studying harder /sci/?
part of me regrets studying as much as I did

>> No.15405814

I wish I had studied harder in some classes but shouldn't have gone for the PhD, big waste of time turns out I like money, not publications and academia, and you don't need a PhD to make beaucoup bucks

>> No.15405870


I studied very hard and this, along with making 2 degrees at the same time, made me crack and burn down. I NEETed for next 5 years or so, but ultimately finished my Msc.Eng. years after my peers.

Now I'm in my job for 6 years now and problem resurfaces - I work too hard. I'm about to crash and burn but can't stop.

I believe this is mental illness.

Don't do my mistake. Have 10 children and live off gibs and what you do / steal off the books. Being decent doesn't pay off.

t. earns 14,5k EUR net per annum and can't improve

>> No.15405878


>> No.15405893

This old guy at my work holds it like that because he needs to have his face right up to his screen to see anything

>> No.15405930

Yes. Starting a master's degree at 26 right now, I'm very lazy and there's no real excuse for that.

>> No.15405960

no. i studied pretty hard and it didn't really benefit me. i don't believe that studying hard causes success, because there are many people who end up rich but never studied, and there are people like myself, who studied hard or even harder but didn't enjoy success in adulthood from it. i believe the 'causal map of the universe' is far more complicated, and no one can as yet describe it.

>> No.15405972

I regret studying so hard. I got a PhD in physics and worked with well-known people. Academia was abusive and full of hero worship. But industry is also filled with lifeless nerds who work 70 hour weeks normally. You stand out if you want to work less. Management says bullshit things like "wORk-LiFe bALaNcE iS yOUr rESpONsiBiLiTy," and "wE'rE aLl bUsY." but if you take time off or work a normal amount of hours they will consider it a lack of effort.

And everyone's response is "wHAt dId yOU eXPEct? hIGh tEcH wORk iS hIgH sTrEss. YoU SiGnEd UpFoR ThiS." There's no end to the line of program managers and CTOs who want to exploit me and demand more while saying "AreN'T YoU PaSsIoNATe AbOuT YouR WoRK?" so that they can take credit for everything in front of funding agencies or shareholder committees.

I thought if I studied hard I would earn autonomy and freedom, and I would enjoy my work. And so did an entire generation, yielding more scientists and engineers than ever. Good for profits, because our intellect and productivity has been commoditized and can be bought cheaper than ever. 50 years ago someone with a BS in physics started at 22 as a "scientist." Now you need a master's, a 5-8 year PhD and a few years as a post-doc. It's not bc the tech is so complex. It's because it works as a wage suppression strategy. You're forced to work as a full-time scientist for a decade or more earning poverty wages to lower the cost of new technology. And when you finally start a "real" job in your 30s you're told you're a "junior" employee and paid as such. "Why are you complaining, Anon? Everybody else went through the same process! Why do you think you're special?"

I should have learned a trade. At least nobody would lie to me about "PaSSiOn." My work would be treated like work. My supervisors wouldn't want their picture on the cover of a magazine or to win some bullshit award. I would earn a decent salary in my 20s and have a life outside of work, maybe a house and a family

>> No.15405986

stop coping retard
you have a stem phd and are complaining
im would love that opportunity sadly im low iq

>> No.15405997


Trade is also a meme. You are quite literally used as (human) resource and the only thing that separate white collar from blue collar is that blue collar knows any additional effort should be payed additionally and worker's law are to be memorized.

t. overworked engineer from earlier

>> No.15406055

vidya is different than vidya + a song in the background + a podcast + porn tab open + 4chin racist posts + tik tok brain rotting shit all at the same time

>> No.15406120

Nah, you shut up. You don’t know what it’s like. Studying 10 hours a day everyday with no girlfriend and constantly having to turn down events from friends because of “muh career” is lonely as fuck. You become 30 years old and realize that you studied and worked your life away.

I’m glad that I’m 23 and studying computer science. Only need 4 years of school, and then can hopefully get a comfy 40 hours a week job. I’m in great physical condition and get to play sports and video games with friends regularly. I also have sex. However, I spent 2 years in super study mode to transfer into a prestigious university. I’m glad that I grinded then, but I’m also glad that I don’t have to grind at that level all the way to a PhD.

>> No.15406273
File: 2.99 MB, 900x1600, brown saerom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he so pale but she so brown?

inb4 >fake tan
only white women use fake tan
nonwhite women do everything they can to look whiter, not darker

(don't get me wrong though, i fucking love brown azns. esp if theyre not actually seamonkeys, they are north east azns but are just browner than usual.)

>> No.15406362

the goal of a republic is to let the peasants compete for jobs, and with the bourgeois opening the gates of the revival of the greek academia, it means the peasants have to get higher and higher degrees.

anyway, there 4 ways to earn money
-being a roastie entrepreneur, ie falling for the ''personal branding'' market saturated by whores
-day trading

day trading is the best compromise.

>> No.15406546

I have multiple childless relatives, some with a number of investment properties.

>> No.15406554

>I’m glad that I’m 23 and studying computer science. Only need 4 years of school, and then can hopefully get a comfy 40 hours a week job. I’m in great physical condition and get to play sports and video games with friends regularly. I also have sex. However, I spent 2 years in super study mode to transfer into a prestigious university. I’m glad that I grinded then, but I’m also glad that I don’t have to grind at that level all the way to a PhD.

well at least you don't have to worry about making an important contribution to science, being happy about midwittery is a blessing. good luck nobody!

>> No.15406606

imagine having a sister that hot and not spending all day having steamy incestuous sex with her

>> No.15406607
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>> No.15406615

she's hot as fuck
I would like to insert my penis into her vagina and ejaculate directly into her womb, if you catch my drift

>> No.15406622

k, got it, gook lover.
she probably had 10 plastic surgery to correct her hideous face and a boob job.

>> No.15406714

white women are trash
that girl is single-handedly sexier than every decent-looking white woman combined
>she probably had 10 plastic surgery
you're fucking retarded
it's white women doing that for the most part
Asian girls are naturally neotenous and have a far higher degree of natural beauty
>inb4 you post some cherry-picked ugly Asian as an "argument"

>> No.15406730
File: 111 KB, 1200x900, 4d1c1d9b1c8cc1a2a1d6ab97355fbf30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never put my dick in a koreans in general and any gook/chink in western countries.
they are the worst female on the planet. they are as whorish as white women while much uglier.
all decent looking gooks had plastic surgery. picrel is the plastic surgery.

>> No.15406821

>>inb4 you post some cherry-picked ugly Asian as an "argument"
literally walked straight into it
what an absolute retard

>> No.15406903

that's where you are wrong, nigger. that's the average, the norm.
>t. I've seen many gooks, retard
if your gook doesn't look like one on the left, check her medical history

>> No.15406943

got it

>> No.15406957

anybody want to guess how many lip fillers and rhinoplasties this gook whore got?

>> No.15407102

Thanks boss

>> No.15407129

Every communist state failed and resulted in millions of people dead

>> No.15407231

No, it was the perfect amount. Some cheese here and there, wuala no extra semester. 5 years for a master degree seems alright I guess.

>> No.15407272

>live in western country
>adopt western standards of beauty
It's not hard.

>> No.15407449

crazy how unattractive asian men are compared to the women

>> No.15407452

because asians have small dicks

>> No.15407454

Because it big

>> No.15408264

Based on her follower count, she easily makes more money than 99% of white guys just by snapping two or three pictures of herself per week.

It's still wild to me that any random girl like her can just start a TikTok+Instagram and be earning mid six figures within three years. And there are millions of these girls now.

>> No.15408304

I have never failed a single class my whole life but I am still a NEED as I can't clear the interview process because of "cOmMuNiCaTiOn sKiLlS".

>> No.15408339


>> No.15408359

I don't see any white. That's a miami layout.

>> No.15408589

Its like saying you don't understand the difference between playing games on the console at gamestop vs playing at home with your own console.

>> No.15408742

one is for normies other is for autists.

>> No.15408782

toasty roastie tier posty

>> No.15408787

my mother was a computer programmer for over 25 years and still uses controllers like she uses a keyboard, laying them on the table then "typing" the buttons.

>> No.15409170

imagine being this lil nigga and the utter confusion when your friends talk about how hot your sister is.
Or worse, he's not confused at all.

>> No.15409417

>any random girl like her
She's not a "random girl", she looks like Bella Delphine with an Asian face filter. She's definitely lots of people's fetish and she would be stupid not to take advantage of it.

>> No.15409438
File: 475 KB, 1369x1222, 20yearsOfStudies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the REAL learning tiers:

> 1. Learning by doing
> 44. Studying The Textbook
> ...
> 10894. Paying attention to lecture

>> No.15409542

no lol
I'm a free man now and I still study, without being forced to study a topic through command rather than desire.

>> No.15411151

Lectures tell you what parts of the textbook are important.

>> No.15411171


>> No.15411559

palenigger chimp out?